Ringworm in cats and kittens: Symptoms, how to treat, photos and videos | Trichophytosis, microsporia
Ringworm in cats and kittens: Symptoms, how to treat, photos and videos | Trichophytosis, microsporia
Find out what lichen in a cat looks like, how to treat it at home and with medications. Dangerous
The cat has a stuffy nose: causes and accompanying symptoms
Is nasal discharge a cause for concern? If you have sneezing and/or nasal discharge
Bloating in a cat - causes, symptoms, treatment
Cats, like all domestic animals, can cause a lot of trouble for their owners. It is natural that
Runny nose in a cat: causes, treatment and preventive measures
The occurrence of rhinitis, or in other words, a runny nose, provokes the process of sneezing in cats. Unlike
Castration of a cat at home: preparing the pet and premises, carrying out the procedure
Purchasing for family comfort and with the aim of instilling kindness and responsibility in your children
Kitten's nose bleeds after being hit. What to do if your cat's nose is bleeding
How to cure a pet Owners often ask the question: “The cat is sneezing, what should I do at home?”
Cat breed with red eyes - reality or fiction
It must be said right away: the eyes of cats actually do not glow in the dark, that is,
After castration, the cat continues to “stomp”: reasons, what to do
Almost every person experiences a feeling of tenderness when looking at a little kitten. This is a mischievous furry miracle
Damage to the cornea of ​​the eye: treatment and possible consequences
Causes and types of damage to the cornea The cornea of ​​the eye is very thin and is practically not protected by anything,
cat sitting
7 reasons why a cat is losing weight but eating well - what to do
Scottish cats have a medium, but rather dense, build when compared to other breeds. U
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