Persian cat: detailed overview of the breed, features, color, character, price, photo, care recommendations

Review author: “ZooVita”

Persians are incredibly beautiful creatures with rich fur and a cute flattened muzzle. They are loved by all cat lovers without exception. According to the description of the Persian cat, they are not just very cute animals, they have a wonderful character and are devoted to their owner.

The Persian always chooses one of the family members as his owner and, as a rule, does not change his affection. But there are also exceptions. We will talk about the characteristics of the Persian breed in this article.

Key facts

Due to several theories about the origin of the breed, the country of origin of Persian cats is still in question. Most felinologists lean towards Persia (Greater Iran). Unlike modern Iran, the ancient state occupied a large territory.

The maximum lifespan of a Persian cat is 20 years. The smallest females weigh only 3.5 kg, and the largest males can reach 7 kg. Height at the withers does not depend on gender and is no more than 30 cm. The description of the Persian cat breed emphasizes that the animals are not too large, but quite massive.

Due to its characteristics, the Persian cat is included in the ranking of the most beautiful cats. In the 7th-8th centuries, only European aristocrats could boast of a luxurious pet. Among the breed's admirers was the Red Cardinal himself, the Duke de Richelieu. Before his death, the man bequeathed his entire fortune to cats. Unfortunately, the rich heiresses were unlucky and all the money was divided among the servants.

In the 20th century the situation changed. The transfer of the inheritance of the Queen vocalist, who bequeathed all his property to his cats, was successful. Freddie Mercury took care of the legal aspects in advance and delegated the management of cases to experienced lawyers.

Persian cats are not able to live on their own. They do not know how to hunt and are not adapted to life in the wild. A comfortable life for this breed is only possible next to a person.

Persians are very attached to their owners, but try not to bother them. They won't become your shadow, but they will definitely nestle at your feet or headboard as night approaches. For such animals, human presence is a prerequisite. If you rarely appear at home, then look for a more suitable breed.

We create offspring

Mating Persian cats is a creative and difficult task, because... Persian cats show their temperament, and the first mating is not always successful. If the second time also failed, then the next mating of Persian cats should be with another lover.

In the wild or in conditions of walking, Persian cats themselves find a suitable female, but this way you can lose the breed, and the expected Persian chinchilla kittens will turn out to be mongrels.

Mating Persian cats is a responsible process. Owners need to check the health of their pets and provide them with a cozy place for mating. You can stand nearby, but you should not distract the cats.

The next stage is pregnancy. All mothers of the Persian cat breed treat their own offspring with increased trepidation and tenderness.

Himalayan kittens, Persians, chinchillas - they are all defenseless, so you must create a safe and comfortable environment for them next to their mother for at least three months. Only in this case, little fluffies will gain weight well and enjoy good health.

History of the origin of the Persian cat

The country of origin of the breed is Persia, which covers the territory of modern Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Transcaucasia, Pakistan and Central Asia. The origins of the aboriginal Persians are shrouded in mystery. They are credited with being related to sand cats, manul cats, and even Russian Siberians.

In Europe, long-haired cats from Greater Iran appeared only in the 17th century. They were brought by the Italian aristocrat and traveler Pietro della Valle. His friend, the French scientist Nicole-Claude Farbi, became interested in the unusual breed. This is how the Persian cat came to France, and in the 18th century it reached England. The breed was divided into 2 varieties: Turkish Angora and Persian cat. The Persians received official status in 1887.

During breeding work in America, an “extreme” type of Persian was obtained. Kittens were born with a maximally shortened nose, overhanging forehead and wide-open eyes. Breeders improved the “doll” appearance of the animal, but awarded it with a lot of congenital diseases. It was possible to reduce the number of pathologies only in the twentieth century, when the animals managed to reach Russia.


As already mentioned, immediately after its appearance the breed did not shine with a variety of colors. But gradually animals with fur of different shades began to appear. Some coat colors were previously considered rare. For example, black or tortoiseshell Persian kittens were previously rare. Nowadays, animals with fur of almost any color are available.

At the moment it is believed that it is quite difficult to get a peach-colored kitten. To give birth to such an animal, it is necessary that its mother and father be red. But at the same time, there is still a possibility of giving birth to a pet that will have other residual colors on its paws or face.

What colors do these animals have:

  • tortoiseshell;
  • creamy shade;
  • ginger;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • red;
  • color point

The color point Persian cat is an animal with dark markings on the head, tail and paws. Colorpoint cats are also highly prized for their appearance. Interestingly, many people associate the color point cat with the Siamese. Geneticists have been working on breeding Persian cats with exactly this color for many years.

The fact is that points in the body contain a special gene responsible for the stability of dark color in certain parts of the body. Experts noticed that this gene was not stable and not all kittens from the litter showed it. Nevertheless, the efforts were crowned with success, and the Persian Point was eventually bred.

The red longhaired Persian cat also deserves special consideration. The fur of these animals is usually a fiery orange hue. True purebred individuals of this color are considered rare and highly valued. The pads on the paws and the tip of the nose in such animals are also usually brick red.

At the moment, it is considered extremely difficult to breed a cat that is purely fiery orange without interspersed with other colors. Typically, such animals are born by crossing those with red and tortoiseshell or bluish-purple fur.

What does a Persian cat look like?

The general impression that emerges after meeting the Persian leaves no doubt about the amazing similarity of the cat to the Pekingese. An upturned nose and a flattened muzzle are the calling card of the breed. From a photo of a Persian cat you can immediately unmistakably identify the breed. The maximum weight of an adult animal is 7 kg.

Depending on the place of breeding, there are two varieties of Persian cats: classic (European) and extreme (American). They differ in the length of their fur and the size of their nose. The nose of “extreme” Persians is at or above the midline of the eye, and their coat is shorter than that of “classic” Persians.


Persians have a dome-shaped skull and a large head. The round and wide muzzle has thick cheeks and powerful cheekbones. The stop line is well defined. According to the standard, the description of the head includes:

  • small ears with rounded tips and pubescent auricle;
  • large and round eyes, widely spaced from each other;
  • wide and short nose;
  • well-developed jaws and a weak chin, forming a straight line with the nose and forehead.

Persians have very long whiskers and are considered the pride of cats.

Body type

What does a Persian cat look like? The head is located on a short and muscular neck. Animals have strong bones and developed muscles. The width of the croup and massive shoulders differs by a couple of centimeters. The squat body ends in a short and thick tail, rounded at the tip. It is covered with fluffy fur along its entire length.

The body is supported by short but powerful hind and forelimbs. There are tufts of long hair between the toes.

A disadvantage of the breed is considered to be the knobby tail of the stumpy type, found in Manx cats.

Coat and color

Cats have a thick undercoat and a soft, thin coat. On the neck, chest and shoulders, the fur reaches a maximum length of 14 cm. The standard allows any known colors of the Persian cat:

  • plain (black, white, blue, red, cream);
  • tortoiseshell (the color is typical for girls, but for boys it is considered an anomaly);
  • silver (smoky, chinchilla);
  • marble (the pattern of stripes and rings resembles stains on marble);
  • color point and other points.

A Persian's coat determines what color its eyes will be. The most common color is red. This color is typical for any color. Blue eyes are a distinctive feature of color-point cats, and green eyes are a distinctive feature of Persians with a golden or silver coat. Representatives with white coats often have heterochromia. One eye gets an orange tint, and the other gets a blue tint.

Despite the variety of acceptable colors, a pet can be disqualified if there is a “medallion” on its chest.

External standards

Extreme cats are a type of Persian. There are three standards in total; they differ only in the location of the nose. The most common European type today, but exotic ones have a higher price.

Main subspecies of the breed:

  • Old English;
  • European;
  • extreme.

In cats of the first type, the nose is straight, located slightly below the eyes. The second differs in that the nasal wings are located in line with the lower eyelids. The extreme sportsman’s nose is raised much higher, almost touching the inner corners of his eyes. Animals hardly communicate by voice; they express their requests by looking long and intently into the owner’s eyes.

Otherwise, the cats are similar: they have a large, powerful body, a round head with a wide muzzle, and small rounded ears. They also have large expressive eyes, a short thick neck, strong massive paws, and a short fluffy tail. The coat is very long, reaches 20 cm, and shines and shimmers in the light. There is a dense short undercoat, usually lighter than the main hairs. The body weight of males is about 7 kg, females weigh 4-5 kg.

Coat color can be different; there are more than a hundred varieties. It is difficult to classify extreme sports people on this basis, so they are divided by eye color:

  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue.

Yellow-eyed pets have two types of coats: simple and complex. In the first option, the shade of the undercoat and the main coat is the same, usually black, red, white or tortoiseshell. The complex color consists of several colors: the fluff is lighter, the fur is darker. Popular pets are tabby or smoky gray.

Cats with green eyes are unevenly colored, often resembling a chinchilla or rabbit. Pets with fur of a darkened silver shade are considered valuable. Blue-eyes are covered with bright spots, and the color of the main coat is often light. Although silver and tabbed animals can be found. Blue, tortoiseshell, pure white and red Persians are highly prized by breeders.

Personality of the Persian cat

Persians are balanced and friendly. They get along well with children. A pet will never harm a baby or an older child. The Persian cat quickly finds a common language with other animals. Even birds can roam freely in the apartment. The Persian is a bad hunter, but he may be interested in toys.

Persian cats are dependent on their owners and are not able to live outside. The gentle nature of the Persian cat allows it to quickly forgive offenses. The Persian differs from other breeds in its high attachment to people and to home. He does not need street walks, since his whole world is centered around the human family.

These domestic cats never get in the way, rarely meow and prefer to lounge on the bed or sofa all day. Their activity is minimal, which often results in health problems. If you have a Persian, then get ready to share space on the bed with him. Rest assured: most of it will have to be given to the pet.

Persian cats love to sit in your arms, but only if they want to. If the kitten arrived in the house quite recently, then it may be afraid of human hands. Don't try to hold on to your vomiting baby and be patient. Cats are cautious with strangers and keep their distance. They show their usual friendliness only after a few meetings. If the new person is friendly and does not pose a threat, then he will easily melt the heart of the snub-nosed cat.

The list of interesting facts about the Persians includes their unique communication system. If a pet gets hungry early in the morning, it will not meow or stomp on its owner. Instead, the pet will resort to a special staring technique.

Persian cats have high intelligence. Noticing the return glance, they will take you to a feeder or tray that needs to be changed.

Character traits inherent in the breed

According to the stories of owners of Persian pets, keeping a cat at home is a lot of fun. This is a playful representative of the cat family who loves his owner immensely. In addition, the breed has the following character traits:

  • Persians have soft character traits and a very pleasant voice, which the cat practically never uses;
  • the Persian constantly demands love and attention from his owners, repaying the same in return;
  • the breed is gentle and pampered, although undemanding compared to other representatives of cats;
  • the cat remains devoted to its owner until the end of its life, not forgetting to show its status.

Although animals will always shower their owner with extra attention, they constantly sit or nap on a person's lap, and sometimes even smear themselves on their owner's shoulders, purring gently in his ear. The Persian cat does not tolerate loneliness, and therefore can constantly get underfoot.

Compared to other pet breeds, Persians are the most domestic . These fluffy beauties will not survive outside a house or apartment. Living in a large family, the animal always chooses a leader, to whom it remains devoted for life, giving its love and affection.

Raising a Persian cat

Persians are easy to train. The kitten quickly understands where to go to the toilet and where to sharpen its claws. From the first days of training, be patient and gentle. Battery and loud screams have a negative impact on the animal’s psyche.

If the pet does not comply with the prohibition commands, use splashes of water from a spray bottle or noise from the cotton of a newspaper.

The simplest and safest tool of influence is intonation. Animals are good at detecting changes in voice. Don't forget to reinforce correct actions with treats and praise.

Persian cats have an intolerant attitude towards loneliness. They get depressed easily, so never leave them alone for long periods of time. During your departure, invite a friend or relative with whom your pet is familiar. Don't forget about games. They have a positive effect on health and form trusting relationships with their owners.

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Description of the breed

Persian standard

There are currently 4 main types of Persian cats recognized:

  • The classic type (British) is outdated, with a noticeable nose, the edge of which is located 5-6 mm below the edge of the inner corner of the eye.
  • Modern type (short nose) - have an open look, the bridge of the nose is raised. Thanks to the wide eyes, the nasolacrimal ducts are not deformed, and the animal does not have a gloomy expression on its face.
  • Extreme type (American) - the breed description is characterized by a short nose, round forehead, low-set ears, and straight-set eyes. The earlobe is almost at the same level with the inner corner of the eyes.
  • Pig type (piggy) - the convexity of the skull is almost not pronounced, low weight, weak bones. This type is derived from the extreme.

Persian cat health

The average life expectancy of Persians is 16 years. Life expectancy is affected by care and timely vaccination. Regular vaccinations reduce the risk of infectious diseases. In case of possible infection, the immune system destroys the virus on its own. In addition to vaccinations, do not forget about preventive visits to the veterinarian. The sooner a pathology is detected, the easier it is to treat your pet and prevent complications.

Possible diseases

The Persian cat's health is good and its immunity is strong, but even this does not protect against all diseases. Genetic diseases of the breed include:

  1. Polycystic kidney disease. If your pet is depressed, has lost appetite and goes to the toilet more often than usual, contact your veterinarian. These are the first alarming symptoms. Without timely treatment, the disease will worsen and develop into kidney failure by 7-9 years.
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Increased heart rate and fainting occur in only 60% of animals. In other cases, the pathology is asymptomatic, so the pet’s life ends suddenly. Cats are most often affected by cardiomyopathy.
  3. Retinal atrophy. Vision loss develops rapidly. If the disease is congenital, then by the age of 4 months the kitten will be completely blind.
  4. Dental diseases. Without careful care, Persian teeth quickly lose their white color and an unpleasant odor appears from the oral cavity. In advanced cases, your pet's gums become inflamed and teeth begin to fall out.

When licking, part of the fur ends up in the stomach. Its excessive accumulation is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so be sure to give your pet a hair removal paste.

Due to the flattened structure of their muzzle, Persians suffer from increased lacrimation and snore during sleep. You will have to take care of your eyes daily, as the accumulation of fluid forms “tear tracks”, changes the color of the fur and promotes the growth of bacteria. Snoring does not affect the animal's quality of life, so it is easy enough to put up with.

Reproductive health

The first heat begins at 5-6 months. If the pet is not suitable for breeding, then after the end of the heat it must be taken for sterilization. This operation reduces the risk of developing cancer. If you want to eliminate sexual desire, then it is better to choose castration of the cat. In both cases, the animals will not produce offspring, but after sterilization they can still mate.

Breeders recommend breeding animals older than 16 months, that is, on the third heat. Pregnancy among Persians lasts 64 days. After giving birth, the cat carefully cares for the newborns, but does not show aggression towards the owner or other pets.

Extreme Persian

Tamara |
November 14, 2016 Hello. Unfortunately, just today we buried our beloved Aristocratic cat Persian Extreme, very similar to the one in your photo. On November 3, I turned 12 years old, but cancer took away our dearest and beloved creature, we fought until the last day, died at night, was quietly found at 3 a.m. in the corridor. I went until the last minute and was fed from a syringe for a week and burned out in just 3 weeks. For a whole year there were no particular signs, only in the last two months signs appeared, it turned out that usually everything comes out, but she had everything inside. But she ate and walked until the last week. Even though I was already on injections. All my life I have been hand-fed veal, boiled hake with boiled yolk, veal liver, dry food is the most expensive and only produces hair. hourly feeding, daily washing, combing, but I have never met a more loyal and smarter animal. For drinking, dad made her little saucers with milk and water, so there wasn’t much delay in drinking. Well, when no one was home, I ate it myself. Lately, dad has been at home with her all the time, feeding her, caring for her, brushing her, washing her. And it’s not true that she didn’t meet him when he came and never rummaged through his bags. She even came into the corridor when she felt him approaching. Together with dad they read newspapers, he told her poems, sang songs, and she always listened to him so attentively, he spun her on a computer chair like on a carousel, together they watched football, when it was time to eat, she sat down opposite him and did not take her eyes off until he I went to cook for her. She never did any harm, she wanted someone to pet her, she would come and sit opposite that person and touch her with her paw. Then she lay down and when they started petting her, she purred. When they told us about the diagnosis, there was just a shock in our family and dark days I was on pills, dad and mom tried to hold on, gave injections and gave me pills, but... . Today dad didn’t want to talk on the phone, but came and said such a nightmare. On Saturday, only the veterinarian came to the house to give injections, and tonight our Beloved Ice, our Sunshine, our girl left... She quietly laid down, laid her head on her paw, the way she loved to lie in the corridor, stretched out and was gone... Dad got up at 3 o’clock in the morning and discovered... Today for the first time I saw my dad cry, we both just sobbed bitterly... The worst thing is when you can’t do anything when you have the opportunity, but you didn’t save it, I feel guilty because I’m powerless... But still, I feel like I can’t live with my dad without care, and if we do, we’ll only take one that’s just as smart as there was no other breed or color... I wish everyone who has animals love them and take care of them and may everyone be healthy!!! With uv.

Features of feeding and diet

Newborn kittens are taken care of by the mother, so you don’t have to worry about them until they are 2 months old. Some owners introduce complementary foods from 1 month. This is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The kitten's stomach is still developing, so any food other than mother's milk is rejected.

Start giving porridge with a mixture of milk and water from 2 months. After 3 months, introduce raw meat. It should be well frozen and cut into small pieces. Additionally, you can add vegetable puree. Up to 6 months, kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, and after six months - 3-4 times a day. Try to gradually reduce food intake so that by the age of 1 year your pet eats no more than 2 times a day.

Food should be dry or natural, but not mixed. Ready-made foods save time and provide guidance on feeding kittens and adult animals. All standards are written on the packaging. To calculate daily caloric intake, you will need the age and weight of the pet. Buy food of at least super-premium class. Check with your veterinarian whether you can feed your pet regular food or whether it is better to choose a line designed specifically for Persian cats.

If an animal has a disease of the urinary system, then an increased protein content is dangerous for it. After diagnosis, the veterinarian explains what food to feed the pet during treatment. Changing your diet on your own can worsen the course of the disease, so strictly adhere to your doctor’s recommendations.

When feeding natural food, observe the following proportions:

  • 10% – cereals (rice, buckwheat);
  • 30% – vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin) and fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese);
  • 60% – meat (rabbit, beef, turkey).

The disadvantage of the breed is the lack of saturation. The Persian is constantly hungry, so he quickly gains weight if he is not limited. Do not give in to his pitiful look and give out food strictly on schedule. Do not be afraid of exhaustion of the “unlucky” cat, but simply control his weight. A constant number on the scale is confirmation of a good diet. If the number grows, you will have to cut down the portions even more.


Before mating, animals are given anthelmintic prophylaxis and are examined by a doctor.

The owner must plan time in such a way as to have free days for mating and postpartum care.

Persian cats and kittens love to play, so get them a ball and something soft. Three different items will be enough

Since the color of Persian cats is an important component when planning future offspring, the male is selected according to pedigree and color matching.

Important! Hand feeding is contraindicated for Persian cats, especially if they beg for food. To prevent this from happening, give them food before you sit down to dinner.

And finally, older cats will have to wear warm pajamas at night, because they get cold, even if the house is warm.

5.9 General summary Characteristics 5.3 Editor's summary Aggression 2 Adaptability 8 Activity 2 Weight 6 Training 6 Friendliness 8 Playfulness 6 Intelligence 6 Noise 4 6.5 User summary: Aggression 2 Adaptability 8 Activity 3 Weight 9 Training 9 Friendliness 10 Playfulness 7 Intelligence 10 Noise 1 Add your review | Read reviews and comments

  • Anna Lyakhovich

Care and maintenance

If we talk about who is suitable for a Persian, then the choice will fall on a person who is not deprived of time and money. Not everyone can afford the cost of caring for and maintaining a Persian cat. An animal is equally comfortable in a large house and in a small apartment. Most of the money will go towards grooming tools.

The high need for grooming is explained by the long hair and peculiarities of appearance. A long-haired pet should be brushed daily. Use a natural bristle brush and a wide-tooth comb. During shedding, do not use a slicker brush - it will damage the undercoat.

Shedding is profuse, so it is recommended to use a spray conditioner that stimulates the shedding of excess fur. A shedding cat can be taken for grooming. A new haircut will get rid of excess hair and reduce the likelihood of tangles.

Long hair protects the cat well from the cold. If you decide to cut it, make sure your pet is protected from drafts. Place warm bedding on the window sills and place the cat house in a safe place.

You can wash your pet 1-2 times a month. Use veterinary shampoo for long-haired breeds and avoid getting water in the ears. With less frequent washing, the quality of the coat deteriorates and skin problems arise.

Use cotton swabs to clean ears and eyes. Wet them with water and gently wipe the ear and eyes. Due to increased tearing, eye care should be daily.

Don't forget about your teeth. The Persians' oral cavity is a vulnerable spot. Get your cat used to toys and treats that prevent the development of tartar. Toothpaste for animals will provide additional protection.

Persian cats quickly get used to scratching posts, so they do not need to have their nails trimmed. Take a closer look at which scratching post your pet prefers. Some people like vertical designs, while others like horizontal ones. Place them throughout your home and “spice them up” with catnip. If your pet tries to sharpen its claws on the sofa, take it to a scratching post. Reward good behavior with praise and treats.

When keeping a Persian, do not forget about his comfort. Do not disturb the animal if it is sleeping. You cannot drag him out of the house or forcibly pick him up. This is bad for the cat's psyche. In addition to the master's bed and sofa, the pet should have its own private place where it can rest alone. An open lounger or a closed house is suitable for this.

One of the unpleasant habits of the Persian is burying waste too vigorously. If the construction of “sand castles” has begun in the toilet, buy a tray with higher sides or a closed type. Placing filler under the mesh will help solve the problem, but the animal must be accustomed to this from childhood.

How to choose a kitten

If the kitten is healthy, it will be active, playful, have shiny fur, clean eyes and ears.

His tummy should be soft, there should be no odor from his mouth, and there should be no bald patches or crusts on his body.

There must be fur around the anus.

The breeder is obliged to show you all the documents and certificates, show you the conditions in which the kittens are kept and introduce you to their parents.

If you take a kitten home, there must be a mother cat there, and you must also be shown the conditions of their keeping.

The Persian cat is a wonderful companion for children, dogs and even small pets such as a parrot or something similar. But they keep strangers at a distance and are in no hurry to show them their favor

You should adopt a kitten no earlier than two months, otherwise there is a high risk of developing diseases. He should already be able to eat on his own.

How to determine the age of a kitten is described here:

But, if you intend to start breeding Persian cats, take a kitten even later, when he is four months old.

Then all defects, if any, are visible. In any case, you will need expert advice, so it is better to take kittens from nurseries for breeding.

If you can’t decide what color your Persian cat should be, the photos will help you make the right choice.

Tips for choosing a kitten

Never choose a pet based on a photo on the Internet. There are a lot of scammers on the free message board. Behind the attractive picture there may be a sick animal or a mixed breed resulting from crossing a Persian and a barn cat.

Belonging to the breed is guaranteed only by kennels and private breeders who are members of kennel clubs. When selling kittens, they provide the buyer with a sales contract, birth certificate, pedigree and veterinary passport. All these documents are a guarantee of a safe transaction.

The choice of a pet is made according to 2 criteria: appearance and behavior. A healthy kitten has well-groomed fur without bald spots, clean eyes and ears. He must be active and not aggressive.

Persian kittens are available for sale after 2 months. If you are purchasing a pet for breeding or participation in exhibitions, then it is better to hold off on the purchase. Compliance with the standard will be noticeable only after 3-4 months. More accurate information can be obtained in consultation with an experienced breeder. He will explain how to choose a future winner and not fall for the tricks of scammers.

Character and intellectual abilities

Persian chinchilla cat, Himalayan Persians, exotics and other subtypes of the breed - they are all wonderful in their own way. They are united by a humble and peaceful character. You need to work hard to interest the Persian in any action. Lying on the sofa and lazing around the fireplace is a joy.

At the same time, the Persian cat greatly values ​​the attention of its owner, becomes attached to him and is afraid of condemnation. She will easily follow instructions regarding household order and will submit to initial training. This cat treats strangers with curiosity, not aggression.

It is interesting that having a pet reduces discomfort in various diseases. Persians are excellent at treating osteochondrosis and back pain.

Dogs, birds and other pets will certainly find a common language with a friendly Persian. It’s great if you choose a Persian kitten - he will give everyone affection and will not bother you with his continuous meowing.

How much does a Persian cat cost?

The class of the animal most influences the final cost. This characteristic is used to classify pets based on the quality of their appearance. The seller sets the maximum price for a Persian cat for show class. For future nominees and winners of international competitions, you will have to pay 25-30 thousand rubles. Animals for breeding included in the breed class are slightly cheaper. Prices for them start from 15 thousand rubles. For 7 thousand rubles, nurseries are ready to sell Persians with minor defects belonging to the pet class.

How much a purebred cat costs is determined not only by its class, but also by other factors: the presence of vaccinations and sterilization, gender, prestige of the pedigree, nursery rating, rarity of color.

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Persian longhair breed

Breed namePersian longhair cat (Persian)
Path of occurrenceAboriginal breed with further development
Country of originArmenia, Iran, Türkiye
Lifespan15 – 20 years
Cost of a kitten5 – 15 thousand rubles.

How to cope with loneliness

Nature created cats with bright personalities. Despite the fact that they are attached to their owner and need to communicate with him, they remain self-sufficient. The Persian cat spends most of its time in a relaxed state, lounging on a soft sofa. Due to their phlegmatic disposition and inactivity, Persian cats are called interior cats.

Being alone for several hours will not be a serious stress for them. Having a sufficient amount of food in stock, the pet can easily wait for its beloved owner to get home from work. Upon returning, the owner must make amends: talk tenderly to the pet, accompanying the conversation with strokes.

If a longer absence from the owner is required, careful preparation is required. The animal should be safe and not feel abandoned and forgotten. The preparation points are:

  • leave enough food and water;
  • purchase an additional tray;
  • close windows and vents, turn off taps and burners;
  • instruct a friend or relative to come every day to feed, clean the tray and communicate with the pet.

Persian cat - features and photos of red and white kittens

Due to their character traits, Persian cats can be classified as homebodies who love to communicate with their owners. The animal is extremely affectionate and completely trusts the family members where it lives. At the same time, the pet is absolutely not annoying, does not raise its voice without special reasons, but simply waits for attention to be paid to it. Although they are often classified as animals that constantly spend time on the sofa, the furry beauties love to play and catch insects that fly into the apartment.

History of selection

According to felinologists, Persian cats descended from the wild manul cat and Asian desert representatives of the cat family.

At first, Persians had only black and blue coats, but as a result of selection, about a hundred different colors appeared: white, gray, red, lilac, color-point and many others.

In the 1970s, America was the country with the largest number of nurseries, but this had a negative impact on the formation of the breed - many animals with selection defects were exported to European countries. Only about 20 years ago, European breeders bred a healthy Persian cat and developed appropriate standards for this breed.

Features of caring for a pet

The Persian cat can be classified as one of the most demanding animals in terms of care. Due to the very long and thick coat, it is important to take good care of your pet every day. Otherwise, the wool rolls down and balls form. Every person who decides to have a Persian at home should have metal combs with teeth of different lengths, as well as brushes with different degrees of bristiness in their arsenal. You will also need a whole arsenal of cosmetics: shampoos, conditioners and, of course, talc.

In addition, the cat suffers from regular eye discharge and breathing problems, so it is important to clean the eyes from time to time . Having decided to have a fluffy Persian cat at home, it is important to be prepared to constantly care for the fur, bathe the animal, and also clean the eyes and ears. Only by giving care and love to an animal can you receive affection and devotion in return.

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