Review of the best brands of wood litter for cat litter

Raw materials and advantages

Wood filler is compressed pellets of wood fiber (sawdust). Spruce and pine sawdust are most often used in production. Less commonly - oak and beech. They produce granules of different sizes: small for kittens; large ones - for adult cats. Granules of the appropriate size create comfort and peace of mind for the cat in the toilet. Otherwise, she may refuse the tray.

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Wood cat litter has a number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness - natural ingredients will not harm the pet, and natural antiseptics contained in tree bark will prevent the spread of pathogens;
  • aroma – conifers are resinous and even when dry they emit a subtle aroma, which in turn serves as a neutralizer of unpleasant odors;
  • ease of disposal - used granules can be flushed down the toilet or composted;
  • accessibility – good quality at a good price and widespread in stores;
  • versatility - can be used regardless of the age of the cat and its breed.

Pros and cons of wood filler

Like any other material, wood sawdust in granules or clumping mass has its advantages and disadvantages.

According to reviews from cat owners, the advantages include:

  • high absorbency;
  • environmental friendliness (wood is a natural material);
  • versatility (suitable for all cat breeds);
  • antiseptic properties;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • availability (filler is sold in most pet stores and is inexpensive).

There are relatively few cons. Cat owners indicate that the entire tray needs to be changed after 4-7 days. But given the low cost of the material, this is a relative disadvantage.

The second disadvantage is that some fillers contain small fibers that can cling to the long hair of the animal. But this can be easily avoided if you choose large granules that will not stain your cat’s fur.

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How to choose

When wondering which wood litter to buy for cat litter, you should read what is written on the packaging: composition, hygroscopicity, method of use and disposal. Before purchasing, check the tightness of the container - even through a small hole, the granules become saturated with moisture and lose their effectiveness.

The quality of the product ensures good odor retention, rapid absorption of moisture, and preservation of structure.

The most important indicator is the reaction of the animal itself to the new contents of the tray.

Top 5. CCKat

Rating (2021): 4.60

2052 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozon

Small sawdust, does not clog the sewer The granules are small compressed sawdust. By throwing them into the toilet in small quantities, you don’t have to worry about blockages.

This absorbent filler features smaller granules. Made from high-quality light sawdust, it smells pleasant of pine needles and fresh wood. The granules instantly absorb liquid and retain odor well. The filler is made from very fine sawdust, so a small amount of it can be flushed down the toilet without fear of clogging the drain. Buyers are satisfied with the naturalness of the filler and its economical consumption. Many cats like the small granules, and the pine aroma masks unpleasant odors. The filler is inexpensive, but high quality. A package lasts one cat for a month. The downside is that you can’t spread it in a thick layer; the sawdust swells greatly and begins to fall over the edge of the tray.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Economical consumption
  • Small light granules
  • Can be flushed down the toilet
  • Natural pine aroma
  • The granules disintegrate into small sawdust

Types of wood pellet filler

Wood fillers differ in the material of the granules: coniferous, beech, oak, and also with walnut shells. No harmful substances, dyes or flavors are used in production. The product is available in two types.

Absorbent - granules absorb urine over the entire area of ​​the cat litter, which causes frequent changes of litter. To use it, you need a tray with a grate: under the influence of moisture, the granules become sawdust and spill out to the bottom of the tray through the grate. Complete replacement as it becomes saturated.

Clumping - only granules that have been exposed to moisture absorb liquid and immediately stick together into a lump. This lump can be removed without replacing the contents of the entire tray. And complete replacement of the contents should be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. For them, the tray can be anything.

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Features of choosing a filler

The ideal option is selected through trial and error. Not everyone can buy the right product right away. However, there are several rules that you should pay attention to. Wood filler is worth buying if your animals have allergies, since this type is completely hypoallergenic. Wood litter is best suited for small kittens. Of course, you will have to change the capsules often, but the products are cheap. Wood filler is considered an affordable, budget option. Before purchasing, you should definitely study the composition and do not blindly trust advertising. The filler should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the animal, so that he likes it, first of all. Otherwise, the animal will declare its dissatisfaction with the puddles on the floor.

Which wood cat litter is best: review

When going to the store, you should look at reviews from owners about which filler is better. Reliable information will serve as a starting point for making the right choice. Based on customer opinions, we have compiled a rating of cat litter pellets. Which one is the best wood filler is up to you to decide.

1. “Clean Paws” - light beige granules, fine fraction with good hygroscopicity and odor absorption effect. Doesn't stick to paws and doesn't crumble into dust. Produced by processing recycled pine wood.

The consumption is economical. Does not contain additional chemicals. You can flush it down the toilet. Available in packs of 12 liters. Cost from 165 to 656 rubles.

2. Cat's Best Original - wood clumping cat litter, biodegradable. Contains no chemicals or fragrances. Detains odors. Very economical. The granules do not crumble after getting wet, so they do not stick to the paws. Available in 40 liter packs. Cost from 2670 to 3278 rubles.

People's opinions regarding the filler

Wood cat litter has long received excellent reviews. The owners who tried to use it once no longer want to buy any other options. Moreover, the wood composition is suitable not only for adult cats and kittens, but also for small kittens. Therefore, there is no need to rack your brain every time about what to fill the animal’s tray with.

Owners of furry pets unanimously claim that not only they, but also the animals themselves get pleasure from using wood filler. The latter happily go to the tray filled with wood.

How to use the filler

To use wood litter for cat litter, you need a deep tray: the granules, when wet, triple in volume. The filler is poured into a dry tray in a layer of about three centimeters.

Solid waste is removed from the tray daily using a special scoop. The filler is completely changed once a week. In this case, you should thoroughly wash the tray and disinfect it.

Depending on the instructions, the filler is disposed of in the toilet or in a garbage bag. When disposing through the toilet, small amounts of the substance should be flushed to avoid blockages. As you can see, it is convenient to use wood filler, especially one that can be flushed down the toilet.

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Filler "Clean paws"

The modern domestic market offers a varied selection of wood fillers manufactured by many brands. The most successful brand was “Clean Paws”. “Clean Paws” is a wood filler that is produced to make life easier for people who have cats in their homes. Thanks to special research, it was found that the product of this label can be used all year round. There is no need to regularly replace the contents of the tray. It is only important to remove contaminants.

This is an incredibly beneficial filler. One package of it completely replaces four packages of a product from another brand. Due to the fact that excrement does not come into contact with air, this litter eliminates odor in the best possible way.

Offered range

The leader in the wood fillers market is rightfully the German brand Cats Best. It produces different types of clumping and absorbent cat litter products.

The Siberian cat offers a large selection. In the line of absorbent wood fillers you can find granules of different diameters for cats of all age categories.

Budget wood products are offered by two brands from the same manufacturer: Clean and Happy Paws.

Clumping wood filler can be found in the range – Naturel green tea.

In general, there are a large number of domestic budget options on the market from brands:

  • My beast;
  • Kuzya;
  • Barsik;
  • Murzik.

There are also more expensive products from companies:

  • PrettyCat;
  • Pussy-Cat;
  • Vitaline;
  • UncleanNatural;
  • Homecat

Top 5. N1 Naturel Green tea

Rating (2021): 4.43

375 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, IRecommend

Pleasant aroma of green tea Natural filler with the addition of green tea leaves smells pleasant and effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.

  • Characteristics

    Country: China

  • Average price: 500 rub.
  • Weight: 2.1 kg
  • Absorbency: 4.5 l

High-quality filler made from cedar wood fibers with the addition of green tea to neutralize odor. It has a fairly strong aroma, but does not contain chemical additives. The granules are small and clump well. When disposed of in the toilet, they quickly disintegrate into individual fibers. The filler generates almost no dust and does not get dragged around the apartment on its paws. Many buyers take it constantly and are satisfied with its properties - absorbency, environmental friendliness, and effectiveness in retaining the smell of cat litter. But in order for dense lumps to form, the filler must be poured in a thick layer. The 2.1 kg package goes completely into the large tray; the consumption is not the most economical.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Filler with green tea
  • Holds the smell of cat litter for a long time
  • Can be disposed of in the toilet
  • Forms dense clumps
  • You need to spread it in a thick layer.

Top 3. Vitaline Eco No. 1

Rating (2021): 4.65

1287 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Wildberries, Ozon

Suitable for kittens This filler has the smallest granules compared to other absorbent analogues from the rating. It is good for kittens.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 199 rub.
  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Absorbency: 4.5 l

The smallest absorbent wood filler in the rating is suitable for kittens. The granules are dense, light, with a pronounced aroma of pine needles. They absorb well and do not crumble into sawdust too quickly, so one litter in the cat litter lasts a long time. According to buyers, the quality of the filler is not inferior to more expensive analogues from other manufacturers. The downside is that small granules are not suitable for large cats. Otherwise the filler is excellent. Judging by the reviews, it is economically used and does not generate dust. Swollen sawdust does not stick to the paws much if you change the cat litter on time. According to user observations, it retains odor better than other absorbent wood fillers.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Small granules, suitable for kittens
  • Good quality
  • Retains odor for a long time
  • Absorbs well, does not create dust
  • Not suitable for large cats

Advantages and disadvantages according to users

Such a product cannot cause allergies in the animal.
Among the advantages is that there is a fine litter for kittens and cats with sensitive paws. In addition, wood primer for cat litter boxes has the following strengths:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • has a pleasant and natural pine aroma, which does not irritate the pet’s sense of smell;
  • consists only of natural ingredients;
  • does not generate dust, which keeps the cat’s respiratory tract healthy;
  • suitable for long-haired breeds;
  • safe if accidentally swallowed;
  • affordable;
  • does not stick to the paws and does not spread throughout the room;
  • easy to purchase at any supermarket or pet store;
  • absorbs urine well;
  • economical to use;
  • used wood soil can be used as compost if the animal is completely healthy.

Among the disadvantages, breeders note that cat litter gets wet, and then the pet can still get its paws dirty. Also, large sawdust can be found in pellets and there is a danger of splintering your paw. The product requires special storage conditions and deteriorates in high humidity. If your pet doesn’t like the best woody soil, you can offer him bentonite or silica gel sand “Lenta”, but this is not suitable for kittens.

Top 4. Kuzya

Rating (2021): 4.62

73 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, IRecommend

The best price for absorbent filler This is the most inexpensive wood filler in the rating. It quickly absorbs liquid and is used sparingly.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 112 rub.
  • Weight: 2.5 kg
  • Absorbency: 4.5 l

Not the most popular, but high-quality filler made from large wood pellets. Compared to other brands, it does not have a strong smell, and the sawdust is not so fine. Absorbs liquid well; you don’t have to completely change the tray often. Despite the small volume of the package, it lasts a long time. Due to the large sawdust, the filler does not generate dust and is less likely to be dragged around the apartment. Many users buy this filler regularly. In reviews they indicate good value for money and no noticeable odor. Some people choose it because of its large granules. It's inexpensive but great for cat litter. Minus - it is not available in large volume bags.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Large granules
  • No noticeable odor
  • Doesn't generate dust
  • Absorbs well
  • Sold in small packages

How to use filler correctly

The rules for use depend on which type you prefer. Each of them has its own characteristics. If you take them into account, any filler will work correctly.

How much to pour

Usually this information is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. But there are still certain norms. Some pet owners believe that a large amount of pellets in the litter box will ensure less frequent cleanings. But with this you will only achieve that the cat will spread the lumps throughout the apartment. In order to save money, it’s also not worth pouring too little. The optimal amount is a layer of 4-7 cm.

How often to change

The frequency of complete replacement of the filler depends on its type. Most often it is necessary to change organic types: wood, corn, paper, since their absorption properties are somewhat worse than others.

If you use the clumping option, then the formed lumps should be removed immediately after the animal has visited the tray, and then filled to the required level. With this approach, a complete replacement can be carried out 1-2 times a month. When using silica gel, it is often not necessary to completely renew the contents of the tray; the main thing is to mix it daily.

How and where to throw it away

Substrate made from organic raw materials can be flushed down the toilet. Nothing bad will happen to the sewer if you send waste from the cat's litter box there. The exception is sewer structures with a narrow or too curved elbow, with special retaining structures, etc.

Silica gel and mineral fillers must not be thrown into the toilet. The granules have the ability to swell very much, which leads to clogging. They need to be placed in a bag, tied well and thrown into the trash - if there are no holes in the bag, there will be no unpleasant odors.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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