Is it possible to cut a cat's whiskers: what will happen if you cut them off, will they grow back?
Is it possible to cut a cat's whiskers: what will happen if you cut them off, will they grow back?
Home / Articles / Health and Recreation November 7, 2022 | Furry pets are often
What to feed a castrated cat: list of allowed and prohibited foods
Castration is a serious surgical intervention in the vital functions of an animal’s body. It's not just deliverance
chlamydia in cats
Chlamydia (chlamydial infection) - symptoms and treatment
Chlamydia in cats is completely different in its clinical picture and mode of transmission from
Cats sniffing each other Photo
Scabies in cats and cats - what it looks like, symptoms and signs of the disease, what medications to treat scabies in a cat
Among various health problems, scabies in cats occupies a special place. Complex of dermatological pathologies
Skin diseases in cats: description of diseases and treatment
Alena Igorevna Goncharenko veterinarian Petstory Dermatitis in cats is not a disease, but
Vibrissae are part of the near landmark system
What happens if a cat's whiskers are cut off: consequences. Will a cat's trimmed whiskers grow back?
(Be the first to vote!) 5589564 06/24/2021 owner reviews Curious what happens when you trim a cat's whiskers? Find out,
Types of eosinophilic granuloma complex in cats
How to recognize and treat eosinophilic granuloma in cats
Why does EEG occur? The cause of EEG may be an allergy to flea bites or other ectoparasites,
Parasites in cats: varieties, danger to animal and human health
If parasites appear in cats, they can be localized on the skin, under the skin and
Vitamin deficiency in cats: how to determine the lack of a specific substance and how to compensate
Vitamin deficiency is a disease caused by a lack of certain vitamins in an animal's diet. It may manifest itself
A cat without water: how much water does a cat need per day, how long can it live and what to do if it doesn’t drink at all
In the first days of life, most cats stay hydrated from their mother's milk. But
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