Is it possible to give valerian to a cat: advice from veterinarians

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Why do cats like valerian?
  2. Is valerian harmful for a cat?
  3. In what cases can you give valerian to cats?
  4. Cats after valerian - changes in behavior
  5. Video - cat behavior after valerian

Valerian is a pheromone for cats. Pets go crazy from just its smell and beg for it from the owner. And one drop of a harmless medicine can turn your calm domestic cat into an inadequate, raging beast. If we compare the effect of valerian on humans and cats, then valerian acts on cats exactly the opposite. A person experiences a sedative effect, and cats experience uncontrollable excitement.

Why do cats like valerian?

Valerian (cat herb) contains many essential oils. But in addition to essential oils, this plant contains actinidin, a natural pheromone similar to that found in cat urine.

Veterinarians and zoologists believe that this pheromone is to blame for the fact that cats love valerian. When animals come into direct contact with the plant or with preparations based on it, their hormonal and emotional background changes.

Pets fall into euphoria, which resembles alcohol or drug intoxication in humans. Actinidin causes excitement in cats similar to that which they experience during sexual heat.

Animals in this state become inadequate, uncontrollable and even aggressive. The herb catnip, which also contains actinidin, has a similar effect on cats.

What happens if you give a cat valerian

The reaction depends on how sensitive the animal is to this substance:

  1. He won't use it. About a third of sexually mature individuals do not feel attracted to the smell of valerian. The animal will indifferently move away from the grass or poured liquid. The drug does not have an effect on kittens that have not reached puberty (about 6 months).
  2. A short burst of activity , a short rest and a quick return to normal. Occurs in 30% of cats.
  3. Violent reaction. condition is inadequate, it is aggressive or overly timid, damages furniture, and craps in the litter box. After hyperactivity comes a long sleep. Medicine cannot be given to such animals due to the risk of “valerian addiction ”. Once the cat has returned to its normal state, it will again intensively search for the source of drug intoxication.

Another effect of the drug: a weak phase of excitation and prolonged drowsiness. This effect occurs when the tincture is used. The combination of alcohol and drug intoxication greatly depresses the nervous system.

Is valerian harmful for a cat?

If we talk about the dangers or benefits of valerian, then it is worth listening to the opinion of veterinary specialists who urge cat owners not to give valerian to cats for fun. An overdose of valerian-based drugs can cause:

  • increased salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • foam at the mouth;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • stroke;
  • stopping breathing.

Some animals, after extreme excitement caused by valerian, fall into a long, uninterrupted sleep. In some cases, irreversible inhibition processes develop in the cerebral cortex.

All these symptoms are evidence of the adverse effects of the drug on the cat’s body. Some individuals cannot withstand such a powerful blow to the nervous system, which leads to death.

How does the plant work?

What does valerian mean for cats, can it be given to an animal? There is no clear answer to this question. Let's look at the pros and cons of this influence.


  • Valerian for cats is a narcotic drug. At first they experience excitement, then relaxation occurs, right up to a narcotic sleep.
  • Valerian is a hallucinogenic drug for cats.
  • Valerian and cats are incompatible things, but the animal thinks differently. If you give it to your pet, he will get used to this drug and do everything to try it again and again. If an animal is given a large amount of water to drink, a coma may occur, which manifests itself as follows: the cat falls to the floor, it develops convulsions, foam, and its eyes roll back.
  • Sometimes death may occur due to heart attack, stroke or respiratory arrest.
  • Sometimes, consuming this plant may cause your pet to experience panic and uncontrollable behavior that will last for several days.

Valerian has no effect on kittens less than six months old.


  • You can give the plant to relieve pain caused by spasms; it relieves gastrointestinal spasms well.
  • For diseases of the thyroid gland, it can be given as an infusion.
  • Used for nervous and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Sometimes, for eye diseases, rinsing is done with an infusion of valerian root.

In what cases can you give valerian to cats?

Despite all the negative effects on the body of cats, valerian is considered a medicinal plant, and veterinarians can prescribe it to cats.

Valerian extract is used in complex therapy of gastrointestinal diseases, heart and thyroid diseases.

Important: do not self-medicate, do not take on faith recipes based on cat grass that can be found on the Internet - this can end in disaster.

The only valerian that is not harmful is the one you give to your animals as prescribed by a doctor if there are medical indications.

Important: strictly adhere to the dosage.

Valerian as a medicine

However, valerian does not always bring only harm. Sometimes it can be used for medicinal purposes, for example, for :

  • Heart failure;
  • Spasms in the stomach and intestines;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Excessive passivity of the cat.

Remember that you cannot prescribe medicine to your cat yourself. The benefits of taking valerian are much less than the harm. Before use (regardless of the diagnosis), consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

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Cats after valerian - changes in behavior

Everyone has ever seen how valerian affects cats. One drop of tincture spilled on the floor immediately becomes the center of attention for your furry pet. The animals begin to scream heart-rendingly, roll on the floor, run through all the rooms, jump on the curtains and climb the walls. It seems that at such moments cats see nothing and no one except the treasured liquid.

Overexcitation of the nervous system causes animals to have an inadequate perception of the outside world. They do not recognize or obey their owners. They can behave extremely aggressively with them or shy away from the owner’s hands. Some individuals become shy and extremely cautious. They are afraid of any sounds and hide from familiar objects and people. The pheromone that is part of the grass puts animals into a state of sexual hunting - the cats begin to mark the territory, and the cats roll on the floor and meow invitingly.

Animals may lose coordination, they fall off their feet, they cannot walk through the doorway, get into the tray and find a bowl of food - all these symptoms are reminiscent of a person being intoxicated. In the most severe cases, pets may develop hallucinations. It seems to them that someone is hunting them, they bite, hiss and fight with their toys and owners. This is also how people behave during delirium tremens.

Most often, hallucinations develop when consuming an alcoholic infusion of valerian, since the intoxicating effect of alcohol is added to the stimulating effect of the plant. Intoxication from alcohol is another reason why cats love valerian.

Alcoholic valerian for cats is a direct road to cat alcoholism. Cats quickly become dependent on alcohol - they do not have genetic resistance to alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the tincture will not harm a person, but for cats this amount can be fatal.

Experiments with valerian

Most owners do not see any danger in their cats consuming valerian. After consumption, the cat “has fun” and behaves inappropriately. When the euphoria ends, loss of strength and lethargy are observed. During this period, the animal can easily fall asleep for several hours.

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Experiments with valerian are not recommended to be repeated, as it is addictive to the cat. Without it, the cat begins to experience withdrawal symptoms, which affects its mood and behavior. Males are especially affected by this: they associate the smell of the medicine with the smell of cat fluids. Valerian has no effect on kittens under four months of age, since they are not sexually mature. It only affects those individuals who have passed the stage of puberty.

Cat alcoholism

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The composition of valerian roots is quite diverse. It contains alkaloids, esters, tannins, resin, sugar, glucosides, etc. In addition, ethyl alcohol quickly causes alcohol intoxication and addiction. The animals' heartbeat quickens, their blood pressure rises, and after a while they become lethargic and cannot stand on their feet.

Cat alcoholism

Therefore, the expression “cat alcoholism” is not an empty phrase. Animals cannot resist alcohol. As soon as they smell valerian or take a pill, they immediately become drunk, that is, cats “get drunk.” Often, many of them fall into a deep, drunken sleep, which is typical for people.

The effect of valerian on the health of cats

Experts advise keeping medications out of reach of pets. A first aid kit with a lock that can be locked with a key is best suited for this. Then the medications are guaranteed not to cause harm. Otherwise, cats may break a bottle of medicine or chew off an entire package of pills.

If an animal begs for valerian, you should not indulge him in this. Regular use of the medicine can lead to allergies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

If a pet systematically sniffs a slightly opened bottle of valerian, this can lead to serious nervous disorders and even mental disorders. And if a cat that is accustomed to a daily “dose” is deprived of its usual “delicacy”, it will become restless, anxious or aggressive.

Sometimes valerian is actually beneficial for cats. This applies to animals with heart disease - veterinarians prescribe them medications with a small dose of this medicine. But in this case, the animal must be given medications strictly according to the prescribed regimen.

If valerian grows in the yard or on a personal plot, cats are not forbidden to “treat themselves” there. This does not harm their health at all and even brings some benefits - this is how purrs are treated if they have stomach problems.

What explains the reaction to valerian?

One explanation for why even one drop, or even the smell of a bottle standing nearby, affects a cat breed is alcohol dependence, which occurs from a few drops taken once.

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Another explanation for the interesting fact that the drug attracts more cats than cats is as follows. It is believed that their smell is associated with sex hormones emanating from cats.

Overdose symptoms

There are cases when a cat independently reached valerian by eating a whole package of tablets or drinking a bottle of alcohol tincture. As a result, an overdose of the drug occurs, which requires immediate intervention by a veterinarian.

In this case, the animal's life is at risk.

Signs of overdose:

  • white foam comes from the mouth;
  • convulsions in a cat;
  • the cat fell on its side;
  • eyes roll.

Therefore, the use of valerian is justified only as directed and under the supervision of a veterinarian, since each animal tolerates this medicine differently. So, protect the health of your furry pet from stupid experiments. After all, short-term fun can end very tragically - even death.


In certain cases, a cat can use valerian. The main thing in such a situation is not to overdo it with the dose of medicine. The maximum dose for a cat is a couple of drops, which can be placed on the cat’s nose or diluted in a small amount of water and given to drink.

Valerian tablets, in addition to the extract, contain a large amount of unnecessary chemicals, and therefore their effect will be zero . In addition, chemicals can seriously harm the animal. The conclusion from this is that cats should not be given valerian tablets.

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How does valerian affect cats?

Extracts from valerian root are used by humans as a sedative and antispasmodic. It relieves nervous tension, fights anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and much more. It contains more than 100 compounds and it is still not known exactly which of them gives a therapeutic effect. But this is for people. Valerian produces at least an unusual effect on cats, both domestic and wild. It does not calm, but excites cats. Actinidin acts as a stimulant in cats.

Beneficial properties of valerian

Experienced cat owners have found successful use of a medicine with a pungent odor. With its help, they accustom their pets to the tray.

If an adult cat does not want to relieve itself where it is supposed to, it is worth spraying valerian on the places in which it shits. Then the animal will no longer leave puddles and heaps there.

And you need to spray a special liquid into the tray for toilet training. You can purchase it at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

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