How and what to feed a British kitten: menu by age

The British Shorthair cat breed is popularly called simply British. This is a fairly large animal with aristocratic inclinations and a good-natured disposition. Although cats mature and are fully formed only by the age of three, and cats become sexually mature no earlier than one year, they need to be raised from an early age. In comparison with other purebred felines, the British are unpretentious in care, easily train in the litter box, do not mess up or mark corners in the house, but tend to insist on their own.

British newborns, what they look like, photos

Outdoor cats choose dark, warm places to give birth, usually basements and attics. At home, you need to provide a “birther” for the British woman. It can be made from a large box, 60x60 cm in size, 40 - 50 cm high. Store banana boxes and exhibition tents are suitable. Lay out a diaper for animals and a heating pad.

Depending on the number of kittens in the cat’s womb, a newborn kitten can have a body length of 8 - 12 cm, the weight of kittens is from 70 - 120 g, there are small ones of 50 - 60 g, this happens when there is a multiple pregnancy. Weight table here.

The British are born blind, deaf, with large claws, without undercoat, the fur is not able to warm the baby, so you need to monitor the temperature of the “birthing place” ≈ 38 - 39 C⁰. At the age when kittens sleep 95% of the time, their innate sense of smell and touch allows them to find the cat's nursing nipple. The British mother licks the kittens; without her, they are unable to defecate. In the period from birth to 2 - 3 weeks, you should monitor the daily weight gain of babies by 10 - 20 grams, they should be weighed in the morning at the same time. If someone does not finish eating, then put it on the nipple more often.

Photo – British kittens 3 days old

Stages of development of a newborn British baby by day:

  • Days 1 – 3 – baby sleeps, eats; how to determine the sex of newborn kittens is described in detail here

  • 3 – 6 days – the umbilical cord heals, becomes black, dries out, and falls off;

6 days per photo

the picture shows that some already have an umbilical cord missing

  • 4 – 7 days – hearing is formed, there is a reaction to loud sounds. The British are all straight-eared!

Plush kittens at 1 week

During this period, babies begin to crawl more actively, and many begin to open their eyes. Children's undercoat is formed and they react more actively to sounds.

British 7 days | 1 Week

It's time to increase the area for cats and choose a name.

British kittens in a playpen

Video of the British in 10 days below.

Little kitties 2 weeks old

British Shorthairs grow quickly, their weight has tripled since birth. They began to sleep less, eat less often, but the portions became larger. They begin to walk unsteadily, with long claws allowing them to maintain balance. By the end of the second week, the eyes open, they will immediately be a little cloudy. The first eye color is blue. They are seen a couple of days after opening on days 14–17. They hear the cat better and respond to its purring.

2 weeks

14 days

British 3 weeks

Kitties see and hear everything, sit and walk confidently, and try to jump. Baby teeth are visible. They are very curious and try to get out of their beds, so it is worth using fences and playpens. The area for children to play should be increased. Provide a scratching post, soft toys, a tray with filler and water.

The cubs actively play with each other, bite and hiss, and practice hunting skills.

2.5 weeks

3 weeks

General recommendations

The cat’s diet must be selected based on its health status and age characteristics. Food intended for feeding adults and absolutely healthy pets is absolutely not suitable for kittens or animals with any pathologies.

Healthy eating rules

The domestic cat has not lost its natural predatory instincts, which is reflected in the food it consumes.

Under natural conditions, meat proteins enter the cat’s body in raw form, and plant carbohydrate foods enter in a semi-digested form, therefore the nutritional characteristics of a pet require strict adherence to the following rules:

  • the diet must necessarily include components of animal and plant origin, represented by meat, cereals and vegetables;
  • Poultry and beef will benefit the cat’s body, but the use of pork in the diet should be avoided;
  • cereal crops that are harmless to the body of a domestic cat are represented by oatmeal, buckwheat, barley and rice cereals;
  • Healthy vegetable crops include non-starchy root vegetables in the form of beets and carrots, as well as white cabbage or cauliflower, cucumbers and zucchini;
  • dairy foods should be represented by low-fat and unsweetened fermented milk products, including kefir, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese.

Pre-treatment of food products is not always carried out. Meat and vegetable products are given raw or boiled, and cereals are used for cooking porridge.

Natural nutrition

This option for feeding the “British” can be used by owners who have free time to prepare natural food for their pet. The range of possible food products used in a cat’s diet includes meat, low-fat sea fish, fermented milk products, as well as various cereals and vegetables.

Meat in the form of beef, rabbit or poultry must be fresh. Such meat may contain larvae of parasites or pathogens of various infections, so heat treatment, represented by pre-freezing, is considered the best option. After defrosting, the meat is doused with boiling water. This method allows you to obtain food that is as close as possible in structural characteristics to canned food, but retains all its beneficial properties.

A good alternative to meat would be to include low-fat oceanic fish in the diet of a British cat, such as hake, cod, pollock and saffron cod. The fish must be lightly boiled and thoroughly removed from the bones. Fermented milk products can be seasoned with special bran for pets, which is rich in B vitamins, serves as a source of essential fiber, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cat’s coat.

Dry and wet food

Dry food is the cheapest option and is virtually hassle-free for British cat owners. However, many experienced cat owners and specialists do not consider this food to be sufficiently suited to the characteristics of the digestive system of a pet. It is best to use dry food that does not contain carbohydrates of plant origin, and also alternate it with wet meat-and-vegetable food.

Pedigree feed lines

Recently, the so-called pedigree food lines have been especially popular among owners of “British” dogs. For example, BRITISH SHORTHAIR food is produced, which has a balanced composition that is optimally suitable for a British cat.

The Super Premium series uses the highest quality ingredients. The composition can be represented by turkey, lamb or chicken meat, eggs, and high-quality cereals. Such feeds are well digestible, have a higher calorie content, and the components are characterized by high nutritional value.

Kitten 1 month

The period of appearance of bear-type kittens. Month-old kittens are formed unevenly; a large body on short thick legs reminds us of a small bear. They sleep 16–20 hours, are very active, and play a lot.

4 weeks

Month-old kittens drink water on their own for 4 weeks, many eat wet and dry food themselves, and go to the litter box. Time to work with the kitten and adapt to the hands, teaching manners. The “change of color” of the eyes from blue to orange (for blue color), this happens gradually.

1 month

5 – 6 weeks | After 1.5 months, the kitten licks its fur and washes itself, the undercoat thickens, and the color becomes brighter.

5 weeks

At 7–8 weeks, babies are still drinking their mother’s milk and learning cat wisdom from her. The eyes acquired their color, became bright and clear.

1.5 months

What to feed the baby if the cat does not feed him?

Kittens can be given cow's or goat's milk, but only if absolutely necessary or in an emergency. What should you feed your baby on a regular basis if maternal feeding is not possible? There are very strict requirements for the kitten's menu. Food should be nutritious and high in calories so that the baby grows quickly and gains weight. Food should be given only in soft form - solid foods are contraindicated for baby cat food.

Review of finished products

Ready-made formulas for feeding kittens in the form of dry powder are sold in pet stores. In the absence of natural feeding, this is the best option for healthy and nutritious nutrition of the animal. Mixtures from different manufacturers may differ in composition. It is necessary that the product contains the necessary minerals, macro- and microelements - calcium, zinc, iron, iodine, valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins B, C and E.

When choosing a mixture, you should take into account the age, size and breed of the kitten. Large Maine Coons and Kurilian Bobtails require more calories per serving than miniature babies.

Which manufacturer should you prefer? Everything is individual; the same product may be ideal for one pet and completely unsuitable for another. For a newborn kitten, you can purchase the Beaphar Kitty-Milk mixture produced in the Netherlands. The product is safe for the baby's health and contains the optimal amount of calories, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. For weakened and underweight babies, German Cat-Milk powdered milk with a high taurine content is more suitable.

If we consider the budget segment, the American “Milk for Kittens” mixture has a good composition. It contains calcium for strong bones, taurine for heart and eye development, lysine for respiratory health, and linoleic acid to support kitty's healthy skin and coat.

The cat's milk replacer from Royal Canin will appeal to your baby, as the smell is very reminiscent of mother's milk. This mixture, in addition to proteins and vitamins, contains fish oil, natural oils and fructo-oligosaccharides, which promote the proper physical development of the pet and strengthen its immunity.

Homemade Blend Recipes

It is not necessary to purchase ready-made mixtures in the store; healthy and tasty food for your kitten can be prepared at home. In the absence of allergies or intolerance to pasteurized cow's milk, the mixture can be made based on it. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of milk, heated to 40–45°C;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 1 tsp. sunflower or other vegetable oil;
  • multivitamin complex in drops.

You can use human breast milk substitutes, such as Nutrilon. Instructions for preparing 1 serving are indicated on the package. This option is not suitable for regular feeding of a kitten, but it can help out once in an emergency situation in the absence of cat milk formula.

For newborn kittens, you can prepare the mixture according to the following recipe:

  • take condensed milk (20%) without added sugar;
  • add bone meal at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of liquid;
  • mix the ingredients.

The baby should be fed using a syringe, pipette or a special bottle with a nipple for small animals, very carefully. Before feeding, the mixture must be warmed to 40°C. It is not recommended to store the finished product; this should be taken into account when preparing a portion. You cannot overfeed a kitten with ready-made or homemade formula - this can lead to intestinal upset and stool problems.

British kitten 2 – 3 months

Kittens feed themselves, go to the toilet, and play. They are very curious and it is worth taking care of their safety: close the windows, remove poisonous plants, dangerous sharp toys, threads, buttons. They suck a cat out of habit; they will do this until they are weaned or the cat stops letting them come to them. The paws of kittens lengthen and no longer resemble bear cubs, all this is due to uneven development. Character begins to emerge. It is worth spending more time raising children, teaching them to use a comb and a scratching post. Two months – it’s worth carrying out the first deworming and getting vaccinated; more about vaccinations here. Three months – repeated vaccination against viral infections and rabies vaccination are carried out. After three months, the kitten is considered socially adapted and can move to a new home.


The prices for these plush cats vary greatly:

  1. The cheapest British kittens can cost from $50, but it is not known whether it is worth buying for that price, and what they will eventually grow into.
  2. The average price for a purebred British kitten ranges from $150 to $250.
  3. The cost of an adult British cat, which can be used for further breeding of the breed, varies from 300 to 500 dollars.
  4. If you want to buy a show class cat and want to build a show career for it, then be prepared to pay up to $2,000 for it.

Kitten 4 months – 1 year

Age 4 months – the number of meals is reduced, growth slows down, activity is high. Baby teeth begin to fall out.

5 months – the skeleton of the animal is formed, the pattern on solid colors practically disappears.

6 months – we see not a kitten, but an almost fully formed Briton. The coat needs weekly brushing. If the animal will not participate in breeding, then it is worth castrating or sterilizing it. 7 months – the male cat reaches sexual maturity. After 8 months, the British are considered adults. You should monitor your pet's diet.

12 months – gradually transfer the cat to adult or sterilized food. Read more about cat nutrition here.

adult blue shorthair at 14 months

From the age of 10 months, the British can participate in exhibitions, open class. You should visit a veterinarian annually and adjust your vaccination schedule. The British breed is fully formed by 2 - 3 years. Reviews from owners indicate that after castration, kittens do not become less active than before. The main thing is the desire to care and play with your pet.

Breed Features

Having studied the characteristics of the breed, you will know in advance what problems you may encounter as the kitten grows up. The British Shorthair cat is one of the most popular breeds all over the world. All British cats are similar to each other: they have a gray color, bright orange pigmentation of the eyes and erect ears. Any “derivatives” of the breed, for example, kittens with drooping ears, tabby or merle coloring, are mixed breeds.

A purebred British Shorthair cat with breeding documents is a potentially healthy animal. Before selling, the breeder is required to examine kittens for genetic diseases. Kittens that have been identified as having health problems are subject to castration, which makes it possible to maintain the health of the breed as a whole.

Hereditary genetic diseases of the breed are not very common, and their occurrence is due to the large population. It is known that British Shorthair cats are prone to food allergies, skin problems of various etiologies and rapid weight gain. The above characteristics of the breed must be taken into account when preparing the diet.

Russian nurseries

Where can you buy a British kitten in Moscow:

  1. Tamaky*ru, Cattery of British cats Moscow. They offer British Shorthair kittens of different colors and ages with vaccinations and certificates.
  2. Style of Provence, nursery of British cats by Lyudmila Mikheeva. They have been breeding professionally for 10 years. Pets are offered vaccinated, trained and with a set of bright photographs.
  3. Joy Land, a British cattery, breeds pets of blue and lilac, cream and cinnamon colors.

Before you bring the furry miracle home, you need to remember: an animal, not a toy. This is a living creature, small and defenseless. And it is the owner’s responsibility to take care of it.

What determines a cat's body weight?

This indicator depends on many factors:

  • Breed. Representatives of large breeds (Savannah, Maine Coon, Chausie) weigh many times more than their miniature counterparts (Kinkalow, Singapura, Minskin). The British, exotics, Burmese, Sphynxes, and Persians are prone to gaining excess weight.
  • Floor. Males are generally larger than cats. Within the same breed, the difference is usually 1–2 kg.
  • Castration. After the operation, hormonal levels and the rate of metabolic processes change. The animal requires a third less food. If the caloric content of the diet is not adjusted, weight begins to increase.
  • Health status. A deviation from the norm may be a consequence of metabolic disorders, diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, or pituitary gland.
  • Age. Juveniles usually weigh less than older ones. This is due to a decrease in mobility in pets over 7 years of age, a slowdown in metabolism, and hormonal changes.
  • Pet constitution. Some are naturally of average build, others are large and muscular, others are thin and graceful. Usually these features are inherited from parents.

In addition to internal factors, external factors also influence the animal’s weight. Body weight largely depends on nutrition and lifestyle. Street cats, forced to get their own food, are much slimmer than indoor cats. The latter move little, do not experience problems with food and often receive it in excess. A cat's diet is not always balanced, which also leads to the cat gaining excess weight.


British cats are not whimsical and rarely go overboard with their food, but they still need a balanced diet and clean water.

Take the time to create a special diet for them, because the British have a good appetite and are prone to obesity.

If the food consists of natural products, then it is better to feed:

  • beef (lean);
  • chicken;
  • fish (boiled);
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products.

Vegetable puree from zucchini or carrots will also work.

From dry food, it is better to choose Super Premium food, as well as canned cat food, according to their age.

For example, many pet stores offer Royal Canin food exclusively for the British shorthair or longhair breed.


In general, cat pregnancy lasts about 56-63 days. The period depends on the breed for many other reasons. It is impossible to say exactly how long cats are pregnant or how long gestation lasts. Factors influencing duration:

  1. Weight.
  2. Presence of previous attacks.
  3. The relationship between the time of the first estrus and mating.

It is advised to breed a female cat on her third heat, trying to avoid protracted previous periods. If the pet is taken to a partner earlier, the animal will bear kittens for about 50 days. The babies may appear premature or dead.

The weight of the pet is also important when determining the timing of the cat's death. Small beauties, weighing about 3 kg, bear kittens faster, how long do small British cats walk before permission is known. Cubs appear earlier, at 55-56 days. Large adult, sedentary individuals migrate at 64-65 days and can walk beyond the established period.

How many kittens an animal gives birth to depends on the time at which the process occurs; a British cat brings no more than three babies for the first time. Typically, primiparous cats are delivered on time at 63 days. Labor lasts approximately 2 to 14 hours.

It often happens that there is only one kitten in the first litter. And this is from mating with a pet, which can produce up to 7-8 babies. There is no need to be afraid and try to stimulate the appearance of more: each animal’s body has its own characteristics. It is not so important the number of litters a cat produces from the first time, and how many kittens the British favorite will give birth to. You need to worry about the condition of the animal and its offspring.

When to start - tips

Small pets should not be taken away from their mother too early. The main reason for this rule: the baby must be fed breast milk and will learn hygiene skills from an adult cat. The optimal age for moving to another family is 3 months, the cub will be about 12 weeks old.

Smell and touch are the main helpers of a kitten in the first days of birth. The baby does not hear or see yet: he finds his mother’s warm side and nipple by smell. The organs of vision begin to function 10-14 days after lambing. In many ways, the opening of the eyes depends on gestation, that is, on how long the cat carried the kitten. Premature babies will develop the ability to see later. Those born later will see the world faster.

The development of female pets is more intensive. The girl's eye slits become wider earlier than those of her furry brothers. The breed of the animal also matters. British Shorthairs will open their eyes on the 6th day after birth. And for long-haired breeds, the process of restoring visual activity can take up to 14 days.


Let's consider all stages of development of kittens from birth to one year, their characteristics of maturation and growth, features of care at each age.

A newborn kitten is born weighing 80-120 grams, the size of kittens at birth is body length about 9-12 cm.

Very rarely, but still there are cases of the birth of kittens 50-70g, they are small but active. This does not always serve as a signal that the kitten is sick or has abnormalities. This also occurs in multiple pregnancies or in the case of small parents.

Newborn kittens: photo of the litter Newborn kittens are absolutely helpless during this period, they are blind, deaf, and do not know how to regulate their temperature. Newborn kittens have no undercoat; the fur is thin, weak and does not warm at all.

Newborn British kittens Kittens do not know how to stand on their paws, their bones are very fragile, so babies require special care. At this time, sleep and kittens are almost inseparable concepts. Newborn kittens sleep almost constantly and eat a lot and often. Kittens need sleep for the further development of their nervous system. Newborn kittens also cannot defecate on their own; the mother cat licks their genitals and eats their feces. What is really well developed in newborn kittens is their sense of smell and touch; they easily find their mother’s nipples, fingering them with their paws, sucking and, thereby, stimulating further milk production.

Newborn kittens: photo of the litter During this period, it is better not to touch the kittens at all, just monitor their weight. Kittens should add it daily (about 10-20 grams per day), if the kitten is growing, then everything is in order.

Things to take care of:

  1. Set up a box for a cat (or organize a maternity house) with newborn kittens. It should be warm and dry there. The bedding should be changed (it is advisable to use white sheets to track the color of the mother cat’s discharge), because The cat will have postpartum discharge. Also, if necessary, you can put a heating pad.
  2. Cat food. It should be plentiful and balanced; food is a must for nursing cats. Food and water should be freely available, next to the nest box. It is also recommended to place a tray here.

Cats are by nature excellent mothers and may not leave the box for a whole week, so it is important that newborn kittens have enough milk. In the first days, the cat produces colostrum (very fatty, nutritious milk that has antibodies, thanks to which kittens develop lasting immunity).

If there are a lot of kittens, be sure to make sure that each newborn kitten gets its good portion.

The development of kittens after birth (the development of newborn kittens) is very active, so the first week can be planned out day by day.


1-2 days after birth, a newborn kitten only sucks milk and sleeps.

After 3-4 days, the kitten’s umbilical cord heals and falls off.

After 4-5 days , the kitten’s hearing begins to develop, and you can already observe how it begins to react to loud sounds.


If it seems to you that the kitten sleeps all the time, this is most likely normal, and there is no need to worry right away. In the first week, the kitten sleeps about 22 hours a day. Just weigh the kitten daily - this is the best indicator that everything is fine with the baby.

A newborn kitten sleeps up to 22 hours a day. How much a kitten should sleep, he decides for himself, however, if the kitten sleeps constantly and does not gain weight, first of all, pay attention to whether the kitten has enough free nipple (this happens more often if there are 5 or more kittens in a litter) , if the kitten is weak or the last born, apply it to the cat more often and do not let other kittens chase it away. If in this case the kitten behaves sluggishly and does not recover, contact your veterinarian. Kittens from birth to one month change greatly both in appearance and development, and it is important to pay close attention to this in each period. Newborn kittens in the photo, look in the pictures.

Tray training

Usually, a kitten is taken from the nursery, which the cat has trained to use the tray, as an example. Breeders are also involved in education. But in a new place he may get confused. How to train a British kitten to use a litter box, steps:

  1. Show the litter box to the kitten.
  2. Pour in the litter and rustle in the tray with your hands, trying to interest your pet.
  3. Take your cat to the toilet after eating and sleeping.
  4. If the kitten manages to make a puddle, soak a napkin in the urine and put it in the tray.

Loose stools

Diarrhea in a kitten can be a sign of an allergy. In this case, contact with a possible allergen is excluded, antihistamine drops are given, or an injection is given in the clinic. It is important to determine why a British kitten has diarrhea and take action.

Food poisoning or infection can also cause diarrhea. In case of poisoning, do not feed for 1 day, give water and sorbent. If infection is suspected, exclude the possibility of plague.

Swallowing a piece of bag or string can cause loose stools. You need to monitor the animal: the object has not passed through the intestines, you need to take the baby for an ultrasound. A tick bite and the presence of worms also show a similar reaction in the kitten’s body. Give the anti-worm medication according to the instructions and the age of the baby. A tick bite, in addition to diarrhea, gives fever and shortness of breath: urgently need the help of a specialist.

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