Cartoons about cats: 10 best cartoons from Prostokvashino to Puss in Boots, photos, videos

10 favorite cartoon cats August 8, 2012, 00:00 | Katya Kozhevnikova

16 chosen

Today the world celebrates a wonderful holiday - World Cat Day . On this occasion, I propose to congratulate your own pets or feed the homeless, and at the same time remember our most beloved animated cat characters. After all, cats are incredibly charming creatures, it’s no wonder that they make such cute cartoon characters. And they all have their own unique characters. Don't believe me? Let's see!

Kitten named Woof

Perhaps the most famous kitten from Soviet cartoons is a kitten with the unusual name Woof. He looks at the world with his big blue eyes, makes friends with the puppy and generally behaves strangely and not like a cat. This cartoon is called one of the most touching Soviet cartoons. Therefore, Woof confidently wins the “Cutest Kitten” category.

Cat Matroskin

The sensible and reasonable cat Matroskin from the cartoon Troy from Prostokvashino was a real helper to his owner: he did housework, looked after his sick Uncle Fyodor, and kept a cow. Do you remember his catchphrase: “I can also bake pies”? I think no one would refuse such a pet. So he is the only possible winner in the “Most Economic Cat” category.

Leopold the cat

The phrase “Leopold, come out!” Come out, you vile coward!” we remember from childhood. Leopold is an intellectual and a pacifist, he tries not to harm anyone. At the same time, he is constantly tormented by a couple of impudent mouse hooligans who consider Leopold's kindness a sign of cowardice. But, as it should be in a children's cartoon, good (even peaceful) always defeats evil (even militant). For his patience, endurance and willpower, Leopold is awarded the title “The Friendliest Cat”.


The name of this cartoon has become a household word. This is what parents call their children when they are not seriously angry with them, but want to jokingly scold them. A little kitten wants to sing his song to people, but everyone scolds him and drives him away. But at the end of the cartoon, the kitten will find a new friend, sing his song, and things will immediately improve for all the people around him. For this we will give him the title “The Happiest Kitten”. In the sense that brings happiness.

Kitten from Lizyukov Street

Kitten Vasily lives in Voronezh on Lizyukova Street and constantly runs away from the puppy. Vasily does not like this life, and he dreams of turning into a big and terrible beast. The witch crow turns the kitten into a hippopotamus and sends it to Africa. But it turns out that being a hippopotamus is also not easy, especially if you try to climb trees out of habit. Missing home, the hippopotamus kitten nails signs with the name of his native street to the palm trees. Therefore, when his elephant friend found herself in Voronezh, she was surprised: “Where do these African names come from?” Well, I don’t know , maybe in real Africa they haven’t heard about Lizyukov Street, but the kitten definitely made it famous throughout Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that a monument to Vasily appeared on it several years ago - the first monument to an animated character in Russia. That’s why we’ll call him “The Most Memorable Kitten.”

Fat Red Cat (Return of the Prodigal Parrot)

The barrel-shaped red cat from the cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot is, although not the main character, but a very memorable character. Such a cartoon Oblomov: he lives with rich owners, he has everything and needs nothing. “Tahiti-Tahiti! We were not in any Tahiti! They feed us well here too!” So he earned the title of "The Laziest Cat".


Garfield, a cheeky and narcissistic red cat, was born on the pages of a comic book, then got his own animated series, and a few years ago he grew into a film. He is incredibly selfish and lazy, but shows rare ingenuity to get food. Despite the cat's bad character, the owner loves him, and Garfield himself is capable of showing good feelings. He is somewhat similar to a fat red cat, but he is much more arrogant. Well, that’s what we’ll call him: “The most impudent cat.”

Aristocratic cats

A family of aristocratic cats: the cat Duchess and her trio of kittens find themselves in a difficult situation: their owner's butler is trying to get rid of the animals in order to receive an inheritance instead, and takes them out of town. The pets were not ready for life on the street, but the family met the street cat Thomas O'Malley, who helps them return to Paris. Aristocrats is a musical cartoon, so its characters fully deserve the title of “The Most Musical Cats.”


The disheveled stray black cat named Mitten from the Disney cartoon Bolt is an independent and cunning creature. She once had a home and owners, but they moved and left the cat on the street. Mittens became a cynical pessimist with a sarcastic sense of humor. How else? You can't abandon animals! The cartoon, of course, will end well, but because of its difficult fate, I want to call Mitten “The Unluckiest Cartoon Cat.”

Puss in Boots

The first place among the most beloved and charming cartoon kittens deservedly goes to Puss in Boots from the cartoon series about Shrek . His favorite technique in a fight is to look at his opponent with big, big eyes. And when the enemies are moved and throw down their weapons to pet the charming creature, the cat rushes into battle. Puss in Boots appeared in the second Shrek cartoon as a specialist in killing ogres, but unexpectedly became a friend of the green ogre. The audience loved him so much that they even made their own film about him. I think that for his soulful look, he fully deserves the title of “The most charming cat” from the cartoon.

What cartoon cats do you like?

Katya Kozhevnikova ,

Oggy and the Cockroaches (France, since 1998)

Oggy the cat is a typical Frenchman living in the suburbs, a little romantic and very lazy.
Loves to relax and eat delicious food. His quiet life is disturbed by three cockroaches that live in his house and dream of getting to the treasured refrigerator. The plot of the cartoon revolves around this conflict. This comedy of several episodes will delight lovers of French humor, as well as fans of animation.

Kitten Woof (USSR, 1976 - 1982)

“Are they waiting for me?
These troubles? Well, I'm off!" - this is the motto of a brave kitten with an unusual name! “Kitten Woof” is a Soviet animated fairy tale that tells about the adventures of a Siamese baby living in the yard. An experienced yard cat and a friend, the puppy Sharik, help the kitten in his adventures. Kitten Woof will teach everyone to be afraid of a thunderstorm in the attic and to properly share sausages.

"Puss in Boots"

An animated cartoon released in 2011. Created as a continuation of the story of Shrek .

The action takes place in Spain. Throughout the film, the adventures of a robber cat are told, who took money and jewelry from the rich and helped the poor.

After its premiere in cinemas around the world, the cartoon was also released on disc. This happened in March 2012 .

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World cinema stars such as Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thornton, Emmy Sedaris, Constance Marie and others took part in the dubbing of the cartoon

At first the cartoon was called “The Story of the Ogre Killer.” It was taken from the original fairy tale, where the cat just defeated not the Ogre, but the evil ogre.

Leopold the Cat (USSR, 1975 - 1987)

A retired cat lives on Murlykina Street the typical life of a Soviet intellectual.
He lives for himself, doesn’t bother anyone, but two hooligans constantly interfere with his life! And of course, these are two cunning mice. A classic example of Soviet animation that does not become outdated after many years. And the cat’s famous phrase, “Guys, let’s live together,” became commonly used.

Petson and Findus

A series of cartoons based on a fairy tale by Swedish children's writer Sven Nordqvist. The old eccentric Petson lives in a Swedish village, invents the most unusual devices, takes care of the garden and stupid chickens. Findus is a small, restless, talking cat who constantly gets into all sorts of troubles. Petson and Findus are completely different characters, but this doesn’t stop them from being best friends, having fun and getting into crazy adventures. There are fairy tales, comics, short 15-minute animated series and full-length feature films about the adventures of Petson and Findus.

Aristocrats (USA, France, 1970)

Parisian cats of noble origin charm with their carefree nature!
Cute kittens and their mother lazily live in their owner's large mansion until the butler decides to change her mind about the will. How is it possible to bequeath everything to your cats! This is where the adventures of wonderful French cats begin. This cartoon will provide you with a pleasant family evening!

Thunder the Cat and the Enchanted House (Belgium, 2013)

This story tells about a red kitten who accidentally climbed into the wizard's house and found friends and adventures.
At first, the rest of the pets at home do not accept the kitten - and this leads to their owner being hospitalized and other problems. Fortunately, the residents of the house find the strength to unite and solve all the misfortunes that have happened. And then they become friends - isn’t it nice?

Cartoon Once upon a time there was a cat

The black kitten Rudolf lives with a girl named Ree. The girl leaves the house, the kitten goes outside. From the roof he surveys the surroundings. He sees that the girl forgot to close the gate, goes out into the street, dodges passers-by, cars, cyclists, falls into a box of fish, runs away from an angry seller with a fish in her teeth, jumps into the back of a truck and hits the road. The next morning he wakes up and jumps out of a car in an unfamiliar city (it's Tokyo). Again passers-by, cars, cyclists. In a quiet alley, a huge tabby cat approaches Rudolph. He demands fish from the baby. He is forced to give up his spoils. The kitten says its name and asks the cat's name. He answers: there are a million of them. A very strange name, Rudolf is surprised. Where does the kitten live? On third street. Rudolph can't say anything more. The big cat explains to the baby that he will never get home at this address.

Their million invites the kitten to their lair. Along the way, all the cats shy away from the menacing glances of their new acquaintance Rudolf.

The next day, the big cat and Rudolph make their way around the area in search of food. They approach the school cafeteria, the cooks are surprised: the Boss knows exactly when meat stew is on the menu. Somewhere Rudolph's acquaintance is called Stripe, somewhere Giant, somewhere Tabi. Now do you understand about the million names? Did you call yourself Rudolf? No. This is Ri's idea, in honor of the emperor. Ah, the Hamburger Dynasty! How did you learn to get along with people? Perhaps you were once at home? Rudolf's question remains unanswered.

Rudolph meets Bushy. This cat lives in a computer store, he considers himself fashionable and stylish, and says that he knows about everything that is happening in the area. Everyone except the Devil is afraid of the lonely cat with whom Rudolph lives. One day, the Lonely Cat defeated even a dog in battle. Who is the Devil? Bushi shows Rudolph a fenced-in yard, from which a terrible growl can be heard. There is a sign on the gate that reads, “Beware of the angry dog!”

Bushey confirms Rudolph's version: The Lonely Cat was indeed once a pet. His master's house was next door to the house guarded by the Devil. They got along well, but the cat's owner left, and the Devil began to mock the homeless man.

Rudolf asks how Ikhmillion knows so much. He says that his master, before he left, taught him the art of reading. For a whole year, the Tiger (as his owner called Ikhmillion) learned to read and finally mastered this skill. And this helps him a lot in life. For example, by reading the menu posted in the school cafeteria, he can always find out when his favorite meat stew will be prepared. A million of them are taking Rudolf to school, it’s summer holidays there. They sneak into the school classroom, Ikhmillion shows the kitten books with pictures. Here is an encyclopedia of the animal world. There is a picture of a lion here, it says how much it weighs, how big it is. Rudolph asks Ikhmillion to teach him how to read. He agrees, but on one condition: the kitten should not quit classes halfway. Ikhmillion shows Rudolf how to write hiragana and romaji signs.

The cats are visiting school again. This time the door is opened for them by a teacher who looks like a bear from a picture in an encyclopedia. He lets Boss and Chernysh into the library. They are looking at books. The teacher is watching TV. Rudolph looks at the screen and suddenly recognizes the view he saw from the roof of his house. Under the picture there is an inscription: the city of Gifu. Rudolph and Ikhmillion study a map of Japan and find out where the kitten's hometown is. Their million claims that Gifu is very far away, cats cannot overcome such a distance. Rudolf objects: if I came here by truck, I’ll leave by truck. He jumps out into the street, runs and discovers a van with Gifu's name on the side. Rudolph jumps inside, the driver locks the door to the van. Bushy and Lonely Cat race after the car. The kitten is trapped in a refrigerator and is becoming very cold. The car stops and the driver unlocks the van doors. A million of them take out a piece of ice into which the kitten has turned into. He breaks the block with a mighty blow of wide ice. Rudolph comes to his senses and receives a slap in the face: only the uneducated are going on a long journey without a plan.

After some time, the cats discover an advertisement: a bus tour from Tokyo to Gifu. They go to the bus station and find out the date and time of bus departure. On the eve of Rudolf's departure, Bushey proposes to organize a farewell party. Rudolf says that he would love to taste the meat. A million of them are going somewhere. After some time, Bushi comes running with sad news: A lonely cat is seriously injured, he lies in the courtyard of the house where his owner used to live. He went to Diavola and asked him for meat for his farewell party. The dog tricked him into the yard and attacked the cat. Bushy and Rudolph can't help their friend. Then Rudolf goes to the house where the teacher lives. He meows to call him outside, and then writes on the ground with his claws: The boss is dying. He takes the teacher to Ikhmillion, the man takes the cat to a veterinary hospital, where he is treated.

The patient will need two weeks of rest. The teacher takes the Boss with him for this time, Chernysh is also allowed into his home. A million of them are coming to their senses. He tells Rudolf that he was hit by a car. The bus is leaving soon. Rudolf says goodbye to his friend and leaves. He and Bushi go to meet the Devil, Rudolph teases the dog, he chases the kitten throughout the yard, falls into the pond. He can't swim and begs the cats to save him. They make him promise never to hurt cats and hand him a broom.

After some time, Rudolf nevertheless goes to Gifu in a passing car, but during his absence, Ree acquired exactly the same black kitten. Rudolf returns to Tokyo. There he learns that the Tiger's owner has returned. He is throwing a party for his cat and his friends. Rudolph dreams of new travels.

Return of the Cat (Japan, 2002)

The translation of the title into Russian does not accurately reflect the essence of the cartoon - it would be more correct to call it “The Cat Returns Kindness” or “The Cat’s Gratitude.”
An anime film from Studio Ghibli shows how cats can thank a person - which is what happened to the girl who saved the cat from death. And the best gratitude that cats can return to a person, according to cats, is to make that person a cat. But does a girl need this?

Cartoon Cat replaced the Queen of Spades

Cartoon Cat became popular in the Russian-language segment of the Internet at the end of spring 2022. Zoomers discovered such a widespread entertainment 20 years ago as calling spirits. Now the Queen of Spades and gnomes of various stripes have been replaced by Cartoon Cat. Social media users have compiled a guide on how to summon a monstrous cat in real life.

Signs that he [Cartoon Cat] has arrived: if you have a cat, he will meow. There may be traces of blood. His [paws] are stretching.

And YouTubers (mostly under 20 years old) started hunting for him. A cartoon cat waits for a victim in his own apartment or kidnaps a family member.

Thanks to the fact that Kat was originally a ridiculous and implausible animated character, almost any blogger could add a 3D model of him to their video. The monster in the videos was waiting for children left at home without parents in a locked room, chasing them and hunting adults.

And in the summer of 2022, the hunt for the monster cat was opened by one of the most popular Russian-speaking YouTubers, Vlad A4. The blogger tried to catch the monster in an abandoned camp using valerian, a ball of thread and a laser pointer.

Gradually, Kat, thanks to his cartoonishness and harmlessness, became an almost ideal monster for YouTube and children's horror stories. And then he moved to TikTok, where his demonic image changed completely, and he became a cute 3D cat (albeit with a very toothy mouth).

Cat's House (USSR, 1958)

An instructive Soviet cartoon about the consequences of actions.
A rich cat lives in her magnificent house, to which her poor kittens-nephews constantly come. The cat does not want to see the kittens, and always drives them away, refusing to help. When the cat got into trouble, only the kittens did not turn away from the rich aunt. The kittens turned out to be wiser than the Cat, who was chasing wealth.

"Meow Scarecrow"

Soviet cartoon directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya.

According to the plot , one summer morning in one city a black kitten woke up and decided to sing a cheerful song, but he was driven away from everywhere.

Minor troubles began to happen to the main character.

was given a nickname for his concerts - Scarecrow-Meow. He began to cry out of resentment and sang a very sad song.

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Because of which the sun disappeared, the weather became cloudy and gloomy.

But a cheerful girl came to the Scarecrow-Meowchel, and then everything changed: she invited the kitten to sing a cheerful song again. See for yourself what came of it.

After the release of the cartoon, the name “scarecrow” became a household name . Parents called their children this if they behaved badly.

Songs from the cartoon began to be released for listening on records and discs. In the 90s, the audio fairy tale “Scarecrow-Meow” was released.

Watch the cartoon:


It is also worth paying attention to the most famous foreign cartoons with cats in leading roles.

Cats Don't Dance (USA, 1997)

A musical film from Warner Brothers that tells the story of the ambitions of a young cat, Danny.
He goes to Hollywood to fulfill his dream of becoming a great actor. Danny really wants to outshine everyone on the set - and to do this he starts dancing, which is very unusual for cats. Danny's talent was not noticed at first - but all efforts will be rewarded.

Oliver and Company (USA, 1988)

This cartoon is based on the famous novel by Charles Dickens "The Adventures of Oliver Twist".
Red kitten Oliver lives on the streets of New York, where he has to make friends with dogs. And not just to be friends - but to lead a real life of robbery! The cartoon was filmed by the Disney studio, and it is not particularly well known - and this is due to its later release on cinema screens.
However, a good comedy-musical will brighten up any evening! Did you like the article? Share with your friends!


A series of cartoons based on the story “ Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat ” by Eduard Uspensky. The screenwriter was Uspensky himself.

The story of Uncle Fyodor and his friends has been loved by many generations of viewers.

The boy picked up one of the main characters on the street - the cat Matroskin, who was distinguished by his sharp mind, kindness and sense of justice.

Since Uncle Fyodor’s mother was against the cat in the apartment, the boy’s friends and their pet went to live in the village , where other heroes had already appeared: the dog Sharik, a cheerful, good-natured fellow, and the postman Pechkin, a charming uncle with a long nose of a curious barbarian.

In the village, everyone had their own business - Matroski got a cow, and Sharik took up photo hunting.

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In 1978, the cartoon was released at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.

In 1980 , a continuation of “Prostokvashino” appeared on the screens called “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, and then the third part – “Winter in Prostokvashino” (1984).

The main characters were voiced by famous actors : Maria Vinogradova, Oleg Tabakov, Lev Durov, Valentina Talyzina.

Animation has become much more popular than books.

After filming the first episode, there was a conflict between the animators and therefore the appearance of the characters in the second part underwent significant changes.

Watch episode 1 of the cartoon:


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