Animal preparations for outdoor trips

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Cats have a very delicate mental organization. There are times when using a sleeping pill is the only way to relieve your pet of stress. What drugs are allowed to be used and how to do it correctly?

  • 2 How sleeping pills affect your pet’s body
  • 3 Types of sleeping pills

    3.1 Table: overview of the most popular sleeping pills for cats

    3.1.1 Photo gallery: sleeping pills for cats

  • 4 Features of application
  • 5 Contraindications and side effects
  • 6 Reviews
  • How do sedatives work?

    The composition of sedatives includes chemical components, extracts from medicinal plants, hormones that have the following actions:

    • relieve muscle spasms;
    • calm down;
    • reduce pain;
    • normalize blood pressure;
    • reduce the feeling of fear.

    A sedative and sleeping pill for cats affects blood circulation in the brain, normalizes metabolism, affects the psycho-neurological state, the process of excitation or inhibition, and inhibits the reproductive system.

    Features of application

    Sleeping pills should be used for cats only after consultation with a doctor. There should be no amateur activity. This is especially true for medications. When self-administering, you should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the veterinarian, as a mistake can cost the pet’s life.

    It is strictly forbidden to use drugs designed for humans as sleeping pills. When using any medicinal hypnotics, simultaneous use with any sedatives should be avoided.

    When to use medications

    Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats are prescribed for anxious behavior with obvious disturbances in nervous activity. In addition, you cannot do without sedatives in the following situations:

    • medical intervention - wound treatment, examination, vaccination;
    • long journey – during transportation the animal often panics;
    • adaptation to the situation - a new place of residence causes aggression;
    • nervous disorders - obsessive actions, increased nervousness;
    • mental disorders - fear, phobias, anxiety, aggression;
    • marking the territory - excitement, hormonal surge, increased sexual desire;
    • aggression in the presence of strangers;
    • visiting salons, exhibitions, groomers.

    When a cat tries to take a dominant position, there is no need to punish the animal by indicating “its place.” You can relieve nervous tension and aggression by using a herbal preparation with a mild sedative property.

    Mental abnormalities are noticeable by the following signs:

    • hunting for a non-existent target;
    • constant licking of oneself, leading to the formation of wounds and hair loss;
    • self-directed aggression;
    • twitching of limbs, head, jumping.

    Mental disorders manifest themselves in different ways; if you notice unusual behavior in your pet, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    In what cases can you use sleeping pills for a cat?

    Situations when you need to calm your pet are very rare and critical:

    • Transportation. Cats do not like sudden changes in environment. Any travel, even regular trips to the doctor, causes extreme stress in these animals. Very active pets can turn a trip into a nightmare for their owners. Others get very sick on the road. To avoid unpleasant situations in transport, it would be better to give your cat a sleeping pill before the trip.

      Not all cats can handle travel well; some will do better while asleep.

    • Medical manipulations. A visit to the veterinary clinic is an unpleasant adventure. All kinds of manipulations, taking tests and other physical “harassment” irritate the cat and can seriously infuriate it. The best way to freely conduct an examination is to completely immobilize the cat using a sleeping pill.
    • Behavior correction and rehabilitation during recovery. Unfortunately, some cats require surgery for medical treatment. The postoperative period is associated with many moments when the cat's mobility must be limited. Also, sleeping pills and potent sedatives are prescribed to overly aggressive, hyperexcitable pets and animals during the heat period.
    • Groomer procedures. Show pets or very fluffy domestic cats periodically require visits to cat beauty salons. Of course, when a pet is accustomed to various cosmetic manipulations from infancy, there is no special hassle with beauty restoration. Otherwise, the use of sleeping pills is simply necessary.

    Types of drugs

    Calming and sleeping pills for cats come in different periods of effect:

    • short (no more than 3 hours) – prescribed to regulate sleep for a certain time;
    • medium (5-6 hours) – used as anesthesia during surgery or moving;
    • long (9-11 hours) – prescribed for the treatment of nervous system disorders, pain relief procedures.

    The effect of medications on the body:

    • a large dosage will cause “drug intoxication”;
    • a small dose acts as a mild sedative.

    Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats are used only as prescribed by a doctor. The medicine must be certified and approved for use by the veterinary service.

    Hormonal, pheromones

    Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands, regulate the body's metabolic processes, and have a powerful effect and physiological activity. In case of increased sexual desire, arousal, or treatment of certain diseases, a hormonal-based sedative is indicated for the pet:

    • "Contra-sex";
    • "Sex barrier";
    • "Stopintim";
    • "Covinan";
    • "Dexafort";
    • "Alizin."

    With the help of synthetic analogues of natural pheromones, the cat’s emotional mood is stabilized with the following behavior:

    • active marking of the territory;
    • peeling walls, upholstered furniture;
    • apathy, loss of appetite.

    Pheromones create a feeling of security, serenity in the animal, and restore good health. A liquid that smells of lavender or chamomile is soaked into the collar, napkins, and sprayed into the air. Stress in a cat goes away quickly, the drug is not addictive and does not affect people.

    Before bathing, the collar soaked in the product is removed.


    Homeopathic sedative and sleeping pills for cats are made from medicinal roots, herbs, flowers. Available in the form of drops, capsules, spray, tablets.

    For the drug to work, it is taken for a long time to accumulate the active substances in the body. Natural homeopathic medicines include:

    • “Vetspokoin”, “Kalmin” - sedative;
    • “Fitex” - consists of extracts of medicinal herbs, calms, reduces the aggression of the animal;
    • “Cat-bayun” – consists of extracts of medicinal herbs, course of treatment is 1 week;
    • “Anti-stress” – contains motherwort, B vitamins, taurine, ascorbic acid;
    • “Fospasim” – used for 2 weeks for fear of noise, neuroses;
    • “Stop-stress” - phenibut is added to medicinal herbs, taken for a course of 3 weeks.

    Homeopathic medicines do not cause side effects and are indicated for panic attacks and phobias that recur periodically. Homeopathy is suitable for pets in poor health, young kittens, and old animals.

    Sleeping pills of chemical origin

    Prescribed only by a doctor for neuropsychic disorders, long-term transportation, and other alarming situations:

    • “Valium” – relieves aggression, increases appetite;
    • “Ventraquil” – injections are intended to completely immobilize a pet for an hour;
    • "Xylazal" - acts quickly, the animal instantly falls asleep.

    Barbiturates are used in extreme cases, for neurological pathologies, convulsions:

    • "Primidone", "Phenobarbital";
    • "Hydantoin", "Primidon".

    Medicines in this group negatively affect mental development.


    Sleeping pills of this group enhance the effect of analgesics, suppress fear, and reduce muscle tone. Used for illnesses and transportation, when conventional sedatives do not help:

    • "Amizil" - analgesic, sedative, relaxing;
    • "Diazepam" - relaxes muscles, relieves increased excitability, aggression, anxiety, nervousness;
    • "Chlozepid" - treats arthritis, myositis, skin diseases, anxiety;
    • “Phenazepam” is a strong sleeping pill, reduces seizures;
    • "Mebicar" is non-toxic, reduces the feeling of fear, and does not impair movement coordination.

    Anxiolytics best fight anxiety, anxiety disorders, and phobias:

    • "Fluoxetine";
    • "Buspirone."

    This group of drugs is indicated for the effects of schizophrenia, depression, and mood swings.

    Before medications are prescribed, they are tested for tolerability.

    First aid for cats and dogs in typical outdoor situations

    We will give recommendations for first aid, but if the pet does not feel better within half an hour, you need to urgently take it to the nearest veterinary clinic.

    So, the most common cases:


    An allergic reaction can be to insect bites, to food (after eating sweets or foods unusual for the animal).

    Symptoms develop quickly:

    • severe swelling of the muzzle occurs (eyelids, nose, lips, neck);
    • redness of the skin of the entire body and the skin of the ears occurs;
    • there is itching;
    • Pimples, pimples, and bumps appear on the body.

    The symptom may be one of the above, or several of them at the same time. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    It is necessary to immediately give an injection of Diphenhydramine or Suprastin at the rate of 0.1 ml/kg, but not more than 1 ampoule per animal. One of the drugs is injected intramuscularly into the hind leg. If the swelling does not decrease within 30-40 minutes or begins to progress, you must urgently go to the clinic!


    If an injury : a cut on a sharp object, the animal pricked its paw on a branch, or the wound was formed as a result of a fight, from bites, etc., first of all, you need to wash it thoroughly. We recommend using a 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution, and the skin around the wound can be treated with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

    Under no circumstances should peroxide be poured into a wound, this will cause tissue burns!

    Next, apply napkins to the clean wound and bandage the top tightly.

    If the wound is small and superficial, then simply treat it with Chlorhexidine and sprinkle the antiseptic powder Baneocin or Streptocide on top.

    If a dog's claw is broken and bleeding is coming from it, you need to remove the broken part with a nail cutter, and then apply potassium permanganate powder (potassium permanganate) to the area - this will stop the bleeding.

    If a bruise without compromising the integrity of the skin, then you need to put something cold on the damaged area for 30-40 minutes: ice cubes in a bag or a cooling pack (it should be in your car first aid kit).

    If an attack occurs and your pet is bitten by other animals , you need to treat the wounds with Chlorhexedine and go to the clinic. If you are attacked by a wild animal (badger, ferret, etc.), you should urgently contact the city animal disease control station, since wild animals are frequent carriers of the lethal rabies virus!

    If an animal has a broken limb , and there is a clear violation of the integrity of the bone, its unnatural position, then the pet must be taken to the clinic as quickly as possible. It is better not to take any measures on your own, so as not to aggravate the situation. Thus, the application of a splint can lead to progression of the pain syndrome and even greater displacement of the fragments. Therefore, the pet needs to be placed in a carrier and go to the veterinary clinic.

    Abdominal pain

    If your four-legged friend suddenly develops a sharp stomach ache, this may be due to feeding. This often happens: you wanted to please your pet and give something tasty (after all, that’s what he asks for), but you didn’t know or didn’t think about the consequences. This is all the more likely if the animal has sensitive digestion.

    For example, if you fed him raw or pickled meat, fried lamb, pork, too peppery, salty foods, etc.

    You can't feed your pets the food we eat. Also, it is strictly forbidden to give tubular or fish bones, which can injure the digestive tract or get stuck in it.

    List of the most common foods that should not be given to dogs: chocolate, candy, garlic, onions, raisins, grapes, salt, spices, avocados, mushrooms.

    To relieve abdominal pain , you need to inject No-shpa 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly into the hind paw (no more than 1 ampoule per pet), and after 8-12 hours, repeat the injection into the other paw.

    If the animal has swallowed a long bone (small) or something inedible, and no more than two hours have passed, then an inducer of vomiting can be given. You should drink a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3% (diluted 1:1 with water). The drug is given at the rate of 1–4 ml of the prepared solution per 1 kg of pet’s weight. After 15–20 minutes, it is necessary to give an absorbent, for example Enterosgel, at the rate of 1 ml/kg in the mouth 3 times a day (for a large dog - about 30–40 ml). If vomiting does not occur, you can start giving Vaseline oil (nothing else!) 1 ml per kg of weight every 2 hours in the mouth, and immediately go to the clinic!

    For diarrhea, you can choose from:

    • Smecta. For small animals up to 5 kg - drink 1/6 of a sachet in the mouth 3 times a day, for large animals - up to 1 sachet at a time, first dilute with a small amount of water
    • Enterosgel, 1 ml/kg by mouth 3 times a day, for a large dog - about 30-40 ml.

    If there is no bowel movement (constipation) for 2 days, if the animal continues to eat and drink normally, we recommend giving Vaseline oil at the rate of 1 ml/kg 4-5 times a day.

    If your pet has vomited several times in a row, continues to feel sick and is drooling, we recommend giving Serenia an injection (used according to the instructions 1-2 times a day, a subcutaneous injection into the withers). If vomiting does not stop within 4-5 hours, you need to urgently go to the clinic! We recommend giving Omeprazole to protect the gastric mucosa. It is sold in a regular pharmacy in a dosage of 20 mg. The drug is given 1/20 tablet per 1 kg of animal weight orally (in the mouth) 1 time per day an hour before feeding.

    It is not recommended to use the antiemetic drug Cerucal on your own, because His contraindications include mechanical intestinal obstruction. This is especially true if you are unsure whether your pet may have ingested a foreign object.

    Poisoning by poison

    If you have seen or suspect that your pet has eaten poison , then to induce vomiting, the animal is given a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:1 with water. For 1 kg of pet's weight you need to take 1-4 ml of the prepared solution.

    And after 20-25 minutes it is necessary to give an absorbent, for example, Enterosgel, 1 ml/kg in the mouth 3 times a day, for a large dog - about 30-40 ml.

    There are also specific antidotes against poisons. If an animal picks up Tubazid (Isoniazid) while walking, which is often scattered by dog ​​hunters, symptoms can begin very quickly. Unsteadiness of gait, weakness, profuse drooling, convulsions, even death.

    This is one of the most dangerous poisons for pets, so first aid should be provided as quickly as possible.

    In this case, in addition to the emetic and absorbent, it is necessary to immediately administer an antidote (antidote). It is Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 1% solution. You can buy it at a regular medical pharmacy. If Tubazid poisoning is suspected, it is necessary for the dog (regardless of its weight) to inject Pyridoxine intramuscularly into the hind leg, about 20-30 ml in several places. A 5 ml injection is given at one injection site.

    Cats are less sensitive to this poison, but if this happens, you can give injections by injecting 11 ml of Pyridoxine into 2 injection sites. Half the dose (5 ml) is injected subcutaneously into the withers, and 1.5 ml is injected intramuscularly into each paw.

    Swimming in open water

    You should not bathe your pets in cold water. They can catch a cold or get a respiratory disease - inflammation of the respiratory system. And in dogs with long ears (spaniels, Labradors, etc.), water can easily get into the ears, which risks turning into otitis media - inflammation of the ear canal.

    Therefore, if you want to bathe your pet in a pond, or for him to swim with you, do it only in warm water. After bathing, the dog must be thoroughly dried and the ears must be wiped dry. If water gets into the ears in large quantities, inflammation will begin: the ears will become painful and the skin will become red. Fluid or pus may also accumulate in the ear, and when touched, it may cause sharp pain and a "squelching" sound.

    If you notice such symptoms, you should:

    1. Rinse the ear with Rosinka lotion. Pour 4-6 drops into the ear, cover it, massage at the base, and then wipe dry with a napkin.
    2. Place 3 drops of Tsipromed into each ear.

    Cotton swabs cannot be used! This can injure your pet's ears, and in some cases, cotton can be left in the ear canal!

    Another danger is stagnant bodies of water. If your pet drinks water from them, infection may occur, for example, with leptospirosis. Therefore, animals should be given water only with filtered water taken from home.

    Eye injuries

    If your pet has injured its eye on tree branches or other sharp objects, you will notice that more tears and mucous secretion are released from the eyes.
    The eye may be squinted or swollen, there may be asymmetry of the eyes, traces of scratches around the eye, itching, restlessness. If bacterial inflammation is associated with tearing, the discharge becomes purulent and yellow-green, you should immediately consult a doctor. But even before you see a doctor, you can provide your dog or cat with emergency first aid. In this case, it is recommended:

    1. Rinse eyes with clean filtered water or Rosinka eye lotion.
    2. Apply Tsipromed drops. 2-3 drops per injured eye.
    3. 30 minutes after the drops, you need to put Korneregel or Vidisik behind the lower eyelid. The drug should be used 3-5 times a day before visiting a veterinarian.

    Previously, we examined in detail all the possible causes of eye diseases in dogs.

    Lethargy, apathy, fever

    If your pet has become sad, lethargic and does not play, you should find out the reasons. You need to measure his temperature rectally: insert the thermometer into the anus under the tail, after lubricating the tip with Vaseline oil or baby cream. The normal temperature for cats is 38-39.5°C, for dogs - 37.5-39°C.

    An elevated body temperature may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the body, infection, invasion, or other systemic disease.

    If you have a temperature of more than 39.8 °C (fever), you must try to lower your temperature and go to the clinic immediately! You can make an alcohol compress on the stomach (provided that the skin is clean and there is no damage). In this case, alcohol is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

    If after 30 minutes the temperature has not decreased, then dogs can also be given an additional injection of Analgin 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly in the hind leg.

    In cats, an injection of Analgin in rare cases can cause various side effects and reactions: excessive drooling, nausea, muscle tremors, etc. Therefore, cats should not be injected with Analgin on their own!


    In the warm season, piroplasmosis very often occurs - a dangerous disease that is transmitted to dogs through tick bites (and there are a lot of ticks in our area, especially in the grass). This parasitic disease in some cases can lead to anemia, acute renal failure, and if treatment is not started in a timely manner, even death.

    If you find a tick on a dog, it must be removed immediately. This can be done with a clamp, tweezers or a special “Unicleanticktwister” device. After removing the tick, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic, as described above. Next, the animal must be closely monitored; if one of the symptoms of piroplasmosis appears, it is necessary to contact specialists for diagnosis and treatment.

    Symptoms of piroplasmosis, in which you need to urgently go to the nearest veterinary clinic:

    • temperature rise above 39.7 degrees;
    • lethargy;
    • apathy;
    • decrease in urine volume;
    • refusal of food/water;
    • vomiting/diarrhea;
    • darkening of the color of urine: dark yellow, brown, red, “beer-colored.”

    Snake bite

    If the bite is on the paw, then a tourniquet should be applied above the bite site, but for no more than 30 minutes. If possible, apply cold to the wound (ice, any cold object). This will reduce the spread of toxins and increased swelling. The wound needs to be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic, bandaged and go to the clinic as soon as possible!

    You cannot inject any medications yourself! This can only worsen the situation and even lead to the death of the animal. Only a doctor can choose the right anticoagulants and antidotes.

    Sun or heatstroke

    The impact can occur outdoors in very hot weather or if the pet is accidentally left in the car and the windows are closed. Frequent symptoms: shortness of breath, redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, increased heart rate, loss of consciousness, disorientation, convulsions.

    In this case, it is urgent to take the pet to a cool place (shade) and measure the temperature. If it is elevated, cooling should be started immediately:

    1. Apply cold water to the neck, armpits, paw pads, and stomach.
    2. Apply a compress of a 1:1 solution of alcohol and water to the skin of the abdomen.
    3. Go to the clinic so that, under the supervision of a veterinarian, the pet can receive further necessary assistance.

    To avoid such situations, please do not forget your pets in cars and do not walk for long periods under the hot sun.

    This is an approximate list of the most common situations that you may encounter in nature.

    The most important thing when providing quality first aid is to remain clear-headed and completely calm. If you are nervous, worried and inactive, your pet may only get worse without your help.

    Don't know what to do? Take your pet to the clinic! If you are far away, just call your veterinarian.

    Folk remedies

    If there are no indications for the use of pharmaceutical sedatives and sleeping pills for a cat, when it is excited, folk remedies are used:

    • bergamot oil – soak a napkin with oil and tie it to the animal’s collar;
    • during the period of excitement, a copper plate is placed in a cup of water from which the cat drinks;
    • add a drop of soda to the milk and give it to your pet to drink;
    • give water slightly acidified with vinegar to drink.

    When a cat constantly screams and calls for a cat, you can wet it under cold water - this cruel method will temporarily distract from excitement.

    When not to take sedative medications

    Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats, even of plant origin, have individual indications and should not be used in the following cases:

    • during pregnancy and lactation;
    • at low pressure;
    • under the age of 1 year;
    • for diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes.

    Cats have an individual intolerance to some components of the drug, so it cannot be treated uncontrolled.

    If after treatment with the chosen drug there are no changes in the cat’s behavior within 2 weeks, you should contact your veterinarian for a new prescription.


    There is a myth that valerian has a calming effect on the cat's body. This is not so, the medicine contains an active substance identical to the pheromones that are produced in cats during sexual arousal. Therefore, valerian does not calm cats, but excites them. In addition, the medicine is addictive and addictive.

    Some sedative medications contain valerian extract in negligible doses that will not cause increased anxiety in your pet.

    How sleeping pills affect your pet's body

    Sleeping pills have different durations of action. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

    • Short-term. These drugs act for no more than 2–3 hours. They are mainly used during travel or grooming procedures. These remedies greatly relax the animal. The cat may not sleep, but it will allow any liberties with its body. Also, these drugs are great for animals when traveling.
    • Medications with an average duration of action. Used when preparing a cat for anesthesia, the presence of convulsive syndrome, and for medicinal purposes. It should be remembered that getting carried away with taking these drugs is fraught with consequences - if they are used frequently, the cat develops a real drug addiction.
    • Prolonged (long-term) action agents. It is impossible to find such drugs on the open market, even in a network of veterinary clinics. These are prescription medications that can only be used by a veterinarian. Long-acting sleeping pills have the advantage of acting as a powerful pain reliever. But there is also a drawback - if the dosage is exceeded, the animal may no longer wake up. Therefore, even if such a drug suddenly accidentally ends up in the hands of an ordinary cat owner, it is better to refuse to use it independently.

    I once observed the effect of a short-term sleeping pill on my cat. I needed to deliver one of my pets for sterilization. Cats are great at reading information related to their safety. Therefore, I could not catch one of them by the appointed time (my pets live in the yard, and they have a lot of options for escape). Then we resorted to a trick. The veterinarian gave me the drug drawn into a syringe (it was about 1 ml). My task was to try to inject the cat with this syringe into the withers. This was a real military operation for me. With cunning and treats, I lured the cat, and I managed to carry out my plan. After 10 minutes the medicine took effect. The cat was not completely asleep, but you could really do whatever you wanted with her. If you compare it with a person, I would describe this state as severe intoxication, when you are no longer drawn to “exploits”, but are very sleepy.

    Rules for taking medication

    You should start giving your pet medicine 2-3 days before moving, before:

    • do not feed 12 hours before transportation;
    • if the journey is long, reduce food portions;
    • boiled water – do not limit.

    The injections are given by a veterinarian. They give injections on their own with the doctor’s permission, strictly observing the dosage of the medicine:

    • the animal is immobilized using a towel;
    • slightly pull back the withers;
    • The needle is inserted with a quick movement and the medicine is injected.

    Medicines in the form of tablets, drops, powder are given with food. The tablet is crushed, mixed with food, and fed to the pet.

    For an animal that has been given a sleeping pill before moving, good sleeping conditions are created:

    • the cat should lie freely;
    • the muzzle is turned to one side;
    • to prevent the pet from vomiting when rocking, provide access to fresh air for breathing;
    • cover with a light blanket.

    The dose of sleeping pills depends on the duration of transportation and the animal’s resistance to stress.

    It is prohibited to give animals sedatives intended for humans.

    First aid kit for cats and dogs

    We will provide a list of medications that are recommended for a caring owner to always have with them.

    For allergies:

    • Cetirizine 10 mg/table.
    • Diphenhydramine or Suprastin - ampoules.


    • Hydrogen peroxide solution 3% .
    • Chlorhexidine solution 0.05%.
    • Tricillin or Streptocide, Baneocin - powder.

    Hemostatic for claw injury:

    • Potassium permanganate powder (potassium permanganate).

    For digestive problems: pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea:

    • Smecta.
    • Serenia.
    • Vaseline oil.
    • Enterosgel.

    Antidote (for Tubazid / Isoniazid poisoning)

    • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), 1% solution.

    From ectoparasites:

    • Drops on the withers.
    • Flea collar.
    • Mosquito spray.

    Preparations for eyes and ears:

    • Vidisik or Korneregel.
    • Tobrex or Tsipromed eye drops.
    • Eye and ear lotion Rosinka.

    Antispasmodics and painkillers (in ampoules):

    • No-shpa.
    • Analgin.

    From motion sickness:

    • Serenia in tablets (sold only in veterinary pharmacies).
    • Espumisan - suspension or capsules.


    • bandages;
    • napkins;
    • tourniquet;
    • electronic thermometer;
    • claw clipper for removing ticks - “Unicleanticktwister” or analogues: surgical clamp or tweezers;
    • insulin syringes - 1, 2 and 5 ml;
    • addresses of 24-hour veterinary clinics or a veterinarian’s business card.

    This list of medications will help you in an emergency. But as soon as first aid is provided, you need to go to the clinic without wasting time. If your pet's condition has not improved, a visit to the doctor should be made as soon as possible. Only the veterinary clinic has additional diagnostic tools: x-rays, ultrasound, blood analyzers. After examining the patient, the doctor will prescribe additional treatment and provide qualified assistance.

    Cat behavior

    After taking a sedative, the cat becomes lethargic, quiet, and behaves peacefully. This means that the dose is chosen correctly and there are no adverse reactions. Sometimes taking sedatives and sleeping pills for a cat is accompanied by side effects:

    • nausea, vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • loss of strength, pressure, drop in temperature;
    • increased salivation;
    • refusal to eat.

    Side effects may include other atypical pet behaviors, including hallucinations.

    Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats are addictive and should not be abused. Having settled a pet in your home, you need to treat it like a family member, with patience, respect, and not put pressure on it. When a cat is loved, he understands this and will not show aggression for no reason. Special medications only help to achieve the desired cat behavior for a short time. The owners can rid him of the psychological problem themselves by transforming their own behavior.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Experts noted the following as contraindications to the use of medications:

    • heart failure;
    • respiratory tract diseases;
    • hypothermia (low body temperature);
    • kidney diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • liver diseases;
    • mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

    Side effects from the use of sleeping pills are expressed in:

    • decreased blood pressure;
    • hypersalivation (salivation);
    • increased breathing and heart rate;
    • increase or decrease in body temperature;
    • nausea;
    • vomiting.
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