A cat has been diagnosed with blindness: is there a chance of regaining vision?
Serious impairment or complete loss of visual function – blindness. Develops in domestic animals
The cat has a greasy tail
The cat has oily, matted fur. Why does a cat have a greasy tail?
In some situations, pet owners turn to veterinarians with complaints that
The cat does not eat or drink water - what could be the reasons?
If a cat does not eat or drink for two or three days, it is clearly noticeable that
When a cat becomes old - the pet's age and 4 signs that indicate aging
Cats are amazing creatures: even if years pass, they have apparently drunk from an endless fountain of
How old do cats grow?
To what age do British cats grow, cat height
The size and physiological maturation of animals depend on a large number of different factors. To know for sure
Catheterization of a cat's bladder - how to do it
How to insert and remove a catheter for a cat at home?
Bladder catheterization in a cat is the only way to save a pet’s life in case of acute
Symptoms of cystitis in cats and kittens
Cystitis in a cat: symptoms and treatment, home care
Feelings of fear and anxiety can affect cats in the same way that these feelings affect
What is postpartum eclampsia in a cat and how to deal with it
Eclampsia (milk fever) is an acute disease of pregnant and lactating cats of a neurological nature caused by hypocalcemia
Eyes What are the types of eye diseases in cats and how to treat them?
When pyogenic bacteria invade the organ of vision, panophthalmitis occurs in kittens and adult cats.
Cat with kitten
Prolonged labor in a cat, what it is and how to help
The period of pregnancy and childbirth in domestic animals, in this case cats, is a process that occurs
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