The most expensive cat breeds in the world: prices, photos and names

No. 1. Savannah

The most valuable breed of pets was bred artificially by selecting a domestic cat and a serval. Savannah breeding started in the 80s of the last century. The first offspring appeared in 1986.

Adult parameters:

  • height – 60 cm;
  • weight – 15 kg.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • slender body;
  • long paws;
  • thick coat;
  • large, bowl-shaped ears.

Savannah cats boast an easygoing disposition, developed intelligence, and high activity. They quickly get used to people and their new habitat. To live a full life, they need space to play, move and walk. They love to walk outside and take water treatments. They get along well with dogs and birds, but cannot tolerate rodents.

The price depends on gender and class, ranging from 5 to 25 thousand dollars.

No. 2. Chausie

Rare breed, selectively bred. For crossing, a marsh lynx and an Abyssinian cat were used. The first chausie appeared in the 60s of the last century.

The average weight of an adult is 5-6 kg. Externally, it is a short-haired breed with large ears and long legs. Active, inquisitive animals that cannot stand being alone. They get used to people and can make friends with dogs and other pets. They love to play, preferably outside. They are distinguished by good health.

The cost of a purebred Chausie kitten reaches 10 thousand dollars.

Golden ticked chinchilla, 50 thousand rubles

The top 10 opens with a variety of British shorthair cat - a five-month-old chinchilla of golden ticked color, an advertisement for the sale of which was published on Avito. The owner is ready to document the cat’s birth and vaccination status and promises to help with delivery.

Golden chinchilla at the exhibition on March 6, 2016. Photo: RIA PrimaMedia

The chinchilla breed appeared as a result of crossing a British and a Persian. According to standards, a golden cat should only have green eyes. The color of the coat itself is also important, and there should be no patterns on it. The golden ticked color is characterized by alternating zones of black and light brown on each hair. The ideal of this color is considered to be the color of the Abyssinian cat (which can be seen below).

No. 3. Khao-mani

Thai cat breed with a hundred-year-old pedigree. The animal was first mentioned in the Cat Book of Poems, compiled over several centuries (from 1350 to 1767). In ancient times, the Kao-Mani lived exclusively in the families of kings. They were believed to attract wealth, luck and longevity.

A distinctive feature of the breed is expressive eyes of different colors, smooth snow-white fur. Cats of this breed love to spend time with people, are active, and easily remember simple commands. They get along well with restless children. They do not tolerate loneliness well, therefore they are not suitable for those who will not pay enough attention to them.

The average cost of a purebred kitten is 10 thousand dollars.

Breed selection:

Any cat owner will tell you that every cat is different.
So why do some people think cats are the same? Cats have their own personalities and quirks. There is no doubt that the interactions between each animal and its owner are also different, and are a result of the compatibility of their personalities and lifestyles. However, many cats have directly inherited their behavior from their genetic ancestors. Some cat breeds have their own individual characteristics that require a certain lifestyle or, in extreme cases, understanding on the part of the owner. If you are determined to take a kitten into your home, you must take into account not only your personal characteristics and your lifestyle, but also the characteristics of the breed you want to adopt. Every owner knows that their cat will meow and may “talk” a little. But some cat breeds, such as Korat, Burmese and Siamese, are known for their vocal abilities. They are famous for having the longest and loudest conversations with their loved ones. If you live in an apartment with thin walls and have picky neighbors, then it is advisable to consider purchasing a cat of a quieter breed, such as an American Curl, Somali, or Scottish Fold.

Some energetic cats are able to entertain themselves and others for hours on end. The energy of such breeds as the Devon Rex, the Canadian Sphynx, the Balinese and the British Angora is very high, they are mischievous and curious creatures. It is worth considering purchasing these breeds for individuals who are confined indoors for long periods of time, the elderly and people with limited mobility, as these cats provide an excellent source of companionship and entertainment.

A kitten’s long hair, of course, looks very beautiful on a baby, but with age, the question of caring for the fur will still arise, and here you need to take into account the inevitable additional costs of cutting and whether you have free time for this. Lack of proper care can lead to loss of shine and matting of the coat. In addition, your things will always be stained with pet hair. Shaving is a last resort to solve this problem, and the procedure can be very traumatic. Some cats need to be given a sedative before being groomed. If you don't have enough time or money for regular grooming, try to avoid breeds such as the Maine Coon and Ragdoll. Affectionate and friendly cats of breeds such as Maine Coon, Tonkinese, Abyssinian and Persian are attention-seeking, making them very desirable in families with small children. Breeds that are known to be a little more aloof, especially with strangers, are the Russian Shorthair, Norwegian Forest Cat, and Nibelung. If you want your cat to communicate without conflict with other animals living with you, for example with a puppy or dog, it is best to purchase American Shorthair, Japanese Bobtail or Tonkinese cats.

Some domestic cat breeds, due to excessive reproduction, are more susceptible to diseases. This becomes expensive if the cat needs treatment for diseases such as joint inflammation, cancer, viral immunodeficiency, Feline Leukemia Virus (FLV), panleukopenia, (FIV) or Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Breeds that have been identified by veterinary organizations include, but are not limited to, Persians and Scottish Folds.

Allergens are found in cats' saliva and also in their sebaceous glands. During the breeding season, cats emit allergens at considerable distances from themselves. The concept of true hypoallergenic cats does not exist, but the Rex breed has fewer of them than others.

Breeds like the Devon Rex or Korat are very affectionate and require a lot of love from their owners. These two breeds may even show signs of depression if left unattended for long periods of time. Some breeds are unpretentious, including the Russian Blue, Exotic Shorthair, Maine, Burmese and Scottish Fold.

No. 4. Safari

Another expensive, hybrid type of pet, bred by crossing a regular cat and the Geoffroy breed. The first kittens appeared in the 70s in America. Initially used by scientists to understand the essence of leukemia.

From their ancestors, safari cats inherited an interesting spotted color, affection and tenderness. An adult weighs 10-12 kg. The body is long, elastic, matching strong paws. The coat is short and has a water-repellent effect. A very energetic breed with an easy-going character and a quick mind. Of all the selectively bred breeds, the Safari is the most good-natured. Her claws are long enough to leave a noticeable mark literally everywhere.

The cost of a safari kitten in a nursery reaches 8 thousand dollars.

No. 5. Bengal cat

Another representative of the American selection. Bred from domestic and leopard breeds. A distinctive feature is the luxurious color of the long coat, imitating the wild ancestor.

An adult weighs no more than 8 kg. Bengal cats quickly adapt to people and need communication. Despite their roots, they are not at all aggressive, active, and very smart. They quickly get used to their new habitat and love affection and tenderness. They cannot stand the cold, so in winter they strive to climb into bed with their owners.

They love to play in the water and sit on a person’s shoulders to have a better view of the area.

Depending on a number of factors, the average estimate is $4,000.

Factors influencing the cost of the breed

Usually the cost of kittens is indicated from and up to a certain amount. The discrepancy in price depends on a number of factors. Here are some of them:

  1. Rarity of the breed. The more unique the breed, the more expensive it is. The Savannah cat breed is considered the most expensive cat breed. It differs from other breeds in its exotic beauty, the rarity of its litters, and the difficulty of caring for small kittens.
  1. Breed representative class. Kittens may not always meet breed standards, so they are divided into classes. As a rule, purebred kittens are divided into three classes.

The price of a breed depends on many factors

The most expensive class are show class kittens. They have all breed standards. Breeding class kittens represent average kittens by breed standards. However, they are not much cheaper compared to show-class kittens. Pet-class kittens are the cheapest, they do not meet all breed standards and cannot be used either for exhibitions or for breeding work.

  1. Pedigree. Known parents of kittens affect their cost. The price will be determined in connection with participation in exhibitions, receipt of awards or certificates. Kittens from famous parents have enormous potential, and prices can rise significantly for this.
  1. Rarity of color. Many breeds have standard colors, but there are also rare colors that may not meet breed standards, but this can make their cost much higher.

They often look for purebred kittens with a non-standard color.

  1. Non-standard exterior. In a particular breed, there are individuals whose exterior differs markedly from the bulk of the offspring. Exterior refers to the appearance of an animal. That is, an exotic specimen may stand out. Such exotic items are in great demand, which also affects price formation.

No. 6. American Curl

A short to medium coated breed discovered in the 1980s in California, USA. A distinctive feature is the ears turned back, resembling horns from a distance.

Interesting! The ears of newborn kittens are straight, but from the second day they begin to curl quickly.

The weight of an adult is 5 kg. The body is strong, slightly elongated. The hind legs are longer than the front legs.

The American Curl is a friendly breed of cat that quickly becomes attached to people. They love evening gatherings with their owners, are not averse to playing, and are very energetic. They never show aggression and have a balanced disposition. They will not bite or scratch unless there is a good reason. If necessary, use logic and show cunning.

The price of an American curl reaches 4 thousand dollars due to its rarity.

No. 7. Toyger

A hybrid breed bred by American breeders in 1993. Recognized only 14 years later. Externally, the toyger cat looks like a small but real tiger. This was done deliberately so that people would start caring about the environment.

The weight of an adult animal reaches 10 kg. Despite the external analogy with wild nature, Toyger cats are docile, calm, and quickly remember the “rules”. They have excellent health and an elastic body. They get along well with children.

The price of a tiny tiger toyger in nurseries reaches 3 thousand dollars.

No. 8. Elf

Another representative of the selection, bred relatively recently - in 2006. American scientists obtained elves by crossing the Canadian Sphynx and the American Curl. The result is pets with interestingly curved ears without fur.

Elf cats are very inquisitive - they will get to any corner of the house if they are really interested in something. They have an excellent mind and understand human emotions. Mischievous animals that need constant communication. In everyday life they are loyal to their owners and are jealous of other members of the household. Elves have no fur, but their skin is velvety and pleasant to the touch.

The price of a purebred kitten reaches 2 thousand dollars.


The breed is also called Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx. It is hairless, although light fluff or short hair is allowed.

The cost of kittens reaches $3500.

The Peterbald has several skin types. The cat may even lack whiskers and eyebrows. The breed is characterized by a special elegance: the cats are slender, the head is long and narrow, and the profile is straight. Peterbalds have almond-shaped eyes and ears that are large and set to the sides.

This breed does not tolerate loneliness. The cat becomes attached to its owner, is easy to train, and is very affectionate towards people and other animals.

No. 9. Serengeti

A breed of domestic cats bred by Canadian scientists. To get the Serengeti, we had to cross a domestic cat with a Bengal cat. The resulting breed was named after an African reserve in Tanzania.

The weight of an adult Serengeti cat reaches 12 kg. The body is strong, the legs are long, the ears are large. The coat color is interesting, spotted. A sociable, playful breed that prefers constant movement. Serengeti cats are very peaceful and docile, they behave affectionately with people, but sometimes they can show character.

At the moment, the number of breeders breeding the breed is limited, which has affected the price of cats. The current cost of young individuals is 2 thousand dollars.

No. 10. Russian blue

One of the most common short-haired breeds. The origin of the Russian Blue cat dates back to the times of the ancient Slavs. In Europe, they learned about this breed only at the end of the 19th century - then an English breeder acquired two kittens with an interesting bluish color. Afterwards the animals became popular all over the world.

From the name it is clear that a distinctive feature of the cats’ appearance is short gray hair with a bluish tint. They have an easy-going, peaceful character. Playful kittens grow into obedient pets who are sometimes not averse to showing how much they love their freedom and being naughty. According to ancient belief, the Russian blue cat brings happiness, success in all endeavors, and prosperity to the house.

The cost of a month-old kitten with documents is 2 thousand dollars.

Oriental cat, 65 thousand rubles

Already an adult and titled handsome chocolate point with white color is sold by the Elfendale nursery on Avito. They are ready to send it to any region of the country.

“Excellent pedigree of famous European blood, excellent breed type, wonderful temperament, multiple show winner,” the seller praises the cat.

An adult Oriental cat at an exhibition on November 5, 2016. Photo: Alexander Ratnikov, RIA PrimaMedia

The actual homeland of this breed is also the USA, but the cat was brought there from England, where, in turn, at the end of the 19th century, its direct ancestors were brought from Thailand along with Siamese cats. In America, the mother of the first Oriental was Roofspringer Mahogany Quinn, Havana Brown. After some time, they adopted standards for an independent breed, leaving Havana Brown not just as a color, but as a breed type (European breeders lost it by crossing Thai cats). In 1977, the breed was officially supplemented with other colors, taking the Siamese cat standards as a basis and adjusting some parameters.

No. 11. Laperm

American cats developed in the 1980s through selective breeding. The resulting breed won worldwide approval only 10 years later. Laperms are animals with curly fur. They love to hunt and are very active, especially in the evening. Because of their innate curiosity, they will climb onto the highest cabinet and find out what is in the smallest hole under the baseboard.

The advantage of cats is that their fur is hypoallergenic. They become strongly attached to people, do not tire of expressing their love and do not tolerate loneliness.

The cost of kittens of the breed is estimated at 2 thousand dollars.

Egyptian Mau

An ancient cat breed that was highly revered in Ancient Egypt.

Today, the cost of kittens can reach $5,000.

The breed is short-haired, medium size. The color is spotted, and there are spots not only on the coat, but also on the skin. The color can be silver, bronze or smoky. 2 lines are required under the eyes and on the cheekbones, there should be an M-shaped pattern above the eyes, and a W-shaped pattern at the level of the ears. Almond-shaped eyes should have a green color; up to 1.5 years, a yellow tint is allowed.

The cat is active and sociable; loneliness is not for her. The breed is characterized by excellent vision, smell, hearing and high speed - up to 58 km/h. The cat is very clean and loves water.

No. 12. Maine Coon

Famous breed of large cats. The animals' ancestors lived in northeastern America in Maine. Thanks to their fluffy tail and striped coat color, Maine Coons look like raccoons (from the English “coon”). This is where the name came from.

The weight of adult cats reaches 15 kg. In fact, pets are similar in size to small dogs. The length of the body is on average 1 m. The appearance of the animal is specific and formidable, although in reality they are affectionate and gentle creatures. They have a calm, balanced character and are friendly towards other pets. A distinctive feature is “singing” or a kind of meowing. From the outside it seems as if Maine Coons are trying to talk.

To get a purebred kitten from a breeder, you will have to stock up on 1.5 thousand dollars.

Types of wild cats with large ears

The record holder for the largest ear size among the cat species living in the wild is the African Serval.


This is a medium-sized cat, up to 65 cm high at the withers and up to 1.5 m long from the nose to the tip of the short tail. Bright, almost orange in color (the intensity of the main tone depends on the subspecies) with black spots, white belly, quills and false “eyes” on the back of the ears. The predator's ears are truly outstanding in size, more than 5 cm, set high and vertical. Due to the high and slender paws and small head with a long and muscular body, it gives the impression of a very graceful creature. Although he is more of an athlete. Lives mostly in Africa.

Recently, it has become fashionable and status-bearing to keep an exotic cat in the house. To do this, the kittens are taken away from the breeding female early and hand-fed. The domestic Serval is a unique and wonderful, very beautiful pet. But few can afford to own such a cat - the price of an animal starts from half a million rubles. Keeping and caring for a pet is also not cheap.

Another wild beauty is Caracal. This is a separate species of cat, common in Asia, Dagestan, and China. Sometimes it is called the steppe lynx, but this is morphologically incorrect; it is more close to pumas.


Slightly lower than the Serval, but more powerful and wider. The coat ranges from pale red to bright cherry color, and the eyes are often bright blue, surrounded by a black rim. The abdomen, quills and false “eyes” on the ears are white. The ears are very large with high black tufts. Just like the Serval, it is expensive to purchase and maintain.

Another big-eared cat predator is the much smaller Sandy or Dune cat. This savage is even smaller than a pet. Body length up to 90 cm, half of which is on the tail. The maximum weight of a male is 3.5 kg.

Dune cats

The coat is thick, soft, sandy, sometimes gray. The head is large, flattened, with thick sideburns. The ears on such a small animal seem simply huge - they are located widely and extend onto the side of the skull. They are reminiscent of such “locators” and the piercing gaze of the green eyes of space aliens. It lives in the Sahara, the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia. This desert animal has an absolutely wild disposition and is absolutely not suitable for domestication.

An animal that very little is known about is the Chinese or Gobi desert cat. This species is endemic to China.

Gobi desert cat

Thick reddish skin with sparse stripes and thick soft hair visually increases the size of this small animal. The maximum weight of males is about 9 kg. The length with the tail is a little more than 90 cm, the height at the withers is 30. The ears of this steppe inhabitant are very large with expressive tassels reminiscent of lynxes.

These amazing creatures have been exterminated for a long time and intensively, today their population is less than ten thousand heads. They are listed in the second appendix of CITES - the convention on international trade. They are protected today by the Republic of China. Not social animals, there was no case of domestication.

The amazing animal Margay or Long-tailed cat lives in the tropical forests of South America. A bright, beautiful, medium-sized (up to 8 kg) representative of the leopard coloring, extremely rare and protected by the international community. The animal's ears are large, widely spaced, the tips almost do not narrow and are smoothly rounded.


No. 13. British Shorthair

The real pride of Foggy Albion. A well-known breed of medium-sized cats with very soft, elastic fur. Received official recognition in 1984. The color of the "British" can be different. Popular options are chocolate, gray-silver, bluish, lilac. The muzzle is slightly round, which is why the appearance of the animals seems doll-like and very pretty.

The character of cats is primordially British - restrained, calm, balanced, with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. They do not like to sit on their hands, accompanying this process with dissatisfied meows. Representatives of the breed do not need the constant presence of people - they like solitude more than noisy company. If the British want to play, they will do everything to ensure that people comply with their request.

The price of a purebred British Shorthair kitten from a breeder can reach 1.5 thousand dollars.

Silver-shaded chinchilla, 70 thousand rubles

An eleven-month-old British chinchilla of a silver-shaded color is sold there by a breeder from Ussuriysk, who has provided World Cat Federation (WCF) documentation for the cat. The seller also undertakes to help in delivering the animal, but at the buyer’s expense. Delivery to a transport company that will send a Briton to another region will cost an additional 9 thousand rubles.

Silver shaded cat Ice Cream Arte Vita. Photo: courtesy of the nursery of British cats of precious colors Arte Vita

British Shorthair cats received their silver-shaded color from Persians. All British dogs of this color are usually called chinchillas, which is not very correct. A real chinchilla is a silver chinchilla cat. Silver-shaded Britons are noticeably darker than chinchillas. In addition, their ears, legs and tail are more intensely colored (in chinchillas these parts are white). According to the standard, the eyes of silver shades can be green and yellow.

No. 14. Canadian Sphynx

According to official sources, the breed appeared in the 1960s in Canada. According to rumors, smooth-haired cats were popular back in the days of the pharaohs and Incas.

Despite their formidable appearance, sphinxes are peace-loving codes with a friendly character. Such a pet continuously follows the person without irritating him with useless meows. Sphinxes sit quietly next to their owner, as if complementing him. An interesting property is that animals can freeze in one position for a long time, becoming like a porcelain figurine.

Sphinxes are very graceful - everything they do, how they move or rest, looks like high art. They rarely bother people, although sometimes they persistently ask to play with them. They are jealous of the object of affection.

The cost of a cat reaches 1.5 thousand dollars.

No. 15. Scottish fold

The first representative of the breed was found in Scotland 60 years ago. A distinctive feature of their appearance is their curved ears, which is why cats appear to be toys. The cause is a gene mutation. Hence the name - Scottish Fold.

Thoroughbred animals have a good mind, loyalty and flexible character. They get along with people and can make friends with other pets. Despite their hunting instincts, they are afraid of birds. They have several features: a creaky, far from melodious voice, and the ability to stand on their hind legs, like a person, if they are interested in something, but there is no desire to jump onto a higher object. The favorite pastime of Scottish Folds is to occupy an L-shaped position: sitting with their hind legs extended and their back straight. From the outside it seems as if the cat was tired and sat down to rest in the “Buddha pose”.

They can be selective in food and often suffer from joint diseases. The cost of a small purebred kitten, depending on the pedigree, can reach 1.5 thousand dollars.


It is important to understand that in order to have an expensive cat at home, you will have to adapt to its needs, desires and learn to live in a new, meowing routine. It is desirable that pets bred by crossing wild animals have access to outdoor walks and active games.

The most expensive cat breeds. Top 18 (with photos)

17th place: Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx is a breed of graceful cats, bred in Russia in 1994 as a result of an experimental crossing of an Oriental cat and a Don Sphynx. The Peterbald's body can be completely hairless or covered with soft down. These elegant animals have a slender body, a long head shape and large ears set apart to the sides. St. Petersburg Sphynxes can be described as curious, friendly and affectionate cats who vitally need communication with people. Thanks to their exceptional intelligence and extraordinary communication skills, they are highly trainable. The cost of a Peterbald depends on its class and gender and can vary from 300 to 1300 US dollars .

16th place:
The Himalayan cat is a breed of long-haired cats, identical in appearance to the Persian, with the exception of blue eyes and color point color (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail), obtained by crossing the Siamese breed with the Persian. The breed originated in the 1950s. in USA. Himalayan cats represent the golden mean between the Persian and the Siamese: they are not as intrusive as the Siamese, and are slightly more active than the Persians. Himalayans are very affectionate, playful, obedient, friendly animals with a calm and gentle character. The price of a Himalayan cat is 500-1300 USD .
15th place: The Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold is a very interesting breed of cat, the main distinguishing feature of which is the characteristic structure of the ears, curved forward and down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. The first representative of this breed was discovered in 1961 in Scotland. Scottish Folds have a balanced disposition, are playful, intelligent, and get along well with all family members. In addition, they have a number of amazing features. Firstly, the specific voice of a cat, which differs from ordinary purring in its creaky quality. Secondly, they can stand on their hind legs, looking at what interests them. And thirdly, Scottish Folds like to sit in an L-shaped position with a straight back and outstretched legs - this position is appropriately called the “Buddha pose”. The cost of cats of this breed ranges from 200-1500 dollars .

14th place: The Canadian Sphynx is a breed of hairless cats whose history officially began in 1966 in Canada, but there is evidence that these unusual creatures were known back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs and were common in the temples of the Aztecs and Incas in ancient Mexico. Sphinxes are famous for their unusually sociable, peaceful and friendly nature. They are very graceful, energetic, intelligent and endlessly loyal animals to their owner. Very often they can be caught doing a curious activity: they can freeze for a long time in bizarre poses, looking at something or simply lost in thought. The price of a thinking cat of the Sphynx breed varies from 400 to 1500 dollars .

13th place: British Shorthair is a medium to large sized cat breed that received official recognition in 1984. Their colors come in a wide variety, but the most popular are solid colors (lilac, blue, black, chocolate). These short-haired cats have a truly English character, the main qualities of which are self-esteem and restraint. British women are particularly independent - they calmly endure loneliness, extremely rarely fawn on their master and do not require much attention at all, but when they have a desire to play or communicate, they will certainly let you know about it. The cost of a British aristocrat can range from 500 to 1500 conventional units .

12th place: Maine Coon is a large breed of domestic cat, whose ancestors lived on farms in Maine (Northeast America). Due to their original black striped color and huge fluffy tail, they looked like raccoons - hence the second part of the name “coon”, that is, “raccoon”. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. Despite their slightly menacing appearance, they are known as “gentle giants”. Maine Coons are flexible, affectionate, friendly and playful creatures that are famous for their “singing ability” and often delight their owners with unique solo performances. The price of a vocal cat ranges from 600-1500 dollars .

11th place: LaPerm is a breed of cat with curly hair that appeared in the United States in the 1980s as a result of free crossing. The breed received official recognition in 1996. Laperms are inquisitive, affectionate, active and love to hunt. In addition, they are hypoallergenic and are perfect for families whose members suffer from allergies. The price for kittens of this breed ranges from 200-2000 dollars , depending on their gender and class.

10th place: Russian Blue is one of the most popular breeds of short-haired cats, originating from the cats of the ancient Slavs. This breed became known outside Russia in 1893, when the English breeder Karen Cox brought two blue kittens from Arkhangelsk. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its short blue coat with a beautiful silver tint. Russian Blues are kind, obedient, peace-loving cats, but can sometimes be stubborn and freedom-loving. Legend has it that they bring prosperity and happiness to the house. You can buy a talisman in the form of a Russian blue cat for 400-2000 dollars . The Russian Blue is one of the top 20 most popular cat breeds in the world.

9th place: Serengeti is a breed of domestic cat, bred in 1994 in California as a result of crossing Bengal and Oriental cats. It received its name in honor of the habitat of the serval - the Serengeti Nature Reserve, Tanzania. The average weight of the Serengeti is 8-12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. They can be described as graceful, agile, playful, sociable and peaceful animals. The cost of representatives of this breed is 600-2000 conventional units .

8th place: Elf is a young cat breed, the first representatives of which were bred in the USA in 2006. American Curls and Canadian Sphynxes took part in the breeding work, resulting in an unusual breed of hairless cats with forward-curved ears. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable amount - 2000 US dollars .

7th place: Toyger - a large breed of cat, resembling tigers in its appearance, was bred in the USA in 1993, and received official recognition in 2007. The breed's creator says the toy tiger breed was developed to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. Despite the name, toygers are not very toy-sized: the average weight of an adult is 7-10 kg. The Toyger has a calm temperament, is intelligent and easy to train. The cost of a mini-tiger varies between 500-3000 dollars .

6th place: The American Curl is a breed of short-haired and semi-long-haired cats, first found in California in 1981. She became famous for her unusual ears, which are folded back like little horns. Interestingly, American Curl kittens are born with straight ears, and they begin to curl back between the 2nd and 10th days of life. Cats of this breed are very intelligent, curious, friendly and playful, adapt well to new conditions and are incredibly loyal to their owner. The price of an American Curl kitten can range from $1,000 to $3,000. Such a high price is also due to the fact that the American Curl is one of the rarest cat breeds.

5th place: The Bengal cat is a hybrid breed developed in the 1980s in the USA as a result of crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. Its main advantage is its luxurious thick leopard-print fur. The weight of an adult Bengal is 4-8 kg. Representatives of this breed are very sociable and need constant human company. They are smart, active and, despite their roots, not at all aggressive, but on the contrary, very gentle and sensitive animals that quickly adapt to a new environment. Bengal cats have several characteristic habits: despite their impressive size, they often climb onto their owner's shoulders. In addition, they love water treatments - they often play with water, and sometimes persistently ask to take a shower with their owner. The price of a Bengal cat varies from 1000 to 4000 conventional units , depending on its class and gender.

4th place: Safari is a rare hybrid cat breed that arose as a result of crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the early 1970s in the USA to study leukemia. Adults weigh on average 11 kg. This unusual animal combines the luxurious coloring of the Geoffroy wild cat and the gentle essence of the domestic cat. They have a friendly and balanced disposition, are incredibly intelligent and energetic. There is information that the Safari is the kindest and most loving of all existing hybrid breeds. The cost of cats of this breed ranges from 4-8 thousand conventional units .

3rd place: Khao Mani is a cat breed of Thai origin that has an ancient pedigree dating back several centuries. The earliest mention of them is in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book of Poems (1350-1767). In ancient Siam, kao-mani lived only in royal families, and was considered a symbol of good luck, longevity and wealth. The main distinguishing feature of this cat is its snow-white, smooth fur and expressive eyes, which can be yellow, blue or multi-colored. Kao-manis have a reputation for being sociable, intelligent, active and easy to train cats. The price for a kitten of this breed can vary from 7,000 to 10,000 dollars .

2nd place: Chausie is one of the rarest breeds of domestic cats, which was bred by crossing a domestic Abyssinian cat and a wild African cat (swamp lynx). The first representative of this breed was bred in the USA in the late 60s. The average weight of adults ranges from 4 to 8 kg. Chausies are slender, graceful short-haired cats with long legs and large ears. They can be characterized as intelligent and active animals that do not lose their enthusiasm throughout their lives. Due to their sociable nature, they really do not like loneliness and prefer any company, be it a person, a cat or even a dog. The cost of Chausie kittens of the highest class is 8-10 thousand conventional units .

1st place: Savannah is the most expensive existing cat breed , bred by hybridizing an African serval and a domestic cat. Breeding of this breed in the USA began in the early 1980s, and the first two kittens were born in 1986. Savannahs can weigh up to 15 kg and can reach a height of 60 cm, making them the largest breed of domestic cat.

The distinctive features of the savannah are long legs, an elongated slender body, large cupped ears inherited from wild ancestors, as well as thick, spotted fur. Savannahs are known for their high level of intelligence, calm nature, curiosity and activity. They adapt very well to life in new conditions, but at the same time they need enough space to play and run around. They get along well with other animals and love water treatments and walks in the fresh air. Depending on the class and gender of the kitten, the price can vary from 4 to 22 thousand dollars.

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