What kind of nose should a healthy cat have and what do the changes indicate?
It is believed that a healthy cat's nose should normally be wet and cold. However
Catnip: What is it for and what effect does it have on the cat?
Most cats love the smell of mint and don’t mind tasting it at all. Not
How much cats should sleep: sleep norms for kittens, cats and cats
Mr. Cat explains why cats sleep so much. The average sleep requirement for a cat exceeds
Cat and whiskey
9 Lives: 9 Films About Cats for World Cat Day
This film does not fit into my priorities at all, and I decided to watch it
The cat attacks the dog. Who is smarter - cats or dogs?
Who is smarter - cats or dogs? Depends on what you mean by that. Mind
Cats in basements: how can you save homeless animals?
According to animal rights activists, there are between 7 and 40 million stray cats in Russia today. Especially
10 Scents That Attract Cats
10 Smells That Attract Cats: Smells They Like (And Some They Don't)
cat's sense of smell is 14 times better than that of a human, so it is much more
The Egyptian Mau is a cat that will not leave anyone indifferent! Gorgeous appearance and wonderful character, read the article for more details!
History of origin The history of the Egyptian Mau goes back more than one millennium. Ancient Egypt, rich and amazing
Why do cats purr: the solution to the mystery of furry pets
Which organs are responsible for a cat’s rumbling? Sometimes you may come across the statement that if
At what temperature can cats live outside: which breeds cannot tolerate cold
Cats are natural predators. On the street they are able to find food for themselves and some individuals
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