The mystery of the tricolor cat: description of color, genetic properties, folk signs and beliefs

Description and types of colors

The tricolor cat is a four-legged cat with motley fur. Its coat pattern includes a combination of white, black and red tones. The type of color of three colors in domestic animals is called “tortoiseshell and white” or “tricolor”.

Depending on which shade dominates, there are 2 types of color:

  • calico. The color basis is a red-black pattern, which is complemented by white spots;
  • harlequin. Characterized by a snow-white background. Colored patches are randomly scattered throughout the body, covering mainly the head, back and tail.

When individuals reproduce, as a result of the interaction of color genes, shades can change. As a result, other combinations of tones appear:

  • white-blue-cream;
  • white-chocolate-red;
  • white-lilac-cream.

Some representatives of the cat world have a tabby pattern on the surface of their colored spots.

Exotic Shorthair

A fairly large cat with a heavy build, with short powerful legs, a large round head, small ears, a naive expression of a flattened muzzle, and very thick silky fur. In fact, an exotic is a short-haired Persian. The breed standard allows all colors, and tri-colored exotics are simply adorable! The character of the representatives of the breed is almost ideal: balanced, moderately inquisitive, sociable, but unobtrusive.

Now it seems implausible, but the cutest exotics, so similar to plush toys, appeared completely by accident. Even more - for some time the future of the breed was in question. It all started with the fact that in the early 60s of the last century, American Shorthair breeders crossed with Persian cats in order to improve the type of the breed. These matings produced very beautiful kittens, but not what the breeders wanted. After quite a long and heated debate, it was decided to develop a new breed.

Calico cat breeds

Triple color is more common in outbred individuals, long-haired or smooth. However, a three-colored cat, like a two-colored cat, can have a noble origin.

Today, the tricolor color is considered acceptable for many purebred representatives, including:

  • American Shorthair;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Persian;
  • exotic;
  • Kurilian Bobtail;
  • Japanese Bobtail;
  • Turkish van;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Manx.

Tricolor Maine Coon cat

Three-color cat of the Neva Masquerade breed

Tricolor cat of the Turkish Van breed

Tricolor Kurilian Bobtail cat

Tricolor Japanese Bobtail cat


A compact, large cat of round shape, with a short arched back, a round head and round eyes. The back legs of the Menx are noticeably longer than the front, which is why they are capable of impressive jumps. This is the shortest of all short-tailed cat breeds; many of its representatives do not have a single tail vertebra. At the same time, the standards allow tails of any length, including almost normal length. Of course, short tail is the hallmark of the breed, and color does not play a big role (all existing ones are allowed). A compact, large cat of round shape, with a short arched back, a round head and round eyes. The back legs of the Menx are noticeably longer than the front, which is why they are capable of impressive jumps. This is the shortest of all short-tailed cat breeds; many of its representatives do not have a single tail vertebra. At the same time, the standards allow tails of any length, including almost normal length. Of course, short tail is the hallmark of the breed, and color does not play a big role (all existing ones are allowed).

Manx cats have thick, short or long fur. In some feline systems, the longhaired Manx is considered a separate breed called the Cymric. Manxes are active, inquisitive, sociable, affectionate, one might say, family cats. The Manx breed is an indigenous breed - it was formed naturally among cats that have long lived on the British Isle of Man.

Are there tricolor cats?

Important! The vast majority of colorful pets are female. This fact is explained by the relationship between the sex chromosome and coat color. Only cats have a genetic code that determines the combination of three colors.

However, there are exceptions when a male is born with a non-standard set of chromosomes. This phenomenon is anomalous in nature, which is confirmed by the inability of such a male to procreate.

Therefore, a tricolor male kitten, like a two-color cat, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Character traits

Scientists have proven that genes influence the character of their owner. Tricolor animals are distinguished by their sociable, balanced disposition. “Turtles” are gentle, cheerful, playful, and get used to their owner. Although it happens that owners complain about some carelessness of three-haired pets: multi-colored kittens have difficulty toilet training. You need a lot of patience for such lessons: place the tray where the pet itself points. Here it is necessary to find a compromise: either a tray where the motley kitten will “point”, or wet slippers.

Ancient times

This is interesting! Since ancient times, people have believed in the supernatural abilities of cats. Depending on the color, different mystical functions were attributed to mustachioed household members.

It was believed that cats:

  • whites are the guardians of peace and tranquility in the family;
  • redheads are guarantors of household prosperity;
  • blacks are reliable defenders from dark forces.

Bi-colored cats were considered a double treasure because they were believed to increase happiness and success.

Three-colored purrs, according to the ancestors, had the greatest mystical power and carried out triple service, ensuring peace, harmony and well-being in the family.


Signs and beliefs associated with tricolor cats have survived to this day. A reverent attitude towards these pets is typical for residents of different countries:

  • The British believe that colorful new arrivals bring harmony and comfort to the house;
  • the Japanese believe that three-colored creatures are harbingers of happiness, good luck, and wealth;
  • in Muslim families, such animals serve as a talisman against fire;
  • In Russia, the belief has taken root that the mysterious tricolors secretly communicate with the brownie. Therefore, when moving to a new home, they are the first to be allowed into the house.

Interesting Facts

On the main Japanese island of Honshu there is the Kii Peninsula. A railroad runs through it. The 14 km line connects the capital of Wakayama with the village of Kishigawa. Few people used the railway and it was decided to close it in 2007 as unprofitable.

A tricolor cat Tama lived at the station. After the line was closed, the cat automatically became homeless. Residents of other cities located along the railway began to visit Kishigawa just to look at the cat and have time to pet it for good luck. The cat brought good luck not only to passengers, but to the railway department - the flow of passengers increased. For this she was made an honorary station commander.

It turned out that besides the cat, there are many remarkable places in the area. Tourists and residents of neighboring regions have flocked to Wakayama Prefecture. The cat prevented the bankruptcy of the railway line and boosted the development of the tourism business. Over the past 7 years of work, the “honorary station master” tricolor Tama has brought 1.1 billion yen to the railway ticket office.

A fact indirectly related to calico cats, but very impressive. The online journal Nature reported in April 2022 that scientists from the University of California were able to read and voice human thoughts.

Sensors mounted on the head detected electromagnetic waves generated by the brain. The computer deciphered and reproduced the thought. The first mental phrase that received a sound embodiment was: “Get a calico cat, and the rodents will go away.”

In Krasnoyarsk there is a children's technology park "Tvori-Gora". One of the activities of which is educational work. That is, there are a lot of visitors. All of them are met and accompanied by the tricolor cat Florida. This was reported in March 2022 by the online publication “City News” from Krasnoyarsk. The cat is included in the staff and receives a salary with food and affection.

Folk signs

In Rus', many signs have been formed from folk beliefs about tricolor cats. Here are some of them:

  • the cat washes against the grain - you should wait for the weather to worsen;
  • when stretching, the animal looks towards the person - he should receive good news;
  • the approach of someone else's tricolor to the house is a sign of good changes;
  • a tricolor cat protects its owner from illness;
  • The blue-eyed pestle protects the family from an envious eye, slander, and failure.

Why do you dream about a tricolor cat?

Belief in the mystical ability of the four-legged pet to foreshadow any events led to people beginning to interpret dreams with its participation. Some of these interpretations have survived to this day:

  • if you dream of a motley cat in your own apartment, this means family joy and prosperity;
  • during a period of financial difficulties, a dream with a fluffy beauty means financial assistance or a new job;
  • for a lonely man to see a tricolor cat in a dream - to a pleasant acquaintance with a woman;
  • a dream in which an animal left the house means trouble within the family;
  • a cat bite is a warning about a possible conflict;
  • if the tricolor fawns, a loved one needs help;
  • three-haired kittens dream of minor troubles and unnecessary fuss.

La perm

A well-proportioned, medium-sized cat with well-developed muscles, long legs, a wedge-shaped head, a wide muzzle and curly fur (short and long are allowed) in the form of small spiral curls. Interestingly, the shape of the curls is noticeably influenced not only by the length, but also by the color of the coat. Curls are the main breed-forming characteristic, and not much attention is paid to color; all possible ones are accepted. Another very pleasant feature of the breed: a sociable, gentle and affectionate character. This pet loves all family members, even dogs!

The ancestor of the breed was born on an American farm in the 80s of the last century. In the first days of its life, the kitten was ugly: completely bald. But after a few weeks he grew curly fur. The owners could not help but notice the fabulous transformation, and the cat became the owners' favorite. However, she lived the ordinary life of farm cats, that is, she was free in her actions. Ten years later, her descendants literally filled the surrounding area. So when breeders began to formulate the breed type, there were enough suitable cats.

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