What to name a girl dog? Names for girls' dogs are rare and beautiful: small breed, large, mongrel, black, red, hunting

Beautiful, original and common nicknames for female dogs.

You have been looking for a suitable breed of dog for a long time, read a lot of literature about keeping and raising a female dog, and finally brought a yapping puppy home. But what to name the baby? This is where thinking begins, “trying on” different options for a name for a four-legged family member.

By choosing a name, we choose the puppy’s destiny. What to look for when choosing a name? How to choose a nickname that is easy to pronounce, so that it matches the dog’s character and appearance?

So that you don’t waste a lot of time looking for a suitable nickname for a girl dog, we have collected the most popular names in this article.

What can you name a girl's big dog puppy?

When buying a large dog from a kennel, the owner is asked to name it with a specific letter, which is assigned to the litter number. But even if your choice is unlimited, choosing a beautiful and sonorous name for a large dog is not an easy task.

Mastiff puppy

You will have to watch the puppy so that the chosen name has meaning. Diminutive nicknames are not suitable here: the name should emphasize the majesty of the dog’s appearance.

There is an opinion among dog breeders that the name of a dog leaves a certain imprint on the character of the pet. It is important that the dog’s owner also likes the nickname.

Here are some options for status nicknames for a large dog:

  • Ada, Abigail, Aya, Avina, Assonita, Aurora
  • Alpha, Aphrodite, Athena, Alma
  • Babsy, Bella, Berta, Varda, Volga
  • Vara, Gloria, Hera, Gerda, Daisy
  • Jerry, Dina, Egoza, Elik, Eva
  • Zherika, Zvana, Karina, Krona
  • Cleopatra, Curry, Kasia, Maggie
  • Runa, Camila, Kara, Kenta, Chris
  • Krista, Kerida, Laima, Laida, Lamia
  • Lada, Malta, Nika, Rexa, Sandy
  • Yusta, Chara

The dog needs a short nickname that the pet will easily remember, because you will often walk in crowded places, go to training, and maybe win championship titles, and pronouncing a long, complex nickname every time is quite tiring.

Character traits

Many psychologists draw a relationship between hair color and a person’s character, the characteristics of his temperament. Despite the external differences that red-haired people have, their characteristics are conventionally reduced to general parameters.

  • Thus, red-haired people are credited with having a quick temper, even increased aggression, and cruelty. As a rule, these are pronounced choleric people. Since childhood, they have had to endure attacks from their peers (just look at the teasing “red-haired, red-haired, freckled”), so some kind of toughness is rather a developed necessity. From a scientific point of view, the exaltation of red-haired people is explained by the fact that they secrete very little anti-stress hormones, so their nervous system is less stable.
  • Also, red-haired people are considered more assertive, purposeful, and freedom-loving. These are very energetic, agile people who strive to cover several things at once. They are not without vanity, but this desire is justified by their unconventional thinking and individual worldview.
  • Sexually, it is a dangerous fusion of passion and desire. According to popular belief, red-haired people are the most sensual and “hot” partners who can give unforgettable pleasure to their partner, causing a real fireworks display of emotions.

What is a beautiful name for a German Shepherd dog?

It will be difficult for a puppy to remember the nickname if you call him “Musik, Masik or just baby.”
If you are looking for a nickname for a girl German Shepherd , then German-sounding nicknames are best suited:

  • Frida
  • Elsa
  • Emma
  • Heidi
  • Katrina
  • Steffi
  • Vistula
  • Greta
  • Vlasta
  • Vaida
  • Dartha
  • Diana
  • Daira
  • King
  • Deya
  • Ditta

In addition, you can give the girl shepherd such names as:

  • Mary, Noura, Oda, Indie
  • Ilda, Mirta, Mary, Emma
  • Utah, Palma, Ritsa, Ronda
  • Bara, Judy, Kaira, Adele
  • Ira, Krista, Lana, Leah
  • Mira, Angie, Bertha, Britta
  • Hera, Glory, Jessie, Venedika

A healthy puppy is playful and active.
Among the foreign nicknames for Shepherd Dogs , the following are popular:

  • Agatha, Adele, Ivon, Afra
  • Britta, Brittany, Valda
  • Viva, Vilma, Vien, Glory
  • Grace, Greta, Delia, Gemma, Effie
  • Jenny, Jesse, Jude, Judy
  • Indie, Carla, Kelsey, Cora, Christy
  • Xaviera, Katie, Lana, Paula, Angie

How to name a dog a girl Laika?

Have you bought a husky and are now struggling with choosing a sonorous name?

Perhaps your beautiful Laika will have a nickname that is associated with frost, snow, the north, and will emphasize the pet’s harsh origins. Or maybe your dog has some individual traits that the nickname will reflect.

Samoyed Husky Puppy
Source of inspiration - in this list.

  • Aurora, Agna, Aza, Aina
  • Aita, Aka, Alva, Alma
  • Aman, Ayuna, Baima, Belka
  • Storm, Vega, Blizzard, Dadi
  • Dara, Diva, Dulma, Haze
  • Enya, Suvan, Surma, Taiga
  • Tyra, Taha, Taya, Toka, Tessa
  • Eshka, Zana, Winter, Ichin
  • Kuney, Weasel, Lama, Moon
  • Myra, Maru, Maya, Blizzard
  • Nara, Nora, Noha, Rune
  • Sakari, Sani, Sata, Saya
  • Seville, Sibma, Sitka
  • Tale, Soybean, Chena, Chola
  • Khanda, Khara, Ugra, Yucca
  • Yuki, Yuta, Yushka

Husky puppies

Name for Maine Coon

Large cats, resembling a cross between a lynx and a raccoon, amaze the eye and the imagination. Once you get to know each other better, you will find out that these good-natured creatures get along well with children and other pets. Maine Coons are among the largest domestic cats. These beauties deserve an original name:

  • Red is a wonderful name for a fiery baby, who will be affectionately called Reddy by all members of the household;
  • for the tigress the corresponding nickname is Tiger;
  • Spark will become a spark of light in the house;
  • Orange corresponds to the orange color of the fur coat.

Names for Chihuahua girls are beautiful

Small dogs, as a rule, are distinguished by their naivety and cuteness, therefore the names for dogs of small breeds have a diminutive suffix - Prissy, Alsha, Busya.

Adorable Chihuahuas

The menacing and majestic nickname given to a small dog causes some imbalance. Don't call your dog Bruiser, like the heroine of the movie Legally Blonde did. Apart from laughter, your beauty will not evoke other emotions in those around you, and in you too.

Choose the best nickname for your Chihuahua from the following list:

  • Barbie, Buffy, Busya, Businka
  • Baby, Betsy, Beauty, Gabby
  • Glen, Grace, Darcy, Daphne
  • Dekla, Daisy, Dolly, Doni
  • Dora, Dorie, Dorris, Dulcie
  • Pixie, Button, Chamomile
  • Ruby, Ruth, Sali, Sarah
  • Tina, Tracy, Cherie, Chita
  • Sheri, Eileen, Enis, Jena
  • Isa, Toffee, Irma, Kandy
  • Carla, Carmen, Knopa
  • Koni, Christy, Lana, Lizzie
  • Lily, Lola, Laura, Luli
  • Lucia, Lucy, Magi, Maila
  • Mimi, Molly, May, Mary
  • Nancy, Nessie, Trixie, Tusya
  • Floris, Hannah, Chloe, Chema
  • Suga, Abi

Small dogs are very curious

Simple and short titles

Most cat owners don't want to bother with a special and unique name for their pet. For them, it is best to use standard, ordinary names that do not have deep meaning or special beauty. But, despite this, cats of any breed perceive everyday nicknames with exceptional enthusiasm. No matter what anyone says, the easiest and shortest names for cats are remembered by animals from the first pronunciation.

As has been customary since ancient times, the simplest nicknames of representatives of the cat family have the desired Russian roots. The most popular name on this list is Vasya. In many Russian outbacks, almost every house has a cat with this nickname. Murzik takes second place in the list of simple nicknames. This nickname is found not only in the outback and remote settlements, but also in urban areas. In third place in use is the name Fluff. Basically, this nickname is given to the animal for its characteristically long and fluffy coat. The fourth step of the pedestal is occupied by the nickname Snowball. The meaning of this name lies in the snow-white fur coat, which beckons, attracts and calms. Fifth place in the list of popular light names is Chernysh.

It may seem that choosing a simple nickname for a little furry baby is very simple, but in fact this issue takes a fair amount of time and effort. The ethical side is mainly affected, because it is completely wrong to give an animal a name similar to the name of a relative or close friend. Otherwise, this same person, hearing the animal’s nickname, may experience a real feeling of discomfort. To avoid an awkward situation, it is proposed to choose a foreign nickname for the fluffy ball, the abbreviation of which is easy to pronounce in Russian, for example:

  • Lucius, and diminutively call the kitten Ray;
  • Marcel in abbreviation can be used in different interpretations: Mars or Marsik;
  • the stately name Velizar easily turns into the shortened and simple Velya.

Using a similar principle, you can change any complex foreign words into shortened ones with easy pronunciation.

Cat owners with a special sense of humor can try giving their furry pet a funny and memorable name. To do this, you just need to use your imagination and take a closer look at the temperament of the fluffy ball - a stream of bright ideas will flow like a river. The main thing when choosing a nickname is to take into account the characteristics of the animal, otherwise he may not accept his name and may even be slightly offended.

Quite often, funny nicknames of representatives of the cat family have a close connection with the animal’s surrounding world and its habits.

  • Scooby. First of all, the famous cartoon character comes to mind - the dog Scooby-Doo, who is afraid of any rustle and loves to eat a lot. Many purebred cats can boast of such qualities. They panic when they hear strange sounds, and to relax, they are not averse to eating soft food.
  • Panda. Often, such a rare and interesting nickname is awarded to cats whose color consists of black and white flowers. The main characteristic of the color is the black circles around the eyes.
  • Medved. Quite a common computer slang, often used as a greeting in chat rooms. However, this word is not offensive or offensive.
  • Godzilla. Holders of such a nickname must be assertive and strong, even somewhat rude. They are characterized by manifestations of character and statements of their “I”.
  • Pixel. Hearing this word, every person has thoughts about the film of the same name, which presents console games of the 80s and 90s. The most memorable element was a huge yellow smiley face rolling around the city and eating various figures. Cats can live by the same principle: they can also run around the house and eat tasty leftovers from various secret places.
  • Tank. The character of the owner of such a name should be assertive. Representatives of the cat family with a similar nickname are obliged to go straight to their goal.
  • Yeti. Quite an interesting nickname for owners of fur coats with increased fluffiness.
  • Hulk. Of course, there are no cats with green fur. Therefore, such a nickname can be awarded to a cat directly proportional in size, namely a representative of small breeds.

What is a beautiful name for a female Yorkshire Terrier dog?

For the cutest creature - the Yorkie - an English nickname will sound organically. And of course, the name of a Yorkie girl should be gentle and melodic

Yorkie puppy is cute and funny

When choosing a name, try saying it several times next to the dog: the dog will react to the combination of sounds it likes by wagging its tail or listening carefully. This way you can find out what to name your baby.

Here is a list of suitable nicknames for a Yorkie girl :

  • Almadel, Azra, Affanita, Antonia
  • Bofari, Bernita, Venisha, Vilena
  • Victoriana, Grina, Guarda, Deolanda
  • Daria, Jarrah, Donisha, Zvyara, Intella
  • Iesha, Isa, Krasma, Laira, Lavicia
  • Lipsa, Merrian, Markhu, Milagro, Mystic
  • Mileena, Mistimari, Monada, Numis, Elega
  • Novella, Ogna, Ralina, Ryan
  • Runda, Celia, Samphira, Sora
  • Stiza, Sisha, Tarita, Tahiara
  • Tanta, Tes, Thea, Flusa, Festi
  • Fransa, Fortina, Cheyenne, Chestity


Recently, psychologists discovered a relationship between male character and beard color. Thus, men with a red-red beard have a calm and friendly character. The golden color speaks of some prudence and secrecy of the owner.

Having a well-groomed beard matters. A clearly edged and “combed” beard speaks of a neat, judicious and attentive character. Red, scraggly facial hair usually characterizes a creative man or one engaged in hard work.

And finally, the shape of the beard can give away its owner. The so-called skipper beard is characteristic of creative and self-confident people. The Spanish type is chosen by red-haired people with a stubborn and fickle disposition. In addition, they are adventurous. People with a red beard and sideburns, on the contrary, are a sign of reliability and constancy.

What is a beautiful name for a dog or a girl, a mongrel?

If you are faced with a difficult choice of a nickname for a mongrel, then the following information is for you.

Don't think that choosing a name for a dog is a trivial matter. You can call a dog one of the common nicknames, but will it be suitable for your pet? But the dog then goes around with this name for the rest of its life.

Here is a list of nicknames for a mongrel girl :

  • Adeline
  • Albina
  • Alice
  • Squirrel
  • Greta
  • Dina
  • Julieta
  • Naida

A mongrel puppy is an example of devotion and boundless love for its owner

A dog's nickname can be borrowed from the world of fashion, cinema, and literature. For example, these dog names for a mongrel sound very original:

  • Isadora, Beata, Barbara
  • Vivien, Vekrushka, Ingrid
  • Lisa, Marlene, Mazina, Mukhina
  • Marika, Oprah, Prada, Hayworth
  • Silva, Tootsie, Uma, Franka
  • Flora, Chanel, Cerutti, Shakira

A mongrel, like a purebred dog, will have a nickname from the world of cinema and literature.


Since childhood, “saffron milk caps” have shown themselves to be hyperactive. As a rule, sunny kids are restless, overly curious and mysterious. Their mood can change quickly, and it is very difficult to guess what to expect in the next minute from such a child: a smile or another whim.

Growing up, they seem to be immersed in their own unreal world, they love to play alone and imagine themselves as heroes of their own made-up stories. Over time, this quality can develop into musical or literary talent. Red-haired children, if you do not miss the moment, almost always early demonstrate unusual abilities that need to be developed.

What is a beautiful name for a female Labrador dog?

A short and sonorous nickname in a foreign style is suitable for a Labrador

A name for a dog that sounds concise and does not require additional abbreviations is ideal.

We invite you to look at the nicknames presented here for a female Labrador :

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara
  • Barracuda, Berta, Warsaw
  • Verona, Gabriella, Donna
  • Dinara, Egoza, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zarina, Irene
  • Christy, Carrie, Leonarda
  • Lorena, Marquise, Michelle
  • Monica, Oji, Pella, Frisky
  • Rune, Siren, Terra, Luck
  • Feona, Franka, Fantasy, Charisma
  • Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica

Labrador puppy

Happy couples

If 2 kittens appear in the house at once, take a closer look at the paired nicknames:

  • Kai and Gerda;
  • Nut and Ponka;
  • Tom and Jerry;
  • Bonnie and Clyde;
  • Fiona and Shrek;
  • Romeo and Juliet;
  • Duchess and Omellie;
  • Eugene and Rapunzel;
  • John and Pocahontas;
  • Eric and Ariel;
  • Simba and Nala;
  • Mickey and Mini Mouse;
  • Aladdin and Jasmine;
  • Cinderella and the Prince;
  • Pinocchio and Malvina.

What is a beautiful name for a female Stafford dog?

The muscular and stocky Stafoord is a reliable guard with a high threshold for irritability. This is a dog of contrasts: he is incredibly patient and level-headed, but can be energetic and daring. What name is suitable for one of the best protectors among dogs?

Stafford puppy

Nicknames for Stafford girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara, Barracuda, Bertha
  • Warsaw, Verona, Gabriella, Greta, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zara, Zarina, Irene, Christie, Carrie
  • Leonarda, Lorena, Marquisaa, Oji, Pella
  • Frisky, Siren, Terra, Luck, Feona, Franka
  • Fantasy, Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Hellas, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica, Jasper, Donna, Dinara

Wide and kind smile

What is a beautiful name for a female Spitz dog?

Spitz is a popular breed due to the playful nature of small compact dogs that give their owners a lot of positive emotions. The following nicknames are suitable for a girl Spitz:

  • Quince
  • Monica
  • Isa
  • Alura
  • Bayra
  • Lady
  • Daniella
  • Dina
  • Dolly
  • Julia
  • Lega
  • Monta
  • Moraine
  • Malla

It’s impossible not to fall in love with a Spitz!

What is a beautiful name for a female toy terrier dog?

Toy terriers , among all the canine brethren, are distinguished by their activity, sociability and willingness to always be close to their owner. You need to choose a kind and funny name for a cute dog, because this is exactly what your miniature beauty will grow up to be. Here are examples of nicknames for Toy Terrier girls:

  • Ariel, Amanda, Assol, Irene, Amelie
  • Barbie, Barbara
  • Vivian, Vanessa, Venus
  • Goofy, Geisha, Gerda
  • Jessie, Dixie
  • Eve
  • Jacqueline, Jasmine
  • Ilatti, Yoko
  • Kylie, Kira, Cassandra
  • Laura, Linda, Lady
  • Molly, Martha, Madonna
  • Nicole, Norma, Nellie
  • Omega, Ophelia
  • Peris, Pushinka
  • Rosie, Rochelle, Roksolana
  • Silva, Scarlet, Sandy, Samantha
  • Trixie, Tootsie
  • Felikin, Francesca
  • Heidi, Hannah
  • Cirilla, Cherry
  • Shanice, Cheyenne, Sheri
  • Evelyn, Estella
  • Yuma, Yula
  • Java, Yanetta

Toy terrier puppy

What is a beautiful name for a female spaniel dog?

An English-language name is suitable for a girl spaniel of the British-American group, and for a Russian spaniel a nickname from languages ​​common in Russia will sound harmonious.

Faithful friend for life - spaniel

Focus on the color and disposition of your dog. We offer you a selection of suitable nicknames for a girl spaniel:

• Quince, Ara, Alisa, Aika, Alva, Assa; • Bertha, Bina, Barbie, Bissa; • Vesta, Vitana, Vilia, Vaksa; • Gana, Gerda, Guria, Gella; • Darcy, Dessa, Donna; • Ekki, Zhanna, Jenny; • Zula, Zira; • Irma, Illa, Etana; • Clara, Corey, Carla, Claire; • Laima, Lori, Linda, Lisa; • Maya, Mina, Moxxi, Misty; • Neity, Nikta, Nori, Nisa; • Oprah, Ora;

• Pinta, Paiva, Paula, Patti; • Rona, Roxy, Rinta, Rimmy; • Stacy, Sona, Sulla, Santa; • Tracy, Tilla, Tilda, Temmie; • Ursula, Uma; • Phryne, Frida; • Chloe, Helga; • Cintra, Cessa; • Choli, Chippy; • Shaya, Shanni; • Ellie, Eris, Emma, ​​Ethel; • Yutta, Yusta, Yukka, Yuli; • Yana, Jasta.

Name options

Even abroad, many cat owners now prefer to call their pets by Russian names. The fact is that Russian nicknames seem simpler and more understandable, they are cute and more suitable for such affectionate creatures as cats. In addition, the fame of modern Russian cartoon characters has spread throughout the world.

When choosing a name for your pet, you can pay attention to the color and make a choice in accordance with the color. So, in Russia it is customary to call ginger cats Ryzhik, Antoshka, Yolk, Zlata, Ryzhka, Liska. For white cats and male cats, the names Belek, Snezhok, Belok, Belyash, Ice, Kefir, Snezhka, Belka, Belyanka are suitable

Among the animals with black fur you can often find Blackies, Ugolkov, Gypsies, Blots, Chocolates, Panthers, Nochek. Gray pets are usually called Ash, Smoke, Cloud, Serka, Mouse

For white cats and male cats, the names Belek, Snezhok, Belok, Belyash, Ice, Kefir, Snezhka, Belka, Belyanka are suitable. Among the animals with black fur you can often find Blackies, Ugolkov, Gypsies, Blots, Chocolates, Panthers, Nochek. Gray pets are usually called Ash, Smokey, Cloud, Serka, Mouse.

Pay attention to the cat's build. An animal of a large breed with long hair can be called Fluff, Zhora, Pukhlik, Plyushka, Cheesecake, Pelmeshka. To make it fun, you can give a well-fed cat the ironic name Talia, Grace, Ballerina

Funny names come from the names of confectionery products: Sugar, Pie, Cake, Marshmallow, Raisin, Kovrizhka

To make it fun, you can give a well-fed cat the ironic name Talia, Grace, Ballerina. Funny names come from the names of confectionery products: Sugar, Pie, Cake, Marshmallow, Raisin, Kovrizhka.

Don't forget about the pet's character. An affectionate and gentle girl can be called Laska, Nezhka, Murka. For a lazy and thoughtful cat, the names Dumka, Dushka, Sonya are suitable, and a hyperactive pet can be given the name Blizzard, Storm, Bullet.

You can remember the characters of Russian fairy tales and epics and name the cat, for example, in honor of the hero - Dobrynya. It is unlikely that the cat Vanka, named after the fairy-tale prince, will seem unoriginal to others. The girl can be given the name Vasilisa the Wise, however, as practice shows, this cat quickly turns from Vasilisa into Vaska. Remember the famous cats from Russian literary works and cartoons: Matroskin, Behemoth, Leopold, Bayun, Gaf. Even for lovers of the classics, there are options, for example, The Scientist, in honor of Pushkin’s cat who tells fairy tales.

Perhaps the owner of the animal is passionate about Russian literature and has his own idols in this area, that is, it is not necessary to call the animal by a cat’s name - it could be the surname of a favorite writer (Pushkin, Chekhov, Gogol) or a favorite literary hero (Onegin, Mtsyri, Radion, Lisa, Varya ). It is quite acceptable to name a cat after your favorite Russian city: Orel, Yarik, Moscow, Kaluga. And if you remember the characters of Soviet films, the list of Russian nicknames expands even more: Afonya, Mulya, Shurik, Bumbarash, Ippolit, Tosya, Lida, Vera.

What is a nice name for a girl's hunting dog?

A hunting dog brings special meaning to the hunting process. Hunting is more fun and beautiful with a dog. If you have purchased a hunting dog, it means that your plans are to become not only a friend to the four-legged beauty, but also a partner.

During a hunt, results can only be achieved in a well-coordinated tandem. A nickname for a dog that in the near future will help you in hunting is a responsible and serious matter, because the dog will have to easily distinguish its name from other commands.

We recommend that you use the list below to choose a name for your female hunting dog.

Weimar pointer puppy

Nicknames for cops:

  • Puddy
  • Chica
  • Gaia
  • Baby
  • Guide
  • Dembi
  • Diana
  • Norm
  • Lada
  • Lana

For pointers and setters:

  • Nellie
  • Paddy
  • Lasta
  • Steinlish
  • Gilda
  • Blanka
  • Lady
  • Fairy
  • Nana
  • Leda
  • Gypsy
  • Magda
  • Sarah
  • Pride
  • Irma
  • Divar
  • Ferri
  • Day
  • Delta
  • Jerry
  • Yuma
  • Aina

Future partner


Red-haired people are very sensitive to all kinds of external stimuli. Their soul resembles a tense nerve that is always ready to suffer and suffer from pain. And even if outwardly they smile and dance, hurricanes are raging inside them. A hot temperament often pushes fiery owners to dangerous adventures and makes them vulnerable to allergies and nervous diseases. But otherwise the life of the “saffron milk caps” will become bland and ordinary, which will certainly cause depression. Such extremes are the norm in the life of almost every red-haired person.

What is a beautiful name for a girl hound dog?

Wonderful nicknames for the “voice of the hunt” - hounds are presented in the list:

  • Boyka, Budishka, Venus, Voltorka
  • Bagpipes, Vopishka, Vorozheyka, Hyda
  • Jackdaw, Talker, Rumbler, Guslarka
  • Savage, Doborka, Dombra, Dudka, Vest
  • Zhurka, Fun, Zavyalka, Bully, Zadorka
  • Ignition, Lead, Riddle, Star, Snake
  • Zorka, Zurna, Kenarka, Comet, Krasishka
  • Cuckoo, Kutishka, Letka, Lute, Malyuta
  • Milka, Song, Crybaby, Victory, Rushed
  • Pomchishka, Nursery rhyme, Proyda, Prolaza
  • Pipe, Fairy Tale, Violin, Solovka
  • Magpie, Singing, Arrow, Sudarka, Taratorka
  • Alarm, Flute, Laughter, Cytra
  • Chadra, Charka, Shumishka, Shumka, Yula, Yulka

Among the nicknames that appeared later, the following can be distinguished:

  • Aika, Aqua, Aria, Arch, Astra
  • Bagheera, Balalaika, Barca
  • Witch, Vistula, Wave, Blizzard
  • Galda, Hera, Rumbling, Delphi
  • Dinka, Zayma, Zapevka, Kara
  • Legend, Blizzard, Dream, Peace
  • Nochka, Prima, Agility
  • Blizzard, Bee, Separation
  • Rocket, Jay, Consolation
  • Rogue, Elba, Era

Relaxing on the grass

What is a beautiful name for a small girl dog, a pug breed?

If you are the happy owner of a pug - a devoted dog with a flattened muzzle and big brown eyes, then the following list of nicknames will help you choose a name for your pet

A baby pug will win your heart in a few minutes

The main thing is that it is easy for you to pronounce your dog's name. Therefore, choose a nickname consisting of two syllables and with voiced consonants. Please note that short-legged beauties are unusually playful, smart, and hooligan.

List of nicknames for female pugs:

  • Brina, Bianca, Becky
  • Gabriella (Gabri, Gabi), Gladys
  • Jussie, Dominica, Della
  • Jazlin, Geneva, Giselle
  • Kema, Kita, Cleo, Christy
  • Liona, Lola, Madeleine, Maila, Margot
  • Mariel, Mafia, Maya, Milana, Misty
  • Michelle, Merry, Nikki, Princess
  • Rochelle, Samantha, Samfira, Sophie
  • Sandy, Suzanne, Tasha, Tess
  • Fiesta, Philippa, Fifi
  • Floris, Francine, Javiera
  • Heidi, Chacey, Chelsea, Evita
  • Elizabeth, Elsie, Emmy, Annie
  • Ashley, Gabri, Goldie, Gracie
  • Guera, Zuzu, Ilen, Issa
  • Calibri, Karma, Kayla
  • Kiki, Clarita, Leona, Liana, Lily
  • Lulu, Marissa, Marlene, Marceau
  • Mercy, Mini, Miranda, Missy
  • Neila, Nova, Nunis, Pixie
  • Pilar, Squeaky, Pitina
  • Paris, Sandria, Cecile, Cindy
  • Solana, Tamalia, Tequila
  • Tiffany, Tia, Trixie, Tierra
  • Heidi, Juana, Chelsea, Chiquita, Chile
  • Chita, Eli, Esmeralda, Ashley, Viva
  • Vivienne, Hermione, Gretta

Baby pug

How can you pronounce a girl's name so that it sounds sweet?

Almost all women's names are beautiful, and if you pronounce the name of your beloved especially, with a twist, she will definitely appreciate it!

So, below is a small list with examples of how you can decline the name of your chosen one so that it sounds as romantic as possible:

  • Anna – Annushka, Anyechka, Anyutka, Nyusia, Nyusechka.
  • Alena - Alyonushka, Alenchik, Alyonochka.
  • Bella - Squirrel, Little Squirrel.
  • Valeria - Lerochka, Lerushka, Lerunchik, Lerik.
  • Galina - Galochka, Galchonok.
  • Daria - Dashenka, Daryushka.
  • Evgenia - Evgesha, Zhenek, Zhenechka.
  • Zhanna - Zhannette, Zhannochka, Zhanchik
  • Zinaida - Zinochka, Zinulya.
  • Irina - Irisha, Irinka, Irochka, Iruska.
  • Ksenia - Ksyushenka, Ksenichka, Ksyukha.
  • Larisa - Lara, Larochka, Lorik.
  • Marina - Marishka, Marinochka.
  • Natalya - Natalie, Natusya, Nata, Natochka, Natashenka.
  • Nadezhda - Nadyushka, Nadenka, Nadyukha.
  • Oksana - Oksanochka, Ksyunechka, Ksyu.
  • Polina - Polinochka, Polechka, Polyushka.
  • Raisa - Raechka, Rayushka, Raichonok.
  • Svetlana - Svetochka, Svetik, Svetulya.
  • Tatyana - Tanechka, Tanyushka, Tatyanka.
  • Ulyana - Ulechka, Ulyanchik, Ulyanochka, Ulyashka.
  • Faina - Faechka, Fainochka.
  • Yana - Yanchik, Yanochka, Yanuska, Yaska.

What is a beautiful name for a female Pekingese dog?

Pekingese dog will have a worthy and noble nickname that will emphasize its regal bearing, independence, and self-confidence. You can name a dog in the Chinese style

Pekingese is brave and independent

Here is a list of suitable nicknames:

  • Melody
  • Mary
  • Cupid
  • Lioness
  • Sandra
  • Chanel
  • Cassandra
  • Agatha
  • Albina
  • Stefan
  • Stella
  • Jesse
  • Victory
  • Pearl
  • Molly
  • Marisol
  • Munhe
  • Laizhit
  • Zana
  • Namha
  • Nasan
  • Nima


Red-haired men always stand out against the backdrop of brutal brunettes and handsome blondes. They are bright, charismatic and have a lot of personality, which gives them great confidence and determination. Psychologists note that their non-standard, perky appearance helps them win over others, causing more curiosity. They are prone to creativity, selfishness is alien to them. A great sense of humor and sexuality are the perfect complement to such a perfect cocktail.

In addition, it has been historically proven that red-haired men are very courageous and courageous. A striking example of these qualities are the desperate Vikings and Celtic warriors.

The disadvantages include the inconstancy of “fiery” men in love. Sexologists claim that they inherited this quality from their distant Neanderthal ancestors. At the biological level, they are trying to make up for the “deficit” of redheads on the planet, which is why they often walk to the left.

What is a beautiful name for a girl with a red dog?

For a girl dog with a red color, a nickname that is spectacular and specific is suitable, for example, like the nicknames presented in the list:

  • Orange
  • Chanterelle
  • Freckle
  • Goldie
  • Ryzhulya
  • Golden
  • Zlata
  • Bagryanka
  • Kashtanka
  • Ocher
  • Chiquita
  • Buffy

As you can see, there are many wonderful and original names for dogs. All that remains is to get an idea for solving such a sensitive issue as choosing a name for a dog

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Avatar Abus Athos Altair Aaron Archie Avalon Ares Adamant Adler Agassi Diamond Scarlet Albatross Augustine Agasthenes Alistair Altay Ali G Albert Al Capone As Alger Archie Albus

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Bond Gaff Baron Baikal Bamboo Button Bardi Baroyan Bars Baksik Bams Barsa Barbaros Basmach Basalt Bucks Balkhash Bart Bagratin Babster Basiliano Baskerville Bastion Bentley Benjamin Benefit Berserg Bogach Berlioz Bertie Bosphorus Bombay Bradley

Nicknames starting with the letter B

White Winston Barbarian Varyag Vasily Babylon Volt Vasco Giant Vesuvius Valentine Jack Van Gogh Vasco Watson Crown Wilfred Vazilin Wasabi Vaigar Valek Virus Virfold Knight Vladmir Vincent Vicar Wolf Prodigy Valli Vulcan

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Galileo Gaisan Gabriel Le Havre Hamilton Ganjubas Grem Horus Gavroche Hegemon Herman Hermes the Terrible Helios Hero Harrison Gray Vulture Thunder Goodwin Gooddini Gur Gucci Gustav Gouffy

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Danatello Davis Demon Dexter David Jack Darth Vader Dandy Decl Dallas Dessert Jaeger Joker Daniel Dema Davlat Dag Daiquiri Denver Deffer Dorotheus Dorian Dollar Savage Joshua Jeep Diplomat Disney Donahue Dombay Disco Douglas

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Erik Ego Eremey Ezhek Egor Emelya Estudei Ephraim Erofey Epifaniy Ermak Elzar European

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Zhorik Gendarme Georges Zhdan Joseph Gerard Germont Joshua Julian Zhurzhik Zhuk Jacques Jean Zhigan

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Zeus Zorro Zigmund Zvezdny Zakhar Zidane Zephyr Zak Zoltan Zema Zakhar Zotik Zillah Zippo

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Iris Irwin Joseph Indigo Indico X Indus Iskander Inc Indian Emerald Raisin Eastwood Ignat Illius Indy

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Cupcake Casper Kai Cox Kai Kote Kuzya Kaif Cosmos Cloud Kefir Kevin Cap Cas Cortes Prince Colt Klim Kipish Kisel Conan Kesha Jamb Koksik Cosmo Kaiser Kite Kaiser

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Loki Leva Lexus Lex Lucky Luntig Lion Lord Lucifer Lex Lucien Leps Lari Lelik Pet Lucas Luke Lime Light Leonardo Lars Ludwig Lyapsik Leopold Leo Little Fox Fierce Lotus Luciano Lionel Larson

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Magnus Mavrik Mitchell Mars Murzik Maximus Max Motya Marik Michael Marcus Mike Mityai Maneson Merlin Martin Marty Mozart Mojito Murcello Miguel Marcy Mikey Main Michael Sailor Marco Metis Musik Meteor Myth Macho Murenok Mix Morgan

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Northis Nick Niki Nathanya Nemo Norik Nord Nevsky Knight Neo Norton Nissan Norris Nikitos Nathaniel Nils Nezhik Nixon Naples Nordic Nicholas Narcissus Napoleon Nash Nero Nurik Newton Nesquik Nathan

Nicknames starting with the letter O

Otto Odie Ogonyok Otty Olaf Optimus Oscar Oliver Olf Oligarch Orange Austin Osip Olympus Oggy Orpheus Otis Olberto Olympus Orlando Oxford Oberon Ostap Optimist Osman Optimus Prime Oryx

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Prokhor Peach Donut Pirate Fluff Plato Poof Pixel Punya Gingerbread Punch Puff Pusik Puzik Platosha Percival Pascal Poirot Poseidon Pooh Pooh Ghost Pepper Pumbaa Potam Prince Paul Persillo Pieo Patsak Pluto Paul Pontiel Potap

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Ramses Rich Richard Romeo Rufus Ronnie Ronaldo Ryzhik Richie Ray Rudik Raul Rurik Rysik Richard Romeo Rondo Rufus Rocky Randy Raj Ratatouille Rimbaud Roxy Rafik Rudolph Rainer Ratmir Rambler Ridgey Ringo Romario Richelieu Rembrant Richmond Relax Ramzan Russell Raptor Rubin Router Rasmus

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Simon Semka Happiness Stitch Stiff Sauron Simba Sam Smitch Snickers Salvador Smurf Sultan Stefan Sava Stepashka Santa Sonic Sapphire Solomon Sky Smokey Slash Silver Severus Simon Sirius Stasik Smile Socrates Simon Snezhik Sancho Sir Serge Sine Sasuke Siberian Skif Selim Skittles Twilight Suleiman Seraphim Spark Sue Strongman Sinbad Smith Sly Sakar Stewart Spartak Savik Sven Secret Sky Santim Sauron Sting Sydney

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Teddy Tim Texas Twix Timokha Timosha Tishka Theodore Tishanya Toshka Totoro Tikhon Tiger Tager Tobias Tyler Tulip **__** Tai Tigran Takeshi Theodore Typhoon Tao Tosik Ace Tardis Til Troy Fog Tarzan Tube Teadr Tori Toulouse Timych Tauraus Tamerlan Tarasik Tapaz Trevor Tristan Talmir Ted Titan Terry Torero Tarantino Terminator Tetris Tigrius Trevor

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Uri William Umka Wynton Uran Ursa Uman Hugo Dill Urchi Wally Urgant Umberto Urfin Success Wales Urchun Hurricane Walter Ultramarine Walt

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Fantik Fedor Fox Felix Phil Phoenix Filya Faust Flash Fry Funtik Filimon Flash Frankenstein Frank Floyd Queen Fedka Pound Friedrich Fielder Pharaoh Freud Fidel Fart Pharaoh Fred Philip Frodo Fast and the Furious Fuchs Fnafi Fresh

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Happy Harley Hati Hippie Hugh Khrustik Hammer Jose Khrapelkin House Chariton Harold Hugo Hancock Hovan Hacker Honya Huntik Chaos **__** Hauan Hemingway Harley Hyde Hamil Kherson Chiron Jose Holmes Hunter Hennessy Predator Hops Hex Hitchcock Charon Tail Hyman Hitch Hockey

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Caesar Gypsy Cerberus Zimerman Zuckeberg Zeppelin Tsori Centurion Cicero King Celsius Centaur Cyclops Cycle

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Chip Cheshire Churchill Sorcerer Chester Chase Chappie Chaco Chibo Chernish Charlie Choice Child Chuck Chewbacca Cherie Champion Celentano Cheater Chucky Cheetos Che Guevara Chicago Genghis

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Sherlock Sheldon Sharik Skipper Sherkhan Shustrik Sherry Shket Naughty Sheriff Sheldy Shine Shaman Shadow Sherman Saffron Chief Shrek Storm Sheikh Shakespeare Rustle Sheni

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Eric Alvin Andy Edward Elvis Edgar Ernie Elton Eros Elarion Eisenhower Excalibur Eclair Edwin Anthony Ermi Emilio Edison Andrew Aguste

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yusik Eugene Yumba Yukki Yuliy Yuppi Yulian Yuki User Juventus Junior Jupiter YouTube Jurgen Yuan Yurchik

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yasha Yakut Jaguar Yashka Yandex Yarik Yakov Yanchik Yago Yaris Yanush Yakhont Yarilo Yaropolk

The coolest and the best

Francois Frederick Gatsby Jeffrey Gibson Godfrey Goldwyn Gustav Hamlet Harlow Harmon Hudson Jarvis

Simple and easy

Archie Barsik Vasya Gucci Dymok Egor Zhorik Zeus


Aikhi - god of music Aker - god of the underworld Amon - patron of the sun Anti - god of the desert Apis - god of fertility Horus - god of the sun Montu - god of war Nepri - god of grain

Cool and funny

Broom Boniface Prosha Peas Paw Khan Kit Tyapa Bosun Hazel Grouse Mityai Sonic Pepe Kefir Shaitan


Mars March Stepan Basik Leva Marquis Semyon Cat Baxi Zhora Basya Snezhok Chernysh Harry

Unusual, interesting and original

Bubblegum Buff Biff Buffy Burrito Caesar Captain Chaos Cheeseburger Chef Crazy


Prince Kurazh Almaz Altai Kazemir Krosh Kuzma Laptik Leva Marquis Miron


Oscar Charlie Alfie Jasper Milo Leo George Merlin


Munich Berlin Stuttgart Dresden Cologne Salz Schnitzel Bretzel Spätzle


Noel Oberon Octave Pascal Perceval Toulouse Toussaint Urs Fabian


Daisuke - the best assistant Daichi - the intellectual Jiro - the second son Katsu - the winner, the leader Kyoko - the happy baby, the lucky one Rokuro - the sixth son Ryuyu - the ardent dragon Shin - the true Hikari - light, bright

For furry

Mickey Pusha Marquis Plush Smoke Fluff

For the redhead

Ginger Gold Fire Fox Orange Peach Apricot (Apricot) Iskra Ogonyok Bengal Sherkhan Simba Puma Serval Jaguar Gar**__**d Topaz Amber Leo (Leva) Uryuk Pumpkin (“pumpkin”) Cuprum (“copper”)

For a kitten

Redhead Sunny Goldie Firey Foxy Reddy Luchik

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