Figure 5. Malignant oral melanoma in dogs metastasizes rapidly. In this dog, 2 months after the initial detection of MM, numerous metastases are visible in the abdominal area
Tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx of dogs and cats
Types of tumors and signs of the disease Malignant tumors of the jaw in cats range from 3 to 8
Inflammation of the inner ear in cats - treatment of otitis in a cat at home
Causes of otitis in cats According to statistics, parasites are considered the main causative agents of otitis. That's why
Mastopathy in cats: first symptoms, treatment options and operations for cats (95 photos)
Mastopathy in cats is diagnosed when there is excessive division of modified cells in the tissues of the mammary glands. Disease
Will a cat grow a mustache if it is singed?
Why do cats need mustaches and eyebrows? Our pets, cats, belong to the cat family. All
How to help a cat or kitten who suffers from wheezing and heavy breathing
Visitors to veterinary clinics, complaining about a cat’s illness, use the word “choking” to mean how
Urolithiasis in cats and kittens
Urolithiasis in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment
Save the article: Urolithiasis (UCD) or urolithiasis is a serious disease of the excretory system, with
Red cat lies
Problem with a kitten that won't go to the toilet at all
Many kitten owners complain that their little pet does not go to the bathroom for several days.
Parasites in cats
Diagnosis and prevention of parasites in cats: fleas, ticks, worms
Save the article: Parasites in the body of cats are ubiquitous. Based on the nature of the location, all of them can be
Sores in cats
A cat has dry sores on its body: How to deal with the problem?
Skin diseases are a common occurrence in domestic and farm animals. Pathologies manifest themselves in different ways: loss
Treatment of ear mites in cats: effective medications at home
If your indoor cat is clearly bothered by its ears, the most likely cause of the discomfort may be
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