Belgian dry cat food Grandorf: quality, composition and reviews

01/28/2021 9,054 Cat nutrition

Author: Olga

Grandorf specialists say about themselves that they are inspired by their pets to produce excellent quality cat food. And leading experts in the field of veterinary medicine, owners, and breeders help in creating recipes and production technologies. We will monitor as many reviews as possible about Grandorf dry cat food. We invite both professionals and lovers of four-legged animals to speak out.


Composition of Grandorf cat food

Grandorf manufacturers selected the composition, striving to improve the health of furry purrs. Grandorf components are varied, and the content of grain components is kept to a minimum.
The line is divided into several groups according to grain content:

  1. Low grain cat food containing turkey meat, lamb without water and fat layers. In addition, Grandorf is rich in chicory, flax seeds, carrots, white whole rice and cranberries.
  2. Low grain type with probiotics. The composition includes rabbit, lamb, duck and turkey meat, salmon. In addition, the food contains a large amount of apples (dried), cranberries, chicory and sweet potatoes.
  3. The grain-free Grandorf is loaded with cod, herring, lard, turkey, apples, endive, cranberries and spinach.

Grandorf producers chose sweet potato and rice as the main source of proper carbohydrates. These ingredients are easy to digest. Rice saturates cats with fiber, and dried apples stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Flax seeds and fish compensate for the lack of vitamins in the cat's body. The manufacturer of Grandorf has completely excluded chicken and beef from the ingredients. Also, there is no pork in the composition due to the high percentage of fat content.


Cat food comes in four varieties:

  • Grandorf Kitten for kittens and pregnant or lactating cats, with a high protein and fat content;
  • Grandorf Indoor for adult cats;
  • Grandorf Sterilized for neutered, elderly or overweight cats, with very low fat content and the highest percentage of protein;
  • Grandorf Sensitive grain-free.

In fact, the differences in composition between the first three varieties are not particularly noticeable.

Grandorf does not offer wet cat food.

Types of Grandorf food by age

In addition, there is a division of food for cats according to age category and the presence of certain characteristics.

Food for kittens over 3 weeks of age

Considering the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract of small fluffies, manufacturers have taken care of producing food based on lamb and turkey. In addition, the composition for children included rice, vitamins, and a small part of chicory. The last ingredient supplies the body with the polysaccharide inulin. It provides a balanced intestinal microflora. Such food will be useful not only for babies, but also for pregnant purrs.

For cats from 12 months to 6 years

These feeds are available in grain-free and low-grain forms. Some of them contain a small part of brewer's yeast, which returns shine and silkiness to your pet's coat.

Food for sterilized/neutered purring cats

Saturated with beneficial microelements and vitamins. A balanced diet allows the cat to be cheerful and playful. The components contain more proteins than fats. At the same time, the cat does not even suspect that it is on proper nutrition. Her well-being and appearance reflect good health and good mood. Particularly popular is the diet containing 4 meats and brown rice. You can find many positive opinions on review sites.

Food for cats with allergies

This category of food is intended for animals whose stomach and intestines are very sensitive. In this line of food there are no grains or products containing antibodies that cause an allergic reaction. The main components of food for allergy sufferers include herring, krill meat, turkey fat, cranberries and flax seeds . Also, Grandorf for allergy sufferers is filled with fatty acids and many microelements.

General information

Grandorf ready-to-eat food is produced in Belgium by United Petfood Producers NV. At the same time, the wet type of food (canned food) is produced in Italy by the company MONGE & C. SpA. Belgian products appeared in our country relatively recently (about 5 years ago), but have already occupied their niche in the market.

The official name of the brand is Grandorf Natural & Healthy. But pet owners often use the abbreviated name - Grandorf.

The food of this brand belongs to the super premium class. The products have a balanced composition. To prepare ready-made food, the manufacturer uses only high-quality ingredients. The basis of the composition is meat, everything else is vitamin and mineral supplements, which make the food balanced and very nutritious.

Advantages and disadvantages of Grandorf cat food

The main advantages of Grandorf feed include:

  • availability of product certificates;
  • a large amount of lean meat in the composition;
  • hypoallergenic food components;
  • convenient form of granules, which cats really like;
  • balanced composition;
  • a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

Regular feeding of Grandorf food has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your pet. The cat's coat becomes shiny with a healthy shine. The purr quickly gets full, does not suffer from allergic reactions and remains cheerful and playful throughout the day. Cats happily gobble up the convenient granules.

Manufacturers do not add any flavors or dyes to the composition. This can be seen when weaning the animal off Whiskas (any other low-quality food) and switching to Grandorf. The cat resists for some time, trying to get the usual flavored delicacy, and refuses natural food.

The absence of harmful flavors in Grandorf does not make the animal want to attack new food.

Some disadvantages of this cat food include:

  • high cost (a small package of 400 grams will cost almost 230 rubles);
  • natural aromas that are not able to interest the animal for a long time;
  • lack of mass sales of feed in all retail outlets.

In a short period of time, Grandorf food has become at the peak of popularity due to its natural composition. According to expert reviews, today this product line has become one of the best for pet fluffies.


Analysis % Protein: 32.0 Fat: 14.0 Omega-6: 1.9 Omega-3: 1.7 Ash: 7.5 Fiber: 2.5 Moisture: 6.0 Calcium (Ca): 1.6 Phosphorus (P): 1.2 Magnesium (Mg): 0.1 pH: 6-6.5 Vitamins (mg/kg) Vitamin A (IU/kg): 20,000 Vitamin D3 (IU/kg): 1,500 Vitamin E (a-tocopherol): 600 Vitamin B1: 10.0; B2:8.0; B6: 8.0; B12 (mcg/kg): 180.0 Choline: 1250.0 Biotin (mcg/kg): 300.0 Trace elements (mg/kg) Iron (E1): 150.0 Copper (E4): 10.0 Zinc (E6): 105.0 Manganese (E5): 50.0 Iodine (E2): 1.6 Selenium (E8) : 0.2 Intestinal flora stabilizer Enterococcus faecium (CFU/kg): 109 Antioxidants (mg/kg) Natural antioxidants (Rosemary, Grapefruit, Orange, Turmeric and Syzygium extract): 300 Amino acids (mg/kg) Taurine: 1500.0 Carnitine: 50.0

Reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf food

Nikita Viktorovich

Quite often in my practice I have to treat animals with urolithiasis. As a rule, this disease occurs against the background of poor nutrition. The owners not only feed their pets food like Kitekat and Friskas, but also pamper them with treats from the table. This is what usually aggravates the situation. After the therapy, I always recommend switching the animal to high-quality food, namely Grandorf dry food, which brings the genitourinary system back to normal functioning. With its help, it is possible to restore the health of many cats that were killed by an incorrect diet.

Margarita Lvovna

After castration and sterilization, I advise animal owners to switch them to Grandorf wet food. This will prevent further complications and problems. The manufacturer produces a line of food for sterilized pets. They contain carefully selected components that reduce the suffering of purrs. They saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements and promote rapid rehabilitation.


The manufacturing company has the same name as the brand, Grandorf. It has gained immense popularity due to its impeccable product quality, which guarantees the safety of pets. Two companies operate under the same name:

Premium natural holistic

  • dry food is produced in Belgium;
  • in Thailand - wet canned foods.

All Grandorf products are confirmed by international certificates.

How to choose?

The most important selection criterion is the composition of the feed.

A high-quality product must first of all contain meat, and at least 35–50% of the composition. A higher content is possible - up to 70–80%; as a rule, this is holistic food. An important point - sometimes the manufacturer talks about 100% meat content in the feed. However, this is just a marketing ploy; such a product would simply be impossible to store.

After making sure that the meat is contained in the required quantities, it is important to understand what kind of meat it is. Required - type of meat (chicken, beef, rabbit)

If the package simply says the word “meat”, most likely, skin, bones, beaks, and tendons are hidden under it. They do not have high nutritional value for the animal.

The most valuable, in terms of amino acid content, are chicken and turkey, followed by fish in second place, and beef and lamb in third place. However, the same chicken can cause allergies.

Of the by-products, preference should be given to kidneys, hearts, lungs, and stomachs. The presence of tripe and chicken heads is acceptable in small quantities. Typically, these by-products are found only in super-premium foods.

The word “offal” should not scare away the buyer. However, their content is no more than 10–15% of the composition, ideally there should also be a decoding - liver, kidneys, heart.

Plant fiber is another essential ingredient. The acceptable rate is 20–25%. If these indicators are higher, the feed should be discarded. Preference should be given to rice and barley.

Fats are an essential component. For an adult cat, food should contain at least 10–15% fat, for kittens - at least 20%. The fact is that fats are involved in the production of substances responsible for strong immunity. A cat needs a higher fat content during pregnancy and lactation.

However, excessive amounts of fat in the feed can cause stool disorders and liver disease. A lack of fat is usually found in economy-class feeds and some premium types.

Super-premium food and holistic foods must contain vitamin and mineral supplements. Among those vital for fluffies are B vitamins, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, H, B15, K. Minerals include cobalt, calcium, iron, copper.

In addition to the composition, it is important to pay attention to such criteria when choosing food

Manufacturer country

A widely advertised food is not always the best option for your pet. Those products that often appear in television advertising, unfortunately, mostly belong to the economy class. The leading positions are occupied by products from the UK, Canada, Germany, Denmark, and the USA.

It is always better to purchase food directly from the manufacturer or official representative.

Feed consistency

It can be wet or dry, and the wet consistency has several varieties - from puree to pates and jellies (small pieces drenched in a thick broth).

Wet food is primarily intended for kittens, but as the animal grows, it is necessary to “guide” it to dry food. Solid food helps develop jaws, clean teeth, and is also necessary for proper bowel function.

Kittens should choose solid food with small granules. Smaller pieces are also necessary for some cat breeds, for example, British and Persians. This is due to the structural features of their jaw apparatus.

You can pamper an adult pet with pate and jelly, but you shouldn’t switch it exclusively to wet food.

We have already written about the importance of more solid food for cats.

Availability of information on feed dosages on the packaging

Preference should be given to those products that require less quantity. Simply put, the lower the required daily dosage of food, the more balanced and healthy it is. Economy class food does not give your pet a long-term feeling of fullness.

You can find out more about how to choose food for your cat below.

What is holistic?

Holistic is not just a new fashionable term, it is a carefully balanced premium food, the main part of which is meat, and the rest is supplemented with vitamins and minerals necessary for life. Every cat is a small predator, scientists believe that its diet should contain at least 60% meat products, and if the owner feeds the pet natural food, then only 40% vegetables or porridge should be 60% meat.

However, the same zoologists have proven that food from the human table does a lot of harm, since thrifty owners rarely maintain this balance. In addition, not the entire list of human food can be given to a cat, even if he begs for it very nicely. This is how specialized food was invented. After some time, the owners began to complain that not all pets could tolerate them, and deviations were observed. It turned out that even animals are prone to allergies and have individual characteristics in the digestive process. After some modifications, holistics appeared. The leading position among them is occupied by Grandorf dry cat food; reviews from veterinarians have confirmed that the formula is suitable for any breed.

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