How to get rid of the smell of cat urine - how to remove the smell of cat marks

A headache for many owners of felines is the unbearable smell of the marks that their pets leave throughout the house. Coming to terms with the cat’s behavior means continuing to scrub away the yellow marks behind it and looking for new ways to deal with stains that have become embedded in the carpet or clothes. Previously, we wrote not only about the causes of this problem, but also that it is completely solvable - in several ways at once, the most effective of which is castration. But if you haven’t decided to undergo a planned operation, and you don’t want to live in the realm of a bad smell, you should go in search of a remedy that will save you from the annoying and quite tangible evidence of the presence of a real owner in the house - even a four-legged one.

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In this article we will figure out how to wash and remove cat marks and how to get rid of their smell. In our review, we will analyze the most unexpected methods and drugs that are being developed by leading veterinarians - they are designed specifically to wean your pet from sitting where there is no tray.

However, first things first.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine: what the professionals suggest

  • Nature's Miracle

This is the first remedy in our improvised hit parade of the most worthy. Before us is a destroyer of unpleasant and persistent “odors” left by our smaller brothers. Moreover, we are talking not only about odorous marks, but also vomit, blood, etc. Available in liquid form in two versions - in a spray bottle and in a bottle. The first option is more convenient to use because it has a sprayer. All you need to do is apply a small amount of Nature's Miracle solution to the stain, wait a certain amount of time (approximately 5 minutes) and wipe the treated surface dry. The smell of urine disappears, and no unpleasant yellowish stains remain. However, there are several rules: animals and small children should not be allowed near the area being cleaned; If the stain is stubborn or dry, use a coarse bristle brush.

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The peculiarity of the action of this drug lies in a special bioenzyme formula that reliably removes organic contaminants. Reviews from satisfied owners confirm that even the finest notes of aromas emitted by completely different surfaces disappear - soiled carpets, clothes, linoleum, even fiberboard. So, here you have a really working remedy against the smell of cat urine, which has proven itself to be excellent.

  • "Brovadez-plus"

The next option was developed by veterinarians for villagers who constantly clean up after their farmed animals, and breeders working in nursery conditions where they need to maintain cleanliness. The drug has a bactericidal effect and perfectly disinfects, completely eliminating pathogenic microflora. Initially, it was intended for treating hatcheries, workshops and other premises in which animals are bred and kept. But you can try it in a city apartment.

"Brovadez-plus" is available in the form of a powder, the granules of which must be diluted in water. The prepared solution is used as follows: dosedly applied to the contaminated area using a spray bottle. You can also wipe the stained area with a sponge soaked in the composition.

How can you wash your favorite carpet if it has been marked by a cat, and at the same time get rid of potentially dangerous microorganisms? This drug will help you instantly.

  • "OdorGone"

Another unique odor neutralizer. It is truly universal - it helps to remove not only the acrid plume of urine, but also other unwanted odors - sweat, burnt food, fish, fertilizers, etc. The composition of this product is completely natural - it includes plant extracts and oils. "Odorgon" is a hypoallergenic drug, which makes it an indispensable assistant for all hypersensitive people for whom any substance can become a potential irritant. You can use this life-saving weapon against animal marks (both cats and dogs) and asthmatics.

OdorGone is an aerosol in form. It is necessary to spray it on the surface that your pet has damaged and wipe the affected area.

How to eliminate the smell of cat urine if it has flowed under the linoleum? It's simple: take out a syringe, draw a little product into it and fill it in such a way that the composition penetrates to the source of contamination. In the case of old stains, several similar treatments may be required, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The creators of this miracle remedy claim that Odorgon acts at the molecular level and destroys not only bacteria, but also fungus. We just have to take their word for it and those who left positive reviews on the Internet. And there are many of them.

  • Zoo Clean "ZooSan"

How to remove the smell if a cat marks? Use a domestically produced drug intended for disinfection of premises where our little brothers are kept. It is completely safe for both people and animals. Another plus is the absence of the pungent odor of bleach, as well as fluorine and phosphates.

However, some owners write that the product does not cope with old traces and cannot be used constantly - the smell does not always disappear without a trace. So it’s up to you to decide whether ZooSan is worth purchasing.

How to wash and how to remove cats’ marks if the described products do not inspire you and you want a greater variety of options? You can try other drugs whose action is aimed at disinfection and eliminating unwanted odors. This:

  • Urine Off;
  • DezoSan;
  • Cleansan;
  • Pet Stain&Odor Remover and other samples.

There are many effective domestic and foreign compounds on the market, which means we don’t have to search long for how and how to remove cat urine stains in order to not only remove traces, but also remove the acrid smell of cat marks. There are special products only for carpets and furniture, and others only for the tray.

If you still don’t want to spend money and are sure that you can get by with traditional methods, read on - we’ll tell you how to remove traces in a short time without buying special drugs.

But before we move on to the topic that interests us, let’s answer the question: how to find the place that the cat has marked? After all, very often we can only detect an unpleasant odor, but it is very difficult and almost impossible to understand where it comes from. A Wood's lamp will come to the rescue. Next we’ll tell you why, explaining how it works.

Cleaning procedure

All owners of tailed pets should learn how to properly eliminate their tricks that leave behind fetid odors:

  • Wipe the puddle dry with paper napkins;
  • wash the stain with a cleaning agent;
  • wipe the area “marked” by the cat with lemon juice or acetic acid to completely eliminate the “odors” that will definitely attract him again.

Puddles and marks left by cats indoors must be removed without delay. In order to protect your home from the appearance of persistent cat odors and save yourself from the need to regularly remove puddles and piles, it is recommended to promptly castrate or sterilize your pet. And keep in mind that this cat behavior can be provoked by various diseases, age-related characteristics, tail injuries, and genitourinary infections. If your pet, for no apparent reason, begins to mark the house or leave puddles, take the animal to the veterinarian to rule out developing pathologies.


I want to know everything: we are looking for the source of the problem

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Wood's lamp is a device used not only in forensic science, where it is used to find fingerprints left at a crime scene, but also in beauty salons and veterinary clinics. At home it can also be very useful. For example, if you point it at the carpet, the blue light will show where your pet has “inherited”. And you can easily clean up after it without turning the house upside down looking for the source of the stench.

This is where our lyrical digression ends - then all about folk methods of combating the “gifts” of our smaller brothers.

Prevention measures

Punishing a pet makes the situation worse; the animal will not stop marking. You shouldn't poke a cat into a puddle with its muzzle. In most cases, there is a reason that explains the appearance of puddles. It needs to be eliminated. To prevent the animal from shitting in the corners, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • When getting a kitten, think about a place for the toilet. The tray should be in a secluded place.
  • Treat tags with special anti-cat odor products.
  • Place dry tangerine peels into flower pots. They will discourage you from needing them.
  • Change the filler regularly.


Sexually mature, unneutered cats mark their territory. Sterilization helps solve the problem.


With diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis), the animal is unable to control urination. The pet needs to be taken to the vet immediately. Without timely treatment, he may die.

How to remove and how to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment: potassium permanganate

This is the first option that can be offered to those who are desperate and want to try anything just to take a deep breath of air without fear. To do this, stir a few crystals of potassium permanganate in water (make a weak solution), wet a rag or sponge and thoroughly wipe the areas that require cleaning.

Attention: potassium permanganate leaves behind unpleasant stains, so you should not treat fabric with it. Hence the moral: I wash all surfaces that we are not afraid to paint with this composition, avoiding getting the prepared product on sofas, armchairs and other upholstered furniture, carpets, and clothes.

Causes of odor

The smell emitted by cat urine is unusually persistent. Why does my cat's urine stink? The reason is the specific composition of this liquid:

  • urochrome – coloring matter;
  • urea, which gives a sticky consistency;
  • uric acid, which accelerates the process of crystallization of secretions.

An unpleasant odor appears when urea decomposes with the help of bacteria. Decomposition products (thiols) smell even worse. When you try to use traditional detergents to remove "fragrance", only superficial traces are removed. Urine crystals are insoluble in water, so they remain on the surface and after a while the smell appears again.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine and cat marks in an apartment: vinegar

The second option is vinegar. It can be found in any apartment, so you shouldn’t have any problems finding this weapon. We dilute it with water and apply the resulting solution. It is not recommended to wash it off. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice.

We recommend diluting vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 4.

Some may think that this remedy cannot be effective, but a few drops from a freshly cut lemon are guaranteed to kill the unpleasant odor. Vinegar dissipates well if you combine it with soda and pour over peroxide - you don’t have to worry that one misfortune will be replaced by another, and you will suffer because of the new unbearable aroma.

How to remove cat marks and remove traces of them: simple peroxide

It is sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny, so it is cheaper to buy than an expensive disinfectant. This is a very strong product, but it must be used with extreme caution: do not treat varnished surfaces or fabrics with this composition. We are talking about the well-known hydrogen peroxide.

You can try this combination: add a little liquid you buy for washing dishes to 100 ml of solution. Rub the resulting mixture onto the stain using a stiff bristle brush. Remove the remaining foam with a wet rag or damp sponge.

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How to clean the floor from cat urine

In accordance with the recommendations already received, we use the simplest and most effective remedy - vinegar.

We soak the place where a wet spot was spreading a couple of minutes ago. However, you should not apply the solution directly to urine. It must be collected with napkins, wiping the area dry. You should not fill the “fresh” tag with water - this will only spread the smell throughout the room. Only after the treated area has dried do we apply vinegar. Let's leave it for a while. Afterwards, sprinkle the area with baking soda and spray the powder with peroxide mixed with soap or dishwashing detergent from a spray bottle. We do not remove the resulting foam immediately - only after a few hours.

The result is no unpleasant traces in the air - neither from urine nor from vinegar.

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