Rusty cat: what is the smallest wild cat in the world called?

Felines are a family of mammals belonging to the order Carnivora. Most often, they get their food by sneaking up and stalking it, sometimes by chasing it.

This family includes many animals, some of which, such as the Amur tiger, are impressive in size and weight. But there are also miniature animals whose weight does not exceed 1 kg.

The smallest wild cats in the world can live in different parts of the planet. But, unlike big cats, they give birth every year or more often, they can give birth to 5 to 6 cubs. This is the only thing that unites them, and their appearance, color, habits and lifestyle can differ significantly.

Each of them has its own unique character, although most eat rodents, are nocturnal and prefer solitude.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that yard cats do not have such exclusive characteristics as their purebred counterparts, they are nevertheless not without merit.

  1. Lasting immunity
    . Breeding breeds using selective breeding methods has greatly weakened the immune system of animals. This is why the life expectancy of street cats is many times higher than that of purebred pets. Yard cats have strong protective functions of the body and are able to resist many infections.
  2. Temper
    . Such animals tend to be docile in nature. They become very attached to the owner who picked them up on the street.
  3. Reproduction.
    Since yard cats do not need a purebred partner, finding a mate for them to reproduce will not be difficult.
  4. Indispensable in the household
    . Outdoor cats are excellent mouse hunters. Nature endowed the animal with these qualities, and it is among the domestic representatives of the family that this instinct is much more developed.
  5. Price
    . You don't need a big investment to get a pet. You can pick up a cute, albeit not purebred, kitten on the street. Some cats even choose their own owner, coming to visit and “imposing” themselves.
  6. Exhibitions for yard cats
    . You heard right. Indeed, there are special exhibitions designed for outbred cats. On them, judges evaluate the external characteristics of the animal and its grooming.

The disadvantages include the inability to make decent money on the offspring of a pet and the excessive sensitivity of non-pedigreed cats. These animals are very sensitive to any changes that occur in their usual habitat. Noisy feasts and even rearrangements in the house can negatively affect the pet.

Today, many pet owners prefer to have yard cats due to their omnivorous nature, ease of care, and strong immunity. It is not entirely correct to call such cats outbred, since all breeds from ancient times originated from wild animals and were subsequently modified depending on their habitat and lifestyle.

Cornish Rex

Due to their unique appearance, Cornish Rex cats are ideal for people with avant-garde taste. They were first launched on July 21, 1950. As the kitten (later named Callibunker) grew up, he became strikingly different from his littermates with a slender body, long thin legs, huge bat ears and a tousled tail. The veterinarian identified Kallibunker as a completely unique genetic mutation.

The bodies of Cornish Rex dogs are extremely thin, giving them the appearance of fragile animals. This is just a ploy, as their hard muscles and bones make them surprisingly tough cats that often weigh much more than they appear. Their weight can reach 4.5 kg. Cornish Rex dogs are sometimes compared to hounds or greyhounds due to their athletic build and quick movements. This breed also has a tendency to arch its back when walking.

The main distinguishing feature of the Cornish Rex is their coat. They only have an undercoat, somewhat reminiscent of soft sheep's wool. One of the disadvantages of such a soft, short coat is that cats do not tolerate cold conditions well, and they also do not have sufficient protection from direct sunlight, which can lead to sunburn if they stay outside for long periods of time. So these babies are definitely homemade.

The Cornish Rex is an incredibly curious, bright, energetic breed. These are natural climbers and jumpers. They are also voracious eaters. But since the breed is active enough to burn calories quickly, gaining weight is not a problem. The Cornish Rex is an extremely social breed, sometimes called the "Velcro cat."

Cornish Rex cats are very tough. They are long-lived (15 years is the norm, but 20 years is not uncommon), the breed has virtually no hereditary or genetic health problems. The only problem this breed is prone to is hair loss, which, while not life-threatening, can be severe enough that some cats have almost no fur at all.


Cats gather together between the beginning of January and the end of March. Males in groups begin to hunt for the mother of their future offspring. In addition, the female is often pestered by simply stray cats who also want to mate with her.

Males fight among themselves from time to time. Fights occur both between males of the same species and with outbred cats. But in the end, not all the offspring turn out to be “pure”, since many females manage to mate with outbred males.

When a female becomes pregnant, she begins to look for the best place for the subsequent birth and maintenance of offspring. Cats very often settle in holes and hollows abandoned by their previous owners.

The female brings grass and feathers into the home, thereby making a kind of pillow for her children. She gives birth in 2 months, sometimes a little more time passes, but still the birth occurs in the spring - in April or May. Usually only 2-3 fluffy lumps are born, occasionally 4-5.

Newborn forest kittens are very weak and small, they weigh 200-300 grams. Therefore, the mother has to monitor them and feed them milk.

At the age of a month, babies begin to slowly get comfortable and crawl around the house (at this time the cat should be especially attentive). At two months of age, kittens leave the house and go hunting with their mother. After this, the still small wild kittens begin to try to exist on their own, but their mother does not abandon them.

American Curl

The American Curl comes in a wide range of sizes due to its diverse gene pool, however most tend to be quite petite. Their most famous feature is the curled ears towards the base of the skull, which give the breed its name. The unusual bend gives the ears the appearance of ears turned inside out. For show cats, ears are the most stringent criterion. Representatives of the breed whose ears are curled too far (more than 180 degrees) or insufficiently (less than 90 degrees) will be disqualified.

The American Curl was first bred in 1981 in Lakewood, California. A black long-haired cat named Shulamith became the progenitor of a new breed, from which every American Curl today can trace their ancestry. The curvature of her ears was a spontaneous, natural mutation that manifested itself as a dominant gene. More in-depth laboratory testing showed that the mutation did not lead to additional defects or health problems. Shulamith's offspring were absolutely healthy and stable cats.

At birth, their ears are erect; they begin to curl after 2-10 days. The ears curl and unfold to varying degrees over the next four months. When the ears take their final shape, the lower two-thirds of the ear is hard cartilage rather than soft flesh like most cat breeds. The upper third remains soft and pliable. You need to be careful with the ears of the American Curl so as not to damage the hard cartilage. But in other respects they are a fairly unpretentious breed.

The American Curl has a wedge-shaped muzzle, an elongated body and round eyes. The height of cats varies from 22 to 30 cm. The curly coat is long or short. They are friendly, captivating and incredibly cute pets. The American Curl, which remains energetic into adulthood, has been nicknamed “the cat’s Peter Pan.” Cats reach maturity at 2-3 years, so they retain the energy of a kitten into adulthood.

This is not a very vocal cat breed and in most cases they express affection through physical contact. The American Curl is an extremely adaptable cat, getting along well with other cats and quickly adapting to new family members. If necessary, they will do well alone for long periods of time.

Sarah – 33 years old

The gray and white cat lived for more than 33 years, gaining fame. She became famous as "New Zealand's Oldest Cat". One can only guess how much her owners loved her. Look how interesting her eyes are, revealing her serious character! Sarah was probably a capricious cat.

Interesting fact: a cat in New Zealand was declared a kleptomaniac - in 2 months she stole at least 60 items of men's underwear. She stored her trophies in the backyard of her master's house. The cat Brigit showed her passion before, when she lived with her owners in another city. I wonder why she was so attracted to things from the men's wardrobe?

Oncilla (lat. Leopardus tigrinus)

One of the most poorly studied cats lives in the mountainous and misty evergreen forests of Central and South America. The name of this predator is translated as “miniature jaguar,” which is quite justified - in all its appearance, oncilla resemble a reduced-sized jaguar.

Oncilla. Photo: Anne-Marie Kalus

Oncillas are only slightly larger than their domestic relatives: an average weight of about 3 kg, body length 65 cm, tail - 30-40 cm. The main difference between the oncilla and other representatives of the genus of tiger cats (Leopardus) is its disproportionately large eyes and ears.

Beautiful soft ocher-colored fur with dark spots played a cruel joke on the animals. In the 1970s and 80s, tens of thousands of oncillas were exterminated as a result of poaching; in 1983 alone, border guards seized 84,000 skins. According to some estimates, over these 20-odd years, 95% of the small jaguar population was destroyed.

Today, any hunting of oncillas is prohibited, as is the sale of any products made from their skin, but the population is nevertheless in no hurry to recover; on the contrary, due to massive deforestation, it is only declining.

Small jaguar in the wild. Photo: Carlos Alfaro

A small jaguar can also be domesticated relatively easily, but in a “gust of passion” the wild nature of the animal can still take its toll - you need to play with the oncilla very carefully


The next breed of the smallest cat is the result of complex breeding work, which was bred by crossing the Munchkin, the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx.

The result is a very cute creature with short legs, the body of a dachshund and the ears of an elf, who has practically no fur.

The breed received the name Dwelf, which is derived from two words dwarf - “dwarf” and elf - “fairytale”.

The photo cannot convey the extravagant appearance of this animal, which resembles a fairy-tale elf.

The breed originated in 2009 and today has experimental status.

In total, there are about several dozen Dwelf representatives in the world.


Despite their dwarf size and low weight, which does not exceed 2 kg, these cats have a very muscular and strong body.

Like all sphinxes, dwelfs are sensitive to temperature changes.

It is imperative to ensure that the pet does not become overcooled or exposed to drafts.

Once every two weeks, the Dwelf needs to be bathed using a special veterinary shampoo.

Dune or desert

Dune (desert) cat

Distribution: North Africa, Arabia, Iran, Southern Morocco and Central Asia. As the name suggests, these cats live in the desert. Ideally adapted to difficult conditions, they are small in size: the body is from 65 cm to 90 cm, and up to 40% is occupied by the tail. The head is short, wide, flattened, with sideburns. They are nocturnal animals that hunt by ear. Therefore, they have very large and wide hearing organs. They don't have tassels. The eyes are yellow in color, very sharp, with a slit-like pupil.

The paws are large and strong. In search of prey, these desert inhabitants travel up to 8 square meters. km per night. There is dense fur on the paw pads, which saves the owner from burns on the hot sand. The color of the Central Asian species is somewhat different from the African one. In summer it is yellowish, and by winter it changes to gray. The fur thickens and lengthens to keep the animal warm in winter frosts.

The main food is birds, rodents, and non-venomous snakes. The main hunting technique is an ambush attack: the victim is grabbed by the neck and shaken violently. A feature of this type of cat is the ability to do without water for a long time: they receive the necessary moisture from food.

Japanese Bobtail

This breed makes excellent pets. Japanese Bobtails are valued for their short curved tails, playful nature and hyperactivity. This adorable breed originates from Japan but is famous all over the world. The Japanese Bobtail is an ancient breed, bred back in the 6th century. These cats were often used to control rodents on farms. Although the Japanese Bobtail was once considered a luxurious pet, inaccessible to ordinary people. These cute, quirky cats are relatively rare outside of their homeland.

The defining physical characteristic of the Japanese Bobtail is, of course, the “clipped” cat tail. It looks more like a rabbit than a cat. The tail of the Japanese Bobtail is usually no longer than 7 cm, covered with tufts of fur and curled or curled to one side. Just like fingerprints, no two tails of this breed are alike.

The Japanese Bobtail is a short breed, growing to a maximum of 23 cm. Cats weigh 2.7-4.5 kg. They have long and muscular bodies, high cheekbones and oval eyes. Their forelimbs are slightly shorter than their hind limbs. Japanese Bobtails have two types of coat: long and short. The coloration can be solid, two-tone or striped, but the most common are white cats with colored spots. The coat is silky smooth, easy to care for and low shedding. They have no undercoat, so their hair is not prone to tangling. It is recommended to brush the coat once a week to remove dead hairs.

Japanese Bobtails are stubborn and courageous and are not easily intimidated. These energetic animals are especially loyal with children, dogs and other cats, especially other bobtails. They remain active for most of their lives. Japanese Bobtails are sociable, friendly and very intelligent. These cats love to be the center of attention, often attracting attention with their gentle melodious voices. They almost always respond when spoken to.

The lively Japanese Bobtail loves activity and does not need external motivation to exercise. They love to snack, but their active lifestyle does not always prevent obesity, so you need to monitor your bobtail's treats and food intake to prevent it from gaining excess weight. This breed is considered healthy and disease resistant. The lifespan of Japanese Bobtails is 9-15 years.

The ten largest "wild cats"

• 10 •Eurasian lynx

This is a fairly large “cat”, although smaller than other representatives of the “heavy wild breeds”. Despite the fact that the lynx is a predator, it does not hunt people (moreover, an animal with tufts on its ears and a short tail can even be tamed). The weight of the male is ~29 kg, the female is 23~25 kg. Body length – up to 130 cm.

• 9 •snow leopard

The snow leopard (also known as the snow leopard) lives far from human habitation, so there is no complete information about the animal (their exact numbers are unknown). The body size of the snow leopard is similar to that of the leopard - about 65 cm, and the average weight is ~55 kg.

• 8 •cheetah

The cheetah has thin, long legs and a small skull - for these features the representative is classified as a subspecies of small cats. However, the weight of the animal is an impressive ~65 kg, which indicates a large breed. This mammal has good flexibility and high running speed - it is called the fastest animal in the world. Body length – 115~140 cm, height – 75~90 cm.

• 7 •leopard

This is the most brutal predator, capable of killing prey whose weight is three times its mass - all thanks to its: perfect vision, muscular body, flexibility and high speed. The body length of a leopard depends on its habitat: forest dwellers reach 67 cm in length, and inhabitants of open areas - up to 76 cm. The weight of this hunter is up to 66 kg.

• 6 • cougar

The predator puma has more than 83 names (cougar, red tiger, panther, etc.). These individuals live in mountainous and forest areas of America. Weight – no more than 90 kg. Height – 60~85 cm.

• 5 •jaguar

This is the largest wild cat breed in the United States. The beautiful golden color gives the animal not only a graceful appearance, but also makes it possible to camouflage. The jaguar is one of the best hunters; it is capable of killing its prey with one blow of its paw. Height at withers – 70~80 cm. Weight – 68~135 kg.

• 4 •Bengal tiger

Bengal tigers are one of the largest cat species in the world. They have a striped color and a massive, strong build. The average weight of an adult animal is ~235 kg. The body length of some individuals can exceed 3 m.

• 3 •Amur tiger

I would like to mention Siberian (Amur) tigers separately. They live in the territories of Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. In total, there are no more than 500 individuals in the regions. The peculiarity of the breed is its valuable fur. These are very large “cats” (the length of the tail alone reaches about a meter in length): the body size ranges from 1.7 to 2.8 m; height – about 120 cm; weight – 250 kg on average.

• 2 •lion

The peculiarity of the “lion breed” lies in the uniqueness of each representative. There are no two absolutely identical individuals in nature. It is noteworthy that males are not strong at running - therefore, lionesses hunt in the “royal family”. Weight: 160~280 kg (occasionally larger individuals are also found, the record is 313 kg). Height – 100~120 cm. Body length – 1.7~2.5 m.

• 1 •liger

The wild liger breed was created by crossing the tigress Ayla and the lion Arthur. Such a hybrid can only be found in city zoos (the fact is that the natural habitats of tigers and lions are different - reproduction is impossible). The number of such representatives of the cat family is negligible. The liger's height is 186 cm. The weight of the first adult individual was 410 kg. However, later a record weight of a liger was recorded in a park in South Africa - 798 kg.


Otocolobus manul comes from Greek words that can be translated as “dwarf ear.” cat is also called Pallas's cat , after the man who first described it in 1776. It was a naturalist from Germany P.S. Pallas.

In size, it resembles an ordinary cat: length - from 52 to 65 cm, and tail - from 23 to 31 cm. Pallas's cat weighs two to five kg. He has a thick and long tail, sideburns on his cheeks, and small and round ears.

Among the cats, the Pallas's cat is the fluffiest. The fur is gray, the fibers have white tips, which makes it seem like it is dusted with snow. There are narrow stripes. It can be seen in Asia, in steppe or semi-desert areas of the mountains.

It is active at night or early in the morning; during the day it sleeps in a shelter: in rocks or in old burrows. Eats rodents and pikas, sometimes larger prey. Pallas cats do not know how to run fast; they hide from enemies by climbing rocks and stones. Their numbers are rapidly declining.

TOP 10 most miniature species of wild cats

The rating is compiled “as it is” (it cannot be said that a person knows all the breeds of wild cats existing in nature).

• 10 •pampas cat

Found in South America, it has a dense build and is similar in color to a leopard. The weight of an adult is up to 8/11 kg (feline/cat), body length is up to 75 cm.

• 9 •jaguarundi

A miniature copy of a jaguar - as the name suggests. They have a flexible body and strong but short legs. Height at withers - up to 35/30 cm (males/females). Weight - up to 9 kg. They are found in a variety of places - savannas, forests, tropics. Secretive animals, but lead a diurnal lifestyle. They feed on small mammals, amphibians, birds, and fish.

• 8 •margay

The “long-tailed cat” (as it is called in its homeland) lives in South and Central America. The body length of this cat is 60~80 cm + 10 tail, and the weight of males reaches 8 kg. Leopardus wiedii leads a solitary nocturnal lifestyle, climbs trees well (and spends most of its life there). In America, hunting cats of the Margay breed is strictly prohibited.

• 7 •forest cat

Felis Silvestris is brown with black stripes. The body is up to 80 cm long (the tail is almost 35 cm), the weight of the cat is up to 6/8 kg, the height at the withers is about 35 cm. They are found mainly in Europe, northern Asia and Africa (African subspecies are the smallest in size).

• 6 • marble cat

Pardofelis marmorata inhabit Southeast Asia. Their body length is less than 55 cm + 50 cm counterweight tail, height is 45~62 cm, and weight is 2~5 kg.

• 5 •Kalimantan cat

Lives near Indonesia and Malaysia. Weight - from 2.3 to 4.5 kg, height less than 40 cm, body length - almost 60 cm. Almost elusive - the cat cannot be photographed in the wild.

• 4 •dune cat

The body length of these cats is from 65 to 90 cm (and almost half of this value is in the tail). The weight of males reaches 3.5 kg, and females - 3 kg. Dune cats live in deserts and rocky valleys and are nocturnal. They seem very cute, even though they are carnivores - they hunt jerboas, spiders, lizards, and insects.

• 3 • “rusty” cat

“Rusty” is its slang name (in Latin the breed sounds like Prionailurus rubiginosus). It became “rusty” because of its characteristic color - a mixture of gray, red, brown colors with an abundance of red spots on the body. It lives in Sri Lanka and southeast India. The height of a “rusty” cat does not exceed 30 cm, length (including tail) - up to 80 cm, weight - from 1.5 to 2 kg. Endangered species (the population is extremely small).

• 2 •Chilean cat

Kodkod (another name for Chilean cats) is an inhabitant of Chile and Argentina. The height at the withers does not exceed 22 cm, weight - from 1.5 to 3 kg, body length - up to 70 cm.

• 1 •black-footed cat

Black-footed cats (Felis Nigripes) have a body length of half a meter, a height of up to 20 cm, and the average weight of an adult is 1.8 kg. But don’t be fooled by the cute eyes and size of this baby - she skillfully hunts birds and rodents, and in captivity becomes very aggressive.

But there are representatives of the cat family so small that they can even be confused with rodents.


They are part of the Puma genus. They have an elongated body, particularly flexible, short but strong legs and a long, thin tail. In appearance, it is somewhat similar to a weasel. It is bright red or brown mixed with other shades.

The length of the jaguarundi is from 55 to 77 cm, plus a tail, which can grow up to 33-60 cm, height - from 25 to 35 cm. You can meet it in America. They live alone. They are terrestrial animals, especially active during the day, but they can climb trees.

They feed on small prey (up to 1 kg), everything they can catch. Sometimes they raid poultry houses, or eat green figs.

Characteristics of servals

A wild cat that becomes a domestic cat leaves behind a funny character. The cat will show it in all its glory, these will be unforgettable years of coexistence between a spotted bush cat and a human.

The animals have not lost their genes anywhere: they happily hang on any ropes, curtains, or cords. The owner's job is to secure the house.

The serval kitten will happily chew on everything that his gaze falls on. To avoid problems with chewed things, the baby is given a sufficient number of toys.

The character of the pet can be called cunning. If he crosses boundaries, this must be stopped. Stop playing if he bites your hand hard at this time. The cat is smart, the correct conclusions will still be drawn.

Since childhood, a kitten has been playing with any cat toys; as they grow older, they are replaced with dog toys; they are larger and will not get into the respiratory tract.

The serval is dexterous and evasive. It's fun to play with him, but if the cat suddenly shows anxiety, you need to be patient. The pet will learn to feel safe with its owner. You can play tug and fetch.

Cats react negatively to the torture that small children may subject them to.

It is important here that the owner does not allow such situations to occur. The pet will remain calm, and no one will scratch the children in fear

If children do not offend the cat, then the relationship with him will be friendly.

This unthreatening predator will most likely be afraid of guests and hide from them. Well, don’t insist, the cat’s healthy psyche is much more important. As soon as the pet gets used to other people's voices and smells, he himself will show curiosity and come out to look at the strangers.

Since in nature cats feed on small rodents, birds and reptiles, and there are already such pets in the house, introductions should be done carefully and gradually. It’s better to think and weigh who you want to keep in the house more

A smart serval will open the latch on the cage with the bird, but not to ask how it is doing. With an affectionate dog that does not chase cats, a good relationship can develop.

It is better to bring a small cat to a house where pets already live. This option will allow you to hope for the emergence of friendship between all the inhabitants of the house or apartment.

Raising and training a pet

To ensure that upbringing goes smoothly, a kitten is purchased no earlier than 1.5 months, but no later than 5 months. It is best to hand feed your baby; this will build trust in the person.

You need to accustom your cute savage to a leash and collar from childhood. At first they offer a loose collar, but gradually tighten it tighter.

Accustom kittens to wood filler in a tray. They will not bury their litter box, so you will have to keep the tray clean. If the cat went to the toilet in a place other than the litter tray, there is no need to scold it. They immediately explain where to go. The animal understands the dissatisfied tone perfectly well.

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If your pet climbs onto the table or misbehaves, you can spray it with a water pistol. This will be a serious warning!

Other members of the cat family

Steppe cat

It slowly approaches and attacks, pouncing on the victim as soon as it is within reach (about a meter). Active at night and at dusk.

grass cat

Color varies from grayish yellow and yellowish white to brown, taupe, light gray and silver gray.

Andean cat

They do not live in captivity. All Andean mountain cats in zoos have died. Fewer than 2,500 specimens are thought to exist in the wild.

Geoffroy's cat

Gray or brown with black markings, 90 cm long, of which the tail is 40 cm. Breeds once a year, litters consist of 2-3 kittens.

Chilean cat

The base color of the coat ranges from gray and reddish to bright brown or dark brown, with small rounded black spots.

Long-tailed cat

Lives in forests, is nocturnal, feeds on birds, frogs and insects. Claws and paws allow you to move through trees and along branches.

Far Eastern forest cat

The coat is usually yellowish or reddish-brown above, white below, and heavily marked with dark spots and streaks.


Lives in mountainous, subtropical forests and semi-arid areas. The oncilla was hunted for its beautiful fur in the second half of the 20th century.


The short, smooth fur is decorated with elongated spots with black edges, they are arranged in the form of chains. The upperparts are light or yellowish-brown to gray.

Pampas cat (bell)

About 60 cm long, including a 30 cm tail. The longhaired fur is grayish with brown markings, which are fuzzy in some cats.


A slender cat with a long neck, small head and large, slightly cupped ears. Adults range from 80 to 100 cm in length, with the tail accounting for another 20–30 cm.

Canada lynx

She has a short tail, long paws, wide toes, and ear tufts raised high. The fur is light gray, the belly is brownish, the ears and tip of the tail are black.

Common lynx

Considered to be a secretive creature. The sounds it makes are quiet and inaudible; the lynx remains unnoticed by foresters for many years!

Iberian lynx

The basis of the diet is rabbit. During the winter months, when the rabbit population is low, it preys on deer, fallow deer, mouflon and ducks.

Red Lynx

About 2 times the size of a domestic cat. Thick short hair perfectly camouflages among trees under the glare of the sun.


The broad head with high-set eyes and low-set ears squeezes into rocky outcroppings where rodents and birds live.

Marble cat

The coat is long, soft, pale brown to brownish-gray in color, with large spots with dark edges on the body and small dark spots on the legs and tail.

Bengal cat

Nothing escapes her attention. The cat enjoys playing games and learns tricks. Hunts aquarium and pond fish if he lives in the house.

Iriomotean cat

It is found in subtropical forests on the island of Iriomote, preferring areas near rivers, forest edges and places with low humidity.

Sumatran cat

Adapted for aquatic hunting: long muzzle, flattened upper part of the skull and unusually small ears, large and close-set eyes.

Spotted ginger cat

One of the smallest cat species in the world, about half the size of a domestic cat. This animal is rarely seen in nature.

Fishing cat

The coat is pale gray to dark brown, with dark spots and streaks. Lives near water in jungles, reed beds and swamps.


Lives among desert scrub, chaparral, swamps and forests, avoiding agricultural areas, plains and other places without shelter.


Smooth long body with small ears, short legs and a long tail. Length from 90 to 130 cm, including tail from 30 to 60 cm.

Due to differences in habitat, size and color are difficult to determine. The animals in northern Iran are some of the largest leopards in the world.

Adapted to cold weather, thick fur reaches 7.5 cm in length in winter. For camouflage in the snow, their coat is paler than that of other subspecies.

Each cheetah has its own dot pattern on its body. Experts use photographs taken by camera traps to identify animals by their unique spots.

The Rusty Cat is the smallest and most adorable wild cat in the world.

Nature is an amazing place where each of us can breathe not only fresh air, but also fully enjoy the sunshine. Nature is also good for your mental health as it reduces stress as well as anger levels. But did you know that nature is also a major source of cuteness?

Yes, yes, because it is in the wild that a huge number of cute creatures live who know how to lift spirits and heal souls.

Forests, jungles, deserts and a number of other natural locations are home to millions of cute animals - koalas, llamas, alpacas, possums, spoders, slow lorises, polar foxes, harp seals and many others.

On this list, of course, is the rusty cat, which, by the way, is also the smallest wild cat on the planet.

Meet the smallest cat on the planet - the rusty cat.

The BBC recently released a preview of its latest episode of Big Cats. It tells the story of an almost adult rusty cat who lives in the wilds of Sri Lanka. The animal wanders through the forest and jumps on the water in search of food and shelter. And these shots are truly amazing!

  • The rusty cat (prionailurus rubiginosus) is a wild cat species native to the forests of Sri Lanka and much of India, and has also been rarely found in the Terai and Nepal.
  • The graceful wild cat is 35-48 cm long and can easily fit in a human palm.

These tiny creatures are mainly nocturnal, although sometimes they can leave their lair for a short time even during the day. However, their activity during the day is quite limited. These cats often hide among trees and in caves to avoid large predators that might hunt them.

Rodents and birds are what these animals prefer to eat. However, if necessary, they will also attack lizards, frogs and insects.

These small cats can be found in Sri Lanka and India.

What attracts most about these creatures is their small size and fur. This species is also quite often referred to as a smaller version of the leopard, with a reddish coat and smaller, but still present, spots. The body length of the rusty cat is from 35 to 48 cm, the tail length is from 15 to 30 cm. Adult animals weigh only 0.9-1.6 kg.

Like the American bison, black capuchin, rufous lemur and several other wild animals, the rusty cat is also listed as a critically endangered species. The main reason for this is that its natural habitat - deciduous forests - is regularly declining due to human activities and natural causes.

Unfortunately, the rusty cat is on the list of endangered species.

You're probably wondering, who is in second place as the world's smallest cat? And we hasten to answer you - this is a black-footed cat. Despite the fact that this baby is very small, she is credited with the title of the deadliest cat on earth, and all because of her ability to kill more victims than any other feline.

We invite you to watch a short video from the BBC, in which the rusty cat is shown in its natural habitat:


Named after the fairy folk from The Wizard of Oz, the Munchkin is perhaps one of the most famous small cat breeds. They have tiny bow legs that give them a charming gait. The average height of a Manchin is 16 cm. The shortest representative of the breed had a height from paw to shoulder of only 13.5 cm! In other respects, this miniature breed corresponds to the size of an ordinary adult cat.

This is a relatively new breed, officially recognized at the beginning of the 21st century. The munchkin mutation does not depend on gender; the mutating gene is dominant. The main thing when mating is that one of the pair should not have a mutation. If two munchkins are mated, the mutation is fatal. Due to the difficulty of breeding, munchkins are relatively rare.

Visually, these cats resemble a dachshund. They are sometimes called "sausage cat". Munchkins come in long-haired, short-haired and hairless varieties. The former have smooth, silky fur, while the latter have soft, medium-density fur. Popular fur shades are grey, cream and solid white/black.

Munchkins are friendly and sociable by nature. This calm breed of cat quickly develops bonds with other pets, small children and the elderly. Munchkins love to explore the world around them. While they can't jump as high or far as the average cat, they are very fast and active, so be prepared to have an ever-playful kitty in your home. Munchkins are a healthy cat breed with a life expectancy of 12-15 years.

Rare cats

golden cat

The golden cat lives in the tropical forests of western and central Africa. The color of its coat is not always golden, but can vary from cinnamon to melanistic color.

They prefer moist, dense forests and can often be found near rivers. They primarily hunt at night and, like most other cats, are loners. Due to the secretive nature of golden cats, they are difficult to spot in the wild.

Kalimantan cat

This wild cat, which is an endangered species, lives on the island of Borneo. Since they are extremely rare, very little is known about them. They are nocturnal and secretive creatures. From 2003 to 2006, scientists set up camera traps to locate these cats, but were only able to obtain one photograph.


The name “caracal” comes from the Turkish language “kara-kulak”, meaning “black ear”. These cats hunt at night and often attack animals many times their size, such as antelope.

Sumatran cat

These nocturnal cats live in Thailand and Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra. They feed mainly on fish and other aquatic animals.


These small cats are comfortable in trees but prefer to hunt on the ground in Central and South America.

Chilean cat or Kodkod

The Kodkod is the smallest cat in the Americas and is primarily found in central and southern Chile. The small animal weighs 2 – 2.5 kg and is considered vulnerable. They are excellent climbers and feed on rodents, birds and lizards.

Rusty cat

This cat is found exclusively in India and Sri Lanka and is quite small. Its weight ranges from 900 grams to 1.5 kg. Cats spend most of the day in trees, but they hunt on the ground.

Pampas cat

These cats were named after the pampas of South America. They live in various areas: meadows, bushes and dry forests at an altitude of about 5000 meters. Little is known about their hunting habits, but they have been seen eating rodents and birds and even the occasional domestic game.


A very rare breed of the smallest cat in the world appeared in 1988, thanks to a selection experiment by breeder Elena Krasnichenko, who was breeding Thai and Kuril bobtails .

A non-standard Old Siamese-type cat with a kink in its tail came into her cattery, and then a Thai cat with a tail resembling a donut.

As a result of crossing this unusual pair, a tiny kitten with a short tail was born.

The representative of the future new breed was named Kutsy.


In 2009, the breed was registered with TICA as an experimental breed.

Skif-tay-don has a miniature size and looks like a four-month-old kitten.

Pets of this breed weigh no more than 2 kg.

History of the origin of yard cats

All cats living next to humans descended from common wild forest and steppe ancestors, which independently became domesticated. For quite a long time it was believed that this happened in ancient Egypt almost four thousand years ago. A painting was discovered on the walls of one of the tombs, which depicts a cat closely watching a rat. However, burials of a person and a cat discovered later in Cyprus are dated to the tenth millennium BC.

In ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred

Almost all street cats are classified as native breeds, which formed independently naturally under the influence of various conditions in their habitat without any selective intervention from humans.

Quite conventionally, several groups of aboriginal yard domestic cats are distinguished:

  • Persian;
  • Siamese;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • European Shorthair (Celtic);
  • Siberian

Siamese cats are considered an indigenous breed that formed independently.
The selection of cats with certain exterior characteristics and real selection activities with their breeding began only in the second half of the 19th century. Based on the characteristic features of animals, felinologists formed appearance standards related to a particular breed.

Since then, the gene pool of bred purebred pets, who were not picky in relationships, has been added to the blood of street stray cats and cats living next to humans. Such animals are considered mestizos and are also classified as outbred.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the forest cat

Wild individuals are accustomed to seasonal reproduction. Most species have kittens twice a year. At home, the schedule gets lost. Most owners sterilize their pets. Forest dwellers are able to interbreed and produce offspring with ordinary cats. When they cannot find a mate of their own kind, savages do just that. Animal owners try to avoid uncontrolled reproduction, or get a couple of animals for the purpose of breeding and selling kittens.

The life expectancy of savages does not differ from that of domesticated moustaches. On average, forest cats live 10-15 years. The record is 21 years.

Dune cat

The only wild representative of the cat family that lives in a real desert. The range of the dune cat includes the desert territories of North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. With a maximum weight of 3.5 kg and a length of 90 cm, the predator is capable of killing poisonous snakes, for example, vipers. However, it prefers to hunt birds and small mammals.

The sand cat is ideally suited to survive in the desert with its extreme climate. The thick, sandy coat protects the animal from cold desert nights and hides it from larger animals and hunters. And inserts of black hair on the paws protect them from being burned by hot sand. The population of dune cats is not reliably known, however. Despite the cat being listed in Appendix II of the IUCN, it is considered the most protected among wild cats, which TheBiggest editors are very happy about.

Due to its secretive lifestyle, the velvet cat is not easily seen in the wild. To better study the habits of the animal, it is worth going to Western Sahara to the Wise Birding Holidays nature reserve.



This type of cat was bred in Singapore, therefore, it has a similar name. This breed is the fourth in the ranking of the most amazing babies of the cat family. Most of her weight is less than three kilograms.

Several decades ago, the first representatives of this breed appeared in the States, and after some time they were brought by breeders to Europe. As for modern times, today these cats are not in very high demand among breeders, and therefore are not very famous and widespread.

Jungle cat or marsh lynx, or -haus

Jungle cat (marsh lynx, house)

The range is very large: Asia, Transcaucasia, Dagestan, North Africa, Thailand. Prefers thickets, avoiding open places. This largest wild cat looks like a domestic cat. Length 75 - 125cm. A third is accounted for by a thin and pointed tail, decorated with blackish rings. Hausa weighs up to 15 kg. The limbs of animals are very long. The height ranges from short, like domestic cats in Thailand, to tall, in the Caucasus and Palestine. There are nine species of swamp lynx.

Hunts rodents, hares, pheasants, and young artiodactyls. When hunting waterfowl and small mammals living near water, the Hausa is very helpful in having long legs. They do not allow the fur on the tummy to get wet. In addition, these predators are excellent swimmers, so fish is also included in their diet.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Black-footed cat

Black-footed cats are found only in three countries in southern Africa:

  • Botswana;
  • Namibia;
  • South Africa.

These cats are found primarily in short to medium-length plains, scrub desert, and sandy plains, including the Kalahari and Karoo deserts. Areas of grass with high densities of rodents and birds provide optimal habitat. They seem to avoid bushes and rocky areas, possibly due to the appearance of other predators. The average annual precipitation in the region is 100-500 mm.

History of the discovery of the species

Scientists do not know when these animals appeared in the fauna of our planet. The species first received a scientific description only in 1824, and the name “black-footed” does not entirely correspond to the truth. The animal is coal-colored only on its very feet, like many representatives of the cat family, in particular the wild African big cat. In addition, these two subspecies share a common natural habitat, so the animals are often confused.

Number of species

The number of African black-footed cats according to the CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association) is extremely small. The number of wild individuals has not been calculated even approximately. There are only 40 such animals in all zoos in the world, of which 19 are in the United States.

The number of black-footed cats is very small

There is no targeted hunting for this species, but animals die accidentally as a result of falling into traps set for other predatory animals. Hybridization with domestic cats also threatens the natural population. The degradation of the species was caused by environmental reasons and changes in the natural environment. However, a special program has been developed for breeding the African spotted cat in captivity, which is supported by several zoos. Over time, biologists expect to increase the number of animals and gradually restore the population.


In nature, the ant tiger's menu includes:

  • larks;
  • locusts;
  • gophers;
  • long-eared mice;
  • spiders;
  • gerbils;
  • termites;
  • lizards;
  • butterflies;
  • fresh and dry grass.

Note! If you're lucky, even a bustard, hare or anteater can become prey. During the night, a cat eats up to 300 g of food, and sometimes more.

Scientists recorded that one small predator ate 450g overnight, which was more than a fifth of its weight. This appetite is due to the high metabolic rate

During the night, a cat eats up to 300 g of food, and sometimes more. Scientists recorded that one small predator ate 450g overnight, which was more than a fifth of its weight. This appetite is due to the high metabolic rate.

It is advisable to minimally disturb the natural biorhythms of the ant tiger. There is no need to transfer the animal's activity to the daytime. Therefore, feeding is carried out at night every 40-50 minutes. in small portions. Most of these desert inhabitants prefer meat along with sinews and cartilage tissue. Chicks and quails are given with their feathers. Fresh meat is supplemented with industrial feed and boiled eggs. To create a proper balanced diet, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Important! It is not advisable to give fish, since it is not part of the predator’s natural diet. After a successful hunt, the animal can bury the prey

After a successful hunt, the animal can bury the prey

Origin of dwarf breeds

Obviously dreaming of breeding the ideal pet - a baby who will retain the charm of a restless cat child until the end of his life - breeders conduct endless experiments. The activity of scientists developed relatively recently, around the 90s. Therefore, dwarf species of purring pets are still little studied and quite rare.

This is important: so far, none of the designer, selectively bred mini-cats have received official registration or established canons of exterior.

The vast majority of babies are produced by crossing a relative with natural mutations (spoiler: short-legged) with breeds of normal build. Given that the imagination of breeders is almost endless, and genetic engineering does not stand still, the number of new samples will grow at the speed of sound and the question of who she is, the smallest breed of domestic cats, will remain relevant.

Who is the stoat? I'm a kitten!

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