Sometimes cats act strangely when trying to tell us something. Dictionary from cat

Reasons for kittens meowing

Kittens, being unable to cope with many problems on their own, often request human help. The reasons may be as follows :

  • Stressful state when weaning from mother and changing a familiar place. Finding a new family dooms the kitten to severe stress, anxiety, and searching for a mother cat. It is necessary to show him increased attention and surround him with care the entire first time.
  • Hunger. A growing body constantly requires food, so the kitten will meow often for this reason.
  • Request for help. During the game, the kitten may end up in a place where it cannot escape. In such cases, he begins to call for help.
  • Attention. Most often, the baby will seek attention late in the day. It’s worth petting the kitten, but you shouldn’t run at the first call every time for educational purposes.
  • Expression of love.

What does the sound of trilling sound like?

The pigeon sound your cat makes has a name: trilling.

But if you live in the middle of nowhere and far from city limits, you may have never heard pigeon sounds in person. So what does thrilling sound like? The cat trill is similar to the "rolling R" sound as in the Spanish words perro (dog), arroz (rice) or zorro (fox). A cat's trills are usually high-pitched, last only a second or so, and can even sound like soothing coos.

Some cat owners describe the trill as a cross between a meow and a drawn-out purr.

Try making this sound yourself! Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, slowly release a stream of air and let your tongue vibrate. You can make the rolling rs sound even more cat-like by puffing out your cheeks to muffle the sound. If you're a cat owner, your kitty might perk up his ears when you do this!

Adult cats

There are several main reasons responsible for cats meowing:

  • The most common reason is the desire to eat. The cat attracts attention with its loud, insistent voice and indicates impending hunger. .
  • An attempt to attract human attention. The lack of other ways of conversation forces one to say “meow” when the animal wants to receive a small portion of affection and care. Don’t ignore a cat that stubbornly climbs onto your lap or lies down on your keyboard.
  • Greetings. Cats love to greet their owners with their meows, and some say “meow” almost all the time when they see their loved one.
  • The desire to go to the toilet. Cats often notify their owners not only before they relieve themselves, but also after.
  • Please open the door. Cats hate it when the door is slammed. If you let the cat in, but close the door again, he will definitely ask to leave. Therefore, if you have a cat, you need to keep the doors open.
  • Feeling pain. It is worth carefully touching the animal. If the cat meows when pressing on a specific place, you need to consult a doctor. You should not pick up a mature animal by the scruff of the neck: this can damage the vertebrae.
  • Sexual activity. The volume and duration of this “meow” cannot be confused with anything else. The cat begins to lift its hindquarters and rub itself. If you do not want to breed offspring, then you should spay or neuter your pet. These measures will save the animal from constant suffering and possible diseases.

Other causes of meowing

There are several other reasons why a cat meows:

  • Meowing can mean fear. When under stress (a car ride, a visit to the veterinarian, moving to a new place of residence), the animal experiences anxiety and attracts attention.
  • Aggression. Being aggressive, the cat usually emits a warning “meow”. At such a moment, you need to stay as far away from the cat as possible.
  • Expression of pleasure while playing.
  • Loneliness. Left to their own devices after their owner leaves for work, cats may feel sad. To avoid this, you should keep several pets.
  • The desire to go outside. A kitty may scratch under the door and meow if she is tired of being locked up.
  • Dissatisfaction with the food offered. A spoiled animal, which is very picky about its diet, reports its disagreement with the proposed diet. If a cat meows after eating, the diet was chosen incorrectly and causes him discomfort.
  • Please remove the tray. The cat may be dissatisfied with the cleanliness of the toilet.
  • Hunting time. Cats often make meowing sounds when they see but are unable to catch prey.
  • Pregnancy. If a cat meows and crawls under the blanket, then most likely she is preparing to give birth.

What does meowing mean?

Here is just a small dictionary of cat “meows” 1. A short “mur-meow” when meeting you is a greeting. If you have been at home for a long time and there is no reason to greet you, then such a sound speaks of disappointment and boredom. 2. If a cat, meowing pitifully, follows you on your heels, he is in dire need of attention. 3. A drawn-out “meow” - a demand and attraction of attention. So the pet can ask to be held, or remind you that it’s time to eat. 4. A longer, high-pitched meow is a cry for help. Hear it if the cat is sick or upset. 5. If the “meow” is short and low, then you know that you have received a reprimand. This is how the pet expresses its disappointment or resentment. 6. When a cat sees prey that it cannot catch for some reason, it begins to chirp. You've probably noticed this sound in your pet when he sits on the windowsill and sees a bird behind the glass. That sounds like disappointment. 7. By hissing, your cat warns that she is aggressive. It's better not to provoke her in this state of mind. 8. Something between a purr and a meow is called a trill. This sound indicates a good mood. The cat is glad to see you, you pleased the fluffy one, and he liked his lunch. 9. When a cat comes up to you, looks you in the eye and makes a short sound like a squeak, it wants to attract attention. She seems to say: “I beg your pardon...”. Perhaps she wants to sit in your arms. 10. The most pleasant thing you can hear from a pet is purring. At such a moment the cat is happy. But sometimes such a sound is a sign of fear, stress or pain. This is how the pet tries to calm itself down.

There are cats who love to chat with people at their leisure, and sometimes there are shy guys whose owners are not sure that the pet even has a voice. In any case, if your pet behaves differently than usual (too quiet, or suddenly became very talkative), do not ignore it - perhaps he is sick and needs your help.

Various products for cats and kittens

Elderly cats

Older animals begin to show new reasons for meowing as they age. Some of them should not cause concern, while others deserve special attention:

  • Inability to make independent choices. Closer to old age, a cat increasingly relies on its owner in its decisions. Sometimes it is difficult for her to decide what needs to be done right now, and she is waiting for advice.
  • Increased need for affection. In old age, cats need more care and often pester their owners at night. Here all that remains is to come to terms with your beloved animal.
  • Manipulation. Pets often use their owner for their needs.

What to do: advice from breeders

Every cat owner should understand that meowing is a natural and necessary need for an animal to express its emotions. Just as you can’t stop a child from crying or talking, you can’t stop a pet from “communicating.” Therefore, you should never punish a cat for excessive vocalization. By such behavior a person will only achieve distrust and fear of the animal.

However, cats are also excellent psychologists; they know our weak points very well and understand that, having bored us with their meows, a person will definitely do or give what they want. And here lies the main mistake of all beginners - they indulge in this bad habit. What to do? In this case, in the first couple of days, it is important to ignore such “demands” and, if the habit is already established, associate it with some unpleasant action. For example, you can use a spray bottle: cats do not like water and such a shower will definitely distract them.

But you cannot ignore the sounds of your pet. It is important to learn to distinguish between whims and indeed signals of anxiety, fear, lack of attention, pain or hunger. Pay more attention to your pets, take care of their worldview and instincts, and then you will not have problems with annoying and constant meowing.

Health reasons

In addition to simple situations that any owner can cope with, there are dangerous ones that threaten the pet’s health:

  • Infection with worms. Most often, kittens are susceptible to it. In addition to general malaise and plaintive meowing, you may notice trembling and bowel movements.
  • Diseases of the urinary or digestive system. Emptying the bladder and bowels accompanied by meowing is a reason to sound the alarm. You should also check your stool and urine for blood.
  • Spinal injury. Loud screams are accompanied by weak trembling of the whole body.
  • Mites or allergies. The cat jumps around the apartment, shaking its head, itching and meowing constantly.
  • Viral infections, indicated by hoarse meows.

Cat meows after giving birth

If after giving birth your pet begins to meow constantly, you need to pay attention to this.

First, try to eliminate the more likely causes of concern. Check if the cat has enough water and food and if the litter box is clean.

If this is all right, then you need to make sure that the kittens are healthy, eating and sleeping enough. Everything is fine with children - look at mom. Frequent urination, whining, rapid breathing and trembling are a direct indication to consult a specialist. Your cat may have postpartum complications.


These beautiful and noble animals have always been associated with witchcraft, so there are a lot of interesting beliefs around them. Some of them also concern meowing:

  • The constant meowing of a cat portends huge troubles.
  • A cat meowing through the window, waking up the owners, brings good news and prophesies the appearance of a baby in the near future.
  • Meowing at a wedding foretells unhappiness in marriage.
  • The loud meowing of a frightened cat, trying to hide and asking to come out, means a natural disaster: earthquakes, tornadoes, eruptions, floods.
  • A loud “meow” on the road is a sign of trouble on the road.

Cats' ability to predict the weather is due to their extraordinary sense of smell.

Smart cats have long understood all the delights of living together with humans. They often manipulate us using meows. If a person constantly pays attention to a cat’s requests, then the animal will do this much more often, without being guided by any reasons. This is how cats try to communicate with people, experiencing pleasant emotions when we enjoy the attention shown.

Prohibited actions

To prevent your life together with your cat from turning into hell, it is important to understand that she needs attention, affection and your love. That being said, you need to be aware of some actions that can cause problems between you, in particular, constant meowing:

  1. Lack of rules of behavior and little training.
  2. Periodic permission to violate established rules.
  3. Pampering.
  4. Lack of attention.
  5. Neglect of communication and games with animals.
  6. Long trips during which the animal is left at home alone.
  7. Too strict punishments, physical punishments.
  8. Punishments for meowing. If you think cats are meowing for no reason, it's important to understand why they're doing it—maybe they're in pain or they're stressed.
  9. Reacting to meowing. The more you respond to meowing, the more the cat will do it, so if this annoys you, feed and pet the animal only during quiet pauses. This advice is not relevant if you are a lonely person and talking with your pet is a joy for you.

What should you do to calm your cat?

If your cat is agitated or begins to show signs of aggression, give her time to calm down. The best course of action is to leave her alone. Turn off the lights and let her be alone for a while to calm down.

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How do cats trill?

Teaching yourself to roll "rs" is not easy, but understanding the source of your cat's "pigeon" sounds is much more difficult.

Unlike most cat sounds (particularly meows), cats trill with their mouths closed. This mysterious sound starts in your cat's lungs. A cat pushes air through its trachea—the breathing tube that connects its lungs to its mouth—as if it were exhaling. But because there is nowhere for the air to escape, it vibrates against the vocal cords.

The result is a muffled, high-pitched cooing sound. If you hadn't watched your cat make this sound, you'd probably assume there was a pigeon somewhere in your house!

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