Valerian for cats: how it works and can it be given

On the Internet you can see many funny videos about how different cats react to valerian. For fun, some owners give this medicine to their pets. Many cats who taste valerian immediately become inadequate, which gives their owners a sea of ​​positive emotions. But how does this treasured liquid affect the animal’s body? Later in the article we will talk about exactly this.

Valerian, driving you crazy

Having thoroughly studied the nervous system and physical structure of the cat, scientists came to surprising conclusions. It turns out that valerian contains an odor very similar in composition to the pheromones that are found in the urine of a sexually mature adult cat. This plant stimulates the hormonal and emotional background, changing it. Since valerian has a strong effect on the central nervous system of quadrupeds, it changes the animal's perception of reality. As a result, cats begin to behave unpredictably.

In what cases can you give valerian to cats?

Despite all the negative effects on the body of cats, valerian is considered a medicinal plant, and veterinarians can prescribe it to cats.

Valerian extract is used in complex therapy of gastrointestinal diseases, heart and thyroid diseases.

Important: do not self-medicate, do not take on faith recipes based on cat grass that can be found on the Internet - this can end in disaster.

The only valerian that is not harmful is the one you give to your animals as prescribed by a doctor if there are medical indications.

Important: strictly adhere to the dosage.

What happens to a cat who takes a dose of valerian?

A few minutes after taking the “exciting medicine,” a calm domestic cat turns into a restless bully. Each cat's behavior may vary. But don’t be surprised to see your four-legged furry howling, endlessly rolling on the floor, greedily tearing curtains and wallpaper, and also peeing in the corners.

Valerian is a drug for cats. It can provoke various hallucinations in the animal. The cat can attack an imaginary enemy or run away from a predator pursuing it.

Cats after valerian - changes in behavior

Everyone has ever seen how valerian affects cats. One drop of tincture spilled on the floor immediately becomes the center of attention for your furry pet. The animals begin to scream heart-rendingly, roll on the floor, run through all the rooms, jump on the curtains and climb the walls. It seems that at such moments cats see nothing and no one except the treasured liquid.

Overexcitation of the nervous system causes animals to have an inadequate perception of the outside world. They do not recognize or obey their owners. They can behave extremely aggressively with them or shy away from the owner’s hands. Some individuals become shy and extremely cautious. They are afraid of any sounds and hide from familiar objects and people. The pheromone that is part of the grass puts animals into a state of sexual hunting - the cats begin to mark the territory, and the cats roll on the floor and meow invitingly.

Animals may lose coordination, they fall off their feet, they cannot walk through the doorway, get into the tray and find a bowl of food - all these symptoms are reminiscent of a person being intoxicated. In the most severe cases, pets may develop hallucinations. It seems to them that someone is hunting them, they bite, hiss and fight with their toys and owners. This is also how people behave during delirium tremens.

Most often, hallucinations develop when consuming an alcoholic infusion of valerian, since the intoxicating effect of alcohol is added to the stimulating effect of the plant. Intoxication from alcohol is another reason why cats love valerian.

Alcoholic valerian for cats is a direct road to cat alcoholism. Cats quickly become dependent on alcohol - they do not have genetic resistance to alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the tincture will not harm a person, but for cats this amount can be fatal.


Cats can very easily be “hooked” on valerian, because they are partial to it, just as alcoholics are partial to alcohol. Everyone knows that valerian root is infused with spirit. Since cats have no resistance to alcohol, they can quickly become drunk.

Before pouring a dose of “alcohol” into your pet, you should think about how alcohol affects the human body. It turns out that under the influence of valerian, the cat’s body is very quickly destroyed. In the near future, you can expect the following consequences of the fun:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • inhibition of actions;
  • liver diseases.


If it happens that the cat gets to the first aid kit and eats or drinks a large amount of valerian, it must be taken to a veterinarian. First, you should determine the type and amount of the drug eaten, this will help the doctor establish a complete picture of what happened.

With an overdose of valerian, a cat may lose its orientation in space. His paws are moving apart, coordination of movements is greatly impaired. The cat may howl, try to hide from perceived danger, and defend itself. An animal in such a state does not understand where to relieve itself and does it “where it has to.”

The cat may fall on its side with its eyes rolled up and white foam may come out of its mouth. In this case, you cannot hesitate; he must be urgently taken to the clinic for gastric lavage. Also an alarming signal is the pet’s uninterrupted sleep.

An interesting feature of the aroma of the plant

So why are cats so attracted and excited by the scent of valerian, while humans are calmed by it? In other words, we can say that this plant is a kind of drug for our little brothers. Valerian extract causes cats to become intoxicated.

They really like it. Smelling this alluring aroma, cats begin to wriggle and purr loudly. If by chance, while walking, they come across a growing valerian in a clearing, they will immediately begin to ride on it, jump, do whatever they want to make the grass release its juices. But not everything is so good.

Uses of Valerian

So is it possible to give cats valerian or not? Today, some veterinarians still cannot come to a common answer. Because there are cases when this is simply necessary.

For example, when you want to match a cat with a cat, but for various reasons it doesn’t work out for you. At the same time, the female categorically does not allow the male to approach her. Then you can resort to tricks and put a couple of drops on her nose to increase her sexual desire.

Is there any danger?

The effect of valerian on cats is comparable to a drug; it is immediate and accompanied by hallucinations. And then comes a deep sleep and a feeling of apathy and depression. Alcohol destroys the pet’s vital organs and causes alcohol addiction.

Tablets with this medicinal plant turned out to be even more dangerous for the cat’s health. The synthetic components that are present in valerian tablets can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Let us also note the fact that the excitation caused by the action of the drug quickly replaces inhibition. The cat remains asleep for a long time, and then becomes sad and depressed. He may panic, and this state may last for several days. An aggressive state caused by the consequences of taking the drug was also noted.

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But in some cases, taking valerian is simply necessary. Only a veterinarian can prescribe it with an exact dosage. At the same time, he must correlate the benefits and harms of the drug. It is usually prescribed only in cases of detected problems :

  • with the cardiovascular system
  • with spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.


Often, owners do not know how to cope with their pet during heat. The cat begins to rush outside, screaming loudly not only during the day, but also at night. And if you don’t try to introduce her to the cat during this period, then, of course, a difficult period is coming for you and all the residents of the house. Since the animal begins to behave completely inappropriately.

He always needs supervision. Otherwise, the cat may simply run away and you will not find it. At night the owners stop sleeping. Because loud meowing can be heard throughout the house. In such cases, the owners begin to give the animal some kind of hormonal drug. It often has negative consequences for the pet's health. Owners also use antihistamines. But they can also harm the health of their pets.

And in search of harmless and effective drugs, many owners resort to their favorite cat arphrodisiac, without thinking at all about whether it is possible to give a cat valerian during estrus. Of course, this absolutely cannot be done. Since the cat already experiences a strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex, and then you and your valerian. All her symptoms will simply begin to manifest themselves more aggressively. Therefore, if you are trying to achieve a calming state in an animal, then it is not advisable to give this remedy. The most effective method and more or less safe for the health of cats is sterilization, unless, of course, you are breeding kittens for sale.

Experiments with valerian

Many owners let their cats smell valerian for fun. They are interested in observing sudden changes in behavior in a cat. But after a sudden surge of energy, the animal experiences a loss of strength, drowsiness and lethargy. The cat can simply fall asleep for several hours. It is also not recommended to repeat such experiments several times in a row. Because it can be addictive. Just like a person after drinking alcohol, a cat can subsequently experience real withdrawal symptoms. This aroma has a particularly alluring effect on males.

According to one version of scientists, the smell of valerian attracts them in the same way as the fluids of individuals of the opposite sex. Since experiments were carried out and valerian was given to kittens who had not yet reached four months of age to smell, their behavior did not change at all. And after the animal reaches puberty, it begins to react to such an alluring aroma. The animal simply begins to experience sexual arousal towards the opposite sex.

Other cat herbs

In Russia, the most famous cat “drug” is valerian. But the list of plants that can cause euphoria does not end:

  • Catnip promotes positive emotions in 75% of cats. It is not addictive, safe, and inexpensive. Stores sell toys, scratching posts soaked in mint, and sprays.
  • Tatarian honeysuckle - decorates a garden plot, is ideal as a hedge, but also attracts cats. Animals that are indifferent to mint and valerian will definitely show interest in honeysuckle. Honeysuckle-based preparations in their pure form are not easy to find in stores. But there are toys filled with plant sawdust.
  • Actinidia polygamous (matatabi or Japanese catnip) is a plant that no cat will remain indifferent to. Not very common in pet stores, mainly through online orders.

All euphoretic plants are used to help animals get out of stress and improve their mood. But it is unacceptable to use them on a regular basis, since psychoactive drugs cause addiction, withdrawal symptoms and hangover symptoms.

Site Expert

Alexandra Maksimovna Palagina

Education: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, specialty – veterinarian

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The dangers of valerian preparations for cats

Under no circumstances should you give your animal human medications. They may contain other additives, including synthetic ones, that are harmful to furry animals and may be too strong for the cat's body. We are talking about valerian in tablets. This form of medication contains additional substances that can cause allergies in the pet.

An alcohol tincture of valerian root is no less dangerous for a cat if the animal decides to lap it. Alcohol in any dose is poison for the cat’s body. Ethanol begins to act almost instantly after it enters the body. Ethanol poisoning occurs. Like in humans, it manifests itself as intestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, impaired coordination of movement, and loss of consciousness.

If the cat drinks the tincture to its fill, valerian intoxication occurs. The animal loses coordination, the doorway becomes too small for the cat, and it may not fit into the litter box. Hallucinations may occur. The cat lunges at a non-existent object or another animal. This is noted precisely from taking an alcohol infusion. Afterwards, the pet begins to experience something similar to a hangover - appetite worsens or is absent, sleep is disturbed, and apathy. It is believed that cat alcoholism develops very quickly.

The dependence on valerian is strong. And the animal will suffer withdrawal symptoms after each use of the product.

The cat will become dependent and will demand a new dose from the owner or search for it himself in cabinets and shelves.

Opposite effect

Cats do not always become playful under the influence of valerian. For some, its aroma has the opposite effect. Pets can, after sniffing even a little of the extract of this plant, become aggressive, irritated, and even rush at their owner and bite him. And, despite the fact that your pet may already be of advanced age, under the influence of valerian he will begin, just like a young animal, to run and jump without stopping. But you should not forget that an elderly cat may develop heart problems after such a playful mood after taking the drug.

Safe ways to use valerian

Following the advice of veterinarians, you can still check your pet’s reaction to this interesting substance. It is important to be careful not to overdo the quantity. The maximum you can do to please your cat is to smear 1-2 drops on a plate or floor and observe. If you are the owner of a young, unneutered cat, he will most likely lick this area and rub his entire body against it.

Valerian may even help you train your cat to use a scratching post.

To do this, you also need to lubricate the surface with a couple of drops of tincture. After this procedure, the scratching post will become your pet’s favorite toy. This way you will protect your furniture from regular attacks from sharp animal claws.

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