Neuroscientists have found out who is smarter: cats or dogs
6603Pavel 5 All pet owners are divided into cat people or dog people. And from the moment
Length of cat sleep
Do cats dream and why do cats meow in their sleep?
Whiskered pets are the most famous warm-blooded dormouse. Their waking time is only 8-12 hours.
Do cats understand human speech?
Do cats understand human speech - theories and opinions on how this happens
If you ask the question: do cats understand human language, the answer will most likely be negative.
The truth revealed: why cats love to lie in bags, boxes and on paper
Rusting sounds Sound is of great importance to a cat. Any plastic bag rustles, and this
What affects how long cats sleep?
Why does a cat sleep a lot: sleep norms in adults and small animals
Our beloved cats are the most important couch potatoes. The time of their activity is much less than the state
How to understand that a cat is dying and ease the suffering of your pet?
With good health and proper care, the life expectancy of a cat can reach 18-19 years. Known
cat nose
What should a cat's nose be like: wet, cold, dry, hot?
Posted by Olesya Vakhraneva Date: September 14, 2018 Just one useful habit that does not require special
Photos that prove your cat is declaring its love for you
6198Pavel Understanding how cats show love to their owner is not easy. If the dog clearly expresses
Why a cat has 9 lives: myths, legends and reality
Anyone who loves cats knows about the numerous legends and superstitions associated with them. ABOUT
How much do cats sleep (hours per day): description of sleep norms for adult cats and kittens
What will you learn from the article How many hours should a kitten sleep? How long does an adult cat sleep?
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