Why does a cat require increased attention to itself?

Despite the more stable organization of the nervous system, cats, compared to other domestic animals, such as dogs, are less susceptible to nervous system disorders. Owners often mistake the symptoms of a nervous disorder for bad behavior or oddities in the pet’s character, groundlessly punishing the animal, thereby aggravating its condition.

Knowing how nervousness manifests itself in a cat, the owner will be able to take preventive measures, as well as reduce the symptoms of the developing disease.

What might cause a cat to act restless?

It is rare for a cat to behave restlessly without significant reasons.
This symptom can be provoked by parasites that will drive anyone crazy, fungal or bacterial infections. In kittens, viral infections can provoke strange behavior (photophobia, the pet will hide, avoid people, behave aggressively). We must also not forget about the stress to which animals are no less susceptible than humans. Each pet experiences stressful situations differently. For one, this will manifest itself in a lack of appetite and apathy, for another, it will rush around the apartment, not finding a place for itself.

Description of possible causes

If a cat behaves restlessly for a long time, then first it needs to be carefully examined for possible injuries. If no visible damage is found, then the possibility of parasites should be excluded.

It is not possible to do any more diagnostic measures at home. Especially in cases of viral infections and congenital pathologies (mainly hearts in decorative breeds). In any case, you need to keep in mind the following possible causes:


A common phenomenon even in pets that do not go outside at all.
Unfortunately, some owners are sure that if their animal does not go outside, then there is no place for it to pick up parasites. However, this is a big misconception, since worms can get to a pet through food (raw fish, meat), from the soles of shoes (the same owner can bring parasite eggs from the street), after bites of mosquitoes, sand flies, fleas, or from other animals (that visit street).

Symptoms are always different, but in most cases, owners notice that the cat is behaving strangely, its gait may change, or it will try to bite itself. If there is severe itching (and it happens often), the pet may scratch its butt on the floor or constantly lick the anus area until it becomes bald.

In severe cases, bloody diarrhea and vomiting may occur. Then it’s better not to risk it and take a stool test to identify the type of helminths. As for treatment, today there are enough drugs against worms with a wide spectrum of action (Drontal, Milbemax, Stronghold, Kanikvantel, Prazicide).

For kittens up to 6 months of age, monthly treatment is recommended. Further treatments are carried out once every 3-6 months.


Very often they cause restless behavior in cats, since the bites of these insects can be accompanied by an allergic reaction to their saliva.
Even if the pet does not go outside at all, parasites can get onto its fur from the soles of the owner’s (or his guests’) shoes, grass (the favorite treat of all cats), things (carrier, comb, etc.).

The first signs of the presence of these insects in an animal is the appearance of black specks in the fur (can be the parasites themselves or their metabolic products). Symptoms may also affect the color of the coat (it will become dull) and the skin (there will be redness in places).

If there is no large fireplace in the house, then it is very easy to remove fleas with the help of special preparations that are applied to the withers. They are effective against sexually mature individuals and their eggs. Stronghold and Frontline are considered the best today. Many veterinarians also recommend mandatory disinfection of the apartment using special means. This will help avoid relapses in the future.


It can cause a lot of discomfort to the animal, as in most cases it is accompanied by unbearable itching.
Along with this, redness and peeling may appear on the skin. The affected area often swells. This reaction can be provoked by poor nutrition (most often), insect bites (flea dermatitis), contact with chemicals (household chemicals, poisons, etc.).

In case of a severe allergic reaction, you must immediately give your pet an antihistamine (diphenhydramine, Zyrtec, Claritin). Immediate hospitalization is required in cases where there is a risk of suffocation (bites of stinging insects on the tongue, in the neck area) or the development of anaphylactic shock (reaction to medications).

A bite of an insect

During the season when stinging insects are active, when the windows into the house are almost always open, there is a risk of your pet “meeting” a wasp, bee or bumblebee. A bite from any of them can cause not only restless behavior in a cat, but also provoke a severe allergic reaction (if the bite is in the area of ​​the mouth, eyes or oral mucosa).

The owner needs to carefully examine the suspected bite site for the presence of a sting (if it is present, it must be removed without fail). In most cases, swelling subsides within a few hours, redness disappears within 1-2 days.

Separately, I would like to say about kittens whose strange behavior may be associated with infectious diseases (rhinotracheitis, herpes, calicivirus). But, along with this, other symptoms are almost always present (discharge from the nose, eyes, paroxysmal cough). Only timely vaccination will help you avoid an “encounter” with these life-threatening viruses.


How to trim your nails calmly

There is the simplest way to calm a cat before trimming its claws: you need to attach a pair of clothespins (with weak compression force) to the scruff of the neck.

You need to prepare in advance for a long trip by train, car or flight.

This is where psychology comes into play; in childhood, a cat carries a kitten, holding this place with its teeth; if there is compression in the nape area, the animal instinctively calms down and relaxes.

Does your cat wake you up at night? Let's try to help

Cats as pets have a lot of advantages, but now we will not talk about them. Whiskered-striped animals are by nature crepuscular or even nocturnal animals, that is, the peak of their activity occurs at a time when their owners are resting and, accordingly, need peace and quiet. But what kind of peace is there when a restless kitten, looking for the owner’s attention, grabs the legs under the blanket with its claws, makes excursions over the body, etc. For light sleepers or people suffering from sleep disorders, this is a real disaster. What to do in such cases? Follow the lead or try to defend your own “rights”?

How to train a cat to sleep at night and in the morning?

A feature of the body of an adult cat is the ability to sleep up to 20 hours a day. This is more than twice the normal amount of sleep for a person. Therefore, keeping your pet awake should not pose a problem. However, many owners face significant discomfort. At night or early in the morning, the cat becomes more active and does not give people the opportunity to get enough sleep. Often this period of his wakefulness occurs precisely at the hours when the deep sleep phase begins for a person. There is a need to find a way to teach your pet to sleep at night and in the morning.

The cat attracts attention

5 reasons why a cat runs and meows at night

Due to lack of attention from the owner, the cat can also behave too actively. He runs around the house, makes various sounds and shows aggression. In addition, cats try to reach their owners in this way when something bothers them: for example, wounds appear or negative changes occur in the body and the pet gets sick.

It is recommended to visit a veterinarian regularly

That is why, if the animal behaves uncharacteristically, its skin should be periodically checked for wounds and other diseases. It is also necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and conduct a full diagnosis of his health.

Reasons for cat activity at night and in the morning

The owners sleep peacefully at night, early in the morning, and the cat decided to play. He jumps on the curtains, climbing up to the cornice, turning over flower pots, fiercely sharpening his claws on the door of a polished cabinet, enthusiastically tearing a plastic bag, chasing a found ball throughout the apartment. From time to time he jumps on the bed and begins hunting for the hands and feet of his owners. It is quite difficult to withstand such tests when you really want to sleep. The situation becomes unbearable if there is a small child in the house, who will take a long time to put to bed after such a wake-up call.

Before looking for ways to deal with the problem, you need to understand the reasons for this cat’s behavior. There are two of them:

By nature, cats are nocturnal predators. In the wild, they hunt in the dark, when their main enemies are fast asleep. It is not surprising that many cats are more active at night than during the day - this is their physiological feature.

Most pets are completely alone during the day. The owners go to work and school in the morning, and the apartment is empty. The cat gets bored and goes to rest. Until the evening she manages to sleep well, so at night she does not have such a desire. To maintain health, the animal needs physical activity. Therefore, during a short period of wakefulness, increased activity is observed. We must not forget that the cat needs communication. If he is alone at home all day, the desire to compensate for the lack of attention at night is understandable. It's not your pet's fault that you feel sleepy at this time.

Options for night and morning activity of cats

It is not only the need for physical activity that encourages cats to get their owners up at night and in the morning. There are other reasons that make a pet behave this way. Often in these ways animals declare:

For a cat, a house or apartment is its personal territory, which must always be under control. She should have free access to the entire space. The cat periodically walks around the home to make sure that there are no foreign odors and no danger. If the door in one of the rooms is closed, this causes anxiety in the pet; he is not sure of the safety of the territory. There is no need to be surprised that in the middle of the night shouts are heard demanding that the obstacle be removed for inspection.

Ways to combat cat activity at night

The main reasons for increased activity at night and in the morning are lack of movement and communication during the daytime. Therefore, you need to try to eliminate these factors so that the cat, like the owners, rests peacefully at this time and does not create problems.

Most owners do not have the opportunity to give their pet much attention during the day; most hours are spent at work. This means that in the evening you need to compensate for the lack of communication. It is necessary to allocate time for:

It is not necessary to sit next to the cat for hours, hold it on your lap and stroke it. You can just be next to your pet, do your usual things, but at the same time talk to him, sometimes stroke him. The cat will be happy to watch your actions and feel like a participant in the events.

Even at an advanced age, these animals love to play; for teenagers this is their favorite pastime. You need to not only buy toys for your kitten, but also take part in such entertainment. There are many different devices that make a cat become interested and start a fun game: a bow on a string, a moving toy. Tablet owners use their devices for cat entertainment. Many pets quickly master simple games in which they need to “catch” a spider, a mouse, etc.

In order for a cat that spends the whole day alone to be active and not spend all its time sleeping, you need to create conditions for entertainment. Many pets love to play with hanging toys; you can build a structure for your cat in the form of a tree, on which you can equip several beds at different levels. Animals are interested in toys with small objects placed inside, with a hole into which you can stick a paw, products with dry food, to obtain which you need to toss and roll them.

Cat toys need to be changed periodically. It is not necessary to constantly buy new options; it is enough to hide them for a while so that the pet has time to forget about them. When choosing entertainment, you need to make sure it is safe.

First aid: owner actions

In such situations, a person’s self-control plays an important role. Timely measures taken will help save the life of a pet:

  1. During an attack, the cat must be carefully laid on a flat surface, which is covered with oilcloth or rags. At the same time, you cannot forcibly hold it, so as not to provoke unnecessary stress. You should not unclench your jaws, so as not to injure the animal.

  2. During an attack, it is recommended to administer an anticonvulsant and analgesic to your pet. They do this by injection, and not by mouth: convulsions that seize the muscles of the larynx will not allow the cat to swallow the medicine, and it will simply choke.

  3. A light massage will help ease the spasm. It is carried out on areas of the body affected by convulsions.

Even a small isolated attack is already a reason to urgently take your pet for examination. Convulsive muscle contractions don’t just happen. There needs to be a reason for this, and each of them is dangerous.

Several recommendations for combating night and morning rises

In a house where there are children, cats are less likely to bother their owners at night. The child enjoys playing with the pet during the daytime; he does not need increased physical activity at night and in the morning. The main thing is that children learn all the rules of communicating with a cat and do not harm it. Another cat or dog can become a playmate.

There are several more recommendations to cope with the problem and prevent its occurrence. If you do not want to suffer from lack of sleep, getting up at night and early in the morning:

It is difficult to wean your pet from the desire to communicate at night and in the morning, but if you are patient and do not react to his antics, calm will reign in the house.


Features of the use of sedatives

Often, taking sedatives is a way to normalize a cat’s condition in the period before castration, a long trip, a visit to a veterinary clinic, or home renovations.

Sedative drugs have two types of action: cumulative and immediate. In the first case, you should start giving them to the animal 10-14 days before the expected event.

Often taking sedatives is a good way to normalize a cat’s condition.

Instant-acting drugs act quickly, but are harmful to the body; such drugs should not be used too often.

Popular herbal preparations:

  • Relax plus;
  • Stop stress;
  • Feliway;
  • Phospasim;
  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Fitex.

Chemical sedatives:

  • Xylazine;
  • Amitraptyline;
  • Vetranquil;
  • Diazepam.

Important! Before using any sedatives, consult a veterinarian.

My cat doesn't let me sleep at night - what should I do?

Nighttime activity is a completely natural behavior for a cat. She is a natural predator and sees well in the dark. So, when attacking your feet or slippers in the dark, the cat is just following its instincts.

It is necessary to keep your cat active while no one is home. Houses, devices into which you can put your paw and move a ball, labyrinths, scratching posts, and stairs will help here.

Provide secure shelves that she can climb on. It is advisable to have several “sets” of toys that should be changed at intervals of 3-5 days so that the cat does not have time to get bored with them: squeaking, jumping, blinking, ringing - those with which the cat will not be bored when alone.

You can hide dry food in toys or simply place it in different corners of the apartment to encourage the cat to actively look for them during the day. There are special store-bought toys from which food spills out if you actively move and toss them.

In the evenings, you can also show her special videos for cats from the Internet, where a squeaking mouse, fly or fish moves across the screen - the animal will try to catch them. You can put down the tablet and launch a special video game for the cat, then the virtual hunt will be even more exciting - the cat will touch the mouse with its paw, and the mouse will disappear. In this way, you can keep your animal occupied a little before bed if there is no opportunity to make noise or play with rattling objects on the floor.

It is best to arrange a place for the cat close to the window so that she is as interested in what is happening as possible, instead of sleeping. Try to give the animal as much attention as possible in the morning and evening, especially when the cat spends the whole day in an empty apartment.

If a cat doesn’t let you sleep at night, intentionally wakes you up, meows, asks you to open the door but doesn’t come inside, drops objects in the kitchen, most likely it simply doesn’t have enough attention and is trying to establish at least some contact with you. Talk to the animal when you leave for work and when you return, play, let him watch your household chores, brush his fur and in every possible way show that you maintain an emotional connection with him.

If, on the contrary, the house is too noisy during the day, for example, children are playing or there are other animals, a timid cat may hide in a corner and sleep, because it does not have the opportunity to explore the territory, and this is one of the main cat instincts. In such a situation, the animal will happily walk around the apartment at night, in silence and alone; it may even mark its possessions. You need to try to reconcile the cat with reality, ask the children to include it in their games, and give it the opportunity to move around the apartment without hindrance.

Is Valerian safe?

Important! The herb valerian has long been considered a mild sedative of plant origin, but not for cats.

Valerian acts on cats as a stimulant that can increase aggression, sexual desire, and hallucinations. In case of overdose, an epileptic seizure may develop.

Catnip is also not a sedative for cats.

Be sure to read:

At what age can a kitten’s claws be cut: why is it necessary, how often, description of the procedure

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