Cat growth - breed characteristics, causes of growth retardation

No fur, no mustache. This is how the Sphynx cat is usually perceived and how we all imagine them. But what are the sizes of cats of this breed? Here's what you need to know.

So, how much do Sphynx cats weigh? Sphynx cats typically reach 20-25 cm in height, 35-40 cm in length and weigh between 4 and 5 kg.

They have a slender build and are considered medium-sized cats. Females are usually smaller than males. Although it is not physically the largest cat, it is known for its large personality.

They are very affectionate and sociable, especially towards cats, and love to spend time with their owners.

Let's now take a closer look at the specific size and body type of this adorable hairless breed.

We also look at their size compared to other cat breeds and other factors that are relevant.

History of the origin of the Canadian Sphynx breed

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> Each cat breed has its own origin story. Hairless cats are known from historical references; Mexican hairless cats, which could be seen at exhibitions in the USA at the beginning of the last century, became especially famous. Representatives of the breed have not reached our time, remaining only in history.

From time to time, hairless kittens appeared in the world, but they were not interested in fixing this trait until a small kitten without hair was born in Ontario (Canada) in 1966 from an ordinary cat with a standard litter. The baby was named Prune and aroused the interest of felinologists in the hairless creatures of the Canadian breed.

Prune participated in inbreeding until the necessary genetic characteristics were fixed. We had to overcome serious difficulties with breeding and recognition of the breed. The ancestor of the stable breed was the hairless cat Epidermis, born in Wadena (Minnesota). To stabilize and consolidate the characteristics, they began to use the closely related Devon Rex breed, and today they are especially memorable for their funny, wrinkled beauty and grace of the creature.

Record-breaking animals

The largest cat whose result is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is the Maine Coon Sweetie from the USA. At 5 years old, he had a length of 123 cm and a tail of 41.5 cm (by the way, Sweetie is also the owner of the longest tail among the representatives of his breed). The cat’s owners said that they didn’t feed their pet anything special, and his growth happened on its own.

Fiz Gel from the USA (Munchkin breed) is recognized as the smallest cat. Her height is only 15 cm. Despite her modest size, she is very mobile: she can easily jump on even the tallest objects.

The Persian Tinker Toy is considered the smallest cat. Its height is only 7 cm and its length is 19 cm. This growth of an adult animal is explained by genetic mutations. But this did not stop the animal from taking its place among the record holders in the book of records.

Description and standards of the Canadian Sphynx

If you want to characterize the appearance of the Sphinx, then the epithets elegant, graceful, strong, extraordinary are suitable. This cat deserves this description due to the outline of its body and the velvety quality of its sometimes folded skin.

The Canadian cat is a medium-sized animal that, although relatively small, has a muscular body and a wide chest.

The front legs are widely spaced, the hind legs are longer than the front ones, which makes the Sphinx's body visually more graceful. The Canadian's paws are slightly curved, and since the toes have thick pads, it seems that the cat is walking as if in heels.

The peculiarity of the breed is that the skin of a Canadian kitten has numerous folds until the baby is one month old, then the folds gradually disappear. Adult cats have folds near the face, around the neck and between the ears. Sometimes folds are noticeable on the stomach.

Anyone who has ever stroked such a sphinx will say that he is not completely “naked”, but covered with a small soft velor fluff. Vibrissae are usually absent, but individuals with short antennae are found.

The Sphynx's ears are memorable for their large size, they are erect and set wide apart, with rounded tips. It is noteworthy that a small fluff sometimes grows near the base of the ears.

The shape of the head resembles a wedge, almost identical in length to width. Cheekbones are clearly visible.

Slightly slanted eyes are shaped like a good large lemon. There is quite a long distance between them. The eye color usually matches the coat perfectly.

The straight cat nose looks interesting in combination with a clearly visible hollow located at the transition from the forehead to the nose.

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According to the Sphynx standard, a large number of colors are acceptable. Particularly popular colors:

  • harlequin;
  • chocolate;
  • bicolor;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • lilac;
  • van;
  • brindle;
  • Siamese (color-point variety).

Although the fur of this cat is considered hypoallergenic, nevertheless, an allergy can occur, since a person’s reaction is not to the fur itself, but to the protein that the pussy secretes along with liquid secretion.

Interestingly, by winter the animal can become slightly overgrown with short fluff.

Dimensions and weight of the Canadian Sphynx

The size of adult animals does not exceed average. The weight of the Canadian is quite light and depends on gender: females weigh less than males. The body weight of cats is about 3.5 kg, and males up to 5 kg.

Using the table below, you can find out whether your pet fits the ideal size of an adult healthy Sphynx.

Category Signs
Thin The ribs and bones are visible, the fat layer is only on the chest. The pelvic bones are visible.
Normal We can feel the fat layer on the abdomen, the waist is not visible, and it is also quite difficult to feel the ribs, spine and pelvic bones.
Thick The animal is round in appearance, the ribs and bones are not at all easy to feel, the fat layer is pronounced.

What is the difference between the Canadian Sphynx and the Don Sphynx?

Maybe for someone who meets a Sphynx for the first time in their life, there are no special differences at the first inexperienced glance, but these are different breeds of cats with differences and differences in standards.

If we compare the origin stories of the Sphynx, the Donetsk appeared quite recently and began their journey around the world from Russia, while the Canadians have a history of the breed that goes back over half a century.

The Don Chak lacks fur due to crossings with smooth, short-haired breeds; the Canadian has a recessive gene for “baldness.”

a Canadian cat with your eyes closed - he always has a tiny fluff on his body, the Don brothers may have fur or not have it at all.

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The Don beauties have special types of coat: brush, flock and velor. Velor cats exhibit fur up to 3 cm long, while brush cats sport coarse, curly fur.

How to choose a kitten that will grow large?

First, you need to find a breeder of large-breed animals with extensive experience and a convincing reputation in order to purchase a suitable kitten from him. The animal must:

  • be a purebred representative of your breed, which would be confirmed by metrics;
  • have good health and vaccinations according to age. Notes about this should be looked for in veterinary documents;
  • be at least two months old. Experts believe that for full development, a kitten must feed on mother’s milk up to this age;

It is advisable to choose a male animal, ideally the largest in the litter. It is worth paying attention to parents. Not all large breeds grow large and heavy. Heredity in this matter is one of the determining factors.

When choosing a kitten, the future owner's eyes widen

Then everything is simple. You should take proper care of your pet and feed it well, not allow it to wander on its own, and also contact the clinic in a timely manner if your pet gets sick.

Characteristics of Canadians

It is worth listening to reviews from owners about the character of Canadian breed cats. As a rule, they sing long praises to their pets, but, to the animals’ credit, the odes of praise are fully deserved.

The character of these cats is similar to other four-legged animals - dogs. Cats are easy to train, as they are quite intelligent and can learn to fetch small objects and perform various tricks such as opening windows and doors.

They begin the training process by training them to use the tray and responding to their name. A kitten of this breed remembers all this almost the first time.

Sphinxes are very socialized, so they prefer to communicate with their owner, to whom they are infinitely loyal. The cat and the owner can watch TV together for a long time, and then also go for a walk around the apartment together.

The sphinx reacts calmly to other animals; the hunter's skill is fast asleep in him.

Watching your pet grow up

This process is certainly very interesting to watch. Many owners simply cannot be torn away from their pets, because they want to remember all the changes in behavior and character. Of course, a kitten can grow up in a matter of months! Just yesterday he had trouble standing on his paws and fell awkwardly, but today he is a beautiful, graceful cat that quickly maneuvers from the refrigerator to the windowsill.

At every stage of growing up, pets need good nutrition, timely medical care and good physical activity. Only in this case will the cat be able to grow up healthy and live a long and happy life.

To ensure that your pet develops correctly and without complications, adoption staff recommend an annual examination by a veterinarian. Even if the cat looks healthy on the outside.

Read more about this: Annual visit to the veterinarian - what is included and why it is needed

Care and feeding of the Canadian Sphynx

The maintenance of Canadians includes the main points of care and nutrition.

You will have to take special care of your cat.

The Sphynx's eyes are not protected by eyelashes or fur, and accumulated discharge from the corners of the eyes must be removed with a damp cloth. Cotton wool should not be used; it can irritate the skin around the eyes.

You should not ignore the fact that these cats are very sweaty - sweat is released throughout the body, staining the owner’s clothes and furniture in the apartment. The animal is regularly wiped with a damp cloth and bathed; if this is not done, the Sphynx’s body will become a dirty chocolate shade.

Feeding Canadian cats also has its own nuances. Starting from the pet's childhood, the owner should follow advice on how to feed a kitten of different ages. The diet of kittens at two months will differ from the diet of a baby at three months.

Since the cat is hairless, its heat exchange is much higher, so a healthy Sphynx always has a good appetite. The ideal food is lean meat, porridge, offal. Since your cat sweats a lot, you need to make sure there is fresh water in the bowl.

Health of Canadian hairless cats

In general, the health of cats is not great; they have a predisposition to obesity, acne, and dermatitis. The list of possible diseases suggests that a person should be attentive to his pet. Timely vaccinations given by the attending veterinarian will help against many diseases. The vaccine will be more active if deworming is carried out 2 weeks before it.

The Sphynx's pregnancy lasts 52-68 days, a litter usually contains 3-6 kittens, and the owner's help is desirable during childbirth.

In cases where mating is not planned, it makes sense to castrate the cat; this will not affect its character in any way.

Canadian cats are very hot: 38.5° C - this is the normal body temperature for a healthy Sphynx.

The life expectancy of the Canadian Sphynx is 13-15 years , but there are also centenarians who have celebrated their 19th birthday.

Reasons for slow growth

The size to which and how a kitten will grow is determined by its heredity, that is, its genes. But in order for the opportunities inherent in nature to be realized, favorable external conditions are necessary. The main reasons why a kitten may be stunted:

  • Poor nutrition . A kitten can be well-fed and well-fed and at the same time its growth may not correspond to the parameters of the breed. Why is this happening? During a period of intensive growth, the body needs a certain amount of not just nutrients or calories, but the quality composition of the food received is of great importance. The daily diet must contain the right amount of components important for growth: vitamins, proteins, calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, you should not neglect the recommendations of specialists; you need to adhere to a certain diet, taking into account the breed and age of the kitten. Only in this case will he realize the growth opportunities inherent in nature. In addition, proper nutrition greatly affects the health and immune system status of any animal.
  • Diseases . It is clear that during the period of intensive growth, it is necessary to protect the young animal from the possibility of contracting infectious diseases. The owner must provide his pet with all necessary vaccinations and treatments in a timely manner. A common cause of stunting is helminthic infestations, to which young animals are very susceptible.
  • Hormonal changes . Growth rates may be affected by the time of spaying or neutering, so you should discuss the issue with your veterinarian before surgery.

Thus, if you want to raise a beautiful animal whose constitution will correspond to the breed criteria, you need to devote some time, mainly to self-education in matters of feeding and maintaining your pet. And we must remember that omissions during a period of intensive growth are difficult to compensate for in the future, and often impossible.

Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - so we will be glad to hear your story about your kitten and how it grew up, how old it lived, or just interesting stories in the comments, this will also be of interest to other users of the site.

Cute video: How a kitten grows

Buy a Sphynx kitten

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> There are many nurseries in Russia where you can buy a Canadian kitten. You shouldn’t trust sellers on Avito and other resources if you don’t want to get a “pig in a poke.”

The cost of Sphynx babies is not that high. The price for a baby averages 6-8 thousand rubles and may be higher depending on the pedigree.

What to name a Canadian Sphynx

A tiny sphinx has appeared in the house, and its external characteristics will not be very consonant with the simple name Vasya or Murka?
It is worth worrying about choosing a suitable nickname for a cat with such graceful body lines and such a non-standard appearance. Nickname table

Yesya Kamila Amalia Deya Ishka Yupi Liksi Lika Fisa Sony Amanda Agata Osti Sara OxyMike Bella Ressi Bonya Eva Fisha Lysya Lana Fabira Bast Vita Aisha Aurora Aika AdrianaNoir Doris Tahir Argo Irzhik Tahir Weiss Laurie Grief Edmond Jean Riggi Icarus Count YodaVeron Born Prune Dary Elf Skin Barik Lucky Lasker Azar Bigglesworth Tyson Tristan Vin Diesel Freeman

Selection of vitamins

A vitamin complex for a cat must be prescribed by a veterinarian. An excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency. An adult cat's body requires a balanced content of vitamins and minerals to function properly.

  • If the owner feeds the cat premium food, then the required amount of vitamins is already included in the composition; nothing needs to be added except a half dose of the anti-shedding agent.
  • If a cat eats natural food or economy class food, it will need an additional vitamin source in the form of tablets.
  • For adult cats, there is a general strengthening vitamin and mineral complex with biotin.
  • If the cat is sterilized, suitable supplements are selected. There are also vitamins for pregnant and lactating cats. They support the mother’s body during pregnancy and lactation.
  • For older cats, complexes are provided that slow down aging and speed up metabolism.
  • Cats and cats constantly need protein, so to increase muscle mass, you can give food protein.
  • You should always choose vitamin-mineral complexes with taurine - this is an essential amino acid on which almost the entire body of cats relies.

The growth and development of cats is a complex process. Owners must control it and promote the normal development of their pet.

Conclusions about the breed

It is not for nothing that the Canadian cat - the animal is very graceful, beautiful and has a high level of intelligence.

The owners of Sphynx cats do not complain about the cats being picky about food, but they warn that it will not be possible to take care of their pet carelessly.

The animal of the Canadian Sphynx breed needs increased attention from the owner, and the time that the cat spends in the house becomes happy for the whole family.

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What to do if the cat continues to grow

There are also opposite cases, the cat continues to grow, despite the fact that it has already crossed all age limits.

In this case it is necessary:

  • understand the reasons for this phenomenon;
  • put the animal on a diet;
  • limit your diet to high-carbohydrate foods;
  • encourage the cat to lead an active lifestyle;
  • consult a veterinarian.

In order for a pet to grow properly, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it: feed it with balanced food containing vitamins; maintain a temperature of at least 20 °C; from time to time, give anthelmintic drugs and fight skin parasites. Only then will the pet feel great.

Regulation of sexual estrus

If the cat is purebred and the owner plans to get offspring from such a cat in the future, then it is recommended to breed him with cats that have a good pedigree. In some cases, breeders advise buying a female that has previously been sterilized (ligation of appendages). The cat will be ready to mate, but in this case there will be no offspring. It will be easier for the cat to cope with his natural instincts, finding an outlet for energy.

Another method that allows you to calm a cat during the mating season is the use of special hormonal drugs. All contraceptives are designed to artificially suppress an animal's desire to mate. In addition, when taking hormonal substances, signs of sexual desire decrease.

Medications for regulating sexual desire can be of plant or hormonal origin. Hormonal drops are widely used in home practice, giving an easy and quick effect, but not long-lasting. A large number of cat lovers believe that the use of oral contraceptives for cats in the form of drops or tablets is much more humane than sterilization or castration.

There is an opinion that this is a safer method of regulating sexual desire. Veterinary experts and scientists say that tablets and drops are a time bomb. A one-time use of a hormonal drug once a year (for example, in the spring) will not harm the body.

Systematic, constant use of drops can cause serious disorders in the animal’s body, including death. This is due to the fact that contraceptives for cats contain a dose of a hormonal substance that blocks the production of physiological hormones.

Constant impact on the endocrine system leads to serious disruptions in metabolic processes, and the risk of cancer increases significantly.

Veterinarians note that even for clinically absolutely healthy cats, the drug should be used with great caution. What can we say about cats with chronic diseases? Hormonal contraceptives for cats and cats have a pronounced progestational activity, having a negative effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system

It is almost impossible to notice disturbances in the functioning of this part of the endocrine system in a timely manner. That is why, before you start giving your pet drops or tablets to prevent sexual desire, it is recommended to consult a professional

Hormonal contraceptives for cats and cats have a pronounced progestational activity, having a negative effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is almost impossible to notice disturbances in the functioning of this part of the endocrine system in a timely manner. That is why, before you start giving your pet drops or tablets to prevent sexual desire, it is recommended to consult a professional.

Lifespan of a cat

The longevity record belongs to a representative of an overseas meowing civilization. In August 2005, the cat Cream Puff died in America. She still holds the lead in life expectancy - 38 years and 3 days.

The achievement is recorded by the Guinness Directory and so far not a single living cat comes close to this age limit.

In general, the lifespan and growth of cats depend on several factors:

  1. Breed. Here the causes of heredity, genetic predisposition to diseases, peculiarities of the constitution and organization of the nervous system converge. All of them are important for cats during the growth period.
  2. Content order. Pets live in more gentle conditions and are not as susceptible to infectious or traumatic risks than barn cats.
  3. Feeding and conditioning. A balance of lifestyle, activity and food quality comes into play. Their proportion directly affects growth. Obesity, partly characteristic of domestic cats, does not imply good health and longevity. The quality of food is considered separately. If it does not contain the necessary vitamins, minerals and microelements, then the cat will not last long on the owner’s love alone.
  4. Veterinary support. A very important reason and an indispensable item on the owner’s list of responsibilities. After all, even a standard operation to sterilize a cat (if it does not have breeding value for breeding) can give the animal 3-5 additional years of life.
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