Everything about cat litter - useful tips

If a kitten is correctly taught to go to the toilet from childhood, then for the rest of its life it will use exactly the same potty and in the same place as it was taught. And the owner will only have to buy a special cat litter for the rest of the years, which would be convenient in all respects: affordable price, average quality, acceptable options for taking it out or flushing it down the toilet, as well as its aromatic and absorbent qualities.

I would like to note that cat litter is now sold in a fairly wide range, there is plenty to choose from, and if you correctly analyze the market and the quality of this product, you can settle on a convenient option for many years and use it every day.

How can you tell if your cat's litter box is too small?

He does not sit completely in the tray, but only with his hind legs. Often this indicates that the animal’s tray is very small, although the pet tries to somehow fit into it and not “miss the mark.” Or the small tray is poorly placed to save space. Places one paw in the tray or not at all.

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What is the convenience of a toilet with a grate?

The advantages of a tray with a mesh are obvious:

  • It's easy to keep the toilet clean: the grill can be easily washed with running water, dried with a hairdryer or wiped dry.
  • Filling a tray with a grate with filler takes a couple of minutes, every few days.
  • There is no need to fill the container every time your cat goes to the toilet.
  • The cat does not get its paws dirty and does not litter.


Clumping: what are the features?

Bentonite clay and minerals are used to make these cat litter products. This hygiene product is widely known among cat owners and is often used. With its help, it is easy to absorb excess moisture, which turns into a lump. Using a spatula, the owner can easily remove used lumps of cat urine or feces from the toilet. It is recommended to buy clumping litter for a cat litter box if there is only one animal in the house, since if there are a large number of pets, the owner will have to remove the clumps throughout the day.

Veterinarians warn that this type of product is not suitable for a kitten who is constantly trying everything. If the filler gets into the animal's stomach, dangerous problems and complications may occur.

How is wood different?

Compressed sawdust granules retain odor well and are hypoallergenic, so they are suitable for both adults and small animals.

It is most profitable to fill a cat's litter box with this type of litter, since it is inexpensive and only a small amount of it needs to be placed on the bottom of the litter box. The product is compressed granules of sawdust, which become soaked upon contact with urine. A special feature of this litter intended for cat litter is its ability to retain odor well. Suitable not only for kittens, but the hygiene product is also used for adult cats. Since wood is a natural component, this filler almost never causes an allergic reaction in a cat.

Silica gel

Although this product is one of the most expensive, it does not require filling the cat's entire litter box. The filler consists of synthetic crystals of a transparent shade that absorb moisture well. The advantage of this product is the possibility of infrequent cleaning. If you fill the tray with a large layer of silica gel, then you will need to dispose of your cat’s litter box no more often than once every 2-3 weeks. The disadvantages of the litter are the sharp edges of the crystals and the loud rustling sound when the cat visits the litter box.

Features of mineral

The Fresh Step filler is a mineral filler, and when moisture gets in, it forms a lump, which makes it easy to clean the tray.

The composition includes clayey bentonite and palygorskite rocks. Popular brands of similar fillers:

  • "Fresh step";
  • "Murka";
  • "Leopard";
  • "Katsan";
  • Jimpet Biocats;
  • Vitacraft Compact Ultra.

After urination, a lump forms in the tray, which can be easily removed with a spatula. The main advantage of the hygiene product is that it is easy to clean, and it does not stick to the animal’s paws and does not spread around the house. It is possible to purchase filler with granules of different sizes. Experts do not recommend buying it for kittens who can swallow it. The disadvantage of mineral hygiene products is that they cannot be disposed of in the sewer.

How often should you change your cat's litter box?

The cleanliness and fresh smell in the house directly indicates whether the pet is accustomed to going to the toilet. If the cat previously went to the designated place, and then stopped, then the problem is not with him, but with the owner.

Cats are clean animals; if they do not clean up in a timely manner, they will find another place that will serve it instead of the restroom.

It is necessary to change the cat's litter box frequently so that it is clean and the pet can use it without disgust. The cyclicity of replacements depends on three factors:

  1. container type;
  2. type of filler;
  3. amount and consistency of cat waste.

Trays come in self-cleaning and regular types. The first one can be cleaned once a week, or when you change the contents. It's more difficult with a regular pot. Its cleaning and washing depends on the filling substance. If it is missing, then the kitten's litter box should be washed up to eight times a day.

The frequency of tray replacement correlates with the type of filler. They come in several types:

  • Moisture-absorbing. Cleaning is carried out twice a day with replacement of wet granules.
  • Forming lumps. When moisture gets in, a lump forms, which is removed twice a day, but the base is partially changed.
  • Odor-absorbing gels are recommended to be cleaned up to twice a week.
  • Regular river sand and newspapers must be changed after each bowel movement.

The consistency of your cat's waste is also critical. You will have to change the tray more often if it is solid excrement and slightly less often liquid. Liquid feces are removed depending on the filler, but solid feces are best removed immediately, regardless of what your kitten’s litter box is filled with.

Types of fillers

The listed types of filler can be divided into types, each with its own specific name and purpose, since they usually differ precisely in the composition and material from which they are made.

1. Mineral clay filler.

Typically made from processed clay. The main qualities of the material depend on the regional origin of the raw material and processing methods. Clay fillers come in both clumping and absorbent types, and are available in different fraction sizes.


  1. Natural material that attracts animals;
  2. Ecologically pure;
  3. Conditionally low cost of material.


  1. Small fractions create additional dust;
  2. Large granules may absorb liquid less actively and are quite rough when used;
  3. Clay often sticks to the animal's paws;
  4. For good absorbent properties, only high-quality clay processing is needed.

2. Woody.

This type of filler is made from various types of sawdust, from almost any type of wood. To produce it, sawdust is compressed into granules of certain sizes. On sale there are both 100% wooden pellets and those with certain admixtures. It is distinguished by one important quality - this type of substance can be safely thrown into the sewer, without any harm to the system, since the chips mix well in water and form suspended small particles.


  1. Natural natural material;
  2. Granules are available in various sizes;
  3. Absorbs any liquid efficiently without releasing odor;
  4. Reasonable price.


  1. The animal intensively scatters granules and shavings around the toilet;
  2. The material often sticks to the animal's paws;
  3. The contents of the tray need to be changed frequently.

3. Silica gel filler.

This type is made from silica. This is a natural substance that is obtained from the extraction of various rocks and is processed according to a certain algorithm. It absorbs a fairly large amount of liquid, since it can be classified as a substance that has a specific purpose for absorbing liquid in various sectors of the national economy, including when storing goods in boxes. However, it is important to remember that silica gel should not be disposed of down the drain.


  1. Retains odor well and absorbs liquid;
  2. You have to empty the tray quite rarely;
  3. It has a beautiful appearance and a great smell.


  1. The material is very different from natural components - earth or sand;
  2. When used, the granules create an additional crunching noise;
  3. The material has an unusual appearance, causing the animal to want to swallow silica gel granules.

4. Corn filler.

This kind of mixture is made from corn cobs, and has a fairly high level of popularity among animal owners. It can be safely thrown into the sewer, and can also be used in the future as fertilizer in garden plots.

Positive traits:

  1. Excellent moisture absorption and odor absorption;
  2. Suitable for teaching small kittens to go to the toilet correctly;
  3. Environmentally friendly material.


  1. Corn granules spread very easily and far around the tray;
  2. Quite rarely on sale;
  3. The cost of the product is above average.

5. Paper filler.

This type is produced by processing waste paper or raw paper by pressing into special granules. The product is excellent for its intended use, but is somewhat inferior to other types in terms of its qualities. Can be thrown into the sewer in small portions.


  1. Absorbs liquid well and limits the spread of odor;
  2. Does not stick to the paws of animals;
  3. The granules are light in weight and soft, suitable for use by small kittens.


  1. Frequent product replacement is necessary;
  2. Fairly high cost;
  3. When used, it creates an additional rustling noise, distracting the animal from the main task.

6. Carbonic.

This type of cat litter product is made from a mixture of activated carbon and processed clay. These are excellent components that provide a convenient product for pet litter.

Positive traits:

  1. Quickly absorbs moisture and odor;
  2. Has a moderate cost;
  3. Has an antimicrobial effect.


  1. High degree of absorbency, which leads to the absorption of moisture from the room, consuming additional resources.

7. Japanese fillers.

This type of filler is made from ordinary materials, combining them with each other. Commonly used are sawdust, clay, soybean waste, and corn hair. Using a special technology, a filler of sufficiently high quality is obtained, which has practically no disadvantages. They have antimicrobial effects, have a contamination indicator, and can be disposed of in the sewer.


  1. Good absorbent properties;
  2. Environmentally friendly raw materials, safe for animals and humans;
  3. Moderate consumption;
  4. Easily recyclable.


  1. Relatively high cost;
  2. Rarely appears on sale.

Absorbent filler

This type of litter is quite convenient for cats, as it quickly absorbs large amounts of liquid. In order to achieve this effect, manufacturers usually use natural materials that are completely safe for animals and humans. Usually this:

  1. Processed clay;
  2. Recycled corn materials;
  3. Vegetable pulp;
  4. Wood chips of various sizes.

The most popular is the material made from shavings obtained from woodworking. This kind of chips is then additionally ground, moistened with a special connecting solution, and pressed into granules of a certain size.

The absorbent filler has a fairly moderate cost, but its ability to absorb large volumes is somewhat limited, so this type requires more frequent replacement, and at the same time it is necessary to sanitize the tray itself somewhat more often.

How many accessories do you need for one cat?

One tray is enough for an adult. Let us remember that cats are conservative by nature and, as a rule, defecate in only one place. But under certain circumstances, the number of bathrooms can be increased.

  1. When accustoming a kitten to relieve its natural needs, the owner must determine which location will be preferable for his ward. To do this, you need to put several trays in the apartment where a new member of the household has already visited with certain intentions.
  2. When a cat changes its place of residence, its litter box also changes. To help the client choose, the owner can also place several trays in different areas of the apartment. And only when the cat decides, leave one attribute.

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