A cat recovers from anesthesia after sterilization
How long does it take for anesthesia to wear off after castration in a cat?
How does anesthesia work after castration of a cat? How long does it take for an animal to recover from anesthesia? How does it lead?
Common diseases in cats: symptoms and treatment
Healthy cats are full of activity and appear cheerful. Any disease, even a minor one, always affects
cats turn gray
How to determine the age of a cat (+ table comparing the ages of cats and humans)
It can be difficult for owners to determine the age of an animal, especially if it came into the family as an adult.
gopher cat
A Scottish cat stands on its hind legs and sits in a Buddha pose - how is it?
The Scottish cat stands like a gopher. One of the distinctive features of Scottish folds and Scottish straights, as well as
Do you know whether cats can eat ice cream and why they react so strangely to it?
Ice cream is so delicious on a summer day, but will it harm our furry pet?
How cats work: interesting facts about the external and internal structure of these animals
Digestive system The cat's digestive system consists of: the esophagus; stomach; small intestine; duodenum; skinny
How often do cats give birth?
How often can a cat give birth: how many kittens will there be for the first time?
Owners of purebred cats often ask veterinarians how many times a year a pet can
How do cats reproduce? Polygyny, polyandry and other promiscuity
I grew up in rural Idaho when spaying and neutering barn cats was unheard of.
Causes, symptoms and treatment of epilepsy in cats: how to stop seizures and what to do at home?
1. Classification and causes 2. Symptoms of epilepsy in cats 3. Diagnostic measures 4. Principles
A cat has a swollen and hard belly - what to do?
Veronika Igorevna Sharipova veterinarian Petstory A bloated stomach in a cat is a common problem, with
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