Breeds of black cats: eye color and shade

Gone are the days when a black cat was considered the product of “evil spirits” and was believed to bring misfortune, but the magical attractiveness of animals with this color has not gone away. The iridescent ebonite coat is the result of a high concentration of eumelanin pigment microgranules in the wool; they almost completely absorb light.

Black color is not always acceptable with green eyes

The rich green color of the iris is characteristic of the black solid color, along with yellow and copper, but a black cat with green eyes cannot be of any breed. For example, black Persians, exotics, Britons, and Scottish Folds have only orange or yellow eyes.

Green ones are allowed in cats of oriental and aboriginal breeds. It is interesting that there is a breed in which black solid color is the breed-forming one - this is the Bombay cat, although according to the standard it is supposed to have yellow, amber or golden-colored eyes, and green will be a disadvantage. Let's look at the breeds of black cats with green eyes.

Oriental cat

For this breed, green eye color is the main color according to the standard; it is characteristic of oriental cats of almost all colors. The black color perfectly emphasizes the exquisite contours of the Oriental cat’s body, their extraordinary grace and excellent physical shape. Almond-shaped eyes of rich green color wonderfully harmonize with the charcoal shade of the coat.

Giant with green eyes: black Maine Coon cat

A Maine Coon cat of a solid black color with green eyes evokes awe - the strong, powerful bones of these cats, their large lynx ears with tassels and the often stern expression of their faces immediately make it clear who is boss in the house, although their character is quite peaceful and flexible .

The breed standard allows all shades of green iris, the main thing is that the eye color is in harmony with the color and is as pure and bright as possible.

Breeds of long-haired black cats

List of long-haired black cat breeds:

  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Siberian;
  • Maine Coon;
  • British Longhair;
  • Persian;
  • American Bobtail.


List of shorthaired breeds with dark coats:

  • chausie;
  • Bengali;
  • oriental;
  • Cymric;
  • Manx;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • Devon Rex;
  • Bombay.


Hairless cat breeds are hairless, but such animals have dark skin. These are the Peterbald, Don and Canadian Sphynxes. In elves, Ukrainian Levkoy, Dwelf, Minskin, dark skin color is less common.

Norwegian Forest Cat

A large black cat with green eyes of the Norwegian Forest breed is incredibly beautiful, although it is quite rare. Much more often, representatives of this native breed have common colors with agouti factor and white. The Norwegian Forest is a semi-long-haired cat, and its truly long, thick fur once helped these cats survive in the harsh Scandinavian climate.

The breed standard allows all green shades of the iris, including yellow-green.

Devon Rex

“Little fairy elf” is how you can describe this charming cat with curly fur, originally from Devonshire. The breed standard recognizes all colors and any shades of eyes are allowed, but they must be uniform and in harmony with the color of the coat. So, if you wish, you can also find a black kitten with green eyes in nurseries.

Cornish Rex

A charcoal coat also adorns representatives of the Cornish Rex breed, emphasizing the extraordinary wavy structure of the coat and giving the cat a special elegance. The breed standard allows any eye color, but the color of the iris must be pure, intense and in harmony with the coat color.

One of the features of both domestic and purebred cats is the variety of coat colors and eye colors. These animals are graceful in themselves. But when a cat has a harmoniously combined shade of iris and fur, it looks especially impressive. Such animals are highly valued by pet lovers. For example, many people think that black cats with green fumes just look luxurious.

Emerald iris color is rare

Initially, the most common eye color for cats with any coat was green. But subsequently, breeders became somewhat carried away by breeding new breeds with unusual eye colors: blue, bright orange, etc. Therefore, today, unfortunately, cats with green irises have become a relatively rare occurrence.

There are quite a lot of furry animals with tea-colored, marsh or, for example, khaki-colored eyes. But cats with emerald green or bright grass irises are very difficult to see today.

But still, if you try, you can find a cat with such eyes even today. Even an outdoor cat can have a bright emerald iris. Of course, this eye color is allowed by the standards of many breeds.

Green eyes in cats

The eye color of any cat is determined by its main color, while the green iris of the eyes is found in any coat color. Despite the fact that green eyes in cats are considered classic, at one time feline breeders were so keen on breeding animals with unusual shades of the iris that green-eyed cats and cats became a rarity.

Today there are many green-eyed cats, but animals with unique bright emerald or grass eyes need to be looked for. It is interesting that the intensity of the eye color is directly related to the color of the animal’s coat, which is why black cats often have bright, jewel-like irises. At the same time, it is the bright green eyes of cats that are most difficult for breeders who want to get kittens with emerald or even turquoise eyes from a pair.

Getting rich green eyes in cats is not easy.

How do you get green-eyed kittens?

The color and shade of a kitten's eyes depends on how much pigment and what color are located in the back and front of the eye. So, from the moment of birth, absolutely all kittens have blue eyes, and by three to six months they acquire the final shade of the iris. This is because the embryo has the largest amount of melanin, a pigment that is evenly distributed and reflects light so that the eye appears blue or blue.

As an animal ages, the pigmentation of its eyes changes and pigments are secreted in the front and back of the eye. If the front part is more pigmented, the cat will have yellow eyes. If there remains a sufficient amount of melanin in the back part, which gives a blue tint, then the well-known mixture of colors will work. That is, blue shining through yellow will give green. True, it is possible to see exactly the green tint, and not the yellow one, only with a certain degree of rarefaction of the latter.

Green eyes are the result of the superposition of two pigments

It turns out that to achieve a bright green eye color, the “back pigment” should be rich, deep, but not excessive, while the “front” pigment should be quite transparent, but not too much. If there is too much pigmented melanin in the back of the eye, the cat will have turquoise eyes, like sea water; if there is more pigment in the front, the eyes will be gooseberry, yellow-green.

If the middle layer of pigment has average saturation, the eyes will acquire a beige-green tint, melanin deep in the cornea will give malachite, light green or rich emerald color. It is this combination of pigments that gives cats such a variety of shades of the iris. And that is why at cat shows experts cannot accurately determine the name of the animal’s eye color, indicating in the descriptions such unusual shades as “pea green”, “withered grass”, “young pine needles”, “khaki” and the like.

Structure of a cat's eye

Black wool: features

This fur color initially is also not uncommon for cats. The coat of a purebred cat may appear black if its color is defined as:

  • jet black;
  • dark chocolate;
  • silver-black;
  • black and blue, etc.

Fur of this color, as well as emerald eyes, are acceptable by the standards of many modern breeds. Of course, you can also have an outdoor kitten at home with this combination of fur and eye color. But you can, of course, only find such a pet with a certain amount of luck. Genes in street cats manifest themselves extremely unpredictably. Therefore, for those pet lovers who want to have a black cat with green eyes, it is better to visit the websites of nurseries that specialize in breeding those breeds whose standards allow such a combination.

Black cat of Siberian breed

The cat is a domestic breed, the distinctive feature of which is its long, thick coat, powerful undercoat, and fluffy, chic tail. She looks like a forest cat, bold and fearless. But by its nature it is a kind, easy-going animal.

In addition to black, the breed standard has more than 200 types of colors. Due to the striking difference in the palette, confusion often arises in determining the breed. Regardless of the main color, the Siberian cat has constitutional features that remain unchanged:

  • strong backbone;
  • large head;
  • strong paws.

This breed also includes a subspecies of short-haired cats, distinguished by “plush”, thick fur. A black cat with green eyes of the Siberian (solid black) breed is very trainable. Possessor of high intelligence, devoted to the owner and his family. Siberians do not require serious care. You can comb it once every 7 days, but during the molting period this procedure is performed with frequent regularity.


Maine Coons

These cats have come into fashion in Russia relatively recently. At the moment, Maine Coons are extremely popular in our country. The main features of this breed are its truly gigantic size (weight up to 13 kg), the presence of a large “hooligan” box (the place where the mustache grows) and fluffy, rather long fur.

Cats are really big and often even look scary. However, the temperament of representatives of this breed is actually very soft and flexible. Despite their somewhat “street” appearance, the animals are exclusively indoor animals. Maine Coons have retained their hunting instinct. That is, they can catch mice and birds, for example, with the same zeal as other cats.

However, Maine Coons, unfortunately, cannot stand up for themselves on the street at all. Representatives of this breed have great love for all living creatures, including neighbor cats or even dogs. Such an animal can approach a pack of wild dogs completely without fear, which, of course, will end badly for him.

Blue-black wool for Maine Coons is considered one of the standards. Often such cats also have emerald irises. A photo of a black Maine Coon cat with green eyes can be seen below.


This is another breed that is definitely worth considering for those who want to have a black, green-eyed pet. A feature of Orientals is, first of all, a very unusual “lynx” appearance. Their muzzle and ears form an inverted triangle. These cats have shiny fur and look very elegant and graceful.

One of the characteristic colors for this breed is ebonite, that is, coal-black. Orientals with such fur usually do not have a single light spot on their body. Even the nose and paw pads of these cats are black.

The character of Orientals is quite flexible. These cats adore their owners and constantly demand attention from them. One of the characteristics of this breed is its loud voice, which Orientals love to use with or without reason.

Green eyes in Orientals, including blacks, are quite common. Moreover, the iris of such cats can have a variety of shades - from swamp to bright grassy. The eyes of animals of this breed are large, almond-shaped. That’s why orientals with a green iris look incredibly impressive. A photo of a black cat of this breed is presented below.

Mister Cat talks: myths and omens

Over the centuries of existence next to humans, black cats have been persecuted and destroyed more than once. Scientists have discovered a pattern that these pets always have a more docile and peaceful character. Biologists attribute this to the fact that in this way nature is trying to protect this type of color from complete extermination and extinction.

There are many stories, myths and legends associated with coal cats:

  1. In Ancient Egypt, black cats were worshiped and considered servants of the cult of the goddess Baset.
  2. During the years of the Inquisition, medieval Europe practically exterminated the entire population of black cats. They were considered the embodiment of the witch's soul and were burned at the stake.
  3. It is still customary to turn back or spit over your shoulder three times if a black cat crosses the road. The appearance of a strange black cat in the house is considered a sign of trouble. And in Ireland, these facts, on the contrary, serve as lucky omens - if a black cat crosses the road or enters the house, it is good luck.
  4. The owner of a black cat in England is credited with love and a large number of fans.
  5. In Scotland and Australia, these pets are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the home.
  6. In Russia, black cats have always been the best defenders against thieves and the most successful hunters.
  7. Sailors treat any cat on board with love, but if it is a black animal, then it is believed that the voyage will be successful.

Read more in the article about signs about black cats.



This cat is just perfect for those pet lovers who want to have a calm and affectionate pet. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their phlegmatic and lazy character. Even the name “ragdoll” itself translates literally as “rag doll.”

The weight of a cat of this breed can reach up to 9 kg. That is, these animals are very large. Ragdolls have a fur structure that is unlike any other cat. Since representatives of this breed have very thin hairs on their bodies, their fur is more reminiscent of a rabbit's.

Actually, black is not included in the standard of this breed. However, ragdolls with dark coffee or black-chocolate coat are allowed for exhibitions. These cats look almost jet black. Pets with green eyes of the Redgall breed are also quite common.

Mystery of color

The history of the appearance of these animals has distant Phoenician roots. In those days, the Phoenicians treated black felines as amulets.

Bombay cat

The animals, invisible in the dark, were excellent at hunting rodents at dusk, so conditions were created for them to reproduce. In ancient times, packs of cats were even kept in temples. However, over time, when the population of cats grew, they were persecuted - after all, many were frightened by flocks of burning eyes moving in the dark. Seeing such a spectacle, people in fear began to associate black purrs with otherworldly forces. And women who kept such pets were called witches and burned at the stake.

Salvation in such a situation could be at least one white hair in the animal’s dark fur. So, the breeding of the black color gradually began. Black and white has replaced it.

American Bobtail

A distinctive feature of this cat is its bob tail. Representatives of this breed look very funny. Breeders often sell black American Bobtails with white spots on the face or chest. According to breed standards, this is not considered a marriage. Black and white cats with green eyes also look quite impressive. This combination is liked by many pet lovers. But if you wish, it will be quite easy to find and purchase a completely black green-eyed bobtail.

The standards for this breed recognize 3 shades of black:

These cats are considered a family breed. They treat all people living in the house equally with love. Bobtails do not require too much attention from their owners, but they will also take part in active games with pleasure.

Black color in cats

The fur colors of representatives of modern domestic cats are as diverse as the shades of their eyes. A cat's blue-black coat is associated with the presence of eumelanin, a pigment controlled by the dominant B gene. This gene also includes dark colors (brown, chocolate, cinnamon), but in relation to pure black they are recessive.

In order for an animal to get a truly charcoal coat color, in addition to the B gene, a dominant D gene must be present. Both of these genes were found in the oldest representatives of the cat family, and black color is still considered the basic color and one of the oldest. Black cats are found in almost all breeds, and in almost all breeds this color is accepted as standard.

Against the background of a black fur coat, emerald eyes look very impressive

Devon Rex

All the breeds described above are quite large in size. Those pet lovers who want to have a small black cat with green eyes should pay attention to the Devon Rex. Tiny representatives of this breed look really cute and cute.

The Devon Rex's coat is not too long and wavy. There are no pure black shades in the standards of this breed. However, if you wish, you can purchase a Devon Rex in silver-black, ash-black or black-blue. Green eyes are very common in cats of this breed.

Due to their cheerful, playful disposition, Devon Rex cats are often called eternal kittens. Animals are active and insatiably curious. Such a cat will have to pay quite a lot of attention. Among the advantages of this breed, many pet lovers also include high intelligence and fearlessness.

Features of color

First, we should dispel the myths that have been created for centuries around the black color of cat fur. The black color of the fur is the result of genetics, and not the machinations of evil spirits. Color is inherited, from mother to son - in most cases, a black cat gives birth to kittens with exactly the same coat color.

Melanin pigment, which is microscopic granules, is responsible for color.

This pigment, in turn, breaks down into two components such as:

  • eumelanin completely absorbs light and gives black pigmentation with all derivative colors: chocolate, blue, lilac, fawn;
  • pheomelanin is responsible for all varieties of red color.

Inheritance of a certain color depends on the gender of the tabby, since the cat has one X chromosome and can be either black or any shade of red. Cats have two X chromosomes, so kittens can be born with black, red or tortoiseshell colors.

Genetics of black color

The pigment pheomelanin is responsible for the red color, and eumelanin is responsible for the black color. In cat hair they are presented in the form of granules, the shape, quantity and location of which determine the color shade. Let’s leave the first one (red) aside, and consider the second one in detail.

  1. In black cat breeds, the B (black) gene is responsible for color. In the genotype of an animal, it can be represented in three alleles (species): dominant B, recessive b and bl.
  2. In the dominant state, the gene forms almost round (slightly elongated at the poles) eumelanin granules with a dense arrangement in the hairs. This gives a rich black color.
  3. The recessive allele b of the same gene stretches the pigment granules and moves them away from each other. It turns out to be a chocolate shade.
  4. The final form of bl is even more expanded eumelanin capsules and a sparse arrangement. On the hair this gives the color of cinnamon (cinnamon), characteristic of many breeds.

All other characteristics do not play a role in the color of interest - a large black cat is necessarily a carrier of the dominant B gene.

Temperament and eye color

Nature has endowed black cats with an easy-going and peaceful character. They are sincerely attached to a person and are able to capture his mood and state. It is blacks who are considered the best healers: they take negativity upon themselves, transform it into positive energy and return it to their owner. These animals are not characterized by aggression. Their playfulness and cheerfulness make them good playmates for children. If the owner often moves from place to place, they quickly adapt to new conditions.

The black cat is a reliable weather predictor, especially for those who live in an area of ​​seismic activity.

The alarmed animal begins to rush around the house restlessly, forcing the owner to leave the building. However, black cats are loved not only for their friendly nature and colorful appearance, but also for the expressive look of their huge eyes. It has long been believed that the most common combination is a black cat with green eyes. Although genetic scientists tried so hard to breed an animal with an unusual iris color, today it is almost impossible to meet a cat with natural emerald green or grassy eyes.

Interesting facts about black cats

  1. Charles I adored his black pet and believed that she was his talisman. Surprisingly, the day after the cat's death he was arrested and soon executed.
  2. Statistics say that there are more coal cats in cities than in villages.
  3. The best rat catchers are black cats; during night hunting they simply blend into the darkness.
  4. According to official data from felinologists, twenty-two breeds can have a solid black color; their ancestors are Phoenician cats.
  5. According to American scientists, most black pets are cats.
  6. Biologists have proven that any cat creates electromagnetic radiation that has a beneficial effect on humans. The black cat emits waves of high frequency and amplitude; he is the best healer among his brothers.
  7. Psychics believe that only black pets have the ability to instantly absorb negativity, turn it into positive energy and immediately give it to the owner.

Types and their description

As a result of selection, scientists have developed interesting breeds of cats. It’s no wonder that the future owner will be confused. Before deciding which purebred cat to bring into your home, it is worth understanding the existing types of these graceful pets.


To begin with, it should be emphasized that the only prominent representative of black-haired cats is the Bombay. This breed appeared thanks to the American breeder and selector Nicky Horner, who wanted to have an ideal copy of the Indian wild cat at home. Short-haired individuals of an American cat and a Burmese cat were selected for crossing. Its color is sable, ideally black. It was only in the fourth generation that we got kittens with perfectly black fur. But this made it possible to establish certain standards for a new type of cat.

Representatives of the Bombay breed are characterized by a coal-black coat color. The nose and paw pads are the same black color. White spots are not allowed. In rare cases, kittens are born with a white spot on their chest, which disappears as they grow older. The characteristic features of the Bombay are a neat head with round, far-set eyes and medium-sized ears. He has a muscular body, small paws, and a graceful gait.

Almost 100% similarity to a wild panther. However, this breed was bred as a miniature copy of this formidable predator.

Despite their resemblance to their wild older sister, Bombays are extremely sociable and friendly. They get along easily with small children, willingly play with other pets, often climb into their arms, and love to sit on their owner’s lap. These cats love active games; they bring back an thrown mouse or ball like dogs. Other breeds do not adhere to such strict rules for maintaining black coat color, allowing various colors. However, experts note that black cats have certain characteristics.


Manx cats have a memorable appearance: a short body, fluffy hair and a square muzzle on a round head. They are characterized by prominent cheekbones, a slightly elongated nose, triangular ears and slightly slanted almond-shaped eyes. Another interesting feature of their appearance is their tail.

Often, representatives of this species are born with a short, pom-pom-shaped tail, or even without one at all. Normal tail length is rare for representatives of this species.

Manx cats get along easily with all family members. They will never scratch a small child, even if it bothers them or causes pain. As a last resort, the Manx will hide in a place inaccessible to the little tyrant. They welcome guests, so they don’t have to be locked in the next room to avoid trouble. With all their love for their household, these cats choose their own owner. Therefore, it is possible that they will purr affectionately to everyone, but obey and truly seek the attention of only one person.

If there are already pets in the house, the Manx will quickly find a common language with them. And they will get a cheerful playmate - after all, this active and curious animal simply does not know how to sit in one place for a long time. It is no coincidence that it is said about curiosity - if this cat is interested in something, it will climb to any top to examine the object that intrigues it. Therefore, all things standing on the upper shelves must be stable or well secured so that the animal does not harm itself or drop anything.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest representatives of domestic cats. The weight of a male can reach more than 15 kilograms (females weigh less, but not much). These giants have thick soft fur, a muscular body and powerful paws. The length of the fluffy tail can reach up to 50 cm in length. The head is massive with triangular ears and small but expressive eyes.

The animal is distinguished by excellent health and great endurance - it is no coincidence that it was bred in the harsh climate of North America.

Despite its impressive dimensions, the Maine Coon carefully moves around the house, avoiding all obstacles. Overturned chairs, thrown pillows from the sofa or broken dishes are not his thing. It is enough to call a small kitten to order once, he will quickly remember the location of the tray.

The Maine Coon is a strong, at the same time friendly and peace-loving cat that does not snap at the unpleasant touch of an adult or the squeezing of a small child. He is trainable and can be taught voice commands. Oddly enough, this big cat is extremely shy and afraid of sharp sounds.

This balanced animal does not tolerate stressful situations well, so household members should maintain favorable weather in the house so as not to spoil the nerves of themselves and their pet.

Persian longhaired cats have a spectacular appearance: a wide snub nose, a massive head, small rounded ears, and huge expressive eyes of yellow or orange color. These animals have powerful paws, a large back and chest. Their coat deserves special attention: Persians have a thick undercoat, and individual thin fibers can reach up to 20 cm in length.

If you pet a Persian cat, you will feel as if you have touched a soft, silky sofa cushion. In principle, the lifestyle of these animals is not much different from the usual furniture accessory: they are lazy, do not like active games and long running around.

Cat breeds with green eyes and black fur

As we have already found out, green-eyed cats or blue-black cats are found in many breeds. But to find a kitten that simultaneously has pure black fur, without a single spot, and emerald eyes, you will have to work hard. Let's consider the breeds that a person who dreams of having such a spectacular pet should turn to.

Black kittens are immediately born with charcoal fur.

Maine Coon

The luxurious giants Maine Coons are one of the most striking representatives of the breeds within which green-eyed black cats are found. The blue-black coat of the Maine Coon is considered standard, and is often accompanied by a distinctive green gaze.

Perhaps, it was from a black, green-eyed Maine Coon cat that Bulgakov could “copy” his Behemoth. It is important that the gorgeous black coat of the Maine Coon does not have brown or gray inclusions - this is partly determined by genetics, partly by the keeping of the animal. All black cats can “burn out” in the sun, and then the fur in some places has a warm chocolate tint. By Maine Coon standard this is unacceptable.

Despite the impressive size of Maine Coons, they are very friendly and affectionate creatures. Because of their active nature, high intelligence and desire to follow a person everywhere, they are called cats and dogs. On the streets of large cities, Maine Coons walking on a leash with their owner are a common sight.

Green-eyed Maine Coon

British cat

Black British cats are not uncommon, but finding the green-eyed “black one” is difficult. The fact is that cats of the British breed, which have a pure black coat color, usually have yellow, hazel, copper or even orange eyes.

The solid (solid) Britons themselves are difficult to breed, since both the center coat and the undercoat must have absolutely identical shades. That is, a completely black cat should have a completely black undercoat peeking out from under the awn, without a single gray or white hair. Due to the fact that black Britons are prone to coloring their fur brown or gray, blue-black individuals are rare. And if instead of yellow, classic eyes, a kitten has green ones, it turns into an exclusive one.

Cats of the British breed, despite their plush appearance, are discreet and independent animals. Many owners are concerned about the character of their pets, as well as independence and aristocracy. At the same time, a Briton who grew up with a loving owner will never refuse affection and communication.

Important green-eyed Briton

Oriental cat

The green-eyed black oriental is a miniature graceful panther that gladly accepts human affection and attention. In Oriental cats, black coat color is standard and very common; combinations with green eyes of different shades are also common.

Orientals have large almond-shaped eyes, so all the beauty of the green color is fully revealed in them. The black coat color of Orientals is called “ebony” (tracing on black ebony wood), and implies that the animal will be coal black from the nose to the pads on the paws.

Orientals are cats with amazing intelligence, and another feature they have is a very loud and expressive voice. These animals prefer to “comment” on all their actions, purr loudly and, in principle, belong to the “talkative” breeds. The Oriental needs an attentive and sensitive owner who gives them a dose of communication, affection and games every day.

Graceful black oriental cat

Bombay cat

This breed was bred in the USA in the 50s - feline breeders sought to obtain coal-black cats that looked like panthers. Accordingly, black color for the Bombay breed is considered the main and classic color, like the green color of the iris. Newborn kittens of this breed sometimes have a light spot in the chest area, which disappears over time. Individuals that acquire a sable color (black and chocolate) with age are considered defective according to the standard.

Bombay cat

Bombay cats are often called “the shadow of their owners” because representatives of this breed are extremely sociable, very attached to people and cannot stand loneliness. Despite their brutal appearance, these are sensitive and affectionate cats, most of all preferring to be on the lap of their beloved owner or play outdoor games with him.

How to care for Bombay cats and what to feed them? How much does a kitten of this breed cost and where can it be purchased? Read in the special article.

Video – Bombay cat

Devon Rex

Funny miniature curly cats called Devon Rexes are another representatives of black, green-eyed pets. However, cats of this breed do not have a deep charcoal shade. The standard states that colors close to black are silver-black, black on an ash background or black-blue.

However, the wavy structure of the coat without undercoat hardly makes it possible to understand that the animal is not completely black. Most lovers of these elven creatures will agree that they can be classified as black cats.

Devon Rexes are called eternal kittens for their insatiable curiosity and desire to be in the center of attention and with their family. These are absolutely tame cats, not ready to live a day without human affection and attention. At the same time, Devon Rexes are smart, fearless and very loyal, so they are ready to go with their owner on any journey.

Devon Rex black ash color

American Bobtail

The funny tailless bobtails are also among the breeds where black coat color is standard. However, many representatives of the breed have white spots on the throat, chest or face. This is not considered a marriage, but it does not suit the person who desires a black kitten. Fortunately, you can also find a completely black bobtail with green eyes.

It is important to understand that there are three recognized black colors in the breed: charcoal, black-ash and black-chocolate. When a kitten is small, it is not easy to determine the final shade of the coat, so you need to either trust the breeder or purchase a raised animal.

American Bobtails are considered family cats, since their character is not love and affection for one family member, but affection for all household members. This cat will happily accept both quiet time and active fun.

Charcoal American Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese bobtails are also distinguished by their short tail, but they differ from their American relatives in their graceful shape and miniature size. Also, unlike tailless cats from the United States, Japanese cats are rarely blue-black, a pure color. Among Japanese Bobtails, spotted colors are more common.

But, if you try really hard, you can buy a solid black kitten. Like all representatives of this breed, he must have a short tail, curled in the shape of a chrysanthemum.

Japanese Bobtails are often compared to small dogs. This is due to their devotion to the owner, the desire to always be close to him. The Japanese Bobtail needs a person who fully understands that loneliness is contraindicated for his pet, and who is ready to devote every free minute to the cat.

Black Bobtail from Japan

Turkish Angora

Black Angora cats are a paradox, since the breed was originally bred exclusively with a standard snow-white color. But the spectacular cats with a fluffy tail resembling a peacock feather attracted the interest of both breeders and hobbyists, and individuals of a different color appeared.

Black color is one of the acceptable colors for Angoras, along with white and blue. Charcoal cats should have a uniform black color of fur and undercoat; the nose, paw pads and even the skin also remain black.

Turkish Angoras are cats with a gentle, easy-going character, but at the same time very active and inquisitive. Not a single family business will take place without the participation of this beautiful cat, and isolation from family members or loneliness will be destructive for the Angora. At the same time, Angora cats are more suitable for lonely people, since they give their heart to one person and show more favor to him than to others.

Unusual black angora


Unusual and rare cats in Russia, distinguished by ears that are hard to the touch and seem to be turned inside out. This breed was bred in California, but until now they have not been able to achieve 100% “unique” ears - kittens are born with ordinary ears, and the characteristic curl appears later, but in about a third of the entire litter.

The color standard for Curls specifies black, but not charcoal, but rather warm. It is usually dark brown or “bitter chocolate.” At the same time, the dense, shiny fur of Curls is practically indistinguishable from blue-black, and only a connoisseur of the breed can determine that the cat is actually black and chocolate.

The Curl is one of the few cat breeds that adore children. For a child, such a pet will become both a friend for active games and a cozy warmer before bed. At the same time, Curls are intellectuals who never impose their attention on family members. It is important that these cats rarely meow, preferring to express their emotions by purring.

Funny Canadian Curl

Norwegian Forest Cat

An extremely impressive breed that captivates lovers of massive cats. These luxurious animals are among the oldest cats in Europe, formed thanks to the aboriginal blood of wild ancestors. The Norwegian cat has very thick, long fur, and the prefix “forest” is a tribute to the bones on the animal’s ears. Therefore, Norwegians are considered relatives of Maine Coons.

The colors of Norwegian cats are varied, they include a monochromatic black shade, and variations of black and gray and black and brown. There are also dark coffee cats with such a rich color that the brown tint is only visible in the sun. Green eye color for the Norwegian Forest is considered classic.

Giant Norwegians are gentle and soft-tempered cats that combine neatness and tolerance towards everyone. The Norwegian Forest dog gets along well with children and other animals, but will become a faithful friend to a lonely person.

Forest, but domestic cat

Siberian cat

The Black Siberian cat is another magnificent and long-haired representative of the black color. This is the first breed bred and registered in Russia, and the first Siberian cats were motley, paticoloured. Over the years of selection, many shades have emerged that are recognized as the standard, but blue-black has not taken root in the arsenal of Russian breeders.

The darkest colors of Siberian cats are darkened (or veiled) chinchilla, black brindle, merle and black smoke. But, sometimes in nurseries almost charcoal kittens are born, which are considered rare. As a rule, black or almost black Siberian cats always have green eyes of varying degrees of saturation.

Respectable Siberians are the embodiment of dignity and mischief. They say about these cats “they walk on their own, but come when the owner calls them.” Simply put, the Siberian cat is always happy to communicate with the owner, loves to play and lie on the lap, but if she is not called, she will always find something to do with herself.

Black Siberian cat from Moscow cattery


Phlegmatic and lazy cats, the name of the breed translates as “rag doll”. These animals are extremely popular abroad because of their docile, completely non-cat character. At the same time, ragdolls are large cats, reaching a weight of eight to nine kilograms.

Another feature of ragdolls is their delicate fur, the structure of which resembles that of a rabbit, which looks very impressive because of its silkiness. Note that the breed standard does not include black (and, in principle, a single color). However, there are ragdolls that are dark coffee or black chocolate in color, which look almost charcoal.

Dark ragdoll


These animals are the result of crossing ragdolls and outbred cats. At first glance, such matings seem useless, but this is how feline breeders introduced a greater variety of colors to the breed, as well as strong immunity. It is precisely because of the admixture of the blood of yard cats that ragamuffins got their name, which literally translates as “ragamuffins.”

Actually, outbred cats gave ragamuffins a black color, which does not exist in ragdolls. Green eye color is also common in this breed, and the breed standard states: “the richer the color of the iris, the better.” Ragamuffins, having acquired new colors, retained the docile character of Redgolls, which even lively street cats could not spoil. Therefore, representatives of this wonderful breed have outgrown the popularity of their ancestors.

Ragamuffin "black ash"

Cornish Rex

These graceful and affectionate cats have two standard black colors: “coal black” and “black smoke”. In the first case, the animal is completely black, including the skin, nose and paw pads. In the second type of color, animals are allowed light skin. Cornish Rex dogs do not have undercoat, so the smoky effect is achieved due to their light skin tone.

Despite their aristocratic and sophisticated appearance, the green-eyed black Cornish are real mischief-makers. These are restless cats, dependent on human attention and company. The Cornish Rex is not suitable for those people who prefer solitude, because the breed is one of the most social, sociable and friendly.

Cornish Rex, black smoke color

Persian cat

Persians, like the British, are a breed with a common black color. But finding a black green-eyed kitten is considered a problem, since the standard and classic eye color for this color is copper or orange. You cannot find a rich emerald iris among Persians, the maximum is a shade of khaki or gooseberry.

The black color extends to both long-haired and smooth-haired Persian cats. What is typical is that the shorter the fur, the more saturated the orange color of the cat’s eyes becomes. This is due to the fact that a shorter coat better transmits light, which reflects the pigment of the eyes.

Persian cats are meek and gentle creatures, and their stern look “from under the eyebrows” only seems so. This breed gets along well with people, preferring to spend evenings on the owner’s lap or on a soft sofa with the family.

Persian kitten with gray-green eyes

La Perm

Another breed of unusual curly cats, whose fur curls into spirals from the very base. La Permas give the impression of being wet, but are extremely pleasant to the touch: their coat is soft and silky. Actually, the name of the breed comes from the English-French mixture of the phrase “permanent wave”.

There are no color restrictions in the La Perm standard; animals can be of any shade, from pure white to jet black. True, pure black cats are rare, since the majority of colors have various spots. La Permas are often born with straight hair, which begins to curl when kittens are three to four months old.

The character of La Perms is sociable and friendly. This breed has noticed an interest in the owner's face; during communication, La Permas tend to touch the owner with their paws, climb on the shoulders or even on the head.

Black la-perm


Tailless cats are native to Great Britain and closely resemble the classic British breed. Actually, due to the external similarity, many believe that this is a mutation of the British shorthair cat. Although, a number of felinologists believe that this is an ancient independent breed. There was even a myth invented to explain the absence of a tail in the Manex - when this cat was the last one to run onto Noah’s Ark, the doors closed and the tail remained outside.

Moreover, if we talk about the similarity of Manxes with the British, then the colors of these breeds will also be similar - black is also acceptable for Manxes. Often there are cats that are completely black, of a single color, with green eyes.

Black Manx

Scottish fold and Scottish straight

Scottish Folds or Scottish Fold cats are an unusual breed with a gene mutation that makes their ears small and curved down and forward. Sometimes kittens are born with straight ears, which do not curl as they grow older; this type is called Scottish Straight.

Both variations of the breed can have black or almost black coat color, while green eyes are close to yellow shades, so representatives of the breed have more gooseberry eyes or a shade of dry foliage.

Scottish Fold


Not all Canadian and Don Sphynxes are hairless - there are representatives of the breed that have light short fluff (velor or brush). Therefore, Sphynxes can easily be classified as cats that can have a black color. Sphynxes have both charcoal-colored fur and skin. There are also combinations when the kitten has black fur on its face, paws and tail, while its skin is dark, including its paw pads and nose.

Black Sphynxes are not considered a rarity, the color is included in the standard, and litters with charcoal kittens are periodically born in almost every nursery. Sphynxes of this color are affectionately called embers by their owners, because, as you know, hairless breeds of cats are very warm to the touch, almost hot.

Black Sphynx with tortoiseshell mother cat


An elegant Asian cat, the main difference in its color is a certain veil. Even on a plain coat, for example, a black shade, you can see ticked hairs. This means that each hair has several colors: lighter at the base, darker at the end.

If you don’t look closely, black Burmillas seem completely monochromatic, but as soon as the cat lies down in the sun, an unusual color appears. This is the heritage of British chinchilla-colored cats. At the same time, the Burmilla has two black colors - the warmer one is called “black British”, and the cold, charcoal one is called “Bombay”, in honor of the blue-black cat breed of the same name.

Burmilla black Bombay color


A young and very rare breed with Burmese roots. Cats of the Mandalay breed are exclusively dark in color, more precisely, black and dark coffee. A distinctive feature of the breed is its rich olive-colored eyes, which range from completely yellow to light green.

Mandalays were the result of crossing purebred cats with street cats, so the animals are distinguished by strong immunity and a good nervous system. The Mandalay cat is a sociable, active and patient pet that can get along with everyone in the household, including small children.

Mandalays have dark fur that is very pleasant to the touch.


Short-legged funny munchkins are also among the breeds with an acceptable black color and green eyes. These dwarf cats are distinguished by a wide variety of coat shades: from solid colors (charcoal, snow-white) to spotted (bicolors and paticolors). The black munchkin has a black undercoat, nose and paw pads.

Green-eyed Munchkin kittens are not considered rare, although on a black background there are often eyes of yellow and orange shades, but all variations of green are also found.

Semi-longhaired munchkin

Rules for caring for black fur

It is believed that blackies need special care. This is partly true, since the black color easily fades in the sun, forming reddish tan marks. Therefore, your pet should not be allowed to stay in direct sunlight for too long.

There is one more nuance: if the pet does not receive enough protein, vitamins and microelements, its coat will become dull and faded.

A prudent owner will take care of the animal’s diet, including meat, eggs, cat grass and various dietary supplements.

Otherwise, the following rules of coat care must be observed, taking into account the characteristics of each breed:

  • the thick undercoat of Manx cats requires careful combing; after completing the procedure, the cat’s fur can be smoothed with a comb; these animals should be bathed no more than twice a year using special shampoos and conditioners that enhance shine;
  • the fluffy Maine Coon, short-haired Curl and Bombay need to be brushed with a brush-comb at least once a week;
  • long-haired Persians and Siberians require especially careful care - cats should be combed daily, first with a wide-toothed comb, then worked through the fur with a slicker, and at the end of the procedure, with a fine-toothed comb; animals can be washed up to four times a year; after water treatments, the wool should be treated with a special product to make combing easier;
  • a curly Devon Rex must be stroked with wet hands: then the curly hairs will form neat waves by themselves.

There are no great difficulties in care. If the owner sincerely loves his pet, he will easily find time to select a diet, comb the fur, communicate and play. Well, your furry pet will reciprocate 100% and will delight you not only with its playful mood, but also with its luxurious appearance.

See the characteristics of Bombay black cats in the video below.

Features of care

All breeds of black cats require almost always the same care. Need to:

  • organize proper nutrition. In order for the animal’s health to be strong, the diet should include meat, cereals, vegetables (raw and boiled), oat porridge, buckwheat, pearl barley, wheat cereal;
  • develop appropriate education. Raising a cat should correspond to its temperament;
  • carry out veterinary maintenance. To do this, you will need to visit a veterinarian 3 times a year for a general examination, and if health problems arise, immediately seek qualified help;
  • observe hygiene standards. For this purpose, the apartment needs to allocate a place for food, an area for a tray, an area for relaxation and games. You will need to organize a scratching post for the animal. The pet should be bathed every 2 months with special shampoos, the coat should be dried with a hairdryer and combed with a soft brush.
  • create favorable conditions for the pet's life. Here, an important place is given to communication with animals and games. Contact with a cat will allow you to find a true friend in him.
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