Scottish Fold cat: a selection of fun facts about the breed

Many cat breeds are the result of random mutations. This was the case with the Scottish fold. A natural mutation caused by a dominant gene was fixed in the population. As a result, the pet's small ears acquired an unusual fold and bend forward and downward so that they looked like an owl's. The unusual appearance, combined with plush fur and an easy-going character, delights and delights many cat lovers. Today, the number of fans of the breed is increasing year by year. The Scottish Fold breed is considered one of the most popular among domestic cat breeds.

Characteristics of the Scottish Fold cat - character and habits

Scottish fold is a cat with excellent qualities as a companion animal. Thanks to a pronounced tameness reflex, they get used to their owners and place, and quickly adapt to the proposed conditions. A huge advantage of the Scottish Fold is their balanced character, kind and open disposition. They feel comfortable and calm around people.

Scottish Folds are not a hyperactive breed, but when young they are quite playful and funny (they like to sit on their hind legs, in a marmot position, listening to what is happening around them). Scottish Folds are typical phlegmatic people, so they value stability and constancy in everything. They won't need a bulky play set for climbing and jumping. But walks with the owner in nature will be very useful for them. This will exercise the heart and help socialize the animals.

The Scottish Fold is very clean. Initially, these cats were bred as domestic cats, therefore, they quickly learn a daily routine and learn the aesthetics of behavior. But loneliness makes them uncomfortable.

The Scottish Fold is very smart and able to learn various commands. But it has been proven that his memory is selective. If the learning process is interesting, it will bear fruit. But irritable, rude and angry intonations will cause a response of protest or aggression. The main thing to remember is that a cat is not a dog. You may have to spend more time on training. But if you act patiently, consistently and kindly, success will definitely come.

Character and behavior

There are 2 main reasons for the enormous popularity of the Scottish Fold breed - appearance and character. They are affectionate, friendly and loyal cats. Moreover, they do not choose one person in the family, but love everyone. They get along well with children and are not afraid of other animals. They love affection and do not know how to be offended. Such habits are fixed at the genetic level and belong to the advantages of the breed.

The Scottish Fold cat prefers not to show character. It is impossible to anger the Scottish, they are intellectuals. Folds are phlegmatic, not too active, they like quiet games.

But the Scottish need constant contact with people. They need to be close. When the owner is resting, they will happily sit on his lap and purr. When a person does something, a Scotsman will be happy to accompany him everywhere. If the owner is nearby, the Scottish will not be put into a state of stress by moving or changing the environment. But Scottish Folds do not tolerate prolonged separation and loneliness well. Scottish folds are not for busy people.

They are wary of strangers. They prefer to leave to avoid being pestered by strangers.

The breed is distinguished by ingenuity and intelligence, so Scottish Folds quickly learn to use a scratching post, go to the litter box, and follow the rules established in the house. They are difficult to train.

These are general ideas about the character of Scottish folds. But each cat is an individual, so there is other information about the Scots that they are not tame, they show tempers. Breeders exclude cats with bad behavior from breeding, however, even “exemplary” parents may have kittens that are “not a gift.” As a rule, bad character is the result of improper upbringing. After all, to anger a fold-eared cat, you need to be persistent.

Description of the breed

Thanks to its touching appearance and positive disposition, the Scottish Fold is one of the most popular breeds all over the world. According to experts, representatives of the breed score the highest points in terms of affection, sociability, level of friendliness and intelligence. There are 4 subspecies of the Scottish Fold breed, differing in the length of their coat and the degree of deformation of the ear cartilage. Other exterior and phenotypic characteristics are similar. The presence of the lop ear gene in a Scottish Fold may mean the presence of hereditary problems with the development of joints and skeletal bones. These characteristics of the breed must be taken into account when caring for pets, minimizing risks in all available ways.

Appearance - what does a Scottish Fold look like?

Today, descriptions of the appearance of the Scottish Fold are used, proposed by various associations (including WCF, CFA TICA, IFA). In terms of basic positions, they are similar. This is a medium-sized cat with a strong build and a softly rounded silhouette.

  • The Scottish Fold's head is round in shape and, when viewed from above, domed. The massive lower part is formed by a strong chin, rounded, plump cheeks, and large whisker pads. The frontal part is high and wide, the bridge of the nose is short and straight. The stop line is clearly visible. The nose is small, pigmented in accordance with the color.
  • The small ears of the Scottish Fold have a tight fold (or several folds) that gives them a forward and downward direction. The tips are well rounded. The supply of ears is quite wide. The ears should not violate the contours of the head, emphasizing its rounded shape.
  • Wide-set eyes – large and round, wide open. Eye color should match the main color.
  • The neck is proportional to the body, strong, muscular and short.
  • The body of the Scottish Fold is slightly elongated, with a well-developed broad chest. Being of a strong build, the Scottish Fold is not without grace. This distinguishes it from the British type. The legs are medium or short, strong and slender, with small, neat paws.
  • The tail is of medium length. Powerful at the base, thinner and rounded towards the tip. A tail that is too thick, immobile and sensitive may indicate a genetic problem. Scottish folds with this feature are disqualified.

Kittens with varying degrees of lop ears are born in the same litter:

  • single – the very ends of the ears are bent;
  • double – there are two bends of the ear cartilage;
  • triple - three bends (the ears are pressed so tightly to the body that it seems like they are completely absent).

All Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears. Some kittens from the litter will remain straight-eared (Scottish Straight). How to tell if a kitten is fold-eared or not? The fact is that kittens' ears droop at about three weeks of age. Straight ears are small in size, widely spaced, wide at the base and with sharp tips. The Scottish's ears should always be small enough so as not to disturb the round shape of the head.


The body length of the Scottish Fold from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail is from 50 to 55 cm, with a height at the withers of up to 30 cm. The body length, including the tail, is 75-80 cm.


The weight of an adult Scottish Fold cat, according to the standard, ranges from 4.8 to 7.1 kg. Thanks to their thinner bones, cats are more graceful. Their weight is 4.5-7.0 kg. Sexual dimorphism is quite pronounced and manifests itself starting from infancy. This can be seen by looking at the Scottish Fold weight table by month.

Kitten weight by month (table):

AgeScottish Fold cat (kg)Scottish fold cat (kg)
1 month0.35 — 0.60.4 — 0.7
20.45 — 0.750.8 — 1.6
31.2-1.651.35 — 2.45
41.7 — 2.32.1 — 3.8
52.2 — 3.22.4 — 4.2
62.3 — 3.62.9 — 5.56
82.8 — 4.33.45 — 6.2
103 — 4.644.2 — 7.2
123.2 — 5.44.6 — 7.4
243.44 — 5.65.4 — 8.2

Scottish Folds reach adult weight at 2 years of age, when puberty begins.


Depending on the length of the coat, two subspecies of the Scottish Fold breed are distinguished.

  • Scottish Fold (shorthair) - cats with two-part, thick hair. The outer hair is short and soft, giving a plush feeling to the touch. Thanks to the thick, downy undercoat, the outer hairs are vertical. As a result, the shorthair cat is quite fluffy.

  • Highland Fold (long-haired) has wool up to 5 cm long. The outer coat has a soft, silky structure and, thanks to the thick undercoat, does not adhere tightly to the body.

The texture of the coat of both longhaired and shorthaired varieties varies depending on the season, color type, climate and lifestyle.


A distinctive feature of Scottish Fold cats is their extraordinary variety of colors. The standard imposes certain requirements regarding the combination of coat color with the shade of the iris, nose and paw pads. Violation of this combination will result in a reduction in the qualifying mark at the exhibition.

  • Black color. Pure black color of the coat and nose is allowed, without the presence of any colored spots. The black Scottish Fold's eyes are golden or dark honey.
  • The white Scottish Fold has a snow-white coat, without spots or colored inclusions. A brightly colored iris is welcome. Acceptable colors are blue, orange, amber, copper. White Scottish Folds may have heterochromia.

  • Blue or gray color. Blue Scottish Fold wool should be brightly and uniformly colored. The color of the iris is yellowish or copper.
  • Red or tan coloring is rare in Scottish Folds. Individuals with tail stripes will be disqualified.
  • Cream or peach color is very valuable. A striped pattern on the paws or tail is possible.

  • Purple fur (aka café au lait) should be combined with yellow or amber eyes. The nose is beige or light brown.
  • Fawn is a smoky fawn color with a chocolate tint. The nose and paw pads are light pink.

  • Chocolate is a rare and beautiful color. Adult Scottish Folds are characterized by dark chocolate shades.
  • Cinnamon is a rare and expensive color. It is cinnamon with the addition of cocoa. The nose and paw pads of Scottish Folds should be bright pink with a brownish tint.

  • Scottish Folds are bicolor with a white base color. The paws, muzzle, collar, chest and belly are painted in it. The paired color can be any. Eyes – amber or honey.
  • Paticolor combines white and tortoiseshell or white and tabby or tabby-brown (tri-color coat).

  • Elegant harlequin – black and white. This Scottish Fold has a white body combined with black paws, tail and head area. The nose is pink.
  • The Van color is known for its colored tail and several colored spots on the head. Red van (red or copper spots) is more valuable than others.

  • Colorpoints have colored tan markings. Possible shades of wool are chocolate, cream, red, blue, lilac. The color point color, where the main color is white, is especially valued among Scottish Folds. The eyes must be bright blue.

  • The ticked color is formed by zonally dyed wool. There are options: red, blue, black, silver. The color of the iris is amber, yellow, copper, green.
  • Tabby is a striped color. Marble or tiger varieties are possible.

  • Chinchillas are not a natural, but an artificially bred color. Scottish Folds have tortoiseshell, bicolor, and smoky colors. The peculiarity of the color is a light or white undercoat, a dark mask on the muzzle in the form of a dark border around the eyes, nose and lips. When coloring a chinchilla, a hazel tint to the eyes is not acceptable.

Description and features

The cat is slightly larger than average in size, proportionally built, the body looks tightly “knocked together”. The coat is thick, soft and elastic to the touch, and fits tightly to the body. Reminds me of a plush cover. The colors are varied, there are shades of blue and red tones, multi-colored and one color.

The length of adult cats is 50-55 cm without a tail, height 29-32 cm. A cat's weight at 2 years can be 4.3-9.1 kg, and that of a cat 2.5-6 kg. Let us present to your attention a description of the cat based on the standard parameters.

  • The head and everything that is on it can be called one definition - rounded. The muzzle, eyes, whisker pads - everything has soft rounded outlines, the skull itself is large, the chin is strong. The eyes are not only round, but large and wide open. The color may vary depending on the coat color.
  • The nose is quite wide, but not long; the base is noticeable at the forehead.
  • The ears, as the name implies, droop, taking on the appearance of a curved fold; the tip of the ear covers the pinna. They should be pressed tightly and not extend beyond the contours of the head. They may have one or two folds. From the tips to the earlobe you should get a small triangle with the apex at 90 degrees on the earlobe. In adult cats, a person's palm can easily be placed between their ears.
  • The body is slightly elongated and looks graceful.
  • The width of the hips follows the shoulders, the chest is voluminous.
  • The legs can be of medium length or longer, strong, muscular, with round graceful paws.
  • The tail is of medium length in relation to the size of the body, sometimes longer, mobile and flexible, tapering at the end. Typically, the longer and more tapered, the more expensive the cost of the animal. Ends with a round tip. A movable tail is valued, since deformities of the joints of this organ occur in the breed.

The Scottish Fold in the photo looks very much like an owl. Large and round eyes on a large head, a prominent nose and an attentive, slightly frightened look. And also dense fur, like thick down. And the ears are almost invisible. Here is such a “bird beast”.

Life expectancy - how long do Scottish Folds live?

With excellent care, the Scottish Fold can live a long, active life. The average duration is from 15 to 18 years. Since the Scottish Fold is an artificially bred breed, the influence of genes on health, and therefore on life expectancy, is quite large. Unfortunately, the Scottish Fold is characterized by a tendency to a number of genetic pathologies. The kitten receives these diseases of the breed from its parents and earlier ancestors. That's why choosing a future pet should begin with getting to know its father and mother.

A proper lifestyle for the health of the Scottish Fold is extremely important. The pet must exercise enough and eat properly. In addition, injuries and stress should be excluded. If any problems arise, it is important to immediately contact a veterinarian in order to diagnose pathologies at an early stage.

Are Scottish Fold cats hypoallergenic or not? How often do they shed?

Scottish Folds shed intensively, and this applies to both short-haired and long-haired representatives of the breed.

  • Short hairs of the Scottish Fold, falling out, form a kind of suspension in the air. It easily penetrates the respiratory tract, causing a reaction in an allergic person.
  • The long hair of the Highland Fold does not hang in the air, but settles on various surfaces. Experienced breeders recommend that owners purchase clothes that match the color of their coat to communicate with their long-haired pets.

Scottish Fold shedding can be either physiological or pathological. Baby shedding occurs at 5-6 months. At this time, pets exchange baby fluff for adult wool, which has a permanent color.

Seasonal molting, as the name suggests, occurs every season. The coat and top layer of skin (epidermis) change texture. This helps to better adapt to different temperature conditions. Summer and winter wool differ in structure and density if the pet visits the street. In homebodies, hair loss becomes less intense, but constant. This is a reaction to a change in daylight hours.

Thin, dull hair and patchy hair loss indicate a deterioration in the general health of the Scottish Fold. You should contact a veterinarian and, having found out the cause of the disorder, begin to fight it. Probable causes: poor nutrition, deficiency of one or another microelement, vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance, allergic dermatitis.

Scottish Folds are highly allergenic cats. The allergenic protein Fel D1 is found in large quantities in particles of dead skin, saliva and urine of animals. Thick fur helps retain and accumulate protein. Together with dead hairs, the cat allergen enters the air and then into the respiratory tract, causing lacrimation, itching, coughing, and runny nose.

Choosing a Scottish Fold kitten

If you want an animal for exhibitions and further breeding, then look for a kitten in elite nurseries. Most have websites on the Internet where you can see reviews, the animals themselves, information about the breeder and other useful things. If you just need a pet for the soul, then you can look for a pet on websites with advertisements.

Regardless of what purpose you need the animal for, first of all pay attention to the appearance and behavior of the kittens. Healthy kittens are active, with soft fur and non-running eyes. If the kitten is lethargic, then this is a sure sign of some kind of illness. Ask the breeder to show you the kittens' parents - you can roughly imagine what the kitten will look like in the future.

When choosing a kitten, you need to pay attention to activity: the more active the animal, the healthier it is.

Ask about the age of the kittens. The best age for selling offspring is 3 months, at this time the kittens are already quite independent: they eat, wash themselves, play and go to the toilet. Ask the breeder about documents: veterinary passport and pedigree (if available and you need).

The veterinary passport must contain notes on the animal’s vaccination, as well as notes on the treatment of the kitten for helminths.

If there are a lot of kittens, then watch them; the characteristics of their character or behavior will help you choose exactly the kitten that will suit you. When choosing a gender, think about it: if you want to mess with small kittens, then choose a cat - there are fewer problems with them, they will not mark every corner, unlike cats. If you want a cat, then be prepared for the fact that he may mark sofas, carpets or curtains. In addition, it is worth deciding whether you will spay/neuter your animal.

Prices for fold-eared kittens depend on the availability of pedigree, color and coat length. Long-haired Scottish Folds cost twice as much as short-haired ones. A kitten without a pedigree costs from 3 to 6 thousand rubles, with a pedigree - from 10 to 40 thousand rubles.

Distinctive features of this breed:

  • soft plush fur;
  • ears pressed to the head;
  • unusual coat color;
  • short hair in Scottish Folds, long hair in Highland Folds;
  • small but elongated body, small tail;
  • All kittens have blue eye color, the shade changes with age;
  • at three months, the kitten weighs no more than 500 g, and its height at the withers is about 15 cm.

How to care for a kitten

When you bring your new pet home, make sure he has everything he needs. This includes:

  • house;
  • toilet;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • comb for cats;
  • toys.

A small kitten requires increased attention to itself. In the first week he may be intimidated and unsociable, this is explained by the change of place, over time he will get used to it. At first, food, a house and a toilet should be nearby so that the animal does not get lost and make a puddle on the carpet.

The kitten should be fed in small portions, from 2 to 6 months at least five times a day. Clean, fresh, unboiled water should always be available. You can bathe the animal once every three or four months as it gets dirty, the ears should be cleaned as they get dirty, don’t forget about the eyes, from which tears can flow, they can be wiped with a cotton pad.

Scottish Fold ears need to be cleaned twice a week.

Once a quarter, the kitten must be treated against fleas, ticks and worms with special veterinary medications.

If desired, you can accustom your animal to brushing its teeth from a young age using a toothbrush and toothpaste for cats.

How to choose a name for a kitten

When coming up with a nickname for an animal, you should adhere to some rules:

  • do not give the animal a long name;
  • to choose a suitable nickname, observe the kitten, its character and activity - most often it is from these features that the name for the pet is invented;
  • if you have a child, you can let him come up with a nickname for the cat, probably in the child’s memory there are many cartoon names that may suit your pet.

You can choose a name for a kitten based on its color. For example, a white girl can be called Snowball, Blondie, Jasmine, and a white boy can be called Snowball, Percy, Pooh, Marshmallow, Santa. A red-haired girl can be called Squirrel, Fox, Toffee, Sonya, a red-haired boy can be called Fox, Garfield, Ogonyok. With black cats, everything is generally simple, a girl - Blackie, Puma, Bagheera, Gloom, Voodoo, a boy - Morphy, Inferno, Motty, Mystic.

You can choose a name for a cat based on its coat color, for example, a red cat can be called Sonya, Ryzhulya, Fox

If you want to choose an unusual name for a kitten, you can use a special book with names for cats. Here are some examples of what you can call a fold-eared cat: Diana, Zabava, Auri, Bianka, Gabby, Aina, Gressy, Vasilisa, Holly, Erica, Laffey, Alice, Yanette. Names for the cat: Archie, Weiss, Douglas, Aston, Mustang, Baron, Woland, Chucky, Chip, Caesar, Quentin, Prince, Willis.

Is the Scottish Fold a friendly breed?

Scottish Folds are considered one of the most human-friendly breeds. A high level of intelligence and intuition help them choose the right tactics of behavior. They are not intrusive, but if the owner is in the mood, they will come up to caress. Scottish Folds know funny poses that make many people smile: standing on their hind legs or sleeping on their back with their paws outstretched.

The Scottish Fold can quickly adapt to any number of people. He feels free in the presence of guests, at an exhibition, and at a veterinarian’s appointment.


The character of the Scottish Fold is calm, accommodating and sociable. The animal is not capricious, unpretentious in everyday life, and behaves balanced. It becomes very attached to its owner and its habitat. Doesn't like to attract attention to himself by meowing. What needs to be especially noted here is the cat’s voice.

It doesn't sound like a normal purr, it sounds slightly like a cold, even squeaky. It is clear that the cat does not really like to bother someone. These cats have a very interesting feature - they calmly stand on their hind legs.

They simply stand up and look at what interested them, but was difficult to see from below. Some can even stand like this for a long time, reminiscent of desert animals - meerkats. They also sleep comfortably on their backs. Scottish Fold kittens are cheerful, affectionate, playful, get used to being handled, and can be trained.

They can often be seen at various performances. They quickly get used to the scratching post. Good companions for both adults and children. They don't like noise and can get scared. If you have a small child, it is better to adopt a pet at the age of 3-4 months. They are already socially adapted and understand the basics of independent living.

I would like to note the innate nobility of these animals. Their presence has a positive effect even on dogs, although cats and dogs are usually two irreconcilable categories. And a few words about his delicacy. The cat cannot stand loneliness, but you may not even notice it. He will very tactfully and quietly settle down somewhere nearby.

Attitude towards children

Scottish Folds are an amazing breed, because aggression is completely uncharacteristic for them. They make excellent playmates for children. You can safely leave your child next to your pet and be sure that he will not bite or scratch you. In the case of an unceremonious attitude, the Scottish Fold will simply withdraw from communication, run away or hide.

For playing with children, it is recommended to take grown-up Scottish Fold kittens into the family. At this age they are highly trainable. The kids will be interested in learning a few tricks with their pet, and then demonstrating their success in front of other family members.

How to choose a kitten

You should not buy a fold-eared kitten under 2.5 months. By this age, the ears have already formed, the kids have acquired the necessary skills and are ready to move.

Kennels breed Scottish Folds. You should not buy mixed breeds - health and character can be unpredictable. You will only become attached to your pet when serious chronic problems are discovered. Purebred Scots have all the positive qualities of the breed.

The main problem for Scots is joint dysplasia (JD). This is a serious disease of the joints and spine. By buying a cat from a trusted breeder, you protect yourself and the animal from problems. However, the American Cat Fanciers Association CFA advises to always check a kitten when purchasing:

  • Determine the flexibility of the tail. To do this, very quickly move along it with a light, slightly curving movement towards the end. There is no need to bend or break the cat's tail.
  • Check the paws, they should bend at all joints.
  • Watch how the kitten moves. There should be no hint that unnaturally short, stiff legs interfere with his walking.

Pay attention to active kittens. Ask about the age of the mother - mating in cats is allowed only after the fourth heat. Look at the kitten vaccination passport: at this age it should already be carried out.

Over time, the color and eyes will become brighter. The coat may be slightly paler than the mother's, but it should be evenly colored.

The cost of a Scottish fold kitten starts from 10,000 rubles and depends on whether you need a show breed or show-class cat or just a pet.


The Scottish Fold cannot be called a hyperactive breed, although young kittens are very playful. By nature they are excellent hunters. Hunting is the main activity for animals living in the wild. Games that simulate a chase help the Scottish Fold to maintain physical fitness and spur the instinct of a wild animal.

Movement and play are essential components of the physical and emotional health of the Scottish Fold. In addition, the game for a kitten is a method of studying the world around us and those who live in it.

How to cope with loneliness

The little Scottish Fold constantly needs the attention of its owner. He feels safe next to his owner. Left to their own devices, the kittens begin to look for something to do, which results in small domestic pogroms. To prevent this from happening, the kids are occupied with toys and bought treats. House flowers, shoes, wires are hidden or covered.

An adult Scottish Fold may experience loneliness in different ways. Each animal is not devoid of individuality, and the reaction to the same situation can be completely different. One pet can endure loneliness very hard, while another will sleep peacefully all day until the owner arrives.

Constant sleep of newborns - an alarming signal or normal development of the body

Newborn kittens sleep up to 22 hours a day. This is not a cause for concern, because at this time the baby’s nervous system is developing. Sleep contributes to the favorable course of this process. In the first months, the kitten should not be separated from its mother and brothers and sisters. If his weight is normal, it means that development is proceeding normally, and constant sleep is conducive to this.

Newborn kittens sleep up to 22 hours a day

You can familiarize yourself with sleep norms for the initial stages of a kitten’s life in the table.

AgeImageNumber of hours of sleep
3 weeks16
1 month15-20

In order for a kitten to switch to nighttime sleep mode, it should be provided with sufficient activity during the day: play, run. Thus, by night he will be tired, sleep will be necessary to restore strength and will coincide with the biorhythms of the owners.

Potential Health Problems

The mutated gene, unfortunately, has caused Scottish Folds to be prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Osteochondrodysplasia is most often diagnosed in Scottish Folds. This is a severe hereditary disease characterized by pathology in the development of bone tissue and joints. The main symptoms are lameness, stiffness of gait, soreness of the tail tissues, dwarfism. The disease is rarely fatal, but can lead to serious motor impairments, including complete immobility of the Scottish Fold.

Among hereditary diseases, the Scottish Fold is diagnosed with cardiovascular pathologies, entropion of the eyelids, glaucoma, and polycystic kidney disease. They appear mainly in animals aged 7 years and older.

The ears of the Scottish Fold are susceptible to infection, infestation with ear mites. They should be inspected and treated regularly.

The Scottish Fold needs timely vaccination to help protect against major infectious pathologies, treatment for skin parasites, and deworming. It must be protected from drafts and hypothermia.

Cost of kittens

Each kitten has an exhibition class, which determines the degree of compliance with the breed standard. This is an important criterion for pricing:

  • PET-class are purebred animals whose exterior does not quite meet the standard. PET Scottish Folds are wonderful friends at home. The cost of kittens is from 15 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • BREED class - Scottish folds with exterior deviations. They are accepted into the breeding program because they are capable of producing quality SHOW animals. Kittens cost 20-30 thousand rubles.
  • SHOW-class – purebred kittens with impeccable pedigree and appearance, born from award-winning sires. Their cost is 30-60 thousand rubles.
  • TOP SHOW-class - have the standard qualities of the breed, confirmed by experts. Such kittens are sold at the highest prices - from 60 to 100 thousand rubles. Often, they are left in nurseries for further breeding work.

Scottish Fold kittens without pedigree cost from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. But, in this case, there is a risk of serious genetic abnormalities.

Adding to the family: how to care for a mother and her newborns

In the first weeks after the birth of kittens, providing proper care is the key to healthy babies and cats. The list of necessary actions on the part of the owners is as follows:

  1. Provide a warm, dry box for mother and kittens.
  2. Place a white sheet over it to help track your cat's waste.
  3. Provide your cat with a balanced diet.
  4. Organize constant access to water for babies and mothers.
  5. Do not try to separate the kittens from the cat.

The last point determines the development of the kitten and its viability. If you separate small pets from their parents, you can cause physical harm to them, because the bones are still fragile during this period, deprive the kittens of milk, which is responsible for their immunity, and disrupt their psychological state.

Creating favorable conditions for cats and newborn kittens

Need for care

Any type of content is suitable for the Scottish Fold. He feels comfortable both in a private house, where he can catch mice, and in a cozy city apartment. A small kitten does not require much living space. Before bringing a Scottish Fold into the house, purchase a warm bed, a cozy rest house, several toys, bowls for food and drink, a tray, and a scratching post. Most Scottish Folds are homebodies, but short walks on a harness next to their owner are very useful for them. The Scottish Fold needs at least minimal physical activity. It will help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

In order for the Scottish Fold to have an attractive, shiny coat, it requires regular grooming. Mainly, this is combing, which helps get rid of dead hair. In normal times, Scottish Folds are brushed twice a week, and during shedding periods - daily.

To care for the coat of the Scottish Fold, fuminators or special mittens are purchased. Bathing procedures help reduce the amount of hair lost. It is recommended to wash your pet during periods of the most active shedding.

The curled ears of the Scottish Fold require special care. The auditory canals are deprived of air access, which promotes infection. They are regularly inspected and treated with an antiseptic, and then dried. If there are any signs of inflammation, your pet should be taken to the doctor. You cannot use ointments containing antibiotics on your own. It is also useful to wipe the kitten’s eyes with chamomile infusion or a weak solution of boric acid.

The Scottish Fold's claws wear down naturally on the scratching post. It should be high enough so that the animal can sharpen its claws while stretching out to its full height. If necessary, trim the ends with a small nail clipper. To clean teeth, use a children's toothbrush, having previously shortened the bristles.

The Scottish Fold needs plenty of exercise to maintain cardiovascular health. Therefore, walking on a harness will be useful.

What to feed your Scottish Fold? They choose a natural or industrial diet. Veterinarians do not recommend mixing food of two different types, as this can lead to overload of the enzymatic system.

A natural diet includes, in addition to meat ingredients (which make up up to 70% of the diet), the following products:

  • Low-fat sea fish (hake, salmon, navaga, tuna, flounder).
  • Fermented milk products (bio-yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk).
  • Chopped vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, beets).
  • Cereals (buckwheat, millet, oats, wheat, semolina). For adult cats, liquid porridge is cooked in water, with the addition of a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  • Chicken egg yolks or quail eggs.

As for commercial diets, the Scottish Fold will benefit from high-quality holistic or super-premium food, where the composition is maximally balanced and diverse in microelement composition. Breeders recommend the following brands:

  • AATU;
  • Applaws;
  • Canagan;
  • Natural;
  • Leonardo;
  • Mealfeel;
  • Meowing Heads.

You should not feed your Scottish Fold food from your table that contains too much fat, sugar and preservatives. Scottish Folds are prone to overeating, so portion sizes are controlled according to age. Excess weight has a negative impact on pets and can provoke the development of many dangerous pathologies.

Maintenance and care

For a comfortable stay at home for a kitten, you will need to purchase everything you need:

  • bed;
  • tray with spatula;
  • scratching post;
  • toys;
  • bowls;
  • comb;
  • nail clipper;
  • shampoo.

Caring for Scottish Folds is no different from caring for cats of other breeds. They are washed every 4–6 months. They are most often not afraid of water and treat the bathing procedure patiently. You should purchase a special shampoo for bathing short-haired cats. Rating of the best funds:

  1. VEDA "Phytoelite" for short-haired cats.
  2. Shampoo Gentle from AVZ.
  3. Ms. Kiss "Graceful Panther".
  4. CLINY “Nutrition and Shine”.
  5. Rolf Club Shiny.

Each of the shampoos presented above perfectly copes with the tasks assigned to it: cleanses the coat and skin, adds shine to the coat, and also has a pleasant smell, foams well and is hypoallergenic. To keep the fur coat plush, it is not recommended to use a slicker brush to comb out the undercoat. Simple combs or soft brushes are suitable for this breed.

Inspect the ears weekly and wipe them inside as needed. If a tassel grows at the tip, trim it carefully. Wipe the eyes 1-2 times a week with cotton pads moistened with boiled water. Nails are trimmed once every 1–2 months. It is not recommended to use anti-scratch pads: it is stressful for the cat. If you trim your pet's claws as needed, and also train your pet to use a scratching post, there will be no problems with damaged furniture and interior items.

It is necessary to trim the claws correctly so as not to injure the cat.

Feeding Scottish Fold cats

Most owners prefer to feed their pets commercially prepared food. You need to choose only premium, super premium or holistic food. They are balanced in composition, contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals in the right quantities. Moreover, the ingredients in such foods are of high quality.

Economy-class feed consists of cheap grains, and the source of protein in them is waste from processing meat products of lower quality. I do not recommend buying such products in order to avoid problems with your pet’s health in the future. Already at 5–8 years old, he will begin to develop diseases of the internal organs (most often the kidneys), and in most cases the pet dies from them. If a cat eats economy-class food with pleasure, this only means that the manufacturer has added flavor enhancers and other substances that attract the pet, without which no animal would eat the product.

In terms of price-quality ratio, it is recommended to give preference to feed in the middle price category:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Pro Plan (Purina);
  • Hill's;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Brit Care;
  • 1st Choice;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Almo Nature.

All of them are balanced in composition and contain everything a cat needs for healthy development. The line of any of them includes diets for kittens and pregnant cats, adults, active and sterilized pets, elderly animals, as well as special medicinal food for cats with various diseases. But each cat has its own taste preferences, and sometimes you have to purchase several varieties of food before finding the right one. If the cat is completely satisfied with the diet, she does not vomit, her stool is normal, she eats with pleasure and looks healthy, there is no need to change the food for variety. The animal's gastrointestinal tract gets used to digesting certain foods and may react negatively to such experiments.

A pack of premium food for a week (400 g) costs about 250 - 300 rubles, and for a month (2 kg) - about 1200 - 1500 rubles.

If the owner has the opportunity, it is recommended to buy even more expensive food - holistic. They are distinguished by the fact that they consist of 70–90% high-quality protein, for example, chicken fillet, turkey. The production uses ingredients for human nutrition, so it is an extremely healthy and healthy food for pets. Many holistic foods are grain-free, which is natural for cats, who are natural carnivores. The best holistic providers are Canadian: Orijen, Acana, Go, Now.

The basis of holistic class dry food is high-quality meat protein

If the owner prefers to feed his pet natural food, the diet should be designed so that approximately 60% of all nutrients supplied with food are proteins, 25% are carbohydrates, 15% are fats.

Authorized products:

  • lean meat (chicken, beef, veal, turkey, rabbit, lamb);
  • offal (liver, kidneys, tripe);
  • sea ​​fish (no more than 1 meal per week);
  • cereals (rice, oats, barley, buckwheat);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese);
  • raw eggs (1 ruble per week);
  • milk (for kittens).

Meat and fish must be frozen in the freezer for 3 days before giving to the cat. Otherwise, infection with helminths is possible. There is another option - boil until tender.

You should not give cats food from the table, and also:

  • sausages, sausages;
  • everything spicy, salted, smoked and fried;
  • mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • everything sweet and floury, baked goods;
  • eggplants, potatoes, legumes, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes.

Cat food should not be salted or peppered. When feeding natural food, it is recommended to give additional vitamins and minerals. There should always be a bowl of clean and fresh filtered water available in the public domain.

Scottish Fold cats are prone to obesity, so their food should be rationed. This applies to both industrially produced food and natural food. Kittens can be fed 4-6 times a day, and adult cats - 2 times a day. The serving size depends on the weight of the animal. The daily rate can be calculated using the formula: cat’s weight x 5%. For example, a 4kg cat should eat 200g of food per day. You need about 2 times less dry food, since it does not contain water. Weight standards can be found on the packaging.

Maintenance cost

Privileged socialization and a comfortable life for the Scottish Fold in the house begin with the preliminary organization of the house and the acquisition of a basic set of cat accessories:

  • Bed or house – 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Tray - about 1500 rubles.
  • Filler (clay or wood is recommended for kittens) – 280 RUR
  • Bowls for food and water – 1000 rubles.
  • Scratching post – 294 rub.
  • Harness and leash for walking – 483 RUR
  • Carrying – 660 rub.
  • Toys - about 500 rubles.

Total: 11172 rub.


If an industrial diet is chosen, your pet will need four kilograms of dry food per month.

A two-kilogram pack of Natural Greatness “Field&River Recipe” food costs 1,986 rubles.

1986x2= 3964 rub.

When feeding with natural food, you will need about 7 kg of meat or offal worth about 2000 rubles.

Additional products will cost about the same.

2000x2=4000 rub.


The Scottish Fold should be taken to the veterinarian every year to assess its health. In addition, the animal is vaccinated annually with a complex vaccine, dewormed and protected against fleas and ticks.

  • Medical examination of a young Scottish Fold on average (external examination, general blood test, selection of diet, recommendations) – 5,000 rubles.
  • Vaccination (panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calcevirosis, chlamydia) – 1500 rubles.
  • Comprehensive protection against helminths, fleas, ticks, ear mites - stronghold drug (drops on the withers) - 450 rubles. (the drug is applied 2 times a year)

Total: 7400 rub.

If Scottish Fold disease occurs, costs will increase significantly.

  • Simple operation - from 20,000 rubles.
  • Hospital stay – 5500

Total: 36,500 rub. 3 days in hospital + surgery


The coat of the Scottish Fold needs to be cared for regularly, so you will have to purchase a small kit in advance for high-quality combing and bathing procedures. In addition, you will need to care for your ears, eyes, teeth, and claws:

  • Fuminator FURminator for short-haired cats – RUB 1,976.
  • Glove for combing cats – 178 RUR.
  • Nail clippers with bottom lock – 193 RUR.
  • Hypoallergenic shampoo for cats Elite Organic – 599 RUR.
  • “Otokeya” ear lotion, cleansing – 195 RUR.
  • Cliny eye lotion – 259 RUR.

Total: 3400 rub.


The total cost of participation in the Scottish Fold exhibition depends on the size of the entry fee, the class of the event, how many cats will participate in the event, the number of days of presence, and transportation costs. Approximately, the costs of participating in the exhibition will look like this.

  • Exhibition fee – 2500 rubles.
  • Certificate from a veterinarian – 600 rubles.
  • Preparation of the animal - 3000 rubles.
  • Exhibition tent – ​​5000 rub.
  • Folding tray, filler, bed, diapers, water, food - 3000-4000 rubles.
  • Participation in rings and shows – 500 rubles.

Total: 15,600 rub.

Feeding: diet for adult Scottish Fold cats and kittens

You can feed Scottish Folds with natural or prepared food. You can also combine both types of feed. If owners choose ready-made cat food, they should give preference to proven food, following the manufacturer's recommendations when compiling portion sizes.

When combining ready-made and natural food, you should not mix two types of cat food. “Natural” can and should be mixed by including meat, cereals and vegetables in your pet’s diet. Your cat should always have water in his bowl.

Diet of adult cats

An adult cat needs to be provided with a complete protein diet. If the owner chooses natural food, then the Scottish Fold’s diet should always contain protein foods:

  • lean meat;
  • boneless fish;
  • dairy products.

You also need to give crackers, bread and cereals, which will become sources of carbohydrates necessary for the animal.

Cats also need fats. To do this, eggs and vegetable oil are added to the “natural”. Feeding should be carried out 2-3 times a day. The animal should eat in small portions.

It is necessary to ensure that the fold-eared cat does not overeat, otherwise it may gain extra pounds, which will negatively affect the pet’s health. An adult cat needs 250 kcal per day, and a male cat needs 300 kcal.

Kittens menu

To feed small lop cats, you need to carefully select the diet so that the pet grows and develops normally. The health and appearance of a purring cat with drooping ears directly depends on the quality of nutrition.

Kittens up to three weeks of age are left on the cat's breast milk. After which their complementary feeding begins. To do this, they are given goat's or cow's milk, to which a little sugar is added.

At week 8, you can offer your babies cottage cheese, porridge mixed with yolk, boneless meat and fish, and vegetable puree. At the sixth month, kittens are transferred to the diet of an adult cat and fed 3 times a day, gradually reducing the amount of milk.

Kittens should regularly add vitamin supplements to their food if they are fed natural food.


This breed has diseases that can be inherited. These include :

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • pathology of the heart muscle.

Bone problems have symptoms such as lameness, hard tail tip, and stiff joints. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Scottish Folds should also be vaccinated every year. The first vaccinations are given at 2-3 months. If the owners did not have time to vaccinate the pet at this time, then they should definitely vaccinate after the change of milk teeth. Repeated at this age is done after two weeks.

Cats are vaccinated against a number of dangerous diseases, which include:

  • calcivirosis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • chlamydia.

Before vaccination, you need to worm the kitten. This is done 10 days before vaccination.

A rabies vaccination is also required. When self-walking, it is necessary to regularly treat the animal against fleas and ticks, using different preparations:

  • sprays;
  • drops;
  • collars.

Proper vaccination will help prevent serious illnesses in pets.

Pros and cons of the breed

The main advantage of Scottish Fold cats is their unpretentiousness. Thanks to their short coat, which is not prone to matting, caring for them is easy and does not take much time. They are not very active by nature, so they can be kept even in a small apartment. Cats do not require mandatory regular walks. Cats are very calm and make wonderful companions - even-tempered and friendly. They are not aggressive and always find a common language with children. With good care, the Scottish Fold has good health and can live a long life. And of course, these cats are incredibly cute. Communication with the Scottish Fold brings great pleasure, calm and relaxation.

One of the negative qualities of the Scottish Fold is its heavy shedding. At a young age, he is very curious and can climb into the most incredible places. Has a tendency to a number of dangerous genetic pathologies. If combed poorly, it can swallow a lot of hair. Special food or paste for removing cat hair will help remove it. The cost of kittens is quite high. When purchasing from an unspecified place, there is a possibility of purchasing a kitten with genetic defects.

Health and life expectancy

The Scottish Fold breed is artificially bred. The lop ear gene has left its mark on the development of kittens, so they have certain health problems. The best prevention of genetic diseases is proper breeding: fold-eared cats are crossed only with straight-eared cats.

The following diseases are typical for animals of this breed:

  1. Osteochondrodystrophy is the most serious pathology. It involves deformation of the skeleton. At the same time, arthritis develops, limbs and tail become bent. Cartilage tissue is weak. The disease is congenital and cannot be treated. The veterinarian may prescribe supportive care, but eventually paralysis occurs.
  2. Hemophilia type B - lack of blood clotting. When injured or undergoing surgery, it may be impossible to stop the bleeding and the animal dies.
  3. Congenital eye diseases of Scottish Fold cats: ectropion and photosensitivity. The first is related to the structure of the skull: the skin is too tight and can turn out. In this case, the eyelashes will constantly irritate the eyeball. If measures are not taken in time, the cat will go blind. The second is due to the fact that the wide-open, large eyes of the Scots are poorly protected. Bright light, especially fluorescent lamps, is harmful to them.
  4. Eye infections - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis.
  5. Structural changes in the eye: glaucoma, cataracts. It is necessary to have your eyesight checked by a veterinarian every year in order to promptly notice pathological processes that will sooner or later lead to blindness.
  6. Congenital ear problems. They are rare and are associated with an underdeveloped inner part of the ear, which causes hearing loss in cats. If dirt accumulates inside the ear, this can lead to infection and inflammation, so it is recommended to regularly clean the inside of the ear using hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Dermatological diseases also occur in Scottish breed cats:

  • Demodicosis is an infection with a microscopic mite that settles in the hair follicles. The first signs: itching, redness, formation of scales on the eyelids, ears, neck. Antiparasitic drugs are used for treatment (internally and externally). Therapy is long and complex, so the disease should be treated exclusively by a veterinarian.
  • Dermatitis of various etiologies. Irritation, itching and redness of the skin can occur as a result of exposure to an allergen (detergent, food), infection with helminths, as well as nerves. The veterinarian prescribes treatment depending on the cause.
  • Eczema is a chronic disease that manifests itself in damage to the skin due to internal malfunctions of organs. Serious pathologies are possible, so diagnostic procedures are required to identify the exact cause.

Due to the unusual shape of the skull, Scottish Fold cats have an incorrect bite, which can lead to gum inflammation and other oral diseases, as well as problems with chewing and eating. For prevention, you need to give the kitten solid food and regularly show it to the veterinarian.

With good care and nutrition, a Scottish cat can live 17–18 years, the average life expectancy is 12–15 years.

History of the breed

The ancestor of the Scottish Fold breed is a simple, mongrel cat, Susie, who lived on one of the farms in the Tayside region (Scotland). Thanks to a random mutation, this cat had an unusual exterior feature: its ear cartilage was strangely deformed, causing its ears to be bent towards the head. In 1961, Susie gave birth to kittens, two of which had the same trait. One of the unusual kittens ended up with British cat breeders Mary and William Ross. By crossing a grown-up fold cat with a British cat, the breeders were able to make sure that the mutation also manifested itself in the offspring, which gave hope for developing a new unusual breed.

In 1971, famous breeder Sally Wolfe Peters became interested in cats with folded ears. She decided to work with the new breed and did a lot to popularize it in Europe. The development of the Scottish Fold breed did not proceed entirely smoothly. For a long time, breeders refused to work with her, and at one time they were even banned due to the high risk of genetic pathologies in the offspring. After it was proven that when crossing Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight, this risk is significantly reduced, the ban was lifted.

At the end of the 70s of the twentieth century, Scottish Folds participated in exhibitions of various classes. In 1993, they were registered by the CFA Association, and a breed standard appeared. Today, the Scottish Fold cat breed is registered by almost all felinological associations, except for the GCCF. British breeders do not work with the breed, recognizing it as genetically inferior.

Breed characteristics


Great Britain


The body is round and dense. Large head with small ears. Ears are tilted forward. The nose is round, the cheeks are full. The eyes are large, round, and have a gentle look. The tail is of medium length, tapering towards the tip, flexible.




The coat can be of medium length, while the short-haired variety is thick and has a collar and panties. Any color and type of color.


Affectionate, curious, smart, playful, calm, quiet cat.

Interesting facts about Scottish Folds

  • Unlike most cats, Scottish Folds do not like heights and are afraid of them. The reason is the peculiarities - the atypical structure of the vestibular apparatus
  • The Scottish Fold is a sociable cat. Her speech bears little resemblance to a cat's purring. It's more like cooing. Her voice is quite low, with a slight hoarseness.
  • The Scottish Fold loves to sit and lie in positions uncharacteristic for cats. He often sits on his hind legs, hanging his front legs and listening to what is happening in the house. The Scottish Fold can be found sleeping on its back, with its paws spread out to the sides.
  • The first cats with floppy ears date back to 1793. Their homeland is China. It is believed that the ancestor of the ancestor of the breed, Susie, was one of the Chinese fold cats brought from the Middle Kingdom to the British Isles.
  • Scottish Folds are considered one of the easiest cat breeds to care for.

External signs of lop ears

A fold-eared kitten has structural features of the entire body, and not just the ears. These include:

  1. The nose is without humps, which can be determined by touch.
  2. The tail is smooth, without humps or knots.
  3. Wide muzzle.
  4. Round head.
  5. Small cheeks.
  6. Wide eye set.
  7. Large chest.
  8. The legs and tail are shorter and larger than those of their straight-eared counterparts.
  9. Plush wool.

External signs of fold-eared cats

Interesting! Fold cats are long-haired - Highland Folds, and short-haired - Scottish Folds.

Types of British and Scottish cats

Highland fold

Scottish fold


Owner reviews

  • Oksana. We got a smart kitten - he opens his mouth to take medicine, knows the scratching post and the tray. From infancy he is accustomed to trimming his nails, knows how to follow some commands and is very attached to the child. In general, he is smart, playful, sociable, handsome and not picky. The Scottish Fold is an excellent pet.
  • Kate. Our cat is a full-fledged member of the family. When I was little, I never walked and generally stayed away from people. At six months he became more affectionate: he came to be petted and slept next to him, but still on the sidelines. At one year old, he became completely attached to us, but he doesn’t let strangers get close to him. When guests arrive, he tries to hide, and especially does not tolerate children. You can't keep him home all summer. It sleeps in the beds, but if you bring it in from the street, it asks to come back. But, at the first cold weather, he spends all his time with us, loves to chat. We love him with our whole family. I highly recommend the Scottish Fold breed.
  • Love. I don't know a simpler and more enjoyable animal to keep at home than the Scottish Fold. Since childhood, our Dusya was indifferent to windows and did not damage furniture or wallpaper. Now she sleeps peacefully at night, and not on our bed, but on her bed. Never hunts for legs. If she sees that the owners are not interested in her, she leaves so as not to irritate her, but will come when necessary. In addition, our cat is in excellent health. I consider my Dusya simply a gift of fate.

Scottish cat character

Since childhood, a Scottish breed kitten displays all the features of a future adult cat with all its advantages and disadvantages .

These are kind creatures, but you should not at all correlate external plushness with character: these pussies are very capricious and can surprise with attacks of self-will. At the same time, cats do not like to show aggression and are loyal to younger family members. But this does not exclude the ability to stand up for oneself if the child wants to pull the cat by the tail.

The Scottish kitten loves to socialize, have fun with its owner, and play an active game with a person. Even a grown-up cat will not play dirty tricks behind the owner’s back. In any case, if an animal is guilty of something, it will not pretend that it is not its fault.

Touchiness and vindictiveness are also not among the characteristic traits of the breed.

Despite his ability to get along with other animals, a jealous Scot will try with all his might to take first place in the house and, most importantly, in the heart of the owner.

Similar breeds

  • The British Shorthair cat resembles the Scottish Fold in appearance with its round muzzle, tightly knit body, and thick, short, plush-like fur. She is independent, but at the same time, attached to a person. The pet has a phlegmatic disposition, and after reaching maturity it prefers to lead a quiet lifestyle. Unlike the Scots, the British are a natural breed and therefore have excellent health. The British Shorthair was used in the development of the Scottish Fold. In this regard, the breeds are considered related.
  • Among cats with unusual ear shapes, American Curls . His ears are not flattened like Scottish ears, but rather turned inside out. The ancestor of curls is considered to be the mongrel cat Shulamith. Her ears, thanks to a mutation, had an unusual shape. The gene that caused the mutation did not affect the general health of the pets, which enabled the breed to actively develop. There are two subspecies of curls with long and short hair. Curls are distinguished by their flexible and sociable disposition. Along with the Scottish, they are considered one of the best positive breeds of domestic cats.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

Fold-eared Scots are real gluttons. According to breeders, pets are ready to eat a double portion in one sitting. An insatiable appetite often leads to weight gain, and obesity can affect your health. This must be taken into account when planning your diet. Veterinarians advise switching Scottish Folds to super-premium or holistic dry industrial formulas. Feeding is done in the morning and evening in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Those who prefer to feed their cat natural food need to remember one rule - approximately 80% of the diet is meat, and the remaining 20% ​​are supplements in the form of cereals, vegetables, eggs, and cottage cheese.
The table below shows foods that you can and cannot feed your Scottish Fold cat. Table - Allowed and prohibited products for Scottish Fold

Can be included in the diet of Scottish FoldsFoods you should not feed your Scottish Fold
Rabbit meatPotato
Chicken filletBeans
Lean parts of turkeyPork
BeefBread, rolls
Sea fishSnacks
Eggs (preferably yolk)Salty food
Vegetables – broccoli, spinach, carrotsSweets
Porridge – rice, buckwheat, oatmealBones
Dairy productsWhole milk
By-productsCanned food
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