What can you do to calm a cat during heat?

How to understand that a cat is in estrus, and features of the first heat

Puberty occurs at 7-12 months. Its onset can be easily determined by the following signs:

  • rolling on the floor;
  • periodic raising of the rear part of the body followed by abduction of the tail;
  • loud and prolonged meowing or intense purring;
  • leaving odorous marks on vertical surfaces and actively rubbing against objects;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent licking of the perineum;
  • swelling of the vulva and the appearance of clear discharge.

A cat's first "menstruation" is not suitable for mating. It is the shortest and less pronounced.

Consequences of hysterectomy

From a medical point of view, removing the uterus can have a number of quite serious consequences.

According to a large study carried out in Sweden (over several decades, a scrupulous analysis of the medical histories of more than 800 thousand (!) women who underwent hysterectomy was carried out), a significant increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks and strokes) was noted if the uterus removed until age 50. This study was very large-scale, as it analyzed the consequences over a period of more than 30 years.

In other words, removing the uterus entails serious health problems and increases the risk of diseases that can lead to disability and even death. It is important that both doctors and patients do not associate the appearance of these diseases with the removal of the uterus, since these complications do not develop in the near future after surgery, but a year or later.

Here is a list of possible negative consequences after hysterectomy:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, it was found that the risk of developing diseases can be both in the case of removal of the ovaries and when they are preserved, but it was noted that when the ovaries are removed, the severity of serious consequences for the heart and blood vessels increases. See details.
  • After removal of the uterus, the risk of developing kidney, breast and thyroid cancer increases. See details.
  • Depression, irritability, insomnia, memory impairment, and hot flashes occur.
  • Increased fatigue is noted.
  • Urinary disturbances (frequent urination, urinary incontinence) may occur.
  • Some women report joint pain.
  • The risk of fractures increases due to the possible development of osteoporosis.
  • The frequency of problems in sexual life increases (decreased libido, pain during sexual activity, disappearance of vaginal orgasm, decreased intensity of orgasm, vaginal dryness).
  • Prolapse of the vaginal walls is more likely to occur.
  • Possible weight gain (development of metabolic syndrome, development of endocrine diseases).
  • Hair loss may occur.

How often and how long does sexual intercourse last?

The average frequency of estrus in pets is once a quarter, and its duration is 5-7 days. Deviation of these values ​​up or down is acceptable, but only in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system.

If heat occurs every 3 weeks or once every six months, and its duration exceeds 3 weeks or lasts less than 5 days, consult a veterinarian. Your pet may need to be examined.

Females living outside are close to wild conditions. Therefore, they estrus occurs once every six months, and this is normal.

What drugs to give

First of all, you should know that not a single drug with which you are trying to suppress the natural behavior of an animal can be completely safe. Therefore, before giving the drug, you should consult a veterinarian. But it is also worth noting that not all veterinarians treat this in good faith, telling “fairy tales” about the safety of drugs, you should not believe it.

How to calm a cat when she's in heat

The animal’s condition is alleviated by 2 types of drugs: sedatives and hormonal ones. If the pet is involved in breeding, then such a need arises during the first heat, the onset of estrus too quickly after birth and in the absence of a suitable partner for a long time.

Medications and sedatives

This group includes products based on herbs and pheromones. They are not addictive and do not cause severe side effects. The only contraindication to their use is the presence of an allergy to the components included in the composition.

It is important to clarify that the main purpose of sedatives is to relieve nervous tension, that is, eliminate stress. They do not suppress sexual desire. Because of this, their effectiveness is much inferior to hormonal drugs.

Hormonal drugs and injections

Hormonal drugs have a direct effect on hormonal levels. Their use leads to a decrease in the level of estrogen - female sex hormones. Thus, the animal goes through only 2 stages of the sexual cycle: proestrus (the very first) and anestrus (the last), missing the middle one - in fact, the “hottest”. When the next cycle occurs, the drugs must be taken again.

“Hormonal injections have a slightly different effect. They affect frequency, delaying the arrival of the next estrus by 6-12 months.

Despite their effectiveness, hormonal drugs have many contraindications and side effects. The latter include pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, including cancerous tumors. It is also worth noting the quick addiction.

Due to the large number of shortcomings, it is much more humane to resort to sterilization. With its help, you can permanently suppress sexual desire and reduce the risk of developing cancer of the reproductive system in the future.

Melatonin implants for cats

The safest method at the moment is the use of melatonin implants, which are injected subcutaneously and ensure the absence of estrus while the implant is absorbed. The insertion procedure is almost painless, similar to microchipping.

How does melatonin work and what is it?


This is a hormone of the pineal gland, released in the dark and regulating the seasonality of sexual behavior in cats. When the level of melatonin in the blood increases, the cat’s estrus stops; when it decreases, it resumes again. In nature, cats come into heat in early spring, when daylight hours lengthen and melatonin naturally decreases.

Rice – autumn and winter with short daylight hours is the time when a lot of melatonin is produced.

Melatonin is safer than other methods, in particular suprelorin, another leader in contraception.

How long does the implant last?

Valid on average from 1.5 to 6 months.

BUT!! It is impossible to say the exact time, it is unpredictable and depends on the individual sensitivity of the cat, and for some it does not work at all.

Most often presented on the market: “Dermatonin” “Ferrotonin”

There are implants with different contents of the active substance in the drug: 5.4 mg, 8 mg, 12 mg or more.

They suppress sexual behavior in cats for a period of 1.5 to 4 months.

Pros: cheaper than Suprelorin, melatonin is safer, no need to remove, works for up to 4 months.

Usually the condition of the coat improves and is restored and you can start a show career.

Cons of melatonin implants:

1) Quite expensive - average price 75-120 euros. Sold in online stores. Often out of stock, you have to order and wait a long time.

2) Unfortunately, it is not effective for cats; it is used only for cats. Melatonin in cats somewhat reduces libido and sperm quality, but there is no castration effect.

Isolating the cat in a dark room without access to daylight has a similar effect. Melatonin is produced when you are in the dark, however, not as quickly and not in such quantities as in the implant, so the effect may be weaker and take a long time to achieve.

Pros: free, safe.

Cons: There are cats that need to be kept in the dark for a month to achieve the effect... They may not stop screaming at all.

There are less photosensitive cats for whom this is ineffective.

Placing your cat in a dark room for a few days usually results in the natural production of melatonin and the cessation of estrus.

Chemical temporary castration - Suprelorin implants.

Suprelorin is a highly effective and safe contraceptive in the form of an implant with long-term action (from 6 months to a year) that is gaining increasing popularity.

Suprelorin is used for temporary sterilization of cats and female cats in cases where mating of an animal is undesirable at the moment (for example, nursery owners) or simply the owners of the animals do not want to surgically castrate their pet.

A long-lasting effect is achieved due to the slow absorption of the active substance.

Infertility is not achieved immediately, but 6 weeks after administration of the drug and continues for at least 6 months after the injection.

Males should continue to be kept separate from male cats for the first six weeks after implantation. The guaranteed period of action is several months, and any mating that occurs more than six months after the administration of the drug can lead to pregnancy.

How to administer Suprelorin to breeding cats and female cats correctly?

Suprelorin 4.7 mg - placed in the navel area and remove the old implant every 4 months and reimplant a new one if long-term action is needed. And continue this way for as long as you need to pause.

Can cats have Suprelorin? Doesn't the instructions say that it's only for males?

Can. Cats can. This is the so-called “off label” application, that is, not registered, but proven by many studies. Suprelorin can be used on cats, it is reversible and safe.

Why remove an implant and immediately install another one?

The implant gradually dissolves while under the skin. After 4 months it is difficult to completely remove it. If it stood longer, then the implant has partially dissolved and may no longer be completely removed, and the result and duration of action is unpredictable.

Why in the navel area and not at the withers?

If we put it on constant wearing, then we can put it on the withers. If we plan to remove the implant, then for convenience we place it where it is easy to find - on the stomach: thin skin, a landmark in the form of a navel, a very small and almost invisible area for shaving, which is important for show animals.

If the implant is removed after 4 months, then after another 4 months there will definitely be a return to reproduction.

Sexual function is restored 4 months after removal

What happens if the implant is not removed?

With rare exceptions described below, if the implant is not removed, then, on average, after 10-12 months, sexual function is completely restored.

In cats - suppression of estus (estrus) from 6-12 months on average.

What does it look like after installation and what happens next?

A large “grain of rice” is palpated under the skin, which does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the animal. The testes, cries, and marks decrease. Testosterone decreases to basal levels, and in cats the spines on the penis decrease, since they are hormone dependent.

Urine smells much less.

Appetite improves, aggression and nervousness go away, behavior towards other cats changes - less aggressive.

The good appearance of the coat is restored.

Sterilization: pros and cons

Many people are accustomed to using the term “sterilization” in relation to cats, thinking that only cats can be castrated. This opinion is erroneous, since these operations pursue different goals.

The purpose of sterilization is to exclude the possibility of conception (tubal ligation as an example), and the purpose of castration is to suppress sexual desire (by removing the genitals). That is, a mustachioed pet can and should also be neutered. Below we will use a more familiar term, but do not forget that in fact we are talking about castration.

The benefits of sterilization include:

  1. Preventing escapes. Whiskered pets often get lost, running out the door or jumping out the window in search of the cat.
  2. Guaranteed elimination of estrus and cat marks, as well as stabilization of behavior.
  3. No need to find a home for kittens. If you do not plan to engage in breeding, then an accidental pregnancy may take you by surprise due to the lack of regular buyers.
  4. Reducing the likelihood of developing diseases of the reproductive system (cancer, endometritis, pyometra, polycystic disease). When the reproductive organs are removed, there will simply be no place for these pathologies to develop.
  5. Safe normalization of hormonal levels. The operation has no side effects and does not have a negative impact on the body.
  6. Increased life expectancy by 5-10 years. Achieved through calm behavior (no constant stress) and protection from the diseases listed above.

There are much fewer disadvantages: the need for anesthesia and decreased activity. There is no need to be afraid of either one. Young animals tolerate anesthesia very easily, and the emerging tendency to obesity just needs to be controlled with low-calorie food and active games.

“ All about cat sterilization

To be or not to be offspring?

The owner of a grown-up cat recently began to complain: “How can you not go crazy, get enough sleep at night and not harm your pet?”

These three questions in one force cat owners to look for answers on the websites and forums of breeders and veterinarians.

Discussions on social networks recommend that the owner decide on the main question: whether to get children from his pet or whether kittens are not included in the family’s life plans. There is no third option.

Felinologists advise sterilizing an animal if:

  • there is no desire, time and opportunity to breed cat offspring;
  • The cat is not suitable for breeding work.

After all, after sterilization, the mental health of the furry beauty will be fine, and the age-related risk of oncology of the reproductive system will be reduced to zero.

Mating and its rules

The first mating is carried out no earlier than the third “menstruation”, that is, only after reaching physiological maturity. The frequency of all subsequent matings should be no more than 2 times a year, and after reaching 6-8 years the animal must be excluded from breeding. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing infertility, miscarriages and other complications.

In addition to age restrictions, it is important to follow certain safety rules. When looking for a partner, be sure to ask his owner for documents reflecting his state of health. To avoid accidental infection, both participants are pre-vaccinated and dewormed.

“ All about mating cats

Interestrus (metestrus)

The third stage of the reproductive cycle is metestrus. It lasts from 2 to 19 days, with an average of 8 days. During this period, the cat is no longer interested in the kitty. Now she aggressively drives the cat away when he tries to cover her. The further development of the cycle depends on whether fertilization has occurred. If ovulation has occurred, the cat's sexual instinct fades. If there was no mating, after 1-2 weeks the cat will enter a new cycle, starting with proestrus. If sexual intercourse causes ovulation, but fertilization does not occur, a false pregnancy may occur, lasting 35-45 days.

If the outcome is favorable, fertilization of the egg occurs within 24-48 hours after coating. Some cats ovulate within 12 hours. In most cases, the ovaries release four eggs, but there have been cases of 12 kittens being born at once.

After 58-74 days, the cat gives birth to cubs. However, if a cat loses all her kittens during childbirth, then estrus will occur much earlier, and sometimes it happens that the first sexual cycle can occur even on the second day of lactation. Estrus may return several times during a cat's pregnancy.

Prohibited actions

Most online recommendations not only do not give the desired effect, but also pose a danger to the animal. Prohibited actions include the following:

  1. Using folk recipes. Valerian, popular among owners, is highly addictive among the cat family, and essential oils with a pungent odor can cause acute poisoning. Also, do not resort to recipes with iodine and soda. These substances lead to increased gas formation and vomiting.
  2. Cooling the genitals with ice water. At best, your pet will simply get scared, and at worst, it will develop inflammation.
  3. Frequent stroking. Try not to touch the area from the middle of the back to the base of the tail. After this, the cat crouches to the ground in anticipation of mating.
  4. Raising voices and physical punishment. Abuse will simply increase anxiety and rob your pet of your trust.
  5. Locking the animal in a dark room. The sun's rays do stimulate hormones, but a lack of them is harmful to physiological health and psyche.
  6. Taking sleeping pills. This is a very strong drug that is used to prepare for deep anesthesia. Due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, it can only be used as prescribed by a veterinarian.
  7. Imitation of sexual intercourse. Sticking thermometers, cotton swabs and other oblong objects into an animal is not only pointless, but also dangerous. The tool you use can cause infection or cause accidental injury.
  8. Mating with a neutered cat. Unlike the previous one, this method is not dangerous, but absolutely useless. If you do not want to pair your pet with a breed-class cat, then it is much easier and more reliable to simply sterilize her.

If your loved ones use any of the above, be sure to tell them about the possible consequences. In addition to such drastic solutions as sterilization, there are several other options that eliminate negative consequences.

Ways to calm your pet during heat at home

During such periods, the animal needs to be given increased attention, care and affection. It is very important to understand your pet's body language and, if possible, comply with its wishes.

What to do to calm a cat during heat:

  1. Invite a cat for mating;
  2. Insulation;
  3. Spend more time with your pet;
  4. Use a synthetic pheromone called "Feliway";
  5. Insulate your pet's bed;
  6. Wet the animal;
  7. Use a folk remedy and prepare a decoction of various herbs;
  8. Give your pet sedatives;
  9. If you are not interested in your pet's offspring, then it would be optimal to sterilize it.

Let's consider each of the proposed options in more detail.

If you are interested in the offspring of your pet, then the first and easiest way to calm a cat in heat is to simply invite the cat for mating . But you need to remember that she may not like the cat and you will have to look for a partner for your cat, give them time to get used to each other. Also, frequent pregnancies can harm your pet's health.

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You can leave your pet in a separate room, providing him with all the comfortable conditions in it, which will help calm him down. Bring his bed, place bowls of water and food. If you also have a cat, then you must definitely limit their access to each other so that he does not irritate her even more. If you live in a private house or let your pet go outside, then you should limit it from walking outside so that it does not meet cats there, which will help calm its instinct.

On days like these, your cat needs as much attention as possible to calm her heat symptoms.

Play with your pet if he wants to. Pet your animal a lot. She really needs your affection and this will help to relax the cat when she is in heat, but do not touch her lower back, as this can make her excited.

When playing with your pet, try to exhaust her so that she wants to rest. Fatigue will calm the animal. If the animal refuses to eat, then feed in small portions and, of course, the cat should have plenty of water.

Remove the uterus and save the ovaries?

Here it is necessary to point out another deceit of gynecologists who suggest removing the uterus as soon as possible. They often emphasize the fact that after the operation the ovaries will remain and continue to function fully; only the uterus is removed - “no longer a necessary sac for bearing children, filled with knots.” It is not true! In the process of removing the uterus, in any case, the blood supply to the ovaries is disrupted, since one of the important routes of blood supply to the ovary, a branch of the uterine artery, is crossed.

After the operation, the ovaries try to compensate for the missing blood supply, but in most cases this does not work, and in the absence of blood supply, degenerative processes begin in the ovary, leading to a decrease in hormone production.

In general, one can continue ad infinitum to argue in favor of preserving the uterus, but I would like to express the main idea: the doctor does not have the right to decide for the patient which organs she needs, and which ones she, in principle, can do without, guided only by considerations of her own benefit and misleading her.

The doctor’s lack of knowledge about all currently available methods of treating the disease is his great disadvantage, from which his patients suffer; concealment or deliberately false informing the patient about alternative methods of treatment should be considered nothing less than a crime.

Remember that in modern conditions, in the vast majority of cases, uterine fibroids can be treated without removing the uterus. Only the presence of serious concomitant gynecological diseases can justify removal of the uterus; in all other cases, there is no need to remove this organ.

Operational risks

In addition to the long-term consequences of hysterectomy, you need to know about the possible consequences of the surgical intervention itself:

  • Anesthesia complications.
  • Injury to neighboring organs and great vessels during entry into the abdomen (especially typical for laparoscopic operations) and the operation itself.
  • Intraoperative bleeding, or delayed bleeding from a postoperative wound.
  • Inflammatory complications.
  • Intestinal obstruction (a dangerous complication - repeated surgery is necessary).
  • Peritonitis.
  • Pulmonary embolism.

After such a surgical intervention, a rehabilitation period is required, which often lasts up to two months. This is what a “simple operation” to remove the uterus, so easily offered by doctors to women with uterine fibroids, actually looks like.

For many patients whose friends or relatives have had a hysterectomy, as a rule, nothing needs to be explained. They themselves often say the following phrase: “I will absolutely not remove the uterus! I saw what my mother (friend, sister, colleague) had become. I don’t need that!”

Of course, there are exceptions when women are happy to have their uterus removed. Most often, these are women who, before removal of the uterus, had significant problems (excessive prolonged bleeding, pain, frequent urination, etc.). After the uterus was removed, they got rid of these symptoms, and “in contrast” it seems to them that everything has changed for the better. Sometimes they simply do not pay attention to the developing changes in their body, and most often they simply do not connect them with the removal of the uterus.

In a small proportion of women, all of the listed symptoms may not be so pronounced that the woman pays attention to it. This may be due to the fact that the ovaries retained sufficient blood supply and there was no significant drop in hormone levels.

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