Education and training: how to wean a kitten from bad habits and teach simple tricks

The mother cat teaches the kittens how to take care of their fur coat, go to the litter box, hunt, and punishes them for pranks. If the kitten came to you as a baby, you will have to teach it everything yourself. This is not very difficult and will allow you to get even closer to your pet.

You need to raise a kitten as soon as it gets into your home. First of all, give your pet an easy to pronounce name that he will respond to, and do not change it. Then show the cat where his sleeping place, tray, feeder and scratching post are. At first, the animal will be confused by new smells and sounds, it will need to get used to it.

When you realize that the kitten has become accustomed to its new habitat, begin to correct the pet’s behavior. Clearly outline the boundaries where the baby is not allowed to go, for his safety. If a habit is learned in childhood, it is not so easy to get rid of it later, so say a clear “No!” or “Ugh!” when the kitten:

  • plays with wires;
  • tries to get into the washing machine;
  • wants to playfully bite your arm or leg;
  • tinkering in flower pots;
  • scratches wallpaper or furniture.

It is important to secure the apartment as if there were a small child in it, because kittens are very curious and active.

The animal is considered a kitten until puberty, which occurs in different cat breeds at approximately 6-24 months.

If you don't want your cat to sleep in your bed in the future, don't let her lie on your bed. But no concessions, otherwise the pet will get confused in the commands and will do whatever he wants. Be logical and consistent in raising your kitten. Try to form the right habits in a timely manner and immediately correct unwanted behavior.

How to train a kitten to use a litter box

Cats are clean and instinctively want to relieve themselves according to all the rules. All you have to do is provide the kitten with everything necessary. Place the tray in a quiet, secluded place with a small layer of litter or torn newspapers inside. After eating or sleeping, walk your pet to the toilet and show him burrowing movements; most likely, instinct will tell the kitten what to do.

When everything works out, pet the kitten and praise, but not too pompously. If something doesn't work out, be patient. You may need to change the location of the tray or the filler. You cannot scold or beat an animal, this will cause stress, mistrust of you and, as a result, puddles and piles in the most unexpected places.

If you cannot train your kitten to use the litter box, be sure to visit a veterinarian. Your pet may have health problems.

Our claws tear things...

A small pet, finding itself in the unfamiliar conditions of a home apartment, displays remarkable curiosity and is easy to train. Showing early interest in the environment is a normal process of adaptation. However, torn things, curtains and bedspreads are too much. If you do not raise a kitten, its adult incarnation will act in the same way.

As soon as you notice the manifestation of “game”, teach the kitten a lesson using water, preferably a spray bottle . Fluffy ones, for the most part, do not tolerate water, and isolated cases of getting wet will not cause much harm to the body and psyche.

How to toilet train a kitten

If you don’t want to deal with the litter box every day, you can teach your kitten to use the toilet. But only on condition that the animal is completely healthy. Wait until your pet is older (small kittens can drown in the toilet) and start training. Smart individuals usually master this “science” in 3-4 weeks.

First, place the cat litter box on a slight elevation so that the kitten gets used to relieving itself this way. Gradually raise the tray higher and higher, but do not forget about stability. When the cat litter is the same height as the toilet, secure it firmly and securely to the seat. If the cat is not afraid to use such a tray, then everything is fine.

The next step is to remove the cat litter box and attach a strip of polyethylene with filler across the toilet. The kitten will jump on the seat and will not find its litter box, but the smell and location of the litter will tell it what to do. Then you can remove this “hint”.

Improper use of claws and teeth

The cat often tries to show fullness of feelings or play with our limbs (in particular, fingers). Raising a kitten requires patience and perseverance, which the owner must demonstrate.

During play, you should not use your hands, as the kitten's perception will fix the limbs as a cheerful inanimate object. A good way to wean your child off mischief is to purchase special toys, the design features of which will arouse considerable interest in the tailed one and will contribute to a playful form of education.

If all else fails, and your hands continue to be filled with networks of fresh scratches, lightly click the little one on the nose. For him, this is an offensive signal to think about “exceeding his authority,” because this is what a mother cat often does when taking steps to raise her.

How to stop a kitten from tearing up furniture and wallpaper

This kind of trouble can happen even if you bought a scratching post for your kitten. As soon as you notice this behavior, say strictly “No!” or “Ugh!” or spray your pet with water from a spray bottle. Then take the kitten to the scratching post and gently press it with your pet's paws so that he understands how to do it. When the animal becomes sexually mature, you can lightly spray the scratching post with valerian or catnip to attract its attention.

Reasons for disobedience in mustaches

Despite the fact that many scientific and behavioral studies have been conducted, people still cannot fully understand the psychological relationship between a pet and a person. Meanwhile, for a comfortable coexistence, it is important to understand the language of your pet and know the reason for his actions. This is easy for some owners, more difficult for others.

Often there are completely reasonable explanations for bad actions. For example, if a furry dog ​​urinates on the carpet, then he is most likely expressing dissatisfaction with the new filler, the arrival of a new family member, or the rearrangement of furniture in the room.

How to stop a kitten from jumping on the kitchen table

This unpleasant habit is due to the fact that in nature cats love to jump onto elevated surfaces and from there observe what is happening around them. A table for this is an ideal springboard, and if there is also food on it, then the pet will come here more often. This behavior must be stopped immediately, because... it is unhygienic for you and dangerous for the animal (sharp knives, harmful products, etc.).

You can use repellent commands or immediately splash water on the kitten. A few drops of essential oil with a pungent odor and a cut onion will help to keep your pet away from the table. Also, the kitten will give up a bad habit if there are unpleasant objects waiting for him on the table, for example, a baking sheet with water, foil rustling under his paws, or empty tin cans that fall with a roar with every movement.

Night serenades

Sometimes they also involve frantic running. Again, the reasons are very different from banal hunger to the discrepancy between your regimes.

  • In the evening, keep your cat busy with active games; they get tired quickly and sleep for a long time after activities.
  • Be sure to feed the animal before going to bed; after eating, cats also like to sleep, and the feeling of hunger will not cause a night riot
  • Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time, the cat will get used to a certain daily routine

Most often, a cat’s hooligan impulses can be explained by a lack of attention on the part of the owner, since any bad behavior has a reason. Eliminate it and you will be able to find a common language with your pet.

Do your cats often misbehave? How do you raise bad boys? Share your stories in the comments!


How to train a kitten to walk on a harness

A domestic cat will never refuse new experiences, and there are usually not many of them in an apartment. Therefore, you can instill in your pet such a useful habit as walking outside. For safety, you must use a special harness. Pet stores offer a large selection of such accessories.

Starting at 6 months, get your kitten used to wearing a harness. Wear it for a short time at home, leave it near toys, and if the animal is interested, you can gradually take it out for short walks. First, walk around with the kitten in your arms, and then you can lower it to the ground. At the same time, hold the leash firmly, but do not pull on it. You can take toys or treats for a walk. If the pet is too shy and refuses to explore the street world, well, you will have to come to terms with it.

Before your walk, be sure to give your kitten all the necessary vaccinations. Regularly prevent the appearance of worms, fleas and ticks. Wipe your animal's paws after going outside.

The importance of daily routine and play

Our children learn about the world through play. Why shouldn't little cats act in a similar way? Evolution “thought” about the same thing, which is why a kitten’s young years are associated with the need for mental and active games and proper education. Some tips on this topic are presented below :

  • To add variety to the “rope-hide-and-seek” scheme, buy several toys, show the kitten how to use them, and get him interested. At the same time, teach your baby that human hands are only for affection, and not an object of conscientious bullying;
  • active forms of pastime are designed to improve and develop the physical capabilities of the body, contribute to its growth and development;
  • monitor the constancy of your own actions, since the discipline being instilled must have a role model - you. A different reaction to similar situations, in the eyes of a kitten, is proof of the failure of the leader of the pack;
  • Forming a correct daily routine for a kitten is an important stage not only in the upbringing, but also in the development of the kitten. Rational meals, time for naps and games are the key to discipline, which will develop into the habit of an adult pet.

How to teach a kitten to be brushed

It is necessary to accustom a kitten to hygiene procedures from childhood. Cats with long hair and a thick undercoat need regular brushing, otherwise they will develop tangles and hair loss. To avoid this, first lightly stroke the kitten with a special comb mitt. Then gradually move on to the brushes. Choose a calm time for the procedure and try not to hold the baby by force, so as not to hurt him. You can gently brush it with a brush after waking up. Very soon the pet will get used to this procedure and even begin to enjoy it. If resistance is strong, try rewarding your pet with treats.

How to punish a cat - so that they understand?

Socialization and upbringing must be done immediately after the baby arrives in the house. The kitten must understand who is in charge in the new family and respond adequately to human demands.

Educational discipline

It is necessary to use measures to raise a mischievous pet, observing the basic rules and principles of the process. Taking steps to eliminate motives can lead to positive results. The main points of education are as follows:


. This means that you need to scold at the moment of committing a prank. Otherwise, the pet will not understand the connection between the offense and punishment.


. It is impossible to apply the same educational measures for different degrees of severity of the consequences of a crime. This will confuse the mustache and will not give a positive result.


. Sharp shouts, blows with a slipper or hand can lead to the opposite effect. The mustache will become embittered and act contrary to the owner.

Selecting acceptable and effective methods for raising a pet is important to achieve not only immediate, but also sustainable effects. The main task of the owner becomes the correct response to actions and making adequate decisions.

Sometimes a voice is enough

Pets perfectly recognize the timbre and intonation of their owners' voices, without knowing the meaning of the words. Therefore, screams and sharp sounds made by a person can lead to a negative effect. The pet usually gets very scared and goes into a stupor. You can punish or reward a naughty girl by changing the timbre of your voice. To prevent an offense, it is enough to give your voice a threatening intonation without shouting.

The man is the boss of the house

From the first days of his arrival in a new family, a fluffy puppy must understand who is boss in the house. The main person in your pet’s life will be an unquestionable authority for him. This will help in raising and socializing the cat. The pet does not understand human speech, but will respond to the timbre and intonation of the owner.

To demonstrate superiority over a four-legged animal, it is enough to use the same type of commands during the training process. The owner must demonstrate persistence and patience in achieving results.

If you give in and don’t get what you want from your pet, your smart friend is unlikely to comply with the norms of behavior in the future.

For particularly wayward animals, a staring game will work: a person looks into the pet’s eyes for a long time until it looks away. After several “sessions,” the cat will realize that the person is at the head of the house and will begin to respect him.

Teaching a kitten simple commands

Cats are not as trainable as dogs. But a little patience and diligence - and your pet will amaze you with its abilities! Choose a quiet place to study, without distracting sounds or people. It is better to conduct exercises at the same time before feeding, but do not spend too much time on exercises: 5-10 minutes will be enough so that the kitten’s attention does not wander.

Many cats have a tendency to perform certain actions since childhood, so watch your pet and study its habits.

Command "Give me a paw"

Place a treat on your palm and clearly say: “Give me your paw.” The kitten will instinctively place its paw on its palm and reach for the treat. Praise him immediately and give him a treat. If your pet hesitates, carefully place his paw on your palm, and then treat him with a treat. It is important that the animal remembers that after a phrase and a certain action you can get food. It is advisable to repeat the command 4-5 times to consolidate it.

Team "Come to me"

This is an important command, although in some ways it goes against a cat's nature. Like, it’s not a royal thing to come running at the first call. Meanwhile, many cats successfully perform it if the phrase “Come to me” is immediately reinforced with the sound of food being poured into a bowl. Soon the cat will learn to run to the command “with all its paws,” but most importantly, it will remember the key phrase.

Commands “Sit” and “Lie Down”

Cats love to sit and lie imposingly without any commands. But it can be more interesting to train your pet in such a way that he does it according to your desire. Wait until the kitten is in a calm mood. Then get your pet's attention and clearly say, “Sit,” while applying gentle pressure on the lower body. When the kitten sits down, immediately reward him with a treat and reinforce the command several times.

In order for your pet to learn the “Lie Down” command, lightly roll the kitten onto its side, and then immediately give it a treat. Try to achieve an association: phrase - action - treat.

If a kitten does not comply with the training conditions, it should not be rewarded with food. Wait for exactly the desired behavior so that it becomes fixed in the animal’s mind.

Command "Bring"

If your kitten likes to hold toys in his teeth, try using this habit for training. Say: “Bring it” and entice your pet with a treat. No reaction? Then there is no refreshment. And if a kitten, even by accident, still comes up to you with a toy in its teeth, encourage it and try to consolidate the skill in the future.

Why does the cat misbehave at home?

Is there hooliganism?

Before we talk about eliminating deviant behavior, let's figure out whether your pet is really a bully?

What is meant by hooliganism? These are actions of a negative nature that cannot be explained or found a reason for them. But maybe there is a reason after all?

For example, if a cat destroys furniture, the problem may be that it does not have a specific revenge and does not have a suitable scratching post. The desire to sharpen claws is natural for cats. Therefore, a scratching post is an extremely important device. If it is not there or if the cat does not like the existing scratching post, she will quickly find a replacement. Your sofa is perfect for this role!

Going to the toilet in an inappropriate place should not be considered hooliganism. Your pet may have health problems. Or perhaps you don't clean your cat's litter box often enough or buy the wrong litter. Instead of poking your cat's nose into a puddle (which, by the way, is completely useless), it is better to review the hygiene of the cat's litter box and take your pet to a veterinarian to rule out diseases.

Don't forget that babies and young cats are very active. They study the world, explore every corner of it and can play pranks to satisfy their curiosity or throw out pent-up energy. Some cats are more playful and active, others less so. Some are easier to care for, others are more difficult. Each cat is individual. The main thing is to understand that such pranks are a feature of your pet’s behavior. They are not directed against you personally. Contrary to stereotypes, cats do not know how to make plans for revenge or do something out of spite.

Reasons for bad behavior

If the veterinary clinic assured you that the pet is completely healthy, then the cause of the destructive behavior should be sought in the conditions of detention, the environment or the character of the pet.

Let's look at the causes of the most popular problems that cats love to cause.

  • Damage to furniture and belongings

Cats are predators by nature, and sharp claws are very important to them. Sharpening of claws is a natural need of mustachios, which is useless to fight.

The cat does not understand that sharpening its claws on the carpet, sofa armrests and table legs is prohibited. And if you start scolding your pet, he is unlikely to learn your lesson, because... in his opinion, he is doing everything right.

The solution is obvious - buy a scratching post for your cat and place it in those places where the pet prefers to use its claws most often. It is better if there are several different types of scratching posts (horizontal and vertical).

Does the cat not pay attention to the scratching posts? Use a simple trick: apply catnip to the surface of the scratching post. And in places where the cat is not allowed to misbehave, spray with a special spray from the pet store that repels cats. You can use folk remedies - citrus essential oils: cats cannot stand these smells.

Don't forget to trim your naughty friend's claws. Do this carefully, without touching the blood vessels.

  • Knocking over flower pots

If the flower pot is not stable, then sooner or later the cat will drop it. Let this trouble become a reason for you to rearrange and secure the flower pots in places inaccessible to cats. And at the same time, check whether your indoor plants are safe for your pet. Will he feel bad if he decides to taste them?

  • Walking to the toilet past the tray

Mistakes with the toilet can signal a disease, so the first thing you need to do is consult a veterinarian. If everything is fine, then the problem is in the filler, the tray itself or the place where it is located.

Do not forget that:

— the cat litter box should be located in a secluded and quiet place so that the pet does not experience discomfort;

— it is important to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the tray;

— the toilet should be suitable in size for the pet and not be too small;

— perhaps the cat doesn’t like the smell and texture of the litter. Try replacing it with another brand;

— if several cats live in a house, one of them (or all of them at once) can mark territory and declare their superiority;

— the problem of marks can be solved by timely castration.

To wean your pet from going to the toilet in the wrong places, you need, firstly, to make sure that everything is in order with the litter box and that it is comfortable for the cat. Secondly, experiment with the filler. Thirdly, act in the same way as in the case of furniture damage: spray your pet’s favorite places with a repellent to remove smells and marks.

  • Night rush

Almost every cat owner will confirm that his pet becomes unbearable at night. He can run loudly, scream heart-rendingly under the door, make noise with toys and other objects, and dance on the heads of sleeping household members.

The situation can be easily corrected by the following steps:

It’s good to “wear out” a cat in a day, and to do this you need to actively play with him. If you are at work and only come home in the evening, let other family members play with the cat. Are they also out all day? Then get your pet a relative. They will communicate all day and will not get bored.

Buy a variety of different toys for your cat. Ones that you can play together, and ones that the cat can play on his own. For example, a classic cat track with a ball or interactive toys that are launched when a cat approaches. But there is one caveat - before going to bed, all toys should be put away in a place inaccessible to pets. This will serve as a signal for your furry friend to calm down and go to bed.

Under no circumstances should you follow your cat's lead if she wants a snack in the middle of the night. Get out of bed once and you will never sleep peacefully again. The mustachioed cunning one will understand that you can be manipulated. Ignore all the cat's actions and teach this to other family members. Then the pet will understand that he needs to humbly wait for the morning to eat and play.

Make the house pitch dark at night. No night lights, glowing toys, lanterns outside the window - nothing. Any attractive light will distract the four-legged animal from sleep.

Hormonal surges make your pet restless not only during the day, but also at night. Therefore, it is important to castrate or sterilize your pet in a timely manner so that it does not bother you or other animals in the house. Don't hesitate. The later you castrate your pet, the less chance you have of correcting its behavior.

  • Climbing on the table

Trying to stop a cat from jumping on tables and other high surfaces is pointless. Remember that cats are endowed with instincts and often behave like their wild counterparts. Being on a hill is very important for cats. This is how the pet tries to control the situation in the house, watching who comes in and who goes out. Don’t exclude banal curiosity: there are more interesting things on the table, refrigerator and mezzanine than on the floor.

To satisfy your cat’s love for heights, create a convenient place for it on the refrigerator or cabinet: place a pillow or bed there, the pet will only be grateful to you. You can also purchase a special high design consisting of scratching posts and shelves. Just be sure to secure it to the floor and take into account the weight of your four-legged friend, otherwise the cat’s house will fall to the floor after the first jump.

  • Aggression and attack from hiding

Cat owners are very upset that instead of an affectionate fluffy ball, they get a fiend from hell that attacks them from around the corner at the most unexpected moments.

Unreasonable aggression may indicate: stress, fear, experienced violence or a fight with another animal. In this case, you need to adjust the cat’s behavior together with a veterinarian or zoopsychologist.

Attacks from around the corner are most often demonstrated by cats that lack activity, attention and affection. This behavior is also typical of young seals, whose hunting instinct is strong and their energy is overflowing. Don't forget to play with your pet more often, give him a lot of interesting toys and spend more time on communication.

Don’t forget that although cats can’t talk, you can negotiate with them. The main thing is to be a sensitive, attentive and loving owner.

Feeding mode

Raising and disciplining a kitten also involves maintaining a proper feeding regimen. Kittens, like small children, should be fed according to a certain pattern. It looks like this:

Kitten ageFeeding frequency
2-3 months5 times during the day
5-6 months4 times a day
7-11 months2 times a day (in the morning and evening hours)

It is recommended to feed the kitten strictly at certain hours. After feeding, the food bowls are removed. Only an adult cat over a year old can independently determine the time of meals and its quantity. As for water, the kitten should have constant access to it. The water in the drinking bowl should be changed 2-3 times throughout the day.

Prohibited parenting methods

Many cat owners make mistakes in the educational process. Under no circumstances should the following be applied to these animals:

  • physical influences;
  • stress techniques;
  • aggressive screams.

Even light blows can cause significant harm to your pet's health. The structure of the skull in cats is fragile. In the back of the animal's body there is a huge number of nerve endings; a blow to this sensitive area can cause serious injury. You cannot hit cats with your hand, a rag, or a newspaper - physical impacts should be strictly prohibited. All family members need to remember this.

Many owners consider screaming to be the best training method. It should be noted that for cats it causes serious discomfort. Animals are afraid of loud noises, they cause psychological stress. In addition, this technique is absolutely useless in education. The pet will not understand what exactly he is accused of, but his attitude towards the owner will change. The cat will consider the owner an aggressive and dangerous creature.

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