Scottish Fold – Unique cat with short ears

Maine Coon breed - 2nd place

These beautiful creatures with expressive eyes have a calm character, despite their apparent severity. They understand people very well and are well trained. Maine Coon cats weigh from nine to twelve kilograms and can reach a meter in length.

Cornish Rex

A charcoal coat also adorns representatives of the Cornish Rex breed, emphasizing the extraordinary wavy structure of the coat and giving the cat a special elegance. The breed standard allows any eye color, but the color of the iris must be pure, intense and in harmony with the coat color.

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Kurilian Bobtail – 5th place

The Kurilian Bobtail is a native of the Kuril Islands. The weight of this cat can be from seven to ten kilograms. One of the characteristics of the breed is its short tail, reminiscent of a pompom. These animals are friendly and inquisitive. With regular training, they can learn some commands.


According to legend, this rare breed of miniature cats comes from Southeast Asia. Singapura cats have a very unusual coloring - sepia agouti. The ivory body is complemented by dark brown ticking, giving the coat a sandy tint. Singaporeans are characterized by not only yellow, but also yellow-green, as well as bright green eyes. You can learn interesting facts about this breed from our article “Singapore cat and more.”

British breed - 8th place

These cats give the impression of being good-natured and gentle, but in reality this is not entirely true. Representatives of this breed will not reveal their soul to the first person they meet. However, if you gain the trust of this animal, you can find a faithful and devoted friend in him. British dogs can weigh up to eight kilograms.


And here is the Korat - another rare and ancient breed: a photo of a gray cat with green eyes will not leave any Thai indifferent. The name itself is consonant with one of the provinces of Thailand, and for good reason. A great many national traditions and beliefs are associated with this cat. According to local residents, korat brings prosperity, wealth and success.

The coat of cats of this breed is thin and not thick, like that of Russian Blues and Nibelungs, but has the same color - silver tipping with a characteristic iridescence. The eyes of a Korat cat are large and round, and the color of the iris is olive green. Other coat and eye colors are not allowed by the standard.

Chartreuse breed (Carthusian) - 10th place

These cats have a strong body build and a beautiful blue color. At birth, kittens have blue eyes, which become orange or copper as the cat matures. Features include a very quiet voice and large, expressive eyes. The weight of an adult cat can be up to seven kilograms.

Is eye color important to the breed standard?

Kittens' eyes are usually blue-gray and cloudy. When the baby approaches three months of age, the pigment colors the eyes brown, blue, yellow or the coveted green tint. Only at the age of one year do the eyes acquire the most saturated color. Over the years, fading and loss of brightness may occur again.

The palette of eye shades ranges from green to brown. Outbred cats can have eyes of any color in between. In purebreds, eye color is strictly regulated by standards and is often determined by coat color.

Eye color is especially important for show/breed class animals, which may be disqualified during exhibition judging due to the color of the iris not meeting breed standards.

Among all the different colors, emerald green eyes are especially popular among cat lovers. They captivate with their mysterious and enchanting “witchcraft” look; in the dark they sparkle brightly with a yellow light, while blue eyes only slightly sparkle with a reddish color.

Cat breed with big ears

Cats with large ears appeared mainly as a result of selection, but some breeds received this feature from genetic ancestors who live in hot countries, for example, in Africa. Thanks to large ears, the animal adapts to these conditions more easily, since there are many blood vessels on the skin of the ears - the blood, passing through the surface with capillaries, is cooled and thus allows the cat to feel more comfortable.

Big-eared cats with a long muzzle and nose look like fairy-tale creatures and are able to charm even those who are completely indifferent to these animals. Let's name the most famous cat breeds with large ears and an elongated muzzle:

  • Siamese;
  • oriental;
  • Ukrainian Levkoy;
  • Somalia;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Abyssinian (smooth-haired cat);
  • Canadian Sphynx.

Causes of yellowing eyes in cats

Yellowing of the sclera in a cat is not noticeable due to the large size of the iris. Even an attentive owner notices the icterus in the whites of the animal’s eyes against the background of a general deterioration in the condition of his pet, a change in his appetite or yellowing of the inner surface of the ear or the skin of the pads. Not only the sclera or the lining of the ear turns yellow, the cat’s entire skin changes color, the tongue and all visible mucous membranes become lemon-colored. This condition is called jaundice.

Jaundice, as a symptom, always indicates a high concentration of a substance such as bilirubin in the animal’s blood. It is a derivative product during the normal processing of hemoglobin from red blood cells, which the body needs to transport oxygen to every cell and organ. If hemoglobin is processed at an accelerated pace (under pathological conditions), then soon too much bilirubin will accumulate. Then yellowing of the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes occurs.

In addition to jaundice, your cat will have other signs of illness:

  • indigestion;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • extreme thirst and excessive urination;
  • labored breathing;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • dark urine and light feces;
  • Also, in the last stages of the disease, the animal may experience internal bleeding, and, as a result, blood in the urine and feces.

This condition is far from normal. The animal eats poorly, loses a lot of weight, may suffer from severe pain, and fall into a coma. In the absence of timely medical intervention, the pet may die.

Such a manifestation as jaundice is usually differentiated into parenchymal, mechanical or obstructive and hemolytic forms. Each form is caused by serious pathological processes in the cat’s body:

  1. Hepatic or parenchymal jaundice is caused by functional and organic diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver parenchyma), cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) cause icterus in animal tissues.
  2. Severe liver diseases: cirrhosis (replacement of the organ parenchyma with connective tissue with loss of its functionality) and cancer lead to yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes. Even excessive accumulation of triglycerides (fats) by liver cells - hepatocytes - leads to yellowness of the sclera and skin.
  3. Baked obesity, or lipidosis. In this condition, liver cells develop into fat cells. The liver gradually loses its functions, which means the animal may die. Its causes are the cat's excess weight, diabetes, malignant tumors, and hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately, in almost half of the cases the cause of this dangerous disease cannot be established.
  4. The use of certain medications can lead to changes in the liver and excess bilirubin (bile pigment) in the cat's blood. It is the bile pigment that colors tissues a beautiful yellow color. These medications include: first generation antihistamines (diazolin), NSAIDs (paracetamol), antifungals (griseofulfin).
  5. Infectious diseases of viral etiology (viral peritonitis), protozoal infections (toxoplasmosis), bacterial pathologies and some parasitic infections cause liver pathology and the release of large amounts of bilirubin into the blood.
  6. Incorrect use of insectoacaricides (veterinary products intended to combat parasitic insects, in particular ticks). Many insectoacaricides have a strong toxic effect on hepatocytes. Salts of heavy metals also have a similar effect.
  7. Obstructive jaundice. Obstructive jaundice develops when there is an obstruction to the outflow of bile. Most often it develops due to exacerbation of cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis). If concretions (stones) block the bile duct, the animal develops biliary colic, the temperature may rise, and it is bothered by severe pain in the right hypochondrium. The mucous membranes, sclera and skin turn yellow.
  8. Inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts, their stenosis, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer can lead to impaired outflow of bile and jaundice. Any tumors of the abdominal cavity that grow into the tissue of the bile ducts or mechanically compress the gallbladder and its ducts can cause large amounts of bilirubin to enter the bloodstream and cause yellowing of the animal’s tissues.
  9. Hemolytic jaundice. Hemolytic jaundice is caused by hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells directly in the blood vessels. This happens in some diseases (hemolytic anemia). The cause of hemolysis of erythrocytes may also be severe hypophosphatemia, aggravated by magnesium deficiency. Hemolysis can develop as a result of a cat’s body’s reaction to a blood transfusion. The entry into the blood of hemolytic poisons (zoocoumarin) and medications (warfarin) also leads to the destruction of mature red blood cells.
  10. Parasitic diseases: feline hemobartonellosis, feline piroplasmosis can lead to hemolysis of hemoglobin. Parasitism of certain helminths that attack vital organs can lead to hemolytic jaundice. This disease in veterinary practice is called dirofilariasis.

The largest cat breed in the world

The largest breeds of cats are the Savannah (Ashera) and Maine Coons. Therefore, when answering the question what is the largest domestic cat breed, one of these two can be chosen.

The first appeared as a result of the work of breeders who crossed the African Serval with domestic cats. Their weight can be from eight to thirteen kilograms, but there are giants that weigh twenty kilograms and even a little more. At the withers, these animals reach a meter. It is recommended to take them outside the house on a leash - when walking, the Savannah behaves like a real dog. This breed is hypoallergenic, so cat lovers who are allergic to the fur of their beloved pets can easily adopt them.

Another breed whose representatives can be called giants is the Mei Coon. This name translates to Maine raccoon. Luxurious, graceful cats of enormous size have an extremely calm character, goodwill and get along well with their owners. Thanks to their elongated body, very long tail and thick fur, they seem incredibly huge. The weight of an adult cat ranges from thirteen to sixteen kilograms, and the maximum length from nose to tail that has been recorded for this breed to date is 1 m. 23 cm.

Green eyes – breed standard

The standard provides for green eye color in the following breeds:

  • oriental;
  • Russian blue;
  • Karelian bobtail.


The origin of this breed is lost in the mists of time, shrouded in myths and legends. The first mention of these amazing cats with a melodious voice is found in ancient Thai writings.

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Friendly and sociable, who cannot stand loneliness, sociable, active and energetic, Orientals have an excellent character and unusual appearance. Slender and refined, but strong physique, developed muscles, long head, body and tail, shiny silky coat with a fine structure. The muzzle is wedge-shaped. The ears are wide at the base and tapered to the tips.

An outstanding feature of Oriental cats is their almond-shaped eyes, set at a large angle in relation to the nose. The only acceptable color of the iris is green: from saturated to moderate.

Russian blue

This green-eyed cat breed was developed in Russia under Catherine II. The name “Russian Blue” was officially assigned in 1939; before that, the breed was called Arkhangelsk.

The plush, thick, soft coat of a gray-blue hue, the lilac hue of the paw pads and the sophisticated, flexible body with impeccable proportions form the stunning appearance of Russian Blue cats. They resemble the British, but have a more graceful build.

Their aristocratic manners, piercing gaze and rich bright green color of expressive eyes, large and widely set, give them a special charm.

Distrustful with strangers, affectionate, understanding and slightly shy with their owners, calm and balanced, yearning alone, they prefer to sleep during the day, and at night they show increased activity.

Noble, spectacular, sophisticated cats have excellent immunity and live on average 14-16 years.

Karelian Bobtail

Resembling wild animals in its appearance, this breed of cat was bred in St. Petersburg at the end of the 20th century.

A short tail similar to a fluffy pom-pom, the inherent grace of wild cats, thick hair and expressive green or blue eyes - this is what this unusual breed looks like, originating from Norwegian forest cats.

© shutterstock

Unpretentiousness in care, independence and self-sufficiency, taciturnity, calm attitude towards the absence of the owners at home make this breed ideal for people who are often absent from home.

Large domestic cats: breeds

Large breed cats are very similar to their wild ancestors, belonging to the cat family. These pets require a lot of space for a comfortable life and activity, special conditions of detention, diet and care.

Large cat breeds are classified as follows:

  • Real ones that were bred in natural conditions.
  • Hybrid - crossed with wild felines.

Most big cats exhibit typical behavior. The first group includes Siberian, British, Ragdoll and Mei Coons. They need their own cozy corner, nutritious food and the attention of their owners. Hybrid cats require a lot of space - cats of the Savannah, Chausie and Bengal breeds have developed instincts and need active games.

Fact about cats

Over millions of years, the cat family has adapted to various conditions in the wild, making them excellent hunters! But, despite thousands of years of friendship with people, they managed to retain the hunter's instinct!

Go to the sections to the left of the article, where you will learn in more detail about domestic cats and everything connected with them!!

Cat family

These are predatory animals that live on all continents of the planet except Antarctica. The smallest are domestic cats, the largest are lions and tigers. All cats, small and large, have acute hearing, sense of smell, excellent vision, incredible agility and quick reactions. Lions and tigers have enormous physical strength. A lion, for example, can break the backbone of a zebra or buffalo with a blow of its paw. A tiger can kill an animal 8 times its weight and get into a fight with a bear. There are cases where a lion or tiger dragged the carcass of a dead animal, weighing about a ton, along the ground for several miles!

Cat breeds with big paws

Each cat breed is beautiful in its own way. For example, furry pets with long legs are distinguished by their special elegance and grace, which can be seen not only in reality, but also in every photo and video.

These cats include Bengals, Egyptian and Arabian Mau, Turkish Angora, Abyssinians, Serengeti, Orientals, Peterbald, Cornish Rex. The most prominent representatives of long-legged cats are the Chausie F1 and Savannah F1 breeds - the name of the breed contains the F1 marking, which indicates that it belongs to the first generation of the hybrid. Whatever the cat is, it is always unique in its own way! If you love your furry pet, care for it properly and pay enough attention, it will definitely reciprocate with sincere love!

Khao Mani breed: distinctive features

The snow-white cat from Thailand, called Khao Mani, or diamond eye, has a very ancient pedigree. It is easier to care for such a cat than a Persian, because it is a short-haired breed. This species got its name because of the special cut of the eyes - they are brightly outlined and shine like diamonds.

It is better not to get this cat for those people who are rarely at home, because she does not like loneliness and does not tolerate it well. In character, cats of this species are closest to Siamese.

Care and maintenance

Oriental cats do not have an undercoat to protect them from the cold. Therefore, it is advisable to keep them in warm rooms where there are no drafts. Otherwise, caring for them comes down to basic hygiene and periodic washing.

  • The Oriental's eyes and ears are regularly wiped with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water or a special product purchased at a pet store.
  • The cat's claws wear down on the scratching post. But if necessary, they are carefully shortened with a nail cutter, trying not to injure living tissue.
  • Oriental teeth are brushed weekly with a silicone brush and non-foaming paste. This simple procedure will help get rid of plaque and prevent the formation of stone on your cat's incisors and fangs.
  • The fur coat of a furry pet is regularly combed with a special brush or rubber mitten. An Oriental Shorthair cat is simply wiped with a piece of clean, damp cloth. Representatives of the breed are bathed no more than 3-4 times a year. This is done using a special shampoo that matches the animal’s coat type.


The ancestors of the Russian Blue hunted in the harsh northern climate.

And although today these felines do not have to think about food, they have retained their hunting instinct.

These cats hunt wherever they can. Even in the city, the Russian Blue finds an object of hunting: it catches flies, mosquitoes and butterflies.

She can watch for mice for hours.

The bouncy and curious Russian Blue loves to play. She uses everything she can find to play. These could be toys or different things.

What is needed to keep big cats?

If you decide to get a kitten of one of the large breeds, be prepared for the fact that problems may arise, and try to avoid at least some of them. The main task at this stage is to choose a healthy and non-aggressive animal with a strong psyche and good heredity. Of course, this is a lottery, and even the most responsible breeder cannot guarantee the prospects of each baby.

Don't make a mistake in choosing a friend

However, the future owner must use every opportunity to minimize risks:

  1. Do not spontaneously purchase a “cute” baby from random people or through an advertisement on the Internet - first find out as much as possible about the characteristics and problems of the breed.
  2. Try to trace the parental lines of the kitten offered to you, first of all, based on health - the Internet provides a lot of such information on purebred animals.
  3. Find out in what conditions the baby's parents and littermates are kept and in what physical shape they are.
  4. If you purchase an animal remotely, together with a specialist, look at not only its photo, but also a video, ask for an online broadcast of how the kitten moves - this can tell a knowledgeable person a lot.
  5. Ask the breeder to show the parent pair tested for the main genetic diseases characteristic of this breed.
  6. Buy a pet from a reputable nursery and offer the breeder to sign a contract - this is the modern norm for purchasing a high-breed animal.

How to care

Good heredity and proper rearing are essential components of your animal’s health, and this applies primarily to large breeds. Unfortunately, many parent lines of large domestic cats are burdened with a predisposition to genetic diseases, the most common of which are the following:

  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • unsatisfactory functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the excretory system and a tendency to urolithiasis.

Preventive examinations by a doctor should become regular for your pet.

As soon as your baby adapts after the move - gets used to the new place and new owners, be sure to take him for a preventive examination to the veterinarian and get at least basic tests. This will help you decide what to pay special attention to in raising and raising your pet, and how to support its health if necessary.

Most of the problems that large cats have are caused by humans in one way or another - thoughtless breeding, illiterate rearing and upbringing. A lot depends on you so that your pet lives long and happily, bringing only joy to those around him.

Good exercise is vital for large cats

A big cat needs a lot of space; cramped conditions and physical inactivity are strictly contraindicated for it. If there is not enough space and conditions in the house, accustom your pet to a harness and go for a walk. Large cats are usually happy to walk on a leash, like dogs, and are ready to take long walks with their owner - make them regular, this will also benefit you.

At home, the animal must have its own corner where it can rest and completely relax - this is very important for any cat. Equip this place with a comfortable bed, and create at least a small area for games nearby - at least put two or three ordinary cardboard boxes of different sizes there - cats love them. Change toys often so that they do not get boring and arouse interest, and be sure to place a good scratching post here.

How to feed

The young of large breeds take longer to grow and develop than ordinary cats. Full development and maturation of the animal occurs only after three years, and in some cases - for example, in savannahs and Maine Coons - even later, by four to five years. Proper organization of nutrition and a well-balanced diet are especially important in childhood and adolescence.

It is also necessary that your pet receives the vitamin and mineral complex it needs for development - the composition and dosage of such supplements in each specific case should be discussed with a veterinarian.

A healthy animal does not require a special diet, but food portions for giants should be approximately one and a half times larger than for a medium-sized cat. Large adult cats should be fed three times a day, and kittens five times a day. If the owner is inclined to eat ready-made food, then you need to choose options only for large breeds and with a high protein content.

Low-quality food and food with a high grain content are definitely not suitable for giant cats. And in the first generations of hybrid breeds - Savannahs and Chausies - fermentation does not allow the digestion of food of this kind at all.

Protein is the basis of a large cat's diet.

Natural food is a good solution, especially for native breed cats. At least seventy percent - up to three hundred grams per day for an adult animal - of this diet should consist of animal proteins:

  • lean beef or veal;
  • poultry (except duck);
  • rabbit or nutria (liver and heart);
  • sea ​​fish - preferably boiled;
  • eggs - preferably quail;
  • low-fat fermented milk products.

In addition to the main protein menu, the animal should receive a small amount of well-cooked cereals (buckwheat and rice), vegetables and, in measured doses, unrefined vegetable oil. To properly build a diet, it is necessary to obtain detailed recommendations from the breeder or veterinarian, depending on the breed and individual characteristics of a particular animal.

Treats from your table will not be good for your cat.

A clear taboo for cats of any breed is food from the master’s table, especially the following products:

  • fresh bakery;
  • any sweets and confectionery;
  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • legume dishes;
  • citrus.

Veterinarians do not recommend mixed nutrition. When switching from freeze-dried food to natural food, you should introduce no more than one product per day and carefully monitor how it is perceived by the animal: whether it is digested well and whether it does not cause allergies. If the product is not suitable, then it is better to exclude it from your pet’s menu. A vitamin supplement in the form of specially grown green grass wouldn’t hurt either—cats willingly feast on it to cleanse their stomach.

All cats are slightly herbivores

Turkish Angora: characteristics of the breed

There are various breeds of white cats, but perhaps the most famous of them is the Turkish Angora - a harmoniously built, flexible and graceful animal with large, almond-shaped, wide-open eyes, set somewhat obliquely. Originally, this type of cat was only white with blue, orange, green, amber, yellow or different colored eyes.

There are various breeds of white cats, but perhaps the most famous of them is the Turkish Angora. The tail of this beauty is much longer than that of other breeds, resembles a peacock feather and can reach the shoulders.
This breed was formed in Turkey, where it is still highly valued today. Cats with different eyes are especially valued, despite the fact that white Angoras with different-colored eyes are deaf in the ear on the same side as the blue eye.

Caring for big cats

Caring for any pet is the direct responsibility of a loving owner. If the cat in the house is a large breed, then the most important factor in care will be the size of the animal.

Impressive body weight can be achieved and maintained only with a properly selected, complete diet. To the weight prescribed in the big cat breed

has not become superfluous, the pet must be fed according to the schedule established by the owner. It is unacceptable to overfeed such cats!

The second important factor will be the allocation of personal space for the animal. This is not a sofa cat that will modestly occupy a corner of the blanket. This size of the animal will have to be taken into account when determining a place for it to sleep. Without walks it is impossible to maintain the muscle tone and health of a rather large pet.

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California is considered the birthplace of this breed, and it was born as a result of the efforts of Ann Baker, who decided to modify the Ragdoll. So she began to crossbreed the Ragdoll with other cat breeds, such as the Persian, the Yard Longhair, and the Himalayan.

As a result of these efforts, a breed was born that was called “cherub,” but at the last moment it was renamed and began to be called “ragamuffin,” which means “ragamuffin.”

Adults weigh at least 10 kilograms and acquire impressive sizes, although they mature only at 4 years of age. The breed does not have a beautiful, proportional physique, but it is distinguished by a variety of coat colors.

Hybrid big-eared cats

Hybrid breeds are those obtained by crossing wild cats with domestic ones. Among these representatives of the cat family there are many specimens with large ears:

  1. The Savannah, obtained from the union of the Serval and the Abyssinian cat, is distinguished by the largest size among its kind. Purchasing and maintaining such elite pets, similar in appearance to Servals, will not be cheap.
  2. By crossing the Abyssinian with a jungle cat, the breeders got Shauzi, whose appearance resembles a Caracal. These beauties, who have inherited the hunting instincts of their wild ancestor, are recommended to be kept in a spacious enclosure. The color of the animal can be black or ticked (silver, sorrel).
  3. The Caracat hybrid, which inherited the genetic material from the Abyssinian and the steppe Caracal, is only slightly different in appearance from its wild ancestor. Caracats have an even temperament, curiosity and large size. The tips of the pet's ears are decorated with black tassels.


The health of the Javanese cat is vulnerable and requires constant attention. Diseases include heart disease, asthma, neurosis, strabismus, and digestive problems. Some individuals inherit diseases. Be sure to take your pet to an appointment with a veterinarian: he will determine the necessary vaccinations and the timing of their administration; regular visits will help maintain the pet’s health throughout its life.

If you notice that the cat’s usual activity has decreased, the cat has begun to eat poorly, avoids its usual company, discharge has appeared from the eyes, ears, mouth, and digestion has been disturbed - do not self-medicate, contact the veterinarian unscheduled and as early as possible.

Pixie bob

This cat breed is considered a national treasure of the United States and its export is prohibited by law.

The breed was bred artificially. The breeders' task was to obtain a forest lynx that was not at all large in size. All that remains of the lynx are the tassels on the ears and unique colors, as well as a short tail. Adults weigh from 5 to 8 kilograms.

Despite the presence of lynx genes, these cats are distinguished by their calmness and love for their owner.

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