DIY “friend” for a domestic cat

Don't try to stop your cat from sharpening its claws.
This procedure is necessary to remove the stratum corneum from the claws and renew them. Scratching is also used to mark territory, communicate with relatives and hunt. Every pet needs its own manicure area. The type of coating is an important criterion when choosing a scratching post. Cats love to scratch bases that they can easily dig their claws into. If the covering layer is too thin, the cat will rest its claws on a hard surface, experience discomfort and will no longer approach the product. The material should be thick and soft.

How to choose the most suitable complex for your tailed friend? After reading the article, you will become an expert in this topic, and your pet will tell you a satisfied “Meow!”



1. Mobility due to weight and size. Some options are attached to the wall, but most often buyers choose floor-mounted scratching posts. 2. The tips of the claws do not get stuck inside thanks to the soft cells. 3. Choose cardboard if you adhere to the zero waste philosophy. It is environmentally friendly and recyclable. 4. Variety in price and appearance: from flat nail clippers to designer products.


1. Cardboard wears out quickly. If there are several pets in your house, then after 2 months there will be nothing left of the scratching post. 2. You will find pieces of cardboard all over the house. The cheaper and softer, the more waste. 3. Quick loss of presentable appearance. 4. Not suitable for cats suffering from pica (voluntary consumption of inedible materials).

Artificial fur


1. Security. Models with high pile will not allow the cat to reach the base with its claws and harm itself. 2. Low cost. Compare prices for our models: KotoBunker in fur and KotoBunker 2 in carpet. 3. Variety of colors. 4. Retains heat, an excellent option for hairless cats.


1. Fragility. Will last a little longer than a cardboard scratching post. 2. The length of the pile varies, check the information before purchasing, it is better to choose something in between, 10-15 mm. 3. After 2-3 months, the beautiful cloud of fur wrinkles and becomes licked. 4. The base of the fur is not designed to be a claw point, so it will tear quickly. 5. Accumulates static electricity. 6. Not suitable for cats suffering from pica.



1. Attractive appearance. Such complexes easily fit into the interior and look expensive. 2. Variety of colors. 3. The fabric retains heat well. 4. Premium textiles last from 4 years, depending on the number of cats in the house and their love for the claw point. 5. Easy to clean: unfasten the hammock and throw it in the washing machine. 6. You can purchase a replacement fabric part.


1. Textiles are often used to make complex parts that are connected to a wooden base using rivets. The danger is that an active cat will fall off the house along with the bed. When falling, the cat will try to cling to the shelf and scratch it. 2. Overly soft upholstery materials quickly wear out, become thin and tear. 3. Over time, the fabric becomes covered in snags. 4. Premium fabrics that are ready to serve you for a long time are expensive. If you want to save money, you can end up with low-quality material. 5. You teach your cat to sharpen its claws on textiles. The pet will probably switch to your furniture in the future.

artificial cat for cat

Pets are an inexhaustible source of positive emotions. But they can also cause irreparable damage to furniture and interior doors, which are usually the first to suffer. After all, pets, especially small ones, want to play around and frolic. What can we say about the claws, which strive to scratch something?

Therefore, even at the stage of choosing a door design, it is necessary to carefully select a finish that is as resistant to mechanical damage and contamination as possible. And also think carefully about how to protect the canvas from a dog or cat.

Resistant to various types of dirt and scratches

To avoid possible damage to the surface of the block, it is better to give preference to light-tinted models with a clearly visible texture. A good option is bleached oak doors, on which grease stains or abrasions are not so noticeable. If you like a model with a well-emphasized pattern of ideal natural wood, then check out the smoky oak color. This variation will fit perfectly into a modern interior and will be most suitable in rooms with pets. Also, if they are, for example, veneered or solid wood, they can always be restored using wax correctors. They are mainly sold in markets.

The most resistant to various types of mechanical damage are those with an artificial coating called eco-veneer. He is able to withstand paw pressure and sharp claws without losing his visual appeal. Modern famous manufacturers offer their customers a wide range with a wide variety of colors and designs. Visually, the surface is difficult to distinguish from natural veneer. At the same time, the appearance does not suffer. Therefore, there should be no difficulties with the choice.

In addition, artificial veneer is quite easy to care for. It can be washed with a mild detergent; to a reasonable extent, the coating is not afraid of moisture. It is better not to use scrapers or abrasives.

How to minimize the possibility of door damage

It must be remembered that a closed door naturally causes the animal to want to open it. In an attempt to get into or out of a room, the four-legged animal will use its favorite weapons - teeth and claws. So that the animal can freely and independently enter the room, you can embed a special small window with a door at the bottom of the door block during installation, and ensure that it opens in both directions. The only drawback is that this option is not suitable for large animals.

You can also protect your interior door from large and medium-sized pets. You will need to install an anti-closer device. The mechanism does not allow the canvas to slam shut. There is a gap between the box and the sash through which the pet can freely pass.

Protection from cats and dogs

Whatever high-quality and most wear-resistant material you ultimately choose, it will inevitably lose its attractive appearance if a dog or cat has the bad habit of sharpening its claws on the canvas or gnawing on it. You can try to accustom the dirty dog ​​to a scratching post and trim the claws periodically. You can also install a special plastic lining that will protect the interior doors. If the pet, standing on its hind legs, is no higher than 1 meter, then it is better to cover only the lower part of the block with an overlay. Otherwise, it is worth protecting the entire surface of the canvas. Alternatively, you should try specialized products that repel cats and dogs with their scent. They do not harm health, but force the animal to stay away from the doorway itself.




1. Does not leave claw marks due to the felt base. 2. Does not sag over time. 3. The complex is completely lined with carpet, so the cat will always get caught in any place and remain intact. 4. Synthetic fibers repel dirt and unpleasant odors. 5. Not fussy about care. 6. Resistant to stretching, bending, abrasion. 7. Retains heat and has sound insulation properties. 8. The synthetic version is safe for allergy sufferers. 9. The variety of colors and prices is pleasantly surprising. Take a look at our catalog and see for yourself. 10. You can replace the worn part with a new one.


1. Some types of carpet attract dust. This is a controversial drawback, since it relates more to floor coverings on which a person walks. 2. It is more difficult to change the worn part compared to fabric beds with rivets; you have to give it to craftsmen for re-upholstery. But this also indicates a high degree of security. 3. Slightly difficult to clean: the carpet is nailed to chipboard, which does not tolerate moisture. You can clean dirt using foam so that the liquid does not reach the base. 4. Wear resistance depends on the quality of the carpet. We provide a 1-year guarantee on our products, and the complexes themselves last for 4 years.

Showing “fish” (toy for cats)

There is already a viral meme on the Internet that has been altered in every way about fish. And it seems that the picture itself is not very pretty, it’s a long shot, but people liked it, especially cat lovers.

Since we are the owners of a catfish with a total weight of 16+ kg (it doesn’t matter that these are just two faces), we decided that in addition to the toy mice that are always driven under the chest of drawers, we urgently need fish.

We very quickly found it on the marketplace with a huge discount and in stock. The cost starts from one hundred rubles, and everyone has a lot of positive emotions. We purchased the most natural fish, so to speak the closest to reality. It is about 15 cm, it is soft, but does not press through, covered with thick fabric with a very high-quality print. From a distance of a meter, the toy lying on the floor seems real.

The cats liked it even when, when new, it carried smells. She has catnip in her head and valerian in her tail. Or vice versa, which is not so important. But it is designed to appeal to different cats. And so it happened. We have two different cats. While the fish was smelling, they were very excited, rolling around on the floor, having fun.

Now the smell has disappeared, but the younger cat still plays with her. It's very funny to watch him carry it in his teeth. Sometimes he brings it to us as prey. Agree, this is nicer than a live mouse. Coming home from work and plopping down on the sofa, I’m guaranteed to soon find a toy at my feet. But most often he drags her into the bathroom and lies with her on the rug. The elder doesn’t mind, he liked her while she was with Valerian.

The fish has been living with us for three months, it is a little frayed, but the color has not faded, the shape is preserved and the seams have not come apart anywhere. Even if she had to throw it away now, she would have justified her hundred rubles long ago.

We want to buy another one while they are on discount. Each cat will have their own prey toy to show off to the bipeds. Today we haven’t decided which one to get - I want mackerel, and the children want tropical fish. But if there are good discounts on Black Friday, we’ll take both. In depressive November, we need to distract ourselves with positive emotions, which our cat herd is guaranteed to give us in increased volume.

I strongly recommend this product for purchase to all cat owners. People buy actively, it doesn’t need advertising, there are only more than fifty video reviews, and fifteen times more in words. I just wanted to share my joy.

MY photos are with red cats.

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