How to catch a cat on the street and in the house: practical tips that really work

Why catch a cat on the street?

Not everyone thinks of starting to catch street animals. However, some cat lovers can't get past a creature in trouble. Some catch stray cats in order to find them a loving family, others tame them and provide them with their own home as shelter.

There are situations when a pet is lost in the country or in the city, and after some time its owner accidentally discovers his pet is already quite feral. Despite the fact that cats usually remember their owners even after years, it happens that, having lived on the street for a long time, they do not recognize their loved ones when they meet. A cat that does not fit into the arms of its former owner has to be caught and the skills of living with a family re-instilled in it.

Hide the trigger plate

The cat may have learned to recognize the plate covering the hatch and learn how to avoid it. To prevent her from tiptoeing on and around the dish, try covering it and some of the bottom of the trap in front and behind it with newspaper or cloth.

Or cut a piece of cardboard slightly narrower than the width of your trap and a couple of inches longer than the trigger plate. Tape the cardboard to the middle of the plate and loosely to the bottom of the trap. Cats won't be able to step over the trigger so easily!

What animals should you not catch?

The catch, sterilization, vaccination and release (TSR) program is designed to improve the situation with homeless animals. Its effectiveness does not require confirmation, because even cats that are sterilized and not subsequently adopted, unable to bear offspring, are preferable to kittens that constantly breed and thereby aggravate the problem of stray individuals. The more street animals are subjected to WWW by volunteers and charitable organizations, the better the situation on the streets will be.

Regardless of whether a private individual or an experienced volunteer wants to catch a tailed stray, it is not recommended to catch:

  • Self-walking cats. Although they are endangered, they are nevertheless domesticated. Not all of these animals have collars and microchips implanted under their skin. In order not to accidentally catch someone else's pet, it is recommended to first check with nearby yards to see if it belongs to any of the local residents, and make sure that it is ownerless before setting up a trap. You can recognize a pet by a number of signs. These animals have soft paw pads because they are not outside their living quarters very often. Cats that have owners have a well-groomed appearance. They do not have scratches on the body, discharge from the eyes, or symptoms of parasitic infections. They are not afraid of people who they associate with warmth, comfort and food.
  • Animals with signs of rabies. If a four-legged street tramp drools profusely, convulses and rushes at passers-by for no reason, he must be caught, but this must be done by special organizations. Having seen such a cat on the street, you need to contact the service for catching stray animals, explaining what exactly confused him in his behavior, as well as providing information about the external signs of the animal and its location.

Catching stray cats should be carried out by professional catchers if:

  • the tailed street child does not make contact and behaves too aggressively;
  • the animal hid in a hard-to-reach place and found itself in a trap;
  • an emergency situation has developed (threat of walling up in the basement, persecution, demolition of habitat, etc.).

Tray training

This problem is faced not only by those who picked up a kitten on the street. Animal sellers often claim that babies are toilet trained. But often this is not true. We have to get down to business ourselves and teach the baby one of the most necessary skills for living in an apartment.

During the process of training a pet, it is advisable that the kitten is always under the supervision of its owners. Observation will minimize the likelihood of puddles appearing in inappropriate places. Every successful trip to the litter tray requires praise and petting.

A successful trip to the litter box should be encouraged

Instructions for kittens

The tray should have a small side, since a small kitten will not be able to climb into a high toilet. Use clean water to rinse the container. If a fragrance is used, the smell should be subtle. To make the task easier, you need to soak a piece of cloth or paper in the urine of this kitten and put it in the tray. Then the baby will follow his scent. To toilet train a kitten, you can use special products that are sold in pet stores.

Tool for training a cat to use the tray

Determining that a kitten wants to go to the toilet is quite simple: it starts to fidget and loses its calm. At this point it needs to be moved to the tray. To better make it clear that an unfamiliar object is intended for bowel movements, you can scratch the surface of the tray with your finger. When urination or bowel movements begin, talk to the kitten in a gentle tone, thereby encouraging its correct actions.

The baby should be carried to the tray every time after waking up or eating. Having planted it in the tray, you need to make sure that it makes raking movements in the filler.

Instructions for an adult cat

Problems may arise with an older cat. Here are the rules that will help you change your habits. The best place for the tray is a bathroom, toilet room, or insulated balcony. But no matter where the owner places the toilet, it is necessary to ensure constant access to it for the pet, especially if he is often left at home alone.

It is more difficult to train an adult cat to use a litter box.

If the cat lived outside before, then it is accustomed to the open space. Therefore, the tray must be large enough. Veterinarians recommend trays with high sides for adult cats so that the litter does not spill on the floor when it is raked after bowel movements or bladder. An alternative option is a toilet house.

Closed toilet house

Usually, animals themselves intuitively understand the purpose of the structure with filler. But if this does not happen, you need to make it clear where to relieve yourself. There are several options. When the cat chooses a place to defecate, you need to quickly place a tray under it, stroke it and move away. It may be that the animal will run away. But it needs to be returned to its place and the action repeated until the process comes to its logical conclusion.

For wild cats, you can try a lawn toilet

The smell of her urine will also guide your cat. To do this, as in the case of a kitten, a piece of cloth or paper soaked in urine is thrown into the tray.

Reasons for refusing a tray

Refusal to relieve yourself in a specified place can be provoked not only by the stubbornness of the animal, but also by other reasons:

  • health problems;
  • inconvenient tray format or size;
  • choosing the wrong place;
  • untimely cleaning of the toilet;
  • the need to share a tray with another pet.

If the owner tries, the cat will sooner or later get used to its new toilet and stop shitting anywhere.

Each pet gets a separate tray

Surface treatment products for urine odor

But in case of failure, you cannot scold, much less beat, your pet - he may get scared, and such a measure will not bring any benefit. The area itself is treated with anti-urine odor products.

If a kitten makes a puddle, it should not be beaten or scolded.

Table 1. Home remedies for urine odor.

Product name Note

Weak solution of potassium permanganate

May stain the surface; before use, carry out a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface of the floor, furniture, etc.


Vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3

Does not stain surfaces

Lemon juice

Cats cannot tolerate the smell of citrus fruits and will avoid areas treated with juice.

Aqueous solution of iodine (10 drops per 1 liter of water)

Carefully! Paints surfaces

Vodka (spray from a spray bottle)

Cats cannot stand the smell of vodka. The industry produces a lot of products to remove the smell of cat urine.


The industry produces a lot of products to remove the smell of cat urine. This:

  • Urine-off Cat & Kitten or Multi-Pet;
  • Arm&Hammer;
  • DezoSan;
  • OdorGone;
  • Simple Solution Stain and Odor Remover and others.

What will it take to capture a wild or feral animal?

To catch a wild kitten or an adult cat you will need:


  • Kotolovka. This is a special cat trap with a tightly slamming door. You can try to borrow it from a service for catching stray animals, from a cat shelter, or from volunteers while the cat is being caught. You can also use a durable carrier with a removable lid and metal door. The presence of the latter allows the device to be used on the principle of a trap, simplifies its disinfection and makes it easier for the veterinarian to carefully remove an animal in a state of extreme stress. A box made of thick cardboard is also suitable as a catbox.
  • A delicacy with a distinct smell. The bait must be hard. Milk is not suitable for this purpose as it will simply spill in the carton. As a treat, you can use a piece of sausage, minced meat, fish, ready-made dry or wet food. It is not recommended to use valerian as bait. Having smelled it, the cat may behave inappropriately.
  • Plastic disposable plate. The bait should not be placed on the ground.
  • Thick long gloves and clothing that reliably protects the body from possible injury.

To catch a stray cat, it is not recommended to use blankets, rugs, sheets, bags, sacks and other available means. If you miss (and the speed of a human reaction is significantly lower than a cat’s), you can nullify all efforts to gain the animal’s trust, and after the attack he will no longer allow a potential rescuer to approach him. In addition, you can overdo it and harm the cat or become the target of an attack by an angry creature.

Carrying and special trap cages

If the escaped cat adequately tolerated traveling in a special carrier, you are very lucky.
It is enough just to leave the cat carriage open near the place where the animal is hiding. Place some treat inside. Don't forget that cats are quick to react. It's best not to try to close the carrier door yourself. Tie a string to its handle and keep it at a distance, or come up with an automatic closing mechanism. There are also special cages for catching animals in outdoor conditions. Visually, they often resemble regular carriers and are distinguished by a built-in door closing mechanism. It is expensive to buy such a device for one-time use. Usually such traps are found in shelters and veterinary clinics. Try to negotiate a rental of this device and go to catch the animal using the most technologically advanced method.

Methods of catching and procedure

To catch a wild cat, you must first carefully prepare the ground for luring it into a trap, accustoming it to your presence in the field of view. The most effective way is regular feeding. It is advisable to do this at the same time, for example morning and evening. First, you need to leave the treat not far from his shelter, moving away a considerable distance. To gain the trust of an animal, you need to constantly talk to it. With each subsequent feeding, the distance should be reduced little by little.

When the four-legged street child stops being panicky about his potential savior, it is recommended to offer him a treat inside the cat's bag. This stage consists of several stages: first, a bowl with a treat is placed almost on the threshold of the trap, then it is gradually moved deeper. The preparatory stage may take 2–3 days.

In the process of preparing to catch a tailed wanderer, you should not try to pick it up, much less grab it, even if it behaves calmly. Realizing that you can quickly slam the door without giving the animal the opportunity to run out, you need to act. It should be borne in mind that failure will cost the lost trust, and taming will have to begin again, and there is no guarantee that the animal will again allow a treacherous person to approach it.

Pet carrier

A cat carrier can also be used as a catching device. It must be of good quality, made of hard plastic, equipped with a metal door and lid. The presence of these elements will allow you to use the basket according to the boiler principle. The removable lid will make it easier for the veterinarian when removing the animal from the carrier.

When catching homeless revelers, different goals may be pursued, but the principles of approach remain the same. If you live in a private house, you have a vegetable garden and a farm, then, of course, you do not need uninvited guests in the form of a wild predator. This comparison is quite appropriate for a feral cat. After all, it can cause harm to the household, for example, steal birds, and also trample down beds on a plot of land. If you find yourself in this situation, you most likely want to know how to catch a feral cat in your yard. Using a pet carrier is a very suitable option.

Luring a freedom-loving guest into a cage is not so easy. First you have to tame her a little. Only on favorable terms will the animal become more flexible. Pay attention to which side it enters the yard, and start placing food in a bowl approximately in this place twice a day. Place an open cage at a decent distance. Be patient, the luring process will take some time. When the predator begins to regularly feed on your site, begin to gradually move the bowl of food towards the carrier, then place it on the threshold, etc. The door should be closed only when you are sure of success. If you miss, all efforts will be in vain, and winning the animal’s trust a second time is very problematic, almost impossible.

What to do next?

It is recommended to take the captured animal to a veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will examine him and take blood tests to determine his general health and infection status. It should exclude:

  • feline distemper;
  • feline viral leukemia;
  • calicivirus infection;
  • feline immunodeficiency virus;
  • coronavirus.

Until results for panleukopenia are obtained, it is recommended to leave the animal in an infectious diseases hospital. The cat must be treated for parasites and vaccinated against rabies. The use of a live polyvaccine is required if the results of tests for viral leukemia and immunodeficiency virus are negative. The veterinarian can adjust the timing of vaccinations and prescribe additional tests and procedures.

At first, the animal must be kept in quarantine in a bathroom or on a glazed balcony (at adequate air temperature and no drafts). Subsequently, the cat can be placed or kept with you. It must be taken into account that people are more willing to adopt neutered animals.


What to consider when catching a cat

How to wash a cat: options if he is afraid of water and scratches

The health status of street vagabonds is questionable. To protect yourself, approach the matter thoroughly:

  • prepare traps and treats;
  • wear protective clothing with long sleeves and gloves;
  • They observe the behavior and habits of the tramp: where he lives most often, what kind of treat he likes.

Important! Animals feel threatened and resist. Aggression is a reaction to fear, not a character trait, and therefore should not repel the future owner.

Homemade cat trap

Cat trap: how to catch a fugitive

It is unlikely that you will be able to pass by a kitten on the street, even if you do not consider yourself a cat lover. You can meet a homeless child both in a quiet residential area and in the busy business part of the city. A kitten in the middle of the street will not leave anyone indifferent, because it is so small and defenseless. If you encounter such a miracle, then you may have a desire to catch it. You need to take certain measures to cope with the task painlessly for both the kitten and the person.

1 Assess the situation

  1. 1 Try to find the cat.
    When you see a lonely kitten, you need to determine where its mother is. It is possible that she abandoned the kitten, but the cat could also have wandered off in search of food. We'll have to wait to find out for sure. It will take you more than a few minutes to observe. Arrange an observation post in a place where the kitten will not notice you, so as not to frighten the baby.
  2. Be patient, because it is important to help the kitten, and not to take it away from its mother. Cats usually go hunting for food in the afternoon, when the kittens are sleeping. If you see a lonely kitten in the morning, it is very likely that it was abandoned.
  3. 2 Determine the age of the kitten.
    It’s impossible to find out the exact number, but try to at least establish an approximate age. Cats stop feeding their kittens about 6 weeks after birth. If the kitten is younger, then be prepared to provide him with special care.
  4. There are several ways to determine the approximate age of a kitten. They open their eyes about 10 days after birth. If the kitten’s eyes are still closed, then this is definitely a baby.
  5. Also pay attention to the kitten's activity level.

How to tame a wild kitten

First you need to determine how scared or aggressive the kitten is:

  • The most difficult cases are considered to be when an animal hisses at a person or even tries to attack him - such feral cats probably did not receive affection from people for a long time or were born on the street;
  • If a kitten meows and does not run away at the sight of a person, then it was probably recently kicked out into the street.

In the first case, you need to be more careful, since the kitten can respond to any wrong action with aggression and run away.

Try to pick up the kitten carefully, without grabbing its paws or tail. The use of a carrier is also acceptable. The new resident should be allowed to get used to the house on their own.

This will help him feel more comfortable. Gradually, the kitten needs to be shown where the food and toilet are. Don't yell at the cat, and especially don't hit him. If the pet sees that it is not in danger, then, having satisfied its hunger, it will look for a place to sleep. After this, you can proceed directly to taming your pet.

The new resident should be allowed to get comfortable in the house on their own. This will help him feel more comfortable. Gradually, the kitten needs to be shown where the food and toilet are. Don't yell at the cat, and especially don't hit him. If the pet sees that it is not in danger, then, having satisfied its hunger, it will look for a place to sleep. After this, you can proceed directly to taming your pet.

You shouldn’t expect a wild cat to get used to the house in a couple of hours; give it a few days and don’t disturb it with unnerving procedures.

When the kitten remembers where his food is and stops hiding from you, try giving him a treat from your hand

If he accepts it, you can try to gently stroke his head and back. Next, there are two options for the development of events:

  • if the kitten runs away from you, then you need to leave it alone, but repeat the steps of feeding it with treats three times a day or more often;
  • If the kitten reacts normally to stroking, making it clear that it likes it, you should try placing it on your lap.

It is better to sit on the floor. This way you won’t have to lift your pet too high, and he won’t be frightened by a sudden change in position. If after this the kitten immediately wants to jump to the floor, do not stop it or hold it by force. It is better to repeat the steps after some time. This will let your animal know that he can feel comfortable with you.

Is it possible to tame an adult cat?

Adult animals can also be tamed and taught to accept affection, but this is more difficult to do. This is due to the fact that they have already formed their character and developed certain habits. In addition, wild animals may remember being hurt by other people.

Otherwise, the methods for taming adult animals are similar to those used for kittens. A calm atmosphere, delicious food, gentle touches and the absence of stressful situations will help turn a wild furry into an affectionate and grateful friend.

Before accustoming your cat to handling, feed him well. A sleepy animal that does not feel hungry will become more docile and will be more willing to be handled. But at the same time, you should not overdo it with food; do not feed your pet just to hold it on your lap.

It is believed that adult cats, unlike kittens, pay attention to the owner’s voice and intonation. Talk to your cat while you feed him, and continue to talk while you pet him, scratch him behind the ear, etc.

After some time, the cat will develop an associative connection, and he will perceive your voice as a signal for something pleasant. Listening to him, the cat will sit in your arms without experiencing the same discomfort.

p. After some time, the cat will develop an associative connection, and he will perceive your voice as a signal for something pleasant. Listening to him, the cat will sit in your arms without experiencing the same discomfort.

In extreme cases, you can purchase cat sprays with pheromones at pet stores, but you should not abuse them.

If your pet has a playful nature, then you can try to lure him onto your lap using his favorite mouse or bow. Let the cat jump on your legs and catch the “prey”, and then release the toy. This way, your pet will unconsciously get used to the fact that it is safe to be on your lap.

Be prepared for the fact that during such games the cat may scratch you; do not scold him for this so as not to scare him away.

How to catch a stray kitten?

Kittens usually begin to walk at three weeks of age. If the baby behaves playfully and stands firmly on his feet, then he is probably already a month old.

2 Catch the kitten

  1. 1 Use a trap.
    Try using a humane homemade or store-bought trap. The kitten must not be allowed to be injured during the capture process (at the same time, you should also remember about your own safety). A reliable way to safely catch a kitten is to use food as bait. Canned fish is an inexpensive and effective choice.
  2. The humaneness of a trap is determined by how safe it is for the kitten. If you want to buy a trap, ask your local veterinarian for advice and then purchase a suitable model from a pet store.
  3. If you want to make your own trap, research the safest options. So, the trap door should close softly, but quickly and securely when the kitten is inside. A hardware store will help you choose the right materials.
  4. Do not try to catch a kitten immediately after meeting the baby on the street. First, you should prepare a trap and leave food in it for several days, but do not close the door. This way, the kitten will begin to voluntarily enter the trap, since it will remind him of food.
  5. 2 Be merciful.
    A kitten needs a kind and affectionate attitude more than ever. Remember that he does not yet have experience communicating with people. Being caught in a trap is a very traumatic experience for a baby. Be as quiet, calm and affectionate as possible.
  6. 3 Take a break.
    Trying to catch a kitten can be quite a challenge. It is important to be patient both with the baby and with yourself. Plan actions as long as necessary. It is important to find out all the necessary information (age, presence of a cat nearby), which can take a lot of time. After gathering information, take a break. If you are relaxed and confident, everything will go smoothly.
  7. 4 Lure the kitten into a confined space.
    If you don't like the trap idea, there are other options. Try to gently lure the kitten into a confined space. You can use proven bait - food. If the kitten comes into a tight space (a corner from which he has nowhere to run), then try to gently guide him into a small cat carrier.
  8. Make sure you get a carrier (or a basket with a lid) in advance.
  9. 5 Earn the kitten's trust.
    It is possible that you will not have to use a trap or lure the kitten. With time and patience, you can become friends with your baby and safely take him home. Become a reliable companion to gain your kitten's trust. Bring food at the same time regularly. Be calm and friendly. After some time (several days or weeks), the kitten will gradually get used to you and stop being afraid.

3 Caring for a kitten

  1. 1 Handle the kitten carefully.
    Getting caught is not the end goal. Now it is important to take proper care of the baby. The first thing you need to do is have a pair of gloves on hand. Do not handle it with your bare hands until you have taken the kitten to the veterinarian.
  2. Kittens are cute and wonderful, but they are also wild creatures. If the kitten escapes from the carrier (or basket), then try to gently catch it with a towel.
  3. 2 Place the kitten in a small space.
    Isolation in a confined space is an important stage in a child’s adaptation to a new environment. The kitten should be introduced to its new environment (people, sounds, other animals) gradually, so as not to traumatize the little psyche. Immediately after capture, place it in a safe, confined area. This could be a small room like a bathroom or a comfortable box where he won't be disturbed.
  4. Make sure the kitten is not uncomfortable. Bring him everything he needs - a towel for sleeping, food, water and a toilet (you can use a newspaper or a small tray).
  5. 3 Contact your veterinarian.
    Be sure to show the kitten to a specialist. Call your veterinarian for all checkups and vaccinations. Be prepared for the fact that inspections can cost a considerable amount. Also remember that the kitten may be frightened by what is happening, so try to ensure that the trip is as comfortable and calm as possible.
  6. Have your veterinarian check your kitten for worms, distemper, rabies, and breathing problems. Also discuss the issue of sterilizing the animal.
  7. 4 Find a home for the kitten.
    The baby is probably very cute, but it is possible that you do not want or cannot keep him. In this case, try to find a new home for him. If you have a little free time (and a desire to see a kitten sometimes), then ask your friends and acquaintances. Publish advertisements with photos on social networks. It's hard to resist a kitten! If you can't find a home, contact your local animal shelter. They will help in finding new owners for the baby.
  8. 5 Keep the kitten with you.
    It is very likely that you will not be able to resist the kind fluffy face and decide to keep the kitten. This is amazing! Get ready to become your new pet's best friend and parent. Buy all the necessary things (tray, toys, bowls, food and medicine) and prepare yourself mentally.
  9. Remember that an outdoor kitten will be under a lot of stress in the house and will need time to adjust. Find out at the veterinary clinic and shelter how to properly behave and raise a kitten. Now you have a new best friend!

Take a break

Catching a kitten can be an unpleasant experience for you. The expert recommends being patient not only with your kitten, but also with yourself. Make sure you have enough time to complete the plan.

For example, waiting for a mother cat may take some time. After this, try to take a break before you start using the trap. You shouldn't be angry. The more relaxed and confident you are, the smoother the whole process will go.


  • Be careful when handling wild animals. Be sure to see a doctor if you are scratched or bitten.

Sent by: Zhanna Osipova. 2017-11-06 23:09:39

If someone wants to do a noble deed, catch all the cats and female cats and have them spayed and neutered. You can take something from a domestic well-groomed cat, but from these garbage cats, who have been savages for several generations, there are only problems and infection.

Cats may look cute and cuddly, but don't underestimate them. If cats feel threatened, they can be fast, agile and tough with their sharp claws and teeth. It's easy to mistakenly think the same thing about feral cats that live near your home. Unfortunately, stray cats are not nearly as harmless to each other and to others. Summer residents live nearby in the summer; they got a cat, she is several years old. They leave, and she is left to fend for herself.

It is necessary to feed and can be tamed, we also had a feral cat with kittens living on our hacienda, there were rat skins lying around... She fed the kittens, they didn’t touch her, then she began to hunt openly. It is not the cat that needs to be poisoned, but its owners who abandon it. If you have a cat, then don’t mind a bowl of milk. And if it’s a cat, think carefully. Our domestic cat lambed outside in the summer, on the roof, and we couldn’t get the kittens.

Rules and errors

For faster and more comfortable taming of a wild animal, as well as for your own safety, try to avoid the most common mistakes. These include:

  1. Direct contact with the caught animal before examination by a veterinarian

    . Try not to pick up the mustache directly until you are sure it is healthy - or wear thick gloves.

  2. Direct look into the eyes

    . In the wild, such a gesture always means a challenge and a threat. Instead, try to look to the side or at the floor.

  3. Overfeeding

    . If you notice severe thinness and a brutal appetite, do not rush to feed the cat everything that is in your house. Otherwise, the existing stress will be complemented by problems with the stomach and intestines.

  4. Caress against your will

    . Wait until the new pet takes the initiative so as not to frighten him with your pressure.

  5. Display of aggression

    . Avoid punishment even if you are scratched very deeply and painfully. This reaction is defensive, so screaming and assault will only further intensify the existing fear.

If you follow all the basic rules, but don’t see even the tiniest changes, don’t rush to blame yourself. Some animals cannot be tamed because they are wild, so the only option in this situation is to release them into the wild.

Despite this fact, in most cases the situation is resolved successfully, so do not be afraid to shelter a mustachioed baby found on the street. After all, by your action you will give him a chance for a new carefree life.

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Color of the caught animal

Another point that dream books recommend paying attention to when interpreting why you dream of catching a cat is the color of the animal. Here's what to expect if you dreamed about a cat:

  • red - either you will meet a hypocrite, or you yourself will be cunning and dodge;
  • white - you are in vain to see the enemy in everyone who wants to get close to you;
  • black - stay away from people in whose words and actions you feel false;
  • striped or spotted - you are not sure if your suspicions are right.

How to catch a thief cat?

Otherwise, you would have to spend a long time and methodically interviewing people, posting advertisements... And, by the way, about advertisements: it’s good if your cat has special features, at least one that can be indicated. Otherwise, all searches may be fruitless: for most people, all cats within the same breed and color look the same.

Take a string with a bow and carry it in her field of vision, as if not with her. At some point, the cat itself will enter the game. At first she will rush and run away, and then she will get involved and play like her own. We took our cat to the dacha for the first time, and she was blown away there. Last summer, my husband caught an absolutely wild street cat with a large fishing net on a stick (the net is made of fine mesh).

The cat caught the bird: why is it dangerous?

Birds, especially migratory and urban birds, carry many parasites and diseases:

• A cat can become infected with salmonellosis, psittacosis, false tuberculosis and campylobacteriosis from poultry; All these diseases are also dangerous for people.

• Fleas, worms and protozoa live equally well in cats, people and birds.

In addition, a large bird can cause serious injury to a cat (especially a young and inexperienced one), for example, peck out an eye. In this case, the wounds are likely to become infected and can cause abscesses if they are not treated promptly.

Catch an almost wild cat in an apartment

There is a thick, heavy board at the base so that the trap is stable and does not tip over when the caught cat begins to rush around. The same hole, only larger (to ensure free movement), is drilled in the blue part, which works like a lever, releasing the red part from the nail when the thread is pulled. At first I didn’t really believe in the effectiveness of my cat hat, and my wife made fun of me, calling me “my red-faced friend.” But already on the second night a cat was caught in it, which did not give us life for more than a month.

But this year we were terrorized by three savages in turn, and all of them, one after another, were caught in my magic trap! Now is the time to explain what we do with captured cats. It is to this cat paradise that we take our wild captives.

When choosing fish in a store, we focus on its price and our taste. Unlike penguins, the taste of fish... All you have to do is open the door and the cat jumps out and runs away. I'll definitely build a trap this weekend.

Running after a cat and catching it with your hands is a hopeless idea. When catching a cat, it is very advisable to have a carrier or blanket with you, as well as thick mittens. There is always a risk that the cat “caught” some disease in that very basement, which is best nipped in the bud.

Mechanical devices

Does your cat react normally to a special carrier, calmly climb into it and not start a riot before any trip? Consider yourself very lucky. In this case, place the carrier not far from the place where your pet is hiding, put a tasty-smelling bait in it, and be patient. Think in advance about how you can close the trap. You probably won’t be able to do this yourself: when your pet notices that you’re approaching, he’ll immediately take off. If you can’t figure out how to automatically close the carrier, you can simply tie a strong rope to the handle and sharply pull it at the right moment, cutting off the animal’s escape route.

If you have the opportunity, you can catch the fugitive in a special cage. Externally, such a device is similar to a regular carrier, with the only difference being that it is equipped with a mechanism that automatically closes the door. Such a cage is not cheap, so if you do not maintain a whole cattery of freedom-loving cats and do not plan to use it every day, try renting it from a veterinary clinic or the nearest shelter. Most likely, they will gladly meet you halfway. The main thing is that, having finally caught your pet, to celebrate, do not forget to return the trap to its owners.

A wild animal is a sign of a freedom-loving egoist

Did you dream that you caught a cat that was keeping you up at night with its meowing and growling? If you harmed an animal, thereby forcing it to run away, or took it yourself far from your home, then this is a sign that you will encounter a person whose stubbornness and arrogance will border on moral standards. True, it is you who will emerge victorious from this “battle.”

Do you see in a dream that you caught a wild cat on the hook of your fishing rod, trying to steal the fish you caught from the river? Such a vision should please you, because it means that a selfish and boorish person with whom you have a mutual “dislike” has been convicted of causing intentional harm.

The problem with feral cats

It turned out that almost all cats successfully pass this test. The entire Internet is actively experimenting with cats. He’s afraid of everything, including us, doesn’t let anyone near him, yells, runs away. I lured mine out from under the dacha of my acquaintances, I came out drunk) and accessible, otherwise I sat under the house for 2 days. Maybe just come to her for a couple of days and talk? At least 20 minutes. Leave food and drink. She will get used to you and come out on her own. Have you tried playing with her with a candy wrapper on a string?

I had almost the same story with a cat. Cats are like children - they love those who play with them. A cat that squirms or scratches can be very difficult to catch, and injuries can occur if the wrong catching techniques are used. Domestic cats are charming, sweet and affectionate creatures. It’s also fortunate that we have several residential estates in our village, so the cats and cats that remained unattended were scattered a little.

Use a drip eliminator

If a standard box trap just won't do it, try using a drip trap. It's a large mesh box that you prop up and launch manually using a rope. Be sure to place the drip trap on a level surface and have a partner, as the size of the traps makes them difficult to handle alone. Prop the trap with a wooden stick or a full bottle tied with rope, leaving enough rope so that you can hide a few meters away and hold the end of it.

Bait the trap with plenty of food in case cats you don't want to catch wander in before your target. Don't trigger the trap until your target cat is inside; if she sees other cats trapped, she will stay away! Once you have set the trap and caught the desired cat, immediately cover it with a sheet and prepare a trap box. Move the cat into a trap box to make it easier to contain and transport.

A way to catch your escaped kitten

The cat needs to be fed for several days. Pieces of meat, fish, and milk are suitable. While the cat is eating, you need to talk to him and calm him down. This is necessary so that the animal learns to trust the person. When the savage gets used to it, you can set a trap for the street cat: a cage, inside of which there should be bait.

Catching the house

If you call a shy cat, but he doesn’t want to go and is hiding somewhere, you can try to lure him out. The main thing is not to scare off. A bait is suitable for this. With its help, kittens are lured out from under the sofa or closet. While the fluffy ball is eating, you need to communicate with it and calm it down. You can try to gently stroke it or pick it up. If you are planning a trip, you need to put him in a carrier. Just sit it with its muzzle facing outward so that the cat can see what is happening.

It also happens: Fishing on the Black Sea. Where, when and how to catch a tyrant


The best bait for a cat

Treats will help attract the cat. Which one is best to choose? If you catch your runaway pet, be guided by its food preferences. A universal option is ready-made food. Dry formulas for feeding cats are considered more convenient to use. You will appreciate all their advantages as soon as you try to lure out a cat hiding in a secluded place. Wet canned food is more fragrant, and all kinds of pates and soufflés for cats are a real delicacy. Many animal experts answer the question: “How to catch your neighbor’s cat by luring him with food?” — they advise trying to interest your cat in canned fish.

You can also use fish, seafood, meat, and sausages as bait. Be sure to finely chop the selected product. If you are giving meat or fish, first boil a piece and remove all bones. You should not feed your cat milk and dairy products. It is unknown who came up with the myth about cats’ love for this product. In fact, not all cats love milk. In addition, its consumption harms the digestive system of these animals.

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