10 serious reasons to get a cat that are worth thinking about (11 photos)

Author: Winner56

15 February 2016 12:04

Tags: animals reasons to get a cat  



Cats have held a special place in people's lives for thousands of years. Once upon a time, quite a long time ago, they were even worshiped, but even today many treat them with great respect. A cat is not just a ball of fur with a cute face. They have much more benefits than just aesthetic pleasure.


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Treatment of diseases of the nervous system

It has been found that stroking a cat has a calming effect on the nervous system of children with autism. This animal will not only be friends with the child, but will also help in therapeutic terms using natural methods. They will play together, and problems will fade into the background. Scientists are confident that a cat is one of the most important factors in the treatment of many diseases associated with the nervous system.

Surprising but true

Cats help strengthen bones. It would seem that this sounds paradoxical, but this is a scientifically proven fact. Felines themselves are known for their “nine lives”, the ability to fall from great heights without any consequences, but they can also share their health with others. Their purring creates positive vibrations, the effect of which is comparable to ultrasound therapy. This effect activates recovery processes in the body; owners are able to recover faster from injuries, damage to joints, ligaments, tendons and bones. Fractures heal faster, joints quickly restore their previous mobility.

Strengthens immunity

First of all, the immune system is strengthened in children. If an animal lives next to a child from birth and grows up next to him, then this helps strengthen the immune system. Children suffer less from infectious diseases and are less susceptible to allergies and respiratory diseases, especially if the child spent the first year of his life next to a cat. The bottom line is that allergens to a small extent train the child’s immunity, which produces antibodies.

The case for cats

  • Heart health. Experts from the Minnesota Institute have concluded that constant communication with cats reduces the likelihood of a heart attack by a third. The study lasted more than a decade, the number of participants was almost 4.5 thousand people with an average age from 30 to 75. Three thousand lived with cats, in this group the number of deaths from heart attack was one third lower than in the first group. The reason is the real ability of cats to take on some of the negative energy, calm them down and relieve stress;
  • Fighting depression. The presence of a cat at home has a positive effect on mood and helps in overcoming everyday difficulties. 76 percent of respondents agree with this opinion. Stroking a cat promotes the production of the hormone of tenderness and care, oxytocin, which relieves the level of internal tension and helps to relax;
  • Normalization of sleep. Yes, a cat is a very effective sleeping pill, which, in fact, has no contraindications, with the exception of an allergy to wool. Many people who suffer from sleep disorders say that they sleep much easier, longer and more soundly if there is a pet in the bed. However, we must not forget about the nocturnal lifestyle of tailed animals; sometimes earplugs will come in very handy;
  • Rescue from loneliness. You're definitely not lonely with cats! Although they are characterized as independent, aloof little ones, cats are, in fact, very social. They get used to their owners, love them, wait for them to return home, know how to be affectionate and caring;
  • Protecting children from diseases. Yes, it will sound strange, but a cat is a good panacea for asthma and allergies. The pet helps reduce sensitivity to fur and various seasonal allergens, such as pollen. This discovery was made recently by specialists from a US state university studying infectious and allergic pathologies. For this condition to work, the baby must be in the same house with the animal from the first weeks of life;
  • Improving life safety. Cats are incredibly sensitive animals. They can easily detect a carbon monoxide leak and warn the owners. Few people know, but cats are also actively involved in the work of public security services. Everyone has an ear for dogs, but mustachioed ones can also detect explosives or narcotics with proper training and training.

Alarm clock that won't break

If you get up to bed at a certain time every weekday, then your pet will get used to exactly this hour when he gets food, so it will become an excellent alarm clock for you and will not allow you to be late for work. But be prepared for the fact that on a day off the cat will wake you up at the same time, since the pet doesn’t care whether it’s a weekday or a weekend, and he will ask you to fill the bowl with a tasty treat at the same time.

These are not all the advantages of living together with a cat; in fact, there are a lot of them. Each animal, like a person, has its own individual character, which is revealed throughout its life. And if a person and a pet can find a common language, then living together will not be overshadowed by all sorts of troubles in the form of damaged furniture or a surprise in slippers.

Goal No. 2. Out of pity.

Out of pity, we castrate them... That is. Imagine your husband, who needs to “fast”... well, let's say... 1/3 of his life, i.e. about 20 years!!!! IN! How will his face change? A!!! So there you go! And this is exactly what we condemn the cat to in city apartments!!!!! Castration is our price for domesticating cats. Therefore, convince your husbands, ardent supporters of “fullness” to be in solidarity with the cat and feel sorry for him... Otherwise, see point 1: he will start shitting in the shoes of the protector and the authority and the head of the family, so he himself will call the doctor!

And here some opponents come to point 3...

When will the mother cat hatch her kittens?

Mother cats can breed their kittens after a few weeks, but it is best to leave them together for 12-16 weeks.

After just four weeks, the kitten can eat solid food. However, it takes more weeks to learn behavior and other things from his mother.

So, if you are planning on separating the kittens from their mother, it would be a great step to let them spend a few weeks together. Kittens can now live on their own if they start eating solid food. However, they can benefit from their mothers' lessons. After the early stages, the mother cat will develop some intolerance towards the kittens.

This is not a negative attitude. Instead, it is a cat's way of teaching kittens to live independently. After separation, both the mother and her kittens may experience anxiety. Don't worry, it will go away after some time. While bringing kittens means your pet trusts you, it could mean something completely different if she only offers one.

What does it mean when a cat brings kittens?

If your cat brings her kittens to you, it only means that she trusts you to handle their babies with care. Compared to wild cats, our cats may realize that they rely on us to provide them with food and shelter.

The cat teaches her kittens to get used to us by bringing her kittens, since we play a significant role in their future.

Cats rarely do this. Since they are primarily protective, they are likely to move their young almost all the time.

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So, when your cat brings you a whole flock of kittens, it just means that she trusts you very much. Plus, she's comfortable with you and thinks you won't harm her kittens.

It would be better to show that you care about your cat's kittens as much as she does. Avoid activities that may appear dangerous. This can stress the cat and drive the babies away from you. It may even cause your pet to pull away from you.

Muscles and bones will become stronger

No, no, for this you won’t have to carry the well-fed Vasily (or Murka) in your arms. Strong muscles and bones are attached to every cat, even the skinniest and smallest. All you have to do is pet the animal regularly to make it purr.

Purrs are sounds at a frequency of 20–140 Hz. Research proves Biomechanical stimulation therapy as physical treatment of arthrogenic venous insufficiency that frequencies in the range of 18–35 Hz improve the mobility of joints and muscles after injuries, and are also able to heal microtraumas and prevent muscle atrophy Why do cats purr? . This is called biomechanical stimulation therapy.

If you adopt a kitten, consider that you have acquired a device for effective physiotherapy. And he, the “device”, is happy with you.

Benefit for health

A cat is an amazing creature. She appears to be independent and only uses her owner for food. But in reality, a pet helps improve the health of its owner. So, if you suffer from insomnia, you simply need a cat. She can lull anyone to sleep with her purring.

A 10-year study at the University of Minnesota found that cats reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%. And Canadian scientists are confident that a domestic cat lowers cholesterol levels.

The animal can be called a natural antidepressant, since caring for it helps the owner cope with depression.


Interestingly, cats have certain appearance features that are characteristic of small children: a large head, a round face, a high and prominent forehead, large eyes, and a small nose and mouth.

Because of this, people consider kittens to be as cute as babies: indeed, their pink nose touches the hearts of many. Moreover, research shows that the cuter the animal, the more you want to look after it. Understanding this, you are unlikely to be surprised by the “special” relationship between people and cats.

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"Humanizing" cats

Our affection for cats is enhanced by our tendency to anthropomorphize (assign human qualities and character to non-human beings) cute creatures and objects. For example, many cat owners even celebrate their pets' birthdays by dressing them up, going on field trips with them, and attributing human cognitions or emotions (such as guilt, shame, pride, and jealousy) to them.

It is believed that this approach is driven by the need for social connections: in fact, this tactic is most often used by lonely people. In this situation, their relationship with cats or other pets may resemble their relationship with people.

A little about love

Don't think that cats don't know how to love. They sincerely become attached to the owner and show tenderness towards him. If you have problems at work or in your personal life, if you were unable to successfully complete a project, or if there are disagreements with a business partner, a cat with its warmth and affectionate purring will help you temporarily abstract from these troubles and relax. She will not criticize or condemn you for mistakes. Sometimes it is precisely this kind of pure and selfless love that a person lacks to feel happy.

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You can learn a lot from a cat

Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly. Man is a creature several orders of magnitude higher than animals, but he can learn a lot from his four-legged pet. To understand this, just watch a cat.

How does she live? How is she acting? Cats are calm, calm and graceful. They are in no hurry, living their lives the way only they want. Cats are not hypocrites and do not pretend. They behave with dignity and “honor.” The life of these animals is measured and not hasty. They are not in a hurry or running. Many people should learn this attitude towards life and adopt the behavior of cats.

Why you shouldn't get a cat. 20 reasons

Do you take a fluffy miracle with tassels? Are you ready for this? We will give you 20 reasons why you should not get a cat. And you will understand that you simply need it.

Any animal in the house is a small, at the same time not very smart, and too smart when it wants to be a child.
Who will never grow up. Do you take a fluffy miracle with tassels? Are you ready for this? 1. Welcome to the endless loop. It doesn't stop even for a day. Seven days a week. No sick leave. Bowls and pot. Bowls and pot. Bowls. Pot. Bowls. Pot. Bowls. Pot. Bowls, pot, bowls, pot, bowls, pot. For many, many years.

Did you come home late at night completely exhausted, and in the morning you have to get up at 6? Don't have the strength to clean the pot? At best, even in your sleep a judgmental look will burn the back of your head.

At worst, in the morning you will have to wipe up the demonstrative puddle next to the tray. And traces of wet paws on the floor within a radius of 5 meters. And they will wash their paws with disgust on your bed.

2. You will know everything about cat litter. You will be ready to be accepted into any pet store as a sales consultant. All existing types, odor retention, granule size, degree of dustiness and clinginess to paws. And also the weight in used form. You will either learn to turn a blind eye to the filler granules in the house, or include the “cleaning with a broom” item in the cycle.

3. You will also know everything about the types of cat litter boxes. Over time, you will begin to match the tray to the interior of your home. Because it is simply impossible to fit a tray suitable in size for an adult Maine Coon into the finished interior. From time to time you will be tempted to fill the bathtub with filler and solve this problem once and for all.

4. You will develop a persistent guilt complex. No psychotherapist can help you anymore. Because your fluffy manipulator with tassels wakes up and follows you into another room. He falls asleep, wakes up, follows you. He drags the swinger in his teeth and explicitly invites him to play with him. Meows behind a closed bathroom door.

And in general, he is at home alone all day, and there is no one to play with, and no one to talk to. Gently and unobtrusively touches your hand with its paw when you eat chicken. Are you out of food? No, he wasn't offended. But that look that follows you past the empty bowl will haunt you in your nightmares.

5. There will be more nightmares. You dreamed that the window was open, but there were no bars on the windows. Although all the bars on the windows are stronger than in maximum security prisons. You have already become a specialist in strengthening frames and windows; your knowledge is of interest to security agencies.

6. Were you late for work? Now you will. You will not be able to explain to your superiors that during these ten minutes your conscience did not allow you to drive the miracle with tassels off your knees. That for the next five minutes a miracle prevented you from tying your shoelaces. And ten more - you were cleaning the wool from your suit. Better change your job right away.

7. Wool, oh yes, this is a special pleasure. This is your permanent accessory. Exquisite seasoning for every dish. An addition to any piece of furniture. Stylish design element. Thin, weightless hairs make your whole life special, giving it new sensations at every moment.

8. But the hair on the coon can become your headache. Because sometimes it needs to be combed out well. Otherwise, a headache in 3D format - tangles. And we don't like to itch. And we chew on the comb. And we are generally afraid of water because it hisses so much. We have much more strength than it seemed, now try to pull me out from under the sofa.

9. We only like water in bowls. She's quiet there. Do you love wet cleaning as much as we love it? Very soon you will have an extensive collection of cat dishes that turned out to be “too light”, “too low”, “too high”, “too narrow”, “too deep”, “too shallow” for the curious paw of your pet, who has no idea , how you can drink without raking the water source.

You will settle on a basin, a five-liter saucepan or a dog sippy cup, only wearily brushing aside the surprised glances of your guests. This object also does not fit into your interior. But it's dry.

10. You will generally see a lot of surprised looks from guests. And much less delight than you would like. “Do you have a Maincoon or something? Will it still grow? My friend Masha also has a Maine Coon, a big one, four-haired, hairy, 14 kg, a real Maine Coon.” Well, yes. And your red hair with a tassel has curled up into a ball and is not moving with its ears. And the tail has peeled off.

11. It’s also not always possible to delight someone with tassels. Balls, feathered balls, mice, rabbit fur... I'm tired of it all. And he's bored. Get ready for creativity tests.

12. Otherwise, you will be taught ingenuity. You can’t even imagine what you can play with in the house. And what to steal by running away with your eyes bulging. You will learn better than all circus trainers how to open your mouth while jumping and extract different things.

You will shout at all the household members who dared to leave threads, strings, bags and other inedible crap that your tasseled one loves so much. Everything that has become interesting to the Maine Coon may disappear. That is, finally and forever.

They know the way to the fifth dimension, but they won’t show it to you. You can say goodbye to a dozen balls, mice, hair clips, socks and wallets. Some particularly refined people love jewelry. Adyos.

13. Do you love companion cats and that’s why you got them? Love to get up at dawn. Because yours with tassels craves communication. Thirsts for love and affection. Directly. Now. At 5:30. Don't you understand the hints? They will explain it to you clearly. And more than once. Don't you know how to play dead? Learn. Or love to get up at dawn.

14. Get ready to soundproof your apartment. A horse jumping from the cabinet onto the laminate flooring ten times while you pretend to be dead will not delight your neighbors. You are the one who loves big cats, not Uncle Vasya from below.

15. You will be able to tell exactly what your baby is doing at any given time. Day and night. You will plunge veterinarians into a stupor with the phrase “something is wrong with him.” Everything seems to be fine, but something is wrong.”

16. You will learn to trim your claws, clean your ears, follow the vaccination schedule, stuff a thermometer under your tail, give pills, pour liquid from a syringe, all the while muttering indistinct apologies and begging for forgiveness from His Majesty the cat. Because it's a shame. Because he trusted.

17. All your loved ones will know as much about your Maine Coon as you do, all conversations with you will be reduced to discussing his eccentricities, at first they will look at you sideways, and by your approaching vacation they will stop answering phone calls. Because everyone has already gone through the “week of feeding the cat” once. Do you still travel a lot? Now you will love your hometown.

18. At some point you will be glad you have two kidneys. And, given the constantly rising prices for food, you still won’t leave your tasseled one without food. And tray filler, yes.

19. You will learn to part with material things with ease. A pot of collectible orchids? Yes, and let it be, water less. Porcelain figurine from Japan? She had been collecting dust on the shelf for a long time. Leather chair from Italy? These claw marks don't spoil it at all. No, what are you talking about, he’s well-mannered here, he doesn’t scratch his claws on the furniture. It only starts with it. And he fell a couple of times in his sleep.

20. The worst thing is that after about half a year you will have crazy thoughts of having a second one.

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