The cat follows me around the house and meows for no reason.

  • Posted by Olesya Vakhraneva
  • Date: April 18, 2019

Knowledgeable people claim that a screaming cat can be heard 2–3 kilometers away. Constant meowing in cats can have many reasons, and it is important to know them, because both the health and sometimes the life of the cat and the well-being of the entire family are at stake, since only a Buddhist monk can endure continuous cat screaming.

  • 2 Reasons for meowing, depending on the age of the cat
    2.1 Meowing kittens

    2.1.1 Video: why the kitten meows constantly

  • 2.2 Meowing of adult cats and female cats
      2.2.1 Video: a cat asks for a cat after sterilization
  • 2.3 Old cat meowing
      2.3.1 Photo gallery: medications that help eliminate excessive vocalization
  • 3 When to urgently contact a veterinarian
  • 4 Reviews
  • Reasons for a cat's constant meowing

    To eliminate the problem of constant meowing, or excessive vocalization, it is necessary to accurately determine its cause. In cases where a cat has been living in a family for a long time, this is not difficult, since all the features of its behavior are known. The reasons may be different:

  • age-related physiological characteristics - kittens, adult cats and cats, as well as older animals usually have different reasons for excessive vocalization due to age characteristics;
  • painful conditions - a cat may meow due to illness, excessive vocalization can be caused by:
      development of an infectious disease (viral leukemia, cryptococcosis, feline panleukopenia, rabies);
  • diseases of the digestive system (constipation, helminthic infestations);
  • diseases of the nervous system (bacterial meningitis, epilepsy);
  • some types of poisoning (paracetamol, organophosphorus compounds, smoke, lead, carbamates);
  • diseases of the endocrine system (insulinoma, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia);
  • allergic and anaphylactic reactions;
  • pathologies of the vestibular apparatus;
  • eclampsia;
  • oncological diseases (ovarian cancer, feline lymphosarcoma);
  • heat stroke;
  • other conditions.
  • Why does it meow?

    If this lasts recently - only a few days - then some kind of, not yet noticeable, discomfort in the body due to medical problems has probably arisen. For example, high blood pressure or kidney disease. Because of this, the pet gives “distress signals” that cannot be ignored.

    There is only one way out: take him to a veterinarian for a consultation.

    What if it’s been a long time, but the problem can’t be solved? Then, most likely, it is difficult for you to understand what is happening if you are an inexperienced owner, or have recently taken into your home an animal raised in another family and do not know its character. You never know why. What to do? Let's sort it out in order.

    Causes of meowing depending on the age of the cat

    The reasons leading to excessive vocalization differ among different age categories of cats.

    Meowing kittens

    Furry babies do not yet have autonomy and need constant attention, first from the mother cat, and then from the new owner. Therefore, the reasons for kittens meowing are usually:

    • stress - kittens have difficulty moving to their owner, the absence of a mother cat, changing their usual environment, meeting other pets; in order for a kitten’s anxiety to go away, the attention and care of the owner and, of course, time are required;
    • hunger:
    • the kitten has an accelerated metabolism and growing needs for food, so it can remain hungry if the portions of food allocated to it do not have time to “grow” after it;

      A growing kitten needs a lot of food

    • too long interval between feedings;

    • if there are several kittens, the weakest or smallest kitten may not have enough food;
    • a very small kitten, recently taken from its mother and brought to a new home, may not be able to eat from a bowl;
  • dangerous situation - kittens are very active and explore the territory; a kitten can fall somewhere, get stuck, get caught - and in these cases it usually squeaks, calling for help;
  • lack of attention - the kitten may meow, wanting play and affection.
  • Video: why does a kitten meow constantly?

    Meowing of adult cats and kittens

    The constant meowing of adult male cats is usually closely related to reproductive function.

    Cats come into heat several times a year and are accompanied by an active sexual desire. The cat's character changes, it rushes outside, can show aggression, rolls on the floor, raises the back of its body and emits a loud, low meow. Cats during estrus release pheromones that affect cats, and cats also scream and rage, and also mark their territory. Therefore, if the animal is not involved in breeding, it should be castrated. The situation can be temporarily saved by hormonal drugs that can interrupt estrus:

    • Gestrenol: up to 5 kg of cat weight - 4 drops, 6-10 kg - 5-8 drops; drops on the nose or a treat;
    • Stop Intim: 9 drops per day for 5–7 days, but no later than the 3rd day from the start of estrus.

    All hormonal drugs have serious consequences of use in the form of the formation of cysts and tumors of the reproductive system. They are not recommended for use in breeding animals.

    If the cat is a breeding cat, but for some reason does not go into heat, you can use sedative (calming) medications for cats (Bach Drops, Fospasim). Non-drug methods include reducing the diet and playing actively with the cat until it feels tired.

    In addition, in some cases, after sterilization (castration), reproductive behavior with vocalization remains, although much less pronounced. This is explained by the fact that in the absence of the gonads, the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is preserved. In this case, sedatives (Fospasim, Kot Bayun) will help; in the future, spontaneous cessation of such conditions is possible. To prevent their occurrence, sterilization is recommended a week after the end of estrus. The most reliable prevention of such disorders is to sterilize the cat before the first heat.

    A similar condition can occur after castration of a cryptorchid cat in an unscrupulous clinic, while the testicle that has not descended into the scrotum retains its function while in the abdominal cavity, and the cat retains sexual activity.

    During pregnancy, a cat feels a lot of stress because its physical condition changes and the animal feels discomfort. If meowing that appears during pregnancy is accompanied by a deterioration in the cat’s well-being, loss of appetite, or problems with stool, then a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary.

    Video: cat asks for cat after sterilization

    Old cat meowing

    As cats age, just like people, they become more emotional and cope less well with stress, so the cat may become more “talkative.” In addition, some cats develop age-related cognitive dysfunction, which manifests itself in cat disorientation; this also leads to meowing, which is more pronounced at night, since disorientation at night bothers the cat more than during the day. The solution to the problem is to prescribe sedatives after examination by a veterinarian and rule out other causes of this behavior.

    This phenomenon usually occurs in cats over 10 years of age.

    Photo gallery: medications that help eliminate excessive vocalization

    Gestrenol is effective for interrupting estrus, but can cause ovarian cysts and tumors, like all hormonal drugs

    Sedatives allow the cat to quickly adapt to the changes that have occurred.

    Sedatives Kot Bayun can be used from 10 months of age

    Sex Barrier is a hormonal drug that should not be used in breeding animals

    The cat gets his way

    Sometimes a cat behaves like a small child. If she screams, the owners immediately run up and give her what she asks for. Thus, from an early age, in a short period of time, the kitten manages to train its owners. As a result, the cat gets used to immediately receiving affection, play, and attention. If at first she does this only during the day, then gradually the screams move to the night time too.

    Stop rewarding the animal when it attracts attention in this way. After the cat is silent (and sooner or later she will get tired of screaming), wait a few minutes and give her what she so actively asked for. Over time, the cat realizes that its screams have no effect and yelling is pointless.

    However, if the cat has reached old age, then you need to treat her “talkativeness” with understanding. The feeling of loneliness is more pronounced in old age.

    An older cat may be anxious and need attention.

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    When to urgently contact a veterinarian

    Urgent consultation with a veterinarian is necessary if constant meowing is combined with other manifestations indicating a problem with the cat’s health:

    • nausea, vomiting;
    • general oppression;
    • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea, constipation);
    • fever;
    • decreased appetite;
    • other signs.

    This is how decompensation of latent chronic diseases, lethal infections of cats, as well as dangerous poisonings can begin. By paying attention to a cat's meowing in time and clarifying its cause, a person can save its life.

    Health problems

    Pay close attention to how your cat eats, how she behaves, and whether her habits have changed. If the animal is in a lethargic state, refuses its favorite treats, and hides in dark places all the time, then there are health problems. If the screams are accompanied by abnormal bowel movements and vomiting, this may indicate that the cat has been poisoned or has worms. If a cat screams when going to the toilet, then it may have diseases of the genitourinary system. A cat may scream, run, and scratch itself when it suffers from allergies or has fleas in its fur.

    If the cat has not been spayed, she may scream when she comes into heat. Typically this period may occur in spring and early autumn. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best time to neuter. Unneutered cats may also vocalize during sexual behavior.

    If the cat’s health is fine and she is not in heat or sexual behavior, then remember if there have been any changes in her life recently. Cats don't like change of environment, they hate moving, they don't want to meet new owners. By screaming, a cat can express its dissatisfaction with the current situation. And here it is important to show that you need it: play with the cat more often, stroke it, talk to it. Over time, she will get used to the new environment and feel calmer.

    Natural reasons for concern

    They can be congenital or occur over time.

    1). Some cats simply have a personality tendency to start “calling” at the time of feeding.

    Try this: buy an automatic feeder and set it to open at a set time. Perhaps then, shortly before lunch, Murka will not start meowing at you, but will switch to her

    What if you have developed a habit of begging for treats from the table every time?

    It is difficult to wean an adult animal. It’s better not to start accustoming him to treats that are random in time from a young age. After all, you can leave something delicious for later - at the prescribed meal hour. Do you agree?

    By the way, what is tasty for a person is not always healthy for a cat.

    2). Severe and sudden or chronic stress due to changed circumstances:

    • God forbid, illness or loss of a loved one;
    • improper placement of other pets, including cats;
    • for small children - separation from their mother;
    • cruel treatment.

    3). As with humans, as we age, our purrs may well experience various forms of psychological confusion, including disorientation in space. Because of this, they can often raise their voices, seemingly for no apparent reason, but in fact, they unconsciously ask for help from their owners.

    And sometimes a “senile” habit arises: the pet walks around the house and “mutters under its breath,” and not only during the day, but also does not sleep at night. Maybe due to ill health or simply physical weakness.

    4). For those new to keeping cats, noisy and even violent behavior after puberty can be an unpleasant surprise. If there is no desire to breed offspring, then the solution, for the sake of general peace, is sterilization (or castration).

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