Is it possible to breed British cats with Scottish ones?

British male male for mating , light blue color Adam Best Guy Ritchie (Thomas). Title: Grand International Champion Cat from famous producers . His father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather are World Champions.

Call: 8-903-193-40-11 I will be glad to hear from you. Moscow and M.O., Svetlana

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1. Cost of mating

2. Conditions for mating

3. What you need to breed a cat

4. Why our cat?

About him:

Thomas is a large British cat, he has a muscular body and good short light blue fur, which is noted by all the experts at shows. He has a wonderful character, as noted by expert G. G. Koroleva, All Breed expert, WCF (Russia, Moscow), assessing the color of his eyes, that he has very kind eyes.

He was noted by international experts as a very promising animal for breeding.

The cat is the only animal in the apartment, lives in good conditions, and is a family favorite.

Important for breeding a cat (Protect your cat)

Suitable time for mating

The period of puberty in the British begins in the period from 7 to 9 months, of course, taking into account the individual characteristics of each animal.

The first mating should take place no earlier than 10 months, so that the cat is strong enough to mate and bear offspring.

If mating is carried out earlier, pregnancy for a cat can result in many complications.

It is important to skip the first 2 heats of a female and pair her with a male only for the 3rd. The optimal breeding period for British cats is from 10 months to 1.5 years. When a cat turns 2 years old, the chances that she will come into contact with a cat are minimal.

Conditions for mating

1. You can be sure that no one will yell at your pet, much less throw her slippers. Lovers will live in respect and care , because it is very important that the cat is not afraid or frightened. This is especially important for cats that are mating for the first time, because it is after this that the animal develops an idea of ​​males.

2. Our apartment is always clean , because I can’t stand dirt - judge for yourself, here

. I also take the same approach to keeping animals - bowls are washed with soap after each meal, water is changed daily. I only give water purchased from “Shishkin Les” or “Spring”, not from the tap, not from the filter.

3. Cats don’t want to leave us and that’s a compliment.

Features of estrus in British cats

The owner will immediately notice the pet’s readiness to reproduce offspring by its changed behavior. Traditional signs of heat in a British woman:

  1. Begins to show excessive affection, especially towards the owner, constantly demanding attention and tenderness from him - this is the very first sign of an approaching heat.
  2. Quite often he takes an unusual pose, strongly arches his back, resting on his hind legs, and raises his hips.
  3. In an unusual position - on bent legs and with a raised pelvis, he moves around the house.
  4. The tail and back of the body often trembles.
  5. Constantly licks itself under its tail.
  6. Meows too often and makes other, unusual and atypical sounds, especially at night.

It is impossible to ignore these symptoms. The first heat occurs with less pronounced symptoms, and subsequent ones - with more intense symptoms. The duration of the period of readiness for mating is from 5 to 7 days. The interval between estrus may vary depending on the individual characteristics of cats and range from 15 to 20 days.

Giving any drugs to relieve signs of estrus to British cats is strictly prohibited, despite their good help. Over time, such drugs lead to disruptions in the hormonal system and can cause the growth of cancer.

Some owners prefer to give the cat for mating, but give her contraceptives. Under no circumstances should you do this. To prevent the female from driving her crazy with her screams during estrus, provided that procreation is not planned, it is better to sterilize her. Contraceptives have an extremely negative impact on the health of the animal.

What is needed to breed a British cat?

1. Veterinary passport with current vaccinations + against rabies, it is necessary for mating a British cat with our cat.

2. The nails on the front paws should be trimmed.

3. Mating occurs in approximately 3 days. Therefore, you need food that the cat usually eats (I have Royal Canin dry food for the British). You do not have to bring the tray and filler.

Features and recommendations for mating British dogs

The introduction of animals and their mating takes place on the cat’s territory. The owner of the male must provide all the necessary conditions for the female so that she feels comfortable in her new home, as this is very important for successful intercourse. If the cat doesn’t like something, or if she gets scared or gets stressed, she simply won’t let the male near her.

The cat should be brought to a new home in a carrier, in which you need to open the doors and wait until she comes out of it. It is strictly forbidden to make any attempts to force her out of the carrier. This will only aggravate the situation, scare the female, and she will refuse mating.

Preparing for mating

In order for the friendship between a cat and a cat to successfully begin with all the ensuing consequences, and for the resulting litter of British kittens to be of high quality, the animals must be properly prepared for mating:

  1. Carefully select partners for mating, studying their pedigree.
  2. If the cat has already had a litter before, you need to get as much information as possible about it: whether the kittens were healthy or had any diseases or genetic abnormalities. The presence of such abnormalities in one litter indicates that, with a high degree of probability, the same pathologies will arise in subsequent matings.
  3. It is necessary to send the cat for examination to a veterinarian and, if necessary, correct defects that have a genetic predisposition, for example, malocclusion, condition of the coat. All defects that cannot be corrected, for example, coat color uncharacteristic for the breed, must be recorded.
  4. The owners of the cat should bring it to the veterinarian for an examination in order to determine whether the pet is prepotent, that is, whether he is able to pass on the best genetic makeup to his pet.

If any abnormalities are identified in individuals of both sexes, it is recommended that they be included in the mating agreement, so that later when offspring with an unusual color or malocclusion appear, mutual claims do not arise. Since the introduction of pets takes place on the territory of the male, the owner of the cat is obliged to bring cat supplies:

  • toilet tray;
  • food and drinking water, they should be enough for 3 days;
  • feeding bowls;
  • a carrier in which the cat has already spent some time;
  • a copy of the cat's pedigree.

It is imperative to tidy up the claws so that the female does not scratch the cat. It is prohibited to bring a sick cat for mating. In addition, animals suitable for conception must have a beautiful, well-groomed coat, good physique (not be excessively thin), and be free of fleas and intestinal parasites.

The process of sexual intercourse

As soon as the cat begins to show the first symptoms of the oncoming heat, you need to immediately look for a male for mating.

The optimal time is the period from 3 to 5 days of estrus; it is during this period of time that there is a maximum probability that the mating will be successful and the cat will become pregnant.

After choosing a suitable candidate, the female goes to a new home.

Once the cat gets out of her carrier and settles into her new room, you can let the cat in. Based on the first meeting and how the cat behaved with the male, pet owners can immediately conclude whether something will come out of this friendship. If the cat approves of the cat, she will treat him kindly and tenderly, and will begin to flirt, walking around him, raising her tail invitingly. The cat will let the cat come closer, and he, in turn, will lie down next to her and begin to lick her fur.

If the first acquaintance was successful, the animals should be left overnight, since it is night time that British cats prefer for the act of love. In the morning, based on the behavior and habits of the cat, the owners will immediately notice that intercourse has occurred. The female will no longer perceive the cat as a stranger, they will feel free in each other’s company, lie down and relax together.

The female is not always ready to make contact with the cat the first time. British women can be calm and compliant, and sometimes there are those who can demonstrate their obstinate character on the very first date. A cat can also behave quite impudently: not only not allow the male to approach her, but also act as if it was not her who was visiting, but a strange cat had been brought into her house.

British cats have an interesting and entertaining sexual foreplay. The cat tries in every possible way to please the female, to come very close to her, but in most cases the cat swings her paw at him. Then the cat begins to actively persuade the female, walking around her and emitting an inviting purr.

A cat will ignore the cat's advances exactly as much as it deems necessary for its dignity. As soon as the female is ready for intercourse, she will show this by adopting a position characteristic of estrus. The cat climbs onto the female from behind, hugs her on the sides with his front paws and sinks his teeth into the withers.

The entire sexual intercourse lasts no more than 1 minute and ends quickly, barely having time to begin, with ejaculation. Immediately after the completion of intercourse, the cat sharply jumps away from the cat, who hits her with her paw after her. This is why it is so important to trim your cat's nails. There were often cases when the cat did not have time to quickly jump away from the female, and she damaged his eye with her claws.

A day after the mating has taken place, the female becomes absolutely indifferent to the cat, so the pets can be separated. Of course, for another 1-2 days the cat can call on the cat for another mating, but this does not mean that she was not mated. This behavior of the female is explained by reflexes; she behaves accordingly at the motor level.

Cost of mating

The cost of mating is 4000 rubles. Kittens from Guy Ritchie should be sold for no less than 10,000 rubles if the cat has a pedigree, because kittens with a metric cost from 10,000 rubles. If a cat does not have a pedigree, but has a child's metric, then the pedigree can be restored.

We invite you with a veterinary passport: A) British cats with or without pedigree. B) Straight-eared cats born from a mixture of two breeds: British and Scottish (50/50) .

Guy Ritchie (Thomas) produces beautiful bear-type kittens with very thick pedigree hair.

For better sale of kittens, I provide a color copy of the certificate confirming his most recent title, i.e. Grand International Champion certificate.

Mating takes place under control!

Is it possible to breed British cats with Scottish ones?

Mating British and Scottish cats is often a thankless and very dangerous task. A pair of a British cat with a Scottish cat or a Scottish cat with a bro cat can produce completely unpredictable offspring with a lot of genetic problems. Therefore, such matings can only be carried out by experienced breeders.

Previously, even during the development of the Scottish breed, British cats were actively used. Crossbreeding between Scots and British was considered the norm. Later, when breed standards were established, representatives of these two breeds continued to be crossed to obtain more interesting qualities. For example, breeders wanted to make the Scots larger. But in fact, it turned out that mating the British with the Scots worsens other qualities of the breeds and problems with the musculoskeletal system may occur, because they have different constitutions.

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The Scots have a lighter frame. They have a stretched rectangular body with a long and flexible tail. British cats, on the contrary, are large, weighty, with a compact body and well-developed muscle mass. When viewed from the side, a Briton, unlike a Scot, should not be elongated, but rather square. There are also differences in the quality of the coat: the British have a very developed and thicker undercoat.

In addition, if you breed a Scottish Fold and a British dog, the fold-eared offspring will most likely not get ideal fold ears (small and well-fitting to the head), for this you need the so-called modifier genes of the Scottish parents. British cats do not have such modifiers, so the ears of their offspring most often leave much to be desired - they are larger in size, more widely set, wider at the base.

However, from competent breeders who have thoroughly studied the Scottish and British breeds, mating of British and Scots often produces very good kittens - healthy and with perfectly positioned ears. But such breeding programs are only for professionals: most breeders without the proper knowledge will not be able to repeat the successful experience of star nurseries, so it is better not to experiment.

Mixed Scottish and British cats also have other problems.

In 2004, the World Cat Federation (WCF) officially registered a new breed of Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight cat) with the right to participate in the championship. Before this, only Scottish Folds were recognized as a separate breed. As a result, in the same 2004 (on the WCF forum dated May 7, 2004) they adopted a ban on crossing so similar British and Scots as part of the breeding of the British breed, because each breed is independent and has its own unique features. Thus, it was recognized that the Scottish breed was well established as a separate breed, and cross-breeding resulted in deterioration of traits.

However, the WCF website still states that the British breed can be used for crossbreeding with Scots in the breeding of the Scottish cat breed. These matings have long been more the exception than the rule. As a result of such matings, entries are made in the club's stud book, an experimental pedigree is issued, and the offspring are subsequently monitored by specialists. Today, if a Briton and a Scot are crossed, the offspring are recorded as Scottish.

The British are very large, heavy cats, with wider ears, with strong bones, while the Scots are cute cats with childish faces, with a more graceful body. They also differ in character: they are introverts who want to spend a lot of time alone, while the Scots love communication and games with people, and are very attached to their owners.

Today it does not matter whether British cats are mated with Scottish Fold cats or Scottish Fold cats with a British cat, the result still risks being unsatisfactory. However, many continue to cross them. The reasons vary. Someone cannot find a match for their pet in their locality, someone simply does not know about the dangers that await the offspring of such a “family,” and sometimes this happens by accident when the British and Scots live in the same family.

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But it is worth understanding that as a result of such thoughtless matings we do not get a purebred cat, but something in between, similar in some features to these breeds. A fold-eared Scot with a British body looks, at a minimum, rude and clumsy. Not to mention the damage that can be done to the body due to heavier bones. The coat also suffers. By mating a Briton with a Scot you will never get the high-quality, thickly stuffed plush coat that British cats are famous for. Thus, such matings worsen both breeds.

Nowadays, the gene pool of these two breeds is already well formed, so mating the British with the Scots does not make sense. And mating without special knowledge and experience is generally contraindicated for beginners.

Thus, we answered the question of whether it is possible to cross a British woman with a Scot and vice versa. What is the right mating, you ask? It is advisable to match a Brit with a Brit and a Scot with a Scot. Read about how to cross Scottish cats correctly in this article.

EXPERT COMMENT: Yulia Prishchepa, presenter of the YouTube channel about cats “Athena-TV”

British and Scots are two completely different breeds. But some people cross them with each other. With such crossings, freaks with genetic defects, unattractive appearance and poor health can be born, because The British have a heavy bone structure, and the Scots have weak ligaments. The offspring of such parents will have joint problems.

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