The cat runs around the apartment like crazy and meows

Increased activity is observed at times in almost all cats. Without any reason, the cat runs around the apartment like crazy and it’s quite difficult to stop. Sometimes this is accompanied by the fact that the animal purrs, screams unbearably and makes other vital sounds. This behavior can usually occur in young and immature cats, as they still have youthful energy. But when such rabies manifests itself in an adult pet, you should immediately understand all the possible causes.

The cat is running around the apartment - why is he doing this?

Throughout their existence, cats have earned the favor of people due to their attractive appearance and unique character.
Many also know that there is a sign that speaks of the healing properties of such animals. That is why today such pets are owned by a large number of people who love them with all their hearts and are attentive to their health. Why does the cat constantly run around the apartment, yelling, licking and biting?

However, there are times when strange behavior in pets causes concern for the owner. Suddenly the cat runs around like crazy and meows, and sometimes even shows aggression, which certainly infuriates its owner.

Often the animal feels anxious at this time, which may indicate a deterioration in its health. In such cases, it is recommended to devote significantly more time to your pet than usual. It is necessary to take care of it, play and delight it with new toys, which can also significantly improve the animal’s mood.

If your cat is running around the apartment like crazy, you should examine his health status.

Often cats show vigorous activity for only 10-15 minutes. However, in the case where it lasts longer, it is necessary to find out the reason for the sudden attack of frenzied behavior.

It is especially important to know the main reasons why a cat runs around the yard or apartment

The cat wants to go outside

Quite often, owners who live in apartment buildings have the habit of walking their cats in the fresh air. And if a cat is running around the house like crazy, this may indicate that the pet needs to go outside. Also, the desire to leave the house may be due to the fact that the animal is trying to find a female for fertilization.

Cats, like cats, can be quite restless, and this behavior escalates in the spring. Running around the apartment may be accompanied by other problems in their behavior. Pets can damage furniture, make loud noises at night, and even become aggressive.

Important! During this period, experts recommend using sedatives in small quantities, which they usually give to pets in large doses to administer anesthesia.

Pet nervousness

If he feels anxious or is very frightened by something, he can also run around the apartment, hide, fluff his tail and even bite his owners, thereby showing excessive aggression.

How to protect a cat from household members

In such cases, it is recommended to calm the animal as soon as possible by protecting it from household members using a carrier or cage. Afterwards, it is imperative to go to a veterinary clinic, whose specialists must diagnose the cat’s health condition.

The cat wants to go to the toilet

Often cats, before relieving themselves, begin to show increased activity, running around the house. To date, experts cannot establish the reason for this behavior, however, there is an opinion that running contributes to a quick and painless trip to the toilet.

This assumption is explained by the fact that the active running of the animal stimulates the peristalsis of its intestines, as a result of which the cat rarely has problems during times of need.

The cat is trying to clean his butt

Regardless of the thickness of the fur, various miniature-sized objects, such as pieces of napkins or Christmas tree tinsel, often stick to the pet’s butt. The animal does not feel comfortable at this time, and in order to get rid of unwanted objects, the kitten rushes like crazy from room to room.

That is why, if a cat behaves strangely, the owner needs to diagnose the entire body of the pet for the presence of foreign objects that may bother him.

The cat demands to open the door to the room, but does not go there herself.

It happens that a cat stubbornly meows in front of a closed door to a room, scratches the door with its claws, demanding to be let in immediately. But as soon as the door is opened, she loses interest in this room, turns away and leaves, or freezes on the threshold and does not want to enter.

People involved in the supernatural claim that cats communicate and sometimes become friends with brownies. This is how the cat looks for its friend in the rooms. Therefore, she demands to be allowed into a closed room. But as soon as she sees that there is no brownie in this room, she leaves to look for him further.

From a scientific point of view, the animal’s behavior is explained by the desire to control its territory. All cats consider themselves the owners of the apartment where they live. As the owner, they want to have unhindered access to all premises. The cat must keep everything under control, then it will be calm. Having made sure through the open door that everything is in order in the room, she does not go there as unnecessary.

There are different explanations for the eccentricities of cats. Some people believe in the psychic abilities of pets, while others explain their behavior in terms of reason. But everyone agrees on one thing - the cat is one of the most unusual pets with its own well-established set of habits.

Why do cats scream?

The reasons for crying in cats vary depending on gender and age. Small kittens are more likely to scream in fear, and young cats howl during periods of hormonal surges. The cause of an elderly cat's screams may be illness or a bad mood.

Little kittens

A kitten separated from its mother and found in an unfamiliar environment experiences fear. He bristles his fur, presses himself against the walls or hides behind furniture, from where he meows plaintively and protractedly. The best way to deal with your baby's screaming is to leave him alone for a while, and then distract him with a game or treat.

The kitten adapts to its new home in 7 days. If your pet continues to cry periodically after a week, look for other causes of stress.

When you bring a kitten home, the first thing you need to do is organize a place for him to rest - a house or a bed

Possible reasons for meowing:

  • hunger or thirst;
  • cold in the apartment, lack of a comfortable place to sleep;
  • lack of master's attention;
  • pain, digestive disorders.

A kitten remains hungry even with a full bowl if it is used to eating milk and does not understand how to eat dry food or solid food. Try soaking food in warm water or milk and offer it to your pet. Soon the hunger will be satisfied and the screams will stop. If after feeding the cat continues to meow and clings to the radiators, he does not have enough warmth.

The animal experiences pain and may meow pitifully due to intestinal disorders. At the same time, he has problems with stool - diarrhea, constipation, and sometimes vomiting. If you notice signs of disease, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Adult cats and kittens

Unsterilized adult cats and female cats scream during periods of sexual heat, signaling to potential partners that they are ready for mating. The sounds that a cat makes due to hormonal changes are different from regular meowing - they are low and uterine. The cat simultaneously screams and marks the corners in the apartment.

Drops from heat should be placed on the cat's nose so that she can lick them off.

Cats often scream to get their owner's attention. Particularly cunning ones approach the feeding area and stage “concerts” to beg for food

Having seen that the owner once succumbed to provocation, they systematically repeat the tantrums at the bowls. If your cat meows pitifully at the bowl, do not feed it right away! It’s better to step aside, and when she stops screaming, come back and pour food. The animal will quickly understand that screaming does not lead to results.

The reason for the screaming of an adult cat or female cat can be a dirty litter tray. If you see that the animal is walking around the toilet and screaming, clean it and change the litter.

Elderly animals

Cats over 7 years old suffer from diseases of the joints, teeth, and digestive system. Their visual and hearing acuity decreases, and coordination deteriorates. After 10 years, Alzheimer's disease develops - the cat gets lost in space, periodically shows aggression, crashes its head into the walls and meows pitifully.

Alzheimer's disease develops in 40% of cats over 11 years of age, one of the symptoms is a blank stare

Aging cats scream because of the changes occurring in their bodies. They feel pain, fear, confusion and need care. After 7 years, take your cat to the veterinary clinic every year and get tested, do an ultrasound of the internal organs if necessary. If you notice signs of a disease, do not wait for it to develop, but consult a doctor.

Wants to “walk”

This applies to variants of absolute norms. The cat's natural desire to continue its breed can result in overly active behavior. Females also ask for a cat with a certain frequency. There are 2 solutions here:

Owner's behavior after surgery. Surgical removal of genitalia procedures are performed quickly. But recovery will take some time. During this period, the animals are too weak and need special attention from the owner.

It is unacceptable to leave pets after surgery with sources of possible dangers, in particular water.

The toilet lid should always be down. Other containers must also be closed. In addition, it is important to take care of a balanced diet and avoid the development of obesity.

Symptomatic treatment

If the cat’s usual behavior has changed for the worse and remains so for several days, then the animal should be taken to the veterinarian to find out the reasons.

The following symptoms should alert the owner:

  • the coordination of the animal’s movements is impaired;
  • changes in heart rate and breathing;
  • detached gaze at one point, reluctance to move;
  • unjustified aggression;
  • licking the fur until it is wet;
  • Unreasonably jumping into nowhere, hitting with paws into nowhere, hunting for an imaginary but non-existent object, hitting walls.

If an animal suffers from a physical illness or has internal injuries, it must be treated accordingly. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe medications.

If the cat is nervous due to psychological problems, the specialist will prescribe mild sedatives.

At home, you can calm your cat with a few drops of valerian or motherwort. Drugs such as “Stop-stress”, diazepam, cat bayun have proven themselves well.

In severe cases, for example, if the cat is afraid of absolutely everything, and it needs to be transported on crowded public transport for a long time, veterinarians may prescribe sleeping pills. The animal will fall asleep in the carrier and will not show any anxiety. But you should not get carried away with such drugs, and even more so, prescribe them yourself. Sleeping pills are serious medications with a lot of side effects that may not appear immediately. The use of tranquilizers is a one-time measure when there is simply no other way to transport the animal.

Paralytic or mild form

It lasts from 2 to 4 days. A sick cat can be very affectionate, it usually does not leave its owner, but its saliva already contains the rabies virus, which poses a threat to human life. At the onset of the disease, bites are not excluded. The cat gradually becomes restless, then the depressed state increases. The first signs of rabies are drooping of the lower jaw, excessive drooling, and difficulty swallowing. Due to the gradual development of paralysis of the lower jaw, pharynx and hind limbs, it appears that your pet is choking on a bone.

The cat may develop hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.

How to solve the problem of meowing at night?

As you can see, there are many reasons for meowing at night. Fortunately, in most cases it is quite easy to help you and your pet. Here are the simplest ways:

Visit your veterinarian to rule out any health problems in your pet.

Often vocalization at night in an older cat is a consequence of thyroid or kidney disease. If you have recently moved, it is important to remember that any change of residence is stressful for pets. To prevent your cat from feeling completely unsettled after moving, try to ensure that the cat's routine does not change too much at the new place of residence. At least in the first weeks after moving, feeding should take place at the same time as in the old place

Don't forget about games - even 15 minutes a day show the purr how much you love it and how much you care about it! And a cat that feels cared for is less likely to meow due to increased anxiety at night. If your pet is not active during the day, then he will most likely try to burn off excess energy at night. Therefore, your task is to help him do this before you go to bed! Try to offer him your favorite games at night - for some it’s a laser pointer, for others it’s a tumbler, and for others it’s an artificial mouse. Playing at night will, at a minimum, delay nighttime “meow-meows” to a later date, if not make them an extremely rare occurrence. A good way, if not to prevent, then to delay the night concert of your purr, is to give her food at night. Just like people, cats sleep better on a full stomach. Cats that suffer from increased anxiety need extra care and attention from their owners to little things. For example, many cats love to have a towel or blanket on the bed, on which they can sleep next to the owner. Additional comfort will help eliminate anxiety at night, which means night meowing will either stop bothering you completely, or at least will bother you less often. If your new cat often meows from loneliness, then the best solution would be to play with her more often before bed. In games, a cat or kitten will burn off excess energy and become closer to you. Also, you can take the cat to sleep with you in bed, a loved one next to you will calm the purr and it will worry less at night, and therefore will sleep longer and will not disturb you until the morning. Remember - a new cat at home is like a child who needs time to adapt and your care in order to integrate into the life of the new family. If a cat meows because something outside the window is bothering it, then curtaining the windows or closing the blinds at night is the easiest way out of this problem.

At least in the first weeks after moving, feeding should take place at the same time as in the old place. Don't forget about games - even 15 minutes a day show the purr how much you love it and how much you care about it! And a cat that feels cared for is less likely to meow due to increased anxiety at night. If your pet is not active during the day, then he will most likely try to burn off excess energy at night. Therefore, your task is to help him do this before you go to bed! Try to offer him your favorite games at night - for some it’s a laser pointer, for others it’s a tumbler, and for others it’s an artificial mouse. Playing at night will, at a minimum, delay nighttime “meow-meows” to a later date, if not make them an extremely rare occurrence. A good way, if not to prevent, then to delay the night concert of your purr, is to give her food at night. Just like people, cats sleep better on a full stomach. Cats that suffer from increased anxiety need extra care and attention from their owners to little things. For example, many cats love to have a towel or blanket on the bed, on which they can sleep next to the owner. Additional comfort will help eliminate anxiety at night, which means night meowing will either stop bothering you completely, or at least will bother you less often. If your new cat often meows from loneliness, then the best solution would be to play with her more often before bed. In games, a cat or kitten will burn off excess energy and become closer to you. Also, you can take the cat to sleep with you in bed, a loved one next to you will calm the purr and it will worry less at night, and therefore will sleep longer and will not disturb you until the morning. Remember - a new cat at home is like a child who needs time to adapt and your care in order to integrate into the life of the new family. If a cat meows because something outside the window is bothering it, then curtaining the windows or closing the blinds at night is the easiest way out of this problem.

Predatory instinct

Cats are natural predators, and domestic cats retain this instinct to a certain extent. Sometimes a cat that is freaking out may actually be exhibiting hunting behavior, fighting maneuvers, or escape techniques.

A domestic cat that doesn't need to hunt for food still has to burn off pent-up energy, and this can manifest itself in the form of what appears to be crazy behavior. Toys such as catnip mice, laser pointers, food puzzles and feather wands encourage your cat to use her natural instincts to grab, chase and jump. This exercise is especially important for your cat if she doesn't spend time outside.

Options for how to wean

Why does a cat bite its owner’s legs: when you stroke it and for no reason

It is much easier to wean a young cat from bad behavior than an adult cat. Owners are interested in why the cat bites when you pet it. The method of education depends on the reason for the behavior.

After playing with human bites, the animal gets used to this behavior

Wean the kitten

If the kitten is very active and bites, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules for correcting behavior:

  • Check the health status and quality of internal organs using laboratory and instrumental examination methods at a veterinarian. If the cause is illness, it is treated so that the pet’s behavior returns to normal.
  • Treat your pet kindly. You need to pet him, scratch his belly and ears. But if the kitten resists, it is released, since forcefully shown affection also leads to aggression.
  • Maintain proper nutrition. The cat may be hungry because the diet is incorrect or it receives a minimal dosage of food. Ask the veterinarian about the daily diet, the dosage of 1 serving of food.
  • Eliminate the possibility of excessive gaming. It should not lead to overstimulation. The animal is made to understand that scratching and biting can only be done with a scratching post or toys; humans are not meant to do this.
  • Give treats for good behavior. If the kitten does not obey and bites the owner, he is not given treats. This forms a strong character and affection towards a person.
  • If a cat bites, there is a simple way to eliminate the reaction. When a cat bites a hand, it is not pulled out of the mouth, but moved deeper into it. This will cause confusion. Then the hand is pulled out, making loud noises so that the pet is uncomfortable.
  • Completely limit the young kitten's ability to attack humans. He should not play, bite his fingers, throw himself on his feet.
  • Already at a young age you can go to the veterinarian and have your nails trimmed. Keeping them blunt will prevent the possibility of injury to any family member's limb.

Attention! If the kitten continually bites despite crossing, consult a veterinarian or other animal behaviorist

Wean an adult cat

It is much more difficult to wean an adult. After the owner has found out why the cat bites when you pet it, it is necessary to begin educational actions.

  • Violence is not recommended, but you can lightly flick a newspaper or a stack of papers on the diarrhea or tail. In this case, you should make loud sounds that the cat cannot stand.
  • Stop bites in a timely manner. If a cat bites, put something bitter in its mouth, for example mustard. Do this every time the habit appears. Gradually, the cat will remember that it will be unpleasant for him to bite.
  • You are not allowed to use your own hands in the game. Toys are used for biting. Any painful contact with the human body is prohibited.
  • Eliminate the presence of other animals in the yard. If one cat lives in the house and the others in the yard, jealousy of the owner appears, so the pet exhibits negative behavior. If the owner wants to keep the yard animals, you can close the curtains and not let the cat outside so that he does not see his rivals.
  • It is not recommended to touch or stroke an animal if it does not like it. Cats, just like people, have periods when they want to eat and sleep, but not play. If the animal begins to purr, this means that it is ready for contact.

Aggressive behavior

There are many methods that can be used to eliminate bad habits in a cat. But before that, you need to find out why he bites. The reason may be in the owner himself, in his behavior. Negative factors must be completely eliminated for the animal’s behavior to return to normal. Then it will purr and not bite. If you do this at a young age, there should be no problems with the cat later.

Behavioral disorders

Cats are vindictive and can take good revenge on their offenders. In fairness, it should be mentioned that they also remember good things very well. If an animal is often offended, poked, not caressed, not paid attention to, or driven away, you should not be surprised that it begins to take action. And he has only three methods of revenge available to him:

  • shitting or urinating in the most inappropriate place;
  • bite or scratch a careless or evil owner;
  • prevent owners from living in peace, annoying them with loud and unpleasant screams day and night.

Basically, this behavior is characteristic of cats that have gone through cruelty and neglect of their owners. Even if they have a different, kind and affectionate owner, they will not immediately overcome their character. It will take a lot of time and effort to regain your pet's trust, pacify his temper and get rid of constant howling and whining.

Why does an adult cat yell?

  1. It is worth taking seriously why your pet is yelling for no apparent reason. If you delve deeper and think, you can come to the conclusion that this behavior of a cat can be due to most reasons. At first glance, it may seem that the animal simply requires attention, but this is not always the case.
  2. A cat may scream due to the onset of heat. This phenomenon does not have to occur in the spring. An animal's menstrual cycle occurs at any time of the year. During such a period, a pet simply begins to go crazy in the absence of a partner. The cat wants love, hence this behavior. To resolve the problem, you can pair the cat with a male or visit a veterinarian.
  3. Otherwise, the cause of the pet’s inappropriate behavior may be improper upbringing. Here the owner is directly to blame, since he did not pay due attention to the animal at the time.
  4. There is no need to indulge your cat in everything at an early age. It happens that an animal flatly refuses to eat new food. Hence the indecent behavior and shouting. It is better to give in to the animal and give him what he wants. Otherwise, a stubborn cat may suffer from exhaustion. If your upbringing is incorrect, it is already too late to change anything.
  5. Often, a cat may scream and demand attention. This behavior occurs if you get another animal and spend all your free time with it. When a cat starts meowing and yelling, she is trying to convey to you that she also needs affection and care. Often, an animal may require to play with it at night; cats’ bodies are structured differently.

Next steps

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what made a cat suddenly become a little wild. Honestly, cats are hard to interpret! Many people understand basic dog vocalizations and behaviors but fail to recognize basic cat behavior patterns.

Dogs have expressive faces and body language that is quite easy to accurately interpret. They wag their tails, make various sounds to alert others to their mood, and often follow basic commands to please their humans.

Cats, on the other hand, are usually better known for their emotional uncertainty and reserved behavior. However, there is a growing belief that cats are just as expressive as dogs. The problem is that people simply misunderstand or fail to see what and how their cats are trying to communicate.

What's normal and what's not?

If you have never had a cat in your apartment before, you need to know why kittens vocalize most often:

weaned from their mother, they experience stress; animals want to eat, but don’t know where the food is; ready to play, so they do their best to attract attention.

Knowing about these cat habits, it is easy to project them onto the toilet situation. In the new walls, without a mother who took care of everything, including the hygiene of her baby, the kitten is lost. Even if he was already litter box trained, everything was different in the old house! Well, how can you not start meowing all over the apartment!

The owner is faced with a rather tricky task - to help the pet “remember everything” and convince him that the new tray is no worse than the old one. The situation is more difficult when the kitten has not yet acquired the necessary skills.

Its owner has to start training from scratch: watch with sympathy as the baby walks around the rooms and cries, clearly worried about where to relieve himself, and in the toilet, where he is dragged, cannot figure out that it is the tray that will give the long-awaited relief, and squeaks even more pitifully. However, no matter how difficult the lessons turn out to be, this is a normal process and there is no reason to worry.

Another fairly typical cause of concern may be the desire of the mustachioed-striped one to certainly attract the attention of his owners: he wants someone reliable to be nearby, if necessary, to help, to protect him from “external enemies” who strive to “offend the weak” in situations when he is particularly defenseless and not ready to escape. However, this is a purely individual question.

Some kittens will prefer an intimate setting for toileting, while others will want to remain the center of attention. There are many cases when respectable cats, accustomed to independence from youth, having matured, begin to attract the attention of people in precisely this way (in the absence of any physiological problems).

However, this is a purely individual question. Some kittens will prefer an intimate environment for toileting, others will want to remain the center of attention.

There are many cases when respectable cats, accustomed to independence from youth, having matured, begin to attract the attention of people in precisely this way (in the absence of any physiological problems).

However, in order to be sure that your pet’s health is all right, you need to know some of the characteristics of the cat’s body and notice any deviation from the norm. Here are a couple of important points:

  • if plant foods occupy a significant place in the diet, then the kitten often does “big things” than if it was fed mainly protein foods;
  • Kittens walk “small” more often than older animals, since their bladder is very small.

The point, of course, is not to record on paper every visit of your pet to the toilet, but if you realize that he hasn’t been there for a long time, perhaps you will prevent the development of any gastrointestinal diseases in your baby and find a way to help to him.

ACS diagnostics

To accurately determine the cause of a change in behavior in a cat, a complete examination is necessary. Unfortunately, both diagnosis and treatment of behavioral problems are often complicated by the presence of various diseases in the animal. And sometimes a combination of pathologies makes behavioral disorders especially severe.

On the other hand, sometimes behavioral symptoms that are actually caused by a serious illness are attributed to cognitive dysfunction syndrome.

The owner’s task is to identify “abnormalities” in the pet’s behavior and promptly report them to the doctor.

In addition to changing behavior, it is important to monitor the amount of food and water consumed, weight loss, frequency of bowel movements and urination, etc.

And, of course, older animals need to regularly (1-2 times a year, more often with significant deviations) visit the veterinary clinic for a comprehensive examination (measurement of body weight, blood pressure, determination of the condition of the retina, concentration of thyroid hormones, physical activity, orthopedic and neurological examination, ultrasound diagnostics, tests and blood tests (general and biochemical), urine, etc.).

Dear owners! Timely detection of the disease and its correct treatment mean extended years of life for your pet.

Why does the cat run around the apartment like crazy?

This article provides information to give you an idea of ​​what you're dealing with in typical pet situations. In any case, you need to contact a veterinarian, since it is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia.

The cat is running around the apartment and yelling, hiding why and what to do

There may be several reasons for this strange behavior - a desire to go to the toilet, you gave cat food to eat, perhaps the pet wants to go for a walk. Try to observe the animal to draw certain conclusions.

If the whole point is a walk, then let him out during these hours; the food can be changed to regular food. Well, doing something with the toilet is not easy, because predicting when you want to visit the toilet is not always easy.

Why does the cat run to the old apartment if we have moved?

Cats, just like people, have their own attachments and needs, and it is not at all surprising that they strive to go where they grew up. Ask the new owners not to give them anything to eat. In your new home, protect your pet with your affection and care, so adaptation will be much easier for him.

Why does the cat run around the apartment like a mad animal and get scared?

This behavior can mainly be observed in those cats that do not walk outside much. Such a manifestation is a kind of natural instinct. The animal, in a way, models the situation that could have happened if it had been in the wild. The frequency of this behavior depends, first of all, on the cat’s temperament.

Why does a cat run around the apartment at night?

The hunting instinct influences the fact that at night cats are more sensitive: they pay attention to all sounds, creaks, and smells. This is especially true for young individuals. Since behavior is determined by nature itself, it will not be easy to do something

Since behavior is determined by nature itself, doing something will not be easy.

The cat runs after its tail and growls at it for reasons

This cat behavior is not a cause for concern. The animal plays and trains. Thus, the hunting instinct is developed.

Why does a cat run and meow before going to the toilet?

This crazy behavior is understandable - physical activity is aimed at stimulating intestinal function, thus speeding up the bowel movement process. Not all pets go to the toilet calmly.

The cat runs away from the rat, what is the reason

Many owners may notice that the cat does not catch rats as expected, but runs away from them, but why does this happen? In this case, genes can take their toll. Not all pets are hunters by nature, and some simply never do it. Therefore, when a cat sees a rat, it takes it for danger and tries to hide.

Why does a cat run away from a person?

The reason why a cat can run away from a person is because he once scared her. In this case, the animal will avoid repeated contact in every possible way.

If a kitten runs around with its mouth open, is this normal and what to do?

If a kitten not only runs around with its mouth open, but also constantly breathes like that, then this may indicate the presence of some health problems. When running, he may breathe this way because he is tired or because he is thirsty. In the second case, it is enough to give water and time to rest; as for health problems, only a doctor can help here.

Why does a cat run in circles or sideways?

As practice shows, this condition occurs after a stroke. In order to avoid complications, it is recommended to take the animal to a veterinarian.

The cat is running like crazy, twitching its back, how to calm it down

Common fleas can provoke this condition. To eliminate them, it is enough to buy a special collar or drops. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, visit a veterinarian.

Why does a cat run at your feet when a small child cries?

Many cats react very sensitively to children, they feel sorry when they cry, play with them when they are having fun. If you notice that the cat behaves this way, then you can conclude that he is also trying to distract and calm the baby.

What information should you provide to your veterinarian?

First of all, the owner tells the specialist in detail about how the convulsions proceeded. Then he informs the veterinarian about the presence of chronic diseases in the cat, lifestyle, diet, and what medications she is taking. Additionally, the following facts are reported:

  • the age of the animal, whether there have been seizures before;
  • nature of the pathological process: constant, long-term, fast;
  • when convulsions begin: the cat sleeps, eats, at what time of day;
  • what is the diet: natural or industrial feed;
  • the presence of stressful situations before the development of convulsive syndrome.

Other classifications

According to the age

Cat cries are often caused by age. For example, little kittens, like children, love to complain about various difficulties and obstacles that they encounter on their way - cute fluffy balls show their anxiety by meowing

However, sometimes reasons are not needed: a baby may utter a battle cry just to attract the attention of its owners - this is a completely normal phenomenon. The owners of a kitten should be wary only if the baby cries constantly - then it is worth identifying the cause of concern as quickly as possible and eliminating it

The most common causes of loud screaming in kittens are the following.

Change of environment - when a kitten finds itself in a new family or in a new home, it is always stressful for him. In this situation, the owner should surround the baby with affection, and his anxiety will quickly pass.

Hunger – young kittens require more frequent feeding than older cats

Depending on the return, he must eat from 4 to 7 times a day, so it is important that the feeder is constantly filled, and that there is free access to water.

Difficult situation - often inquisitive kittens, in their attempts to explore their surroundings, find themselves in a difficult situation, for example, they climb onto a high place from which they cannot come down. In this case, they call their owners for help with a loud meow.

Problems occur not only in babies, but also in older cats. Unfortunately, age does not spare anyone - not only people, but also animals.

When a cat crosses the five-six year mark, it is best to regularly show it to the veterinarian so that if illness occurs, measures can be immediately taken to alleviate the animal’s condition.

In addition, older cats often experience real melancholy, feel loneliness and try in every possible way to get rid of this feeling. At this age they will no longer play, but they are unlikely to refuse to lie in the arms of their owner. You shouldn’t deny them this simple sign of attention - if you don’t give your cat the necessary portion of love and affection during the day, she will certainly demand her own at night.

By gender

A loud cry is accompanied by the approach of estrus in an adult, sexually mature cat, and in cats, sexual desire causes uterine cries

A physical desire that is not satisfied brings the animal not only psychological, but also severe physical discomfort - by screaming, pets try to attract the attention of the opposite sex, signaling their readiness to mate

When adopting a kitten, you should keep in mind that if the animal is not on a walk, then such concerts will be held regularly, and the owners will either have to come to terms with this or spay/neuter their furry pet.

Common Causes

If you figure out why your pet shows negative emotions, you can avoid conflict and even traumatic situations.

Defense: self, cubs or territory

Not only dogs, but also cute fluffies are able to protect themselves, kittens or their territory from surrounding people or animals. The adult feels like the owner of the home, and therefore experiences irritation if someone wants to encroach on it.

The furry friend will use terrifying sounds to drive uninvited guests out of his territory. Mothers are especially active, who in this way try to drive the stranger away from the nest with kittens.

Manifestation of fear

Specific sounds can be caused by certain fears of the cat, which are usually associated with insufficient socialization or regular physical punishment. The fact that deviations in behavior are provoked by a feeling of fear is indicated by warning poses (standing sideways, half-turned), attempts to inflict injury with claws, and subsequent demonstrative licking of the fur.

A pet may hiss at a vacuum cleaner, at loud guests, or at an unexpected sound or touch. Fright is often accompanied by a fluffy tail.


Sometimes a cat's hissing is explained by an aggressive attitude aimed at a specific person or animal with which negative memories are associated. For example, a guest could step on a tail, paw, or offend during a previous visit. Or the neighbor's dog is constantly trying to catch up and sniff the mustache.

The owner himself is capable of provoking aggression. Sharp shouts, frightening gestures or trips to the vet are good enough reasons for a mustachioed friend to hiss. If a pet has not experienced tenderness and affection from a person since childhood, then he will begin to scream and hiss at him during any attempts to get closer.

Unmotivated aggression is often caused by sexual desire or hormonal imbalance. If a cat hisses at everything for no reason or reason, it is better to take him to the vet and have him neutered. The same applies to females.

Illness or state of anesthesia

If a gentle and affectionate purr begins to demonstrate repeated aggressive behavior, this may indicate the presence of health problems. Among the diseases that accompany inadequate reactions are:

  • food and chemical poisoning;
  • epilepsy;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • rabies.

An injured animal, in pain, will hiss and growl at a person who wants to help. Operated pets who have not fully recovered from anesthesia and have lost the ability to navigate in space react the same way.

Trying to communicate something

Sometimes a cat is forced to hiss to attract the owner's attention. This happens after a mustachioed friend called out to a person by meowing repeatedly, but he did not respond.

In this case, the fluffy feels displeased and makes frightening sounds.

This behavior is most often demonstrated by poorly raised or overly spoiled pets. If the mustache constantly behaves this way, then measures must be taken to re-educate it.

How to stop a cat from jumping on walls

Good afternoon. The cat constantly jumps on the door frames and rips off the wallpaper. She used to jump on flowers, but we sprinkled pepper on them and she stopped. and you can’t put pepper on the walls. Does anyone know how to stop her from jumping on walls? I tore up all the jambs and the wallpaper too. It's a pity that the renovation was only recently done

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Fedor Erokhin

Psychologist, Arranger Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

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Psychologist, Emotional-imaginative therapy. Specialist from the site

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Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Maksimov Sergey Vyacheslavovich

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tsvetaeva Lara Alexandrovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Strong smell

A cat's nose is much more developed. The human factor is a fact that makes them much more sensitive to all sorts of odors, both by detecting the presence of another cat or an open can of their favorite food, or by sensing something unpleasant and repulsive.

In this sense, there are certain scents and aromas that cause exaggerated reactions such as running, jumping and nose wrinkles. Among these aromas we would like to mention citrus fruits such as lemon, orange and grapefruit, perfume, alcohol, smoke, onion, vinegar, cigarettes, tea, coffee and spirits, among others. For more information, don't miss the smells cats hate most.

"Do not make me angry"

When playing with a kitten or an adult animal, the main thing is not to get too carried away. If your pet is not in the mood to play, and you only irritate him with your pestering, he may raise his voice. And you risk hearing not a plaintive “meow”, but a loud, threatening howl.

A cat meows for dozens of different reasons, and the meowing itself can vary depending on the age of the animal and its physiological state, so in order to solve this common and very annoying problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause. This is not too difficult to do, especially if the pet has been living with you for a long time, and you know all its habits well, since any deviation from the norm will immediately catch your eye.

At the same time, it is important to distinguish between meowing caused by some extraneous factors and health problems. In the first case, the situation may well resolve itself or with minimal help, and in the second, not only the well-being, but also the life of your furry pet may depend on the promptness of your actions

Tip #2

If you cannot curb an overly active pet with attention and affection, you will have to be strict. Remember that under no circumstances should you hit a kitten: after just one time, it will remember it and will experience fear and mistrust of its owner, and this is fraught with serious consequences. Due to a constant sense of danger, the animal may experience mental disorders that will make it inadequate.

In addition, cats are very vindictive. Therefore, being strict with a kitten means a gentle click on the nose or a splash of water from a spray bottle. Another method is to lightly grab him by the scruff of the neck, as his mother did with the kitten recently. But all this needs to be done only at the moment of prank: cats have a very short memory, and within a few minutes after the prank the animal will not understand why the owner is doing this to him.

Watch the birds

From the window of his house or apartment, perhaps a cat will be able to observe the coming and going of the birds and wild animals that are outside, and any person who is aware of this will notice the peculiar attitude that his interlocutor adopts. Feline..

When they watch birds, cats seem hypnotized because it is very difficult to distract them from this contemplation. Moreover, many of them sound like gurgles, which experts still disagree on. Some speculate that it is only reserved to attract birds and others, a sign of frustration at not being able to hunt.

Cat mint

Another name for the plant is catnip. It has an unusual smell that attracts cats. The essential oils contained in the plant enter the animal's respiratory tract when it inhales its aroma. Then a signal is sent to the brain that can cause a state similar to severe alcohol intoxication, or even hallucinations. Adult cats begin to behave like kittens: jumping, purring, playing, cuddling. This may last 15-20 minutes. The effect then wears off and the cat is more likely to want to sleep.

Despite its intoxicating effect, catnip is not a narcotic substance and is not addictive. Veterinarians even recommend using it for medicinal and educational purposes:

  • increased appetite;
  • training to use a tray and scratching post;
  • treatment of helminthic infestation;
  • fight against aggression - a little dried catnip can calm your pet.

Catnip can be used either fresh or dried. In pet stores you can often find vitamins and treats containing this plant.


To avoid the manifestation of inadequate brain reactions to what is happening around you, you need to train it. Periodic changes in activity, rest and new experiences are a lifeline for a workaholic.

If a person, due to circumstances, does not work or is lonely, he needs to find a hobby. Get a pet or do charity work. Helping others will distract you from focusing on your own personality and relieve brain activity. If there is a sudden manifestation of “extrasensory” abilities or uncontrollable conditions, you must immediately consult a doctor.


Many owners have noticed that their pets beg for olives, barely smelling the smell emanating from an open jar. Having received treats, cats chase them around the floor, play with them, lick them, and sometimes eat them. In Greece, local cats can even eat the bark of olive trees, sharpen their claws on them, or simply rub against the trunk. It's all because of oleuropein, a biologically active substance that has a stimulating effect on furry purrs. It is because of this that olives have a sour taste that cats are so attracted to.

Olives have beneficial properties:

  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • improve metabolism;
  • rich in various vitamins and microelements.

However, in canned form, the beneficial effect of the fruit is halved. Manufacturers add too much salt and preservatives to jars to ensure long-term storage. Accordingly, you shouldn’t give your cat a lot of olives.

Where does SKD come from?

Possible reasons:

  1. disturbance of cerebral blood supply - a change in the circulatory system of the brain due to hypoxia caused by heart disease, hypertension, anemia, impaired blood clotting, the formation of small hemorrhages near blood vessels, arteriosclerosis
  2. tissue damage from free radicals As cells age, they process nutrients less and less well, the amount of energy decreases, and the number of free radicals in the cells increases, which the body’s antioxidant defense does not have time to neutralize. An excess of these radicals leads to tissue damage, with brain tissue being especially sensitive.
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