Red, white or gray: which cat to get so that there is money in the house

I didn’t fall in love with cats right away. I used to like other pets - dogs. Over time, it was cats that became closer to my soul. I'm not sure what caused this. Perhaps I liked their graceful, leisurely movements around the apartment. Or purring while petting an animal. But now there are three pets living in my house. They appeared to me due to various circumstances. And somehow, having heard that a cat of a certain color brings with it this or that benefit for the person with whom it lives, I, driven by curiosity, learned something interesting.

In ancient times, people believed that the energy of a cat influenced their destiny. Each house had several cats. This was partly dictated by the need to combat rodents. But partly to attract good luck to one or another house. What does the animal's color indicate?


White is the color of harmony and well-being. A cat with this color will bring peace to your home and protect you from quarrels and troubles. For lonely people, purchasing a white kitten will help improve their personal life.

The sign says that if you come across a white cat, you need to shelter it or at least feed it. Having received its share of affection, the animal will take away illnesses and failures. White kittens also bring financial well-being.


Despite the negative meaning of signs associated with a black cat, having such a pet with you will protect and protect your home. It is believed that even robbers avoid houses where black cats live.

Such animals will bring financial success to businessmen. However, there is one exception to this sign: this interpretation is suitable only for successful and positive people. Otherwise, the black cat will bring even more trouble and worsening financial situation.

A black cat has powerful energy. She heals people by choosing a painful place on the human body. It is there that she settles down to rest, warms her and takes away pain from her owner.

How to choose a cat: the best breeds for an apartment or private house

Choosing a pet is a big responsibility. Ideally, a future family member should meet a number of criteria that facilitate his maintenance and adaptation. Otherwise, there will be a high probability of unwanted behavior. This problem can be solved, but it takes a lot of time and effort. For this reason, it makes sense to take a closer look at the best cat breeds from different categories.


A ginger cat will only improve the atmosphere in the house with its presence. The solar energy of a pet will bring happiness, joy and prosperity to its owner. Having a ginger kitten in your home is a great success, regardless of whether this miracle was given to you, or the kitten came to your house by accident. The sign says: if a ginger cat spent the night on the porch and disappeared in the morning, it has thus taken away all the negative energy from the house.

Ginger cat or cat

The color apparently resembled the color of money, most of them coins. They were copper or gold. A ginger cat is a magnet for finances. She can attract success in business. By adopting a red animal at home, a person increases the chances of his own promotion. Perhaps, after a ginger cat appears in your family, an increase in salary will follow.

Such an animal will become a happy talisman for its owners. Will protect you from thoughtless expenses and financial losses.

She (he) can become an assistant (assistant) in learning, of course, influencing with energy. Helps you become more attentive and monitor your finances more responsibly.


Gray cats are noble, well-mannered and do not cause problems for their owner. According to superstitions, a gray cat in the house is a financial talisman. If a smoky kitten comes into the house, expect profit and good news soon. Be sure to warm and feed him, this will attract material well-being.

It is worth knowing that the illness or departure of a gray cat will lead to monetary losses and unexpected expenses.

Gray and white

It doesn't matter which of these shades becomes your pet's color. Cats and cats of white and gray colors “work” to strengthen relationships between people. In this case, cats help mainly lovers. A purring, cute white or gray creature helps reduce the number of quarrels. In general, it is believed that families with such pets are much stronger and calmer.

By the way, if you don’t have a soulmate, seek the help of a white or gray animal. A cat (cat, kitten) seems to attract a person to you who will become your destiny.

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It is generally accepted that white felines are capable of attaching someone who is dear to their owner (mistress). Just invite them over and introduce your future soul mate to your pet.

Tabby cats

According to popular belief, tabby cats are a symbol of the comfort and warmth of the hearth. Tabby cats (the so-called striped pattern) bring good luck and positive energy to their owners.

An unexpected meeting with a tabby kitten promises changes in life. The nature of the changes can be understood if you look closely at the wool pattern on the animal’s body. The predominance of light stripes means positive changes. Black stripes warn: you should prepare for trouble. An abundance of red stripes portends empty chores and the appearance of change, but nothing significant will happen in the end.

What breed are calico cats?

Cat breeds whose standard allows three-color coloring: Manx, Maine Coon, American Shorthair, British Shorthair, Neva Masquerade cat, Persian cat, Japanese Bobtail, Kurilian Bobtail, Exotic cat and Turkish Van.

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This color can combine different shades, and each color has its own symbolism.

Black and white cats are a talisman of harmony and spiritual understanding among household members. Smoky gray kittens help cope with stress and avoid conflicts. A pet with a color that combines contrasting shades has a unique positive energy. Such a cat will protect your home from illnesses, losses and other negativity, being a kind of amulet for your family.


This color is rarely seen in nature, so meeting a true tricolor cat promises great luck and happiness in the home.

Each shade has its own meaning:

  • black protects against the evil eye and other evil spirits
  • redhead attracts wealth
  • white gives purity and represents fidelity.

Regardless of color, the main thing in relationships with pets is to love and take care of them. Any cat can bring warmth and comfort to your home, and in return it will only need a little care from you.

Many thousands of years ago, a man allowed a cat into his home. Since then, this cute mysterious creature with soft paws and bottomless eyes has accompanied people throughout history. Many different signs, beliefs and traditions are associated with cats.

Man has never been able to fully study the mystical nature of these animals. However, the fact that a cat is not a random guest in the house and brings good luck to the owner is a long-established fact.

Burmese cat

This is a quiet and extremely calm breed. A pet can sit somewhere for hours and watch its possessions or admire nature through the window. Attractive colors and long hair make the cat a kind of decoration for the apartment.

If the owner wants, the pet will sit in his arms with great pleasure and will quietly purr about something of his own, accepting affection. The cat is not known for cowardice and is mostly curious. She will warmly treat visiting guests and gets along well with other family members - children and other animals.

She treats the child like a mother: she can play with him and surround him with care, protecting him and protecting him from dangers. A cat never puts out its claws to be aggressive. It’s easier for her to distance herself and hide from unwanted communication if she doesn’t like something.

As for care, this is a breed with long hair and the problems associated with this nuance. So be prepared to scratch it and vacuum the apartment periodically. It is also worth noting that Burmese cats do not know how to land normally, so it is better not to let them onto the mezzanine (force them with something) and keep the windows covered.

Why can't you kill?

For most people, killing animals is an unnatural and extremely cruel act.

Why cats should not be killed can be explained from several points of view:

  • It has always been common for humans to kill animals: for food, for home improvement, for making clothes and accessories, and simply to demonstrate their superiority. But from a psychological point of view, killing cats is a special kind of cruelty. In our culture, they take the place of a person’s friends, sometimes they are full-fledged family members. There is an opinion that whoever raises his hand against a cat can harm a person. And this is not an unfounded assertion;
  • From a scientific point of view, if you destroy cats, the population of mice and rats will certainly increase. And this threatens humanity with serious troubles. History knows many examples when rodents became the cause of famine and terrible epidemics;
  • In the religion of Ancient Egypt, cats were deified. Anyone who harmed her would face the death penalty. However, in other religious movements these animals are given a special place. For example, a cat cannot be kicked out of an Orthodox church (unlike a dog), it cannot desecrate the altar with its presence;
  • many signs also speak of dire consequences for the one who offended the cat. One of them claims that a person who kills a cat bears the black mark of evil, and for seven years he will be haunted by grief and misfortune.

Why should a cat be the first to enter a new home?

This tradition appeared a long time ago, and it is associated with the ability of cats to absorb negative energy and purify it, passing it through themselves like a filter. If there is bad energy left from the previous owners, the cat will correct this problem by entering the house.
If this is a new building, the pet can drive out the evil spirits that have managed to settle there and come to an agreement with the brownie about the safe residence of the owners.

If your pet starts shitting anywhere

A cat will never behave this way by accident. The owner should try to find out the reason for this behavior of the animal. Perhaps your pet is just jealous or something is bothering him. In any case, you should not punish your pet without understanding what is going on.

It often happens that cats feel negative energy in a certain place or from a specific object .
They try to inform the owner about this, attracting his attention. Numerous stories of cats shitting near a closet with a bad item or ruining the shoes of a guest who did not have the best intentions confirm their ability to sense things that are inaccessible to human perception.

These furry creatures live in parallel in two worlds: our real and astral, the so-called other world. They see what is inaccessible to humans, so people can only trust their pets.

What does it mean when a cat comes?

There is a belief that the cat itself comes in two cases - to bring happiness or to ward off misfortune. Therefore, stray animals were never kicked out; this was considered a very bad omen.

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Can it cure a person?

Despite their proud and independent nature, cats have powerful healing abilities. It has long been noted that if a cat has a good relationship with all family members, it will sleep next to the one who is in poorer health.
They feel the negative energy of pain and intuitively choose a place near its source. They perfectly treat inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as insomnia, stress, and nervous disorders.

If a cat lives in a house with a child who has a developmental delay, then its energy helps the child begin to make progress, sometimes completely getting rid of the diagnosis. Of course, this does not happen so quickly, sometimes it takes several years, but the beneficial influence of a furry friend is beyond doubt.

Cat breeds most suitable for apartment living

Of the dozens of cat breeds, there are several that are deservedly popular as wonderful apartment pets.

Hairless cats

Hairless breeds appeared due to a natural mutation fixed by planned selection. The group of hairless breeds includes:

  • bambino;
  • Dwelf;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • St. Petersburg Sphynx (Peterbald);
  • Ukrainian Levkoy;
  • elf.

When describing the appearance of these animals, it is impossible to resist such epithets as “strange” and “alien.” The unusual hairlessness of bambinos and dwelfs is complemented by a silhouette on short legs, while gifs and elves amaze with the amazing shape of their ears.

Benefits of hairless cats:

  1. They do not shed and do not cause allergies. According to the standard, representatives of the group can be either completely naked with damp, folded, rubber-like skin, or covered with soft fluff up to 2 mm long, associated with suede or velor when stroked. The vibrissae are also absent or appear shortened, crimped and broken off.
  2. They have a pleasant, person-dependent and benevolent character. Disqualifying faults when judging at exhibitions are aggression and excessive caution, which do not allow you to pick up an animal. “Nubs” are unusually loyal to their owner, but they are not averse to making friends with strangers.
  3. They are endowed with excellent memory and keen ingenuity, as a result of which they exhibit great training abilities.
  4. Despite their jumping ability and dexterity, sphinxes are not prone to destructive pranks and energetic fun.

Difficulties in keeping hairless cats:

  1. They are very demanding in terms of temperature conditions, requiring insulating clothing, the arrangement of an enclosed house and a hammock bed suspended on a central heating radiator.
  2. They are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, and therefore on a summer afternoon they should be indoors or wear light cotton pajamas.
  3. The skin of completely naked individuals is prone to dryness and irritation, requiring regular moisturizing with cream.
  4. They are very talkative and even loud, which is aggravated during the period of sexual hunting.
  5. They can be overly intrusive, experiencing a constant need for communication and suffering from loneliness.

Short-legged (dwarf) cat breeds

Munchkins, nicknamed “dachshund cats” because of their greatly shortened limbs, are considered classics of the “genre.” The history of munchkins began in 1983 with an unusual short cat named Blackberry, which became the progenitor of all “short-legged” cats. The mutant gene turned out to be dominant, which made it possible to subsequently use munchkins to breed such dwarf breeds as:

  • bambino;
  • genet;
  • Dwelf;
  • Kinkaloe;
  • lambkin;
  • minskin;
  • Napoleon;
  • skookum.

Felinologists call the group of short-legged cats “dwarves” (from the English dwarf - gnome), and admirers believe that one could not wish for a better apartment pet.

Indeed, the family of “gnomes” is so diverse that it can satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste. Here are naked bambinos with doll-like faces, fantastic Dwelfs with curved ears, curly-haired lambkins, and fluffy Napoleons.

Benefits of dwarf cats:

  1. Compact size. With a small height, “gnomes” weigh no more than 4 kg, so they are perfect for living in small apartments. In addition, these cats love to sleep in secluded nooks, becoming completely invisible.
  2. Moderate energy. Small legs do not interfere with mobility and jumping on relatively high surfaces. However, dachshund cats are unlikely to damage furniture or destroy indoor plants. Munchkins and their relatives are also not prone to wild hunting games.
  3. Friendly and gentle character. “Gnomes” are flexible and very affectionate, patient with children and do not hide from strangers. They have a funny habit of sitting upright in a column, with their front legs hanging over the sides of their body.
  4. Can be easily trained to go outside. Curious and social “short-legged” dogs love walks on a leash, not at all afraid of city noise and unfamiliar places, and also easily travel in a car without baskets or carriers.

Difficulties in keeping dwarf cats:

  1. Some individuals suffer from congenital pathological lordosis - an excessive curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, leading to neurological problems and dysfunction of important organs such as the heart and lungs. In this regard, in some bloodlines there is an increased mortality of kittens up to 3 months of age.
  2. You should follow a diet so that excess weight does not put stress on the long spinal column.
  3. “Gnomes” do not tolerate loneliness well and, when left unattended, become depressed and lose their appetite. Thus, these animals are more suitable for a family than for a lonely and busy person.

Exotic shorthair cat

Exotics belong to the so-called “brachycephalic breeds”, in which the face is greatly shortened and the nose is funny turned up. They are often called the “Persian cat for the lazy”, since their appearance is very reminiscent of the legendary Orientals, but their short coat does not require such careful grooming.

Benefits of exotics:

  1. The thick, plush fur looks very elegant, but is not prone to tangles. For a presentable appearance, it is enough to comb the animal a couple of times a week with a furminator or a thick comb.
  2. Calm peaceful character. The highest pleasure for an exotic animal is to lie on the lap of its beloved owner. However, he will not interfere or play mischief in order to attract attention to himself.
  3. Silence. Exotics rarely make a voice and will not remind themselves of themselves with obsessive meowing if the person is busy with business.
  4. Affectionate and loving. The devotion of exotics borders on that of a dog, so they always meet and see off their owner at the door.

Difficulties in keeping exotics:

  1. Shortened airways prevent normal air circulation during breathing, so exotics can easily catch a cold after sitting near an open window in the winter, and suffer from overheating in the summer. The temperature comfort zone for them is kept within +18-23°C.
  2. A deviated nasal septum explains the fact that exotics wheeze when breathing and snore in their sleep. Pets with an excessively shortened facial part have difficulty accepting food and water, requiring artificial feeding and watering.
  3. The blockage of the lacrimal glands causes frequent lacrimation with the formation of brown-colored “tear tracks” stretching from the eyes to the nose.
  4. A sagging soft palate also creates breathing problems, which are worse in older animals. Such pets may begin to hyperventilate and wheeze, suffocating in their sleep, and upon waking up, experience heart rhythm disturbances, attacks of coughing and vomiting. In order to correct the condition, surgery to remove excess mucosa is indicated.
  5. Left to their own devices and deprived of society, exotics are very bored.

British shorthair cat

Felinologists call the British “interior cats” for their impressive appearance and self-sufficient disposition.

Independent and restrained in their emotions, they do not like being cuddled, preferring to sit next to their owner, and only occasionally lie down on a person, turning on their purring healing “mode”.

According to legend, British Shorthair cats are descendants of the ever-smiling and mystical Cheshire cat.

British advantages:

  1. Males grow up to 9 kg or more, so the breed can be recommended for lovers of large cats.
  2. An unpretentious and hardy breed that rarely suffers from hereditary diseases.
  3. Easy hair care. Thick and dense wool will look good when combed with a fine comb.
  4. Strong psyche. These cats are not afraid of strangers, but they will not tolerate a familiar attitude, warning with hissing. Travel is well tolerated, but for this you need to stock up on a carrying bag or a plastic box. They adapt to a new place quite easily, independently choosing their favorite place to sleep.
  5. Silence. The British are not very talkative and have a way of meowing in response gently and barely audibly when the owner addresses them.
  6. They don't suffer from loneliness. The British are the best pet option for a person who is busy at work and periodically travels on business trips. An unattended cat will easily survive separation from its owner if a “nanny” comes to the house at least once a day, bringing food and keeping the tray clean.
  7. They do not like to climb onto cabinets and shelves, preferring the “lower and middle floors”: the floor, armchairs, sofa, bed.
  8. They are not inclined to play pranks. British adults are calm and sedentary, but young animals, if they have toys, are unlikely to hang on the curtains or damage the wallpaper.

Difficulties in keeping British dogs may be associated with the brachycephalic structure of the head and are similar to those of exotics. In addition, representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, requiring dieting, especially in old age.

Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold

The ancestor of the Scottish Fold was the white cat Susie with an unusual ear shape, born in 1961. in Scotland. Very soon, “fold” cats became popular all over the world, and thanks to selection, a wide variety of colors were obtained: from solid to marble, brindle, spotted and bicolor. If kittens' ears remain straight until a certain age, they are called Scottish Straight, or Scottish Straight.

Scots Advantages:

  1. Males grow up to 6 kg, and sometimes more (this is suitable for lovers of large breeds).
  2. Contact and affectionate. The Scots love to sit on their owner's lap, rub their faces and quietly sing their purring songs. Many Scottish people love to watch TV. In response to rudeness, they prefer to retreat rather than defend the territory.
  3. Playful. Kittens love to chase bouncy balls, furry mice or feather teasers. If treated correctly, they are a suitable partner for playing with children, as they are very patient and rarely use their claws. However, a small kitten may be frightened by a loud cry or sudden movement.
  4. Easy hair care. It is enough to comb the cat from time to time with a thick comb to keep its soft, dense fur in perfect condition.
  5. Smart and quick-witted, they quickly get used to the tray and scratching post. If desired, the Scots can be taught all sorts of tricks.
  6. They tolerate loneliness and change of place of residence well. Despite its attachment to its owner, the “Lop Dog” can be left alone for a short time, entrusted to a “cat nanny” or sent to a pet hotel.

Difficulties in maintaining Scots:

  1. The lop ear gene, unfortunately, can lead to disruption of the musculoskeletal system, so representatives of the breed sometimes suffer from such hereditary diseases as osteochondrodysplasia, chondrodystrophy, arthritis, arthrosis. The problem is based on incorrect matings of lop-eared individuals with each other, while crossing a fold with a straight usually does not produce such defects.
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In middle-aged animals (4-5 years), sudden death from congenital heart problems has been reported.
  3. Breathing disorders due to a shortened muzzle (brachycephalic syndrome). Persian cats, exotic cats and British cats suffer from similar disorders.
  4. The special shape of the eyes leads to inflammation and suppuration due to the ingress of hairs, which requires careful care.

Russian blue

Russian Blues combine graceful lines with a rich bluish-gray coloration and bright blue or green eyes. These cats are great for apartment living, adapting to the rhythm of family life.

Advantages of Russian Blue cats:

  1. Easy hair care. Using a thick comb will keep the fur in good condition.
  2. They are not prone to energetic games and destructive fun. When leaving for work, the owner will be sure that his shoes, furniture and wallpaper will remain completely intact.
  3. They get along well with family members, other pets and children. Thanks to its easy-going nature and gentle disposition, the Russian Blue cat will not attack a puppy or swing its paw at a child.
  4. Unpretentious in food. Representatives of the breed do well both on dry food and on “natural” food with the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Difficulties in keeping Russian Blue cats:

  1. Fearful of strangers. Thus, such a pet is unlikely to suit a lover of noisy companies.
  2. It is difficult to get used to a new owner and a new home. When changing their place of residence, Russian blue cats can sit out in a secluded place for several days before venturing out to investigate.
  3. Some representatives of the breed may have congenital strabismus.


The literal name of the breed is “rag doll”, due to its unusual manner of completely relaxing in a person’s arms. Ragdolls were bred in the USA in the 60s of the 20th century in a Persian cattery, where selection was aimed at breeding calm, docile animals that do not resist being squeezed and hugged.

Benefits of Ragdolls:

  1. Males grow up to 10 kg, so this breed is suitable for lovers of exotics and giant cats.
  2. Calm phlegmatic character. Ragdolls will not play mischief and mischief while the owner is at work, so you couldn’t ask for a better companion for a small apartment.
  3. Friendly to children and tolerant of other pets, including dogs. The peacefulness of these big cats turns out to be a very important feature if different living creatures coexist in the same territory.
  4. Trusting of strangers. Ragdolls allow themselves to be stroked by complete strangers, showing an unusual level of contact and philanthropy for cats.
  5. Despite the fluffiness, caring for the coat is not too difficult. During the molting period, use a comb and a slicker brush.

Difficulties in keeping ragdolls:

  1. Providing a balanced diet due to large size and late maturation.
  2. A hereditary heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, leading to sudden death.
  3. Hip dysplasia. Violation of the biomechanics of the joint leads to an anatomical discrepancy between the acetabulum and the head of the femur, followed by habitual dislocation and the development of arthrosis.

Cats have been living next to people for more than 10 thousand years, having been both in the guise of a witch and in the role of celestial beings. They once saved Europe from plague and rat invasions, but for the modern city dweller, the cat is a source of unconditional love and an affectionate purring companion.

Impact on the personal life of the owners

Indeed, if a cat lives in the house of a lonely mistress (or owner), she becomes attached to a person and begins to be wildly jealous if someone invades her territory.

However, over time, if the animal feels the positive energy of your chosen one, the relationship will gradually improve.

And, conversely, if the person is not yours and his intentions are not entirely good, the pet’s hatred will manifest itself more and more clearly. He can sense something that the mistress (or owner) will not notice and, perhaps, prevent an unhappy marriage.

What color animal is best to have in an apartment?

A cat is a magical animal and, of course, its color is of no small importance.

Depending on the color, cats have different abilities that can affect the fate of their owners:

  • with white paws - brings prosperity to the house;
  • A black cat is a powerful amulet against the evil eye, evil spirits and evil spirits. His astral powers are so great that they can even drive a ghost out of the house;
  • two-color - doubles happiness and luck in the house where it settles;
  • tricolor (spots of different colors are not mixed with each other) - will bring happiness to its owner and protect the house from fire;
  • a red cat is the best healer, will improve your health and protect you from serious illnesses;
  • tabby cat - helps to tune in to a light positive mood, will bring joy and good luck;
  • gray cat - will help owners acquire and maintain physical and internal attractiveness;
  • a white cat is a symbol of purity, both externally and in thoughts;
  • “tortoiseshell” color (three coat colors are mixed together) – protects family happiness and improves family relationships.

Which place in the house does he choose?

Under no circumstances should a cat be limited in its movement around the house; it will choose the most suitable place for itself.
Cats love it to be warm, soft and cozy, so they often like to lie near heat sources in the apartment. But sometimes cats, completely inexplicably, choose a place in the house where there are no amenities for them, and lie there for a long time. This suggests that there is an accumulation of negative energy in this place, which the cat is trying to neutralize by maintaining the energy balance of the house.

The same thing happens when one of the owners is sick. And these pets are very fond of dark and secluded places, which are so suitable for tracking down “prey”, because no one has canceled their natural hunting instincts.

It is impossible to determine in advance which place in the house a cat will choose for itself. There is no need to rush, you need to give her time to get comfortable, explore the territory and settle into a new place.

Cats and money

Of course, our pets do not understand anything about finance, but they very well feel the strong energy that envelops all financial processes.
If the owner has financial difficulties and constantly thinks about how to live next, the cat will definitely feel this negativity. She can help you relax, her purring perfectly relieves nervous tension - new thoughts come to mind, and with them sometimes a solution to the problem.

Cats improve your energy levels, and at the same time attract good luck and prosperity. However, if a person does not like cats and gets a pet only for selfish reasons, then nothing will work out. It’s even worse if he then throws the fluffy out onto the street as unnecessary, the troubles will return to him at least threefold.

If a stray kitten has become attached to you on the street, do not drive the animal away, feed it; if it is not possible to take it home, try to find owners for it. The Universe will understand that you are capable of spending resources for a good cause, which means that larger sums can be entrusted to you.

Signs about cats in the house

Perhaps the most popular belief is that when moving into a new home, you should let your cat in first. This promises prosperity and good luck for future residents. In the place that the furry animal has chosen for itself, you should put a bed - this is an energetically clean zone that has a beneficial effect on health.

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Cats sense the energy of people and rooms very subtly. They tend to absorb negativity and process it, thereby making people calmer and happier. Since ancient times, it was believed that a cat could give health and improve well-being.

Now let's look at the most popular signs about cats:

  • if a cat lies down on a person and does not get up, this means that he is getting rid of negative energy - do not drive the animal away, it will go away on its own when it feels the limit;
  • you should not remove cats from sick people - they also promote health and relieve pain;
  • According to folk legends , the cat serves the brownie and if he does not love her, he will definitely drive him out of the home. To protect yourself from this, the ancient sages advised having a cat of the same color as the hair color of the owner of the house;
  • a cat leaves a home - it takes trouble away from it;
  • in a house where cats do not live , there is an accumulation of negative energies, which negatively affects the people living in it;
  • according to the superstition, before death, the animal leaves the house so as not to bring trouble to its owner;
  • if a cat is nailed to your home , this is a good sign indicating good luck and prosperity. In the old days, it was believed that an animal possessed the soul of a deceased relative, so it was always warmly received, warmed, and fed;
  • a person who kills a cat will be deprived of happiness and peace for 7 years;
  • if a cat stretches on a person , get ready for shopping;
  • It is believed that you cannot buy a cat , but you need to exchange it for a chicken egg or take an animal from the street;
  • an animal washing itself indicates the imminent arrival of guests;
  • if the cat curls up into a ball and covers its nose with its paw, you should wait for colder weather; in winter this indicates severe frosts;
  • if an animal scratches the wall and washes its ears , it will rain;
  • tears up the floor - to the wind and blizzard;
  • a cat killed a pigeon - you will receive unpleasant news;
  • it is impossible for the animal to lie on the dining table - this way it can survive one of the residents;
  • hearing a cat cry means toothache;
  • for the bride to hear a cat sneeze - she will have a happy married life;
  • Single girls shouldn't have a cat - this promises a long-term marriage, and the resulting union is unlikely to be happy.

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