American Wirehair: Accidental emergence of a unique breed

American Wirehair cat photo The American Wirehair cat, unlike many of its brothers, cannot boast of an aristocratic past. Her parents had no known pedigree and were ordinary short-haired felines. Many people believe that the cat breed has this name because the animal's fur is rough to the touch, but this is not true. By making a unique bend and connecting at the tips, the hairs create a wire effect, and the animal’s fur coat becomes like plush or astrakhan fur. What else is hidden in this unique breed from the United States? Let's start the story.

History of the origin of the American Wirehair cat breed

The breed was formed by nature itself in the United States in 1966. One wirehaired kitten suddenly appeared in the litter of a farm cat living in New York. Rumors about an unusual kitten overtook a breeder named Joan, who was already interested in breeding American Shorthairs. The first cat in the litter was named Adam.

Joan later acquired two more wire-haired cats. The examination confirmed the exclusivity of the origin of animal hair, which had not previously been found in the cat breed. Subsequently, the unique kittens were crossed with American smooth-haired cats.

Until the early 70s, the breeder was one of the few who bred unique pets. Today her business continues to live on, but the breed is still considered rare.


The breed was recognized by official organizations in 1978. External standards continue to change to this day.

The picture shows one of the most common colors.

Interesting facts about the breed

  1. The progenitor of the unique wire-haired breed is considered to be a white and red kitten named Adam, the only surviving specimen in the litter.
  2. Sometimes, in a litter of 5 kittens, not all of them retain hereditary characteristics; babies may appear without obvious wire-haired characteristics, which is discovered after 3 months of development.

Those who already have a kitten of an unusual breed can simply be envied, because she is truly lucky. These people are the owners of not just a charming pet, but also a loyal friend. Isn’t it wonderful to have an amazing creature at home, who patiently waits for you from work, watches TV with you, reads, plays and is simply happy that you exist. Yes, this is great happiness!

Appearance of the American Wirehair cat

She has the world standard of appearance established by the World Phenological Organization.

Height and weight

Pets are classified as medium-sized animals. Height at the withers is approximately 30 cm. An adult cat stretches 5-7 kg. Females are always slightly lighter than males

Length and shape of limbs

The full paws are slightly tapered towards the end. They are round and large. The tail reaches medium size. It tapers towards its end, the tip is rounded.

Head shape

The head protrudes slightly forward. The neck is very powerful. The ears are medium in size and located close to each other. There is practically no forward bending, because the ears stand vertically. Sometimes tassels form on the rounded tips.

The nose is compact, the bridge of the nose is wide. The profile stands out due to the sloping curve between the forehead and nose.

Eye color and shape

The eyelids have a transitional shape between regular round and almond eyes. The outer corners are slightly turned up. The eyelids are open, which is why the expression of the muzzle seems surprised.

The shade of the iris matches the color of the coat. Thus, lilac cats boast bright green eyes, while cream and brown cats have a yellow iris.

The pictures do not reflect the full depth and beauty of the eyes, but they give an approximate idea.


The breed was nicknamed Wirehair because of the unusual structure of the hair on its body. Curls are located on the head, hips, and back. There are cats with curly whiskers. Thanks to the unique structure of the hairs, the fur looks curly, which is unusual for cats. Mistakenly the fur seems very rough, but it is quite soft. Its texture is different from the coat of the British or Abyssinians. The hair itself is short and very dense.


The fur feels like a washing sponge that bounces back when touched.


These are medium or large animals, quite strong, with good stretching. The muscle relief is noticeable even under a layer of wool. The breast protrudes forward. The legs at the base are powerful and developed.


American Wirehair cats hardly meow. They usually make various purring sounds. Cats spend most of their time in silence. If there is a shortage of food, they can demandly turn to the owner.


With proper care, pets live for about 15 years. There are many individuals who lived up to 18-20 years.

Possible defects

The American Wirehair cat breed has its own vices. They do not spoil the appearance of the pet, and they will be invisible to a loving owner. Defects exclude the animal from participating in official exhibitions.


  1. Tail with fractures, bends, and nodules. This defect occurs in many cats. Tail creases occur both in fetuses and in adulthood as a result of injuries and fractures.
  2. White spots on the legs, body, head. The presence of light hairs is not desirable in American breeds. They indicate a crossbreed or other deviations.
  3. Cryptorchidism. Absence of testicles. The disease occurs in only 1-3% of males.
  4. Rarely does a chocolate or bluish color with a lilac tint appear. These shades are considered a vice. Such cats are not allowed at exhibitions.

Sterilization or castration

If breeding is not of interest, then the question arises: is it worth sterilizing the animal? There are special drugs that inhibit the sexual activity of cats. These can be drops, injections or tablets. But not everyone knows that their constant use is undesirable. These medications are designed to temporarily stop active sexual behavior in cats. With constant or frequent use, they can provoke diseases of the genital area. Therefore, if offspring are not planned, it is better to resort to castration or sterilization surgery.

Castration (Latin castratio - castration) is an operation to remove the gonads in animals. After castration, animals are not only incapable of reproducing offspring, but also stop displaying sexual behavior. In males, territorial marking and aggression disappear; in females, signs of estrus disappear due to the inability to produce sex hormones.

Sterilization (Latin sterilis - sterile) is a surgical operation that results in the deprivation of the animal's ability to bear children while maintaining the production of sex hormones. During this operation, the gonads are not removed, but the vas deferens in males or the fallopian tubes in females are ligated, or they are partially removed, which prevents conception. After sterilization, unlike castration, the production of sex hormones and sexual instincts are preserved.

Advantages of sterilization (castration)

Some facts can be confidently considered as an advantage of sterilization (castration):

  • Such animals live longer and get sick less often.
  • In cats, this operation eliminates uterine diseases and significantly reduces the risk of mammary gland diseases.
  • Neutered cats are distinguished by their docile and balanced character.
  • In cats, the likelihood of diseases such as prostatitis, hormone-dependent tumors of the testicles and testes is reduced.
  • Castration and sterilization operations are well established and are carried out in all clinics. They are safe and painless.

It is best to spay cats between 6 and 9 months of age before their first heat cycle. In this case, the risk of breast tumor formation is minimized.

It is best for a cat to undergo this procedure at 7–9 months. At this time, he is already quite old; puberty has begun, but has not yet completed. You can also operate on an adult cat, but at a young age the animal tolerates the operation more easily. In addition, 15% of adult cats may continue to mark their territory out of habit, although the marks do not have such a strong odor.

Post-operative care

Post-operative care does not require much effort. In cats, stitches are removed on days 8–12, and the cat feels great immediately after emerging from anesthesia.

After the operation, the cat will spend 8–12 days in a bandage, then the stitches will be removed

Possible complications

The correct age of the animal is the key to ensuring that the operation goes without complications. The older the pet, the more difficult it will be for him to endure anesthesia and the procedure itself.

Any castration is carried out under general anesthesia, and anesthesia is always a health risk, although low. Therefore, it is not recommended to operate on animals older than 8 years.

Complications may occur after surgery:

  • bleeding;
  • development of infection;
  • divergence of seams.

Their likelihood is reduced if the surgeon is well qualified.

Neutered cats have an increased risk of developing urolithiasis. If the animal eats dry food, then it should be switched to a line of special products for neutered cats

It is important that the cat drinks enough water. If your pet is fed natural food, then you should limit fish and fatty meat, and monitor the constant availability of clean water.

Coat color

There is a wide variety of colors. The American breed has all existing colors. There are more than 60 colors. They seem to imitate all types of cats.

The photo shows a unique tricolor cat.


Pure monochromatic colors are becoming increasingly rare. At the same time, in nurseries, even animals of the same color have other color inclusions on their fur. Upon closer inspection, it is easy to find dark hairs, small spots, etc.

The most common shades:

  • black;
  • cream;
  • silver;
  • red or fiery.


Multi-colored colors are much more common.

The most common:

  • tortoiseshell;
  • cross with white;
  • a mixture of brown shades.


The cat is medium size, weight 3-7 kg. The general appearance is the same as that of the American Shorthair. This is a perfectly balanced cat, without overly prominent features. The character is in harmony with the appearance, just as balanced. The advantages and disadvantages of a cat make it possible to keep it for people with different needs.

Pros briefly:

  1. The highlight is in appearance.
  2. Soft and active character.
  3. Intelligence and intelligence.
  4. Unpretentiousness.
  5. Excellent health.

The breed has no disadvantages, except that it is an extremely rare cat even in Canada and the USA.

Characteristics and habits

The American Wirehair cat stands out for its bright character, for which it received the nickname “punk” among animals. They are very playful, active and cheerful. Even standard images easily convey the special character of cats, their intelligent and penetrating gaze.


Cats have developed instincts. They are excellent mousecatchers. Business creatures will always find something to keep themselves busy. This is a big plus for people who live in the house. Perhaps the pet’s new hobbies and interests will not always please the owner.


The American Wirehair cat breed loves people and cannot stand loneliness. It is important to play with them and communicate at least 1 hour a day. Otherwise, the animal may become apathetic and depressed. They perceive strangers with interest, and the first ones come up to introduce themselves.

They perceive four-legged friends positively and get along with cats and dogs. Pets are suitable for families with children. Cats are tolerant of children's antics. Despite their sociability, they do not like to be held.


Two unneutered cats in the house will share the territory. It is better to have animals of different sexes.


American Wirehair cats are distinguished by their intelligence. If you hide treats or favorite toys from them, they are more likely to get them. Due to their developed intelligence, they understand people well, read their intonations and emotions.


Cats love to play, they devote most of their active time to this. If you don't pay attention to them, they will find something to entertain themselves. It could be a home flower, a roll of toilet paper, or shoes with beautiful straps. They remain playful throughout their lives and even in old age will be happy with a new ball. For some owners this is a significant disadvantage.


Each pet has a unique character and preferences. Some people like toy mice, others love skeins of thread, and still others cannot live without a ball. Therefore, it is important to provide your cat with a good selection of toys.

Mr. Cat recommends: Temperament features

The American Wirehair is very popular in its historical homeland due to its remarkable character. These friendly pets are incredibly stress-resistant and quickly adapt to any environment. By the way, read about stress in cats. They are equally comfortable with a silent owner or in the circle of a large and noisy family with small children.

They are playful and active all their lives, even in old age. They will always find something to do and tolerate short-term loneliness calmly.

Very brave hunters and protectors. They confidently make contact even with unfamiliar people and animals. In the event of an attack, they will be able to stand up for themselves perfectly, but they will never be the first to show aggression.

Care and maintenance

Care includes basic procedures. However, there are several special nuances for caring for hair.

Moving into a new home

It is necessary to provide the animal with a set of items:

  1. Scratching post. If an American cat has no place to sharpen its claws, it will tear up the sofa or wallpaper. Moreover, different animals have different preferences. Some people like vertical posts, others prefer corrugated cardboard planes. It would be good if the scratching posts were of different lengths and configurations.
  2. Tray. Must be in an accessible place. The filler is changed every 2-3 days. Wood and silica gel litter is suitable for most pets.
  3. A place to sleep. American cats can sleep on the floor, sofa, chair or bed with their owner. Despite this, the pet should have its own cozy corner with a bed or blanket.
  4. Food area. There should always be clean drinking water and dry food on site. Cups are washed daily. To maintain cleanliness, use rubber mats for cups.
  5. Harness. If the animal will be walked, it is better to do so on a leash. Otherwise, cats can easily run away from their owner.

You should also hide fragile souvenirs and valuable small items. Remove needles, threads, knitting needles, etc. It’s also better not to leave money in a visible place; cats like to play with paper.


American Wirehair cats require regular grooming, which includes:

  1. Ear cleaning. It is carried out once a week. They are cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with chlorhexidine or a special lotion. You can use a weak chamomile infusion.
  2. American cats do an excellent job of cleaning their fur. They are bathed only in emergency cases, when the pet has been heavily covered in mud.
  3. Nails are trimmed 1-2 times a month. They can injure delicate paws if they fall. Trimming claws also protects wallpaper, sofas and other furniture from scratches. For pruning, they buy special tools, or regularly take the pet to the veterinarian; the procedure is inexpensive.
  4. The animal's eyes are examined daily. If dirt accumulates in the corners, remove it with a cotton swab. The presence of dirt is completely normal for animals, because... their eyes naturally clear themselves of dust, mucus, etc. The owner’s task is to clean them on time.


Brushing is done every week using a soft-toothed comb to keep the cat's curls intact. The procedure is carried out carefully, because hairs may break.


Due to the structure of hair, it is difficult for animals to spit it out. Usually the hairs settle in the stomach and are not digested. If the owner notices that the cat is trying to spit out fur, starts coughing, but nothing happens, you should consult a doctor.

Natural curls are easy to straighten. It is enough to wash your pet, dry it and comb it. The fur will become similar to that of most cats. If it is necessary to maintain curliness, the pet is not combed after washing, allowing the fur to dry on its own. Do not use a hairdryer while drying.

The photo shows the classic fur of a purebred animal.


American cats get used to any menu. It is beneficial for the owner to buy dry food. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Dry food saves your budget. A month requires 2 kg of feed, which costs no more than 2000 rubles. Natural food is much more expensive.
  2. All trace elements are taken into account in the composition of dry granules. You don’t have to buy vitamins or cook your cat’s lunch. It is enough to read the description on the package once and calculate the daily requirement.
  3. It is enough to give the cat the daily dose and calmly go about your business.

It is better to purchase premium food. They are distinguished by their natural composition and pleasant taste.

Some owners prefer to prepare their own lunches.

The natural menu includes:

  • meat - rabbit, chicken, beef, veal;
  • fermented milk - kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cereals – buckwheat, rice, pearl barley;
  • vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens.

Until the age of 6 months, small kittens should eat 4-5 times a day. Cats from 6 months old need to be fed 2-3 times a day. It is permissible to adjust the feeding schedule and diet to suit the needs of the pet.


Only with proper nutrition will the animal be healthy.
“Americans” are not particularly picky about food. They happily consume both ready-made food and natural products. The diet must be complete and balanced. It is unacceptable to feed your pet sweets and smoked meats from the common table. Fatty, canned, fried. It will only hurt him.

The menu should include lean meat (beef, veal, turkey). Once every 7 days it is allowed to feed with stewed fish (hake, flounder). Sometimes squid and shrimp (boiled) are not prohibited. Every day you can give fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, hard cheese).

Various porridges that are cooked with a small amount of milk are beneficial for the animal. Porridges include fresh vegetables and herbs, beans, and asparagus. Several times a week they feed with boiled eggs (chicken, quail). Plus fruits (apples, bananas, melon), cut into pieces.

When introducing something new into the diet, observe the pet’s reaction for some time. The main thing is that there is no allergy (manifests itself in the form of sneezing, rash, loose stools). Do not give to wire-haired cats:

fatty or spoiled meat, lard, entrails, bones;

  • river fish;
  • cow's milk, processed cheese, yogurt with additives;
  • alcoholic drinks, juices, soda;
  • sweets, sweet baked goods, pickles, smoked foods;
  • sauces, spices;
  • dog food.

Food is served warm; it cannot be served straight from the cold. Adult representatives are fed twice a day, kittens - up to 6 times.

Patterned with rough wool

Recommended food

If the owner has settled on industrial feed, then he should choose only premium or holistic food. Feed brands:

  • Fitmin Purity;
  • Nature Life;
  • ProSeries;
  • Gina Elite.

They consist of high-quality fish and meat, carbohydrates, vitamins and other useful components.


Hereditary diseases

American Wirehair cats have a strong immune system. They do not have genetic disorders or other abnormalities.


American Wirehairs have very sensitive skin. All care and cleaning products must be purchased at a pet store. The composition should not contain alcohol. Human cosmetics, household chemicals, and medications are not suitable for cats.

To maintain their health, it is enough to conduct routine examinations every six months. Cats are also given antihelminthic medications quarterly and vaccinated annually. Cats over 7 years old require a more thorough examination and monitoring of the condition of the heart, teeth, and joints.


The American Wirehair cat is literally perfect in terms of proportions. The physical structure is strong and muscular, which allows the pet to maintain a “fighting” disposition and activity until old age. Special wool is divided into types, depending on the type of curl - spiral, crease, hook. In some representatives, the mustache and eyebrows are subject to deformation, which looks slightly “untidy”, but is considered a good trait for the breed, an example in the photo.

Wirehair is more of a visual determination than a tactile one. Yes, the fur on the back, mane and head is more elastic than that of its “plush” counterparts, but otherwise the fur is soft, shiny and pleasant to the touch. Under the curls there is a solid undercoat, thanks to which pets are able to live in cold climates. A kitten is born with a coat resembling chain mail, but upon reaching 6–8 months, the curled hairs “diverge.”

Almost all colors are recognized as the breed standard, for example, the same Adam was a spotted red and white cat. Priority in terms of breeding are carriers of blue, red-chinchilla, cream, white and black colors. The color can be considered fully developed upon reaching the age of 6–7 months.

Important! If there are lilac, color point or chocolate kittens in the offspring, their belonging to the breed will be considered by experts.

Pros and cons of the American Wirehair cat breed

Many owners do not notice the disadvantages of their pets, because... their love and cute appearance are the most important advantages of all cats. Still, it is necessary to take a rational approach to choosing a rare breed.


  • non-standard appearance;
  • get used to any food;
  • easy maintenance and simple care;
  • activity;
  • developed intelligence and empathy;
  • loyal attitude towards children;
  • strong immunity and absence of genetic diseases.


  • they cannot stand being alone;
  • protect their territory and toys;
  • do not like to sit on hands;
  • can be very expensive;
  • outside the USA it is difficult to find a purebred kitten, because... The breed is relatively new.


The origin of the American Wirehaired breed was natural, which provided the cats with excellent health and good immunity .
The breed does not suffer from any genetic diseases. In order for your pet to be always healthy and in a good mood, you need to feed it properly and pay more attention. Timely vaccination of kittens is also important .

The breed is long-lived. Under comfortable living conditions, the age of a cat can reach 15-20 years .

Breeding the American Wirehair

Pregnancy in American breeds occurs naturally, without any complications. In rare cases, veterinary assistance is required. Each litter contains 5-6 kittens. Often the first kitten is a boy.


In wirehaired dogs, a dominant gene is responsible for the hair structure. If you cross them with regular shorthair cats, there will still be a few wirehaired kittens in the litter.

Due to the rarity of the breed, special attention must be paid to the accompanying documents. A pedigree is required, preferably up to the third generation. A veterinary passport with all vaccinations is required.


In appearance, the Wirehair cat is similar to the American Shorthair, with the exception of the hair, which is elastic and coarse. It resembles the fur of some dogs, such as terriers. It does not require much care, although light-colored cats should be hidden from strong sun.

Wirehair cats are medium in size, with a strong body, rounded head, high cheekbones and round eyes. The eye color is golden, with the exception of some white colors, which sometimes have blue or amber eyes.

Female cats are smaller than males, which weigh 4-6 kg, and male cats weigh no more than 3.5 kg. The lifespan of a wirehaired cat is about 14–16 years.

The color can be varied, although chocolate and lilac are not allowed in competitions.

The gene that transmits wirehair is dominant, so any litter contains kittens with wirehair, even if one of the parents is of a different breed.

Photo and video

The best photos and videos of purebred cats are presented below.

Video: Cat breed American Wirehair

Despite the difficulties with purchasing and delivering a rare pet, it is worth all the effort. The animal has a unique character and reads people's emotions. Moreover, over time, pets adapt to their owners and adopt their habits. These are best friends for life.

Owner reviews

There are very few reviews from owners of American Wirehair cats.

Natalya I., 29 years old:

“Moscow region: “I learned about the breed from a relative living in the USA. I brought the cat myself. I don’t take part in exhibitions, it’s not an exhibition class. We usually comb the wool. An interesting feeling - the wool is very elastic, although softer than it seemed from the descriptions. Our cat's shaggy appearance is almost invisible. Perfect character! Very playful, lively, understanding, just a delight. He gets along well with an already elderly Briton, although he is more mobile compared to him.”

Konstantin V., 41 years old:

“Magnitogorsk: “Indeed, a very calm breed, I saw it at an exhibition together with shorthairs. There, these cats are disqualified for any signs of anxiety. But I didn’t have a chance to observe such things. Appearance, of course, is not for everybody. I stroked one of them - the sensation is unusual, the fur is pleasantly wavy and not at all hard, but elastic.”

Mark V., 52 years old. Saint Petersburg:

“I saw such a cat with friends in Canada. Honestly, I didn’t make an impression. Rexes are much more interesting, although I understand that shorthairs also have advantages. The character is a pleasant animal, very much reminiscent of the most common Siberian cat.”

Ekaterina P., 32 years old. Kaluga:

“Before buying a kitten, we looked for reviews, but there were almost none. Even on the American Internet. In general, it was an almost blind purchase, and we were not disappointed. We also have a cat, multicolored. A very funny and unpretentious pet. It’s not even clear why the breed is so rare.”

Angelina I., 51 years old. Budennovsk:

“We chose this breed because, in addition to unusual external characteristics, we wanted a good companion for a large family: a family-oriented, conflict-free, unpretentious animal with good character and health. There are not many such breeds. The kitten cost $800, they took it from well-known breeders. True, we were warned that the breed is new, poorly studied, and there may still be surprises regarding health. But our pet is completely healthy. No allergies or problems with food. The wool, by the way, doesn’t shed at all.”

Valentina K., 43 years old. Kazan:

“The kitten was looked for in clubs through TICA (American Association). They took a tricolor cat, red, black and white, with blue eyes. There were no plans to participate in exhibitions. The wool is spectacular, like a sheared fur coat. It feels like astrakhan to the touch. Our cat is calm, sterilized, and everything is taken care of as usual.”


American Wirehair kittens are playful and healthy .
They grow up quickly and are well accustomed to the toilet and feeding area. Despite the fact that the cat is very similar in appearance to an ordinary yard cat, her kittens need vaccination . Vaccinations are carried out according to the plan established by veterinarians.

When a kitten of this breed appears in the house, family members should find time to play and talk with it. After all, small animals, like adults, are sociable, playful, and love to participate in life at home.


The cat will be active and sociable if you provide it with adequate nutrition with dry food or natural products.

  • Ready-made food can be used in different brands; it is important that it matches the age and weight of the pet. The serving size is determined by the instructions.
  • The American Wirehair is not a glutton, so the animals do not overeat and do not suffer from obesity.
  • Natural products used for feeding include beef, lean sea fish, and fermented milk.
  • You can also give whole grain porridge, boiled vegetables (beets, carrots).

When compiling a diet, you need to take into account several important rules. The meat should be without veins and cut into cubes. If you serve breast , you need to cut off the skin from it. The offal is well cooked. The porridge can be mixed with finely chopped beef or boiled sea fish.

IMPORTANT! Clean and fresh drinking water should always be available to your cat. The cat also needs its diet to be replenished with fresh greens.

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