Quadriket for cats: instructions for use, composition, dosage and price

The modern French drug Quadricat for cats allows the formation of stable immunity to certain dangerous infectious diseases over a long period of time. Due to its unique composition, the product promotes the production of persistent antibodies in the cat’s body, allowing, in case of infection, to transfer the disease easily and without danger to life.

pharmachologic effect

The glycoprotein fraction that enters the body after vaccination provides lasting immunity 2-3 weeks after the vaccine is administered to the following diseases: rabies; calcivirosis; panleukopenia; herpes viral infections.

REFERENCE! The drug is used only for preventive purposes, stimulating the production of an immune response that is valid for 1 year. A vaccinated animal infected with one of the listed diseases tolerates it in a mild form, eliminating dangerous complications.

Virus prevention

Viruses of herpes and calcivirosis in a cat’s body can provoke:

  1. Conjunctivitis;
  2. Inflammation of the larynx, mucous membranes of internal organs and tonsils;
  3. Ulcers in the mouth, throat, stomach.

All diseases can become chronic, the treatment of which is a difficult task. The drug Quadricat allows you to prevent such dangerous illnesses.

Vaccine prevention helps to significantly reduce the likelihood of your pet becoming infected with herpes and calciviruses by forming natural immunity in the cat’s body.

Instructions for use

Before vaccination, it is important to make sure that there are no helminths. To do this, the pet is given anthelmintics 10 days before the procedure. When working with the drug at home: Remember that vaccinating 2 cats with 1 syringe is not acceptable. Use disposable instruments and maintain sterility. Mix the contents of 2 bottles. Fill the syringe with the liquid component by inserting the needle directly into the rubber stopper, and inject it into the bottle with the dry one. Shake the resulting solution vigorously until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Select and treat the injection site with an antiseptic. The resulting emulsion is injected into the thigh muscle or under the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blade.

REFERENCE! When receiving your first vaccination, trust your veterinarians. In case of an allergy to the incoming components, the pet will receive immediate first aid.

Within 2-3 weeks after vaccination, it is important to: exclude street walks and overexposure, which carry a risk of infection; monitor your diet and avoid overeating; protect your pet from overheating and drafts.

REFERENCE! Mandatory revaccination is carried out annually. Any deviation from this scheme is fraught with a decrease in efficiency. If you miss the scheduled vaccination date, it is important to vaccinate the animal on any upcoming day.


Analogues of the Quadricate are:

  1. Nobivac;
  2. Multifel.

The choice of a replacement product should be made by a veterinarian.

Which vaccine is better: Novibak or Kvadrikat?

Kvadrikat is a means of single immunization of kittens starting from 3 months of age, as well as for adult animals.

The drug is practically harmless due to the fact that it does not contain live antibodies. This is what distinguishes Quadrikat both from Novibak and from many existing vaccination drugs.

Quadricate is chosen to minimize the load on the immune system, because a single use at the age of 4 months and then annually is considered to be significantly gentle on the pet’s body.


The vaccine eliminates the need to calculate individual dosages, as it does not depend on age or breed characteristics. A single dose is represented by the contents of 2 bottles: liquid component “Corifelin”; dry component "Rabiffa-Feliniffa". The drug is available in 2 versions: 10 plastic packages containing 1 bottle of dry vaccine and 1 syringe with a liquid component; 50 vials with 2 types of vaccines, sealed with rubber stoppers and reinforced with aluminum caps. After mixing the components, the total dose volume is 1 ml.

How is vaccination carried out?

The Quadrikat vaccine is available in semi-finished form, the packaging consists of two bottles:

  1. With white dry mixture, in crumbly form. The powder includes a panleukopenia virus deprived of virulence and a neutralized rabies virus.
  2. With oily liquid. It is a glycoprotein fraction of herpevirus with calcivirus antigen.

The bottles are sealed hermetically. The components should be mixed before injection. The mixed volume is 1 dose of vaccine intended for a 3 month old kitten.

The furry pet’s immunity does not develop immediately; it will take about 21 days. Stable immune protection lasts for one year. Experts advise carrying out the next vaccination in a year.

Before vaccinating a cat, deworming should be done. In order to prevent side effects, in particular an allergic reaction, the fluffy is given an antiallergic medicine before vaccination.

The drug can also be used for vaccination of pregnant cats.

If the scheduled vaccination coincides with the period when the cat is receiving antibiotic therapy, vaccination should be postponed for 3 weeks, allowing the body to recover.

After vaccination, during the noted period of immunity formation, it is necessary to exclude the pet from contact with other animals. When a vaccine is administered to an infected individual, the danger to life doubles.

Contraindications and precautions

The main contraindications that exclude the use of the drug include: Long-term use of antibiotics. After treatment of a sick cat, the presence of 1 of the diseases preventable by the use of the vaccine should disappear. In this case, the infected pet will receive a serious blow to the weakened body, which will cause further complications. Infection with helminths. Any helminthiasis is a severe burden on the body, which excludes any vaccinations.

REFERENCE! The drug is suitable for vaccinating kittens over 3 months old, as well as pregnant and lactating cats.

Side effects include: Swelling. The local reaction goes away in 2-3 days without outside intervention. You will only need to seek veterinary help if the registration lasts longer or if you experience pain. Anaphylaxis. It is observed in a small number of animals and is eliminated by symptomatic treatment. For the safety of your pet, carry out self-vaccination only in case of revaccination. Do not forget that even weakened viruses are dangerous, so when working with the drug it is important to: use protective clothing (gown, gloves, closed glasses, trousers); prepare a first aid kit in advance in case of force majeure; wash your hands thoroughly after administering the vaccine; Immediately wash areas that have come into contact with vaccine components.

REFERENCE! A person who receives an accidental injection is treated with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol at the injection site and taken to the nearest medical facility.

Vaccine against panleukopenia

Panleukopenia virus is DNA-containing, without an envelope, with a diameter of 20 nm. It shares the same stereotype with parvoviruses. Resistant to environmental factors. Infection occurs through contact, as well as through the use of household items.

The first signs appear in the oropharynx, after which the virus spreads throughout the body by lymphocytes. The latent period ranges from 2 to 6 days. The severity of the disease is related to the age and general condition of the cat. Panleukopenia is a dangerous disease that leads to the death of kittens.

Proceeds with the following symptoms:

  • Gastroenteritis;
  • Vomiting;
  • Acute diarrhea;
  • Immunosuppression.

Vaccination with Quadricat stimulates the production of persistent antibodies to the panleukopenia virus in the cat’s body, forming intense immunity. When infected, a vaccinated animal easily tolerates the pathology.

Storage conditions

The drug is suitable for 2 years after production, provided that: the integrity of the bottles, stoppers and caps; compliance with storage temperature (2-8°); absence of mechanical impurities or mold; kept in a place protected from moisture and sunlight. Any deviation from the listed conditions or freezing of the vaccine involves discarding the drug with a preliminary 10-minute boiling. After disinfection of the incoming components, the vaccine is disposed of along with other household waste.

REFERENCE! After preparing the emulsion, the drug is used immediately, excluding further storage.


Instructions #

on the use of the Quadricat vaccine for the prevention of panleukopenia, herpesvirus, calicivirus infections and rabies in cats

(developer organization: Merial, France)


1. Trade name: “Quadricat” (“Quadricat”). International nonproprietary name - Vaccine against panleukopenia, herpesvirus, calicivirus infections and rabies of cats. 2. Dosage form - lyophilized tablet and liquid component (dry mass and liquid) for the preparation of an emulsion for injection. The lyophilized component is made from the culture fluid of a cat kidney cell culture infected with attenuated feline panleukopenia virus and the culture fluid of a 2NIL cell line infected with rabies virus and inactivated with betapropiolactone, with the addition of lactose (75 mg/dose) as a stabilizer. The liquid component is made from the glycoprotein fraction of feline herpesvirus (type 1), purified feline calicivirus antigen, with the addition of an oil adjuvant (light liquid paraffin -700 mg/ml, ester of fatty alcohols and polyols - 60 mg/ml, ester of fatty acids and polyols -80 mg/ml) up to 1 ml. The lyophilized component in appearance is a dry, homogeneous white mass, the liquid component is a white oil emulsion. The components of the “Quadricat” vaccine are packaged in 1 immunizing dose (1 ml) in glass vials, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps. 3. Vials of the vaccine are packaged in boxes of 10 doses (10 bottles of dry and liquid components each) and 50 doses (50 bottles of dry and liquid components each). Instructions for use are included in each box of vaccine. The shelf life of the vaccine is 24 months from the date of release, subject to storage and transportation conditions. After the expiration date, the vaccine is not suitable for use. 4. The vaccine is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C. Freezing of the vaccine is not allowed. 5. The vaccine should be stored out of the reach of children. 6. Vials with a vaccine without labels, with an expired expiration date, with a violation of the integrity and/or tightness of the closure, with the presence of foreign impurities, which have been frozen, are rejected and disinfected by boiling for 10 minutes, followed by disposal. The typing of a disinfected vaccine does not require special precautions.


7. The Quadricat vaccine causes the formation of an immune response in cats to pathogens of panleukopenia, herpesvirus and calicivirus infections, rabies 14-21 days after administration, lasting at least 12 months. One immunizing dose of the vaccine contains:

  • attenuated feline panlecopenia virus, not less than 103 CCID50;
  • inactivated rabies virus antigen, not less than 1UI;
  • glycoproteins of feline herpesvirus (type 1), not less than 0.8 SN50 log10;
  • purified feline calicivirus antigen, not less than 0.8 SNso log10.

(SN50 log10 - seroneutralizing antibody titers in vaccinated cats). The vaccine is harmless and has no medicinal properties.


8. The vaccine is intended for the prevention of panleukopenia, herpesvirus and calicivirus infections and rabies in cats. 9. It is prohibited to vaccinate clinically sick and/or weakened animals. 10 days before vaccination it is necessary to deworm the cat. Pregnant animals are not subject to vaccination. 10. The “Quadricat” vaccine is administered subcutaneously into the scapula area, from 3 months of age, in a dose of 1 ml, regardless of the weight and breed of cats. Revaccination of cats is carried out annually at the same dose. When vaccinating, it is necessary to follow the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. Before vaccination, the lyophilized component of the Quadrikat vaccine is combined with the liquid component. To do this, use a sterile syringe: transfer the liquid component of the vaccine into a bottle with a lyophilized component and shake thoroughly. The drug prepared in this way must be used immediately. 11. Symptoms of panleukopenia, herpesvirus, calicivirus infections, rabies or other pathological signs in case of an overdose of the vaccine have not been established. 12. Features of the post-vaccination reaction during primary and repeated immunizations have not been established. 13. Violations of the vaccination schedule should be avoided, as this may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis for panleukopenia, herpesvirus, calicivirus infections and feline rabies. If the next dose is missed, immunization should be carried out as soon as possible. 14. When using the vaccine in accordance with these instructions, there are usually no side effects or complications. A quickly disappearing swelling may sometimes appear at the injection site. In exceptional cases, an anaphylactic reaction is possible. In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out. 15. Simultaneous, but at different points, administration of the Quadricat vaccine together with vaccines against rabies and feline leukemia produced by Merial is allowed. 16. The terms of possible use of products of animal origin after the introduction of Quadrikat are not established.


17. When working with the vaccine, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with veterinary medicinal products. When finished, wash your hands with warm water and soap. 18. All persons participating in vaccination must wear special clothing (rubber boots, a robe, trousers, a hat, rubber gloves) and be provided with personal protective equipment: closed-type goggles. Places of work must have a first aid kit. 19. If the vaccine gets on the skin and/or mucous membranes, it is recommended to rinse them with plenty of tap water. If the drug is accidentally administered to a person, the injection site must be treated with a 70% ethyl alcohol solution, contact a medical facility and inform the doctor about this. 20. Organization - 29 av. Tony Gamier, 69007, Lyon, France. Manufacture address: Merial, Laboratoire Porte des Alpes, 69800 Saint Priest, France

Instructions for use of the “Quadricat” vaccine have been developed, 29 av. Tony Garnier, 69007, Lyon, France, together with the Moscow Representative Office, Moscow.

Side effects

Improper use of the Quadricat vaccine can cause dangerous negative reactions in cats. There is a possibility that the animal's skin will swell in the area where the injection was given, and there is also a risk of developing anaphylactic shock. To protect your pet, it is recommended to give it antihistamines immediately before the procedure. If the swelling does not go away for several days, your pet should be taken to the veterinarian. The “Quadricat” vaccine for cats was discontinued in 2016.

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