Pregnancy period of a Sphynx cat and how to care for your pet?

In order for a pregnant Sphynx cat to be able to bear offspring normally and give birth to kittens on time, it is important not to rush into mating and wait until the animal reaches full physical maturity, which does not occur earlier than 12-14 months. Don, Canadian Sphynxes and the Peterbald variety become sexually mature at the age of 6-9 months. But early pregnancy in cats can negatively affect the health of mother and babies. Therefore, it is better to wait until the cat grows up, and only then introduce her to her gentleman.

Preparing for the event

Sphynx pregnancy lasts about two months - from 60 to 70 days. During this time, you should get used to the idea of ​​expanding your family and prepare for the event. There is no need to worry about the process itself. As a rule, females cope with everything themselves. Sphynx cats have very well developed maternal instincts, so if the cat is healthy and has not had any problems during pregnancy, trust her. But there are points that you should take care of.

Location requirements

Cats are independent creatures and love to spend time alone and in silence. And during the birth process, cats generally have a special mental state, so they need peace and privacy. It would be better if it was a separate, quiet room. But you can select a secluded corner and put a special cat house in it or build it from a large cardboard box.

The best option is if it opens from the top, but has a small hole on the side so that the cat can get out to eat and go to the toilet. This hole should be located at such a height that small kittens cannot then accidentally crawl out of the box. You need to lay something soft inside to make it warm and comfortable. But cover it with disposable diapers (can be purchased at any pharmacy or children's store). These diapers are very soft, absorb moisture well and are easy to change.

As soon as you notice that the pet has begun to worry, look for a secluded place and drag soft things there, place it in the house and stay with it, gently talking and stroking it. This way the animal will calm down and understand that there is no need to look for a place anymore.

Materials and tools

Usually cats cope with everything themselves: they help the kitten to appear, lick it, and gnaw the umbilical cord. But you must be ready to join the process at any time and help your pet. Especially if she is giving birth for the first time.

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So, you will need:

  • sterile medical gloves, which can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • sterile thread, disinfectant, scissors. You will need these tools if you need to cut the umbilical cord;
  • small pipette or syringe: for sucking liquid from the nasal and oral cavity;
  • clean soft napkins or pieces of cloth;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • artificial food: it is better to purchase a special one for cats, but as a last resort, for the first time you can get by with high-quality children’s food;
  • if you want to monitor whether the baby is developing correctly, then scales, paper and a pen to record the weight;
  • colorful ribbons: used to mark kittens. It is very convenient when artificial feeding or when there are a lot of babies, they help make sure that everyone eats.

In addition, it is better to make arrangements in advance with the veterinarian who cares for your cat in case of unforeseen situations.

Before giving birth, it is necessary to prepare the birth place

The simplest option is a spacious cardboard box, in which you need to make holes on the sides for additional ventilation.

The future place for the cat to give birth and the future life of the kittens must meet the following requirements: 1. open from the top, not from the side - this will make it more convenient for you to monitor the birth and change the bedding in the future; 2. When the top is closed, there must be an exit for the cat so that the kittens are closed, but the cat can independently go out about its business. Make a side exit for her, and this exit should not be from the floor, that is, it should have a kind of threshold - this will not allow blind kittens to accidentally crawl out of the box in the future.

Place clean diapers or sheets at the bottom of the box. It is recommended to cover everything on top with disposable diapers (available at the pharmacy) and then change them regularly. Place the box in the quietest corner.

As soon as the “hour X” comes and the cat begins to prepare a birthing place for itself: rummaging everywhere, climbing into or on cabinets, collecting material (pieces of newspapers) for the nest, then the first stage of labor has begun. Take her to the box, pet her, talk in a gentle voice, show her that the nest is ready for her.

Signs that it's about to start

A few days before giving birth, the cat begins to secrete colostrum from the swollen mammary glands. She often licks her genitals and may lose her appetite and refuse to eat. Body temperature decreases, as indicated by cold ears and nose.

Not only physical signs indicate an approaching birth. Behavior changes significantly. The cat sometimes tries to hide in a secluded place and begins to set up a maternity nest. If she has already met and accepted the house offered, she often climbs in and out of it. At times he follows the owner, caresses him, meows restlessly and calls for him.

The closer the time of birth approaches, the more intermittent her breathing becomes, she may lie with her hind legs stretched out limply. Well, of course, the surest sign is water and contractions.

How long does pregnancy last in Sphynx cats?

The average gestation period for cats is 9 weeks. Sphinxes are no exception. However, there are options in which childbirth can take place 5 days earlier or later.

To prevent your pet's lambing from taking the felinologist by surprise, you should keep a pregnancy calendar and be ready to receive kittens a week before the average date.

There are the following patterns that increase or decrease pregnancy duration:

  • Multiple pregnancy shortens the duration of gestation;
  • in cats up to the age of six, the number of fetuses increases, therefore the gestation time is reduced.

Deviations from the average duration of pregnancy by ±5 days are considered normal.

Process Features

The process itself consists of three stages:

  1. Contraction of the uterus: the vagina opens, minor discharge (mucus plug) and contractions may occur.
  2. Contractions become more frequent and stronger. The cervix is ​​completely open and the fetus begins to move through the birth canal. Due to the pressure on the cervix, the cat strains to push the baby out as quickly as possible. The kitten may be born in a bladder if it does not rupture during birth. As a rule, the cat bursts the bubble itself and licks the kitten completely to open its airways and stimulate breathing. Variably, this can take from 10 minutes to an hour. If the stage has begun, more than an hour has passed, and the baby has not appeared, call the veterinarian.
  3. After the baby is born, the placenta comes out. After the cat licks the kitten and makes sure that everything is fine with it, it gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the placenta. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the placenta appears after each baby; if it gets stuck in the birth canal, this can lead to a dangerous infection. To be completely sure, if you are alone at the birth, it is better to write it down.

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After the mother has taken care of the baby, she will push him towards the nipple. If this does not happen, you can apply it to the baby’s nipple yourself. Childbirth resumes. In between, the cat licks itself and rests. There are times when the process seems to be completed, and then after a few hours it resumes again.

Care and feeding

While Sphynx cats are walking in position, it is important for the owner to provide them with a balanced diet. In order for the animal to fully receive the necessary vitamins, minerals and other important components, it is better to feed it with commercial food intended for pregnant cats. If preference is given to natural food, care should be taken to ensure a balance of protein and calcium in the diet. During the entire pregnancy period, the cat should be monitored by a veterinarian who will give advice on nutrition and maintenance.

The rules for caring for the Canadian and Don breeds are no different. When the pregnancy is late, it is better not to let the cat go outside, where she can meet a cat and be re-fertilized even in pregnancy. In this case, the growth and development of other offspring will be inferior, and the expectant mother risks suffering and sometimes dying from complications. In addition, it is important to exclude stress, sudden movements, and jumping from heights from the cat’s life. To keep the skin clean, it is recommended to regularly wipe the cat’s body with a damp, soft cloth dipped in warm water.

When you need help

There are situations in which the cat cannot or does not have time to cope on its own (short interval between births). Therefore, you should be alert if:

  • The release of amniotic fluid and the birth of the baby coincided. You must make sure that the baby does not choke: turn him upside down and shake him lightly. If he sneezed or sighed, everything is fine;
  • the cat did not have time to free the kitten from the bubble. Tear it, carefully wipe the baby with a soft napkin or cloth, use a syringe or pipette to clean the nasal and oral cavities;
  • the cat did not chew the umbilical cord. To avoid blood loss, tie the umbilical cord with a thread and cut it with scissors. Everything must be sterile;
  • if the kitten is too weak and does not breathe normally. Perform very lightly (with gentle finger pressure) cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • if the movement of the fetus is difficult or stuck. Lubricate your vagina with Vaseline oil. Make a loop from a soft napkin or cloth and slowly help pull the baby out while pushing;
  • weak contractions. Consult your veterinarian and get a stimulation shot;
  • In any unclear situation, call your doctor.

Prepare what you might need during the cat's birth.

  • Special box for kittens (with heating pad). You can make it yourself from an ordinary strong cardboard box or purchase it at a pet store.
  • Sterile surgical gloves.
  • A pipette or syringe to remove fluid from the mouth and nose.
  • Sterile thread.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Scissors.
  • Clean towels.
  • Vaseline oil.
  • Phone number of a veterinarian who can urgently come to your home.
  • Cat milk replacer.
  • Scales
  • Notebook, pen.

Nursery services

There are several “closed cats” in the nursery, which are used exclusively for mating with local cats. In order to use the services of one of these representatives, a mating agreement is concluded and it is quite expensive. The peculiarity of using nurseries is a 100% guarantee of obtaining healthy and purebred offspring, but for this you need to undergo a check, pass all the necessary tests and give the cat a manicure. Only after that the cat is invited to her.

Saving on mating can turn into a real disaster, which is not recommended. So, after saving on dates, you can get motherless offspring in the form of sick kittens that will have to be treated.

Daily procedures will cost a lot and will not guarantee the animals’ complete recovery. Such experiments can harm the cat itself, because untested cats can have a number of diseases that will be passed on to their offspring. Age will not play a role here, as well as many other features and characteristics.

Where to find a mate for your pet:

  • according to the white list in nurseries;
  • according to numerous advertisements on the Internet;
  • at exhibitions that are held several times a year;
  • in special clubs for cats, where this is stated in the rules.

Mating will depend on the title and breeding value of the cat. All necessary documents must be with the owner, who can provide them upon request.

Nutrition for constipation

Difficult childbirth, dehydration, lack of usual physical activity - all this leads to the fact that the mother cat develops constipation. Food products that are included in the diet will help correct the situation. For constipation, experts recommend adding flaxseed oil to your food. If your cat shows interest in butter, you can give her a small piece during feeding.

Vegetables help enhance peristalsis, but not all cats eat them. To remedy the situation, vegetables are chopped and added to meat dishes. You can do it differently. Pet stores sell grass that animals love to eat. This is an excellent substitute for vegetables to relieve constipation.

If the cat flatly refuses to consume vegetable supplements and grass, they resort to pharmaceutical products (Duphalac).

Description of the breed

Many people spoke quite impartially about this breed, pointing out that sphinxes have no future, since they are unaesthetic animals and sensitive to cold. They argued that the breed was of purely technical interest.

At the same time, many generally considered animals to be harmful and abnormal, since they are not able to provide for themselves on their own and are completely dependent on humans.

If we talk about modern sphinxes, then their description will not be unambiguous, since even one breed may differ in some differences in the exterior, as well as in the type of hairlessness.


Modern Sphynxes practically no longer have the main feature - folded skin, which created the appearance of cats similar to wrinkled old men. These days, these are animals that resemble smooth porcelain figurines. It should be noted that kittens do have some excess skin, but this disappears over time as they grow older, although these obvious signs can still be seen on the neck or head.

Nowadays, among the Canadian sphinxes one can still note a significant number of the most folded specimens.

According to many experts, a large proportion of modern Sphynxes are beginning to degenerate and are becoming more and more similar to the hairless Devon Rex of the usual type, with thin skin, relatively round eyes, low-set mustaches, a short head and a bone structure that is uncharacteristic of Sphynxes.

Sphynx – All about the breed

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Breed standards

Each breed of hairless cats has its own beauty criteria. In addition, it should be noted that within each breed several variants of the requirements for the exterior of cats can coexist. Sphynx cats, for example, are valued according to both CFA and TICA standards.

The most interesting thing is that experts are of little interest in the fact that an animal has no hair, since they pay more attention to the shape of the head, the constitution of the body, the grace of movements and the general impression created by the breed. As for the details, experts are interested in muscular limbs, with the hind legs longer than the front ones, the paws proportional, the tummy pear-shaped and, at the same time, an elegant tail, although it looks like a “rat”

As for the details, experts are interested in muscular limbs, with the hind legs being longer than the front ones, the paws being proportional, the tummy pear-shaped and, at the same time, an elegant tail, although it looks like a “rat’s”.

Skin folds are more characteristic of the head, muzzle, neck, and shoulders. If you touch the skin covered with delicate down, you feel warm suede

Any body color is taken into account, including those with white spots

A high-breed sphinx, as a rule, has a magical effect on those around it, which is due to the presence of rather smooth lines of the animal’s naked body, as well as the penetrating gaze of its unique eyes.

Character and behavior

As a rule, many are frightened by the unusual appearance of sphinxes, but those who dare to pick up this animal immediately turn into one of the lovers of these unique animals. Sphinxes are not known for their obsessive behavior, although they always prefer to be close to their owner. These animals have a peaceful and friendly character. They accept strangers as their long-time friends and easily get along with other animals in a person’s home.

In addition, sphinxes are considered intelligent, affectionate and affectionate creatures who can patiently wait for their owner if he is delayed for some reason.

These animals completely trust a person and love them if a person treats them the same way. These cats are easy to train due to their intelligence and memory. Moreover, these are strong animals that can reach a height of at least 1 meter without much effort.

Their behavior sometimes resembles that of a dog, since sphinxes are able to bring various objects to their owner. They easily open doors, as well as various cabinets, and can repeat basic tricks. Thanks to their unique appearance, as well as their natural acting talent, sphinxes are loved by filmmakers and photographers.

How long do sphinxes live?

At one time, a sphinx named Bambi set a longevity record, living for 19 years. Since then, no representatives of hairless cats have managed to break this record.

According to experts, the average life expectancy of sphinxes is just over 12 years, which is due to the consequences of breeding

In order for your pet to live as long as possible, special attention should be paid to a healthy diet, attentive care, and frequent visits to an experienced veterinarian.

Basic rule of knitting

First of all, every owner or breeder should understand that under no circumstances should one get carried away with various drugs that are used to stop or suppress estrus in cats. This is explained by the fact that these drugs have a hormonal structure. Therefore, increased use of these medications can lead, at a minimum, to hormonal disruption in the cat’s body, and at maximum, provoke the development of serious diseases. It is for this reason that every owner should decide on the choice of a suitable pair for mating his pet, and, therefore, he will have to prepare in advance for this process in all its details.

Sphynx mom and baby

Nutrition after the birth of babies

Refusal to eat in the first 5-6 hours after lambing is considered normal. It is necessary to control that the animal continues to drink, otherwise the cat will weaken before our eyes from dehydration. It is necessary to offer warm milk, low-fat meat broth, kefir diluted with warm water. You can add a little salt and sugar to the water to restore the body's natural needs.

Regidron solution is a good remedy recommended by experts for dehydration. Therefore, even during pregnancy, it is necessary to purchase it at the pharmacy.

Refusal to drink water is an alarming sign. Body temperature must be measured. A high indicator against the background of dehydration may indicate eclampsia. The condition is dangerously fatal, so you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Is it possible to influence the number of kittens?

This question is usually asked by cat breeders who sell kittens. After all, not only the expected profit directly depends on the number of offspring, but also covering the financial resources that were spent on mating with a good sire, tests, treatment, nurturing and feeding the future “money bag”.

Depending on the regalia of the male, the cost of mating can reach 10 thousand rubles. In most cases, owners of inseminators do not try to in any way influence the male health of their charges. Like we get money for mating, and then your problems: whether you got pregnant or not, how many kittens were born - it doesn’t concern us. This attitude is fundamentally wrong, and both sides should be interested in the offspring. Therefore, before you give money, ask:

  • how often is a cat used for mating;
  • is he eating well?
  • does he have any diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • how many kittens other cats bring from him;
  • Does he suffer from cryptorchidism?

To increase fertility, many professionals advise injecting cats with:

  • Ovariovit is a homeopathic drug, its action is aimed at restoring ovarian function, regulating the reproductive cycle and increasing fertility;
  • Gamavit is an anti-stress, immunostimulating drug that supports the vitality of the body, and has a positive effect on eggs;
  • Vitamin E – prevents infertility, has a positive effect on the reproductive system.

There is even a special scheme designed for 10 days:

  • Ovarium (stimulates the protective function of the reproductive system) - half a cube is administered subcutaneously once a day;
  • Ortilin (reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the uterus) – one tablet twice;
  • Ovariovit one tablet twice;
  • vitamin E capsule twice a day;
  • Gamavit one cube a day subcutaneously;
  • Catozal (to normalize metabolism, increase immunity, resistance to stress) one cube per day subcutaneously.

Before putting any regimen into practice, consult your veterinarian!

Why does this work?

  • Treatment may worsen estrus symptoms and increase hormone levels.
  • At the same time, the cat becomes more attractive to the inseminator and is ready to attack the future father.

By the way, you can “stimulate” the cat by injecting him with B vitamins a couple of days before mating, which have a beneficial effect on the body’s endurance and activity.

Regarding the opposite effect (low fertility), there are no proven schemes as such. For example, there is an opinion that if after giving birth a cat with multiple births is left with only two kittens, then a certain switch is triggered in the body and the next time the animal will bring exactly two kittens. Although in practice, I personally have never observed such a phenomenon.

You can also do the opposite:

  • poorly fed;
  • keep under stress;
  • exploit more often, forcing her to become pregnant every time she is in heat;
  • periodically use hormones that inhibit the functioning of follicles.

In such living conditions, the body will quickly become exhausted and the cat will definitely stop giving birth a lot, if at all.

Symptoms of unfinished business

To determine whether there are still kittens in the cat's stomach, it is extremely important to prevent the development of postpartum complications. A baby left in the womb can cause the death of a cat. If this is still the case, decomposition will begin within a few days and the cat will be seriously poisoned. In another case, he may be mummified and the mother will not seriously harm him, but in this case his reproductive abilities will suffer. This is why it is so important to determine whether there are any kittens left in the cat’s stomach.

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If there is a suspicion that not all babies are born, you should carefully observe the animals. A number of characteristic signs indicate incomplete delivery:

  1. The cat continues to behave as if giving birth.
  2. The new mother does not show the necessary care for the kittens, does not feed them, does not lick herself.
  3. She is in no hurry to restore strength with water or food.
  4. When palpating the abdomen, a compaction is felt inside, it is hard or tense. There is no feeling that there is nothing there.
  5. 24 hours after birth, the cat’s temperature does not drop below 39 degrees.
  6. 48 hours after birth, blood is released from the birth canal, most often with an unpleasant odor.

All of the above signs indicate that not all kittens are born. In such a situation, an important decision will be to immediately seek qualified help. The clinic performs an internal examination of the animal and palpation of the abdomen, followed by an ultrasound, which will confirm or refute the hypothesis.


British cats are pregnant for just over two months. Bearing kittens is divided into several stages. For simplicity, we divide pregnancy into three stages:

  • Beginning of pregnancy. The first stage lasts up to 25 days. The nipples noticeably turn pink, the belly increases slightly, becomes rounded and flexible. After 14 days, the fruits increase by about a centimeter. Limbs gradually form, internal organs begin to form. The cat eats abundantly, sleeps more often, and begins to look closely at the place where the future birth will take place.
  • Mid-pregnancy. The second stage allows you to determine pregnancy with the naked eye at home. British cats are gentle and vulnerable animals; pregnancy takes a lot of strength and energy, so it would be a good idea to make an appointment with a specialist. Of course, in most cases the cat is able to give birth on her own, but a little safety net won’t hurt.
  • At this stage, the brain, bone tissue (at first in the form of cartilage), muscle tissue, and the makings of the genitourinary system are actively formed. Claws are formed, the fetus vaguely resembles a kitten. The stage lasts on average 7-12 days. By the end of the trimester, kittens reach a size of 3 cm.
  • End of pregnancy (preparation for childbirth). The “interesting” situation is entering its final phase. Due to the large belly (depending on the number of kittens), it is uncomfortable for the cat to walk and lick itself. Much at the third stage depends on the owner. From the attention and guessing of a silent and sometimes overly noisy British cat.
  • The owner must make sure that the pet has enough food and clean fresh water, and a place for birth is equipped (even if it is a simple cardboard box). You can even turn it into a comfortable place to relax. In addition, at first, the kittens will live near the cat and begin to explore the outside world when they grow up a little. Without supervision, even a small apartment is fraught with many dangers for newborns.

By 40-45 days, kittens develop hair and an individual color. The third stage should be fully controlled either by a specialist or by family members. The cat may experience panic, depression, lethargy, and go to the toilet in the wrong place. If you touch the belly of a British cat, you can feel the movement of newborns.

The appearance of kittens

Giving birth to a Sphynx cat is not much different from giving birth to most other cats. On average they last from three to six hours. Each new kitten is born at intervals of 20-30 minutes. The onset of labor is signaled by the breaking of amniotic fluid.

First of all, the cat carefully licks the newborn kitten, removes the amniotic sac (amnion) from it, and clears its airways and oral cavity. After which he bites the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. Thus, she replenishes her strength and receives a dose of hormones necessary to begin the process of milk production. As a rule, the afterbirth comes out either with the kitten, or a little later.

The mother pushes the clean, licked kitten with its nose towards the nipples. After the cat has finished tidying up her baby, before the next one is born, she tidies herself up and calms herself by purring. On average, newborn kittens weigh approximately 90-120 grams. Smaller individuals are considered weak and are less likely to survive.

There are times when labor in a Sphynx cat seems to be suspended. All processes associated with them stop, the cat calms down and works with the babies. And after several hours (up to a day), labor may continue again. There is no need to worry or worry about this - there is no pathology here.

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