The smartest and most loyal cat breeds that are suitable for apartments

Dogs have long secured the title of man's best friend, which no one is trying to challenge - but the fate of mustachioed pets turned out completely differently. They are often called selfish, selfish and independent, emphasizing that cats always walk on their own and are attached exclusively to their place of residence.

Despite all these stereotypes, we must not forget about exceptions. If you are looking for a pet with true canine loyalty, then be sure to meet the most loyal cats from our selection.

Persian cat

  • Weight: 3.2-5.5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-17 years
  • Breed type: longhair

Persian cats are known for their docile and gentle nature. These pets are cute and funny. They are also called "couch" cats . But sometimes they are very playful, curious and quite active, so don't be surprised if you spot them sitting on a tabletop or hanging from curtains. These felines are happiest and most relaxed when in the company of their owner. Your dog will most likely be eagerly waiting for you to quickly jump on your lap and cuddle to his heart's content.

Persian cats are one of the most ancient and popular breeds on the planet. At the moment, there are almost 100 varieties of Persians by color.

The Persian cat is best kept indoors, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, their hair must be in perfect shape, without regular brushing it will become tangled. Secondly, these cats are naturally shy , and they can be very scared outside the home. These are not the breeds that will explore unfamiliar territory and look for a reason to fight with their relatives. However, they will seek out their people and strive to be close to them. This is a pampered feline that feels happy when you pamper it.

The best hypoallergenic cat breeds

Many cat lovers are allergic to them. It is often difficult to resist these cute creatures. But there is a way out. Some cats do not cause allergies and will become excellent friends for their owners.

Hypoallergenic breeds include:

  1. Sphinxes

The Canadian, Don, and St. Petersburg Sphynxes are considered hypoallergenic. People with sensitive immune systems can coexist with these breeds. You should get tested first. It is advisable to bathe your cat once a week to reduce the risk of allergies.

  1. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

About 15% of allergy sufferers do not react to Cornish and Devon Rex dogs, despite the fact that they are a curly-haired breed. These individuals shed less, and the fur does not scatter in all corners.

  1. Siberian

Fluffy Siberians rarely cause a negative reaction from the body. Fel D1 protein is found in low concentrations in their saliva. To prevent your cat from causing allergies, you should bathe it with shampoo with a disinfecting effect, and also choose a silica gel filler.

Important: coat length does not affect allergies. A negative reaction can also occur with hypoallergenic cats. Everything is individual. To avoid putting yourself at risk, you need to consult a doctor and get tested.


Maine Coon

  • Weight: 3.6-8.2 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13-14 years
  • Breed type: longhair

Don't let the size of this cat fool you. This gentle giant is considered one of the friendliest cat breeds. It is unlikely that you will find a list of the most affectionate and good-natured breeds that does not include the Maine Coon.

Maine Coons are called "American Coon Cats" due to their resemblance to raccoons and their North American roots. The Maine Coon comes from the American state of Maine.

If you have a family with children or dogs, the Maine Coon is perfect for you. Due to their large size and affectionate nature, Maine Coons are one of the best family cats that are ideal for children. At the same time, these cats are independent and have a quirky character. So you definitely won’t be bored!

Devotion of street cats: myths and reality

Among the owners of “mustachios”, the myth of unconditional feline devotion on the part of animals taken from the street is firmly entrenched. Such pets are often called more faithful and loving, but in reality everything is a little different.

The gentle nature of homeless pets is usually explained by long-term care and attention from compassionate and extremely responsible owners, because not everyone is able to shelter an animal. Despite this, it is important to understand that loyalty does not arise from one good deed. Stability is important to her.

If a pet has been treated poorly while wandering on the street, it will take a long time to rehabilitate. And, contrary to popular belief, not everyone manages to get used to people.

Kittens adapt most easily, but adults can remain with a broken psyche for the rest of their lives.

Another point that refutes unconditional loyalty is the individuality of character. Unlike a purebred cat, the behavior pattern of a mustachioed “nobleman” is not predictable. It is influenced not only by the events that happened to him, but also by inherited genes, about which, with a high probability, nothing is known.


  • Weight: 3.7-9.1 kg
  • Life expectancy: 15 years
  • Breed type: longhair

The Ragdoll is one of the fluffiest breeds. His name translates as “rag doll ,” and for good reason, because ragdolls love to be carried in arms like babies. These gentle giants of the cat world are loved for their sweet canine personalities. This highly obsessive cat breed has a tendency to follow their owners wherever they go.

The Ragdoll is an unusual mix of Himalayan, Burmese and Persian breeds.

This is an excellent choice for those who live in an apartment with small children. The Ragdoll is a friendly and affectionate feline that often becomes attached to its owners quite quickly. Your Ragdoll will happily greet you at the door or follow you around. But keep in mind that these cats will always do exactly as they please!

Cornish Rex

Our “hit parade” is completed by a breed of cats specifically designed for apartment living. A characteristic feature of these animals is their very small, “compact” paw pads. And this is not just an impression. Their pads are indeed very small, which is why the claws of these cats never fully retract. Because of this, pets' claws need to be trimmed regularly and carefully. On the contrary, the beautiful curly undercoat practically does not shed and does not require special care.

The Cornish have a unique character: they, being 100% “homebodies” who are simply unable to survive on the street, are incredibly devoted to their owners (sometimes to the point of obsessiveness), and love to play with children. In addition, they are easy to train.


  • Weight: 2.8-6.4 kg
  • Life expectancy: 16-18 years
  • Breed type: shorthair

If you are looking for a friendly and curious pet, you will love the Burmese. Burmese cats love to sit by the window , watching the world around them, and they will never refuse to communicate with their owners. Burmese love to hug and cuddle with the people they love.

The expressive yellowish eyes of Burmese shorthair cats have a unique quality - they change color depending on the light!

For those who want privacy, Burmese is clearly not suitable. She loves people so much that she will most likely get in your way. Burmese cats are affectionate and playful. Their clear advantage is their tolerance for coexistence with other cats and even dogs.

Scottish fold cat

  • Weight: 5.9-7.3 kg
  • Life expectancy: 11-15 years
  • Breed type: shorthair

As soon as you see a Scottish Fold cat, your heart will melt. Her small folded ears and unique ability to sit on her hind legs, bent at the belly, attract attention at first sight. The friendly nature of the Scottish Fold cat will make any person squeal with joy from cuteness overload.

Curled forward and downward ears, resulting from a natural mutation of genes, give the Scottish Fold an “owl-like” .

Scottish Fold cats love to interact with people. In fact, many Scottish Fold owners joke that their pets don't even realize they're not human. As long as you support their routine, you will have a unique, strong bond with your feline friend.

Burmese cat

  • Weight: 2.8-6.8 kg
  • Life expectancy: 14 years
  • Breed type: longhair

The Burmese cat is one of the most beloved cat breeds all over the world. As the name suggests, this breed originates from Myanmar , formerly known as Burma. With blue eyes, color-point fur and white paws, Burmese cats look absolutely stunning, and they have the right personality.

Burmese cats are a great example of how dog-like some felines can be. If treated properly, they will become loyal companions, extremely attached to their owner.

Owners of these cats often report that they have an innate desire to always be close to them. The flexible nature makes the Burmese cat an ideal option for owners who have several pets at once. Regardless of whether you have other cats or dogs, the Burmese cat is likely to make friends with them, wanting to turn them into playmates. Their indisputable advantage will be their relative silence . And when they speak, their voices sound a little hoarse and muffled.

TOP 20 most affectionate cats

The most loyal and affectionate cats are those that completely trust a person, are attached to the whole family and do not show the slightest signs of aggression.

By the way, read about the most beautiful cats in the world, they are often the kindest and most loyal.


This fluffy cat was created by crossing Burma and Angora. Her name is translated into Russian as “rag doll.” And it is not by chance that it is named this way, the fact is that it has a very low muscle tone and pain threshold; in the hands of its owner, the Ragdoll completely relaxes and allows you to do whatever you want with itself. Because of its remarkable character and amazing beauty, this breed is in great demand in the world, although it is more widespread in America and Great Britain, it is quite rare in Russia.

These cats are large and can weigh up to 10 kg. Colors: color point, bicolor and mitted.

They are very attached to the whole family, they love to talk with the owner and sit in their arms. The high gullibility of these animals can turn into disaster for them - they practically cannot stand up for themselves, they completely lack the hunting instinct and aggressiveness.

They are smart, easily accustomed to scratching posts, litter trays, and changing food. If you practice wearing a harness from a young age, you can walk your cat outside. The pet matures very slowly, remains a kitten until two years old, and is playful. Ragdoll cannot be denied communication; the cat sincerely suffers from inattention, is kind and affectionate, like a child. He is distinguished by a calm, silent and flexible, almost ideal character.

Ragdoll photo gallery:

More about ragdolls.

If you are interested in the kindest cats in the world, then you will probably also be interested in the most evil ones, be sure to read the article about them on our portal Mister Cat.

Shorthair exotic

A cat with the appearance of a child – a characteristic “baby face” – takes first place in the popularity rating not only in our country, but throughout the world. This is explained by Exot's unusual beauty and excellent character. The colors come in a variety of colors, and the eye color matches the coat color. The animals are friendly, strive to be near their owner around the clock, are kind to children and play with them with pleasure.

They are distinguished by a complete lack of aggression and a playful disposition, but do not tolerate loneliness, separation from the owner and have a hard time getting used to new people and pets.

Read about the exotic shorthair cat.

Burmese cat

The TOP 20 most tame cats include the Burma. The homeland of the short-haired cat is Southeast Asia; in the fifties of the last century, it appeared in Europe.

The color variations are varied; the lower part of the body is always one or two shades lighter than the upper part. Eye color ranges from yellow to bright amber and copper. This rather large animal is famous for its friendliness, playfulness and energy, while having the manners of royalty. Only this pet has the amazing ability to win over everyone - even people who don’t like cats and aggressive dogs. He sincerely loves children and allows them to do whatever they want with them; they completely trust the person. Also read articles on the best cats for children.


The breed was created in England by crossing a Burmese and a Persian chinchilla in 1981. There are a lot of cat colors: shaded black, red, chocolate, blue, lilac, caramel and apricot. The eyes are golden or green with dark rims.

The pets are not as energetic as the Burmese, but they are ready to follow their owner around the clock. They love to be held, are very affectionate and require constant attention. At the same time, they are absolutely non-conflict and patient. The harmfulness of the Persians is not characteristic of them, but they know how to find a common language with everyone, like the Burmas. Will get along in any family.

Read a separate article about Burmilla.

Neva Masquerade

This breed is the result of crossing a Siberian and a Siamese. It was developed in the 60s of the 20th century in Leningrad. This elegant cat is much loved because of its color, bright blue eyes and long, glossy fur, which is considered hypoallergenic.

A very friendly, intelligent and unusually attached creature to its owner, it is perfect for families with children. He never shows aggression and is friendly with any pets.

Also read the article about the Neva Masquerade.


This cat, whose name translates as “child of the mists,” is not an independent breed. They are distinguished by their amazing blue color with a silver haze and emerald eyes, very similar to the Russian Blue.

These cats talk silently. They love their owner very much and become attached to one person for life, although they treat other family members very well. They do not tolerate noise, screams, or quarrels. Completely undemanding, non-offensive and non-conflicting. Smart and intelligent, do not strive for leadership. When separated from their owner, they feel sad, but are able to adapt to new conditions and are stress-resistant. They love children, never offend them, and treat them patronizingly. But a child that is too small will irritate the Nibelung with excessive noise. They don’t get used to other animals right away, but over time they take everyone under their protection.


Read more interesting things about the Nibelungs.

Russian blue

The Russian people have long created legends about the character of this cat. This natural breed almost never makes sounds. Even a cat in heat does not make loud noises, and the cat does not mark its territory. These animals are able to remain calm and equanimous, discreetly showing their love for the owner, but they are strongly attached to him - they always try to keep him in sight. Possessing excellent resistance to stress, they tolerate changes quite well - departures of family members, the appearance of other pets in the house. They become nannies and playmates for children; they never let out their claws, even if the child accidentally caused pain. With real offenders they will be able to stand up for themselves with confidence.

They will be happy to sit next to the elderly owner, listen carefully and assent. Absolutely not vindictive. Excellent hunters, they have no equal in catching rats and mice. Very smart, easy to educate and train.

Russian blue

More interesting things about Russian Blues.


This calm, but at the same time playful and incredibly attached to its owner, the cat inherited the first trait from its Persian ancestor, and the second and third from the Siamese. He loves to communicate with adults and children, sit on laps, and, interestingly, swim.

Her voice is quiet, she likes to look questioningly at her owner, thus expressing her desires or requests. Among other character traits of this breed is a reluctance to sleep in closed cat houses, and likes to nest next to the owner, preferably on the bed. Also does not tolerate confined spaces.

Photo gallery of Himalayan cats:

Also read a separate article about Himalayan cats.


These cats are a type of sphinx, and among others, for example, Canadian, Don, they are the youngest. They are one of those few breeds that are more dog than cat in nature. They love to follow their owner's heels, and, what is important, they are quite trainable. Peterbalds tolerate loneliness very poorly, they wait for their beloved owner sitting at the door and joyfully, almost wagging their tail, rush at him when they meet. They respond well to their name and love all family members.

These are very talkative cats, which is interesting, this trait is typical for all hairless cats. They can get along not only with people, but also with any other pets, and can even fall in love with them. And in adulthood they remain very playful, so they will definitely become friends with children in the house. They love to wash themselves, eat delicious food, and hunt well. Their temperament is very lively, so such a cat is unlikely to suit melancholic people.


Also read the article about the St. Petersburg sphinxes.

Selkirk Rex

The character of the animal has absorbed all the exceptional features of the breeds involved in the creation of these “teddy bears” - Briton, Persian and Exotic. They are silent, moderately playful and absolutely good-natured. They love to sit and lie next to their owner and get along well with other pets.

Stress-resistant, smart and easy to learn. Loyal to their owner, like dogs. But at the same time, they are friendly to all the inhabitants of the house, caressing any people with pleasure, and are irreplaceable companions for children in noisy games. “Teddy bears” can charm any person.

Read more about plush Selkirk Rex dogs.


The cute, bear-like pet with curly, curly fur that comes in a variety of colors is sometimes called an alpaca. These animals are very affectionate, sociable and great for playing with children. Friendly and curious cats are good hunters. They are absolutely conflict-free and get along with any other animals. They are very quiet, practically do not speak, are attached to people and do not tolerate loneliness well. Considered hypoallergenic.

More interesting things about lapermas.


Graceful, swift and sophisticated, the Oriental never shows aggression (by the way, read the article about cat breeds prone to anger). He is friendly, affectionate and sociable, and does not like to be left alone. The short coat, lying close to the body, comes in different colors; the color of the eyes matches its coloring. These cats are talkative and hooligan, love noisy games with children and are very energetic.

Balinese and Oriental

We recommend reading the article about the oriental cat.

Pixie Bob

A cat with the appearance of a lynx and a good-natured character is distinguished by polydactyly (and the number of toes on one paw can reach ten) and a short tail (read the article about how many toes cats have). These kind, intelligent and devoted animals love all family members, especially children - they happily play with them without showing any aggression. They love walks in the fresh air on a harness. They are similar to dogs in their devotion to their owner.

We recommend reading the article about the TOP smartest cat breeds.

More about pixiebobs.

Burmese cat (Sacred Burma)

One of the oldest natural breeds, it comes in a variety of colors - red, blue, cream, chocolate, lilac, siale, but always color point. Very attached to humans, playful and affectionate pets know how to persistently achieve their goals. They are completely non-aggressive and happily make friends with other animals. They love to sleep with their owner under a blanket. These affectionate, slightly obsessive and jealous pets are very loved by children, as faithful companions in games.

Also read about Burma.

York chocolate

This cat was born as a result of crossing Persian and Siamese breeds. Interestingly, these wonderful chocolate cats did not inherit a single bad trait from their ancestors. We all know how Siamese can sometimes amaze with their rancor and cunning, but Yorkies, on the contrary, are completely open and very friendly. A saying that fully characterizes them: “If you have York, you will never be alone again.” Without their owners, these pets are incredibly sad, treat other animals in the house well and can easily make friends even with a dog. However, it is still not worth getting small animals, such as a parrot or a hamster, since these cats are excellent hunters.

One of the pleasant and rare traits for other cat breeds is the Yorkie’s ability to literally adapt to its owner, his daily routine and habits. In the morning he will get up with him and go for a walk with pleasure, he will easily get used to the harness. This cat requires attention, and, as we have already said, does not like loneliness, but understands perfectly well if it is in the way, and in this case it will not insist on attention. Moderately playful and will never offend a child, a very family cat.

Read a lot about chocolate Yorkies on our portal.


This breed is the result of an experiment in crossing Sphynxes, Munchkins and American Curls. Dwarf pets (dwarf - gnome, elf - elf) weigh no more than two kilograms. They have short legs, a bald strong body, large ears and an expressive look of huge blue eyes. Gentle, intelligent and trusting creatures are a rarity in our country. They do not tolerate loneliness, noise and quarrels, are inactive, slightly annoying and touchy, but not aggressive. Children love these little ones very much and Dwelf, if he is not offended, plays with them with pleasure.

Cornish Rex

A small, graceful cat with short curly hair, she is highly intelligent and friendly. In addition, he has innate grace and artistic habits. The pet is very active all his life, children love him, to which he fully reciprocates.

A lot about Cornish Rex.

Devon Rex

A rare breed among curly cats. Large ears and huge, wide-open eyes make this animal look like an alien creature. Active and cheerful cats play with children with pleasure, are hardy and resemble a dog in many habits (for example, wagging their tail).

About Devon Rex.


The rare breed was obtained by crossing Devon Rex, Scottish Fold, Chartreuse, Norwegian Forest, Somali, Maine Coon. Friendly and loyal creatures are very fond of human communication. Unobtrusive, non-aggressive and smart.


This breed of tailless cats has been known since the 16th century. Any colors and colors are allowed. Active, inquisitive, friendly and loyal. They love children and enjoy playing with them.

Read the article about Manx.

Siamese cat

  • Weight: 3.6-6.8 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10-13 years
  • Breed type: shorthair

Anyone who has ever dealt with a Siamese cat knows very well how vocal they are. This cat breed is often spoken of as the noisiest in the cat world. She is not a breed that does well when left alone for long periods of time. These are definitely companion cats that crave attention and care.

The Siamese cat is one of the most typical “folk” cats. She wants to be with you all the time, including sitting on your lap, lying in bed with you, and eating at the table with you.

The unique thing about the Siamese cat is that it is very friendly and communicates well with people. If your pet is hungry or irritated, he will let you know. This is something that Siamese cat owners really appreciate about them.

They become so attached to their people that they can easily panic and feel lonely. If you're considering getting a Siamese cat, it would probably be better to have another cat at home to keep it company, especially if you have long work hours.

What is meant by the term “cat loyalty”

The most telling example of a cat's fidelity is the boundless and reverent care of a mother cat for her growing kittens. Her love for the kids is unconditional, so she will sacrifice her life without hesitation to save them.

From a scientific point of view, such recklessness can be explained very banally - by nature’s instinct of conservation for the survival of its kind. Logic here recedes only in one case - when saving people. Cases of attacks by mustachioed pets on robbers and wild dogs to protect their owners are confirmed not only by eyewitness accounts, but also by video recordings. Such strange and life-threatening behavior is a manifestation of that very loyalty.

Despite the evidence, you should not expect an extreme situation. In ordinary life, the affection of a “mustache” can be determined by simpler signs:

  • quick response to nickname and other calls;
  • accepting affection and invitations to play;
  • mandatory return home after a walk (relevant for free-ranging animals);
  • giving gifts (bringing killed mice and birds);
  • cat “kisses” and “milk step”;
  • taking free and relaxed poses while sleeping (showing your tummy);
  • meeting after a long absence.

A cat’s innate independence precludes building relationships similar to canine subordination. Cats communicate with their owners strictly on equal terms, but they also become attached to them and are very sad after their death.


  • Weight: 2.7-5.4 kg
  • Life expectancy: 8-14 years
  • Breed type: hairless

If you've ever had the opportunity to meet a Sphynx, then you know how sweet, charismatic and tenacious these cats are. They can cuddle with you for hours. You may not know, but Sphynx cats have a slightly higher core body temperature than other cat breeds. This is because their body gets used to the absence of warming fur.

Sphynx cats love people so much that they sometimes act as if their goal is to please you. At the same time, they are very energetic and fun to play with.

The Sphinx is known for its friendliness and curiosity. He is happiest when he is next to his beloved owner. Another fun fact about these hairless cats? This is actually a natural breed native to Canada.


These cats are known for their even-tempered, kind nature.

Such pets are playful, active, sociable and enjoy spending time with people if they are in the mood. But sometimes Manx cats want to be alone. Therefore, representatives of the breed are a suitable choice for those who cannot or do not like to stay at home for a long time.

Despite their independent nature, any cat needs care and attention. It is important for every owner to monitor the health of their pet. And make sure that the animal always has a clean tray, fresh water, enough food and toys.

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Abyssinian cat

  • Weight: 4.1-7.7 kg
  • Life expectancy: 15 years
  • Breed type: shorthair

This is a very sociable, active and people-oriented cat. The Abyssinian cat is an excellent climber , and she is also incredibly inquisitive. And if she sees something that piques her immediate interest, she won't be afraid to explore the new object.

Abyssinian cats are sometimes called "Aby-grabbys" because they tend to grab things that attract their attention.

Interestingly, Abyssinian cats are usually divided into two different categories - racers and lazy ones. This is due to the fact that representatives of this breed can be very playful or incredibly calm and balanced. Either way, they love people and are very friendly.

But keep in mind that Abyssinian cats do not tolerate loneliness or alienation well. They crave attention and are not shy about demanding it when they see fit. The Abyssinian cat also ranks high on many lists of the smartest cat breeds !

Oriental cat

  • Weight: 2.3-4.5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 15 years
  • Breed type: shorthair

The last cat breed on our list is the Oriental. These cats seem not from our world for many reasons. In case you didn't know, the Oriental Shorthair can come in more patterns and colors than any other cat breed! These thin, long, ballerina-like cats have triangular-shaped heads with radar ears, giving them a unique appearance not found in other cats. Orientals are naturally funny and there is never a dull moment around them.

The Oriental Shorthair shares DNA with Siamese cats, which is why it also likes to purr loudly.

These cats are desperate for attention and are not suitable for homes where they will be forced to spend long hours alone. Orientals are happiest when they are around people, and they are not shy about demanding their attention whenever they want it.

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