Ear diseases in cats - 6 types of common ailments
The most common ear diseases in cats are otitis media, otodectosis, hematoma, ear scabies, lymphatic extravasation,
A cat has discharge from the anus - what is it and why?
Normally, a cat should not have a strong and repulsive odor from under its tail.
Diagnosis of tartar in cats
Insidious periodontitis: crept up unnoticed, left without a tooth
Inflammation processes in the oral cavity in cats negatively affect the entire functioning of the body. Much
Rabies in cats
How to identify rabies in a cat at an early stage, the first signs
Save the article: The most dangerous fatal viral disease is called rabies and affects the nervous system.
Vomiting in a cat
Vomiting in a cat and cat: we understand the problem and its causes
It is unlikely that there is at least one owner who would not observe such a phenomenon as vomiting
Ear hematoma in a cat: treatment of auricular hematoma in cats
Ear hematomas are subcutaneous hemorrhages in the area of ​​the auricle. In cats they can
How to deal with mange in cats
Is it possible to get scabies from a cat, how to prevent infection
Scabies is caused by itch mites - Demodex, Sarcoptes, Notoedrus and Otodectes. Unsatisfactory conditions contribute to the disease
Tumors of the external auditory canal in dogs and cats: diagnosis and treatment
Squamous cell carcinoma of the auricle in cats Cats can be affected by several types of skin tumors,
Feeding rate
The cat is getting fat: why is this happening and what to do?
Overweight in pets is a common problem that owners tend to underestimate. on her
Why the cat doesn’t eat anything, has lost a lot of weight and is weak: treatment and symptoms
Many people worry about their cats getting fat, but unintentional weight loss is also
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