Reasons and ways to suppress a cat’s aggression and calm the animal down if it gets angry, meows, cries before bedtime

Cats are very sensitive to stress. Any situation that disrupts the usual way of life causes psychological suffering to the furry pet, and sometimes even causes a disease (as is the case with idiopathic cystitis). Even the most loving owner will not be able to protect a pet from shocks - after all, some situations simply cannot be avoided, be it a trip to the clinic for an annual vaccination, the owners going on vacation or the birth of children.

It is useful for a cat owner to know some simple techniques to prevent the unpleasant consequences of fright at an appointment at a veterinary clinic, when transporting a pet, and even at home.

Signs of aggression in cats

Before using any sedatives, you should consult a veterinarian.
The reaction to stress manifests itself differently in cats, and an inexperienced owner may not immediately recognize fear in the animal’s behavior.

When cats behave nervously:

  • lick the skin on one side of the body (one paw, one side);
  • calm themselves by making loud purring sounds;
  • become completely indifferent to their favorite food or become overly gluttonous;
  • They begin to gnaw on various objects and chew indoor flowers.

In case of severe fright due to a loud sound or the appearance of a dog, pets:

  • they freeze in place, flattening their ears, tucking their paws and tail under them;
  • attempt to escape;
  • trying to hide in a dark, secluded place.

During an attack of aggression, small predators begin:

  • arching the back to look larger, inflating the tail and hair on the body;
  • hiss loudly, snort, howl, showing his teeth;
  • look closely at the object that causes aggression;
  • rhythmically whip the tail over the body, twitch it;
  • hit an approaching object with the front paws with claws extended.

If a panic reaction occurs (if the cat was unable to hide or protect itself), the animal experiences:

  • copious flow of saliva, similar to foam;
  • loud scream, heartbreaking meow;
  • involuntary urination.

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What can I do to prevent this in the future?

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If a kitten is hyperactive, this may indicate thyroid disease, as well as be a temperamental trait or a reaction to environmental events. Excessive activity can be temporary or chronic. Therefore, the owner should know when hyperactivity in a kitten can be eliminated on their own, and in which cases contact a veterinarian.

How to identify the cause of anger in a cat

Irritability in adult animals is provoked by a painful condition.
Domestic cats, unlike dogs, have retained many qualities inherent in wild animals. Instinct tells them that danger can come from any object.

Pain inadvertently inflicted on a cat by a person leads to the idea that he poses a danger.

What can cause panic and aggression in an animal:

  • moving, unfamiliar surroundings;
  • the appearance of new things, other animals in the house;
  • strangers (especially if they try to touch or stroke him);
  • household appliances that make loud sounds (vacuum cleaner, electric meat grinder, etc.);
  • poor health, illness;
  • excessive affection from a person;
  • games with children if the latter begin to cuddle the pet.

Features of the use of sedatives

Often, taking sedatives is a way to normalize a cat’s condition in the period before castration, a long trip, a visit to a veterinary clinic, or home renovations.

Sedative drugs have two types of action: cumulative and immediate. In the first case, you should start giving them to the animal 10-14 days before the expected event.

Often taking sedatives is a good way to normalize a cat’s condition.

Instant-acting drugs act quickly, but are harmful to the body; such drugs should not be used too often.

Popular herbal preparations:

  • Relax plus;
  • Stop stress;
  • Feliway;
  • Phospasim;
  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Fitex.

Chemical sedatives:

  • Xylazine;
  • Amitraptyline;
  • Vetranquil;
  • Diazepam.

Important! Before using any sedatives, consult a veterinarian.

Is Valerian safe?

Important! The herb valerian has long been considered a mild sedative of plant origin, but not for cats.

Valerian acts on cats as a stimulant that can increase aggression, sexual desire, and hallucinations. In case of overdose, an epileptic seizure may develop.

Catnip is also not a sedative for cats.

How to suppress aggression and calm down

The better the owner prepares his animal for the show, the calmer it will be at the show itself.
You can quickly suppress aggression in an adult animal like this:

  • Wear thick clothes and thick gloves, take a blanket and wrap the aggressive cat, holding him in your arms until he is completely calm.
  • Spray the cat with water.
  • Leave the animal indoors for a while, during which time the anger will gradually subside.
  • Don't look the cat in the eye.
  • Prepare in advance a place in the room where the pet can hide.
  • Do not punish your pet - punishment will only provoke a repeated attack of anger.

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How to calm an active kitten

When a kitten is not sleeping, it always shows increased activity and is full of energy. Every day the little animal grows, learns, and encounters something new. Everything unknown can cause sudden fear or an attack of aggression in the baby.

To calm down an angry kitten or calm a frightened one, you should try using the following methods of influence:

  • Relieve excessive activity or stress through games.
  • Use interesting toys that can captivate a small pet (a furry mouse, a ball with a bell on a long rope), putting them out of reach the rest of the time.
  • Do not stop the game abruptly, wait until the kitten is really tired.
  • Offer your baby a favorite food or treat at the end of the game.
  • Ignore the kitten if the behavior becomes aggressive, end the game immediately.
  • Prepare a comfortable place for your little fidget to sleep (cardboard box, basket, fur house).


Food is key to getting your kitten to sleep through the night. The food you offer is critical, as is the timing at which you feed.

We discussed playing with the kitten an hour before bed. Food should be added at the same time. Playing, eating, and grooming are the preferred pre-bedtime activities for any cat.

If you feed your kitten late at night, he will be sleepy when you need him to be. With a full stomach, your kitten grooms itself and falls asleep. If you time it correctly, you can increase your chances of getting deep sleep. This will improve your chances of getting a good night's sleep.

Don't feed your kitten once or twice a day. They are also active. This means that the kitten burns the calories it consumes almost immediately.

As you can imagine, this means that the kitten is hungry most of the day. Divide your kitten's diet into four separate portions. The first should be at the beginning of the day. As already mentioned, the latter should be done an hour before bedtime. The other two can be spaced evenly.

How you do this is up to you. It would be advisable to leave your cat some dry food at night. Buy a time-limited feeder to release kibbles periodically. This way, if your kitten wakes up hungry, he will have a source of food. After this, the kitten can eat, groom and sleep again.

How to trim your nails calmly

There is the simplest way to calm a cat before trimming its claws: you need to attach a pair of clothespins (with weak compression force) to the scruff of the neck.

You need to prepare in advance for a long trip by train, car or flight.

This is where psychology comes into play; in childhood, a cat carries a kitten, holding this place with its teeth; if there is compression in the nape area, the animal instinctively calms down and relaxes.

How to calm your pet on the road

For a long trip by train, car or flight, you need to prepare in advance . If the date of the trip is known, it is worth starting taking cumulative sedatives; if the trip was not planned, you can give your furry pupil a medicine that instantly affects the nervous system.

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But the most important thing is to get a comfortable carrying bag for your trip. You need to purchase it in advance so that the cat gets used to the new thing. It is necessary to allow the cat not only to examine the bag, but also to sleep in it for several days. Several diapers for the toilet, clean water, dry food - items necessary on a long trip.

Add variety to your cat's daily routine

The busier your cat is during the day, the less likely she is to want to play after dark. Making sure your cat has plenty of healthy activities is a great way to keep her active during daylight hours.

Consider adding things like cat trees, food puzzles, and interactive toys. If your cat is an indoor cat but you have a backyard, you can even build a cat enclosure so they can spend plenty of time observing the local wildlife.

Setting up a bird feeding station near a window is also a way to give your cat something interesting to look at during the day.

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