Carthusian cat or chartreuse: description of the breed, differences from the British

Dimensions3-7 kg, height up to 30 cm
Lifespan14-16 years old

Blue or smoky colored cats are associated with the common British breed. In fact, there are 2-3 varieties of large cats with a similar appearance. In France, the Carthusian cat with short, thick gray hair is widespread. Natural origin has shaped the unique character of the pets, which are popular despite the rarity of the breed.

History of the Carthusian breed

The natural origins of the Chartreuse cat make it difficult to determine its ancestors. The most likely participation is from Egyptian cats or Pallas' cats, brought to Europe during the Crusades. Perhaps the kittens were brought from the Middle East or Africa by traders of exotic items. The first mentions of the Carthusian breed are associated with the city of Chartres in poems of the 16th century, as well as in paintings by French artists of the 18th century.

An interesting fact is that Chartreuse was originally bred to produce fresh meat or high-quality, dense, solid-colored fur.

During the First World War, France lost a large number of these cats, but the aristocratic appearance allowed the number of animals to be restored. There are few breeders left in Europe, but the breed has not been lost. In 1930, the Carthusian cat first appeared at the exhibition.

A new round of development is associated with the fact that the Chartreuse cat was the favorite pet of the legendary French statesman, Charles de Gaulle. The French began to breed the Carthusian breed more often, which spread throughout European countries, Canada, and the USA. The national Chartreuse standard was registered in 1977. 2 years later, the cats were recognized by the international community. However, in England the variety is still classified as British. While in Russia the Chartreux cannot compete with the domestic Russian Blue breed.

Description and standard

The Chartreuse has a solid constitution that belies the quiet voice.

Externally, the Carthusian Chartreuse cat has its own characteristics, which are quite strictly regulated by the standard of the World Cat Federation. Main features:

  1. Body type. The weight of males reaches 7 kg by the age of 5 years, while females gain no more than 5 kg. At this age, the average height of animals is up to 30 cm at the withers.
  2. Torso. The description of the breed defines the skeleton as primitive, with a natural origin. The compact, powerful frame of Carthusian cats is consistent with strong, large muscles. The animals' chest is quite wide.
  3. Limbs. The leg bones of the Carthusian cat are thin, shorter than average. The paws are round but strong.
  4. Head. The skull is wide rather than long, so the jaw protrudes slightly. The cats' forehead is high and quite flat, which in combination with full cheeks creates the feeling of a slightly flattened muzzle. The ears are set wide, leaning forward. The top edge is smoothly rounded.
  5. Eyes. The rounded shape is combined with a rich amber color. The iris tone is uniform, the look has a vibrant shine. At birth, kittens have grayish-blue eyes.
  6. Wool. The coat of Carthusian cats is thick, short, with a padded undercoat that is pleasant to the touch.

One of the main characteristics of the breed is its uniform, rich gray color. The typical Chartreuse also has gray paw pads, nose and skin under the coat. If there is a black or pink tint, the animal is rejected.

Description of appearance, color

This is a medium-sized animal with a relatively small body and a well-developed muscular system. The cat has a stocky appearance, its legs are quite short relative to the body. The back is straight and quite wide. The tail of such pets is long, tapering towards the end.

The shape of the head resembles an inverted trapezoid, the ears are medium in size and set quite high. The muzzle is slightly elongated. The famous “smile” of the Chartreuse is due to the unusual arrangement of the whisker pads and the darker color of the coat around the mouth and nose. Eye color can range from yellowish-gold to orange or copper.

The lifespan of Carthusian cats is up to 15 years.

The animal weighs from 4 to 9 kg, with males being much larger. The height of a cat can reach 30 cm, but standards allow less.

Chartreuse wool comes in various shades of gray, the main requirement for color is its uniformity and the absence of lighter or darker spots. The hairs towards the end have a lighter, almost silver tint, which gives an extraordinary shine to the pet’s coat.

By nature, this is an extremely calm animal, so it can be kept in families with small children and other pets.

The only exception to this rule is to avoid proximity to birds and rodents. After all, do not forget that by nature he is a predator and at the first opportunity he will feast on a hamster or bird.

They are unobtrusive and are able to spend long periods of time alone without harming their mental well-being. At the same time, Chartreux dogs are very sociable, and if the owner takes the initiative in communicating and playing with the pet, he will happily reciprocate.

They are above average in intelligence, which is why they are difficult to train, since they prefer to do what they enjoy rather than following a given command. At the same time, they very easily learn to open drawers and doors, and take out objects of interest from seemingly hard-to-reach places. Tray training is easy.

What is the difference between a Chartreux and a British cat?

Externally, the French Chartreuse has many similarities with the blue British Shorthair cat. Almost identical coat color and build make the breeds confuse, but not only experts can find differences between animals. It is enough to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Wool. The difference in coat is not very noticeable, but upon closer inspection one can notice the shorter printed coat of the British. The main hair and undercoat of Carthusian cats differ in length, creating a two-layer effect.
  2. Head. The British cat has a more rounded head shape, a wide, heavy muzzle with large cheeks. While the chartreuse skull is similar to a trapezoid, and the jaw is narrower and longer.
  3. Ears. In Carthusian cats they are larger and wider apart, while in British cats they are small and more inclined forward.
  4. Tail. The tip of the chartreuse is clearly narrower than the base. The British Shorthair has a shorter tail with equal thickness throughout its length and a rounded tip.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the animals, which also distinguishes the breeds. The Chartreux often displays the hunter's instinct, while the British cat has the elegance and relaxation of an aristocracy.

Features of character and behavior

The Carthusian breed is distinguished by good upbringing and an even character. Cats are equal parts playfulness and balance. The animal happily spends time having fun, and also lies next to the owner, enjoying peace.

Carthusian cats have behavioral features:

Communication skillsTalkativeness is not typical for the breed; cats are quite quiet and do not like to meow for no reason.
Love of freedomPets love to be in company, but do not mind short-term loneliness. Carthusian cats are able to fend for themselves, they can go outside to hunt, but they still strive to return to their owner.
ActivityChartreuse is not distinguished by his desire for athletics, and will not disturb the peace of home by jumping on curtains and destroying furniture. But if necessary, the cat can easily overcome an obstacle or run around in nature.
PlayfulnessThe Carthusian cat itself is not playful, but loves baits and teasers that activate the natural hunting instinct.
ObedienceChartreuse does not like quarrels and punishments, and therefore tries to behave well and does not test the owner’s patience with manifestations of character.
Interaction with owner and familyThe Carthusian cat singles out one owner in the family and treats him quite jealously, expecting approval and affection. The pet is loyal to children, strangers or acquaintances, without experiencing aggression.
Attitude towards other animalsPeacefulness affects the Chartreuse's attitude towards cats and dogs. With proper preparation, the pet will not experience competition leading to conflict.

Personality of the French cat

Chartreuse amazingly combines independence and sincere affection for all members of his family. This balanced cat with outstanding intelligence is able to adapt to almost any rhythm of life. It is not intrusive and does not require constant attention. He knows how to delicately demonstrate his love and good attitude towards a person.

The breed is characterized by silence, and besides, by nature they have a rather quiet voice - this distinctive feature of the Chartreux has passed with them through the centuries. They are distinguished by their peaceful disposition towards people. However, do not underestimate them - these cats can fend for themselves in extreme situations, they have retained all the skills of a good hunter.

You need to be prepared for the fact that some representatives of the breed are jealous and defend their right to be the main favorite of other pets.

Education will not require much effort and time - the Chartreuse will grasp everything on the fly if you explain it calmly and without rudeness. These cats will not tolerate bad treatment.

Care and maintenance

The Chartreux breed is characterized by its unpretentiousness to living conditions. Reduced activity of pets makes it easier to arrange the cat's space. Animals do not need shelves and ladders, and cats will quickly choose a place to rest on their own, ignoring houses and beds.

Carthusian cats do not like restrictions, preferring to move freely around the house. Closed doors cause dissatisfaction and deliberate curiosity in the pet.

Chartreux loves to spend time outside, preferring free movement to walking on a leash. Like other short-haired cats, Carthusian cats do not need frequent bathing, even when walking outside. The dense undercoat is difficult to rinse thoroughly, and even more difficult to dry. It is enough to bathe the cat 1-2 times a year, but it is better to comb it weekly. During the molting period, a simple comb is not enough for an animal; you will have to additionally use a slicker.

Breeding and cost

At the moment, the breed is not particularly popular in Russia and the CIS countries. When planning to breed these particular cats, do not forget that selecting a suitable pair for mating can be a problem. For the same reason, it is difficult to purchase a Chartreux kitten.

Externally, the Chartreuse is very similar to the British, especially in the first months of life. Unscrupulous breeders can take advantage of this. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for the pedigree of the kittens or each of the parents. A Chartreuse kitten offered for sale must have a chip and a veterinary passport.

You need to understand that the Chartreux is a very rare breed and will cost accordingly: the average price of a kitten as a pet is 750 - 900 EUR, and for breeding and an exhibition career it is already about 1200 - 1500 EUR.

Nurseries breeding this breed:

  • Silver Silence – Russia, Moscow
  • Silver Pearl – Russia, Petrozavodsk
  • CATBAY.RU – Russia, Moscow
  • Cute Charlie * BY – Belarus, Minsk
  • Fleur Felin – Latvia, Riga


The lack of intensive selection and the gradual development of the breed determined the high immunity level of the Chartreuse cat.

Carthusians tend to appear:

  • joint diseases;
  • mouth infections, especially gingivitis;
  • obesity;
  • dislocations;
  • hip dysplasia.

Chartreuse dogs live quite a long time; with proper care, their life expectancy is 14-16 years. To maintain your pet's health, it is necessary to follow the vaccination schedule. The most important period is from 8 weeks to 1 year, when the kitten is most susceptible to viruses and infections. Additionally, it is necessary to regularly carry out deworming, especially for animals with free access to the street. Sterilization will help to significantly extend the life of a Carthusian cat that does not participate in reproduction, which will protect the pet from many diseases of the reproductive system. The appropriate age for the procedure in females has not been established, but males should be neutered after 7 months.

Chartreuse diet

For a beautiful and healthy coat, the Chartreuse needs good and proper nutrition.

The hunting and lazy French breed needs proper and balanced nutrition. It can be made from natural products or consist of industrial feed.

When using ready-made food, you can combine both dry and wet. Dry food improves digestion and helps clean teeth.

Important! Choose premium, super-premium or holistic industrial food, since the ingredients in them are balanced, the food contains the vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth, health and development of the animal and is absorbed by more than 90%.

When choosing a natural diet, it is important to exclude foods from the owner’s table, as well as everything salty, starchy, sweet, fatty and fried.

Chartreux, given their sedentary lifestyle and increased appetite, are prone to gaining excess weight, so in a natural diet it is important to pay attention to lean meats, such as poultry and beef. It is not advisable to give fish, as it can develop urolithiasis in the animal.

In addition to meat, it is important to use high-quality cereal products, vegetables, fermented milk products with low fat content, greens and eggs in the diet. Your cat should get the right amount of protein and fiber.

Important! Fresh drinking water should always be available to your pet.

Choosing the right diet will help keep your pet's coat healthy and shiny, as well as extend its life to 16 years.

How to choose a kitten

Typically, a Chartreuse kitten acquires all the signs only by the age of three, gaining weight and forming a body. The purchase should be prepared in advance by reserving the baby from an officially registered breeder. You can do this using a photo on the website or ask for a video.

You should choose a Carthusian cat carefully, focusing on the characteristics of the breed:

  1. The color is even in color; faint rings or stripes on the tail are acceptable, which will disappear by 2 years.
  2. The kittens' build is proportional and strong.
  3. The animal's movements are dexterous and well coordinated.
  4. After 3 months, kittens should change their eye color from blue to amber.
  5. The kitten's behavior is characterized by activity and curiosity.
  6. The mucous membranes, ears and anus are clean and healthy.

Each baby of the Carthusian breed receives from the breeder a veterinary passport, information about ancestors, and accurate vaccination data. In addition, most often a kitten has an identifier chip implanted under its skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Chartreuse cat breed is characterized by a wide range of advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • good natural health;
  • lack of craving for cat concerts;
  • loyalty to children and animals;
  • calm character;
  • the opportunity to develop the talent of hunting rodents;
  • low maintenance requirements.

Among the disadvantages of Cartesian cats:

  • difficulties in purchasing kittens;
  • high price;
  • excessive frequent shedding;
  • risk of reaction in allergy sufferers;
  • the need to monitor the pet’s weight;
  • difficulty in finding a mating partner;
  • similarity with other breeds.

Advantages and disadvantages

Carthusian cats are not very common, even in France their numbers are small. This is completely undeserved, because such a pet is extremely unpretentious in maintenance. Due to their calm and passive nature, they can be kept even in a one-room apartment, which will not cause inconvenience to either the pet or its owners.

In a private home, he is also an indispensable assistant - rodents often live there, and this breed of cat is a renowned rat catcher.

Horoscope compatibility

The Carthusian cat corresponds in all respects to the zodiac Virgo. Cleanliness, measured behavior, thoroughness in washing – these are the characteristics of the Chartreuse that will appeal to discerning owners the most. The pedantry of the breed fully corresponds to the sign, combining coquetry and fidelity at the same time. The animals are a little squeamish and picky; they prefer to eat from clean dishes and only freshly placed food. Cats become so attached to their owner that they become jealous and crave constant attention. This behavior definitely flatters people born under the sign of Virgo.

Among short-haired breeds, the Carthusian cat does not stand out as much as the Oriental or Abyssinian cat. However, connoisseurs are attracted by the aristocratic features and balanced disposition of the pet, combined with rarity. In addition, the Chartreuse has beauty, a lively mind and absolute affection for its owner.

Education and training

Chartreuses have an inquisitive mind and rare insight. It is not difficult for them to use the switch, open the water tap, and even press the door handle to leave the room. The intelligence of cats makes the training process easier. With your help, the “Carthusians” will learn good manners, easily get used to using a scratching post and litter box, and will not refuse to be walked on a harness. Train your pet from the first day it appears in your home, since training an adult Chartreuse will take more time and effort, and the result will be far from perfect.

As for training, you will have to forget about traditional commands. Representatives of the breed consider it beneath their dignity to jump at someone’s direction, overcome an obstacle course and somersault. However, Carthusian cats easily get used to their nickname and even bring abandoned objects or toys to their owner. The main thing is not to raise your voice at your pet, otherwise his furry majesty will not forgive you for such insolence.

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