4 tips on where to place a cat so that the animal does not end up abandoned on the street

An event may suddenly occur in the life of every person or family when they urgently need to place a cat or kitten somewhere. This could be a serious, long-term illness, moving to another country, etc. It is very difficult in such cases to part with a four-legged friend, but there are places and institutions where they can help shelter a pet and find it a new family.

Where can you give a domestic adult cat if it is no longer needed?

When they encounter an advertisement for an adult cat, animal rights activists panic: according to statistics, 81% of stray animals end up on the street due to the fault of irresponsible owners.

The reasons why a family has to part with a pet can vary. If this is a necessary measure, it is necessary not only to find a new home, but also to make the move as gentle as possible: the animal has a hard time with a change of place of residence. Particularly sensitive individuals may even die.

According to statistics, cats live in almost half of Russian families. Once she came to a person’s house, she became a real mistress. Animals have adapted to life in city apartments so much that only rare individuals dream of “walking wherever they please, taking a walk on their own.” However, sometimes life with a beloved owner comes to an end - the family wants to give the pet into good hands. Why?

Some reasons why even the most loving owners have to part with their pet can be considered valid:

  1. Allergy. Contrary to popular belief, most often this is a reaction not to fur, but to saliva, skin particles and fleas that can live on the cat. In 80% of cases, antihistamines are ineffective. The only way out is to eliminate the cause of the allergy, give the cat to a shelter or new owners. Adaptation to new conditions will take time.
  2. Moving. In advertisements about where to place it, it is mentioned as the most common reason why people try to give away a cat. It is unlikely that truly loving owners will part with a family member. Moving is an insignificant excuse; people are not moving to the moon. However, residents of rented apartments have to reckon with the demands of the owners.
  3. Death of the owners. Love for a four-legged friend is not always typical for the whole family. Sometimes a cat left behind after the death of an elderly person is no longer needed by his children. The question arises: “Where should I give the cat?”

Owners of free-ranging pets also have to deal with the problem of accommodation. Having happily spent the summer at the dacha, Murka gives birth to kittens, and the owners are forced to solve the problem of finding new owners for their mustachioed offspring.

Usually owners see several ways to give their cat:

  1. Find owners among friends or by advertisement. The ideal option is if these are good friends who love animals.
  2. Give it to a shelter. Those who decide to get rid of a boring cat have high hopes for them. But there are not enough shelters in cities, and life in them, even for those who are “lucky” to get there from the street, is not sweet. Cage, lack of food. And there is very little hope that someone will take you into the house, caress you and take care of you.
  3. Send to the street. Zoo defenders know: domestic cats that are not accustomed to street life die on the street in the first year of life. They do not know how to hide in case of danger, are unable to obtain food, and are not adapted to life on the street. Stress causes a surge in diseases even in vaccinated and healthy people.

Search by ad

If there are no acquaintances or friends who want to take the animal forever, the second way to search for you can be advertisements. This method has been working flawlessly for several decades with the advent of specialized sites with advertisements on the Internet. This search for a new home for a cat is fraught with some dangers. It often happens that people who initially make a good impression actually show hostility towards animals.

A home for your pet can be found through an ad on the Internet.

Having suffered with the character of the new four-legged tenant, they simply send him out into the street. It is impossible to protect your pet from such an outcome. Especially if you are looking for “good hands” for him in a hurry. But we will focus on a favorable outcome. In addition, if you do everything correctly from the beginning, perhaps your pet will live happily and for a long time in the new place. What should the ideal owner-wanted ad look like? It must contain:

  • detailed descriptive text;
  • several high-quality photographs;
  • a list of all contacts through which the new owners can contact you at any time.

You should not keep silent about any shortcomings of the cat in the ad.

Advice! When you don’t know where to put the cat if you don’t need it, and you choose an advertisement as a way out of the situation, compose the most detailed text possible.

Don't hide anything, don't embellish anything. Be sure to indicate the true age of the animal, its origin, describe in detail its habits, habits, and character. You especially shouldn’t keep silent about some not entirely positive aspects (sometimes aggression, urges to scratch or bite, unsociability, illness). It is these surprises that emerge over time that can cause the cat to be abandoned or thrown outside. But the virtues, positive, attractive qualities of character (intelligence, intelligence, sociability, affection, cleanliness) should be described as picturesquely as possible. Perhaps this will, on the contrary, attract potential owners.

Be sure to supplement your ad with the highest quality photos.

Advice! Be sure to supplement your ad with the highest quality photos from different angles and situations.

You may need to hire a professional photographer for this purpose. After all, by taking a low-quality, dark, blurry photo, you will not only diminish the dignity of your pet, but also reduce the number of applicants for it. You want to present him in the best light, right? Then the photographs must be appropriate.

Be sure to include all your contact information in your ad.

Be sure to provide the ad with all your contacts so that those interested can not only contact you in the early stages, but also continue to maintain a relationship with you after your pet changes its place of residence. Be sure to make sure that the new owners will not throw the cat out the door if the slightest problem arises, but will try to overcome all difficulties. This is very important, because the cat is not at all to blame for your circumstances and should not pay for them with his life. Providing him with a normal life after your move is your direct responsibility. Therefore, try to fulfill your last duty as an owner to your pet with dignity and with full responsibility.

Be sure to make sure that the new owners will not turn the cat out the door.

Tips on how to place kittens in good hands

When a cat gives birth, the kittens are small, cute and fluffy, but time passes and you need to look for somewhere to shelter them. It’s easier for owners of purebred animals - kittens with a pedigree are in demand, some even have queues. What if she is a “Ural street servant”? It may be difficult to give it away. Perhaps some tips will help you:

  1. Kittens should be given away no earlier than 2.5-3 months of age. By this time they will get stronger and will receive good immunity from their mother’s milk. The kitten needs to be trained to use the litter box, otherwise the new owners may get rid of the nasty pet and throw it outside.
  2. Try offering kittens to friends, colleagues, and family. Perhaps someone wanted to take a mustachioed baby into their home or give it to elderly parents.
  3. You can place an ad - in a newspaper, social networks, on classifieds websites and cat breeder forums. Don’t forget to take beautiful photos and describe the kitten’s character and habits.

Cat's House website

This is one of the well-known resources that publishes photographs and data of animals that owners plan to give away for various reasons. The site has strict moderation and high requirements for the preparation of advertisements, since the more complete the information, the easier it is to place an animal. That is why, when composing an advertisement, indicate:

  • age, date of birth, gender;
  • presence or absence of diseases, vaccinations;
  • habits and skills.

On the site they are looking for new owners for adult animals - newborns cannot be placed here, but an older kitten can be offered by making an advertisement.

We write a sales ad (if we are looking for a new owner ourselves)

The expression: “Advertising is the engine of trade” also applies to the case if you need to find someone to give kittens or an adult to. A simple announcement: “I’ll give the cat into good hands. Grown-up, beautiful,” is, of course, not enough. When preparing an ad:

  1. Get the animal in order - cure all diseases, treat it for worms and fleas, give it a bath. Vaccinate, sterilize (if necessary).
  2. Take selling photos – be sure to be close-up, preferably against a plain background. Preferably, not just a portrait, but also photographs of life: the cat sleeps, washes itself, plays.

Stay during departure

Sometimes it is necessary to find not a permanent, but a temporary home for a cat - for the duration of treatment in a hospital, going on a business trip, vacation, or sanatorium. There are several options where you can give your cat:

  • close relatives - the most reliable option in which you can control the well-being of the animal;
  • to specialized hotels for animals. There are specialists working there, and veterinarians will monitor the pet’s health. The disadvantages of pet hotels are the high price, the need for vaccination and confirmation of the pet’s health certificate. In many hotels, they are kept in cages, and this is a lot of stress for a pet;
  • for paid overexposures. Most often, this type of service is provided by animal rights activists and volunteers. Thanks to commercial foster care, charities and shelters receive additional funding.

Where to give a cat will depend on the financial capabilities of the owner and on the character - many have a hard time being separated from the owner and changing homes. It is possible to leave your pet at home under someone's care - it is better not to transport it anywhere.

Review of good shelters in Moscow

“Forest Shelter”, “Gift of Fate”, “Tender Beast”, “Murkosha” are havens for all homeless cats and those that are simply abandoned by their current owners. Before bringing an animal here, you need to contact the foundation’s volunteers and agree on an extension. Nothing is required from you; you can bring your cat in any condition. Here she will be washed, fed, vaccinated, and sterilized when she reaches 8 months of age.

You can bring an old and sick animal to the shelter; here everyone finds their own warm corner and a bowl of food. All cats that cannot be adopted due to age or illness live out their short cat life in a shelter, in good conditions.

This is all clear, we've sorted it out. But often you come across cries for help online, like “Help, I’m leaving, where should I put the cat for a while?” We will deal with this further.

If you meet a stray cat on the street

Don't pass by, don't remain indifferent. The best way to help an animal is to take it home, at a minimum - get rid of worms, wash it, clean its eyes and ears. Inspect for skin damage or wounds.

The cat needs to be taken to the veterinarian, even if he seems healthy. An examination by a doctor and tests will show possible pathologies. The veterinarian will tell you the approximate age and give recommendations on treatment and nutrition. Cats found on the streets quickly adapt to home conditions.

If you do not plan to keep your pet, take measures to accommodate the animal. Inform animal rights activists about the “find” - many animals are lost on city streets, perhaps a mustachioed stray - a “lost one”, and they are looking for him. Take photos and post on social media, local message boards and online.

Animals trust their owners, and cats have their own Hachiko. It is important not to give away a cat on a whim, but only when there is no other option. Shelters, the street, the basement are not a place for a cat. It is better to find her kind hands and a warm home, where the pet will not experience stress, but will feel loved again.

In the article I will look at options for where to put the cat if it is not needed. I’ll explain how to properly look for new owners and what to do to help your pet find a new home faster.

Russian legislation on liability for killing animals

Federal Law No. 52-F3 “On the Animal World” obliges citizens to humanely treat representatives of wildlife - wild animals and pets. There are no administrative sanctions at the federal level, but they are provided for in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Primorsky and Krasnodar territories, St. Petersburg.

Adopting kittens is an eternal headache for breeders

For your information! Criminal liability arises under Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Cruelty to animals”, if it resulted in the death or injury of an animal/pet.

The court does not distinguish between the severity and cause of the crime. Why people are punished:

  • beating of animals;
  • use in battles;
  • sacrifice (cult rituals);
  • conducting experiments with cutting off limbs;
  • leaving in a dangerous situation.

What threatens cruel people:

  • fine up to 80,000 rubles*;
  • correctional labor for 15 days;
  • restriction of freedom for up to a year;
  • arrest for 6 months;
  • prison for 3 years.

Note! If the actions were committed in front of children, or videos of bullying were distributed on the Internet, then the punishment is doubled. Therefore, it is worth placing the cat and kittens in a safe place if it is no longer possible to keep them at home. You can’t throw them out into the street, because for this you can end up in jail.

It is very difficult to place an adult cat in a new home.

Where to place a cat if it is no longer needed

Cats are wonderful creatures that can help make a person’s life richer and more interesting. But if it happens that this animal cannot be left at home, take this situation as a test. And bear it with dignity.

The cat cannot be thrown away, where to put it, it needs to find a new home.

Here are some options:

  • overexposure;
  • family and friends;
  • cat cafe;
  • advertisement on the Internet;
  • animal shelters;
  • other.


Overexposure is a temporary home for an animal, which is paid for by the owner. Overexposure can be in the form of a hotel for an animal or a hotel. Most often, a cat (or several) is kept in an ordinary apartment.

This option is necessary in the case when a new owner has not yet been found, and there is no way to keep the cat. The maintenance of the animal is paid, but other people will take care of it.

You can visit the pet at the request of the owner and by agreement with the owner of the foster home.

Even a temporary home (foster care) must be sought responsibly. You will pay money, make sure that this money is honestly worked out. To do this, you need to visit your pet as often as possible.


If you do not have the opportunity to keep a kitten, you can give it to a cafe where visitors come to chat with cats. Recently, such establishments have become very popular. Perhaps your city also has such a cafe, and you won’t need to worry about where to place your pet.

The advantage is that the cat will be well looked after, and a large number of visitors will definitely ensure constant communication. The disadvantages are the high demands placed on animals. In addition, there may not be a similar cafe for animals in your city.

Why is it important not to kick your cat outside?

Very often, people who are not too concerned about the fate of the animal simply throw the unwanted animal out into the street. They motivate this by the fact that the animal is a beast, and the beast needs nature, freedom, etc., etc.

In fact, it is simply impossible to do this.

Don't throw your pets outside

  • a cat, especially one that grew up in a house, does not know how to defend itself from dogs, it will simply die;
  • suffer from relatives;
  • the immunity of a domestic cat is very weak to withstand many diseases that an outdoor cat will pick up from relatives or get from stress;
  • the pet will not be able to get its own food;
  • she does not know cars and other transport;
  • she will not be able to withstand the frost.

They are the easiest prey.

Other options

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of advertisements in which people are ready to adopt kittens that have just been born. With their entire appearance, they show that they are doing a good deed, relieving the owner of the need to support the kids and bear all the associated expenses. These are the so-called “box breeders” who use homeless or newly born animals in order to pity passers-by and get money.

Fraudsters do not feed the animals, but simply throw out their corpses and go for a new batch of “goods.” This is why it is so important to look at who exactly you are giving your pet to.

How to part with a cat as painlessly as possible

If the cat is given away for important reasons, and the owner himself is very accustomed to the pet, then parting will not be easy. But, if a person can cope with his feelings, then a furry pet, having lost its home and adored owner, will suffer enormous stress.

To make it easier for your cat to get used to a new home and new owners, so that he doesn’t get bored, you can take some measures:

  • gradually introduce the pet to new owners;
  • give the pet at a time when the new owners can devote more time to the pet (weekends, vacation);
  • tell the new owners about the furry little one’s favorite games, so they can play with him this way more often;
  • After a week, you should ask how the adaptation went.

Search among your surroundings

Finding a new owner among well-known, close, and dear people is the best option possible. Especially if the animal knows the potential owner, there is already mutual sympathy between them. A friend or loved one who will take responsibility for the maintenance of your favorite animal will treat it with love and attention. In addition, he will be able to contact you in any situation, clarify any questions that have arisen, and tell you about the pet’s condition and mood. A familiar person is your protection from several moves, when the animal can be taken/returned more than once.

Assessment of the situation

Before deciding where to surrender a stray cat, it is worth considering the benefits for it. An adult animal that has gained authority in the pack will have a hard time with shelter and attempts at socialization. This is especially true for males. Moving from conquered territory to a cage or room with other occupants will cause stress to the fighter.

The street hardens. The suburban environment provides the animal with combat experience and resources for survival. Thanks to loopholes in houses, small animals and permanent residents, the country (rural) cat can withstand winters. The city influences conditions in two ways. It is easier for the animal to find food. But safe housing is limited by competition, municipal policies (brewing, installation of fine-mesh grates in basements) and the activities of dog hunter activists.

When you see a stray, you shouldn’t immediately think about where to place the stray cat. Perhaps the pet has found its niche. Yards and villages include quite altruistic-minded citizens. It is worth taking care of your pet if it:

young – kittens without a mother have a low chance of survival;

clearly recently been a pet - the pet is characterized by a neat appearance and increased attention to people.

Often the characteristics are combined. A kitten that has disappointed its owners with its behavior or health status will be drawn to people. This feature distinguishes it from its wild relatives and potentially simplifies socialization.

Possible actions when discovering a stray cat

In cases where stray cats are found, a person must decide where to go when they find them. Someone will pass by, someone will feed them, and some will try to take part in their fate. Active action is required in 2 cases: the pet is clearly lost or cannot survive due to health conditions.

A missing animal has a chance of being reunited with its owner. Cats rarely voluntarily stray far from home. The owner may be in the same entrance, residential complex, or yard with the temporary owner. It’s worth posting advertisements and studying messages from local thematic groups on social networks.

Animals are often thrown away. Unwanted litter suffers, adults who have lost their owner due to:

change in marital status;

Pets that come outside from home have less chance of survival. A slow cat can be attacked by a dog or hit by a car. Having noticed a new animal, an individual with obvious signs of injury or disease, it is worth taking action. Help is also required for pregnant females and females caring for their offspring.

Support for homeless animals

Providing comfort is a simple way to help stray animals that have “legally” settled in the territory. Yards are often inhabited by dogs and cats - their presence does not indicate low social status. Thus, animals become voluntary guards, rid the territory of rodents, and bring joy to people who are unable to keep pets at home.

Yard pets create an ecosystem that is maintained by residents. Those wishing to take part should think about what to feed stray cats. Cheap dry food is a potential treat. For stationary feeding, porridge with chicken neck broth is suitable.

Sending to a shelter

TSA (catch, neuter, release) programs control the dog population by sterilizing both sexes and then microchipping them. Deciding where to give a stray cat is more difficult. Social shelters in Russia and the countries of the former USSR accept guests sent by municipal institutions. They accept animals from private individuals in exceptional cases:

an emergency such as a fire.

Shelters limit cooperation with individuals due to fraud. People are trying to donate unwanted offspring, animals they don’t want to take care of, for free.

Is it worth adopting a pet from a shelter?

The main advantage of adopting a cat from a shelter is that the animal undergoes a health and medical check. In good shelters, cats are not afraid of people and do not shy away from them.

There are many reasons why an animal should be adopted from a shelter:

  1. You are saving an animal from poor living conditions and quick death.
  2. The animal has a chance for a prosperous and happy life with a new owner.
  3. By freeing up even one place in the shelter, you will save at least one more abandoned animal.
  4. Often, shelters have expensive purebred cats that you can adopt for free or very cheaply.
  5. You save money on spaying, neutering and vaccinations.
  6. Shelter animals are often in good health.
  7. You set a good example for other people.

By adopting a cat from a shelter you are extending its life.

The disadvantages include the fact that the cat can be aggressive or hide from the owner. There is also a risk that the shelter staff will not provide complete information about the animal’s health status, and it will turn out to be sick.

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