Reasons why a cat often goes to the toilet, pees a little, what to do
Veronika Igorevna Sharipova veterinarian Petstory Almost every day owners go to veterinary clinics
Shortness of breath, breathing with an open mouth or wheezing in a cat
13567Administration If a cat is breathing heavily and wheezing, this indicates a serious illness. Necessary
A cat was bitten by a tick - how dangerous is the parasite and how to help the animal?
Many people think that ticks can only bite a person or a dog without posing a danger to them.
Is it possible to give raw meat to a cat?
Is it possible to give raw meat to a cat: is it correct to feed, the benefits and harms of fresh meat products
Feeding cats November 22, 2022
5 reasons why a cat is thin but eats well - what to do
12228Administration 2 When an animal is eating steadily but not gaining weight, pet owners sound the alarm.
Cat breeds with yellow eyes
Black cats: acquisition rules and maintenance features
Felinologists recommend purchasing purring pets at the age of 3 months. This baby is already ready
cat eyes
How cats see our world: cat vision and perception
There are many myths surrounding the cat's organs of vision. Since a cat is a partly mystical creature,
The cat looks carefully
Causes of brown discharge from a cat's eyes and what to do
For normal functioning of the organs of vision, the anterior surface of the eyeball of mammals must always be well
Can neutered cats mate with cats: why sexual heat remains, what to do
7767Administration Many owners of sterilized four-legged friends are very interested in whether a neutered cat can mate with
Rickets in kittens: signs of the disease, symptoms of the disease and nutrition of kittens at home (105 photos + video)
What will you learn from the article Causes of rickets in cats Symptoms Diagnostic methods Treatment Nutrition
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