“People are willing to pay for such eyebrows”: the Bombay cat does not grow hair above its eyes, but this has become its feature


A cat named Cornelius Cornbread (the second word translates as “cornbread”) is a representative of a not very common breed called the Bombay cat. But it was not this that made him famous, but his innate feature - almost no growing fur over his eyes.

Don't worry, he's fine, he's just not growing. And in general, the absence of hair in this place turned out to be the calling card of the Bombay, since this is precisely the reason for the appearance of unique white eyebrows on the black Cornbread.

Cornelius is no exception!

Owner and retired teacher Karen Mellett says Cornbread has a personality to match his unique appearance.

He doesn't like being left alone or ignored and gets very anxious when I leave the house.

He loves to follow us, curl up in our laps or snuggle with us, and unlike many cats, he enjoys being held and carried.

Educational information about cat eyebrows and whiskers

The cat family is striking in its diversity. Fluffy, smooth-haired, curly and completely hairless, they all have one thing in common - they are the best pets. All cats are completely different. Even representatives of the same breed have different faces. Some people have slightly larger ears, others have a flattened nose. But all cats have one thing in common - they have eyebrows and whiskers of incredible length in relation to the head.

Gorgeous cat whiskers and eyebrows not only add even more grandeur to the animal, but will also help the owner understand what mood the pet is in at the moment. For example, whiskers sticking out forward, with drooping ends, show the cat's complete interest. Pressed tightly to the muzzle - indicate that the animal is bored and absolutely not interested in everything that is happening around.

But nature took care not of us, the owners, but of all felines. Their mustaches and eyebrows act as detectors and radars. They cope with the function of touch with absolute perfection, and allow the animal to easily move in complete darkness. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the cat, without touching the object, determines its size and weight. Determination occurs by scanning changes in air flows.

Vibrissae is the scientific name for the eyebrows and whiskers of cats. Few people know that they grow not only on the head, but also on the beard and the inside of the paws. Studies of these beautiful creatures have shown that the vibrissae are the first hairs to develop in the cat embryo. The vibrissa hair bursae consist entirely of nerve fibers, and it is due to their sensitivity that cats can so easily identify objects in the dark.

It is important for purring owners to ensure that their pet's whiskers and eyebrows are not damaged. This is especially true for families with children, who may tear them out or cut them off. An animal left without the sense of touch, one of its most important senses, can become aggressive or fall into deep apathy due to stress.

Whisker deprivation can also cause a cat to completely lose his sense of smell. This is one of the most terrible scenarios, since the pet will not be able to distinguish food from other things and objects, and as a result, will die of hunger. If there is no damage to the hair follicle, then the vibrissae will be completely restored over time. The main thing during this period is to surround your pet with attention and additional care so that he can more easily endure all the difficulties of life without a sense of touch. Your cat will definitely remember these moments and respond with such an abundance of love and affection, the presence of which you may not have even suspected.

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Then just cornbread...

Cornelius Cornbread got its two-part name from a change of ownership. This happened shortly after the death of the previous cat of its current owners. It was very difficult for them then, especially since their other cat was also left alone. When they accidentally found a litter of kittens for adoption, they noticed that two of them looked very much like their late Inky. The adoption ad attracted attention because each of the kittens had a name inspired by a local food: beans, coleslaw and cornbread. The couple immediately decided to rent one of them a new house. But it wasn't supposed to be Cornelius (then Cornbread)... They wanted to adopt Bob because he was the most like their cat. When they arrived, it turned out that there had been an unfortunate accident and only kittens were left for adoption, which were not at all similar to the previous pet.

And then he appeared with white eyebrows. Bread He charmed his guards from the very first moment. He seemed to understand that they were going to be a family and did everything he could to make a good impression on them. He persuaded himself, was sociable and open, threw toys at them - made everyone feel. And that’s how he remains to this day! It received the proud name Cornelius from its keepers, but it also retained the original Cornbread. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Cornelius Cornbrad and his snow-white eyebrows!

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