10 Smells That Attract Cats: Smells They Like (And Some They Don't)

The cat's sense of smell is 14 times better than that of humans, so it is much more developed and allows them to perceive odors with greater intensity. This advantage is very useful for discovering scents that you easily adore, as well as quickly identifying those that you hate.

If you're one of those people who keeps your home smelling great or routinely uses essential oils for natural therapy, you'll want to use these scents without disturbing your furry companion. In this HowMeow article, we share 10 scents that attract cats . However, we already expect that not all odors produce the same effect in all cats. Some may have the opposite effect, and we'll also explain why.


Nepeta cataria, better known as catnip, it produces a powerful narcotic effect . In the animal, the active ingredient found in the plant, nepetalactone, has a psychoactive effect on cats, which encourages them to stimulate the mind and stimulate play. Thus, when a cat smells catnip, it tends to rub it, lick it, eat it, exhibit unusual behavior (such as jumping), and even hunt non-existent animals.

Because it stimulates the animal's mind and keeps them active, catnip is one of the most beneficial herbs for them. However, while it may be the smell that attracts cats, for the most part it is not the same for all cats. Some people do not react to the plant in the same way. This is because the catnip reaction is genetic and some simply don't have the DNA to appreciate it...[one]. More information in our article on “properties of catnip”.


Not everyone likes the smell of carrots, but there are cats who are crazy about this vegetable, and especially about fresh tops, the smell of which is reminiscent of valerian. The cat is ready to cuddle with the tops and bite the root crop. On the site it can lie in a carrot bed. Do not refuse to treat your pet to this vegetable if he asks. Carrots contain many vitamins and water, strengthen gums and teeth.

If a cat is indifferent to any of these smells, this indicates his individual characteristics. Cats are different, and not all react the same way to the same scents.

Photo source: pixabay.com


Considered to be another scent that cats enjoy, olive tree also has a narcotic effect that alters the cat's behavior. This is because one of the most active components in the leaves and trunk of the olive tree is a substance called oleuropein . Like catnip, when a cat senses it, it tends to rub, lick, eat its leaves and exhibit a more active attitude, similar to the action they have during mating behavior...

Some cats have this attraction to leaves, while others are attracted to all parts of the olive tree. This includes olives and products such as olive oil. Likewise, this scent has not yet been scientifically proven to have a relaxing effect in cats, so make this statement with caution, but it certainly affects their central nervous system and makes them more active and playful.

Poisonous plants

Azalea. All parts of the plant are toxic. Eating it will cause vomiting and diarrhea in the cat, and can also cause kidney, pulmonary and heart failure.

Aloe will cause diarrhea, cramps, and depression in the cat.

Amaryllis, including hemanthus, hymenocallis, hippeastrum, clivia, crinum, zephyranthes, eucharis - the leaves, peduncles and scales of the bulbs are dangerous for the cat. When ingested by a pet, they lead to vomiting and loose stools, convulsions, damage to the nervous system, heart, pulmonary and kidney failure, and allergies.

Aroid plants such as aglaonema, alocasia, anthurium, dieffenbachia, caladium, colocasia, monstera, syngonium, spathiphyllum, scindapsus, epipremnum, philodendron) are very poisonous because their juice contains oxalic acid. Leads to swelling of the larynx and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. The animal gets sick with conjunctivitis, and with severe swelling, death is possible.

Asparagus causes vomiting, loose stools, and convulsions. The animal may develop renal, pulmonary or heart failure.

Begonia also contains oxalic acid, which can cause burns and swelling of the oral mucosa, causing swelling of the larynx.

Gardenia jasmine will cause allergic dermatitis in an animal.

Geranium. The leaves of the plant are especially poisonous. A pet that eats geranium will suffer from disorders in the digestive system.

Zamia. The plant will cause allergic dermatitis in your pet.

Zygocactus (Decembrist, Rozhdestvennik, epiphyllum) is also completely poisonous, especially the leaves. When an animal tries this plant, its larynx swells.

Dracaena fringe has the same effect on cats.

Kutrovye - adenium, allamanda, mandevilla, catharanthus, oleander, pachypodium. The juice of these plants contains large quantities of alkaloids and glycosides, which cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats, disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system and heart, and may even cause cardiac arrest.

Nightshades, which include ornamental peppers, brovalia, brunfelsia, brugmansia, solandra, will lead to a general poisoning of the cat’s body.

Peperomia leads to swelling of the larynx, acute heart failure and impaired coordination.

Ivy. In addition to acute cardiac and pulmonary failure, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and laryngeal edema.

Sansevieria (pike tail) will cause allergic dermatitis in your pet.

Evergreen boxwood is extremely poisonous to cats and causes general infection with toxic substances contained in it, often resulting in death.

Usambara violet, Saintpaulia. Make your pet's life more difficult with stomach upset and vomiting.

Fatsia japonica is completely poisonous to cats. Causes pathological changes in the animal's nervous system.

Haworthia will cause swelling of the cat's larynx.

Chlorophytum can cause allergic dermatitis in your pet.

Cyclamen. The juice of this beautiful plant will cause vomiting and loose stools, convulsions, heart, pulmonary and kidney failure, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, and dermatitis in the cat.

Cyperus will cause such common symptoms of intoxication in cats as convulsions, diarrhea, vomiting, renal, pulmonary and heart failure.

Schefflera. Eating any part of the plant by a cat will lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and dermatitis.

Euphorbia (akalipha, codiaum, spurge, poinsettia, ficus, jatropha, etc.). All representatives of this family, and there are more than 1600 of them, contain euphorbin in their juice, which is a toxin for cats. The entry of this poison into the animal’s body leads to irritation of the mucous membranes, burns, indigestion, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, conjunctivitis, which can result in complete blindness of the cat.


Honeysuckle is part of the popular Bach flowers, and as such they act on a cat's body to have a powerful calming and calming effect. Thus, we can say that the aroma of this plant is one of the aromas that relax cats . So much so that these plants are now used in cats and other animals for therapeutic purposes such as treating insomnia, stress or anxiety...

Like the previous plants, honeysuckle's composition attracts cats and makes them want to rub, lick and eat the floor. But be careful! Honeysuckle Berries They are toxic to cats so it is important to keep them away and not let them eat this plant, just smell it and enjoy its aroma.

Signs of bleach poisoning in a cat

Of course, no owner will watch his pet eat a substance with chlorine. But a cat can easily taste a poisonous drug on the sly when no one is around. An owner whose cat likes the smell of bleach should know what the symptoms [4] of poisoning with this substance are:

  • Vomiting and complete refusal to eat;
  • Convulsions;
  • Sore throat and spasm of the vocal cords (the cat meows hoarsely and strangled);
  • There may be bleeding ulcers in the mouth (on the tongue, cheeks, palate and gums) if the cat has ingested bleach;
  • Increased salivation, the fur on the neck is all wet;
  • Severe abdominal pain (the cat sits in a hunched position);
  • White foam from the mouth;
  • Discoloration of fur if the cat has ingested chlorine bleach;
  • A cat has a specific smell if its fur has been stained with bleach;
  • The animal may have difficulty breathing, severe coughing and suffocation if inhaling chlorine fumes;
  • Tearing, burning and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, deterioration of vision up to complete blindness if bleach gets into the cat’s eyes;
  • Clear nasal discharge;
  • When poisoned with chlorine, animals behave unusually. Some cats become extremely restless, while others become apathetic;
  • In case of severe poisoning, loss of consciousness is possible.


Just like us humans, the aroma emitted lavender attracts cats, drawing them towards it to smell and rub them. However, its attraction power is not as strong as the previous plant, and some cats may not show the same interest. However, for many, it is the smell that cats hate. The reasons are poorly understood. It's possible that the reasons are genetically similar to catnip or that it's just a personal preference on behalf of the cat.

If your furry companion is one of those cats that loves this scent, you can use it to encourage a state of relaxation . Using this natural therapy, especially in cases of anxiety and mild aggression, along with other relaxing factors and finding the cause of the problem, has been shown to help the animal feel much calmer.

Cats don't like essential oils . Because your sense of smell is so strong, any essential oil can be too overpowering. Don't be too strong on scents that are supposed to be relaxing scents for cats. If used in a diffuser or highly diluted, it can mimic the pleasant aroma of fresh lavender.

Lavender and cats This comes with a caveat, however. Eating the plant is toxic to cats. It is important that the cat cannot swallow flowers or leaves.

How to train a cat using smells

Having an idea of ​​what smells cats don’t like, you can easily explain to your pet what not to do.

If your pet has gotten used to sharpening its claws on furniture and no formidable prohibitions apply to it, you can treat the furniture with water to which citrus juice has been added or cologne with a strong smell. An unpleasant smell will scare away the animal and force it to abandon its intentions.

The same should be done if the cat has chosen an undesignated corner for its toilet.

If you know what smells scare cats away, so that they don’t shit in the wrong place and don’t mark corners, you can quickly stop your pet from misbehaving. Place a dish with lemon slices, lemon or orange peels on the place the cat likes, you can chop the onion or crush the cloves of garlic. An unpleasant smell will scare away the cat and give it a signal that it has chosen the wrong place for its intentions. The moment your pet shows interest, take him to the litter box.

You can do the same if your pet has chosen a place to rest where he should not go. It is enough to place dishes there for several days in a row with something that the cat does not like, and the animal will decide on its own that this place is not suitable for it.

If your pet eats indoor plants, treat them with water and lemon juice. The flowers will not die from this, but the cat will receive a signal that this is not worth doing.

Smells are important in the lives of animals, so they will help owners raise their pets


Thyme is not only part of the smells that attract cats, but it is also one of the healthiest for them. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, when made as an infusion or tea, help treat irritated and inflamed eyes in cats, meaning it can help relieve symptoms caused by, for example, conjunctivitis or certain allergies.

On the other hand, its aroma acts as a natural relaxant and hence promotes calmness in the cat. For this, it is ideal to use thyme essential oil or buy this aromatic plant. However, as with lavender, thyme may not be as effective as not all cats are attracted to its scent.

The smell cats don't like is their main ally

In order for odors that cats don’t like to help in the fight against the pet’s unwanted preferences, you should follow a fairly simple scheme, namely, get rid of the smell of cat coffee and apply a smell that he doesn’t like to the surface that attracts it.

So, for example, if a cat is inclined to mark territory, based on this recommendation, you should treat the marked corner with some cleaning agent, and then make it smell unpleasant to the animal, for example, put a grated clove of garlic in it. Believe me, for a couple of days the cat will avoid this place.

Other problems can be solved in a similar way - damage to furnishings, attempts to eat flowers from the windowsill, ignoring the tray. However, it should be remembered that smells that are unpleasant to a cat alone cannot correct the situation - be that as it may, you will have to make sure that the animal satisfies its needs in a different way.

Thus, if a cat scratches a chair, you need to treat its upholstery with lemon juice and purchase a scratching post for it. The cat must understand that “you can’t do this here, but you can do it there” - the “nowhere” system will not work in this case

Peppermint, basil and peppermint

The next three are mint, basil and mint, all of which belong to the same family as catnip ( Lamiaceae ). It is therefore not surprising that the smell of these plants, which are so often used for cooking, is also one of those smells that cats love. Therefore, cats that are attracted to them have the same symptoms described in the section on catnip, activation and mental stimulation. Then again, they are also quite strong scents, so getting used to them will backfire...

Similarities between human and cat pheromones

Pheromones are substances secreted by special glands on the surface of the body of many animal species. Such substances are used to facilitate communication between representatives of the same species. For example, cats use pheromones to obtain information during mating, in conflict situations, and in some other types of interactions with relatives.

© shutterstock

Human pheromones are in many ways similar to cat pheromones, so pets periodically rub against their owner’s legs with great pleasure. Cats are most sensitive to human sweat during mating.

Floral scents

Many cats feel trapped by the intense scent of certain flowers, such as roses, daisies and lilies. But if this applies to your cat, you should know that some of them are very toxic if they ingest them, like the last two mentioned. Thus, it is better to keep cats away from the real plant to avoid possible poisoning...

Fruit aromas

Fruits such as strawberries, peaches or watermelon emit very distinctive and intense aromas that quickly attract cats' attention. In this sense, it is true that smells can certainly attract cats and encourage them to try food. Many of them even have multiple benefits for your body, such as antioxidant, cleansing and diuretic properties, as well as fiber and lots of vitamins. However, not all fruits are attractive to these animals, since citrus fruits emit a really unpleasant aroma for them...

If you notice that your cat is attracted to the smell of certain fruits, don't miss our article listing the most recommended fruits for cats and start offering them as rewards...

"Scented" ways to repel cats

Before you start looking at scents that repel cats, we suggest you try a method using a scent that attracts them. This is catnip or catnip. A very beautiful plant that will decorate the area with multi-colored inflorescences throughout the summer. Cats simply love this smell and will happily settle into a corner planted with catnip: sleep there, chew the leaves of the plant, etc. And if you add a little dry sand there, the cat (with a high probability) will prefer to go to the toilet in this place rather than in the garden. Catnip requires virtually no care. Planted in a sunny, dry place, it will overwinter well and will again reproduce by self-sowing. In addition, fresh young catnip leaves can be used as an aromatic flavoring additive in soups and salads, and dried ones can be used in herbal teas.

There are a number of odors that cats find unpleasant. This means that you can make cat repellers with your own hands. Let's look at the most effective of them:

Some plants will be an excellent deterrent. So, a cat will not get into the habit of entering a garden in which eucalyptus, lemongrass, and lavender are planted. These plants will perform two functions at once: they will decorate your area, as they have a beautiful appearance, and they will work effectively as a repeller, because cats hate their smell. Coleus canina or Coleus canine will also be an excellent repeller for cats. It is believed to emit an odor that is unpleasant for cats when touched. This plant is quite heat-loving, so in the autumn-winter period it should either be brought indoors or replanted every year.

Some plants will act as natural cat repellers

  • A great way to repel cats is to mulch the soil with citrus peels, coffee grounds and pipe tobacco. Treat the soil with these products in places that you would like to leave untouched by cat paws (between beds, near flowers or bird feeders, etc.). Cats will not really like the smell emanating from the soil treated in this way, but it will be very useful for the soil itself, because citrus fruits, tobacco, and coffee are able to absorb nitrogen and convert it into oxygen, which supplies the soil.
  • If none of the above methods help, then you can move on to “heavy weapons”: use a special cat repellent, which is sold in pet stores. It usually consists of predator urine. It will be enough to apply a small amount of this substance around the area and the cat will no longer poke its curious nose.

Advice. If you don’t want to add to the hassle of creating fragrant “repellents” and at the same time would like to keep your beautiful garden intact, then try using a quick and affordable method: place small (or decorative) stones throughout the garden. This way you will limit the cat’s physical access to the soil and over time it will simply stop coming to your site.

You just learned about some smells that cats simply cannot stand. The information obtained will help you prevent the pranks of the furry “robber” on your site without harming the animal. Have a good fight!

Can cats smell toxic plants?

There needs to be some clarification when it comes to what cats smell like. The reason is that many people don't realize that just because a cat likes the smell doesn't mean it will eat it. For example, lavender is a scent that attracts some cats, but if ingested, it is toxic and can cause poisoning . Just like our fruit-scented shampoo can smell great but we don't have the drink, cats can enjoy the scents without eating the source...

However, unlike humans, cats cannot always tell what they are eating. Thus, we must ensure that they do not take anything harmful. Use a diffuser to diffuse the scent or avoid using perfume packets that the cat can easily open. If your cat ingests something toxic, watch for any adverse symptoms and take her to the vet if she may be poisoned...

Smells that repel cats

Not all smells are pleasant to cats. Some of them cause a strange reaction in the animal: pets not only wince and sneeze, but also try to paw at an object emitting an odor or run away. Watching the animal, you will easily notice what smell cats cannot stand.

Such frightening smells include the aroma of citrus fruits. Your pet will immediately move away from you if it smells lemon, orange or other fruits of this family.

The smell of perfume. Animals perceive the smells of perfumes, colognes and deodorants that are pleasant to humans as repellent. Often cat owners note that their pets will not be handled if their body and clothes smell of perfume.

The smell of onions and garlic is unpleasant to the cat. Many people have noticed that your pet will hover around you while cooking, waiting for some tasty morsel to drop. But as soon as you peel the onion or garlic, the cat immediately moves away. A cat will never touch food that smells like garlic or onions.

The smell of many spices. If you feed your cat natural food, never add seasonings to it in order to make the food more palatable. Most spices will only repel the cat.

Almost all cats cannot stand the smell of vinegar. Sometimes it is used to treat surfaces that cats have chosen for marks.

What's your cat's favorite scent?

After checking out the list of scents that attract cats the most, tell us which scent your cat likes! We are sure that you have identified that there is some plant, food or object that has an influence on your furry friend and every time they identify it, they quickly run towards it with enthusiasm...

In the same way, as we already pointed out in the article, not all smells are welcome for all cats, since each animal has its own world and its own tastes . Thus, a feline may love the smell of thyme but reject lavender entirely. In this sense, we recommend that you refer to the publication to explain 10 smells that cats hate...

“Trouble” caused by a cat in the garden/dacha

A cat is a freedom-loving and playful animal that is very difficult to train. Cats love everything new; they are especially attracted to exploring territories. Therefore, if your neighbors have a furry pet, then soon expect a “guest” in your garden.

Don’t underestimate the problems that can arise when a cat appears on your property:

  • Cats love to mark their “territory” and the neighbor’s garden definitely falls under this concept. Male cats use not only urine for these purposes, but also a special secretion, which, when it gets on garden plants and fruits and vegetables, simply burns them. In addition, they love to sharpen their claws on tree trunks, which causes them harm.
  • Cats go to the toilet not only on the territory of their home, but also at their neighbors’ and also leave peculiar “marks” in the garden/vegetable garden in the form of holes dug in the ground.

Cats can cause a lot of trouble for garden owners

  • Since a cat is a predatory animal by nature, it very often hunts mice and birds on its territory. And if getting rid of rodents is salvation for gardeners, then many, on the contrary, try to attract birds into their gardens. And cats can not only destroy them, but also proudly bring their half-dead prey home.
  • Cats love to soak up the sun and very often choose flower beds and garden plants as a place to “relax,” eventually simply breaking them.
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