As is known, the domesticated part of the cat family belongs to the order of carnivores. A lack of meat in food can cause diseases, poor health, and loss of activity in such animals. But in addition to meat, according to veterinarians, various offal products should also be included in the diet. They are ready to completely dispel doubts about whether cats can have chicken stomachs or not:
- Is it possible to feed a cat chicken stomachs?
Offal and offal are readily purchased by owners of furry pets, especially several. The reason is their low price, nutritional value, and the fact that pets love their smell and taste. To the question whether it is possible to give chicken stomachs to a cat, the answer will be positive. The product consists entirely of muscle tissue and contains virtually no fat. It is a good source of not only protein, but also collagen. In addition, there is a lot of iron, phosphorus, zinc and many other biologically important elements.
Veterinarians unanimously agree that chicken gizzards can be included in the diet for cats. However, you should not do this often; several times a week will be enough. This product is inferior in nutritional value to meat, so it cannot completely replace it. Also, an excess of protein along with an insufficient amount of fats and carbohydrates can lead to digestive and bowel problems in your pet. Particular care should be taken when giving chicken stomachs to kittens.
- How to cook chicken gizzards for cats
Owners of cats are often familiar with the capriciousness and pickiness in food of their pets. Trying to please, they select products that not only satiate, give strength and health, but also appeal to their pets.
According to veterinarians, a cat’s diet should contain not only processed meat products, but also raw ones. Otherwise, during cooking, a lot of useful and important substances for health are lost. However, many cat owners see raw meat products as a risk of infection by some pathogen and provide them only after thorough heat treatment.
How long should you cook chicken gizzards for a cat? This will take 15–20 minutes. An alternative may be cold treatment. But for this you need a freezer that maintains -20 degrees. The product is kept in the cold for at least 3 days.
It is advisable to cut chicken giblets into large pieces before giving them to your pets. Due to this, the teeth and jaws will receive the necessary load. Chopped food in the form of minced meat is less digestible, and small particles can remain in the teeth and lead to caries. Is it possible to give adult kittens chicken stomachs? Of course yes, but in this case they need to be cut smaller than for adults.
Quite often, cat owners are faced with poor tolerance of raw meat products in their pets. This manifests itself as vomiting or diarrhea. Feeding your pet naturally becomes difficult or even impossible. This situation means that he has problems with the digestive tract.
If you have doubts whether it is possible to feed your cat chicken gizzards, raw or boiled, then you should add them to the menu gradually, with an interval of 1–2 weeks. This period will allow you to see negative reactions in the animal and identify what caused them.
Recently, the phrase “a cat is an obligate predator” has often been heard. And it is true. Cats are not omnivores. But if you think that a predator needs to be fed meat, then you are deeply mistaken. Eating pure meat leads to serious health problems due to an imbalance of minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus, and a lack of vitamins. Meat is an excellent source of complete protein, but otherwise it has a poor composition. Therefore, offal for cats is not a delicacy or pampering, but a necessary component of the diet.
The secret to the survival and relative well-being of the wild ancestors of the domestic cat was eating the prey whole. Usually it is a small rodent or bird. In addition to meat, the cat receives bones and cartilage, fatty brain, stomach and intestines with all contents, liver, kidneys, lungs - in other words, all internal organs.
Can a kitten have chicken stomachs?
Of course you can!
Chicken stomachs will be no less useful for a kitten than for an adult animal, because it is an excellent source of protein, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, as well as vitamins B, E and folic acid. Regular consumption of this product makes the diet more diverse in chemical and amino acid composition. Experts recommend introducing by-products upon reaching two months and giving them once a week. Chicken stomachs can be offered to kittens in finely chopped or ground form. If your baby refuses unusual food, mix it with other foods that he eats more readily.
Can a 3 month old kitten have beef kidneys?
When preparing a diet based on natural feeding, by-products play an important role. You need to be especially careful when feeding kittens, because after weaning from their mother, during the period of active growth, babies more than ever need sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and complete proteins.
If you are deciding whether a 3-month-old kitten can have beef kidneys, then it is worth remembering the advantages of this product: its rich composition and low cost. When preparing kidneys for kittens, special care should be taken - they need to be well soaked or even boiled to get rid of any remaining urea.
You should not give kidneys in large quantities, as the concentration of some substances and low calorie content can negatively affect the kitten’s health. But in general, we can say that beef kidneys are an excellent addition to the natural diet of cats.
Don't give too often
Is it possible to feed a cat chicken stomachs every day? Despite all the usefulness of this product, you should not make it the basis of your diet. According to experts, by-products in a cat’s diet should make up no more than 30%, the remaining 70% being muscle meat. So you should give chicken gizzards no more than twice a week.
When stocking up on provisions, keep in mind that it is recommended to store meat and offal in the freezer for no longer than 3 months, because over time they lose their beneficial properties.
The widespread opinion that you cannot feed a cat both industrial dry food and natural fresh food at the same time has recently been actively refuted by veterinary nutritionists. There is no fundamental difference in the absorption of a dehydrated product and food with a natural moisture content.
The only important question is the individual reaction to one or another component, which can be found in both a dry and natural diet, as well as the balance of the latter in all nutrients.
How often to give your cat by-products, and in what quantity?
The share of by-products in the diet is calculated depending on their type. Muscular organs - the tongue, heart, gizzard of the bird - are given as part of the “meat” part of the diet, the total share of which is about 70%.
Internal organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, brains, spleen) provide 10-15% of the total diet. Another 10% should come from bones. Their sources are rabbit or poultry ribs, chicken necks and heads, and quail frames. The share of meat and bone ingredients is about 20%.
Chicken neck for a cat
If the cat has not eaten offal before, it needs to be introduced to it gradually, starting with microscopic quantities. When switching from dry food to natural food, the cat is first fed muscle meat, and then they begin to give various by-products, monitoring the pet’s individual reaction.
A variety of by-products is good for your pet
Muscle by-products can be fed to your cat daily, and some are fed 1-3 times a week to add variety to the diet. If, in response to feeding the internal organs, the cat's stool becomes thinner, their quantity is sharply reduced and the digestive tract begins to re-acclimate, gradually increasing the volume to the desired level.
Next, we will take a closer look at some types of by-products and their optimal quantity.
Can a cat have raw chicken hearts?
In what form should they be used? You can give your cat raw chicken hearts with caution; they are potential sources of salmonellosis, and it doesn’t matter whether you purchased them from a trusted place or not.
If you don’t want to tempt fate, you can feed your cat boiled chicken hearts, after washing and removing excess fat. You should not completely remove adipose tissue, as it contains vitamins necessary for the body.
This by-product helps quickly restore strength, reduces inflammation and promotes healing of animal wounds. In addition, chicken hearts contain extremely few calories and are unlikely to cause you to gain extra pounds, so they are given to an overweight cat. This problem often occurs in neutered pets.
How to prepare chicken necks
Necks, like heads, are often sold frozen and in packages. As with the heads, they need to be thawed, rinsed with water and cleaned of skin and fat (the fat contained in any meat, but not visible to the naked eye, is quite enough). Then they need to be cut into pieces 1.5 - 2 cm long. The necks are quite easy to cut, you just need to try to guide the knife blade between the vertebrae. Instead of cutting into pieces, you can flatten the necks a little with a hammer. Then also distribute into portioned containers and freeze. For variety, it’s a good idea to form portions of heads and necks in a 50/50 ratio.
A cat that is accustomed to human food or industrial feed is unlikely to be happy about changing its usual diet to heads and necks. You can learn how to correctly transfer a pet from one type of food to another in the article How to transfer a cat from commercial food to natural food (or vice versa).
Chicken gizzards for cats
Owners often wonder whether it is possible to give their cat chicken stomachs. Correct answer: not only possible, but also necessary! By-products contain large amounts of collagen, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the cuticle of the bird's stomach (the yellow film covering the walls of the organ) contains digestive enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
So, let's talk about the components of a healthy diet:
The optimal set of foods for a cat’s diet includes beef, chicken and their by-products (heart, kidneys, stomachs, lungs, liver); fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, cottage cheese). In combination with meat products, rice, buckwheat, and rolled oats are very useful. It is also worth adding vegetable oil and some vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cabbage leaves). Vegetables and cereals should make up approximately 10% of the daily diet.
Once a week you can pamper your pussy with low-fat varieties of sea fish. Eating fish more frequently leads to a lack of vitamin K in the body and increased stress on the kidneys, which disrupts the mineral balance and, as a result, develops urolithiasis. To avoid infection with worms, all meat and fish products should be given only boiled or at least scalded with boiling water.
Food prepared for humans is not recommended because it contains a large amount of salt and spices, a lot of fat, smoked foods, and sugar. For a cat, such food contains insufficient protein and excess carbohydrate content, and an incorrect proportion of vitamins. What can I say: even for humans, such nutrition does not bring positive results...
In addition to fried, pickled, salty, sweet foods, cats are not recommended to be given dishes made from pork, duck, goose (such meat is very fatty and is poorly digestible by cats; pork can lead to the development of pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis and chronic renal failure), meat bones, chicken and fish (can get stuck in the throat, scratch the esophagus or lead to intestinal injuries) and dog food (cats and dogs have different diets and their needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are different).
1. Soup “Chicken-Ryaba”
chicken breast, rice, carrots
Cooking method:
cook chicken broth with rice and grated carrots. Beat the broth with rice and carrots with a mixer and add finely chopped chicken to it. Ready!
2. Treat for the cat
1.5 kg liver or heart, 1 kg beef, 1 kg skinless chicken fillet, 0.5 kg lean fish, 5 eggs, 1 cup rice, ¼ cup olive oil
Cooking method:
Cut the meat and fish (previously deboned) into small cubes and simmer in a saucepan for 1 hour in a small amount of water (just so that the meat is covered with water). Cook the rice separately until it has the consistency of porridge. Mix the prepared rice (take no more than 1/3 of the volume of meat) with the prepared meat, raw eggs and olive oil. Cook the mixture for another 10 minutes. Now all that remains is to divide everything into separate portions into bags and freeze. Don't forget to reheat before using.
3. Chicken gibletsProducts:
100 g chicken stomachs; 100 g chicken hearts; 100 g chicken liver; a few vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini), ½ cup of cereals (rolled oats, barley, buckwheat, pearl barley); vegetable oil. You can choose vegetables and grains to suit your cat's taste.
Cooking method:
cut the raw giblets into cubes, mix them with cereals and vegetables. Boil and grind with a blender (or mince). All that remains is to mix everything in the following proportion: 2 parts chicken giblets, 1 part porridge, 0.5 parts vegetables. Add a few drops of vegetable oil. Divide everything into individual portions into bags and freeze. Thaw portions as needed, just remember to reheat them before eating.
4. Meatballs “Murka’s Dream”
150 g beef liver, 1 egg, 0.25 kg flour, 0.5 cups water
Cooking method:
make minced liver, add egg, water and flour, mix everything well - it should turn out like soft dough, then roll out the sausage, cut into small pieces (so that it is convenient for the cat to eat). All that remains is to cook it - pour it into boiling water and, as soon as the meatballs float to the surface, you can take it out.
How to cook beef kidneys for a cat
It is generally believed that the best diet for cats is one made from fresh foods. This is true if its composition is well balanced. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. A cat's diet should look something like this: meat (muscle tissue), saturated and light fats (highly reduced fats, such as in margarine, are usually not included in the diet of carnivores), protein, sugars, starches, other carbohydrates; cereals, grass, some leaves; vitamins; bones are a source of calcium and phosphorus; blood and plants are a source of iron and minerals; and a little bit of what the cat likes - for fun. All these requirements are met by... a mouse.
Alas, few of us will be able to raise mice specifically to feed cats, so in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to try to create a diet from other, more accessible products:
Meat (muscle tissue): This is the basic food element for carnivores. It can be beef, horse meat, pork, lamb, chicken, etc. (even mouse). Meat can be lightly boiled to kill parasites, especially pork and fish. Cheaper fatty parts are also required by the cat, as they supply fats to the body.
Cats love mouse-sized pieces of rabbit or chicken, especially when they are not very hungry. This allows you to satisfy your hunting instinct. The cat will sneak up on them, throw them up, grab them with its claws, then finally eat its prey. This is all part of natural cat behavior.
Liver: They love liver very much. In nature, this guarantees that the prey will be eaten almost completely. The cat also receives vitamin A and iron. Is it possible to feed liver to a cat at home? It is possible, but in small quantities, since excess liver in the diet can lead to vitamin A poisoning, even death. As with everything, moderation must be observed. Liver, especially beef liver, needs to be boiled a little. Raw liver can cause diarrhea, well-cooked liver can cause constipation.
Kidneys: Fairly inexpensive, beef kidneys are a good source of iron and some important vitamins. Due to their high uric acid content, the kidneys need to be soaked in cold water for one or even two hours before boiling.
Heart: Chicken and rabbit hearts are very popular with cats. They contain a lot of protein. Do not cleanse the heart of fatty tissue and film, as they contain essential fats.
Lungs: Lungs have little nutritional value and cannot be stored. Most cats will not voluntarily eat lung.
Udder: Like the lung, it has low nutritional value and is poorly stored.
Spleen: Often causes diarrhea. It is better not to eat it.
Tripe: A very suitable food for dogs and large felines, tripe is too tough. On the other hand, tripe stew is suitable for food, as it becomes softer, and the resulting broth is good in all respects.
Bran: Bran from small animals such as rabbits is edible, as long as it is boiled to kill parasites. Among other things, this is exactly the kind of food a cat eats in nature.
Bones: Bones are good food. Of course, if these are the bones of small animals, or small bones, such as the joints of the tail. The bones of small animals are also boiled to destroy worms; they can be stored in this form. Bird bones, however, should be kept raw, especially large ones, as when cooked they can splinter into sharp pieces, which is dangerous for the cat.
Bones can be boiled until they become soft, but this destroys the bone marrow, which is of greatest interest to cats. Bones are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, calcium, and phosphorus.
Fish: Boiled bony fish is welcome. Raw fish should be avoided as it can cause vitamin B poisoning, especially cod, tuna, and other fatty fish. Do not give your cat fish offal, especially liver.
Milk: Milk is a food, not a drink (for a cat, the only drink is water). Milk is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus for bones and teeth, as well as many vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, many cats lose their ability to digest milk as they age.
To find out if your cat can digest milk, give her some. Observe how this affects her bowel movements over the next six hours. If an upset stomach occurs, it means that the cat does not digest milk; if not, she can have milk.
Fortified varieties of milk, such as acidophilus, are often suitable for cats (or people) who cannot tolerate regular milk. Acidophils are symbiotic bacteria that live in the intestines and produce enzymes that allow the digestion of lactose (milk sugar). Typically, milk is not digestible due to a lack of acidophilus, and acidophilus-fortified milk drinks contain their own bacterial cultures.
Yogurts: Many cats love yogurts. They, like milk, are a good source of calcium and phosphorus. Unlike milk, yogurt is “one step” away from its natural state. It has already been processed by bacteria, therefore, partially digested. This greatly facilitates its final absorption by cats.
Butter: A good source of fat. Very useful for growth and coat. However, its excessive consumption can lead to obesity, which is good for a pig, but not for a cat. It is better if the oil is a rare treat for the cat.
Cream: combines the taste and benefits of both milk and butter. Sweet cream is just champagne for cats! As with oil, it is better not to overuse it.
Cheese: can you feed your cat cheese? When consumed in large quantities, many types of cheese can cause constipation, but in small quantities, cheese is beneficial. Cats do not feel much difference between ordinary cheese and expensive exotic types, so you should not offer them Limburger, Roquefort, etc. - let people get them!
Margarine: Many margarines taste very similar to butter, so cats often mistake them for butter and eat them just as happily. Unfortunately, margarine is not butter and does not contain the calcium and phosphorus that make butter so beneficial for cats. The complex vegetable fats used in most margarines pass “through” the cat without lingering. Margarine can be used in small quantities as a laxative (more precisely, a lubricant) to prevent constipation and the accumulation of hair tufts in the intestines.
Eggs: raw yolk is healthy and tasty, contains protein, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, many vitamins and minerals. Raw protein, on the other hand, contains avidin, which destroys B vitamins. Cats can be given eggs, but if the cat eats them whole, the eggs must be cooked to coagulate the protein, which will destroy the avidin.
Vegetables: Cats are carnivores, but they eat vegetables left in the stomachs and intestines of their prey. A small amount of vegetables, in the form of a paste or puree, about 5% of the total food, can be included in the cat's diet. Vegetables should be boiled first (in this case, complex carbohydrates are broken down into simpler ones that are easier for digestion). A large amount of vegetables in the diet can cause both diarrhea and constipation, depending on the type of vegetables.
Fruits: Unlike vegetables, fruits contain very simple carbohydrates, so they don't need to be cooked. The author of the article had a cat Gigi, who loved melons very much: watery, honey, any kind! However, be aware of how fruits affect your cat's digestion; some may cause stomach upset.
Grains: Many cats love them. Cereals such as oats, semolina, corn, rice, etc. contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Avoid raw grains, however, as cats cannot digest starch.
By nature, a cat is a true predator, so the presence of meat in its diet is mandatory. It is meat, in comparison with other products, that contains the maximum amount of animal protein necessary for excellent well-being and normal functioning of a cat. What kind of meat should you feed your cat?
Many owners of these amazing animals often wonder: “Is it possible to feed a cat raw meat?” Of course, yes, and feeding your cat raw meat is not only possible, but also necessary. If you are worried about your pet developing worms, scald raw meat prepared for your cat with boiling water before each feeding.
When feeding domestic cats, it is better to choose lean meats such as beef, veal, horse meat and lamb. You can’t feed a cat pork (see the article Why cats can’t eat pork?). The favorite treat of many pets is poultry. When treating your cat to chicken, carefully monitor the absence of bones in this product, the ingestion of which in excessive quantities can cause clogging of the digestive system. Tubular bones are considered especially dangerous to the health of cats, the sharp edges of which can seriously injure the internal organs of animals.
Try not to include exclusively the muscular portion of meat in your pet’s menu. It has much less benefit for the cat than meat products with small cartilages and tendons. The fact is that meat food with cartilage and tendons is a source of glutin, gelatin and collagen - elements that help activate and normalize digestive processes and have a beneficial effect on the cat’s gastrointestinal flora.
Be sure to diversify your cat's diet with all kinds of offal. The heart, liver, tripe, kidneys, lungs, brains and udder contain many substances that are beneficial for cats.
The liver is considered an excellent source of protein and many vitamins important for the normal functioning of a pet. However, it is not recommended to feed your cat too often: firstly, liver has a slight laxative effect, and secondly, its excessive consumption can lead to the accumulation of excess amounts of vitamin A in the cat’s body. Before feeding your cat liver, lightly heat treat the product .
Be sure to add heart to your cat's diet. This product is exclusively muscle tissue and is an excellent source of animal protein.
Kidneys are rich in B vitamins. They do not need to be cooked, although before feeding the kidneys to your cat, it is better to leave them in clean, cool water for a few minutes.
Lungs are not particularly nutritious and do not have high biological value, but it won’t hurt to diversify your cat’s diet with this product. You can include both raw and boiled lung in your cat’s menu.
It is better to thoroughly boil the udder before putting it in the cat’s bowl. This is necessary to prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the pet’s body, the source of which is often such a common disease in cows as mastitis. The udder does not have any particular value for the animal body. In addition, this product often causes digestive upset in cats.
The spleen has excellent nutritional value. But the presence of this product in a cat’s diet often leads to serious digestive problems. Of course, you can feed your cat boiled spleen, but this should be done as rarely as possible.
Scars (stomachs) contain many digestive enzymes and are perfectly absorbed by the pet’s body, and therefore are an excellent and healthy food for cats.
Are you feeding your pet correctly?
- Raw frozen beef – (for a kitten at least 30 grams, for an adult cat – 100-120 grams).
Every day (from about 3.5 months to 500-1500 grams of beef per day).
- Boiled chicken without bones - you can have it every day. Chicken breasts for kittens. From about 3.5 months you can give chicken legs.
- Chicken or beef by-products (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) (frozen) in boiled form. Heart no more than once a week (boiled). Boiled liver (since the liver is a filter for any organism, including ungulates) - do not get carried away with light-colored cats, the fur may turn brown or yellow. Lungs and kidneys are optional; few cats eat them at all. All frozen meat products must be scalded with boiling water.
- It’s better not to give fish at all.
- Chicken egg yolk (whites should not be given) - raw or boiled in pure form or can be ground with cottage cheese. 1-2 times a week. Quail eggs can be given whole raw.
- Milk is fresh, raw or boiled (only for kittens under 3 months of age, since an adult cat cannot digest milk and causes an upset stomach, but a kitten needs it).
- Liquid milk porridge (for kittens under 3 months of age): sometimes oatmeal is given, a small amount with the natural method of feeding, but this can be omitted; it is better to replace it with vegetables.
- Fermented milk products: kefir (it’s good for kittens to add gluconate and glycerophosphate, ground into powder), bio-yogurt, cream (a little) - all of medium fat content, as well as cheese. You can do it every day. Cheese is given to older kittens (4-5 months), often as a reward or treat during training.
- Fresh non-acidic cottage cheese (also with the addition of gluconate and glycerophosphate, ground into powder) - can be mixed with sour cream or raw egg yolk. Kittens – 3-4 times a week, adult cats – 1-2 times a week.
- Cereals: oatmeal (steamed), rice, buckwheat – mixed in a 1:2 ratio with boiled meat (1 cereal: 2 meat). Few times a week.
- Raw or boiled vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, dried seaweed, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers (a little), any fruits, etc. - mixed in a 1:2 ratio with meat (1 vegetables: 2 meat). Several times a week (alternate with cereals).
- Greens – sprouted wheat grains. You can grow grass on the windowsill (from wheat or oats). NO grass from the street! There is no need to add it to food, because... The cat regurgitates grass. Older kittens are given a hair removal paste (for example 8in1).
- Dry brewer's yeast - found in all complex supplements (B vitamins). A daily kit + microelements + supplements is provided.
- Cats are not given vegetable oil, only Vaseline, if there are problems such as constipation. You can take a drop of ADE oil vitamins into your mouth daily. With normal nutrition, kittens should not be constipated.
- Mineral and vitamin supplements (for example, Canine vitamins, 8in1). Every day, dosage depends on the age of the kitten. The rest is a delicacy. Real vitamins are packaged in powders and injections.
- Fresh water, purified through a filter or boiled, should ALWAYS stand. Do not accustom cats to boiled water, then if they drink raw water from the tap, they will have stomach problems. No need to raise a hothouse frail animal!
Cat food is not salted, sweetened, or seasoned.
Meat and meat by-products that are given raw must first be frozen in the freezer and then scalded before feeding. You cannot feed your kitten only meat and fish, or only cereals. You shouldn’t get carried away with fish at all; its excessive consumption leads to inflammatory kidney diseases and urolithiasis. Castrated animals should not be given fish at all.
Food should be slightly warm or at room temperature. Do not give food that is too hot or cold (from the refrigerator). All food for the kitten is ground very finely, large and small bones are carefully removed. For an adult cat, food is cut into small pieces. Don't give big pieces! It is better to immediately teach the cat to eat in only one place (this should be a quiet, calm place, not in a draft, where no one walks constantly, not near the door, as you can accidentally hit the kitten).
Raw meat is given in its pure form (you can also add raw carrots with a drop of clarified oil), boiled meat should be mixed with vegetables to avoid constipation.
Kitten 1.5-2 months. fed approximately 5 times a day (or given free access to food). By six months, gradually reduce the number of feedings to 3 times a day. From 8 months Feed like an adult cat 2 times a day. In general, it is difficult to reduce feeding a cat to one meal at a time, since cats eat several times. If you want a well-fed, growing animal, there is no need to restrict food: cats do not overeat if they do not have health problems.
Remember: a cat is a carnivore, and it does not have to eat borscht, pasta or coleslaw. A cat has its own special diet, and you should take this into account when feeding your pet, and not try to accustom it to what you and I eat - this is HARMFUL for cats and leads to various diseases.
NO CATS! (any age)
- Chicken and fish bones - A kitten or cat can choke, and bones damage the esophagus and stomach and clog the intestines.
- Pork. Poultry meat (except chicken and turkey): goose, duck. In its raw form it leads to infection with worms, in some cases to dangerous infectious diseases, which leads to the death of the animal. This meat is very fatty and is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body.
- Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, incl. sausages and canned food for people. Fried foods. They cause gastrointestinal upset and disrupt metabolism. As a result, the animal looks bad and chronic diseases appear.
- Sugar, chocolate, candies, cakes and everything sweet. Disturbs metabolism, weak immunity, dull coat, dental diseases. CHOCOLATE contains theobromine, which is a POISON for cats and causes severe poisoning and death of the animal.
- Potato. Starch is not digested by the cat's intestines; potatoes are absolutely useless for her and can cause upset.
- Legumes (soybeans, peas, beans). It is not absorbed by the body and causes bloating and fermentation in the intestines.
- Salt, spices. Food for cats is not salted or spices are used, because... This does not bring any benefit to her body, only harm.
- Medicines, incl. vitamins intended for humans. Cats have their own special balance of substances in their body; vitamins for humans are not suitable for them. In addition, many medications for humans cause severe poisoning; the kidneys may fail, which leads to death. For example, a weakened cat can be killed with a no-shpa tablet.
Feeding with prepared food is more convenient, because... allows you to save time on cooking, it is balanced, and the cat receives all the necessary nutrients.
You can feed dry and canned (canned) food (adult animals only!).
You need to choose high-quality dry food from good manufacturers: Eukanuba, Hills, Nutro, Eagle Pack, Purina Pro Plan. Cheaper food Iams (Yams), Royal Canin (Royal Canin). Good foods are usually labeled "Premium" or "Superpremium".
Cheap food like Kitty Kat, Katinka cannot be given! The same applies to widely advertised foods such as Whiskas, Friskas, etc. They are of poor quality, contain too many mineral salts, and do not use meat and high-quality offal as protein, but bones, skins, and feathers. Their consumption leads to various diseases and does not satisfy the cat's needs. There is also a high risk of developing urolithiasis.
Among canned food, good food comes from the dry food manufacturers recommended above, as well as Gourmet and Petrit treats (“canned natural food”).
A kitten up to 8-10 months, sometimes up to a year, is fed with special food for kittens, both dry and canned. This is very important for proper development. Then they are transferred to adult food. Kitten food is also given to pregnant and lactating cats. When feeding dry food to a male cat (especially a neutered one), the packaging should be marked “prevention of urolithiasis” (this food has a special formula with a low content of ash, phosphorus and magnesium). For a cat this is not so important, just high-quality food is enough. Dry food can be poured throughout the day, it does not spoil. Canned food provides as much as the animal can eat at one time. The following diet is recommended (based on the daily dose): 75% canned food, 25% dry food - for show animals, for others - 50x50.
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Kunina Porridge
A few words about what “Kunina porridge” is. This is food, but not a ready-made recipe, but a principle and way of eating natural products. The diet is not mandatory in all its components; if the cat categorically does not eat any of the listed products, do not worry and do not insist. Almost all products on our menu are interchangeable. All meat products are cut into pieces, mixed with each other and the vegetable component, frozen well and then, after defrosting, served raw, without any heat treatment.
Meat component
– 80% of the total diet.
This includes: By-products - heart (pork, chicken), chicken livers, necks (no skin!), heads (no beak!), stomachs, backs with cartilage, turkey stomachs, beef tripe, pork butts, lungs, rooster combs. The actual meat is beef (cuts from the head, peritoneum), red chicken meat (thighs, drumsticks), turkey, rabbit meat. Additives
- 20% of the total diet.
These include: Fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, yogurt. Hard cheese Cottage cheese 4%, 5% or 9% Vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets (with caution), cauliflower. Olive oil Bran Dried kelp Chicken/quail eggs Fish component
– sea fish of fatty varieties, for example, bellies of salmon, trout, Pacific herring (a little), mackerel, etc.
Now let's talk about each product separately, what is useful, how much to give.
Meat itself is a source of protein:
The heart is a source of taurine and calcium. It is better to give a pig heart or a chicken heart. Beef is difficult to digest and is not recommended. One of the healthiest products, the share of heart in the total meat component is 30-40%.
Liver is a source of vitamin A and essential amino acids for cats. To avoid an overdose of vitamin A and the laxative effect that the liver can have, we give it about 1 tsp. per serving.
Necks and heads are an excellent source of calcium and many other useful substances. Very high in calories. Natural teeth cleaner. Only the fangs are not involved in the cleansing process; to clean the fangs, once a week we wipe the fangs with a bandage soaked in good tomato paste, or brush our teeth with tomato skin.
Stomachs, beef tripe are an excellent source of beneficial intestinal microflora, very useful for digestion (tripe is a very high-calorie and fatty food, give in small quantities).
Pork knuckles, rooster combs, chicken cartilage are a source of collagen. The nutritional value of this protein is low, but it is a building material for bones, cartilage and tendons. Highly recommended. Cut into thin strips into meat mixture.
Lung - has no nutritional value, but is distinguished by a balanced content of calcium and phosphorus, as well as cartilage tissue. Simply an irreplaceable product during active growth. But only as an addition to the main meat menu.
Fermented milk products are the most valuable products in cat nutrition; in addition to bacteria beneficial for digestion, they contain B vitamins, which are very important for the skin and coat, as well as micro- and macroelements. It can be kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt. Yogurt (natural, without any additives) is especially useful.
Cheese and cottage cheese are a source of calcium. Cottage cheese should not be fatty, cheese should not be hard. Quantity – approximately 15 g. per day (this is an ordinary slice, like for a sandwich, grated into the meat mixture).
Vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, broccoli, cauliflower. About 10% of the total mass. You can give it raw, or you can stew it in olive oil (then don’t give the oil separately). Improves intestinal motility and aids digestion.
Olive oil is a source of valuable fatty acids and vitamin E, antioxidants, oleic acid, has a beneficial effect on the skin and coat, and normalizes fat metabolism in the body. Very useful for the gastrointestinal tract, improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver. 1 ml per day (kittens 0.5 ml per day). The oil must be UNrefined.
Wheat bran is a source of fiber. Improves digestion and helps cleanse the intestines. “Salt” the meat mixture with bran. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or if you are prone to constipation, bran can be steamed.
Laminaria - stimulates the digestive system, removes harmful substances, even lead and radionuclides from the body. It has sorbing properties. When seaweed is consumed, a mild, physiological stimulation of peristaltic movements of the intestines occurs, the correct rhythm of digestion is restored and congestion in the intestines is eliminated. This is a real storehouse of microelements and biologically active compounds. “Dust” a portion of meat with kelp. 0.1 grams of dry kelp, per 1 kg of live weight approximately, is the maximum dosage.
Fish component:
The fish should be sea fish, fatty varieties. It is a natural source of vitamin D. Examples of fish varieties are given above. If your cat eats fish well, you can have a “fish day” once a week. If your cat does not eat fish in its pure form, you can add a piece of the above fish to the meat diet every day.
The diet of pregnant and lactating cats does not require any adjustment. Pregnant and lactating cats are simply provided with a larger volume of food, but no additives are still introduced, except perhaps a pinch of crushed dried raspberry leaves per serving of food.
Now let's talk about those products that are not included in our list.
Chicken breasts (fillets) are a dietary product with low nutritional value. Good for losing weight in an overweight animal. Red meat is much healthier for a healthy animal.
Brains contain a large amount of phosphorus, so this product should be given to actively growing animals with caution.
Kidneys - Kidney fat contains a lot of vitamin A, which is absorbed very well from kidney fat. To avoid an overdose of vitamin A, you can give a little, after soaking it in running cold water.
Testes - should not be given in large quantities; constant feeding of testes in unlimited quantities may well disrupt hormonal levels.
Udder - contains a lot of easily digestible protein and fat, you can give it, but very little. Feeding more than a small piece, in addition to diarrhea, can cause obesity and liver dysfunction.
Milk thistle meal is a very healthy product for the liver. We salt our food for a week, then take a week off.
Tykveol is very useful. Can be given 1 ml once a week to adults, prevents infection by parasites, supports the liver.
Olives are a healthy product. You can and should give it after soaking it in water.
Now about what a cat doesn’t need.
She doesn't need porridge. A cat is the most severe predator of all living next to a person; its metabolism is protein-fat (unlike, for example, a dog). Therefore, nature did not consider it necessary to equip the cat with enzymes for breaking down carbohydrates. Thus, carbohydrates that enter the body (in the form of porridge) are, at best, simply not digested and go through transit, and at worst, they create a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic intestinal flora.
Now the most important thing. How to switch a cat to natural food.
We begin the transition gradually, always under the guise of probiotics. To avoid gastrointestinal disorders during the period of food changes, half an hour before meals, the cat is given a pinch of Vetom 1.1 powder directly on the tongue. It’s good if you already know what product your cat will eat with pleasure. You start with it, completely removing drying from your diet. Prepare for the worst. A cat may refuse new food at all for a long time. Be patient and don't indulge her. Offer meat again and again. According to our observations, no one went hungry for more than 5 days, and 5 days of a starvation diet will not affect her health in any way. After making sure for a couple of days that the cat eats the offered product well, and everything is fine with the cat’s stool, you begin to gradually add something else to the plate, small pieces at a time. In a couple of days - the next product. And so on. The liver can be ground in a blender and mixed with fermented milk and added to the meat mixture. Don't be discouraged if your cat categorically refuses to eat something you offer. Our recipe is universal, all products are interchangeable. If he doesn’t eat beef, he will eat turkey, if he doesn’t eat chicken heart, he will eat pork, etc. Many cats don’t like butter. In this case, you will have to give the oil from a syringe without a needle. Catch the cat, lift its lip and pour in 1 ml of oil. I would also like to note that cats are nocturnal hunters, and often at night they eat everything that is left in the bowl, although they categorically refused to eat it during the day. Regarding vegetables, I would like to say that zucchini is the most harmless. It has no odor; a cat may simply not notice it in the general mass of meat products. Although many individuals love pumpkin, carrots, and cauliflower. If your cat categorically refuses to eat raw foods, you can attract its attention with oil from canned saury, for example, or tuna, or cod liver. Many cats like this smell and are happy to eat foods that are “marked” with it: you need to drop a couple of drops on the product offered to the cat.
In conclusion, it must be added that the diet described above satisfies all the needs of only a healthy cat. If you see changes for the worse in your animal’s condition, immediately contact a good doctor to find out the cause of the illness. You cannot change the type of food for a sick or weakened animal!
Is it possible to give chicken stomachs to cats, cats, and kittens?
As is known, the domesticated part of the cat family belongs to the order of carnivores. A lack of meat in food can cause diseases, poor health, and loss of activity in such animals. But in addition to meat, according to veterinarians, various offal products should also be included in the diet. They are ready to completely dispel doubts about whether cats can have chicken stomachs or not:
- Is it possible to feed a cat chicken stomachs?
Offal and offal are readily purchased by owners of furry pets, especially several. The reason is their low price, nutritional value, and the fact that pets love their smell and taste. To the question whether it is possible to give chicken stomachs to a cat, the answer will be positive. The product consists entirely of muscle tissue and contains virtually no fat. It is a good source of not only protein, but also collagen. In addition, there is a lot of iron, phosphorus, zinc and many other biologically important elements.
Veterinarians unanimously agree that chicken gizzards can be included in the diet for cats. However, you should not do this often; several times a week will be enough. This product is inferior in nutritional value to meat, so it cannot completely replace it. Also, an excess of protein along with an insufficient amount of fats and carbohydrates can lead to digestive and bowel problems in your pet. Particular care should be taken when giving chicken stomachs to kittens.
- How to cook chicken gizzards for cats
Owners of cats are often familiar with the capriciousness and pickiness in food of their pets. Trying to please, they select products that not only satiate, give strength and health, but also appeal to their pets.
According to veterinarians, a cat’s diet should contain not only processed meat products, but also raw ones. Otherwise, during cooking, a lot of useful and important substances for health are lost. However, many cat owners see raw meat products as a risk of infection by some pathogen and provide them only after thorough heat treatment.
How long should you cook chicken gizzards for a cat? This will take 15-20 minutes. An alternative may be cold treatment. But for this you need a freezer that maintains -20 degrees. The product is kept in the cold for at least 3 days.
It is advisable to cut chicken giblets into large pieces before giving them to your pets. Due to this, the teeth and jaws will receive the necessary load. Chopped food in the form of minced meat is less digestible, and small particles can remain in the teeth and lead to caries. Is it possible to give adult kittens chicken stomachs? Of course yes, but in this case they need to be cut smaller than for adults.
Quite often, cat owners are faced with poor tolerance of raw meat products in their pets. This manifests itself as vomiting or diarrhea. Feeding your pet naturally becomes difficult or even impossible. This situation means that he has problems with the digestive tract.
If you have doubts whether it is possible to feed your cat chicken gizzards, raw or boiled, then you should add them to the menu gradually, with an interval of 1-2 weeks. This period will allow you to see negative reactions in the animal and identify what caused them.
Nutritional quality of offal
The basis of the carnivore menu is animal protein. In addition to meat, four-legged animals enjoy eating kidneys, lungs and udders. Adding them to food will not only diversify the menu, but will also have a positive effect on the body.
Beneficial features
Offal contains a large percentage of nutrients. In this they are superior to regular meat. All parts of the animal carcass are an irreplaceable source of animal protein, without which the life of a four-legged friend is impossible.
The trim contains the following elements:
- phosphorus
– responsible for oxygen enrichment and skeletal health;
- iron
– regulates oxygen metabolism;
- zinc
– necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and healthy coat;
- potassium
– supports the functioning of the kidneys and heart;
- selenium
– natural antioxidant;
- magnesium
– needed for health and good muscle development;
- iodine
– ensures uninterrupted operation of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
Trip is rich in amino acids, vitamins B, A, K, E and D. The latter is necessary to strengthen the pet’s muscles and bones, prevent the development of malignant tumors, rickets and other autoimmune diseases. Giblets have no equal in vitamin D content.
Eating trimmings is especially useful for dogs living in the northern regions. The lack of sunlight and the resulting deficiency of chemical elements is compensated by the addition of tripe.
Giblets are an irreplaceable source of energy for cells, as they contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 amino acids. In addition, liver contains a small proportion of carbohydrates and fats, so it is classified as a dietary product.
Unpleasant consequences
Sometimes a four-legged friend has an individual intolerance to some or all types of tripe, even in small quantities. Such a reaction is expressed in the form of vomiting, diarrhea or food allergies.
A pet suffering from intolerance begins to behave irritably. He becomes lethargic and refuses to eat. A rash characteristic of an allergy appears on the surface of the face, paws, and ears. Sometimes it is visible on the armpits and in the anal area.
An excess of the allergen provokes infections on the skin or ears. The body becomes covered with red itchy spots, and hair loss occurs.
To eliminate the problem, it is enough to exclude allergens in the form of chicken and animal entrails. And in the future, add only lean varieties of meat to the allergy sufferer’s menu.
Chicken hearts: how to cook deliciously so that they are soft?
Previously, I didn’t know how to cook chicken hearts so that they were soft. It always turned out to be some kind of “rubber”. I didn’t like it, so in the store I avoided them the tenth way.
But last summer, in the canteen of a modest Black Sea hotel, I tried... no, not just hearts, but a work of culinary art! After that, my opinion about them changed a lot.
It turned out that chicken hearts are a worthy alternative to chicken and beef. They can become a real delicacy if you know some nuances. I talked to the chefs who told me all the secrets of cooking. For this, respect and respect to them!
But let's take things in order.
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How to Prepare Chicken Heads
Most often, such products are sold in frozen packages. Wait for the heads to thaw. Then you need to rinse them with cool water, cut off the beaks (they are too tough for a cat), and cut them in half lengthwise. This will not require noticeable physical effort.
If the head is small and the pet is large, you don’t have to cut it - more nutrients will be retained in the product. Then the halves are put into portioned boxes or cups. You can use plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml, the same volume as sour cream and mayonnaise boxes. One such serving will last a medium-sized adult domestic cat for the whole day.
What not to feed a cat
Often owners try to feed the cat what they eat themselves. This has a detrimental effect on many systems of the cat’s body, primarily on digestion.
The following foods are prohibited for cats:
- any chocolate provokes tremors, convulsions and even death;
- garlic or onion;
- sugar in any form;
- nutmeg;
- raw dough;
- products with caffeine (there are cases of poisoning);
- raisin.
Some owners are replacing commercial cat food with dog food. This cannot be done, since the ratio of nutrients and microelements in these products is different and they are not suitable for a cat.
Small bones can injure the esophagus, and raw fish provokes infection with helminths.
A cat should not eat raw potatoes and cabbage, since these vegetables, when raw, cause stomach cramps.
Homemade food is nutritious and balanced. The owner will have to spend a little time, but the pet will receive good nutrition with the necessary vitamins and microelements.
It is advisable to first consult with a veterinarian to select the optimal ingredients that are beneficial for your cat’s health.
Owners often wonder whether it is possible to give their cat chicken stomachs. Correct answer: not only possible, but also necessary! By-products contain large amounts of collagen, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the cuticle of the bird's stomach (the yellow film covering the walls of the organ) contains digestive enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
Cooking gizzards with sour cream
Chicken stomachs are washed, cleaned, filled with cold water, and seasoned with salt. Set to simmer over low heat. How long should you cook chicken gizzards? An hour is enough. Peel the onion, rinse with cold water, cut into rings and then in half. The carrots are peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Pour a little oil into a frying pan, heat it and fry the vegetables until soft. This takes on average five minutes.
Afterwards, the boiled stomachs are washed and cut into cubes. Chicken stomachs are placed with the vegetables and filled with water or broth. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about fifteen minutes. Then add tomato paste and sour cream, stir thoroughly, and simmer for another twenty minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle the dish with fresh parsley.
General numbers: how long to cook?
Despite the fact that the “navels” initially have a dense and hard structure, there are options in which they are prepared in a really small way. In most cases, the answer to the question of how long to cook chicken gizzards before they are done depends on the age of the chicken.
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However, there are also more general figures. Thus, in mature birds, offal also requires careful processing. For example, boiling stomachs can take from an hour to an hour and a half. And for a young chicken, it is enough to boil the stomach for twenty to thirty minutes. It is also worth noting that stomachs are also boiled for frying. Ten minutes is enough for this.
By-products to increase calorie intake
Some parts of the carcass contain woefully little protein but are high in fat. And some, such as testes, are a source of protein and fat at the same time. Fatty by-products should not be given to cats with impaired liver or pancreas function, as well as animals prone to obesity. But they serve as an excellent energy boost, for example, for nursing cats or stud cats.
Testes (bovine, lamb)
Although the seeds are considered a delicacy in many cuisines around the world, they are quite difficult to find for sale. They don’t have to be included in your cat’s diet for it to be complete, but if the opportunity arises, be sure to let your pet try them.
The testes contain a lot of protein and fat, B vitamins and microelements (zinc, manganese, copper, nickel).
There is no need to be afraid of the hormones supposedly contained in the testicles. Their concentration in the testes is negligible, since all produced testosterone immediately enters the blood.
The testes are given raw or lightly boiled (7 minutes after boiling). Before giving them to a cat, remove the thick shell from the testicles and cut them into pieces. The norm is 5-10% of the diet, while it is permissible to feed the testes in a separate feeding, without mixing them with meat.
Beef udder
Udder is a cheap and nutritious product, but I recommend feeding it to cats with caution. The dry udder consists mainly of fat and rough connective tissue, which is difficult to digest. The milk udder has a more delicate consistency and a pleasant sweetish milky smell and taste. But cows are rarely slaughtered for meat during lactation without a good reason; usually these are sick animals. Therefore, the milk udder must be carefully checked for signs of mastitis (pus, inflamed areas).
Beef brains can be difficult to find commercially because they are perishable. But if you give your cat chicken heads, then when she eats them, she also gets brains. The value of brains lies in the fats they contain. These are omega fatty acids, lecithins and cholesterol. The brain also contains a lot of choline (B4).
Beef brains, if you were able to buy them, are not fed in their pure form, but are added to the meat mixture. The high fat content of this offal causes severe diarrhea in cats if the dosage is overdone. Brains are given in the amount of 2% of the total diet. They can be especially useful for cats exhausted by pregnancy and lactation, as they increase the calorie content of food.
Lungs - is it worth giving them to a cat?
One of the most useless beef by-products is lung. It is made of connective tissue and is difficult for cats to digest. In many animals, eating “airy” offal causes vomiting. Therefore, it is given in small quantities and in combination with meat or other organs.
It is quite possible to create a complete diet without using lungs, but if the cat likes their taste, they are fed in a volume of 5-15% of the diet. The peculiarity of this by-product is its low calorie content, which can be useful when preparing a diet for overweight animals.
If you cut the lung into small pieces and dry it in the oven, you will get an excellent delicacy. It is given to cats between main feedings.
Chicken hearts: benefits and harms
The beneficial qualities of the product are associated with its multicomponent composition. In terms of the amount of amino acids and microelements, hearts are superior to other offal products. Vitamins from group B and PP promote good blood circulation and metabolism, stimulate the central nervous system, normalize liver fat metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and increase brain activity. Vitamin A will help strengthen your pet's vision. Retinol, which is part of the hearts, improves the skeletal system, skin and hair. The mineral composition has the following effects:
The amino acids contained in the hearts will help normalize blood glucose levels, restore skin and muscle cells, and strengthen bones. In addition, they are able to remove toxins, improve immunity and cope with fat deposits. However, despite the positive qualities of the product, there are also negative aspects. One of them is cholesterol, which can be harmful to your cat's health. This is why you should not feed your pet chicken hearts often. There is also a kitten intolerance to the product. Some animals outright refuse to eat this product, as well as the feed that contains it. Vomiting and diarrhea are common after consumption.
At what age is a dog given giblets and trimmings?
Puppies are accustomed to unusual food only after they are 5-6 months old. Previously, at 2-3 months, it is allowed to treat babies with boiled udders or chicken necks.
When introducing complementary foods, it is recommended to prepare broth or jellied meat for puppies. They contain many substances and elements that have a positive effect on growth and development.
Adult dogs happily eat raw offal and trimmings. But older pets are no longer able to cope with them, as they can choke or damage their teeth with a hard piece. The presence of raw ingredients in the diet is undesirable for them. However, well-cooked and finely chopped food is well received.
Natural cat food: recipes
Preparing homemade food will take time, but the owner can be confident in the result, since it will not contain preservatives, dyes or harmful additives.
How to prepare dry cat food: 3 recipes
Recipe No. 1.
- 1 kg turkey hearts;
- 1 kg chicken stomachs;
- 300 g chicken liver;
- 4 things. chicken necks;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 100g carrots;
- 200g zucchini;
- 100g beets;
- 200g rice;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.
Cooking algorithm:
- Boil cereals and hard vegetables.
- Boil the meat.
- Grind everything in a meat grinder or chop using a blender.
- Place on a baking sheet lined with foil.
- Place in the oven at 100°C for an hour and a half.
The food should not be baked, so you need to make sure that the temperature in the oven does not rise above 100°C.
Recipe No. 2 is prepared in the same way, but the components are different:
- 1 kg of beef or chicken;
- a glass of oatmeal;
- boiled chicken egg - 1 pc.
Recipe No. 3
- chicken or beef heart - 1 kg;
- a bunch of parsley or dill;
- 1 tbsp. l. olive or flaxseed oil.
Finely chop all ingredients and mix.
You can prepare several options and alternate them so that your cat’s diet is more varied.
Homemade natural dishes: 7 recipes
Recipes for homemade natural food are varied. You can prepare both a fish menu and a meat menu, depending on the cat’s preferences.
Salmon with rice.
- steam 150 g salmon;
- half a hard-boiled egg;
- a third of a glass of boiled rice;
- calcium carbonate tablet;
- vitamin-mineral complex tablet.
Mix everything and serve.
Chicken with rice and vegetables
- 2 cups chopped chicken meat;
- a glass of cooked brown rice;
- a quarter cup of boiled and grated carrots.
Mix chicken with rice and carrots and heat slightly.
Food for capricious pets
- a glass of boiled chicken;
- ¼ tbsp. steamed asparagus cabbage;
- the same amount of grated carrots;
- half a cup of chicken broth.
Mix everything, warm it up a little and serve.
Liver and kidneys
- a glass of boiled offal;
- ¾ tbsp. boiled oatmeal;
- a quarter cup of carrots;
- a third of a glass of natural yogurt;
- 3 tbsp. l. butter.
Mix minced liver and kidneys with oatmeal and vegetables. Melt the butter and pour it into the mixture. Add yogurt. Serve at room temperature.
Chicken with broccoli
- half a chicken breast;
- 2 pieces of broccoli.
Boil everything and mix until smooth.
Meat with cottage cheese
- 100 beef;
- 1 tbsp. l carrots;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese;
- 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil.
As in previous recipes, mix everything and you can give it to your cat.
Chicken with potatoes
- 100 g boiled chicken without skin;
- a quarter cup of mashed potatoes;
- half a teaspoon of butter.
Serve at room temperature.
These are healthy food recipes that will help provide your cat with all the vitamins and nutrients.
Food for sterilized cats and neutered cats
Sterilized cats and neutered cats have some nutritional characteristics that are always taken into account when making industrial food. This group of pets is prone to obesity. This means that the fat content in homemade pet food should be reduced.
Sterilized pets are prone to urolithiasis, so it is necessary to add components to the homemade food that facilitate the complete removal of fluid from the body. It is optimal for prevention to increase the amount of protein, since it acidifies the urine and prevents the formation of stones.
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How to select and store offal for dogs
For cooking, only fresh products are used that have no signs of spoilage or repulsive aroma. When buying them on the market from a seller, you need to know whether the carcasses have passed veterinary control.
The purchased entrails and trimmings are stored in the refrigerator. If the liver was bought for future use, then it is divided into portions, well packaged and left in the freezer. Such preparations are stored for up to 2 months.
It is advisable to boil thawed or fresh tripe to be completely sure of its safety. If there is any doubt about the quality of the food, soak the entrails for 30 minutes in water with dissolved baking soda. The solution is made from 1 tbsp. spoons of soda per 1 liter of water. After soaking, the trimmings are thoroughly rinsed under the tap.
Signs of spoilage are an unpleasant odor, creamy consistency, changes in color and structure. Such food should be disposed of to prevent your pet from getting food poisoning.