Cat's behavior before giving birth: signs you can't miss
How does a cat's behavior change before giving birth? The answer to this question interests almost all new owners.
Protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs in animals
Why is it developing? Spondylosis occurs extremely rarely in kittens; it is often diagnosed in elderly cats.
Corneal keratitis - symptoms (signs)
Why the cat's eye is cloudy: causes, treatment methods
Find out now about the symptoms and treatment of the most common eye diseases in cats such as conjunctivitis,
What can cause a cat's chin to become bald?
It is always a good idea to take a closer look at the condition of your furry pet. The slightest change in his behavior or/and
Placement of a urinary catheter in a cat (male) initially
Catheterization of the cat's bladder is performed if the pet has difficulty urinating or
causes of hypersalivation in cats
What is hypersalivation in cats: causes and treatment of excessive drooling
Hypersalivation in cats is excessive production of saliva, which occurs for various reasons. This symptom
Causes of unpleasant odor from cats and its sources
The absence of odor, including from the mouth, is one of the pleasant advantages of domestic cats.
Pneumonia in cats
Pneumonia in cats: symptoms, danger of the condition, under what conditions treatment is carried out
Pneumonia in cats, like in humans, is a fairly serious disease. With timely treatment and avoidance of complications
Chemical and thermal burns of ENT organs: danger, first aid and treatment
Cats rarely experience panting, and sometimes your panting cat may suffer from severe
Abscess in a cat
Abscess in a cat: what to do, how to treat an abscess on the cheek, paw and neck
A cat abscess is any infected area on the body of your mustachioed pet,
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