Colors of Thai cats: names, descriptions with photos, specifics of the pattern and reviews from experts

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Do you remember your tenderness when you first saw a light-colored cat “in dark socks”, with dark ears and a muzzle? And I immediately wanted to know what kind of cute creature this was. Today we will tell you about the breeds of these cats, how and when they were bred, their character and care for them.

Maintenance and care

The shorthaired Scottish Straight needs brushing no more than once a week.
Highlands with long hair are brushed more often. Cats easily accept this procedure. It's more difficult with bathing. More kittens need to be accustomed to it, otherwise an adult cat will never sign up for such an adventure. It is not recommended to bathe these cats often; two or three times a year is enough, and only if your cat is extremely dirty. The cat endures the rest of the care procedures - such as examining the ears, trimming claws and brushing teeth - stoically. It is advisable to accustom kittens to unpleasant manipulations. An adult animal is distrustful of everything new.

However, these cats are almost problem-free pets; they do not require extraordinarily complex care procedures. You just need to carefully monitor feeding so that your cat does not get fat, and provide him with a place to play and relax.


A Scottish Straight kitten is purchased at the age of 2.5-3 months. At this age, kittens from professional breeders are socialized: they are toilet trained, scratching posts, and have received the necessary vaccinations. To keep a cat in the house, the owner must purchase:

  • scratching post;
  • a bed with a removable cover or a house;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • litter tray;
  • high-quality filler;
  • nail clipper;
  • shampoo;
  • special toothpaste;
  • massage brushes with bristles and sparse metal teeth;
  • various toys: balls, fishing rods and other items for cat fun.


The undercoat of Scottish Straights is thick and dense. It is very difficult for a cat to get rid of old fur on its own. Scottish cats are very clean animals - by carefully licking themselves, they can swallow a large amount of hair. This leads to unpleasant consequences: clogging of the animal’s intestines.

Daily brushing will help the cat.

Bathing also helps remove unwanted lint. Scots should be washed 2 times a week with a mild shampoo. Cats are patient about bathing.

Some useful tips:

  • It is convenient to wash the wool with a rubber glove strictly in the direction of growth from top to bottom;
  • You should avoid drafts when bathing your pet;
  • Do not leave the cat to dry on its own;
  • You can blot the plush coat with a damp towel and then dry it with a hairdryer.

Eye care

  • The animal's eyes are washed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. The movement should be soft and gentle.
  • Do not press or rub your eyes. It is imperative to use different discs for each eye (especially if one of them is diseased).
  • If the discharge from the eyes is cloudy or purulent, this means that the animal has an infection. You should consult a veterinarian.

Behind the ears

  • The animal's ears are cleaned with cotton swabs. The inner surface of the ear is treated. You cannot go down into the ear canal during the procedure.
  • Light movements remove dust particles and possible natural secretions. Healthy ears should not have copious deposits of secretions, sores or unpleasant odors.
  • After the procedure, you should wipe your ears with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide and lubricate them with baby cream to avoid the appearance of crusts.

For tooth and claw

Taking care of your teeth is extremely important to prevent tartar buildup and the possibility of oral infections. The teeth are wiped with a swab dipped in a chamomile solution and cleaned with toothpaste and a pet brush.

Once every two weeks it is necessary to trim the animal’s claws. This must be done carefully so as not to injure living areas. Then you should disinfect the claws with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to give the animal anti-worm medication in a timely manner and treat it with a flea and tick remedy.

Color point breeds

Not every cat can boast a pigmented variety of its breed. Targeted breeding concerns only a limited number of them.


The main distinguishing feature of these cats is their folded ears. Small forward-curved ears with a curled tip have turned the Scottish Straight (especially with pointing spots) into a real four-legged brand.

Strong, harmoniously built, with good health and a calm character, the Scottish cat easily gets along with people.


The first British (at that time without a color-point mask) appeared at exhibitions a century and a half ago, although their ancestry is much older. The illustration of the Cheshire cat in the fairy-tale Alice was copied from a representative of this breed.

A large, graceful cat, with a lively look and velvety short-haired coat. An excellent companion, but only for one owner.

The British Color Point easily tolerates loneliness and jealously guards its own personal space. Does not allow familiarity and can be aggressive.


Champions in fur length among cats and owners of a characteristic flattened nose. Persia is considered the homeland of these creatures, from where they were brought to Europe. True, then they were distinguished only by long (up to 12 cm) wool.

The upturned nose of the Persian color-point is the result of the selection efforts of American breeders in the twentieth century.

Massive large body, placed on low strong paws. These cats are fluffy from the ears to the tip of the tail, with an intelligent, deep look from their wide-set eyes.

Persians are very sociable creatures, devoid of signs of obligatory dominance, characterized by a calm character and balanced psyche.

Neva Masquerade

The colorpoint mask caused the association with masquerade, and the mention of the Neva in the name refers to the place of the first selection. This is the youngest of the presented breeds, having a Russian Siberian cat as its ancestors.

Sturdy, strong, muscular animals of medium to large size. Semi-long coat in 6 color-point colors.

Affectionate and sociable, but never intrusive. They are friendly towards children and prefer to move away rather than defend themselves from annoying kids with teeth and claws.

Siamese cat

The most famous representative of the colorpoint color. An ancient breed originating in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Legends attribute to these animals the acquaintance with Buddha, the presence on the ship of the biblical Noah, and even the protection of the jewelry of the princess of Siam.

An elongated long body and a wedge-shaped head, an active character, requiring movement and tactile contact. Usually balanced in relation to the owner, but can show aggression and a desire to dominate.

Care and maintenance of Scottish straight-eared cats

Caring for straights is easy. Once a week you need to comb the coat with a special comb to remove dead hair. The Scottish Longhair cat requires more careful care of its coat, so it needs to be brushed more often.

Necessary hygiene procedures include: wiping eyes, cleaning ears, teeth, trimming nails with tweezers or scissors. Bathing the pet is carried out as needed using cat shampoos.

Regarding the question of what to feed a Scottish Straight cat, veterinarians are unanimous on this issue: Scottish Straight cats have some special features of the digestive system, so feeding should be approached responsibly.

If natural food is a priority, then the pet’s diet should be enriched with proteins, vitamins and macroelements. The menu to feed the kitten should contain lean meat, offal, marine fish, fermented milk products (except milk), cereals, and vegetables.

Products containing large amounts of sugar, fat, and salt are prohibited, as they contribute to weight gain, decreased mobility and activity. The main requirement for a natural diet is that the daily dose of food must contain the required amount of calcium.

Food from your table is strictly contraindicated for your pet. Sausages, sausages, and semi-finished products can be dangerous to the health of the animal.

If you decide to feed your Scottish kitten with ready-made industrial food, then you should give preference to super premium products.

Scottish Straight cat breed: description, standard

It is impossible to describe in words how touching the representatives of this beautiful breed look: plush fur coat, chubby cheeks, round expressive eyes and a touching, naively childish look. And Highland Straight cats also have long fur, so they look not just cute, but chic and majestic.

Straights are not large in size: a cat weighs on average 5-6 kilograms, a female cat weighs from 3.5 to 5 kg. With visual density and heaviness, the animals are very mobile and active, easily standing on their hind legs, for example, to ask for another treat.

Scottish straight. Description of the breed standard:

  1. The body is proportional, dense, strong, massive.
  2. Limbs of medium length, short, strong.
  3. The coat is short, close to the body, plush, soft, with a dense undercoat.
  4. The tail is medium length, flexible.
  5. The paws are round and neat.
  6. The neck is short.
  7. The head is rounded.
  8. The forehead is convex.
  9. The cheeks are dense, round, convex.
  10. The nose is wide.
  11. The chin is strong.
  12. The eyes are large, widely spaced, round. The color matches the coat.
  13. The ears are straight, erect, set high, with the tips of the ears spread apart.

The most common colors include:

  • ginger;
  • chocolate;
  • white;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • cream (beige);
  • tortoiseshell;
  • bi-color;
  • chinchilla;
  • ticked;
  • color point;
  • tabby

As you can see, the number and variety of colors is great: for every taste.


Bicolor cats have a coat that combines white with other tones. In purebred animals, the pattern on the body is located symmetrically. Common bicolor varieties include spotted and striped.


The calico pattern is a combination of white with tortoiseshell or tabby. Among cat lovers, individuals whose fur resembles a Harlequin costume are highly valued - a predominance of white on the body in addition to black (the top of the head and ears).


The name van was given to individuals whose tail is a different color than the body. Sometimes there are colored markings on the head.

Description of appearance

According to the breed description, this is an elegant medium-sized cat. Due to some roundness of the body and the developed front part of the body, the cat looks quite massive, but most of the effect is achieved due to the dense coat. Scottish Straight is a breed of very dexterous, beautiful and harmonious cats:

  • body. Medium-sized body with a well-developed chest and shoulders. All proportions of the cat are respected, although the body is somewhat elongated in length. The muscular frame is well developed. Paws of medium length with rounded pads;
  • head. The cat's well-proportioned, rounded head is set on a short, muscular neck. The cheeks, bases of the whiskers and jawline are clearly visible. The nose is wide, proportional, in profile the transition from the forehead to the nose is clearly visible. The ears are small, erect, triangular in shape, wide at the base, harmoniously emphasizing the round shape of the head;
  • eyes. Wide-set, round, large eyes give the cat an expression of surprised interest in what is happening. Eye color is directly dependent on the color of the cat;
  • wool. The cat's dense coat does not adhere to the body and has a dense, plush structure; it is this structure of the coat that gives cats additional volume and roundness. The coat can be either semi-long or short;
  • colors. The Scottish Straight is almost the champion in the number of popular colors; this is an accompanying characteristic of the breed. The colors of cats are as varied as that of their close relative, the Scottish Fold. The most common colors of cats include: chinchilla, lilac, blue, marbled, chocolate, cream, red and black. Such rare colors of cats as black smoke, calico (tortoiseshell) and color point look very impressive.

Fifty shades of round is an apt description for the appearance of an adult cat. It would seem an incompatible variation, but it is so. The general picture when looking at a cat is as if they tried to depict it with a compass, but something didn’t work out, and instead of clear circles we have smooth curves.


Colors are divided into three groups: solid, tortoiseshell and tabby. In the first case, the marks have a uniform shade without foreign inclusions. Tortoiseshell implies the presence of heterogeneous spots (a combination of red, brown, blue, cream colors), this type is found only in female animals.

Blue tabby point

Tabby cats have distinct stripes on their fur. There must be a pattern on the forehead resembling the letter M.

The color of the entire body is solid; there are also markings on the paw pads.

Continuous ones include:

  • blue – the body has a slightly bluish tint, the markings are gray or blue;
  • seal – dark brown markings, cream body fur;
  • chocolate or choklit - spots of rich milk chocolate color, body color - white or slightly creamy;
  • cream – soft cream, body slightly lighter than the spots;
  • red – the spots have a red (rich red) color, the body is cream or light apricot;
  • lilac – the fur on the body is white, the markings are purple;
  • cinnamon – cinnamon-colored spots, beige body;
  • faun - the fur on the body is beige (almost white), the spots are light purple.

Tonkinese fawn point kitten

Tortoiseshells include (the first word in the name is the main color of the spots, the second word is the color of the inclusions):

  • blue cream;
  • seal-cake;
  • Lilac cake;
  • Chokli-torty.

Tortoiseshell British cat

There are various variations among tabbies. The word tabby must be added to the name.


Pronounced spots appearing against a contrasting background form a tabby or tabby color. Typically, spots or stripes are visible on the face, ears, around the neck, paws and tail. On the frontal part of the animals, the silhouette of the letter M is clearly visible.

Felinologists distinguish several types of tabbbing:

  • shaded or marble;
  • spotted or spotted;
  • mackerel or tiger.

Marble on silver

The merle color is characterized by the presence of butterfly-shaped spots on the cat's shoulders. The back is divided by three large stripes, and there are many small spots on the fluffy belly. Kittens with gold or silver marble are especially prized.

Spotted Scottish cats have one stripe running along the spine. The sides are covered with round and oval spots. Tiger folds are distinguished by stripes throughout the body.


Ticked Scots look the most impressive. The term ticking refers to the alternation of three-color colors on each fiber. The presence of layer-by-layer coloring in the fur gives the animal a unique appearance. Typically, when ticking there is a transition from yellow to black or brown tones.

Striped colors.

A separate group of Mekong cats are stripes - tabby or lynx (tabby point, lynx point). Cats of this color have markings that are not solid, but with clearly visible stripes of any color. The name must include a color designation. For example, seal tabby point (with black stripes), blue tabby point (with gray-blue stripes), chocolate tabby point (with milk chocolate stripes), etc. The tabby point color is also called lynx point. A tabby-point cat should have a clear “M” pattern on its forehead, a pattern around the eyes, and a spotted area around the whiskers. On the front legs, torn rings from the toes go upward. Stripes on thighs; the back of the hind legs to the hock is solid color. The ears are solid color, but with the obligatory “thumb mark” (a spot of lighter tone on the outside of the ear), which is less noticeable in diluted, weakened colors. The inner part of the ear is lighter. Tail with unfinished rings. The nose is pink or brown with a border of the main color. Paw pads of the same tone with markings.

Seal-Tabby Point MBT n 21 or n 33 21 – dark brown striped markings, genetically – black, indicated by the letter “n”, number 33 – solid, without stripes (this number indicates that it is “ Siamese” color), 21 - stripes, i.e. color code n 33 21, possible n 21. Body color from almost white to cream (fawn), darkening with age to light brown-gray with stripes along the body. Mask, ears, paws, tail with brown-gray stripes, which become brighter with age. All colored parts (mask, ears, paws and tail) should be as close in color as possible. The mask should not be connected to the ears, much less go to the back of the head. The nose is pale orange-pink with a black edging, the paw pads are dark brown. Disadvantages: Pale eye color. The mask markings are not clear enough. The rings on the tail are not clear enough. Heterogeneous color of markings.

Blue-tabby-point color (Blue-tabby-point) MBT a 21 or a 33 21 (there are only a few Mekong bobtails in this color) - gray striped markings, genetically - weakened black, indicated by the letter “a”, number 33 - solid, without stripes (this number shows that this is a “Siamese” color), 21 - stripes, i.e. color code a 33 21, possible a 21. Body color from almost white to cream (fawn), darkening with age to light gray with stripes along the body. Mask, ears, paws, tail with gray stripes, which become brighter with age. All colored parts (mask, ears, paws and tail) should be as close in color as possible. The mask should not be connected to the ears, much less go to the back of the head. The nose is pale orange-pink with a black (dark gray) edging, the paw pads are light pinkish-brown. The main color faults are dark spots on the belly, white spots on the points, and unsaturated eye color.

The Red-tabby-point color MBT d 33 21 is a fairly rare color for Mekong Bobtails (especially among cats). The snow-white body (sometimes with a slight golden tint) is combined with red striped points. The eyes against the background of the red “mask” look especially rich cornflower blue. The color of Red Tabby Points differs, like all tabby colors, in certain features. Namely: the presence of red stripes in the form of rings on the front legs, the presence of red stripes on the tail, a pattern in the form of the letter “M” on the forehead. These stripes look very elegant and fun, especially on curled ring ponytails. The ears and points on the hind legs are solid color. The nose and paw pads are always pink. Cats of this color with red ears and muzzles resemble foxes. And the snow-white sparkling fur gives special elegance and grace to these cats. Throughout the life of an animal of such a wonderful color, the body remains snow-white. Only in old age does the body acquire a slightly golden hue. The appearance of Red Tabby Point Mekong Bobtail cats (as well as the Blue Point Mekong Bobtail color) is unlikely to resemble the traditional “Siamese” color.

Mekong bobtails of lynx-point colors are unique and very few in number; working with this color is a pleasure, although there are quite a few difficulties in working with this color.

Solid (solid)

Monochrome is considered a classic color scheme. The coat has a uniform toning of the same shade. Since British cats took part in the development of the Scottish Fold breed, the fur coat often acquired a blue or gray color. Moreover, the animals had amber pupils of their eyes.

Blue solid

Various combinations of dominant and recessive genes have led to the emergence of other solid color options:

  • ebony (black);
  • cinnamon (milk chocolate);
  • brown (chocolate);
  • faun (deer);
  • red (red);
  • peach (cream);
  • lilac (pale gray);
  • white.

In the photo there is a black Scottish fold cat (ebony)

Eye color often directly depends on the color of the coat. White folds have predominantly blue or multi-colored pupils. Lilac and black Scots typically have bright yellow or copper-colored eyes. The amber look is characteristic of chocolate-colored Scottish dogs.

Tabby colors

If your cat has spots, stripes or other clearly defined patterns, then his color is most likely one of the “tabby” color groups. The base color of the coat and the color of the tabby markings depend on the color variation, which also determines the color of the nose and paw pads. Silver tabbies have a pale base color and white hair roots. Markings should be contrasting and clearly defined. Breeding a cat with the right pattern is not easy. There are five main varieties of tabby color:

1. Mackerel (mackerel tabby) The pattern is represented by parallel vertical stripes, there should be no spirals on the side and many spots.

2. Marble colors (marble) (tabby blotched, classic tabby) The classic pattern is characterized by “butterfly” spots on the shoulders, from which three stripes extend along the ridge. On the sides there is a spiral in the shape of an oyster, and the chest is crossed by two narrow stripes in the form of necklaces. On the forehead, dark stripes form the letter M, on the tail and limbs there are even stripes in the form of rings, and the belly is spotted.

3. Spotted tabby Spots are located throughout the body, can be large or small, sometimes in the form of intermittent stripes.

4. Ticked tabby, also known as “agouti” or “Abyssinian” Agouti color means that each individual hair is ticked - two or three transverse stripes of different colors. The color of the coat is uniform, without stripes or spots on the body, on the back it is somewhat darker than the rest of the coat. The eyes and nose are outlined with a “rim”. This “wild” color is typical for Abyssinian cats, but is also found in other cats.

5. Patched tabby Patched tabby has patches of two different colors interspersed with each other: brown patched tabby - reminiscent of fall foliage, with patches of brown and red tabby. This color is also known as torbie; blue patched tabby – soft color with patches of blue and cream tabby.

Possible options:

cream tabby (coat color is cream, markings are dark cream);

· black (black tabby) (the main color is warm, golden brown, penetrated by distinct black stripes);

· red (red tabby) (the main color is red, accompanied by a contrasting pattern of deep red color);

· chocolate (chocolate tabby) (basic coat color down to the roots of the hair is ivory with a chocolate zonal pattern, accompanied by a contrasting dark chocolate pattern);

· lilac (lilac tabby) (basic coat color down to the roots of the hair is ivory with a lilac zonal pattern, accompanied by a contrasting dark lilac pattern).

· blue cream silver tabby (coat color is light blue, evenly mixed with soft cream, evenly distributed throughout the body, the undercoat is silver-white);

· silver-black or silver tabby (main color silver, with a contrasting black pattern, green or hazelnut eye color);

· blue silver tabby (coat color is pure speckled silver, accompanied by a contrasting black pattern);

· silver-chocolate or brown tabby (coat color is pure speckled silver, accompanied by a contrasting milk-chocolate pattern);

· silver-red, also known as cameo (red silver, cameo) (the color of the coat is pure speckled silver, accompanied by a contrasting red pattern);

What to name a Scottish kitten

Many new owners of plush kittens prefer to follow the beaten path and give their pets well-known nicknames: Barsik, Murzik, Vaska. But for open-minded cat lovers, choosing a name for a boy or girl is a great way to show creativity and imagination.

What nickname can you come up with for your pet so that it is associated with Scotland? This is not difficult, because the history and culture of this country are known throughout the world. Kilt, bagpipes, whiskey, tartan - this is not a complete list of words that make us think of distant Scotland.

You can rack your brain and come up with a name based on the suggested words. But most often male kittens are named Scott (Scotty), Shot (Shotti), Valli, Rob, Roy, Baxter, Archie and even Holmes or Watson. The girls are called Foxy, Orange, Athena, Shakira, Martha, Chessie, Shaddy.

What is the difference between straight and british

As a result of this crossing, 2 new cat breeds appeared: Scottish Fold - fold; and Scottish Straight - straight-eared.

Only the Straights have long been classified as British due to their external similarity and genetic relatedness. Until in 2004 the differences between the breeds were recognized and the Scottish Straight breed was officially registered.

Differences between breeds in the following indicators:

  • Scots are lighter and slimmer;
  • The British have a more “knocked down” skeleton;
  • the childish expression of the face remains in the animal’s adulthood, unlike the British. This is due to the different structure of the skull and the position of the nose;
  • The muzzle is more rounded in Scottish cats.

Scottish fold color

The genes of the British Shorthair breed gave the Scots the most incredible colors and bizarre shapes

Solid colors are quite rare (if you do not take into account solid colors). Most often, you end up with two or three stacked on top of each other.

We propose to consider the most popular colors of modern tartans.

Tortie suggests the presence of two colors at once: black and red in a variety of ratios.

Smoky is characteristic of wool, where each hair is colored unevenly: the tips are black or dark, and the undercoat is painted in lighter shades. A striking example is the coloring of the chinchilla.

Tabby is perhaps the most popular coloring, second only to solid. Characterized by dark stripes and markings all over the cat's body. A distinctive feature is also a clearly visible mark above the eyebrows in the shape of the letter “M”.

Color-point is a beautiful and very unusual coloring, typical for Neva Masquerade and Siamese cats. In this case, the entire body is painted in a light (white or milky, beige) color, and the tips of the paws, ears and the mask on the face are dark.

Calico is an extremely rare coloration, popularly called the “patchwork turtle.” It is unique to cats and combines bicolor and tortoiseshell. The lower part of the body is painted white, and the upper part is painted in two colors in equal proportions. Such a cat is the dream of any breeder, since her genes can produce kittens with an incredible and varied coat color.

Features of color point color

The color point color in cats has a number of characteristic features:

  • Colorpoint kittens are always born white or light cream in color, but after a couple of days the first dark spots form on the limbs, tail and face, which become more and more numerous as the kitten grows - this is due to the fact that the development of kittens took place in the mother’s womb, where consistently warm. As soon as babies are born, when the temperature drops, the work of the coloring pigment is activated, and the color begins to change.
  • A guaranteed color point kitten can only be obtained as a result of the union of two color point parents - in this case, every single kitten will be point. But there is an interesting exception - one or both parents can only be carriers of the cs gene, while being of any other color. Then some of the kittens will also be color point.
  • The intensity of the color depends on the ambient temperature - the lower it is, the brighter and darker the color of the pet's fur will be.
  • The color gene is closely related to eye color - it must certainly be blue, regardless of the breed of the cat. The brighter the eye color, the more intense and clearer the cat's color is.

What types of color point breeds are there?

Siamese and Thai cats are one of the few cats whose standard means only color point color. But there are many breeds that, in addition to the traditional solid colors, are allowed to have such an attractive Siamese outfit.

  1. Persian color point. The first successful experiments in obtaining colored pointing cats besides Siamese happened with Persians - this happened as a result of crossing Persian and Siamese cats. The luxurious thick fur of these animals requires considerable care.
  2. British color point. The first representatives of this variety of British cats were bred relatively recently; breeding them is not an easy task, which is why such kittens are highly valued among breeders.
  3. Scottish Straight - the darkened areas of the body of representatives of this breed look as if in a light haze. The color came into this breed as a result of crossing with Persians and the British. Very beautiful and impressive cats with an excellent docile character.
  4. Neva Masquerade. In other words, these are color point Siberian cats. They were first bred in St. Petersburg as a result of the union of Siberians with the same Siamese. The breed is stunning with its beauty - a powerful large body, luxurious thick fur, inherited from its Siberian relatives, harmoniously combined with the Siamese color and sky blue eyes.
  5. This color is also allowed for all varieties of sphinxes - Canadian, Don and Peterbalds. Due to the lack of hair in these cats, the skin has a color-point color.

This is not a complete list of breeds; there are also other, rarer representatives of the cat world that are not very well known in our country - these are breeds such as snowshoe, ragdoll, Burmese and others.

Caring for color point cats

In addition to observing the temperature regime, when caring for Color Point cats, you should follow some rules to prevent significant darkening of the coat.

There are a number of products that, according to the observations of experienced breeders, affect the color of the coat for the worse, among them: carrots, iodine-containing products, products with a large amount of copper in their composition - liver and other by-products, buckwheat, oatmeal, seafood - all this should be avoided in the diet, especially when feeding purebred show animals. If desired, owners can choose special ready-made food for such a cat, created taking into account the characteristics of its color.

Long-haired cats should be thoroughly brushed daily - if the hair becomes matted to such an extent that it has to be cut, the color will inevitably darken at the site of the bald spot. For the same reason, it is worth avoiding various types of operations and injuries if possible. Sometimes after molting the color is restored, but, unfortunately, this cannot be guaranteed. If surgery is necessary for an animal, you should try to choose an inconspicuous location for the future seam and keep the operated area well insulated until the fur grows back.

Features of character and behavior

By taking a Scottish Straight into your home, you will forever forget that a cat can tear up wallpaper, ruin furniture, or rip a curtain off a curtain rod. Scottish Straight plays pranks, but on a very limited scale; after such a game, one would not dare to say that a hurricane swept through the house. Everything is orderly, peaceful, noble. The innate intelligence and delicacy of a cat does not allow it to play mischief, so it is difficult to see the cat on the table in search of tidbits. He will just wait for you to treat him yourself.

This is not to say that adult cats or kittens are hyperactive animals. They don't exercise much, so they may suffer from overeating. If you see that your cat has become even more rounded, it’s time to go on a diet or start actively walking. Innate curiosity makes this cat an attentive observer and even a hunter. Cats living in a private home can hunt successfully, bringing their prey to the owner for display.

This cat's patience is truly limitless and extends to all households, including noisy small dogs. Scottish Straight never makes a scandal, he just goes away and hides in a hard-to-reach place. And it’s unlikely that you’ll get him out of there until he wants to get out. These cats rarely speak, preferring other methods of attracting attention.

Scottish Straight loves all family members equally, not depriving anyone of attention. He has favorites, but the cat will not demonstrate this

She also does not need too close contact with her owner; the cat prefers to sleep next to her, and not on her lap or hands. The Scottish Straight is a very caring cat, and often makes the rounds of all family members in turn. From the outside, it looks like a visit from a caring family doctor: the Scottish straight-eared cat will definitely sniff you, touch you, let you pet him, and, making sure that everything is okay with you, will move on.

Kittens can be a little willful in nature, but they train well, easily accept the rules of the game and are able to get used to the tray and unpleasant grooming or bathing procedures in a short time.

Mutual respect, love and understanding will reign in your home with a Scottish Straight cat. You will listen with surprise and an incredulous smile to the reviews of colleagues and acquaintances about mischievous or harmful pets, remembering your ideal cat.


A kitten or adult Scottish Straight cat with such a spectacular color looks amazing. Breeders do not skimp on laudatory epithets for cats with similar coat colors, comparing them to silver or black pearls. Indeed, wool of such a rare and complex color looks like an exquisite jewel.

Visually, the coat looks like a single color, but if you look closely, you can see a thin “spraying” on the coat. This effect is achieved by painting the ends of the hairs to 1/8 of the length. There are at least ten variations of chinchilla color: lilac, chocolate, as well as cream and red (cameo). The eyes should be green. By nature, chinchillas are calm and friendly.

Buying a purebred Scottish Straight kitten

A kitten at the age of 3-4 months is already psychologically stable, can eat adult food and use a litter tray, and most importantly, it has already been vaccinated and is ready to tear itself away from its mother. Therefore, it is worth purchasing a small Scottish dog at this age.

A good place to buy is at a show or a reputable nursery. If you like a little mustache, then take a closer look at his behavior - he should be cheerful, playful and well-groomed.

As soon as the baby grows up, his character and excessive hyperactivity will be replaced by balance.

Once in a new home, the little furry will quickly adapt, and most importantly, give its residents joyful emotions and a devoted friend in his person.

Genetics color point

The hairs and eyes of British Color Point kittens are filled with color due to melanin. Its production occurs under the influence of tyrosinase (enzyme) on the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosinase works under the control of the C - color gene, which determines what shade the eyes and hairs will be. In the case of gene C mutation, the production of active tyrosinase is blocked, which prevents the appearance of pigment. In this situation, an albino animal with bleached fur will be born. A lowercase letter “c” is used to designate a mutant gene.

Wool changes its color when exposed to different temperatures. The principle “the warmer, the brighter” works here. Thus, the color of the muzzle, ears, front and hind limbs, and tail is darker relative to the body. The cs gene is responsible for the manifestation of the Siamese coat coloring, allowing the pigment to penetrate the hairs only on parts of the body at a lower temperature.

Fun fact: Newborn Siamese kittens (British Color Point kittens) have a completely light coat color because the environment in the womb is warm. The final color will be established at the age of 6-10 months.

The recessiveness of the cs gene will allow it to appear in the offspring only if it is present in the genotype of both producers. To do this, producers do not have to be colorpointed; it is enough to be carriers of the gene.

Origin story

I would like to immediately clarify the issue of the origin of Scottish Straights. This is the name of the second line of the Scottish cat breed. A Scottish Fold cat's litter may include straight-eared Scottish Straights and fold-eared Scottish Folds. The line was fixed because crossing Scottish Folds with other felines did not give the desired result - stunted, sick offspring were born, with genetic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Only straights helped to successfully fix the lop ear gene and improve the genetic material.

Due to this dependence of the lines on each other, some time ago the Scottish Strat was recognized as a breed. Moreover, they are really quite different from Scottish Folds in character and temperament.

Difficulties in selecting a pair for the reproduction of lop ears make both breeds inextricably linked. We can say that the Scottish Straight is the other side of the coin of the Scottish Fold cat, in no way inferior to them in beauty and intelligence.

Exterior Features

The body of the animal is medium to large in size, very muscular and squat. The cat has a wide, rather massive chest, shoulders and back; their neck is short and voluminous.

Scottish Folds are characterized by thick, round paws, a medium, thick and very mobile tail with a slightly rounded tip.

The ears are small, slightly curved forward and down, their tips are slightly rounded. They are set wide and pressed tightly to the head, which emphasizes its round shape.

The fur is short, very thick and not adjacent to the body. There is also a quite thick undercoat, which makes the coat as a whole very dense, “plush”.

All colors are accepted for these cats, including color point without white.

The eyes are large, round, widely set. The color matches the coat.

Adults are about 30 centimeters tall at the withers and weigh from 4 to 10 kilograms.

What breeds can have color point color?

First of all, this look is typical for Siamese and Persian cats, but nowadays breeders have been able to obtain this coat color from representatives of other breeds. These include:

  • ragdoll;
  • Burmese;
  • snow-shoe;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • ocicat;
  • Scottish;
  • ;
  • munchkin.

Neva Masquerade
Color Point is an interesting and attractive breed that comes in many different shades. This coat color is currently found in many breeds. Including the British.

To maintain the correct shade of markings, cats require special conditions.

But this only applies to show animals.

Proper care for your pet

Regular care, quality nutrition, attention and love will ensure your pet has a normal weight and a long life.

  • Water procedures. Scottish Straight cats do not like water very much, so they need to be bathed when they get dirty and before the exhibition. It is worth using baby or special cat shampoo and making sure that water does not get into the ears. Afterwards, dry the cat and place it near the heater, avoiding drafts. The fur should be combed once a week.
  • Ear care. Inspect them regularly and clean them from dirt using a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil.
  • Eye care. If your Scottish cat has discharge from the eyes that shouldn't happen, contact your veterinarian for advice.
  • Claw care. The transparent part of the claws should be trimmed with tongs or scissors. At the same time, the cat must have a scratching post.
  • Help during heat. After 7 months, a Scottish cat may go into heat and become irritable. During this period, it is necessary to add sedative herbal remedies to the cat's food to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

In turn, you need to submit your pet for preventive examinations in order to identify any diseases in the early stages, as well as get vaccinations on time that will protect the mustachioed from the possibility of contracting an infection. It is also always a good idea to consult with a cat care professional to find out your cat's exact weight.

Strabismus in point cats

Cats of any point color (and there are not only blue, but also seal point, lilac point, lynx point and other variations) can experience convergent strabismus, which is characteristic of cats of the Siamese, Thai, Oriental and Burmese breeds. This defect, geneticists believe, is a byproduct of the action of the cs point gene.

Often in point cats you can find a violation of the projection of the optic nerves: part of the visual pathways from the eye goes to the side of the brain opposite to the norm. To compensate for this feature, strabismus appears, which allows the cat to build the correct visual picture.

However, there is an opinion that just one pair of cscs genes is not enough for the development of strabismus: additional genes are needed that lead to such a disorder. That is, to say that most point cats suffer from strabismus is incorrect: the majority of Scots point cats, in fact, do not have this problem.


An adult cat is fed 2-3 times a day. The Scottish Straight diet consists mainly of protein foods:

  • lean boiled meat (beef, chicken, turkey);
  • boiled sea fish without bones (given twice a week);
  • fermented milk products (sour cream, cottage cheese, unsweetened yoghurt and even cheese, but you should not give it often or a lot, the cat may develop intestinal upset);
  • various porridges with meat broths;
  • vitamin supplements.

When choosing vitamins for a cat, you should seek advice from experienced breeders or a veterinarian; Scottish Straight cats are prescribed calcium with caution. According to reviews from breeders, it is better for kittens to choose a balanced specialized food for feeding, which already contains the additives necessary for an active and fulfilling life

According to reviews from breeders, it is better for kittens to choose a balanced specialized food for feeding, which already contains the additives necessary for an active and fulfilling life.

The straight-eared side of the Scottish medal is an unexpected surprise for cat fans. A smart, intelligent and well-mannered cat is an undoubted blessing for constantly busy owners.

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